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中美洲之商業中心:宏都拉斯安奎樂, Jose Adolfo Aguilar Unknown Date (has links)
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宏都拉斯運用台灣商業經驗的商業發展架構:線上遊戲個案包諾可, Enoc Burgos Gándara Unknown Date (has links)
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企業併購之探討-以宏□集團為例榮懋祺 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:企業併購、宏□集團 / Abstract
As long as reading any newspapers and magazines, it is not difficult to find that business merges and acquisitions and business alliances are continuously happened, no matter interior or overseas. With quickly developing of the universal economic, companies have to face on the more and more competitor environments. Therefore, companies must strengthen their constitutions just for compete with others. And the ways to strengthen their constitutions are 「internal growth」and「external growth」.「Internal growth」means a company grows in the natural way , and 「external growth」means a company expands its business through stock acquisitions, business merges… etc.
Base on the processes of accounting and tax, this thesis discusses not only the accounting of R.O.C., FASB, and IASB separately but the tax process of R.O.C. . Finally, using case study method, this study discusses the merge and spit-off of Acer, including the processes of its accounting and tax.
Keywords:Merge & Acquisition , Acer.
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建立網站以促進宏都拉斯的農產企業發展艾瓦瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
建立網站以促進宏都拉斯的農產企業發展 / This thesis is both theoretical and pragmatic; it has the components of a business plan including concepts, proposals and theory to support the contents of each section. The subject of study is AGROBOLSA, which is a company with a commodity exchange system in Honduras and the most important goal of this paper is to examine the possibility to develop a new business line to generate revenues through online auctions, and at the same time facilitate the business process for agricultural producers and industrial companies.
Research Motivation
In Honduras, it is well known that cornering is one of the most important problems to solve in order to reduce prices and allow the producers to merchandise their products obtaining fair prices.
Another important aspect to consider is the supply chain Management; both components define the prices to wholesalers and retailers in the Honduran domestic market, therefore I consider it is necessary to implement alternative business models through private companies; the emphasis is made on efficiency and Information Technology with the objective to modernize the market. I also would like to put into practice what I’ve learnt throughout my two years in the IMBA program.
Research Objectives
The objectives of this research are as follows:
1. Delineate a new supply chain structure within the Honduran agricultural market.
2. Implement online auctions in order to achieve higher levels of efficiency in the business process.
3. Improve the usage of Information Technology by companies in Honduras using both B2B and B2C model.
4. Utilize theoretical components to describe the methods and/or techniques utilized in the different sections of a business plan.
Research Questions
1. How a re-engineering of the supply chain affect the demand of the end customers of agricultural products?
2. What’s the importance of introduce IT in the business processes?
3. To what extend the usage of online auctions would increase the interaction among customers and their profits?
4. Would the online auctions contribute to reduce costs of operation through simplified business practices?
This thesis covers the sections of a business plan, marketing, research & development, operations, risks and finance. There’s a theoretical approach and/or explanations and applications of concepts in every section, thus the nature of this paper has the research component of a typical thesis and the practical focus of a business plan. The goal is to properly explain the usage of e-commerce related tools within agribusiness in Honduras.
The limitations encountered while doing the research are a lack of financial information, specifically the financial statements of previous years, which weren’t available in order to make a forecast of the revenues in real economic terms. Therefore the financial section is composed of hypothetical pro forma statements with the objective to reflect the financial situation of the company.
This paper has all the basic components of a business plan and the necessary theoretical background in each section, the contents are organized as follows:
1. Marketing Strategy
2. Supply Chain Management
3. Research and Development
4. Operations
5. Risks
6. Finance
7. Conclusions
8. References
9. Appendix
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袁中郎及其文學. / Yuan Zhonglang ji qi wen xue.January 1971 (has links)
手稿本 / 論文(碩士)--香港中文大學,1971. / 參考文獻: p. 1-10(4th group) / 林章新. / 序論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 袁中郎之生平 --- p.3 / Chapter 一 --- 中郎事略 --- p.3 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎之生活 --- p.11 / Chapter 三 --- 中郎與政治 --- p.62 / Chapter 四 --- 中郎與佛教 --- p.78 / Chapter 五 --- 中郎與酒 --- p.99 / Chapter 第二章 --- 袁中郎與花道 --- p.113 / Chapter 一 --- 中華瓶花賞鑑述略 --- p.113 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎之花道論 --- p.118 / Chapter 第三章 --- 袁中郎之文學理論 --- p.160 / Chapter 一 --- 中郎文學理論背景 --- p.160 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎文學理論淵源 --- p.174 / Chapter 三 --- 中郎文學理論 --- p.194 / Chapter 甲 --- 通變論 --- p.194 / Chapter 乙 --- 尚質論 --- p.206 / Chapter 丙 --- 韻趣論 --- p.221 / Chapter 第四章 --- 袁中郎之文學 --- p.232 / Chapter 一 --- 中郎之古文 --- p.232 / Chapter 甲 --- 論文 / Chapter 乙 --- 序文 / Chapter 丙 --- 傳文 / Chapter 丁 --- 碑銘文 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎之小品文 --- p.269 / Chapter 甲 --- 小品文釋義 --- p.269 / Chapter 乙 --- 中郎與晚明小品 --- p.278 / Chapter 丙 --- 中郎小品文分論 --- p.308 / Chapter (一) --- 山水小品 / Chapter (二) --- 尺牘小品 / Chapter (三) --- 隨筆 / Chapter (四) --- 瓶史、觴政文論 / Chapter 三 --- 中郎詩論 --- p.439 / Chapter 甲 --- 中郎詩之內容 --- p.439 / Chapter 乙 --- 中郎詩之淵源及其風格 --- p.450 / Chapter 第五章 --- 袁中郎之影響 --- p.511 / Chapter 一 --- 公安派與竟陵派 --- p.511 / Chapter 甲 --- 竟陵派之文學理論 --- p.517 / Chapter 乙 --- 竟陵派之詩文 --- p.537 / Chapter 二 --- 袁中郎與清初文風 --- p.562 / Chapter 1 --- 金聖嘆 / Chapter 2 --- 李漁 / Chapter 3 --- 張潮 / Chapter 4 --- 袁枚 / Chapter 三 --- 袁中郎與東洋文學 --- p.607 / Chapter 第六章 --- 袁中郎昆仲之文學 --- p.645 / Chapter 一 --- 袁宗道 --- p.645 / Chapter 甲 --- 袁宗道事略 --- p.645 / Chapter 乙 --- 袁宗道之文學理論 --- p.649 / Chapter 丙 --- 袁宗道之文學 --- p.655 / Chapter 二 --- 袁中道 --- p.674 / Chapter 甲 --- 袁中道事略 --- p.674 / Chapter 乙 --- 袁中道之文學理論 --- p.674 / Chapter 丙 --- 袁中道之文學 --- p.690 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總評 --- p.717
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台灣高科技企業的多品牌策略-以宏碁為例 / Multi-Brand strategy of Taiwanese high-tech enterprises : a study of Acer徐培軒, Hsu, Elton Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技企業擁有高超的製造力以及全球維運的能力,在品牌經營的成果則待持續努力,綜觀目前世界品牌價值前百大的品牌中台灣還有沒任何品牌入圍。宏碁與華碩是台灣 NB 與 PC 產業具有代表性的品牌企業,但選擇了截然不同的品牌經營之路,2007 年開始宏碁採用多品牌策略,華碩曾一貫堅持品牌傘策略,二家企業在歷年的品牌價值評估中則互有領先,難分軒輊。
本研究發現品牌策略在企業發展的不同階段,會受到不同 (企業內部和企業外部) 因素的影響;因此,最適當的品牌策略並非永遠不變。然而每一個品牌都會面臨不同問題,受到不同的要素與營運目標所影響,同樣的策略作法未必會適用於其他品牌。產業特性、資源多寡、企業文化與消費者行為等等皆會影響品牌策略的選擇。如何做好內外部分析,在不同時期,找出最適合自身企業的品牌策略,乃是品牌策略的成功與否的最主要關鍵。
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將台灣1950年代至1980年代的成長經驗運用在宏都拉斯的發展策略上 / Applying Taiwan’s competitive advantage during the 1950’s to 1980’s to Honduras development strategy黎希娜, Ilcy Dixiana Mejia Rivera Unknown Date (has links)
將台灣1950年代至1980年代的成長經驗運用在宏都拉斯的發展策略上 / At the end of 2009 Honduras was facing the biggest political crisis in its history, it will be remember as the worst year of any Central American Country, as it was predicted by economists the impact was huge not only politically but socially and economically, hopefully after several months of turbulence, signs of stability began to rise from the ashes, the new President elections brought new hopes to Honduras society. This thesis is written as a basis analysis to the current situation and prospective of Honduras growth with a comparison to Taiwan strategic development during the 1950’s until the 1980’s which represents its transition from an agricultural to an industrialized based economy; Taiwan miraculous development and growth has been admired for many, it is really impressive to see how a country with so many limitations could rise as Taiwan did. Considering this two countries scenarios it would be said that a country with such abundance of resources its meant to be a develop one, while the other will face troubles to survive, however, Taiwan has shown that the scarce of resources and other external factors are not limitations to achieve economic development therefore growth. Can Honduras learn from Taiwan experiences and change its economical situation? Considering Honduras holistic situation, are those Taiwan’s strategies still applicable?
The answers of these questions are promising, it is feasible to reach economic development and growth, the limitations involved in an agricultural based economy can be overcome and nation’s competitiveness can be achieved, it is not an easy task, several changes need to be done.
Finally, to achieve a nation’s competitive advantage mostly requires the government and citizenship engagement, working in sync as the engine of the process, Taiwan is an example of what the nation’s population is able to do.
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中國宏觀調控之研究──共整合分析謝巧俐 Unknown Date (has links)
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Apple iPhone與宏達電營運模式之比較 / The comparison of business model between Apple iPhone and HTC常家寶, Chong, Chia Bao Unknown Date (has links)
手機產業是人類發明產品中,成長最快速的產業。近二十年的時間,已銷售超過三十億隻手機。在手機產業成長及利潤趨近成熟飽和之際,智慧型手機的出現,帶給手機業者新的利潤及事業發展空間,但同時也改變了手機產業長久以來的產業生態及營運模式。iPhone 的上市及其結合軟硬體和下載服務的創新營運模式,顛覆了傳統手機市場的思維與操作方式,也讓消費者對於手機上網及應用服務有了不同的體驗與認知。Apple在App Store有超過十萬個應用程式,讓使用者以自行下載自己需求的應用服務。Apple這種爲個人量身打造的個人化行銷,讓iPhone自2007年六月上市以來至今已銷售了四千多萬支,並且讓Apple iPhone 2009年第三季獲利,打敗全球市佔率第一的Nokia,創下手機產業的歷史紀錄。
宏達電在2007年六月搶先在iPhone上市前,搶先推出HTC Touch 觸控智慧型手機,轟動全球,也讓HTC躋身於全球前五大智慧型手機品牌。 HTC自創的HTC Flow使用者介面,不僅打破過去Microsoft WM 的標準介面設計,更奠定HTC在全球智慧型手機的品牌形象及里程碑。在Touch上市之後,HTC 不斷推陳出新,陸續發表了HTC Touch 2, Pro 2等手機,更於2008年10月與Google合作,推出全球第一隻Android手機G1,隨後並推出 HTC Dream、Magic及備受好評的Hero及HTC Sense 使用者介面。在2009年12月更推出全球第一支4.2 吋的Windows Mobile 6.5的手機 HD2,在2010年1月又由Google在CES大展推出宏達電代工生產的第一支Google品牌手機Nexus One,大幅拉抬宏達電的知名度及強化宏達電在Android 手機平台的領先形象。
Google在2007年成立開放手機聯盟(OHA),把原本封閉的手機作業系統,一舉推向免費授權的系統,把原本在電腦上的服務也盡量複製到手機,推出Google Mobile Service (GMS),除了HTC,許多手機大廠如Motorola,Samsung,SE,紛紛開始上市Android介面手機且開始經營品牌的加值應用服務,除此之外,還有許多台灣的電腦廠商如華碩、宏碁也紛紛加入Android智慧型手機市場。Google Nexus One於2010年一月上市,Google計畫複製iPhone營運模式的成功經驗,藉由上市Google手機,擴展Android System及應用程式市場的營收,並首度成立全球性的網路商店,宣稱以簡單的概念為核心, 建立一個全新的銷售通路,創造一個簡單的使用者體驗,簡單的購買程式並自由選擇費率方案等服務。
未來的智慧型手機競爭,不僅在於硬軟體的推陳出新,還要思考整體營運模式,把內容服務當成競爭優勢的重點。在這波新的智慧型手機戰役中,iPhone 及HTC是否能夠持續保持優勢?
本研究將比較Apple iPhone及HTC兩家公司之事業創新營運模式及核心策略並探討Apple iPhone 及 HTC在未來手機產業中將會面臨的挑戰。
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自適與修持-公安三袁的死生情切 / Self-contentment and Moral Cultivation: Life and Death seen by the Yuan Brothers of Gongan劉芝慶 Unknown Date (has links)
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