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以多代理人系統模擬風險與聲譽變數於預測市場之成效研究 / A multi-agent simulation and performance analysis with risk and reputation in prediction market system呂一軒 Unknown Date (has links)
對於現有文獻中討論的預測市場模型,嘗試加入風險與聲譽變數,觀察與分析其成效,並參考文獻中的代理人系統實驗方法,對論文中相關部分進行修正、設計並模擬之預測市場模型。 / In this research, we proposed two variables that could be incorporated with prediction
markets: Reputation and Risk. Instead of attracting new players, The reputation system
could stop losing bankrupted player, Player willing to help bankrupted player will gain
reputation, and bankrupted player will lose reputation. Previous works suggest longshot
bias is related to the risk-neutrality of players. Our approach is to experiment dierent
risk distribution. We observe the impact of these variables in an agent-based model
of prediction markets. We use zero-intelligence agents, where human qualities such as
maximizing prot, learning or obeserving are missing. We further discuss the result, and
the impact of risk and reputation.
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以使用者與參與者的角度分析「傳染病預測市場」之可行性 / The analysis of feasibility of epidemic prediction markets : from user and participant perspectives李建霆 Unknown Date (has links)
近年應用預測市場機制預測疫情模式引起公衛領域的重視,相關學術期刊與著名雜誌相繼介紹此一新興模式,同時肯定其在預測傳染病方面的成效與貢獻,而美國和台灣政府部門先後透過此項機制改善現有防疫體系的不足。那麼,預測市場用以預測疫情的成效是否確實如同其在眾多領域取得的成效一樣出眾?鑑於前述問題,本研究分別透過質化與量化的方式發掘公衛、醫學或流病學等其他領域對於「傳染病預測市場」是否能夠成為有效的預測機制或是成為常規的參考方法,結果證實使用的疾管局人員與參與的專業醫事人員認為「傳染病預測市場」確實可以應用於我國疫情預測的層面,但是兩者意見具有程度的差異。 / For centuries, the spread of various diseases damage countless human beings, which surpass wars in the world. Those diseases not only endanger people’s life, but also invade the other dimensions, including society, economic and politics. With the advancement of medical knowledge and the improvement of public health, many infectious diseases have been brought under control and even eradicated. But humans still face and experience threats from pandemic viruses such as SARS and H1N1 constantly.
Epidemic prevention work focuses on understanding the variation of situation as soon as possible. Then governments can set up suitable decisions and policies based on epidemic situation. Though the monitoring system and the historical average are the mainstream to control the trends of infections for related departments, scientists believe that the two methods are subject to humans and environmental factors. In other words, it is difficult to draw effective information and direct response of the future trends from present methods. And it leads to national units gradually try other epidemic forecasting methods.
In recent years, using prediction markets to predict flu causes the attention of public health. Thus academic journals and well-known magazines not only introduce this application but approve its effectiveness and contribution in predicting infectious diseases. The departments of US and Taiwan have tried to improve the deficiencies of the existing prevention system through prediction markets. Is this application really as successful as PM in many issues and fields? To response the question, this research intends to through qualitative and quantitative ways respectively to explore the evaluations on Epidemic Prediction Markets behind public health, medical, epidemiology, etc. The result confirms that CDC staff and health workers identify the feasibility of Epidemic Prediction Markets, but with the degree of variation.
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影響預測準確度之因素與判定預測準確度之模型 / The discrimination models of accuracy for prediction markets林鴻文 Unknown Date (has links)
從過去的研究顯示,預測市場(prediction market)已有良好預測準確率,但該準確率是事後、總體的機率概念,而非更有實際參考價值:事前、個別合約之鑑別預測。故本文先以建構4個選舉預測市場準確度的鑑別模型,在選前針對每一個選舉合約的交易價格進行鑑別,模型的鑑別資訊來自於,預測市場在選前一天提供選舉合約的40個原始自變數。我們的研究顯示:Logit鑑別模型最能在「選前」精準判斷,並可分辨哪些選舉合約的價格,在未來將符合「最高價」準則。本文前半部先以:2008年總統選舉、2009年縣市長選舉及2010年五都市長選舉,做為樣本外測試的樣本,使用原始自變數的Logit模型,其預測力均高於其他3個鑑別模型。Logit模型樣本外的鑑別正確準確率為100%,但是,Logit模型對於鑑別未正確預測組的預測能力仍須改善。最後,本文再使用全部「非選舉」和選舉類別的合約,成功建構預測市場的最適價格門檻,作為判定預測事件是否發生的標準,可將事件發生的機率預測(probabilistic forecasting),轉換成事件發生與否的類別預測(categorical forecasting),作為公共政策與企業決策的重要依據。
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「未來事件交易所」的選舉預測分析 / Analysis of Election Prediction of xFuture辛栢緯 Unknown Date (has links)
選舉事件在台灣一直是屬於重大事件,民眾對於選舉事務都非常關心。根據童振源等人(2009)和Forsythe, Rietz and Ross(1999),透過預測市場的機制來預測選舉結果非常準確,所以近年來預測市場也變得越來越熱門,新聞媒體也開始大幅報導未來事件交易所的預測結果。本論文將透過實證的方式探討除了價格之外,加入與未平倉相關的資訊是否能夠幫助我們更有效地預測選舉結果,並以此建議未來事件交易所揭露網站內的期貨未平倉合約量這項資訊,以提供交易人參考。
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以預測市場理論為基礎之服務概念設計工程 / Service Concept Design Engineering with the Prediction Market Theory羅國倫, Lo,Kuo Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將原有概念工程的服務設計方法,結合預測市場的理論,設計出一套新的概念設計流程,就是因為服務業的特性與傳統製造業的模式大不相同。過去單方面的由公司或是廠商設計產品,顧客只能從現有產品中挑選買單的狀況將越來越不復存在。在未來服務業的世界中,越發重視與顧客間的互動,在設計的過程中就與顧客有高度的互動,強調服務是與顧客共同創作的成品,服務永遠沒有最後的完成版本,只有不斷因應環境與顧客需求改變的beta測試版本。就是因為加入人這樣極度不安定的因素,造成整體服務在設計上的困難,除此之外,也由於需要顧客的高度參與也導致設計時間成本的激增,環境的瞬息萬變,無法即時掌握顧客的需要並快速做出反應,無論是在現在與未來都將是嚴重的致命傷,也因此組織與個人都將面臨嚴峻的考驗。如何在服務水準與開發成本之間取得一個平衡點,正是本研究所希望能提供的。 / In service exchange, both providers and customers are involved in shaping the continuum of value co-production. Combining the concepts of prediction market and concept engineering, service concept design engaged by providers and customers can become much efficient and economical. The providers and customers in service industry are changing all the time. In this industry, there are many uncertain factors to consider and it is important for a design team to establish the relationship with their customers and unfold a service concept design process which can meet consumers’ expectations and needs. This study proposes an IT-enabled process of new service concept design grounded on the analytical model of precision market to achieve the design goal while minimizing the concept development cost by collective customer involvement. This IT-enabled service concept design process comprises four parts (Collecting the voice of the customers, Requirement rater, Concept generator and Concept selector) unfolding the customer-based design of new service concepts in order to meet the customer needs and potentially improve customer satisfaction in light of the uncertainty and the dynamics in what the customers want for services.
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不同的交易機制對於預測市場運作表現之影響分析:以2009年縣市長選舉為例 / The analysis of different trading mechanisms for prediction market performance: the case of 2009 mayoral elections郭峻宇, Kuo, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:若交易機制是連續雙向拍賣,則「0-100型」合約價格的預測準確度較高;若交易機制是市場計分法則,則「落點預測型」合約價格的預測準確度較高。連續雙向拍賣機制具有市場流動性不足的問題;市場計分法則機制面臨莊家風險的危機且不適用於市場競爭度高的環境;而上述兩種交易機制皆會出現價格炒作的現象。 / “Prediction market” is a research method based on immediate information collecting and organizing on the internet platform. With future events as the object of transaction, variations of the price of each transaction thus immediately provide the prediction of the development of future events. Therefore, this method has two properties including “appropriate incentives” and “continuous correction”.
In this study, document analysis is first conducted to review the operation modes of different trading mechanisms for prediction markets and the process of price making. Accordingly, differences between trading mechanisms and the factors that affect the operation of prediction market will also be analyzed. Furthermore, comparisons of the price accuracy, market liquidity, price speculation, incentives and maker risks between "continuous double auction" and "market scoring rule" are discussed in case study.
The findings of this study: if the trading mechanism is “continuous double auction”, the price accuracy of “winner-take-all” contract is higher; if the trading mechanism is “market scoring rules”, the price accuracy of “index” contract is higher. There exists insufficient market liquidity in “continuous double auction;” while in “market scoring rule,” there exists maker risks and it is hard to be applied in highly competitive market. The phenomenon of price speculation exits in both trading mechanisms.
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市場交易淺薄下之錯誤評價及其校正-以預測市場為實證基礎吳偉劭 Unknown Date (has links)
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公開資訊與私人資訊對預測市場準確度的貢獻分析:以「兩岸相關協議」為個案分析 / The Contributions of Public Information and Private Information to the Prediction Markets: The Case of "Cross-Straits-Related Agreements"林子揚, LIN,TZU YANG Unknown Date (has links)
所謂「預測」,是建立在對特定事物認識的基礎上所做出的預估,而預測的準確與否關鍵即在於預測者對資訊的掌握程度。長久以來,由於未來一直是人類亟欲征服與掌握的目標,因此預測也成為一普遍存在的行徑。有別傳統預測方法的諸多限制,「預測市場」藉由網路參與者主動參與價格為訊息加總等特色,可以更全面的涵蓋不同來源的資訊並進一步轉換為一個量化的指標,以達到更準確的預測。本研究藉由「未來事件交易所」中兩岸相關協議的個案分析,發現市場在預測的過程當中,價格除了藉由公開資訊的反映出來以外,其中亦包含了大量私人資訊的反映,兩者反映所有資訊次數的比例大致維持著4:6的關係,而這結果也代表了在兩岸議題當中資訊並未大幅被揭露,欲準確預測事件的結果仍須多方仰賴私人資訊的貢獻。此外,根據個案分析的結果,本研究也發現兩岸協議確實適用於兩岸議題的應用。 / Prediction is an anticipation based on specific events. The key point of correct prediction depends on the level controlled by predictors. For a long time, future has been a target for human to control and overcome. Thus, prediction becomes a way to explore future events. “Prediction markets” is different from traditional way. It gets rid of many restrictions. It transfers all diverse information from participators into a quantification index to predict more correctly. This research analyzed by Cross-Strait Agreements on Xfuture.com finds that market price is reflected by not only public information but also private information. The ratio of public information to private information is 4 to 6. The result indicates that information is not disclosed completely in Cross-Strait Agreements. By solving this problem, we should use private information to predict more precisely. Furthermore, Cross-Strait Agreements certainly applies to Cross-Strait Affairs according to this paper.
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整體經驗模態分解在台灣期貨市場與選舉預測市場的應用 / Applications of ensemble empirical mode decomposition to future and election prediction markets in Taiwan鄭緯暄 Unknown Date (has links)
金融市場常常受到政治、經濟與社會環境等因素所影響,所得到價格為眾多變數交互作用的結果,包含了許多雜訊。本文引進一套數據處理方法「整體經驗模態分解」(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)來分析「期貨市場」以及「預測市場」。第一個實證利用EEMD處理台股期貨,分析對台股指數的解釋能力,並同時與原始台股期貨預測台股指數,比較預測結果;第二個實證利用EEMD來分析預測市場,判別是否能有效的消除雜訊,準確預測選舉結果。
第一個實證結果發現,EEMD能有效地過濾期貨市場的雜訊,另外,在最後到期日前十二天或者是前九天,以週期為6.5日經EEMD處理的台股期貨對台股指數的預測較原始台股期貨預測準確;第二個實證結果指出,直接利用EEMD處理預測市場得到的長期趨勢「剩餘訊號」(Residue)來預測選舉並無優於原始預測市場,主因為預測市場參與者不只在乎長期趨勢,亦在乎短期事件的衝擊,故直接利用剩餘訊號預測選舉結果會有所失真,而將剩餘訊號由低頻率之「本質模態函數」(Intrinsic Modes Function,IMF)合併至週期為6日與12日的IMF,得到了EEMD週趨勢價格,分成選前一天和選前十天的資料並與原始預測市場以及民調預測做比較,從不同的準則來看,發現以EEMD週趨勢價格來做選舉預測,準確度較原始預測市場與民調預測的結果更好。根據中選會2012年初選前對選罷法做成的解釋,未來事件交易所在選前十日亦須停止交易,我們可將EEMD運用在日後的選舉預測,把預測市場的合約價格以EEMD處理,應可提高選舉預測的準確度。 / The financial markets are usually affected by political, economic and social environment factors, and thus the volatilities of asset prices in these markets are subject to a lot of noises and shocks. To filter out noises and quantify shocks, this paper applies a data processing method, Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), and demonstrates its improved prediction to the futures and election prediction markets.
While the first empirical application shows that the EEMD effectively filters out the noises in the futures market, the second one indicates that the Taiwanese election prediction using EEMD “residue” is not as accurate as that by original data from the prediction market. The reason why the residue cannot serve as a good predictor is that the market participants consider not only the long-term trend, but also shocks, especially those right before the elections. We then attempt to predict the election outcomes by the week trend series processed by EEMD. The prediction by the week EEMD trend series turns out to be more accurate than that by the poll and original prediction market. Based on this study, we can apply the EEMD to the next election prediction and improve its accuracy.
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