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專利權之衡量與評價-以某記憶體模組公司為例 / Measurement and valuation of patent-by taking memory module company for example蕭鈞昱 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:專利權、衡量、評價 / With the era of knowledge economy, intangible assets play an important role in corporate decision-making.Intangible assets in which the patent is the company to maintain a major competitive weapon, so the measurement and valuation of patents which every business must face in the future.
Patent quality is measured through the setting of data such as database about patent and the content of patent specifications and the existence of objective facts.By enforcing the measurement way I mentioned so that I can get a objective outcome.
The valuation of patent start from valuation test.The purpose of valuation test is matching a suitable valuation mode to valuate.After valuation test,I will set out the parameters to calculate the actual number of patent value.Finally,I will combine measurement and valuation to establish a patent evaluation system
Through objective and subjective consideration,I make a conclusion for patent quality. After valuation test,I chose market method and income method to valuate.Through the setting of parameters and assumption,I calculate the actual number to approve the feasibility of valuation mode.
After measurement and valuation, I will focus on the applicability conclusion of the measurement index and select the most suitable valuation model for practitioners.
Key words:Patent、Measurement、Valuation
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如何衡量及提高紡織業生產力之研究巫培鴻, WU, PEI-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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如何衡量及提高生產力--以家電業為例江忠和, JIANG, ZHONG-HE Unknown Date (has links)
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公司併購時相關公司之價值衡量 / Enterprise Value evaluation during M&A李科甲, Li, Ko Chia Unknown Date (has links)
相關企業價值之評估方法,有針對不同考量之收益法(income approach)、市價法(market approach)及成本法(cost approach)等。詳細之分類,如文獻所敘述。
本人服務之企業,尚未上市,故市值一項,無客觀標準;在企業內,集團要求之週期性財務報表以EPS, ROE, 及ROA 等作
為衡量經營之成效。在文獻探討中之一小部份,也嘗試對價值增值(EVA)評估法予以瞭解,並就不同年代所使用之企業經營成效 表達 方式作一比較。
以累積超常收益率(CAR, cumulative abnormal return)模式,作為併購後目標公司溢價、創造價值之探討,各國亦不乏有學者研究,受限於本人之才疏學淺,無法窺其門奧,只得割愛於此。 / Merge and acquisition is a complicated and professional procedure. It contains the integration of resources coming from the economics, finance, law, commerce, and management, etc. In response to the relationship between M&A and enterprise value, it also involves the different fields including Organization, business strategy theory, enterprise financial theory, Accounting, and Law. It's difficult to have a thorough study.
covering everything as mentioned above. What I did here is to understand the various evaluation methods of enterprise value during M&A process.
The enterprise value evaluation during M&A will be performed specific to different parties including company to emerge, company to be merged, and the combined one after merging. It’s easier to evaluate the existing two companies compared to evaluate the neutral combined company, which will be with much more difficulty and higher risky.
In order to accurately evaluate the enterprise value of the combined one, the foundation will be based on the evaluation on the two existing companies with sufficient accuracy. Then the assumption of the running situation after merging, and judgment of the dimension of coordination effects will be the key points.
For the evaluation method of enterprise value will have the income approach, the market approach, and the cost approach depends on the different consideration. Further the further detailed classification, please see Para. 7-2.
The company which I am working for is not IPO yet, there's no fair enterprise value available for the reference. The periodic financial statements as considering by the mother company to evaluate the company's performance will be EPS, ROA, and ROE, etc.
In the article discussion paragraph, the application of EVA (economic value added) was brought up for understanding. And the information collected regarding the comparison of ROS, ROE and EVA different performance evaluation at the different stages.
Some scholars studied the premium and/or value creation of target companies after M&A via CAR (cumulative abnormal return) model.
I ignored it here as the limitation of my personal knowledge in this field.
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創新活動下之智慧資本衡量系統:以IC設計公司為例 / The Measurement System of Intellectual Capital under Innovation Activities : an Illustration of IC Design House莊弘鈺 Unknown Date (has links)
在創新效益階段,主要衡量之智慧資本衡量指標為創新資本中之研發領導地位,以及顧客資本中之客戶滿意度、客戶忠誠度、市場佔有率;其中最重要者市場佔有率。 / Facing the short life cycle of IC products and competitive market, “innovation” has been the only way for IC design house to survive and develop. But how to manage and measure innovation activities to reach the goal of corporate are really the problem need to be faced and solved for IC design house which reviews innovation as the most important thing.
In the process of developing new products and new technologies, companies usually need to use and integrate many resources and intangible assets. IC design house has the features of “maximizing intangible assets”. If IC design house can take all the intangible assets into account when managing and measuring innovation activities, then the efficiency of innovation management and measurement will be enhanced.
In this research, I construct “the measurement system of intellectual capital under innovation activities” of IC design house by combining the theories of innovation management with intelletcual capital to manage the innovation activities of IC design. Therefore, this research will discuss the following issues:
1. Which kind of intellectual capital is attributed in each innovation stage (input-process-output-outcome) ? In another word, this study explores what kind of intellectual capital is the necessary resource in the input stage of innovation ? What kind of intellectual capital is the necessary support in the process stage of innovation ? What kind of intellectual capital is influenced in the output stage of innvaiton? What kind of intellectual capital is influenced in the outcome stage of innovation when the innovation output performing and creating value in the market?
2. Based on the findings of important intellectual capital indicators in each innovation activities (input-process-output-outcome), I build the “the measurement system of intellectual capital under innovation activities” to manage the innovation activities of company.
Through interviewing 2 leading IC design companies and surveying 15 IC design companies (30 investigators), and combining the theories of innovation management with intellectual capital, my conclusions are as follows :
1. For IC design house, the primary resources in the input stage of innovation are human capital and innovation capital. The secondary resources are customer capital and relationship capital ; organization culture capital and IT capital are the last.
In the process stage of innovation, the primary supports are organization culture capital and human capital, then another supports include IT capital, process capital and innovation capital.
The innovation outputs influence innovation capital and process capital. The innovation outcomes have the main impacts on customer capital, then on innovation capital, and on human capital at last.
2. For IC design house, the important intellectual capital indicators of resources in the stage of input are as follows : the employee’s responsibility, the employee’s motivation, the employee’s skill, the employee’s qualification and the company’s abilities to attract potential employees for human capital. In addition, another important indicators include time of product development and design, ability of catching new opportunities, ability of reponsing the market, ability of new product design for innovation capital, and innovation culture, leadership for organization culture capital. Knowing the need of customers, market growth and knowing the target market are important for customer capital. Having many alliances, relationship with alliances and relationship with value chain should be noticed for relationship capital. All in all, the company’s abilities to attract potential employees, knowing the need of customers, the employee’s skill, ability of catching new opportunities, having many alliances, relationship with alliances, and relationship with value chain are more important indicators than others.
In the stage of process, the important intellectual capital indicators that will have impacts on the ongoing innovation activities are as follows : the employee’s responsibility, the employee’s motivation, turnover of keyperson per year, the employee’s skill, the employee’s qualification for human capital. Mechanism of intellectual property management is important for innovation capital. Learning culture, supportive atmosphere, innovation culture, teamwork, leadership should be considered for organization culture capital. Execution of strategy is necessary for process capital. Convenience of getting/saving information and connecting through IT infrastructure are important for IT capital.
In the stage of output, the primary intellectual capital indicators are time of product development and design, quantity of intellectual property and quality of intellectual property. In summary, the quality of intellectual property is the most important.
In the stage of outcome, the main intellectual capital indicators are R&D leading position for innovation capital, customer satisfication, customer royalty, and market share for customer capital. All in all, market share is the most important indicator.
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策略性衡量指標之設計、診斷及回饋系統-以平衡計分卡個案為例 / The design, diagnose, and feedback system of strategic performance indicators, analysis from the case of balanced scorecard.吳依茜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將策略性衡量指標系統之建立區分為「策略性衡量指標設計系統」、「策略性衡量指標診斷系統」,及「策略性衡量指標回饋系統」三大部分。簡而言之,本研究說明企業如何利用平衡計分卡實際進行管理,以策略性衡量指標為重點,將企業的策略至實際營運活動一以貫之,經營者同時能藉此思考企業可精進之處,此研究結果俾作為個案公司及後續企業執行平衡計分卡時之參考。 / The electronic industry in Taiwan is the key within the industry development policy, and the balanced scorecard is one of the most powerful tools of performance management. The object of the research is a domestic manufacture of passive components, which implements the case of balanced scorecard for three years. The research explores the implementation of balanced scorecard by analyzing the strategic performance indicator, building the system of indicator diagnosis, and offers the feedback of indicator for the company need.
The research divides the analysis of strategic performance indicator into “the design of strategic performance indicator”, “the diagnosis of strategic performance indicator”, and “the feedback of strategic performance indicator”. In short, the research explains how the company use balanced scorecard to manage. Use a strong logic to link from the company’s strategy to every operating activity. CEO also can think about where the company can improve. The result of research could be the reference for the case and other companies
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生產效率之衡量及其應用賴永梁, LAI, YONG-LIANG Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論
第二章 效率的定義與衡量
第一節 效率的定義
第二節 效率的衡量方法
第三節 文獻回顧
第三章 我國製造業生產效率的實證分析
第一節 衡量的模型
第二節 資料來源及處理
第三節 實證結果
第四章 影響效率因素之探討
第一節 個別產業分析
第二節 產業間分析
第五章 方法之檢討、含意與限制
第六章 結論
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財政政策穩定效果衡量之研究賴清祺, Lai, Qing-Qi Unknown Date (has links)
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企業分權化組織與績效衡量之研究姚文珍 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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銀行業運用智慧資本衡量指標之先導性個案研究項蓮華 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:智慧資本、衡量指標、策略 / Under the wave of globalization, deregulation and rapid change in information technology, the sources of competitive advantages of an organization rely heavily on the management of its intangible assets (intellectual capital). The operating performance of domestic banks in Taiwan has been slow. Analysis shows that consideration for the measurement and management of intellectual capital could be helpful. Based on interviews with officers from a foreign bank’s branch office located in Taipei, the main research questions explored in this thesis are as follows:
1. What are the important intellectual capital indicators to a bank?
2. Will the nature of the business influence cognition of the importance of intellectual capital indicators?
In addition, built on measures reviewed from the literature and interviews with practitioners, this research develops a preliminary questionnaire that provides an initial basis for further research.
The primary findings of this research are shown as follows:
(1) There are 34 important indicators, including 16 indicators for organizational capital, 9 indicators for human capital and customer capital respectively. The results show that organizational capital is extremely important to the bank interviewed. An enhanced organization capital can improve efficiency and better serve its customers.
(2) Differences in the nature of banking business influence the cognition of importance of indicators. The essential differences are found mostly in human capital.
(3) It is suggested that emphases on indicators such as management team leadership, recruiting and training program, employees’ performance, adjustability in organizational structure, risk management, product profitability and profitability for target customers could be considered for domestic banks as a starting point to improve their performance.
Key words: banking industry, intellectual capital, indicators, strategy.
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