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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“策略、創新與營運模式”整合模型之研究 - 以戴爾、捷威與宏碁等個人電腦國際品牌公司為例 / The integrated model of strategy, innovation, and business model - A case study for Dell, Gateway, and Acer

廖忠雄, Liau, Jung Shiung Unknown Date (has links)
自二十世紀的第三次工業革命(原子能、計算機、與空間技術)以來,由科技帶動全世界半個世紀的進步。在1950至1980年代,企業利用經濟規模提昇產業效率蔚為顯學。90年代以後,人類各項生活基本需求早已被滿足無虞。此時,創新且差異化的營運模式(Business Model)成了企業存在的必要條件。理論上,消費者的需求無所不在,各產業的產品與服務亦無奇不有,而且每個企業更有其賴以生存的特點與優勢,因而適合個別企業發展的營運模式理應也有不少的選項。若果真如此,何以許多企業在一次又一次的競爭中被殘酷地淘汰?而存活的企業中,亦仍有不少在生存與競爭的大海裡掙扎,試圖脫困。 本研究擬由"策略"、"創新"與"營運模式"等三個主題出發,探討國內外學者所提出的觀念與方法,嘗試從中找出其關聯性與一套整合的建構模型,並藉由個人電腦產業中的主要企業的成長歷史來驗證此建構模型。希望能幫助產業找出一個系統性的方法來思考、建構並檢驗其策略與創新營運模式。 本研究將針對個案公司進行次級資料的整理及訪談部份個案公司的中高階經理人。在整理三個國際知名的個人電腦廠商一共四個個案的次級資料的過程以及從個案經理人的訪談中發現,套用本研究的"策略與創新營運模式"建構模型,可以用清晰簡單的方式描繪看似複雜的策略及其營運模式,此方法有利於理解企業的策略與執行脈絡。因此,我們也期待企業可以運用這一套完整的建構模型方法來引導、推演、架構、驗證、檢討並修正其未來的策略方向與營運模式。如此,企業將更有機會找到好的營運模式。當時空改變時,也較有機會掌握先機,擬定下一個因應步驟。

台灣資訊科技公司對俄國市場的行銷策略 / The Taiwanese IT companies' marketing strategy for Russia

謝佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
從事國際行銷時,需要認識當地的總體環境與產業環境,及研究當地消費者的需求。俄羅斯近幾年經濟迅速發展,且市場尚未飽和。許多企業看重這新興市場,紛紛前往此地開展。俄國國土面積世界第一,人口也為數不少。然而,俄國人口集中於歐俄地區,貧富差距大且購買能力差距懸殊。當地律法、稅制繁複不清,金融體系不甚透明,貪腐官僚問題嚴重,治安仍有待加強。俄國市場具有高度潛能,但也存有較高的政治風險。   資訊相關產品在俄的滲透率深具發展空間,近幾年政府與企業的電腦化促使市場快速成長。俄羅斯人民逐漸重視電腦技能的培養,對於電子產品的需求也越發強盛。俄國消費者選購電子產品時,越來越重視品牌,而降低對價格因素的考量。俄羅斯網路建設不足,經過開發後將創造更多商機。網站也快速發展,人民生活與資訊科技的關係越來越緊密。俄羅斯更是擁有豐沛的數理人才,在軟體研發領域頗具實力。   台灣資訊科技公司多透過俄國配銷商進入俄國市場,藉由他們分攤風險與了解市場。早期進入俄國市場的業者,如宏碁,積極尋找合適的俄國夥伴。如此為後進入市場的業者減輕審查與教育成本,卻也建立較高的品牌知名度。業者重視品牌形象的提昇與推廣,將行銷重點集中在人口密集與消費力強的莫斯科及聖彼得堡。面對廣大的俄國市場,企業更需當地夥伴的協助,確保經營流程的順暢。近年來越來越多台灣企業在俄設立辦事處,為求貼近市場以快速反應市場需求。 / Engaging in international marketing, companies have to know the countries’ overall situation and the relevant industry there. Russia’s economy is growing rapidly, and there are a lot of chances in this country. Many enterprises regard this emerging market as important, and go to Russia to do business. Russia is the largest country in the world, and there are many people there. However, much more residents are gathered in the Europe part of Russia, and the poverty gap is very big. In Russia laws and taxes are heavy and complicated. The government’s corruption and bureaucrat as well as public security are serious problems. There are both high potential and risks in Russian market.   The penetrative rate of relevant computer products in Russia is still low. Computerization of the government and enterprises makes Russian computer market grow rapidly. Russians are more and more attaching importance to computer skills, and there is more demand for IT products. Instead of emphasizing prices, Russians pay more attention to the brand while they choose electronic products. Russia’s network infrastructure is insufficient, but it will make more chances in the future. Russia is a large source of scientific, mathematical and programming talent, and she’s emerging and aggressive as a R&D center.   Lots of Taiwanese IT companies enter Russian market by local distributors. These distributors can help Taiwanese enterprises to more understand the market and reduce risks. Companies which entered Russian market earlier just like Acer had to pay more cost to find appropriate local partners, but they have won higher brand value. Enterprises take brand value seriously, and they focus more attention on Moscow and St. Petersburg. Because Russia is too big, Taiwanese companies need local partners’ assistance very much. More and more Taiwanese enterprises establish offices in Russia, so that they can respond to consumers’ requirements faster.

企業社會責任的實踐挑戰:宏碁爭取列入道瓊永續性指數個案探討 / The implementation challenge of corporate social responsibility:case study of Acer's Striving to Enter DJSI component list

謝書書, Hsieh, Shu Shu Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任的實踐,已然成為當前企業經營的「顯學」,企業以永續經營為思考主軸,是企業經營時不能漠視的動力。同時,評量企業社會責任實踐績效的機制也應運而生。雖然還沒有一套評量方式可以放諸四海皆準,但是企業社會績效與企業財務績效的正向關聯,日益獲得國際社會的認同,追求企業永續經營的永續性指數量化指標,則成為檢視企業社會責任執行效益的評分卡。 本文以道瓊永續性指數(DJSI)成份股的評選機制,做為檢核企業社會責任實踐成果的工具,並以宏碁公司為探討個案,以價值鏈模式,分析宏碁從事企業社會責任的驅動原因,並進一步以道瓊永續性指數成份股的入選評量準則,探究宏碁企業社會責任的實踐現狀與該準則間之落差,繼而提出改善建議。期望有助於宏碁及台灣其他有志於入列道瓊永續性指數之企業,強化其企業社會責任的實踐績效。 / The notion of ``Corporate Social Responsibility`` (CSR) has come to fall into place as a driver to sustain any companies' growth. While there have been lacking well recognized criteria to assess performance of companies that put CSR into actions, it has been found that their associated financial performance frequently signals the efforts. As a result, whether to be able to be listed in publicly accessible financial sustainability indexes provides a convenient yardstick for the companies enforcing the notion. In this study, given a goal to be a component in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), we evaluate in depth why Acer, an international brand personal computer company, has been motivated to assume the CSR as well as pursue the goal. The value-chain model is applied to gauge the strength and weakness in managements presently facing Acer. Serving other Taiwanese companies equally well, our analyses contribute to identify various dimensions in the value chain on which the company could make good improvements.

台灣與宏都拉斯經濟發展的比較研究 / Economic Development of Taiwan and Honduras: A Comparative Study

Marlene Talbott Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to review the economic development strategies followed by Taiwan to attempt to identify possible lesson-learned that could be of service to developing countries such as Honduras that are currently striving to achieve economic growth and fight poverty. During this investigation, we reviewed the macroeconomic framework and economic development strategies of Honduras, especially those contained in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) most recently prepared for Honduras. In the case of Taiwan, we made a brief description of the macroeconomic structure and also a summary of the different strategies implemented from 1950 to the present. We made especial emphasis on the development strategies applied during the early stages of the Taiwanese economic development as they relate more to the current economic situation of Honduras. We found that among the lessons learned from the Taiwanese experience and that could be applied to the effort of Honduras to improve its economic development status are the promotion of agriculture and land reform, investment in human capital especially in terms of education, and the principle of comparative advantage in terms of trade. Honduras is currently at a turning point with the implementation of the United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Highly Indebted Poor Initiate (HIPC), the Interamerican Development Bank debt relief negotiation, and other financial strategies. The country could use the current opportunities to guide its economic strategy toward the reduction of poverty and economic improvement. / The purpose of this paper was to review the economic development strategies followed by Taiwan to attempt to identify possible lesson-learned that could be of service to developing countries such as Honduras that are currently striving to achieve economic growth and fight poverty. During this investigation, we reviewed the macroeconomic framework and economic development strategies of Honduras, especially those contained in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) most recently prepared for Honduras. In the case of Taiwan, we made a brief description of the macroeconomic structure and also a summary of the different strategies implemented from 1950 to the present. We made especial emphasis on the development strategies applied during the early stages of the Taiwanese economic development as they relate more to the current economic situation of Honduras. We found that among the lessons learned from the Taiwanese experience and that could be applied to the effort of Honduras to improve its economic development status are the promotion of agriculture and land reform, investment in human capital especially in terms of education, and the principle of comparative advantage in terms of trade. Honduras is currently at a turning point with the implementation of the United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Highly Indebted Poor Initiate (HIPC), the Interamerican Development Bank debt relief negotiation, and other financial strategies. The country could use the current opportunities to guide its economic strategy toward the reduction of poverty and economic improvement.

華人手機品牌廠突圍策略之研究 -以小米、華為、宏達電為例 / A Study of the breakthrough strategies of Chinese mobile phone companies-A Case Study of Xiaomi, Huawei, HTC

陳建宏 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機時代來臨後,華人手機品牌廠有如雨後春筍般的冒出。本篇論文以小米、華為、宏達電作為個案研究對象,研究目的在於了解三間個案企業是如何在競爭激烈的全球市場中生存下來。關於研究發現,詳述如下: 小米是一家軟體導向的企業,採用互聯網行銷的方式,將銷售對象集中在網路顧客群,避開了屬於一級戰場的實體通路。最初在網路上建立口碑,待產品推出後,運用高性價比的特點吸引顧客,接著採用「饑渴行銷」的策略,以限量的方式去刺激顧客的購買欲望。然而,小米不靠販賣硬體獲利,主要的收入來源在於內容服務、應用程式、遊戲。 華為是一家硬體導向的企業,以販賣電信設備為主要經營業務。2009年進入到智慧型手機業務後,以「機海戰術」為領導方針,在不同價格區間都可以看到華為品牌的手機款式。2013年,施展雙品牌策略,「華為」和「榮耀」分家,主打高階手機P系列、D系列、Mate系列為華為品牌;主打中低階及網路市場為榮耀品牌。此外,華為旗下子公司海思擁有晶片自製技術,垂直整合能力在未來將會是華為角逐通訊市場的最大優勢。 宏達電是一家硬體導向的企業,屬於早期投入到智慧型手機業務的華人品牌廠,在歐美國家中具有一定的知名度。2011年曾經高居全球前五大智慧型手機品牌,競爭優勢在於工業設計及軟硬體整合,不管是手機的立體音效、鏡頭、金屬機殼都有自己的風格。雖然,在2012年第四季退出全球前十大智慧型手機品牌廠,但卻是台灣少數能夠走出國際的品牌大廠之一。 三間個案公司的競爭策略及商業模式各不相同,但卻讓世界看到了華人不是只有代工,也有能力在品牌和市場行銷做出令人印象深刻的成績。

外援對性別平等的影響:以政變以後的宏都拉斯為例,2009-2014 / The Impact of Foreign Aid on Gender Equality: A Case Study of Honduras after the coup d'etat 2009-2014

史美晴, Maryoriet Nicole Rosales Salgado Unknown Date (has links)
性別平等是指在公平的機會,責任和報銷提供給男性和女性的分佈。性別平等擁抱平等的待遇在教育,衛生和政治機會的男女,對於家庭,社區內獲得資源和服務,以及整個社會。 當婦女賦權,發展時,整個受益的社區和國家。在過去的十年中,性別平等已經成為在全球發展項目的執行中央的方面。無數的努力和策略,以滿足世界上最貧窮的婦女的需求已經實施。儘管國際組織的興趣和投資在肯定婦女的平等機會,還有幾個婦女不平等的惡果,尤其是在發展中國家。在洪都拉斯的婦女,特別是貧困和邊緣化的背景,暴露於無情的困難和更少的資源只為出生婦女。 本研究旨在分析在洪都拉斯性別平等在2009年政變後,外國援助的影響,側重於三個特定變量的教育,以小學和中學入學率,衛生檢測,以明確重點孕產婦死亡率和賦權外援的衝擊,由婦女在國家議會中所佔席位的比例測量。為了實現這一目標,特別是探究的方法主要是定性的基礎上,文獻分析和對國際的報告和數據的連續依賴。 關鍵詞:性別平等,洪都拉斯,教育,衛生,賦權,外援。 / Gender equality refers to justice in the distribution of opportunities, responsibilities, and reimbursements available to men and women. Gender equality embraces equal treatment of women and men in education, health and political opportunities, regarding access to resources and services within families, communities, and society at large. When women are empowered, development occurs, benefiting entire communities and nations. In the past decade, gender equality has become a central aspect in the execution of development projects around the globe. Countless efforts and strategies have been implemented in order to meet the needs of the world’s poorest women. Despite the international organizations ́ interest and investment in affirming women’s equal opportunities, there are still several women suffering from the consequences of inequality, especially in developing countries. In Honduras women, specifically from poor and marginalized backgrounds, are exposed to relentless hardship and fewer resources just for being born as women. This study seeks to analyze the impact foreign aid has on gender equality in Honduras after the coup d’etat in 2009, focusing on three specific variables education, measured by primary and secondary enrollment rates, health, with a clear focus on maternal mortality ratios and the impact of foreign aid on empowerment, measured by the proportion of seats held by women in the national parliament. To achieve this particular objective the method of inquiry is primarily qualitative, based on documental analysis and continuous reliance on international reports and data. Key words: Gender Equality, Honduras, education, health, empowerment, foreign aid.

飲食, 傳統和社會變遷: 雲南德宏景頗族飲食方式研究. / 飲食傳統和社會變遷: 雲南德宏景頗族飲食方式研究 / 雲南德宏景頗族飲食方式研究 / Yin shi, chuan tong he she hui bian qian: Yunnan Dehong Jingpo zu yin shi fang shi yan jiu. / Yin shi chuan tong he she hui bian qian: Yunnan Dehong Jingpo zu yin shi fang shi yan jiu / Yunnan Dehong Jingpo zu yin shi fang shi yan jiu

January 2010 (has links)
馬欣. / "2010年8月". / "2010 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 144-151) and index. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Ma Xin. / 致謝 --- p.ii / 摘要 --- p.iv / Abstract --- p.v / 圖表及照片索引 --- p.vii / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 --- p.1 / 研究範疇 --- p.4 / "飲食,傳統與變遷 " --- p.6 / 田野選擇與方法論概述 --- p.13 / 論文結構 --- p.19 / Chapter 第二章 --- 歷史背景與民族志概述 --- p.21 / Chapter 2.1 --- 德宏景頗:歷史源流 --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2 --- 合作村簡介 --- p.26 / Chapter 2.3 --- 小結 --- p.33 / Chapter 第三章 --- 村寨中的景頗飲食方式 --- p.35 / Chapter 3.1 --- 日常飲食變遷:承繼與擯棄 --- p.35 / Chapter 3.2 --- "儀式節慶的飲食變遷:大事中的酒,食物與人際往來 " --- p.46 / Chapter 3.3 --- 象徵層面的變遷:移動的火塘和家堂 --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4 --- 變遷原因探求: 1990年以後的動遷 --- p.57 / Chapter 3.5 --- 小結 --- p.64 / Chapter 第四章 --- "“名""與“實´ح售賣景頗飲食 " --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1 --- 景頗園:來自內部的觀察 --- p.67 / Chapter 4.2 --- 官方運作的民族餐廳 --- p.82 / Chapter 4.3 --- 小結 --- p.87 / Chapter 第五章 --- 傳統一一割裂或延續 --- p.90 / Chapter 5.1 --- 堆疊的傳統:今昔對照 --- p.90 / Chapter 5.2 --- 民族志觀察:一場社會主義時代的“鬼´ح宴 --- p.99 / Chapter 5.3 --- 小結 --- p.107 / Chapter 第六章 --- 應變:民族關係與复歸傳統 --- p.112 / Chapter 6.1 --- 口舌之爭:應對傣與漢 --- p.112 / Chapter 6.2 --- 族群內部:“再社會化´ح的景頗 --- p.118 / Chapter 6.3 --- 小結:复歸傳統 --- p.125 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.128 / 參考書目(按作者姓氏拼音為序) --- p.144

拉丁美洲之民主治理與公民社會賦權–以宏都拉斯為例 / Democratic Governance and Civil Society Empowerment in Latin America: The Case of Honduras

歐玫楷, OSORIO, MONICA Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為擴大詳述目前與拉丁美洲相關的文獻,主要重點在於一些相同特性的國家,並可以普遍的將研究發現適用於其他地區。從拉丁美洲中的一般認知中,將宏都拉斯獨立選出,是考慮到能挑戰國家的負面印象,特別是關於2009年後所出現的政治危機。本研究檢視宏都拉斯民主化的過程,與國家和公民社會之間的正向互動。 拉丁美洲的一些主要國家因相同的要素而改變,也因此有很多重要的改變可以在這期間進行研究。因此在這研究中,發現有三個關鍵的要素可適用於相同歷史時間中的宏都拉斯與拉丁美洲一些主要的國家。本研究的重要性在於進一步了解,宏都拉斯公民社會在2009年之前與到2009年時危機發生之間的轉變。在此同時,也能發掘出民主治理的好處。 這三個關鍵的要素為:憲政工程、軍民關係與選舉,且這些要素在本研究中均有對宏都拉斯與其他拉丁美洲國家的公民社會賦權有所影響。另藉由自由之家(Freedom House)所提出的民主治理檢核表,來了解民主治理與公民社會賦權。 在拉丁美洲中此三個關鍵要素的變化,提供了建置良好的民主治理的可行性。然而,本研究也暗示了未來的相關研究,例如地方與區域性的治理,以及會產生直接影響的外部因素。研究發現也暗示了在宏都拉斯2009年政治危機之後透過了民主治理的好處,對公民社會賦權產生了正向的結果。


林政寬, Lin, Cheng-Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在探討擁有有限內需市場及各項有限資源之台灣廠商中,電子產業在過去數十年均對整體台灣經濟成長有明顯的貢獻;但是,隨著全球競爭更激烈與中國過去十多年來磁吸效應,台灣電子產業過去製造能力上之競爭優勢正面臨前所未有的挑戰。 「行銷交易成本架構」,也就是4C架構的理論。讓企業可以從不同的角度與面向來思考其策略行銷的方案,並藉由執行降低消費者之外顯與內隱交易成本的價值活動來促進交換活動進行之速率。 本研究就是依照此理論架構,以台灣電子產業中之智慧型手持式設備廠商之可能採用之三種商業模式中,以不同之交易成本做分析、歸納及比較;從分析過程中找出研究商業模式如何不同於其它台灣電子產業,透過特有的商業模式發展出獨特的利基市場。 最後,再以個案公司之實體個案之執行,驗證該商業模式之策略行銷操作之實證性。但是,不可諱言,該新商業模式之運作仍於發展進行階段,斷然下結論述說該商業模式為目前台灣廠商微利時代之最佳選擇,亦是略嫌不公允,同時,亦是本研究之研究限制所在;伴隨全球商業自由化的腳步,台灣所有產業勢必要更亦步亦趨反映市場脈動,相信更創新的商業模式亦會隨時發展,也會被不同的實證個案證實,相信後續之研究當可以此為基礎更全面而廣泛的進行研究。

中國國際收支失衡對其貨幣政策自主性的影響 / The Impact of the Disequilibrium of China’s Balance of Payments on Its Monetary Policy Autonomy

王國臣, Wang, Guo-chen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國在國際經濟與戰略地位的竄升,包括利率與匯率在內的中國貨幣當局政策作為不再僅僅只是該國內部事務而已,也會進一步影響到國際經濟的日常運行。本研究通過質性研究與量化研究交互運用的方式,詳盡分析2002年至2007年中國國際收支失衡對其貨幣政策自主性的影響;本研究從三層次分析中國貨幣政策自主性,包括中國外匯占款對其基礎貨幣發行的直接影響、中國貨幣當局各種貨幣政策工具之沖銷基礎貨幣效率、中國行政調控對降低未完全沖銷的基礎貨幣之於總體經濟暨資產市場的影響。本研究發現中國國際收支的持續順差業已嚴重侵蝕到中國貨幣當局所有三個層次的政策自主性;並且,在可預見的未來,只要中國政府不改變當前人民幣匯率體制與外匯管理制度,則中國貨幣當局可能會窮於應付這超額貨幣供給所衍生出的經濟失衡與泡沫化的危機。 / With the rapid rise of China’s international economic and strategic status, China’s monetary policy measures, including interest rates and foreign exchange rates, will not only be merely China’s internal affairs but also further influence international economic daily operation. This study comprehensively analyzes the impact of the disequilibrium of China’s balance of payments between 2002-2007 on its monetary policy autonomy through qualitative methodology and quantitative methodology. This study analyzes China’s monetary policy autonomy in three levels: the direct impact of China’s funds outstanding for foreign exchange on China’s base money supply, the effectiveness of China’s monetary policy instruments on the sterilization of its base money, the effectiveness of China’s administrative macroeconomic adjustment and control for reducing its non-sterilized base money supply on its macroeconomic and asset markets. This study concludes the continuous surplus of China’s balance of payments has seriously undermined China’s monetary policy autonomy in all three levels; in addition, in the foreseeable future, as long as the Chinese government would not change the current exchange rate regime and the mechanism of foreign exchange management, then China’s monetary authorities might be constantly swamped with the crises of economic disequilibrium and bubble stemmed from its monetary oversupply.

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