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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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北京地區房地產市場發展策略之研究-以某個案公司為例 / The Research Of The New Trend Predictions in Beijing Real Estate Market & The Development Strategy Of The Construction Companies-Take The Case Study Construction Company As An Example

范成連, Fang, Chen Lien Unknown Date (has links)
從2003年下半年開始,面對大陸經濟結構中的不合理投資,尤其是房地產行業的過快與過大的投資,對大陸經濟正常的永續發展,帶來巨大的隱患,大陸宏觀調控連續祭出了一系列緊縮的政策,將積極財政貨幣政策改為穩健財政貨幣政策,提高利率、控制土地與信貸、首次使用浮動匯率等等措施,所有這些都對房地產行業帶來了巨大的影響。 大陸房地產市場在經過2006年至2007年的快速上漲階段之後,由於大陸祭出了緊縮的貨幣政策與限制國外熱錢進入大陸房地產的規定之後,在大部分的城市中,房價出現了下降的情況,市場購買者觀望氣氛濃烈,在這樣的整體大環境下,能否制定合理的行銷策略,打開市場的通路,在房地產市場已出現反曲點的情況下,取得優異的銷售成績,對於房地產業者來說,將顯得十分重要。本研究介紹了房地產行銷管理的概念和發展階段,分析了房地產行銷現階段所存在的問題,提出了解決這些問題的整體解決方案。 為了協助投資北京房地產的台商,適應房地產市場新的變化,認識房地產市場的規律與發展策略,及時進行策略性的調整。本研究在研究者本身對房地產行業特殊性認識經驗的基礎上,以研究者自行設計的北京房地產產業鏈與波特五力模型相整合的模型為基礎,對影響北京房地產企業策略的共通性的因素做了審慎的實證分析。運用實證分析可以有效判斷出,大陸的宏觀調控政策並不是打擊房地產,而是穩定房價,引導投資合理的佈局。 本研究運用對比分析,借鏡於國外和其他地區的房地產市場發展的經驗,從經濟學的角度為大陸房地產行業的發展正本清源,理清房地產與工業化、城市化、消費水準、人均GDP 的互動關係與發展規律,聚焦於重點分析北京地區的城市規劃、房地產總供給量與總需求量的平衡關係。對於北京高度國際化的特點,也重點分析了外資對北京房地產的重要影響。 針對企業一般策略選擇模型的分析,本研究掌握北京房地產企業的策略篩選的一般性原則。比較大陸與海外房地產企業的策略特色,希望在房地產行業發展宏觀調控、經濟泡沫等複雜的新變化之下,為北京房地產企業的策略篩選提供有價值的借鏡功能。 有鑑於全球經濟的走緩和大陸經濟的未來挑戰,北京從去年底今年初以來,其實早以推展「後京奧時代」的經濟重編計劃,包括製造業西移、品牌產業的打造、區域經濟的重劃,及有計劃的對外投資等。根據很多經濟專家的研判,在2008年北京奧運之後,大陸經濟成長勢必降溫,但還不致於泡沫化,本研究也證實這樣的看法,其主要理由有三:第一,2007年大陸出超佔GDP比重約為8.1%,所佔比率尚低,雖然受到次貸危機的衝擊可能下修,但龐大的內需市場相對受到的衝擊較小,仍可維繫經濟的持續成長,預估2009年經濟成長仍可維持在8%以上(參見附錄C)。 第二,大陸經濟規模大,相較於過去承辦奧運的小國家而言,症候群相對較小(參見附錄D),且北京佔全中國人口只有1%左右,佔全中國GDP的比重也不到5%,在奧運後陷入不景氣的機率相對降低。第三,大陸當局政策調整的靈活度大,從過去強調嚴控通膨,轉為強調優先維持「平穩較快」的經濟成長,並維持抑制通膨的力道。同時,最近大陸放寬對中小企業融資、紡織品、成衣出口退稅重新上調等措施,均有助於緩和外部經濟情勢之逆轉。透過實證分析,本研究得出2008年北京奧運之後,北京房地產之成長力道勢必降溫,但還不致於泡沫化。 2008年北京奧運之後,大陸經濟的問題,看似房市的泡沫化,其實不是類似於日本的流動性過剩問題,本質上大陸屬於二元經濟,地方政府的創GDP工程,例如國企、形象工程、基礎建設工程等過熱,故要有一定程度的限制與保護,但民企過冷,政府誤認是流動性過剩,進行宏觀調控,反而加速二元經濟,使過冷的民企部門更冷。在北京奧運結束之後,中共把振興經濟的重心放在刺激內需。本研究預期,最有可能從大陸內需新政中受惠的產業首推動住房等產業,官方可能以補貼經濟房與雙限房(指限制售價及建築面積的房子)的做法,滿足中下階層民眾的居住需求,但北京當局只增加經濟房供給量,相關救市措施可能性不大,短期內宜先觀望。 摩根史丹利在2008年所發表的研究報告指出,中國大陸房地產市場崩潰(即價格與成交量大幅下跌)的可能性高,房地產商減價促銷的情況已經在大陸多個主要城市出現,大陸房地產市場在2008年上半年遭受嚴峻考驗,預估2008下半年也難有突破。地產企業除了出現獲利顯著下滑之外,也可能面臨嚴重的償付能力困難,但大陸房地產市場長期仍然看好。 大陸房地產在歷經五年的快速成長之後,如今已面臨調整期。2008年1至6月大陸房屋銷售面積達2兆5892萬平方公尺,比2007年同期下降7.2%。目前大陸的房價還很高,一般老百姓仍買不起房子,房價還會再大幅下調,只要房價下來之後,銷售量自然會上去,過去幾年大陸的房地產發展太快,對資源造成嚴重的排擠效應。 目前大陸營建業正處於水深火熱的境地,房地產行業發展到2008年,所面臨的最大困難就是缺錢,從所有上市房地產公司的報告就可以清礎地看出來。大陸房地產業缺錢的主要原因有四點,一是國際形勢不好,房地產商的境外融資計劃基本上全部泡湯;二是大陸國內實行緊縮貨弊政策,對房地產行業控制得更緊;三是開發商過去兩年不理智地爭地王,大搞土地儲備,錢花過了頭;四是2008年初以來,全大陸房屋成交量急遽下滑,至2008年8月底已下滑近50%,這一點是最重要的因素。 大陸房地產在未來可能出現五種情況, 一是失業率上升;二是住宅打折求售,但成交量急遽萎縮。住宅市場從來都是買漲不買跌;三是地方政府的出讓金收入大幅度減少;四是住宅開發商萎縮、虧損、被併購,甚至破產;五是銀行的金融安全,受到房貸申請人停止還款,和住宅開發商的不良貸款的雙重威脅。 目前當務之急,是要給市場信心,官方應儘快鬆綁房地產行業貸款,解除綑綁房地產行業的各種枷鎖,惟有如此,未來大陸的房地產市場才能長期看好。 房地產景氣循環,大致是5至7年,預估今年與明年都不會有大行情;不過這段時間正好是佈局的最佳時機,保留現金,逢低強進土地與良好的專案,才有可能在下一波大多頭循環時,有所表現,但好的標地物,大都需要資金、機會與時間的等待,往往是可遇而不可求。而不論是募集資金,或是組織資產管理公司,目前宜處於熱身階段,等市場更為積弱不振,得以花費更少力氣適時進場,快穩準狠兼備,成為有如獅子在草原稱霸一般的房市超級贏家。 / To correct some unhealthy development in the Mainland China’s economic structure, especially the overheated investment in the real estate industry, which could cause huge harm to Mainland China’s economy. Mainland China has started macro economic control since the second half of 2003.Those financial and monetary policies have been set to control land and credit, by using flexible-exchange rate, higher interest etc.Thus at the same time all new changes will take place in real estate market , in addition to new threats. We know it is very important for Beijing housing enterprises to understand the law of real estate and get in line with its new changes.In this paper,by combining analysis of its particularity and Porter’s five force analysis, the researcher design a model of Beijing real estate industry structure.With this model, the researcher analyzed the common factors of Beiing real estate contruction companies.We can see it is sure that the Mainland China government wants to control macro economy to keep housing price stable, and not heating the real estate market. By contrastively analyzing development experience of other countries and areas in relation to real estate, we hope we can find the solutions for the Mainland China .We also hope to identify the connection between real estate and industrialization, urbanization, consumption level, and average GDP.On one hand, we analyze city planning of Beijing.On the other hand we balance between gross supply and demand in real estate.With the globalization of the world economy, we also discuss that more overseas investment are getting into Beijing’s real estate market . By constructing the strategic model, we can establish suitable development strategy or implementation.We can learn from inside and outside real estate companies, and in dramatic competition, the research hope some modern strategic management theory can be applied to those Beijing real estate companies.

企業開發創新性產品之研究—以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One 系列為例

盧麗玉 Unknown Date (has links)
在新興市場逐漸蓬勃發展及2008年金融海嘯發生後,低價電腦商品需求開始大增,低價迷你筆電由台灣電腦廠商華碩率先開發出來,但競爭對手宏碁在半年後推出同類型產品,出貨量及產品銷售成績屢創佳績,超越市場先進者華碩,讓人不禁思考,何以華碩表現卻不如後進者宏碁?創新產品若要為企業帶量龐大利潤,除了創新這項元素外,還有哪些因素值得讓企業學習仿效? 研究問題包括,一、企業在發展創新性產品時,對「先行競爭者產品」的知識為何?二、企業在推出創新性產品前,對「整體市場」的知識為何?三、企業的組織策略在創新性產品開發流程中所扮演的角色為何?四、企業在發展創新性產品的過程中,其合作伙伴的角色為何? 本研究從過往眾多文獻中,整理出市場面、組織面及產品面等三大重要構面,做為研究架構,並以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One系列為例,從產品開發流程中,尋找產品開發成功的重要因素。本研究藉由關鍵人物訪談及次級資料蒐集取得資訊,建構起研究的主體。 本研究所得到的結論包括,一、企業在開發創新性產品時,若能注重市場導向及消費者需求,可提高創新性產品開發之成功機率;二、企業在開發創新性產品時,上市速度是影響產品銷售成功的關鍵;三、企業售後服務可提升顧客忠誠度,有助創新產品的銷售;四、高階主管的支持是推動創新性產品上市重要的動力;五、企業成立跨部門組織專責處理創新性產品開發事宜,有助溝通與縮短產品推出時程;六、豐富的行銷、通路及技術等組織資源,有助創新產品開發的成功;七、企業產品出貨量到達經濟規模,有助創新性產品開發時,提高對外談判籌碼多及成本優勢;八、產品競爭力及消費者需求並存時,將會提高創新性產品的成功機率;九、企業與供應商關係良好,有助維持新產品品質及上市時程。

SoLuz: 宏都拉斯Bay Islands的太陽能計畫 / SoLuz: solar energy project for the Bay Islands in honduras

柯嘉比, Castro, Gabriela Unknown Date (has links)
In the emerging countries access to electricity is still an issue for many families and this is the reality for most of the underprivileged households in Honduras. Approximately, 21% of the families living in rural areas are out of the electric grid of the country, and matters added to this, is that these individuals live with USD 1.90 (WorldBank, 2017) per day reducing their possibilities of affording alternative solutions to gain access to electricity. SoLuz provides a fast and affordable substitute to the conventional sources of energy, through the solar panel home systems, which families with low income, whom most of the times are not reliable sources to obtain credit at financial institutions, can purchase a solar panel home kit. Through a daily mobile payment of USD0.50, a household will now have access to electricity to improve not only their lives conditions but also boost the economy, as is the case for people living in the Bay Islands in the northern part of Honduras which depends on tourism for its subsistence. Focused on being a B-Corp since the beginning and a pioneer in the region, SoLuz wishes to cover in a three-year period the 100% of the rural areas in the Bay Islands with the solar energy home systems and through the recycling programs cooperate in the protection and maintenance of the environment in the area.


湯嘉祥, Tang, Jia-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業已經成為台灣極為重要的產業,而代工業務始終在台灣高科技產業佔有重要的角色。台灣未來產業要升級、並發展成為科技大國,除了要注重研發能力,更需要加強行銷能力,尤其是品牌的經營。 為了能夠深入了解高科技企業的品牌策略,本研究經由深度的訪談,來了解高科技企業是如何面對環境的變化與運用本身的條件來自創品牌,而在自創品牌之後,高科技企業是如何運用行銷活動及品牌管理。這樣的完整經營品牌的過程,是本研究所要了解的課題。 台灣目前的高科技產業是以資訊業為主,而宏基電腦為我國資訊業中在自創品牌方面最富盛名的企業,因此本研究選擇宏基電腦為本研究的研究對象。 本研究得到了下列的結論: (1) 就世界趨勢而言,自創品牌是高科技企業應走的路(2) 高科技產品品牌與消費品品牌策略的基本精神相同,主要的差異在於兩種產品的產品本身、銷售的對象以及市場因素(3) 發展高科技企業品牌策略的先決條件為產品條件與決心(4) 高科技企業可以藉由品牌購併及品牌延伸來達到提升品牌價值的目的(5) 高科技企業的品牌行銷活動除了推廣活動之外,尚須加強服務的工作(6) 高科技企業的品牌策略為整體作業活動的整合性設計。 / High-tech industry is the important industry in Taiwan. However, in order to become the "Technology Island", not only should we improve the ability of R&D, but also the ability of marketing, especially branding. The author used personal interview to understand the brand strategy of high-tech enterprise. The brand strategy means how does high-tech enterprise face the environment、 allocate the resource、 design marketing and brand management activities to create a global brand. Computer industry is the major type of Taiwan high-tech industry. Acer, the most famous enterprise of creating global brand in Taiwan computer industry, was chosen the research object. The conclusions of the research are as follows: (1) For the international trend, creating a self-owned brand is necessary for Taiwan high-tech enterprises. (2)The basic ideas between high-tech and consumer brand strategy are simi lar. But the main differences between these two categories are product itself, consumers who buy it, and market factors. (3)The essential conditions for high-tech products branding are products' quality and executives' determination. (4)High-tech enterprise can enhance its brand value by brand acquisition and brand extensions. (5)Beside brand marketing activities, high-tech enterprise should also enforce its services. (6)Branding strategy of high-tech enterprise should be implemented as the integrated redesign of business model.

後iphone時代智慧型手機產業環境因素對宏達電競爭策略影響之研究 / The Smartphone Industry Environmental Impacts to HTC Competitive Strategy After iphone Era

王俊雄 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 競爭策略的核心問題是企業在產業中的相對位置。競爭位置會決定企業獲利能力高出或低於産業平均水準。產業的獲利能力並非取決於產品功能或技術層次的高低,而是由產業結構決定。產品設計即使很時尚或是高科技的東西如果處於產業結構中不對的位置上,企業的獲利依然不會好。例如台灣的筆記型電腦代工產業的一直處於全球領先位置但是產業獲利卻是低毛利的狀況。 當產業有重量級競爭者進入時,新的技術可能破壞原本的產業結構,原來的產業競爭者可能受到程度不等的影響。影響的結果取決於企業應變策略及其在產業中的相對位置,應變速度慢或是選擇錯誤的策略皆可能導致公司步上衰退,而與重量級同質性高的廠商受到的衝擊往往最大,資源互補的廠商卻可能從中獲利。 此外,新的技術也可能為產業帶來新應用與新市場,使產業擴大,企業如能把握時機,妥善選擇競爭策略,為客戶創造價值,也能在產業中獲得更大的利潤。 本研究方法採用「個案研究法」來進行,探討個案企業憑藉哪些創新與競爭策略,使其能夠在重量級廠商加入產業對原來產業產生重大影響的環境中突圍,以及如何面對下一波的挑戰。得到的發現如下: (一)開發中國家的企業要成為國際企業,宜採取漸進式方式,經過多年的耕耘,逐漸成為國際知名企業。(二)智慧型手機開放性架構有利於手機生態系統的競爭,傳統電信營運商將可能淪為數位匯流時代之配角。(三)技術創新的本身並不重要,只有在技術創新影響到產業結構及企業競爭優勢的情況下,才突顯出它的重要性。(四)技術創新可能會影響產業結構,導致市場轉移,企業內現有競爭者必須快速因應。(五) 企業以大量客製化的服務方式來滿足客戶的營運模式,似乎較難進行破壞性創新。(六)企業的能力與稟賦,皆會影響公司的獲利,且會受到技術及市場知識所影響,領導企業具有提供低成本和差異化的能力與稟賦。非領導企業最好在低成本和差異化兩策略上擇一為之..等.

宏觀審慎監理之案例分析-以流動性與信用風險因子為例 / The Case Study on Macroprudential Regulation Framework- An Example of Market Liquidity Risk and Credit Risk

黃柏翔, Huang, Po Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯提供我們一個深刻的教訓,因為危機前信貸過度增長伴隨著大量的系統風險,最後導致景氣反轉時銀行業龐大損失。而這些損失將動搖整個金融體系,並引發了一連串的惡性循環(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , BCBS ,2010a, 2010b);若依循過往個別審慎監理((Microprudential regulation)原則,將無法察覺背後隱藏的系統風險。因此目前趨勢是將以個別(Micro)與總體審慎監理原則(macro)並重,針對能夠影響整體市場金融穩定風險來源而詳加監管,同時透過規範與監理措施適度的降低系統風險,最終達到金融穩定的目的。IMF、BIS以及FSB(2009)針對G20制定的金融機構、市場與工具的指導文件(Guidance to Assess the Systemic Importance of Financial Institutions, Markets and Instruments)中,認為有效控制系統風險是現階段政策監理最重要的主軸之一。所謂系統風險是指能影響金融機構所持有的部位以及對於實體經濟存在嚴重負面影響的風險來源;此總體風險將存在負外部性而非個別審慎監理的風險因子。 因此本文由兩篇宏觀審慎監管框架文章所構成的研究,分別針對市場流動性風險和信用風險的因子。透過非流動性賣權與逆景氣資本緩衝(CCB)買權來分析和評價兩種新的監管框架。第一篇論文的主要概念是討論市場流動性風險因子,雖然當前銀行監管的重點是資金流動性風險,如新巴塞爾協議三 (Basel III)的流動性風險覆蓋率(LCR)和淨穩定資金比率(NSFR),但金融機構實際上也同時面臨資金和市場流動性之間的高度順週期效應,導致流動性螺旋,並威脅到金融穩定。因此,本文提出一個市場流動性,系統性風險和宏觀審慎監理分析框架來填補這一空白。 與Drehmann和Juselius(2013B)的實證研究結果比較,我們發現利用6個月歷史波動度建構的非流動性選擇權是最有效的提前預警指標(EWIS),且符合穩定政策結構和最小監管成本。此外在三個子樣本和嚴重危機時期亦能同樣保持預警的穩健性。因此如果金融機構能透過預警減少金融機構投資種類、行業、交易對手與大額暴險的集中度時,將可以由危機發生後被動式轉變成危機發生前主動式的風險管理,將符合總體審慎監理定義:能影響所有而非單一的金融機構,以及有效控制破壞總體市場產生的系統風險。 在第二篇文章中,我們專注於信用風險監管框架的避險,即Basel III的逆景氣資本緩衝(CCB)。這個新穎的監理視角將鼓勵銀行在危機前的信貸繁榮時期增加資本緩衝,而非在危機後接受援助或者增加昂貴的資本。據美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)統計,2014年第1季全美的存款機構風險加權資產為10.27兆美金;如果最高的逆景氣資本緩衝被應用到這些銀行,將有2570億美金的資本不得不額外注資。因此本文設計了一個新的買權來符合CCB的監管框架,建立提前資本防禦措施來減輕系統性風險和整體銀行業不穩定。首先發現這款買權將能在順境時注入資本,即更低的潛在違約風險與信貸寬鬆時期,進而抵禦未來發生的金融危機。我們的建議也符合Basel III的目標,在危機前2至5年協助銀行取得資本保護。最重要的是,CCB買權可以透過提前取得資本形成一個“減震器”,舒緩隨後而來經濟衰退的壓力達到降低銀行資本順週期性目標;此外還提供了一個對於銀行過度冒險行為的抗衡力量,成為一個“自動穩定器”來達到宏觀審慎監理目標。 / Financial tsunami offered a profound lesson as the pre-crisis excessive credit growth was accompanied by huge systemic risks that ultimately led to the reversal of economy and huge losses of the banking sector. Such losses will shake the entire financial system and trigger a series of vicious cycles (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, BCBS, 2010a , 2010b ); the hidden systemic risk may not be observed if we follow the previous principles of micro prudential regulation. The guidance formulated by G20 to assess the systemic importance of financial institutions, markets and instruments (IMF, BIS, and FSB, 2009) analyzes that the main issue of prior micro prudential regulation is that every financial institution’s incentive is to manage its own return-risk tradeoff but not necessarily manage the stability for the financial system as a whole. Consequently, the macroprudential regulation focusing on shocks originating outside the financial system can control the negative externalities of systemic risk rather than micro prudential regulation. This dissertation consists of two essays on the macro prudential framework of market liquidity risk and credit risk factor. We introduce, analyze, and value two new regulation frameworks via an illiquidity put option and a CCB call option respectively. The main concept of first essay is to discuss the macro prudential framework of market liquidity risk factor. Although the current banking regulation focuses on systemic funding liquidity risk such as Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) of Basel III, financial institutions would actually have highly procyclical effects between funding and market liquidity at the same time, leading to liquidity spirals and threatening to financial stability. We therefore propose a market liquidity, systemic risk and macroregulation analysis framework in Taiwan's capital market to fill this gap. Comparison with the Drehmann and Juselius' empirical study (2013b), we find that illiquidity options by using 6-month historical volatility and forecasting short-term stock declines are effective early warning indicators (EWIs) having most stable policy structures and minimal regulation costs. Applying AUC macroregulation criteria, we show this illiquidity measure is also maintained fairly robustness in different intervals, e.g. during three sub-samples and serious crisis periods. If financial institutions can diversify the concentration of portfolios varieties, industries, and counterparty before crises by using EWIs, the passive risk taking can be converted into the active risk management. It is necessary to prepare the market liquidity and macroregulation framework in advance. In the second essay, we focus the hedging product for credit risk factors, i.e. countercyclical capital buffer (CCB). This purpose of countercyclical capital buffer standards is to encourage banks to increase capital buffers in credit good times that can be used in the future stress. According to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the risk-weighted assets of U.S. depository institutions were $10.27trillion dollars in 2014:Q1. If the maximum CCB is applied to these banks, an additional US$257 billion of equity capital will have to be raised. Hence, we design a new option to establish the capital defenses meeting CCB framework and then mitigating systemic risk and banking instability in advance. We show this product injects capital in good times i.e., lower credit risk and more credit expansion, to weather the future financial crisis. Our proposal also complies with the goal of Basel III to obtain capital in 2 to 5 years prior to crises. Most importantly, the CCB option can provide protection with additional capital to act as a "shock absorber" reducing a procyclicality problem in the subsequent downturn. Besides, this type of option also offers a countervailing force to excessive risk-taking behaviors to act as an "automatic stabilizer" for reaching macroprudential goals.

金融危機後中共宏觀經濟調控政策研究(2008~2014) / MacroEconomic Adjustment Policy of China After Financial Crisis (2008~2014)

傅冠人 Unknown Date (has links)
1978年中國大陸實行改革開放政策,造就中共30餘年來高度的經濟增長率,中共在1990年代中期確立社會主義市場經濟的發展體制,結合有中國特色的社會主義和西方的市場經濟體制,時至今日中共仍然在調整社會主義(國家)和市場經濟體制之間的權力關係,中共政府雖然接受市場經濟體制在資源配置的作用,但代表社會主義的中共政府,仍牢牢掌握對整體經濟的宏觀調控能力,但對於中共而言,更加複雜多變的政經環境以及融入世界經貿體系的因素,改變社會主義和市場經濟體制對於資源配置的作用程度。 本論文從1997年亞洲金融危機和2008年國際金融危機的爆發,造成中國大陸經濟發展的困境、提出的應對措施和發展目標的轉變,檢視中共使用宏觀經濟調控政策中,財政政策和貨幣政策的差異。另外在金融危機後,中共又是如何在堅持社會主義(國家)的控制能力,以及提昇市場經濟的作用程度之間,做出適當的調整,以配合宏觀經濟調控政策達成經濟增長、調整結構、促進改革等目標的平衡發展。

宏碁公司(2005-2010)快速蹶起 之 核心能耐研究 / The Core Competence of Rampaging Growing IT Company The Case Study of Acer Inc. (2005-2010)

蔡榮龍, Tsai, Frank Unknown Date (has links)
宏碁在 2005 到2010 創造了爆發性營業額成長,這個高度成長已超過一般公司的表現;也引起 Dell 和 HP 研究 Acer 的威脅分析。每個公司都有它們的核心競爭能耐,去贏得在PC業界傑出表現的方程式。此論文動機是去發覺出真正Acer內部贏的方程式,看看這個公司在過去五年來;如何得到手提電腦中最高成長的市佔率。 有三個研究目的,此論文將研究: (1) 是什麼全球策略帶領新產品開發能力與技術創新? (2) 有什麼主要的新產品開發流程與系統,導致最低開發成本及最快的開發時程? (3) 客戶的評論與回饋如何影響產品計畫與管理方式。總之,本研究將找出Acer核心競爭力,在2005 到2010快速成長的五年。 此研究架構包含三的項目: (1) 全球策略: 全球,事業,和產品層次。(2) NPD 新產品開發流程的組織、流程、與系統。(3) 技術創新和其管理能力。我們用Acer這個擁有16%全球PC市佔公司來探究與其質量研究 。首要資料得到、收集、消化 ,都是從各個相關部門來增加資料正確性;如業務、行銷、產品管理、研發、與品質服務。但有些資料及表格式內容則由許多資深內部同仁的問卷調查和他們各別的想法。同時,研討最高階管理者,為何深刻影響全球資源整頓與分配? 看到內部NPD組織與不斷研發改善流程結合?最後,也看出什麼專案應包含那種NPD 系統的優化? 這本論文共發現了十個研究發現如下: (1)Acer的全球事業開發策略目標已經清楚定義事業團隊與NPD 新產品研發團隊相關工作職責(2)Acer 的全球外包策略也幫助公司的營運效率,也加強產品設計品質;藉由結合外部優勢資源與其管理能力。(3) Acer 管理層不斷推動的成本領導策略,來保持全球產品競爭力。(4) 四次在 2006-2009 M&A 事件,產生快速市佔提昇,但也付出相當整合資源投入。(5) 專案矩陣組織是最通用的,也讓最高管理者,快速安排適當開發資源,來控制時間、成本、和規格。(6) 在NPD開發中,簡化系統模組共同設計,來節省開發成本,也能創造市場中更有彈性產品。(7) 一個簡化的公司,藉由不斷流程精化與專案效能管理來達到最佳NPD境地。(8) 在不同的管理和功能團隊,都有導入NPD跨平台快速新技術能力。(9) 整合全球法務系統與資源,加強法務專利管理能力,並高度結合研發團隊與NPD 設計工程。(10) 聽取客戶端價值聲音,以改善產品規劃和品質,提昇其競爭力。 最後,有些實際有效建議,將會給在PC產業界事業和產品管理團隊思考策略管理計劃;並如果最佳化內部NPD系統去調整其各個不同層級研發流程、專案與組織的管理能耐和技術創新。這些建議將促使公司具有高度國際PC競爭力。 關鍵字: 宏碁 戴爾 惠普 新產品開發 核心競爭力 全球策略 技術創新 成本領導 研發 企業倂購 專案矩陣組織 出貨單元 / Acer has made rampaging business growth during 2005 – 2010. The outstanding and surpassing performance was an unusual case that induced Dell and HP to conduct Acer analysis projects how to react to the Acer’s threatens. Each company would have its core competence or competitive capability to make it a winning formula to attain breakthroughs in the PC industry. The motivation of this study is to figure out what real winning formula inside to keep Acer obtaining the highest market share and growth in laptop sales for the continuous five years till 2010 Q3. Three objectives will be studied in this thesis: (1) what are the global strategies that lead to new product development capability and technology innovation? (2) What are the key process and systems of new product development (NPD) that result in the lowest development cost and fastest development lead time? (3) How do customers’ comments and feedbacks impact product planning and management? In summary, this study is to explore Acer’s core competence that results in business rampaging growth during the years 2005 to 2010. Research framework of this study consists of three constructs: (1) Global strategies: global, business and product level, (2) NPD organizations, processes and systems, (3) Technology innovation and management capabilities. As an exploratory study, qualitative research is adopted to conduct case study on the firm – Acer, which has attained 16% global PC market share in 2010. For data collection and digestion, primary data were obtained through multiple sources of evidence and findings in order to increase its validity. Some data came from internal business and product development documents especially on sales, marketing, product management, R&D and quality service. There are other data sources such as articles’ tabular content, case study database, and senior colleagues’ notes and opinions to the above-mentioned questions. Why do top-management strategies of a corporate deeply influence allocation and integration of global resources? What does internal NPD organizational adaption should be engaged with continuous improving design process? Which projects could attain optimization of the NPD systems will be analyzed as well. Findings of this study are as below: 1. Acer business goal develops varies of global strategies that clearly define task ownerships between business teams and NPD teams. 2. Acer’s global outsourcing strategy may assist with company’s operational efficiency and enhance product design quality by leveraging talented resources with their capable management skill. 3. Acer cost leadership strategy driven by top management stays the sustainability of global competitiveness. 4. The four times M&A events increased market share significantly but took heavy resources to the companies being acquired during the years of 2006-2009. 5. Project matrix organization is most common one that allows top management to allocate capable development resources to control projects in schedule, cost, and specification. 6. Simplification with modularity of system design during NPD is to save development cost and create flexibility of product SKU to the market. 7. A learning company like Acer may improve internal NPD design defects by continuously taking process refinement and project management to achieve the best NPD practice. 8. A fast adaptability of new technology design in platform during NPD for different managerial and function teams to perform technology innovation. 9. To leverage global legal experienced resource and system to enhance legal management capability to closely engaged with R&D during NPD design works. 10. Listen to the value voices of customers for product planning and quality improvement may play a key refinement process to sustain product in competitiveness. At the end, practical suggestions will be given for companies in PC industry on business and product strategies management plan and how to optimize internal NPD system to refine process, project and organization by different level of management capabilities and technology innovation. That could render a company highly competitive in a global PC market place. Keywords: Acer, Dell, HP, NPD, core competence, global strategies, technology innovation, cost leadership, R&D, M&A, project matrix organization, SKU

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