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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃廷輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究有鑑於台灣汽車市場經過九0年代蓬勃發展之後,漸趨邁向成熟的汽車市場,世界各知名汽車品牌爭相投入,使市場規模與胃納容量有限的台灣汽車市場,競爭更形激烈。另一方面,汽車產業長久以來被政府視為「火車頭」工業,認為發展國內汽車工業能帶動其他產業的發展,因此,汽車產業的發展,常受到政府「汽車工業發展政策」的影響。然而,在政府扶持與政策開放做法之下,透過與國外車廠技術合作,培植了多家國產車廠,其中前五大國產車廠已成為市場主導者,總生產量佔全市場的70%以上,而且,這五家國產車廠幾乎都是與日商汽車品牌有直接的技術合作。台灣加入WTO之後,對台灣國產車廠與進口車業者均帶來新契機,與日商品牌車廠合作的國產車廠能否持續享有優勢?日商汽車業者面對新的外部環境挑戰,需採取何種經營策略以確保成功?是本研究的研究動機。 本研究是以選定的日商汽車業者在台灣合作的代理商為主要研究對象,以日本汽車品牌製造商觀點,探討日商汽車業者如何透過台灣本地代理商的合作模型,從代理經銷組織模式、新產品研發、銷售通路建置與管理、行銷策略運用、後勤支援體制到品牌管理等構面,檢視汽車產業經營的關鍵成功因素。本研究是以策略管理架構、服務管理及品牌管理等理論,驗證日商汽車業者在台灣市場所採行的經營策略為何,身為最晚進入台灣市場的日商汽車業者,如何有效結合台灣的代理商取得市場佔有率第一的地位。 本研究是以個案研究方式,對四家日商汽車業者在台灣市場的經營策略進行個案分析,透過廣泛的次級資料收集,使個案論述內容更為充實完整。在資料整理歸納時,藉由對個案公司的高階主管深入訪談,配合對文獻的探討,釐清個案公司與日商品牌汽車業者的經營策略及其執行模式,從分析中可以發現:1)產品品質與服務品質是支撐品牌的重要元素;2)建置區域型中大型經銷商通路體制,能創造市場競爭優勢;3)建構完整的資訊系統與架構,是售前與售後行銷活動重要的基礎;4)建立與經銷商間的互信關係,是經銷商管理的前題。 最後,本研究對個案公司及其合作的日商汽車業者,提出未來能持續成功經營台灣市場的可行策略:1) 運用上游國瑞汽車生產與研發能力追求經濟規模;2) 持續擴增國產化車型;3) 運用區域市場分工取得低成本零組件;4) 輸出台灣已開發零組件至區域市場以降低生產成本;5) 採行多品牌策略滿足不同市場區隔需求;6) 增加產品組合與產品線廣度;7) 擴大汽車水平週邊事業投資。此外,個案公司仍需隨市場與外在環境的改變,定期檢視其現行策略的有效性,並且必要時做出策略方向調整,使經營策略能符合市場趨勢變化,此乃採行動態策略管理的實踐。

Product Line and Brand Management: The Implication of Taiwanese Motorcycle Manufacturers

李佳陵 Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan’s recent population is growing in a declining rate, where an aging population era has arrived and struck us. The reality that only a fixed number of potential users will continue consuming motorcycle product goods has shrunk the market to an even smaller size since each household may not require as many transportation tools as they might have used to do because most of the family size structure is becoming small. On top of that, governmental policy on pushing for construction project of Metropolitan Railway Transportation (MRT) that basically benefits the general public with inexpensive convenient rides from east to west and north to south. Such construction projects have made the public eventually rely less on scooters as a necessary and convenient transportation tool. Instead, the public perceives MRT is rather time and money saving than scooters. Nonetheless, along with the growth of GDP per capita and the increasing reliance on public transportation means, the public has begun to change their perceptions on what and how they use motorcycles. The purpose of this research is to understand and investigate the relationship of the three key motorcycle players, namely, Yamaha Motors (YMT), San Yang Motors (SYM) and Kymco Motors’ (KYMCO) brand management system and their product lines decision. Since the more diversified one’s products lines is, the more complicated the process could be to manage both parent and family brand. In addition, the decision of extending one’s products lines and the synergy effects of such extensions bringing to the product equity and the entire business are worthy of studying. Since these are likely to affect how each company invests resources in R&D and market expansion.


徐海超 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球經濟發展與產業價值鏈分工的趨勢下,過去廠商在製造上的優勢不復存在,台灣廠商必須尋求高附加價值的經營方式,以求長遠發展與持續獲利。而發展品牌為廠商影響消費者決策,並提高企業價值與創造競爭優勢的有效作法,近年來也有許多自創品牌廠商的成功案例,因此,如何有效地管理品牌,透過品牌來達成組織的經營績效,便成為台灣品牌廠商所關注的重要議題。 本研究的範圍包含資訊業與食品業,以國內三家資訊產業與兩家食品產業廠商為研究對象進行個案研究,考慮品牌經營績效佳之廠商,位於不同的行銷內外在環境下,對於品牌管理的相關決策作法、其背後考慮因素與造成作法上差異之可能,研究架構以品牌策略、品牌行銷策略與作法、品牌管理、品牌績效衡量…等變數為基礎。 此外,經由個案資料之彙整,本研究相關發現摘要如下 一、品牌行銷需能快速洞悉出顧客所需價值的趨勢:本研究的個案公司,均非常強調顧客導向的概念,並將此信念融入企業文化中,讓組織內每個成員均能以此為圭臬,位顧客創造價值。而在品牌定位上,個案公司也以顧客之需求為出發點,提供目標市場所關切的價值。 二、創新是廠商經營品牌行銷必經之路:資訊產業之特性之一,便是需要廠商持續創新以提供更好的科技與產品給顧客。而除了資訊產業的廠商之外,食品業的兩家廠商亦非常重視創新。為了持續提供更多的品牌價值給顧客,創新為廠商必須具備的條件。 三、產業特性影響品牌策略與管理方式:在跨產業的比較上,不同的外在產業環境會影響廠商的品牌策略與作法,如在品牌策略選擇上,資訊產業因為產品生命週期短,採取企業品牌能有效增加品牌之壽命與價值。除此之外,由於產品特性之差異,資訊廠商適合透過選擇性通路來販售具備選購品特性的資訊商品,而食品廠商則需要涉入密集性通路的通路端推廣,去建立顧客對於品牌的偏好。 四、企業內部環境影響品牌績效:廠商若能擁有顧客導向的經營理念,並重視企業文化與品牌文化之契合度,便能夠自然地由組織內傳遞品牌之價值給顧客,對品牌績效有正向效果。

顧客基礎品牌權益之研究—交易成本理論觀點 / A Study of Customer-based Brand Equity—The Transaction Cost Theory Perspective

彭家賢, Chia-Hsien Peng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於文獻探討發現品牌權益內涵看法分歧,且缺乏理論背景。因此以交易成本理論為基礎,提出一具基礎理論(Microfundation)的交易成本觀點之顧客基礎品牌權益模型。說明消費者購買產品時,是處於Williamson所稱的市場失靈情況,除了要考慮商品的實際售價外,另外必須對市場不完全下產生的交易成本納入考量。品牌可視為一種能夠降低消費者購買產品時產生之交易成本的機制。而品牌權益來自於顧客對不同品牌認知交易成本差異而反應於財務上的價值。 交易成本的高低取決於資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、遲滯成本;當顧客面對某品牌所投注的資訊搜集成本及購買後面對的道德危機成本相對其他品牌愈少,交易成本即愈低。若顧客與品牌間產生之資產專屬性愈高,則其被遲滯的程度愈大,欲轉換至其他品牌的轉換成本愈大,相對於其他品牌而言,繼續使用資產專屬性較高的品牌,顧客所須付出的成本較低。綜合資訊收集成本、道德危機成本與遲滯成本形成顧客面對的交易成本。顧客知覺交易成本高的品牌,品牌權益較低。反之顧客知覺交易成本相對較低的品牌,則反應出較高的品牌權益。 研究發現品牌策略的典範移轉情形大致為創造品牌知識、至品牌信任、再到品牌依賴。品牌知識由品牌形象及品牌知名度構成;品牌信任則由消費者知覺品牌的品質、創新、關懷三者所組成;品牌依賴則由消費者對產品實體利益、品牌心理認同、與社會規範形成。籍由對品牌知識、信任、依賴的建立可以減少消費者的交易成本,增加品牌權益。 本研究並由品牌權益理論發展與模型建構,輔以文獻整理與佐證,發展了19項品牌權益內涵的命題,且就行銷組合、市場與競爭情況、次要聯想、消費者面等因素,探討對品牌權益的影響。 最後提出對理論與實務的涵意,對學術界,本研究統整了複雜且眾多的品牌權益構面,有助於了解品牌權益的意義及內涵全貌,並可作為品牌權益研究的基礎。對實務界,建議行銷人員應減少消費者購買產品所產生的交易成本,增加品牌權益。透過思考品牌權益發生的根本原因,可以清楚的掌握品牌權益建立的重心。另從品牌管理重心的演變觀之,追求品牌依賴是可見的趨勢。因此本研究對企業界有極大的幫助,可以建立起行銷人員品牌權益管理的架構。 目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究問題與目的 4 第四節 研究架構 8 第二章 品牌權益與交易成本理論之文獻探討 12 第一節 品牌權益 13 一、品牌權益的定義 13 二、品牌權益研究的發展 21 三、品牌權益的構面 26 第二節 交易成本理論 40 一、交易成本簡介 40 二、交易與交易成本 42 三、交易成本的主要內涵 43 四、投機主義的介紹 49 五、交易的特性 51 節三節 文獻探討評論 54 第三章 交易成本理論觀點之品牌權益模型 56 第一節 品牌權益模型 56 第二節 交易成本與品牌權益 62 第四章 品牌權益內涵之探討 69 第一節 品牌知識與資訊成本 70 第二節 品牌信任與道德危機成本 75 第三節 品牌依賴與遲滯成本 81 第四節 品牌權益內涵比較 92 一、與Keller 架構之比較 92 一、與Aaker 架構之比較 92 第五章 影響品牌權益內涵相關因素之探討 95 第一節 行銷組合策略對品牌權益的影響 95 一、產品策略 95 二、價格策略 96 三、通路策略 96 四、促銷組合策略 97 第二節 市場與競爭情況 98 一、競爭品牌數目 98 二、產品間的品質差異程度 99 節三節 次要聯想對品牌權益的影響 99 第四節 消費者因素對品牌權益的影響 100 第六章 結論與建議 105 第一節 研究結論 105 一、品牌權益理論發展與模型建構 105 二、品牌權益內涵命題發展 106 第二節 理論與實務涵意 110 一、對學術界的涵意 110 二、對實務界的涵意 110 第三節 研究限制 113 第四節 後續研究建議 114 參考文獻 117 一、中文部份 117 二、英文部份 120 表次 表2-1 品牌權益定義彙整 19 表2-2 品牌權益分涵分類彙整表 39 表4-1 交易成本觀點下品牌權益命題彙整 88 表6-1 品牌權益內涵命題發展結果 107 圖次 圖 1-1 本研究架構圖 11 圖 2-1 Aaker之品牌權益架構 30 圖 2-2 Keller之品牌權益架構 33 圖 2-3 Magajan、Rao & Srivastava 之品牌權益架構 35 圖 2-4 組織失靈架構 46 圖 3-1 品牌權益內涵與交易成本關係圖 58 圖 3-2 交易成本理論觀點之品牌權益模型 61 圖 3-3 交易成本與品牌權益之關係 62 圖 4-1 顧客基礎品牌權益內涵 69 圖 2-4 本研究品牌權益模式與Aaker、Keller 架構之比較 94 圖 5-1 品牌在不同消費者決策階段扮演之角色 101

文化產業品牌管理模式應用研究初探-以台灣表演藝術產業為例 / The Exploration of Brand Management Model of Culture Industry in Taiwan-- A case study of the Performance Arts Industry

鄭智偉, Cheng, Chih-Wei Antonio Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 近年來,文化產業被認為是個別國家經濟發展以及社會生活品質提升的重要關鍵因素。而品牌對企業而言,不單只是區隔與其他公司的差別,還是一個企業在消費者心中的形象、承諾、品質、經驗的集合體。 本研究基於品牌管理對於台灣文化產業的重要性,整理各國文化產業發展概況,經由個案研究,探索台灣文化產業的品牌管理模式,以及影響台灣文化產業品牌管理的可能因素,作為後續相關研究的基礎。本研究主要研究目的為:一、彙整各國文化產業發展特性及差異。二、以品牌管理模式,針對台灣文化產業品牌進行個案分析。三、提出對台灣文化產業品牌管理的建議。 本研究為探索性研究,以個案研究法,針對個案進行次級資料收集、參與觀察及深度訪談。研究架構構面及變項分為:一、組織構面,分為品牌管理的權責與組織兩個面向。二、品牌策略構面,分為策略性分析及品牌架構面向。三、品牌識別系統構面,探討組織如何界定品牌核心識別、品牌價值主張、品牌與消費者的關係。四、品牌實行系統構面,探討品牌定位、整合溝通活動與效果評估。 文化產業特性差異甚巨,因資源限制,本研究選擇台灣表演藝術產業為研究對象。選擇具備文化產業品牌代表性,成立五年以上,且被文化產業認可的表演藝術團體進行研究,分別為優劇場、朱宗慶打擊樂團、紙風車兒童劇團、綠光劇團、果陀劇場、屏風表演班、及雲門舞集。 整體而言,台灣表演藝術產業,除少數團體具備較為完整的品牌管理知識與經驗外,皆缺乏嚴謹的品牌管理專業管理能力。在品牌管理的權責與組織構面,台灣表演藝術產業的品牌管理的權責皆為最高層級品牌決策者,且品牌管理的組織皆包括最高品牌管理決策者及整體行銷部門;在品牌策略構面,則發現多數團體的策略性分析不完整並缺乏品牌架構的意識;在品牌識別系統構面,則發現多數團體皆已建立品牌核心識別、具備品牌價值主張、清楚意識品牌與消費者的關係;在品牌實現系統構面,則發現多數團體缺乏嚴謹的品牌定位、行銷溝通缺乏整合性及未意識到品牌效果評估的重要性。在品牌經營的長期觀點部份,則發現作品的專業度是影響表演藝術產業品牌經營的重要因素及少數團體已能關注品牌如何永續發展的議題。 研究發現文化產業品牌的建構必須整體性關注四個構面:提高品牌管理決策層級、進行完整品牌策略性分析、建立嚴謹品牌識別系統、整合運用品牌實現系統。此外,必須以長期的觀點來思考與經營品牌,才能累積品牌權益。就台灣的文化產業而言,除了上述層面外,品牌管理專業訓練的加強,卻是台灣文化產業專業經理人的當務之急。證諸個案,更可發現經由完整專業的品牌管理,品牌經營所能延伸的經營成績。 / Abstract The development of culture industry has been considered as a rising index of economy development and quality-of-life of individual country in the modern world. To firms, branding is not only segmentation to differential, but also the collective of images, commitments, quality, and experience to a firm in consumer minds. Due to the important, and yet, unexplored nature of brand management of culture industry in Taiwan, the purposes of this research is to understand the development of culture industries in various countries, to explore brand management of culture industry in Taiwan, and to propose a workable brand management model for the culture industry in Taiwan. As an exploratory research by case study method, the scope of exploration consists of four aspects: 1.Organizational aspect, which includes decision maker and organizational flow of execution; 2. Brand strategy aspect, which includes strategic analysis and brand construct; 3. Brand identity system, which includes identity of the brand, brand value and relationship between the brand and consumers; 4. Brand execution system, which includes brand position, the integrated communication of brand, and the evaluation of brand performance. This study chose performance arts industry as study focus. Through secondary data collection, in-depth interviews, and participant observation, seven performance arts groups are being studies. In conclusion, except two performance arts companies, the rest of performance arts groups in Taiwan lacks of the professionalism to brand management. Brand decisions are all made by the top management and executed by the whole organization. Most performance arts groups do not have a thorough analysis of the brand nor have the awareness of brand architecture. In terms of brand identity, most observed groups have a clear brand identity, a differentiated brand value and a positive relationship between consumer and the brand. However, most groups lack of the sense of brand position, market communication integration and the importance of brand performance evaluation. Finally, in order to build a long-term perspective of a brand, the key factor still lies with professionalism.Two studied groups have already paid attention to the brand management issue to the continuous development of the brand.

品牌人物之塑造與管理-美日成功個案分析 / Building and Management of Character Brands

葛彥伶, Ko, Yen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
Character brands have become a trend in business. Firms create character brands to draw consumer’s attention. For successful character brands, a strong attachment will be created to the consumers, so the brand-customer relationship will be loyal and powerful. The purpose of this research is to examine and discuss the marketing strategies and brand management of firms adopted to build their character brands, and theoretical and managerial implications will be addressed. This research adopts the method of case study research. Four character brands with various natures will be discussed separately, and a comparison will be made accordingly. The four character brands examined in this research are Saniro’s Hello Kitty, Fujio’s Doraemon, Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Charles Schultz’s Snoopy. Hello Kitty and Doraemon are Japanese character brands; Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are American character brands. These four character brands are very popular among consumers. The focus of this research is to address the similarities and differences of character development and brand management of these four character brands. The findings of this research are: First, characters with different nature (type) will have different brand concept management strategies. For comic character brands, firms will be focus on the development of character personalities. For pure character brand, firms will concentrate on the design and appearance of such characters. Second, the brand-customer relationship between character brands and consumers is very unique. Consumers gain emotional and self-expressive benefit from character brands. As a result, it is essential to reinforce the brand/character image consistently, so the attachment will be stronger. Third, similar brand management strategies, such as licensing, brand extensions, sponsorships and reinforce character image, are adopted by firms; however, the focus on character brand building for each firm is somewhat different. These four character brands are successful examples on character brand management. In order to manage good character brands, character development is necessary, and it is also crucial to create a strong brand identity. Most importantly, the brand building/management strategies have to be consistent with the nature/types of the characters. Key Word: Character, Character brand, brand management, brand-customer relationship / Character brands have become a trend in business. Firms create character brands to draw consumer’s attention. For successful character brands, a strong attachment will be created to the consumers, so the brand-customer relationship will be loyal and powerful. The purpose of this research is to examine and discuss the marketing strategies and brand management of firms adopted to build their character brands, and theoretical and managerial implications will be addressed. This research adopts the method of case study research. Four character brands with various natures will be discussed separately, and a comparison will be made accordingly. The four character brands examined in this research are Saniro’s Hello Kitty, Fujio’s Doraemon, Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Charles Schultz’s Snoopy. Hello Kitty and Doraemon are Japanese character brands; Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are American character brands. These four character brands are very popular among consumers. The focus of this research is to address the similarities and differences of character development and brand management of these four character brands. The findings of this research are: First, characters with different nature (type) will have different brand concept management strategies. For comic character brands, firms will be focus on the development of character personalities. For pure character brand, firms will concentrate on the design and appearance of such characters. Second, the brand-customer relationship between character brands and consumers is very unique. Consumers gain emotional and self-expressive benefit from character brands. As a result, it is essential to reinforce the brand/character image consistently, so the attachment will be stronger. Third, similar brand management strategies, such as licensing, brand extensions, sponsorships and reinforce character image, are adopted by firms; however, the focus on character brand building for each firm is somewhat different. These four character brands are successful examples on character brand management. In order to manage good character brands, character development is necessary, and it is also crucial to create a strong brand identity. Most importantly, the brand building/management strategies have to be consistent with the nature/types of the characters. Key Word: Character, Character brand, brand management, brand-customer relationship

品牌心理擁有感之前因與結果因素之研究:量表發展與多層次之研究方法 / A study of the antecedent and consequence of brand psychological ownership:Scale development and multilevel approaches

江旭新, Chiang, Hsu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文之目的乃是探討品牌心理擁有感之前因與結果因素,本研究欲探討之三個與品牌相關的構念,包括公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感、品牌公民行為。第一個構念為公司品牌管理,代表能改善不同利害關係人對公司品牌認知與態度之組織作法;第二構念為品牌心理擁有感,代表能使員工對公司品牌產生所有權感受的心理狀態;第三個構念為品牌公民行為,代表員工擁有品牌導向之利他行為並將品牌精神活出來。本研究採取了兩個步驟,以探討品牌心理擁有感之前因與結果因素,本研究首先進行了公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之量表發展,其次,本研究探索了公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感、品牌公民行為與品牌權益之跨層次關係。 本研究根據Hinkin (1998)之準則進行量表發展,在公司品牌管理的部分,本研究從台灣連鎖商店的主管獲得275份樣本。在探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析後,本研究獲得五項公司品牌管理的因素,包括:公司品牌管理的溝通與評估、公司品牌管理之部門間協調、公司品牌管理之領導與利害關係人互動、公司品牌管理之訓練與徵選、公司品牌管理之文化與願景,結果顯示公司品牌管理量表具有良好的穩定性與效度。 在品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為的部分,本研究從台灣連鎖商店的第一線員工獲得361份樣本。在探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析後,本研究獲得三項品牌心理擁有感的因素,包括:品牌自我效能感、品牌責任感、品牌認同感與歸屬感。同樣地,在探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析後,本研究獲得三項品牌公民行為的因素,包括:品牌之運動家精神與背書、品牌之幫助行為、品牌之考量與提升,結果顯示品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之量表具有良好的穩定性與效度。 從個人層次的分析結果發現,品牌心理擁有感正向影響品牌公民行為,並且大部分之品牌心理擁有感的因素正向影響品牌公民行為的因素。從跨層次的分析結果發現,公司品牌管理正向影響品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為,組織層次的品牌公民行為正向影響品牌權益。本研究亦發現,品牌心理擁有感在公司品牌管理與品牌公民行為之間扮演跨層次的中介角色。從跨層次的細部分析結果發現,許多公司品牌管理之因素正向影響品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之因素。本研究亦探討了研究結果討論、研究貢獻、研究限制與未來研究。 / This thesis aims to investigate the antecedent and consequence of brand psychological ownership. Three major constructs related to branding efforts and results studied and explored by this research include corporate branding, brand psychological ownership, and brand citizenship behavior. The first construct, corporate branding, represents practices that improve brand cognitions and brand attitude of multiple stakeholders. The second construct, brand psychological ownership, represents the psychological state that makes employees produce feeling of ownership toward the corporate brand. The third construct, brand citizenship behavior, shows that employees have brand-oriented altruistic spirit and live the brand. In order to explore the antecedent and consequence of brand psychological ownership, two major steps are conducted by this study. First, this study conducts the scale developments of corporate branding, brand psychological ownership, and brand citizenship behavior. Second, this study explores the multilevel relation between corporate branding, brand psychological ownership, brand citizenship behavior, and brand equity. The guidelines of Hinkin (1998) are followed as the procedures of scale development. As for the scale development of corporate branding, a survey conducted among a sample of 275 managers from the franchise organizations in Taiwan was undertaken. Five factors of corporate branding obtained after EFA and CFA include: communication and evaluation of corporate branding, departmental coordination of corporate branding, leadership and interaction with stakeholders of corporate branding, training and selection of corporate branding, and vision and culture of corporate branding. The results represent a scale of corporate branding with good reliability and validity. As for scale developments of brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior, a survey conducted among a sample of 361 customer-facing employees from the franchise organizations in Taiwan was undertaken. Three factors of brand psychological ownership obtained after EFA and CFA include: brand self-efficacy, brand accountability and identification and belongingness of brand. Three factors of brand citizenship behavior obtained after EFA and CFA include: sportsmanship and endorsement of brand, helping behavior of brand, and consideration and enhancement of brand. The results represent scales of brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior with good reliability and validity. In the individual level analyses, brand psychological ownership has a positive effect on brand citizenship behavior, and most factors of brand psychological ownership have positive effects on factors of brand citizenship behavior. In the multilevel analyses, results demonstrate that corporate branding has positive effects on brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior. Organizational-level brand citizenship behavior positively affects brand equity. It is also found that brand psychological ownership fully mediates the relationship between corporate branding and brand citizenship behavior. Detailed analyses show that many factors of corporate branding have positive effects on different factors of brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior. Most factors of brand psychological ownership positively affect factors of brand citizenship behavior. Discussion, contributions, implication, limitation, and future study are also discussed.

以顧客為基礎的品牌權益分析--以天下雜誌為例 / An analysis of customer-based brand equity: a case study of CommonWealth magazine

金玉梅, Chin, Grace Unknown Date (has links)
台灣是製造代工王國,在建立品牌上才剛起步。但是當競爭愈來愈激烈時,企業獲利受到壓縮,品牌即變得愈來愈重要。媒體是促進社會進步重要的一環,同時也是企業,也有必要藉由打造品牌而建立競爭優勢。媒體應如何打造品牌?為了有系統地了解媒體品牌的要素和建立的過程,我們有必要將品牌權益(brand equity)的理論和實務做些印證。 本研究採個案研究法,將品牌深受肯定的天下雜誌當作研究對象,探討如何找出最能有效解釋並引導企業建立品牌權益的理論模型,並探討品牌權益各變項中,哪些變項對媒體品牌最重要。研究發現Keller的「以顧客為基礎的品牌權益」模型(CBBE),結構和邏輯非常清楚,探討的面向嚴密而完整,因而能有效解釋並引導企業建立品牌。 根據Keller的CBBE理論,建立一個強勢品牌需要進行四個步驟的工作:一是用品牌顯著性建立品牌認同,也就是讓消費者認識「你是誰」(Who Are You?)。二是創造品牌內涵,就是讓消費者知道「你有什麼內涵」(What Are You?),其中分為品牌表現和品牌想像。三是引導消費者對品牌產生反應,知道「你有多優秀?」(What About You?),分為消費者評價和感覺。四是建立合適的消費者和品牌的關係,創造品牌共鳴(Relationships: What About You and Me?),這會表現在忠誠的行為、態度上的依賴、社群感和積極參與。 運用這個架構,可以很清楚地看出天下雜誌如何打造出強勢品牌。從清晰的品牌宗旨出發,天下雜誌以「具有人文關懷的財經雜誌」為特色,在建立品牌識別系統、創造品牌內涵上做的很紮實,不隨波逐流,堅持積極、前瞻、放眼天下的報導態度,走一條自己的路,結果順利引導消費者對品牌產生正面反應,不但消費者評價高,對品牌的感覺也很強烈,最後創造出高度品牌共鳴。 本研究也發現,品牌個性對媒體打造品牌很重要。天下雜誌具有「能力」和「真誠」的品牌個性,因而能有效吸引一群有理想性、熱愛學習的讀者和廣告客戶,形成具有歸屬感的社群,27年來持續發揮社會影響力。但面對網路2.0時代,讀者需要更多的參與,和更具創意的多元接觸,天下雜誌的品牌個性可能必須用不同的方式來詮釋和加強,例如在網站上設計更多活動,或嘗試邀請部落客進駐網站,帶動更多網友的參與和討論。甚至在網路上徵求讀者的意見,作為雜誌選擇報導議題的參考等。 / Being a kingdom of OEM for several decades, Taiwan has just begun to build its own brand. But as competition gets fierce and profits are squeezed, branding becomes more and more important for Taiwanese companies. Media industry, which is crucial in the advancement of society, has experienced severe revenue shrinkage in recent years, so branding has also become an imperative to increase its competitiveness. To find out how a media company could build up its brand, we need to consult major theories in brand equity and compare them with practices been taken in the industry. This research uses the technique of case-study analysis. Using the widely acclaimed CommonWealth Magazine as the case to be studied, it is aimed at finding out the most suitable brand equity model to explain how a strong media brand is built, and what variables are most important in this process. We found that the Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) by Kevin Keller can best explain the way to build a strong brand, because it is solid and logical in its structure, and is comprehensive in the aspects it covers. According to the CBBE model, there are four steps in building a brand: 1. Ensure identification of the brand with customers, and let customers know “Who are you?” 2. Firmly establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers, and let customers know “What are you?” 3. Elicit the proper customer responses to this brand identification and brand meaning, and let customers know “What about you?” 4. Convert brand response to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between customers and the brand, and let customers know “What about you and me?” Using this model as a reference, we can see clearly how CommonWealth Magazine has developed a strong brand. Ever since its establishment, CommonWealth has strived to create a business magazine with a spirit of humanity. The name “CommonWealth” represents its mission to make a better society. It has been very mindful in building its brand identity and brand meaning, insisting on a positive, outward looking and forward looking approach, and has thus created positive brand response and high loyalty from its readers. This research also finds that brand personality plays an important role in brand building. With a perceived personality of competence and sincerity, CommonWealth has successfully attracted a large readership characteristic of being idealistic and always eager to learn. A community of loyal readers and long-time advertisement clients has thus been formed over the past 27 years, supporting CommonWealth to become one of the most influential magazines in Taiwan. But with the advent of Web 2.0, people are requiring more interaction with media and are looking for creative and diversified media contacts. Therefore CommonWealth Magazine needs to interpret its brand personality in a different way, such as providing more on-line activities, openly soliciting story ideas from readers, or inviting bloggers to write on its website, so as to involve and engage more readers.


湯嘉祥, Tang, Jia-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業已經成為台灣極為重要的產業,而代工業務始終在台灣高科技產業佔有重要的角色。台灣未來產業要升級、並發展成為科技大國,除了要注重研發能力,更需要加強行銷能力,尤其是品牌的經營。 為了能夠深入了解高科技企業的品牌策略,本研究經由深度的訪談,來了解高科技企業是如何面對環境的變化與運用本身的條件來自創品牌,而在自創品牌之後,高科技企業是如何運用行銷活動及品牌管理。這樣的完整經營品牌的過程,是本研究所要了解的課題。 台灣目前的高科技產業是以資訊業為主,而宏基電腦為我國資訊業中在自創品牌方面最富盛名的企業,因此本研究選擇宏基電腦為本研究的研究對象。 本研究得到了下列的結論: (1) 就世界趨勢而言,自創品牌是高科技企業應走的路(2) 高科技產品品牌與消費品品牌策略的基本精神相同,主要的差異在於兩種產品的產品本身、銷售的對象以及市場因素(3) 發展高科技企業品牌策略的先決條件為產品條件與決心(4) 高科技企業可以藉由品牌購併及品牌延伸來達到提升品牌價值的目的(5) 高科技企業的品牌行銷活動除了推廣活動之外,尚須加強服務的工作(6) 高科技企業的品牌策略為整體作業活動的整合性設計。 / High-tech industry is the important industry in Taiwan. However, in order to become the "Technology Island", not only should we improve the ability of R&D, but also the ability of marketing, especially branding. The author used personal interview to understand the brand strategy of high-tech enterprise. The brand strategy means how does high-tech enterprise face the environment、 allocate the resource、 design marketing and brand management activities to create a global brand. Computer industry is the major type of Taiwan high-tech industry. Acer, the most famous enterprise of creating global brand in Taiwan computer industry, was chosen the research object. The conclusions of the research are as follows: (1) For the international trend, creating a self-owned brand is necessary for Taiwan high-tech enterprises. (2)The basic ideas between high-tech and consumer brand strategy are simi lar. But the main differences between these two categories are product itself, consumers who buy it, and market factors. (3)The essential conditions for high-tech products branding are products' quality and executives' determination. (4)High-tech enterprise can enhance its brand value by brand acquisition and brand extensions. (5)Beside brand marketing activities, high-tech enterprise should also enforce its services. (6)Branding strategy of high-tech enterprise should be implemented as the integrated redesign of business model.

公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為之關係探討 / The relationships among corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizenship behavior

黃麗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解企業內部品牌行銷的四個重要因素:公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為之間的關係。希望以品牌服務人員的角度針對此議題進行研究。本研究以問卷調查的量化方式衡量品牌服務人員對於公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為的認知情形。之後以迴歸方法進行分析,探討上述變數之間的關係。本研究獲得下列結論: 一、本研究確認公司品牌管理對品牌導向人力資源管理有顯著且正面的關係。故公司品牌管理必須採用品牌導向人力資源管理來塑造員工對企業品牌的認知。 二、本研究確認品牌導向人力資源管理對員工為基礎品牌權益有顯著且正面的關係。故當企業採用品牌導向人力資源管理時,可以提昇員工為基礎品牌權益。 三、本研究確認員工為基礎品牌權益對品牌公民行為有顯著且正面的關係。故當員工為基礎品牌權益高時,員工會成為企業品牌的擁護者與守護者,而在替顧客服務時,會主動思考品牌的利益,而無條件的展現對於品牌的正面態度與行為,即展現品牌公民行為。 / This study investigates the relationship between four critical factors of internal brand marketing, including corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizen behavior. This study is designed to use quantitative method to understand the cognition of four factors from brand service personnel. Then, regression analysis is used to investigate the relationship between four factors. This study finally draws three conclusions. First, there is a positive relationship between corporate branding and brand-centered HRM. Thus, the corporate should consider to adopt brand-centered HRM to educate employees when it decides to use corporate branding strategy. Second, there is a positive relationship between brand-centered HRM and employee-based brand equity. Thus, the corporate could enhance employee-based brand equity when it adopts brand-centered HRM. Third, there is a positive relationship between employee-based brand equity and brand citizen behavior. Thus, if employee-based brand equity is significant, brand service personnel may act positive brand citizen behavior voluntarily.

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