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企業分權化組織與績效衡量之研究姚文珍 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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大陸上市公司現金增資與盈餘管理和績效關連性之分析施佩吟, Shih, Pei-ying Unknown Date (has links)
因為大陸上市公司於現金增資時,須符合證監會相關的財務績效規定,本論文根據Healy (1985)的模式計算淨應計項目,並根據Modified Jones Model (1991)中有關不受影響的估計期間及受影響的事件期概念,進行比較分析以推論大陸上市公司在現金增資前是否會進行盈餘管理,而在現金增資後是否會產生淨應計項目的降低及業績衰退現象。本研究樣本係選取在大陸深圳及上海交易所掛牌之上市公司,由於本研究對公司的財務資料需要從現金增資前三年、現金增資當年及現金增資後兩年為期共六年的時間(期間假設為-3,-2,-1,0,1,2),故選定於1996年至2000年間辦理現金增資的公司做為觀察的樣本,故實際的的樣本期間是從1993至今,總計共九年的時間。論文之實證結果如下:
3.每股資本支出變動數結果並未發現如預期衰退的現象,故推論公司並不會因增資而改變長期生產設備添購政策 。
4.依本研究設計屬(特許)的公司群組實證結果並不未如預期推論。 / This study examines two major issues, potential earnings management and changes in operating performance in the event of seasoned offerings among listed companies in China. This study collects nine years data staring from 1993. The empirical findings can be summarized as two parts in the followings. The first part explains the empirical findings with respect to earnings management. First, the earning management behaviors significantly relates to accruals resulting from current assets and non-operating gains rather than accruals from current liabilities. Second, the after-tax net income, cash flows from operating activities, and current items of accruals have significant negative relationship before and after the event of seasoned offerings. Third, the short-term accruals prior to the event of seasoned offerings do not have significant negative relationship with earnings subsequent to the event as predicted in the hypothesis. The second part of empirical findings relate to operating performance between before and after the event of seasoned offerings. The results show that the operating performance decrease subsequent to the event of seasoned offerings in all measures developed in this study. However, the event of seasoned offering does not significantly affect the decision capital expenditures.
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從平衡計分卡觀點探討國民中學教師績效之研究-以臺北縣新莊區為例 / The Study of the Balanced Scorecard to Explore The Teacher’s Performanceof Junior High School in Synching Area District ,Taipei County.許晏菱, Sheu,Yann-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用平衡計分卡之觀念,彙整有關國民中學整體績效衡量指標,同時參考其所扮演的角色及功能,設計問卷,並針對教育人員為實證研究的對象,進行問卷調查,問卷調查所得資料運用電腦統計軟體SPSS for Windows 12.0版,以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計分析方法進行資料處理。研究結果顯示所有指標在國民中學教育人員的重要性認知選取上平均值都大於3.5,顯示其皆認為這些指標對於國民中學績效衡量上都非常重要。在各構面整體績效衡量指標方面,「財務構面」平均值最高,其次為「內部流程構面」、「顧客構面」、「學習與成長構面」,而「學習與成長構面」受重視程度為最低。在不同樣本特徵之重要性認知差異性分析方面,受試教育人員因性別、年齡、教育程度、現任職務、服務總年資、是否參與決策的不同而有顯著差異。
關鍵字:平衡計分卡、績效衡量 / The serious deficiency of education funds in recent years, as junior high schools are established in succession, the teaching environment of the whole junior high school has already been in a greatly reduced state compared with what it used to be. Besides, more and more public and private junior high schools have to vie with each other for students that are getting fewer and fewer. Under the circumstances, how to promote the whole performance of the school and make the most effective use of the limited resources have already become important subjects that assess the performance of a school now.
This research adopts the idea of the balance scorecard and gathers together the relevant indicators of the whole performance of junior high school and the role and function they act. According to those mentioned above, the questionnaire was designed and took education personnel as the target to carry out the survey. With the help of the computer software SPSS for Windows edition 12.0, all the questionnaires were analyzed by methods such as describing statistical analysis, t test, and the single factor making a variation, etc. The research shows the average of all the indicators of the choice of secondary school education personnel's importance cognition is greater than3.5, and it also shows that these indicators matter much to the performance of junior high school. As for the indicators in each perspective of the whole performance, the “Financial Perspective” gets the highest average, and then the ”Internal Business Process Perspective”, the “Customer Perspective”, and the “Learning and Growth Perspective.” The “Learning and Growth Perspective” receives the least attention of all. In the discrepancy analysis on importance cognition under different samples, the target varies with the sex, age, education degree, rank, year in service, and decision participating.
To sum up, by gathering together the indicators of the whole performance of junior high school with the idea of the balance scorecard, studying the real examples about education personnel, extracting out the cognitive situation of the importance of performance indicators from education personnel’s viewpoint, this research can offer a junior high school to establish a set of tactical performance assessment system according to the school’s strategies and visions which are suggested by the four perspectives of the balance scorecard and the perform indicators. Furthermore, it can also be a reference for the administration of education to set up the performance assessment system in the future which may be a remedy for the current assessment of the teachers under the public high schools and promote the overall competitiveness of the school.
Key words: Balance scorecard, Performance measures
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平衡計分卡對公司績效之影響:實施平衡計分卡之前與之後之比較-以國內A銀行為例曹晉榮 Unknown Date (has links)
自1992年哈佛大學商學院教授Robert Kaplan與諾朗諾頓研究所之CEO David Norton推倡平衡計分卡制度以來,此制度著實已成為策略的一項落實制度。許多組織之所以遭遇失敗,原因並不在於其沒有策略或是策略的品質不夠好,而在於組織缺乏了將策略貫徹執行的能力,因此影響了企業之成功。平衡計分卡制度之所以備受重視,即在於它提供了一套系統性的架構與方法,能夠有效地幫助組織跳脫策略口號的迷思,進一步使組織整理聚焦在策略上,俾發揮最大的力量,持續地朝價值創造的目標邁進,以保持領先之地位。
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員工獎酬策略與績效衡量指標之探討 / The Strategy of Employee Performance Appraisal and Compensation and Benefit陳曄佳 Unknown Date (has links)
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大學時期表現及選秀順位對於職業生涯績效預測能力-以NBA為例 / The prospectus ability from college stats and draft position to professional career performance - using NBA as an example.魏子安 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現球員大學表現以NBA官方效率公式所計算之效率值越高,選秀順位就越前面,尤其選手的得分與阻攻影響選秀順序最大,得分越高與阻攻次數越多,選秀順位就越前面。其次,大學時期的表現與進入職業以後的表現不論用NBA的效率值,或Hollinger 的效率值都有顯著正相關。就整體而言,大學時期的養成表現,確實可預測球員職業生涯的績效。
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以平衡計分卡推動公部門組織策略性績效衡量制度之探討—以國立中正文化中心為例羅煜翔 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,個案組織現有績效衡量制度,係散見於各項法令規定,其主要目的仍為消極地符合規定,無法有效激勵員工達成組織願景與目標。故建議個案組織可依平衡計分卡策略地圖之概念,按組織之使命、策略,建構出包含財務性及非財務性(含顧客、內部流程、學習成長等三項構面)之策略目標及績效指標,並透過績效責任劃分、貢獻度評比分別與組室、個人績效衡量制度相連結。此外,根據問卷結果分析發現,員工服務單位的不同及所屬身份別的不同的確會影響對於績效重要性的認知,且後勤單位及公務人員對組織績效與策略之重視不足將會造成組織與個人目標不一致(goal incongruence)之反功能現象,亟待改善。 / Performance measurement has been an important topic in academic research, particularly in the study of governmental organizations with which ultimate authority over public resources lies. How to achieve a more efficient use of resources and guide the organization towards its goals and vision has become one of the main subjects within the discussion of performance measurement.
This research was based on a case study of the National CKS Culture Center, with a focus on the subject’s unique characteristics. First we examine the problems the organization encountered under the current performance measurement program. Then, a complete setting of new strategic goals and performance measurement indicators based on the balanced scorecard approach was proposed. The third part of this study reported the results of a survey, in which members of the subject organization from different departments and positions were asked to rate the significance of various performance indicators. Suggestions on the overall performance measurement system of National CKS Culture Center were presented at the end.
Our findings showed that the current performance measurement system was simply a combination of rules extracted from various legislations, and the organization goal for most employees was to passively follow these regulations. We suggested that the organization should follow the strategy map approach, and set performance measurement indicators according to the organization’s mission and strategy. Both financial and non-financial indicators (consisting of different perspectives such as customer, internal process and learning & growth)should be incorporated into the system, including the measurement of department and personal performance. The survey also revealed that the difference in department and position strongly effected how an employee viewed the importance of different performance measurement indicators. The lack of interest and saliency on these measurements from the supporting personnel and civil servants would result in goal incongruence between the organization and individuals, which would cause negative impact on the organization as a whole.
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以類神經網路輔助投資組合保險策略之研究陳如玲, CHEN, JU-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
經過類神經網路模型輔助而進行的停損策略(SL),其年報酬率以及Sharpe Ratio,在大盤下跌的期間,兩個績效指標衡量結果皆為正值(21.125%>0以及980.493>0),充分發揮保險功能;而在大盤上漲的期間,兩個績效指標衡量結果皆優於大盤(46.544%>17.137%以及393.808>110.069)。
在年報酬率與Sharpe Ratio之間,本研究主張在探討投資組合保險時應著重風險的衡量,因此經過類神經網路模型輔助而進行的固定比例投資組合策略(CPPI),搭配槓桿乘數M值的調整,在大盤下跌的期間,其Sharpe Ratio依然可以維持正值,達到保險的效果,保護投資人的資產免於損失;而在大盤上漲的期間,其Sharpe Ratio更是高於大盤,可以享受資產價值提昇的獲利。 / Facing the uncertainty of the market trend, an investor can use the concept of “ Portfolio Insurance ” to protect the value of his portfolio in bear market and earn the benefit from bull market. There have been many researches about applying Neural Network in the financial analysis and Neural Network has the abilities to learn and forecast.
This research evaluates the performances of the portfolio insurance strategies in different market trends. Then two-stage research structure has been designed and built. The first stage is forecasting the up-and-down trends of the equity market index by Neural network model. The second stage is using the forecasted results assisting the portfolio insurance decisions. Finally, the results of this research have been analyzed and compared with the benchmark.
The Neural Network is able to forecast the future up-and-down trends. The accurate rate is 55%. During the bear market(2002), the annual rate of return and Sharpe Ratio of the stop loss(SL) strategy which is assisted by NN are both positive(21.125%>0 and 980.493>0). During the bull market(2001), they both outperform the benchmark(46.544%>17.137% and 393.808>110.069).
The annual rate of return is more important than Sharpe Ratio because the risk measurement is an important factor in portfolio insurance strategy. Sharpe Ratios of the CPPI strategy which is assisted by NN outperform the benchmark in both above mentioned bear and bull market.
In short, the SL and CPPI strategy assisted by NN not only protect the value of the portfolio from losing in bear market but also gain profit in bull market, so they are the ideal portfolio insurance strategies.
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策略分析與策略績效衡量架構之探討-以A大陸台商為例 / Strategy analysis and strategic performance measurement framework development-A case study of Taiwanese enterprise in China邱奕鈞, Chiu, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
個案公司為某專業五金產品設計、製造之大陸台商,在1994年即已進入中國大陸設立生產製造的據點。個案公司之產品具有產業環境快速變化、市場競爭、產品生命週期短、產品組合少量多樣等特性。本研究首先針對個案公司當前所面臨的挑戰與管理議題進行說明,然後運用策略形態分析法,重新擬定策略方向,再以平衡計分卡的精神,從財務、顧客、內部流程與學習成長四個構面引導出符合策略方向的策略性議題,制定策略性目標與關鍵績效指標,以提供管理階層與全體員工明確的量度,做為未來績效薪酬的考核依據,以確保組織行動與策略方向一致。最後並針對每個策略性目標提出初步行動方案,做為個案公司啟動變革的行動藍圖。 / Law of The People’s Republic of china on Employment Contracts has been effective since 2008, which inevitably increases the labor costs for all companies. In the same year, all the industries suffered the steep downturn of incoming orders caused by the worldwide financial crisis. Although corporate received more orders since July of 2009 resulting from the minor recovery of economy and the policy of internal expansion, the shortage of labor issue appeared. Since the first quarter of 2010 and onward, the minimum wage was set to higher level again, which makes those labor-intensive industries confront the decision of either move out of China or relocate to the west. These challenges to the companies in mainland China are nothing but common to the business world. Corporate must cultivate its capability to adjust its strategy and align its organization, processes people and resources with its strategic direction so as to confront the fast changing environment and gain its competitive advantages.
The subject company in this research is a Taiwanese company specialized in providing design and manufacturing service of sheet metal. The subject company set up its manufacture facility in mainland China since 1994. Currently the product line is characterized with fast changing, competitive, and low volume high mix. This research first analyzes the challenges and management issues faced by the Company, followed by the development of new strategy base on an application of the strategic posture approach. By a further use of a balance scorecard framework, the strategic issues for finance, customer, internal process, and learning and growth perspectives are derived. With the development of the strategic performance indicators, a clear strategy-focused performance management framework is provided and referenced for future assessment of incentive-based compensation system. With organizational behavior aligned with the strategic direction, the initial action plans for every strategic target would be proposed as an action blueprint for corporate revolution of the company.
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非財務性衡量指標與徵授信分工對員工績效之影響-實地實證研究 / Impact of Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Job Design on Employee Performance -- A Field Empirical Investigation楊朝旭, Yang, Chaur-Shiuh Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先利用個案銀行17位授信員連續60個月所構成的縱查資料(panel data),以固定影響模型(fixed-effects model)分析非財務性績效衡量指標誘因工具對員工績效的影響,發現銀行授信人員之績效考核制度中,加入授信不良率與脫落率非財務性衡量指標後,雖然授信員努力的重分配導致其授信金額與利息收入財務績效變差,但授信員的授信不良率與脫落率非財務績效變佳,整體而言,授信利潤有顯著的改善。
本文另以實施徵、授信分工前後,51名授信員的績效資料,採中斷的時間序列設計(interrupted time-series design),檢定非財務性績效衡量指標與工作設計配合採用後,員工的績效是否較佳。分析結果顯示,存在非財務績效衡量指標之獎酬制度下,配合實施徵、授信分工的授信員,其授信金額及授信不良率績效顯著較徵、授信合一之授信員為佳。 / This thesis reports the results of a longitudinal field study examining the impact of nonfinancial performance measures and job design on employee performance. A commercial bank was the research site. The bank adopted nonfinancial performance measures in July 1995 and redesigned jobs in retail banking credit underwriting at five branches in January 1996. Prior to the job redesign, sales representatives were jointly responsible for all credit underwriting functions including credit extension and credit servicing. After the change, sales representatives were only responsible for credit extension while credit servicing was handled by credit decidion-makers.
Panel data for 17 sales representatives over 60 months (1993 through 1997) were obtained to assess the effects of adopting nonfinancial measures on employee performance. Using fixed-effects regression analysis, the results are consistent with the predictions of agency theory: although loan volume and interest revenue decreased following adoption of nonfinancial measures to evaluate and compensate the performance of sales representatives, loan profit increased significantly.
This thesis also hypothesizes that employee performance increases with the fit between incentive systems based on nonfinancial measures and job design. The empirical tests of this prediction rely on an interrupted time-series design, using performance data of 51 sales representatives in the 1995-1997 period. After the change in job design-separation of the credit underwriting jobs-alogn with introduction of incentive systems based on nonfinancial measures, the treatment group demonstrated greater improvements in productivity and quality performance. This result supports the hypothesis developed.
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