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嘻哈現場表演的儀式構成與參與研究:以拷秋勤為例 / A study of ritual construction and participation in Hip hop live performance蔡致仁 Unknown Date (has links)
研究者發現拷秋勤運用大量的呼喊與回應(call and response)與觀眾互動,其為拷秋勤表演一貫的特色,呼喊與回應作為互動儀式的意義在透過重複的帶動與對話建立與觀眾的連結,宣揚樂團的理念引起認同,提升現場觀眾熱情也凝聚樂迷的向心力。拷秋勤不斷使用關鍵字召喚觀眾的共同身份,製造象徵意義。現場表演的儀式特質在表演流程、表演歌曲的面向特別顯著。在樂迷「儀式性參與」的部分,只有少數受訪者呈現狂熱的參與情形,然而樂迷大多會重複地參與現場演出。樂迷儀式性參與的意義在於從中獲得沈浸的感覺,以及與現場融合為一體的感覺,享受現場的氛圍,擁護共同的理念從中獲得成長,與拷秋勤及現場所有觀眾交流情感。
現場表演是饒舌這個音樂類型與嘻哈文化最終的表現場域與管道,而迷與愛好者的參與是它們能長久發展的根源與基礎,因此呈現樂迷參與現場表演的感受,以及現場表演內容與結構吸引觀眾與樂迷的原因,的確有其必要性。因此,整理分析並呈現饒舌現場表演樣貌以及樂迷與愛好者的聲音、感受與意見,則為本研究與其他台灣嘻哈文化與饒舌研究的不同之處。 / This study is developed from the idea of imagining “call and response” in live rap performance as ritual, and is divided into two research questions. First, how does Taiwan rap band Kou Chow Ching build an interactive ritual in live performances through call and response techniques? Second, how do fans of Kou Chow Ching “ritualistically participate” live performances? In order to answer these questions, this study decides to conduct a three month long research through in-depth interview and participant observation method to collect data. Observation and depiction of six of Kou Chou Ching’s live performances are detailed in the thesis, also the composition and reaction of the audience in each show. In interviews, we discuss these fans’ reason and affection to Kou Chow Ching, motivation of participating live performances, experience and feeling, and their consuming behavior of Kou Chow Ching’s records, related products, and shows.
Kou Chow Ching employs a lot of call and response techniques to interact with audience. The meaning of call and response as ritual, is that the repeated call and talking create bonding between Kou Chow Ching and audience, promote the band’s philosophy, heighten and cohere audience. Kou Chow Ching keeps summoning the audience’s sharing identity with key words, constructing symbolic meaning. Besides, in live performances, the ritualistic nature is also salient in their performing procedure and rap songs.
Only a few of interviewees feverishly participate Kou Chow Ching’s live performances. However, all interviewees do regularly participate these shows. The meanings of fan’s ritualistic participation are gaining the feeling of immersion, merging with other fans and rappers on the scene, and enjoying the atmosphere, giving support to shared beliefs, and exchanging emotions and feelings with Kou Chow Ching and others.
Live performance is the ultimate channel and field to manifest rap as a genre and hip hop culture, and the participation of fans is the root and foundation of rap and hip hop’s continuous growing. So it is necessary to acquire the content and structure of live rap performance, and fan’s response to it. Therefore, this study provides the observation of Kou Chow Ching’s live rap performances, and the voice of fans, which is a different approach comparing to studies of rap and hip hop culture in Taiwan.
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台灣漢語饒舌歌之節奏類型 / The Rhythmic Types of Chinese Raps in Taiwan熊芮華, Hsiung,Jui hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論的觀點分析台灣漢語饒舌歌的節奏類型。主要論點包括三個部份:節拍對應、音節對應與韻句分析。本研究建立一個漢語饒舌歌語料庫,提出數據佐證分析,認為漢語饒舌歌的節奏類型不只一種,不同的節奏類型可透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來解釋,另外,本文也提出浮動制約(Floating Constraints)來預測漢語饒舌歌中不同節奏型態出現的比例。在節拍對應方面,透過虛詞左向附著與其他制約的排序變化,可以篩選出音節與節拍不同的對應方式。在音節對應方面,當一韻句需要滿足簡單律時,就會產生音節跨越現象。而在韻句分析方面,透過左界對整(U,x)與其他制約的排序變化,可以預測兩韻句間之間隔1/2拍或1/4拍的例子。整體而言,本篇研究就漢語饒舌歌中豐富的節奏類型提出語料以及理論上的分析基準。 / This thesis analyzes the rhythmic structure of Chinese raps in Taiwan from the perspective of Optimality theory. Three factors are in order: the demibeats mapping, the syllable mapping and the utterance phrasing. The thesis adopts the corpus-based analysis. This thesis proposes that rhythmic variants can be accounted for through the constraint re-ranking in terms of the Cophonology Theory. The positing of floating constraints can then predict the percentages of the rhythmic variants. In demibeat mapping, the interaction between F-share-L(the left-adjunction of functors) and other constraints results in different ways of demibeat-syllable correspondence; in syllable mapping, Simplicity decides the syllable-straddling phenomenon. Finally, in utterance phrasing, the interaction between Align-L(U,x) and other constraints predicts different lengthens of the utterance breaks. To conclude, this thesis provided a corpus and theoretical basis for the rhythmic structures of Chinese raps.
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