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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣地區老人自殺問題之研究 / The Elderly Suicide in Taiwan Area

張立安, Chang, Li-An Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣地區我們發現,自殺率年齡層愈高,自殺率也會愈高,而65歲以上老人的高自殺率,主要是集中於75-84歲此一年齡層的老人。在性別方面,男性老人之自殺率顯然高於女性,男性約為女性的一.五倍。而在自殺者所採用的方法上,我們發現一般人口多採用溫和而致死性較低的方法,老人則多採用劇烈而致死性較高的方法,顯示出老人自殺的意願要較 勢而言,自1985年後不論男性或女性老人自殺率便急速下降,且其下降的速度要快於其他年齡層。另外我們也分析了老人自殺率與婚姻狀況、省籍及居住地區等因素的相關。就不同婚姻型態的老人自殺率比較而言,離婚者的自殺率最高並且也是上升最快速的。由於社會變遷的快速,離婚老人的比例要比過去增加,而離婚老人缺乏來自家庭的照顧與社會支持因此離婚老人的自殺率在這十年間增加了三倍之多。再者我們就省籍的比較來看,在 1980 年時外省籍老人的自殺率高於本省籍老人,但到了1990 年時前者卻低於後者。但我們認為當隨著政府遷台的外省籍軍民(尤其是老榮民),其自殺率會高於其他群體。首先外省籍老人多數為男性,再者其由於經歷戰亂時期,健康狀況較差,且其未婚的比例為台籍老人的十三倍,因而也較少受到家庭及婚姻的保護,缺乏來自配偶及兒女的社會支持。而在加上其獨居的比例亦為台籍老人的四倍之多,顯見外省籍老人要比台籍老人更亦陷入社會孤立的狀態。另外在居住地區方面,不同地域地區之間的自殺率則無明顯一致的差別,以臺南市、澎湖縣與桃園縣之老人自殺率較高。 在本論文中我們也採用了多重累積生命表的分析,經過生命表的計算,我們發現自殺此一死亡因在老人人口中所站的百分比愈來愈低,即自殺之重要性愈來愈低。顯示隨著年齡的增加,其他慢性病死因增加的速度比自殺更為快速,而成為老年人的主要死因。但值得注意的是,意外死亡在老人中有明顯增加的趨勢,而通常意外與自殺兩者之間(尤其是老人)並無法做一清楚的區分,亦即老人自殺被誤判為意外的可能性相當高。此外我們也將自殺率與其他社會指標做一時間序列的分析,發現中等教育程度以上的人口比例愈多,以及平均每人國民生產毛額愈多,則老人自殺率便會愈低;而離婚率愈高,老人自殺率則愈高。

各險種經驗死亡率之分析與期保費高低估之探討 / The analysis of empirical mortality rates for different insurance products and the estimations of insurance premiums

呂政治 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣經濟的大幅提升與保險的觀念在國內越來越盛行,許多的人都會選擇去投保,本研究採用的資料是從保險事業發展中心所獲得,其收集台灣各個保險公司所銷售的保單,包含定期險、生死合險和終身壽險的資料。我們藉由此資料來分析具有何種特質的人會去購買何種保單,哪些因素會造成死亡率之間的差異。近些年來,台灣的生活水準和醫療水平有顯著的進步,台灣人口的死亡率也因此大幅地下降,男女間的平均餘命也隨之增加,台灣逐步地邁向高齡化社會。但隨著死亡率的改善,保險公司之前所銷售的較長年期的保險商品,有可能會造成保險公司低估或高估其保費,使公司未來的現金流量不穩定。而且以前公司通常是使用生命表的死亡率為基礎,但這樣並不能真正反映有保險人口的死亡機率,因此,我們將使用實際投保的資料,透過Whittaker修勻和Gompertz法則,計算其死亡率,並利用Lee -Carter模型去對未來的死亡率做預測,探討死亡率的下降,會對保險公司造成何種衝擊與其影響到底會有多大。

人口高齡化下之金融服務探討 : 以F金融控股公司為例 / Financial Services for an Aging Population : A Study of Examples from F Financial Holding Company

陳盈如, Chen, Ying Ju Unknown Date (has links)
高齡化社會是全球都將面對的問題,預估2018年我國將進入高齡社會,2026年將為超高齡社會,高齡者之經濟以及長期照護規劃更顯刻不容緩。本研究目的為探討目前我國金融市場現有之退休財務規劃商品,依台灣平均家戶所得區分成高中低三個層級,以個案金融控股公司為例,探討不同資產階層之族群該如何妥適安排退休財務規劃。 本研究以我國人口結構趨勢分析高齡化社會對金融市場的影響,進而了解高齡者之主要經濟來源及目前社會福利制度,以及高齡化社會之金融商品發展現況及風險分析。 在分析個案金融控股公司現有之金融商品對不同資產階層之適性配置後,針對個案公司提供建議包括:一、應開辦逆向抵押貸款服務;二、研發多元的信託服務,協助管理並將協助將其資本利得及利息收益用於安排高齡者生活、醫療及長照所需。同時建議政府機關應有相關因應措施:一、放寬開發結合安養照護、醫療及社會福利的商品;二、研議相關監理誘因;三、應予放寬賦稅優惠;四、師法國外先進制度及機制。 / An aging society is an issue the globe will need to deal with. Taiwan is expected to move into an aged society in 2018, and further a hyper-aged society in 2026, making it critical to plan for economic support and long-term care for the aged population. This article is to examine financial products designed for retirement available in the market and then explore how different groups of people, categorized as high, medium, or low level by the standard of Taiwan average household income, can better prepare for their retirement by making reference to examples from a financial holding company. This article starts with understanding the potential impact from an aging society on the financial market and then the main income source of and social welfare system for the aged population, and continues with analyzing the development and associated risks of financial products designed for an aged society. After analysis of the product offering to different asset level clients by the financial holding company under study, suggestions to this company included (1) introduction of reverse mortgage product, and (2) innovation for more diversified trust service, in order to support the aged for preparing for their life and needs for medical and long-term care. In the meantime, corresponding actions suggested to the government authorities included (1) relaxation on product development to bundle long-term and medical care and social welfare, (2) provision of relevant regulatory incentives, (3) more tax benefits, and (4) introduction of better system and program from other countries.

模 糊 無 母 數 統 計 檢 定 及 其在 高 齡 化 社 會 調 查 之 應 用 / The Fuzzy nonparametric statistical test and its application on the survey of an aging society

趙淑倫 Unknown Date (has links)
在逐漸高齡化的社會中,關注老人的生活議題並加以分析益顯重要。在研究老人問題時,由於研究對象均曾經歷不同的時空背景與人生閱歷,各個體間存在的差異極大;不同族群的老人對其所慣用語彙的理解與表達亦不盡相同。故若利用傳統的統計分析研究結果,強迫人們採用二元邏輯的方式思考與解釋,可能會導致偏差或錯誤的結論。且傳統的統計檢定方法,往往假定取樣的樣本滿足某個分配,因而導致過多的解釋,影響決策品質。 因此,為避免因誤解老人而造成虛耗社會成本,使有限的社會資源得以充分運用,本文於研究老人身心特質與個人期待時,嘗試以模糊理論的軟計算,提出反模糊化轉換。並應用中位數檢定及變異數檢定,建立當統計參數為模糊數或模糊區間時之小樣本無母數模糊統計檢定方法模型。由實證例子分析結果顯示,我們提出的檢定方法,能有效分析模糊樣本的問題,並進而期望能對老人議題的分析和決策有所貢獻,及將此方法運用於其它模糊性議題之研究。 / In a gradually aging society, it is important to pay attention to and then analyze elderly people’s life issues. When a study about elderly people is undertaken, the subjects are very inconsistent given their diverse life experience, and various subgroups of subjects have quite different understanding of and way of expressing a vocabulary. Therefore, analyzing study result with conventional statistical analysis method, which forces thinking in a binary logic way, may lead to biased or erroneous conclusion. Furthermore, a conventional statistical test, usually assuming a certain distribution for its samples, may lead to exaggerated explanation, which is detrimental to the quality of a decision. So, in order to avoid the waste of our social cost from misunderstanding of the elderly, and to make the most use of our limited social resource, when we investigated the elderly people’s personal characteristics and expectations, we tried to apply the soft calculation of the fuzzy theory, proposed the counter-fuzzy transformation, and, by using the median test and variance test, established a nonparametric fuzzy statistical model for small-sized samples and for parameters of the fuzzy number or fuzzy interval types. The analyses of real-world examples demonstrated that this method of statistical test can analyze the problems of fuzzy samples, and can hopefully contribute to improved analysis and decision making of the elderly people’s issues, and apply this method on the investigation of other fuzzy social issues. Key words: counter-fuzzy transformation, fuzzy statistical analysis, median test, variance test, aging society.

台灣高齡貧窮現象之研究 / Poverty among the Elderly in Taiwan: An Insight from Japan's case

黃驛媗, Huang, I-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於過去人口結構的變化,台灣已成為人口老化速度最快的國家,人口老 齡化已成為一個重大議題。而老年人比例最高的日本,卻出現廣泛的老年貧窮 (下流老人)現象。因此,本研究以日本的情況為依據,對台灣老年貧窮的整體 概況和未來趨勢的發展進行資料整合與分析。主要探討台灣“老年貧窮”問題的 出現,並找出其影響的程度及其未來的發展,後續並深入分析其造成台灣“老年 貧窮”問題之關鍵指標因素,以及政府解決老年貧窮問題的政策與措施。研究發 現,超過五成老年人口落在最低收入、最貧窮層級的家戶中,顯示台灣社會的“老 年貧窮”現象有所增加。而造成台灣老年貧窮的原因為:一、退休養老金不足(低 於基本生活開銷); 二、就業(低薪的工作環境); 三、家庭養老功能下降(老 人獨居比率不斷上升); 四、太早離開勞動力市場(儲蓄不足)。研究結果顯示,弱化的社會保障制度是老年貧窮比率升高的主要原因,而老年貧窮的現象亦廣泛存在於台灣社會,因此建議需提升公眾意識,提早準備充足的退休養老金、並加 強社區老人關懷功能、以及持續關注老年貧窮的問題。本研究結果可提供未來探 討台灣老年貧窮議題之參考,相關研究值得後續做進一步的探討分析。 / In view of the change in demographic structure in the past few years, Taiwan has become the country with the fastest speed of population aging. The aging population has become a major issue. Japan has the highest ratio of aged citizens, and the widely discussed phenomena of elderly poverty (The low-living elderly). Thus, this study based on Japan's case, has systematically reviewed, analyzed, and secondary data, in order to provide the overall and future trends of elderly poverty situation in Taiwan. The study probes into the emergence of the “elderly poverty” problem and try to find out the extent of this problem and its future outlook, to explore the causes of the “elderly poverty” problem in Taiwan and the official measures for alleviating elderly poverty. The research found that more than 50% of the elderly was the poorest households with the lowest income, nearly half of the elderly population falls to the lowest and poorest level, shows “the low-living elderly” phenomenon has increasing in Taiwan’s society. The causes of the elderly poverty in Taiwan: 1. the labor pension is too low (less than the necessary living expenses); 2. unstable employment (low income work); 3. family care function are decline (the elders living alone has keep rising); 4. early to exit from the labor market (lack of deposits). The weakened social security system are the main causes for the rising old-age poverty. The elderly poverty exists widely and need to promote public awareness for prepare adequate deposit in retirement, strengthen care function of community and focus on the elderly poor issues. For overall pictures of elderly poverty in Taiwan is worthy of further investigation and discussion.

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