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便利商店促銷贈品收藏行為之研究-以7-ELEVEN為例 / The study of collecting behavior on collectable premiums: a case of 7-ELEVEN王雅芬, Wang, Ya Fen Unknown Date (has links)
7-ELEVEN 便利商店於2005年4月成為台灣第一個推出來店消費滿額送Hello Kitty 造型磁鐵的促銷活動,此舉不僅使7-ELEVEN的來客率與客單價增加,亦造成了一股收集Kitty磁鐵的風潮,大眾瘋狂收集便利商店促銷贈品的熱潮一直延燒至今,也使得其他便利商店業者跟進推出滿額送贈品活動,為的就是要瓜分這個市場所帶來的的龐大商機。縱使便利商店業者推出的贈品促銷活動門檻越來越高,卻能持續吸引大眾目光,藉此本研究想進一步瞭解贈品促銷活動吸引消費者的地方何在,消費者對風險感受程度的不同,如何影響其對此促銷活動的價值感,對其收藏行為是否有任何影響?
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證券商之『服務品質』、『知覺價值』對『顧客滿意度』及『顧客忠誠度』影響之研究 / The effect of service quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty - A case study of securities corporation in Taiwan劉明賢, Liu, Thomas Unknown Date (has links)
一、 知覺價值(物超所值與形象認同)對顧客滿意度與忠誠度有正面且非常顯著之關係,其顯著程度高過於服務品質。
二、 顧客滿意度會直接影響顧客忠誠度,但發現顧客滿意度高並不代表推薦意願就高。
三、 人口統計中女性與高等教育對於服務品質與知覺價值有顯著關係。其中以服務客制化與物超所值構面對人口變項間的影響最為顯著。
四、 影響顧客滿意度之主要因素為知覺價值,而知覺價值包含提供物超所值服務與建立形象認同,這兩因素直接影響顧客滿意度。
五、 建議證券商持續努力建立良好企業形象、服務形象、軟體形象、公益形象、及行銷活動,藉此改善顧客的知覺價值,提高顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 / The securities industry is well developed in Taiwan. Securities brokers have to compete with the other brokers while financial holding securities are also in price competition and profit control. How to keep the leading position in securities industry becomes an important issue for all Securities corporations in Taiwan. To occupy a leading position in securities industry, securities firms not only have to improve customer satisfaction, but also have to maintain highly customer loyalty.
This case study is focusing on the effect of securities corporation’s service quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Taiwan. According to theories, we use different ways such as PZB’ SERVQUAL, Petrick, Czepitas and GMK’s factors that measure service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The results of the study are as follows:
1. Perceived value have the positive relationship with customer's satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Customer’s satisfaction will directly affect customer's loyalty. But it does not mean there will be highly customer recommendation.
3. The case shows that female comsumers and highly educated customers are easy affected by service quality and perceived value.
4. Perceived value is the major factor that affects customer's satisfaction mostly.
5. The results of the study is proposed that securities corporation should set up good corporate image、service image、software image、public image and sale promotion to improve perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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金馬影展觀影者的生活型態、知覺價值與觀影者滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究 / A study of the relationship among life style,perceived value, satisfactoin and loyalty of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’s Audience陳雯明, Chen, Wen Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣「MIT微笑」共同標章知覺品質,知覺價值與購買意願,滿意度關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among perceived quality,perceived value, customer satisfaction and purchase intention of the joined brand “MIT”黃琇盈 Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球經濟貿易自由化趨勢,政府近來積極推動ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement),隨著雙邊貿易自由化,陸製產品的廉價優勢對台灣產業、內需市場帶來經濟衝擊,為此經濟部針對弱勢產業擬定強化輔導措施,規劃並協助國內產業推動台灣「MIT微笑」標章,藉由標章推動,使台灣人民加強對台製產品的辨識、認同與支持。
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知覺品質、知覺價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究—以某禮服公司女性消費者為例 / The study of perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: a case study of women's evening gowns楊綺華 Unknown Date (has links)
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網路拍賣價格訊息、賣方評價與出價次數對於消費者競標意願影響之研究─以知覺價值為中介變項 / The influence of online auction price, seller reputation and numbers of bids on consumers' bidding intention--perception value as intervening variables戴瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
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知覺價值、品牌形象與顧客滿意度、忠誠度之相關研究-以台灣區SanDisk記憶卡產品為例 / The relationships among perceived value, brand image, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty: a case of Sandisk flash memory in Taiwan徐采縈 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,知覺價值以及品牌形象對於顧客滿意度有顯著正相關、知覺價值、品牌形象以及顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關、顧客滿意度與忠誠度有顯著正相關。經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議SanDisk經營者在行銷策略上能夠以口碑行銷、提高品牌曝光率以及提供多元化促銷方式,深化消費者對於該品牌的知覺價值與品牌形象認同。 / In recent years, the maturity of technology development has created an extremely competitive market for flash memory cards.Every company in the business is trying to establish or preserve an effective customer relationship, building a strong brand image as well as the product value.Understanding the significance of customer satisfaction and developing customer loyalty have now become the most important business strategy for all companies.
This study used surveys and interviews as research method, integrating both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Using random internet samples, there were 335 surveys returned.In-depth interviews among companies and customers were also performed.
This research focuses on the relationship between perceived value, brand image, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.It analyzes the difference of demographics valuable in perceived value, brand image, customer satisfaction and loyalty; investigates the relationship among each factor and provides marketing advices for SanDisk based on the analysis result of quantitative and qualitative research of the interviews.
The research indicates that perceived value and brand image have a significant positive correlation with customer satisfaction. Positive correlation also exists between perceived value, brand image and customer loyalty.Based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative research, this study suggests SanDisk to integrate word-of-mouth, product exposure, and advertising promotions into their marketing strategies, for which to reinforce the perceived value and the brand image to customer.
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消費者對優惠券知覺之研究--非計量多元尺度之應用何珮瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
優惠券行銷一直是業界在推行促銷的主流,在美國,消費品廠商在分配促銷預算時,即首重銷售促進(sales promotion)的推行,當中又以發行減價優惠券(coupon)所佔比例為大宗;而在台灣,早在七0年代即有業者使用優惠券的銷售促進方式,依據消保會估計,台灣一年發行禮券金額約達300億元。只是當禮券的使用漸為氾濫之後,發行業者為了節省支出或獲取較高收益,開始附加諸多使用限制,同時亦巧立各種名目如商品券、酬賓禮券等,不僅使優惠券種類細目繁多,連帶的使用規則亦略有差異;但相對地,業者卻未在廣告上詳細說明所贈送之優惠券的相關限制,因此導致消費者在決定是否前往購物或消費時,係處於資訊不對稱之情況,需憑藉其本身主觀知覺判斷該優惠券的使用規定。有鑑於此,本研究認為有必要從消費者的角度思考,瞭解消費者對於不同名稱優惠券的認知情況,並希望以此研究結果,提供業界或政府主管單位擬定相關決策之依據。
1. 女性比男性更易受到滿千送百促銷活動影響。
2. 消費者多為被動地接收廠商活動訊息,而非主動搜尋相關資訊。
3. 消費者採取購買行動之前,並未全然瞭解優惠券使用規則。
4. 優惠券使用時,限制愈少而愈能自由使用,帶給消費者的知覺價值愈 高。
5. 現金為最理想的優惠方式,禮券與商品禮券同屬優惠方式『理想群』中。
6. 知覺定位圖之兩軸,橫軸代表『等同現金之程度』,縱軸定代表『感覺被禮遇之程度』。禮券為最等同現金之優惠券,感覺被禮遇程度最高者為商品券。
7. 優先針對禮券、商品券,及商品禮券進行管制。
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機能性飲料之行銷研究:以白蘭氏盈而賞美容飲品為例 / A marketing strategy on functional drinking: an example on Brand's InnerShine Beauty Drinks丘若尋, Chiu, Jo Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
Suffering from the heavy pressure from daily lives and work, a lot of contemporary people hold the idea to consume health foods as a way for keeping healthy. More and more people concern about their own health and would like to achieve this by having a healthy lifestyle or consuming health foods. Almanac of food consumption survey in Taiwan from FIRDI (Food Industry Research and Development Institute) shows that about 58.2% people had consumed functional food more than three times a month in 2010. Functional drink, as a format of oral-intake nutrients for dietary supplements, gradually becomes popular due to its convenience. Among those products, drinks with beauty claims have been particularly favored in the recent years and becomes a noticeable phenomenon. A case study on Brand’s InnerShine beauty drink, which achieves high market share in the past few years is conducted for the study.
For a clearer exploration of how marketing strategy works on beauty drinks with consumer-orientated perspective, I chose to study on variables including brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are utilized for probing the scenario. Samples are collected from 465 valid online questionnaires and 5 interviewees of in-depth interviews.
The conclusions according to the analysis from the study results are as follows: The theoretical and practical meaning of “brand image,” “perceived values,” “customer satisfaction,” and “customer loyalty” for Brand’s management are examined. Consumers’ perceived value can be increased by reinforcing the brand image. To reinforce customer satisfaction, their perceived value should be firstly enhanced. In addition, customer loyalty can be increased via reinforcing the brand image. The study also found that differences are revealed by consumers with different demographical profiles on “brand image,” “perceived values,” “customer satisfaction,” and “customer loyalty.” Suggestions for marketing strategies on Brand’s InnerShine beauty drinks are elaborated.
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贈品促銷深度與品牌形象對知覺價值與價格知覺的影響效果與外溢效果之研究 / The Influences and Spillover Effects of Gift Promotion Depth and Brand Image on Perceived Value and Price曾忠蕙, Tseng,Chung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
研究主題三則想瞭解消費者心中對贈品免費的印象是否會外溢出去影響到贈品同類產品的其他品牌(同品他牌)、或者外溢出去影響到贈品同品牌的其他產品(同牌他品),而貶低對同品他牌或同牌他品的評價? 研究結果發現:贈品促銷的確會產生外溢效果,且隨著合理深度加深,外溢效果降低,但隨著誇張深度加深,外溢效果增加。透過本研究,一方面可更豐富贈品促銷效果的相關學術研究結果,另一方面可提供實務界相關建議。 / Gift promotion is taken as a common technique in most industry for a long time. It is believed that the higher the gift price is, the more successful gift promotion works. But, must it be true? In this study, gift promotion was defined as “buy A, get a free gift B”;that is, A and B were different products. Furthermore, promotion depth was taken as a main independent variable and defined as a percentage of gift price by main product price. By experiment design, promotion depth was manipulated as ten groups (10%, 20%,..., 100%), and brand images of main product and gift were chosen to be two moderators in this study. An 10x2x2 between subject design was further held, and totally 975 valid questionnaires was gathered.
Three themes were arranged to further investigate effects of gift promotion. Inferences and discussions were based on literature of reference price and anchor-adjustment theory. In the first research theme, it is proposed that there is a turning point in promotion depth—50% of promotion depth, and the turning point was fluctuant in accordance with brand image. If the brand image was high, the turning point was 50%;however, if the brand image was low, the turning point was downward to 40% under low brand image of main product and downward to 20% under low brand image of gift. Based on these findings, promotion depth was divided into two categories—reasonable (depth before turning point) and exaggerated (depth after turning point) promotion depth—in order to do further investigations.
The second research theme focused on the effect of reasonable or exaggerated promotion depth and its interaction with brand image of main product and gift. Findings were (a) In the range of reasonable promotion depth, the deeper the promotion depth was, the higher the perceived value of product bundle was (eg. positive relationship). However, in the range of exaggerated promotion depth, negative relationship was exhibited. (b) The deeper the promotion depth was, the higher the price perception of gift was. In the range of reasonable promotion depth, as the depth increased, value-adding level of gift decreased. In the range of exaggerated promotion depth, as the depth increased, value-discounting level of gift increased. (c) The brand image of main product and gift did show significant moderating effect.
The third research theme was going to investigate whether the discounting perception toward gift would spill to other products with the same brand of the gift, or spill to the same product with other brand. In this study, we defined the phenomenon as a “spillover effect” of gift promotion. Findings were: (a) No matter in the range of reasonable or exaggerated promotion depth, gift promotion did cause discounting of perceived value toward other products with the same brand of the gift and to the same product with other brand. That is, spillover effect did exist. (b) As the promotion depth increased, the spillover effect would first go downward then upward. In other words, the relationship between promotion depth and spillover effect showed a type of U-shape. Findings of this study will enrich literature of promotion as well as offer practical suggestions to managers implementing strategies of gift promotions.
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