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平面廣告內容與表現之內容分析—以黑松企業為例(1961-1990) / The Content Analysis on Print Advertisement - A Case Study of Heysong Company(1961-1990)陳怡蒨 Unknown Date (has links)
廣告資訊: 不論年代為何,皆以「價格與價值」為最多。除此之外,在1961-1980年代主要亦傳達「績效」與「品質」資訊。但在1981-1990年,改以宣傳「品味」資訊。價值呈現: 1961-1980年間,其平面廣告皆傳達給消費者「愉快的」、「充滿感情的」及「富想像力的」工具性價值。但在1981年代後,黑松企業更多加強調有關「心胸寬闊的」及「有抱負的」工具性價值。
訊息來源: 均以沒有代言的平面廣告為主,就代言種類來說,1961-1970年代較常以尋常消費者為代言人,到1981-1990年間,則以公眾人物(名人)為多數。
訴求方式: 1961-1970及1970-1981年間,皆以理性訴求之廣告為大宗,但是到1981-1990年間,凸顯出感性訴求廣告之重要性。在1961-1970年代,以「陳述事實」及「特點訴求手法」為最多,到了1971-1980年代則換成以「描述生活片段」為主要執行手法,直到1981-1990年代,又重回以「陳述事實」為首,「特點訴求方式」為輔。感性訴求當中,1961-1970年代以「名人推薦/俊男美女」為最多,1971-1980年代則改以「象徵性」居首。
視覺焦點: 1960-1971年間,以「文字圖片並重」為最多,1971年後則轉換為「圖片型」為最主流。視覺動線: 1960-1971年間,以「直立型」的視覺動線最多,1981-1990年代間除了「直立型」廣告仍為多數,「水平型」的視覺動線則在此年代居首位。
標題: 1961-1970年代以「好奇式」最多,到了1971-1980年代,則以「利益式」與「生活型態/價值觀」為多數。1981-1990年代明顯以「利益式」為大宗。內文: 皆以「解析式」為最多。標語: 在標語有無部分,廣告多未含有標語,早期以企業標語為大宗,後來在1981-1990年代則以「商品標語」為主。
廣告訊息圖像表現: 插圖種類部分,早期(1961-1980年)均以「攝影」為主,在1971-1980年間,開始分散到「電腦製作與合成」之繪圖手法。在1981-1990年間,除了「攝影」為大宗外,「電腦製作與合成」已居次,「插畫繪型類」成為第三。圖文互動部分以「圖文呼應」為最多,三個年代皆顯示如此,但是在1981-1990年代開始,部分廣告的圖文互動模式出現「圖文相佐」的互動。 / Heysong Company in the past fleshed out with the development of print advertisement, is worth other business owners or advertiser to follow and learn. In particular, Heysong Company has been more than 80 years striving for soft drink industry in Taiwan which is behalf of the evolution of consumer culture and values. The study focus on print advertisement of newspaper and magazines which was published by Heysong, and analyzing its advertising information content and performance of soft drinks industry and the business environment changes from generation to generation changes on Print Ads effect.
Through statistical analysis, this study as follows:
Ad Information: No matter what age, "price and value" is the most. In addition, in the 1961-1980 decade also convey major "performance" and "quality" information. However, in 1981-1990, changed to promote the “taste" of information Value Presented: 1961-1980 years, the print ads are communicated to the consumer "happy", "emotional" and "imaginative" instrumental value. But after 1981, the Heysong Company added more emphasis on "broad minded" and "ambitious" instrumental value.
Information source: Most print ads did not have endorsements. About the ads with endorsements, in the 1961-1970s, more often unusual consumer advocate. In 1981-1990, the general public for people (celebrities) is the majority. Appeal: 1961-1970 and 1970-1981 years, the rational appeals in advertising for the bulk, but in between 1981-1990, highlighting the importance of emotional advertising appeals. In the 1961-1970 era of "facts" and "demand characteristics approach" as the most, to 1971-1980 were replaced by "Description section of life" as the main implementation of the approach, until the 1981-1990 era, then back to " facts "led" feature appeals "supplement. Emotional appeals were 1961-1970s with the "celebrity recommendation / attractive men and women" as the most; 1971-1980's was changed to "symbolic" topped.
Visual focus: 1960-1971 years, with "both text and graphics," as most were converted, after 1971, as "picture type" as the most mainstream. Visual Activity Line: 1960-1971 years, the "Vertical" visual dynamic line up to the years. 1981-1990, "Vertical" Advertising is still the majority and "horizontal" visual moving lines at the age of first place.
Title: 1961-1970 Age of "curiosity-style", up to the 1971-1980 era, uses the "interests" and a "lifestyle / values" for the majority. 1981-1990's obvious the "interests of the type" for the bulk.
Text: Most are "analytic" the most. Slogan: Advertisements do not contain slogans is the majority. But for the ads with slogans, “enterprise slogan” for the bulk of early, later 1981-1990's uses a "product slogan" main.
Advertising Graphics performance: the early (1961-1980) are "photography", and in 1971-1980 years, began to spread, "the computer production and synthesis" of drawing techniques. In 1981-1990 years, in addition to “photography” as the staple, the "computer production and synthesis" has been second place, "illustrator drawing" as the third. About Interactive graphic, the "Echo of graphic and text" as up to three years all show that, but in 1981-1990's, part of the advertising graphic interactive mode, "Supplement of graphic and text" shows.
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品牌權益衡量模式之建立與評估 / Building the Brand Equity Measurement Model李威德, Lee, Wei-Der Unknown Date (has links)
透過本研究品牌權益衡量模式之建立,除了能使品牌授權與公司購併的品牌價值有公平計算依據外,更能讓公司的品牌經理有明確的品牌權益數據。對於公司的財務面而言,公司的會計原則在無形資產之商譽部分亦得以做正確的調整。在未來WTO叩關後,面臨即將產生的購併風潮,亦可讓國內公司瞭解本身品牌所具有的價值,不致因忽略了消費者心中的品牌價值而受到低估,蒙受損失。 / Nowadays, having a brand has become the most stable long-term competitive advantage of business in our dynamic and intensively fluctuated environment. The premise for taking advantage of brand equity is the necessity to understand its absolute value for a company. There exist many diversified methods to measure brand equity, including the measurements from the dimensions of company finance, consumer perception, consumer behavior and so forth. But despite the many methods available, there lacks an integrated and comprehensive consumer-based model to measure brand equity. Thus, the major motive and aim of this paper is to build a consumer-based measuring model, in order to provide the absolute number presented in financial statements.
This research has integrated many opinions of scholars in regard to dividing the sources and dimensions of brand equity. Six major dimensions are: company input, consumer perception, consumer attitude, consumer behavior, company output, and other brand assets. Additionally, through various measuring methods, such as indirect and direct methods and their subcategories, this model can be further developed. In this study, Heysong, Acer, Taishan, and Taiwan Cellular were selected to be the four brands for measurement. The first step was to obtain the weights of every dimension by consulting with 43 professionals. The next step was determining the relation of brand evaluation and price premium through the experiment of price premium. For the last step, the questionnaire of brand evaluation was used to survey the grades of every measured brand in the Greater Taipei Area. By adapting the convenient sampling method, 960 questionnaires were sent out. 819 responses were received. The response rate was 85.31%; 794 samples are effective.
The brand equity of every consumer can be obtained by using the weighted average method for calculating the weight obtained and proceeding with the dollar amount which has been transformed because of the relation between brand evaluation and price premium. Moreover, if brand equity is multiplied by the number of people in Taiwan, and the ratio of those who have ever used the product of the brand in the total samples, the total brand equity of the brand in Taiwan is obtained. The measured outcomes of this research show that Heysong Sarsaparilla-NT. to be 43566588, Acer Cellular-NT. 2400190204, Acer Computer-NT. 52058415322, Taishan Mixed Congee-NT. 138093624, Taishan Honey Herbal Jelly-NT. 73377189, Taishan Soybean Salad Oil-NT. -44428954, and Taiwan Cellular-NT. 2812789507.
This research uses the company input and output to test the measured outcomes. The result displays no obvious relationship between company input and brand equity. The possible reason may be related to the nature of the product. However, this research still finds that there exists a positive correlation between brand evaluation and company input. From the aspect of company output, return on investment and stock price can reflect the brand equity to some degree, and their relationship with brand equity is closer than that of brand equity with market share. Through the establishment of this model, in the future, substantial contributions can be brought to business accounting, brand managers, brand licensing, and M&A from the intrusion of WTO.
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