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日本動畫產業跨媒體經營模式之研究 / Management Model of Media Mix In Japanese Animation Industry吳亞儒, Wu, Ya Ju Unknown Date (has links)
日本內容產業在2003年因為「Cool Japan概念」的提出而逐漸被日本政府重視,小泉政府更有「文化立國」之目標,而後更在2010年開始積極推動「Cool Japan戰略計畫」,成立了內容產業成長戰略相關研究會,定期召開會議及成果報告。內容產業包含了電影、動畫、音樂、遊戲、出版、廣告等六項主要領域,而本研究所著重之內容產業領域為動畫及部分之印刷(漫畫)領域。以動畫領域來說,自日本動畫協會所公布的數據顯示,日本動畫產業市場為1兆4,913億日圓(2014年),顯示其重要性。在《Cool Japan戰略計畫》中,三大策略方向中的其中一項即為內容產業與消費財的共同提攜,當中流程的一環即為內容產業的輸出以及「二次利用」,即角色商品的授權,而二次利用的內容物主要以動畫與漫畫所創造的角色利用為主要手段。2014年的《コンテンツ海外展開の促進に向けた施策について》中,提到日本尚未在海外充分展現出其魅力,所以海外市場亦因此尚未真正拓展,於是想藉由能代表「日本魅力」,並在海外具高人氣的商品、服務等項目逆向吸引外國市場進入國內,也就是在世界製造「日本潮流」,而動畫產業即為當中被點名的項目之一,動畫產業對於日本之重要性可謂不言而喻。
1990年代後,利用動畫作品於日本消費市場的親和力與內容的靈活運用性與各種產品進行結合,將不同媒體的原作先行動畫化,利用動畫將作品內容進行擴大宣傳,進一步地提高作品知名度,最終目的在於刺激關聯商品的營收之跨體經營模式,在當今已成為動畫相關產業中廣泛運用之經營手段。究竟跨媒體營運模式為何?涵蓋何種類別的產業?其所帶來的優勢與劣勢為何?…等,為筆者欲於研究中欲探討之項目。而透過本研究能更進一步了解日本動畫產業於行銷策略面之運作方式,期許能成為我國內容產業界發展之助力,並提供將來欲從事相關研究之學術人員的研究參考,並期望能藉此為臺日內容產業的學術交流盡一份心力。 / After the "Cool Japan concept" was proposed in 2003, the Japanese government has begun to take the content industry seriously. Moreover, the Koizumi government started actively to promote the concept of “cultural nation” represented by projects such as the very “Cool Japan strategic plan”.
According to the “Content Industry’s Status and Development” reported by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), the market of Japanese content industry is worth about 12 trillion yen, ranking second in the world as in 2010. A part of this content industry, the anime industry, is popular all around the world, as this art form has gained numerous followers over the years. Therefore, as Japanese government realizes that the anime industry may hold a huge market potential with international competitiveness, the anime industry started to obtain importance within Japan.
Regarding the marketing schemes, differently from the American’s promotion strategies, Japanese anime industry uses multivariate mass media and transplanting platforms in order to make the content available in multiple forms, also the advertising is done as widely as it is possible, in order to make consumers desire more. This kind of business strategy works out satisfactorily in the domestic environment, and this model has also became a unique business model that belongs to Japan.
This thesis starts with a description on the birth of the Japanese anime industry, pointing to the composition and operation of Animation Production Committee.
Subsequently, it attempts to explain how the ‘Media Mix’ model’s composition and operation affects the market, and what kind of advantages can Media Mix model brings to affiliate enterprises. Lastly, it addresses the unresolved problems and how this model can be improved in the future.
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全球化下中央通訊社經營角色轉變之研究王永志 Unknown Date (has links)
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新聞媒體經營健康分眾關係之研究吳貞瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
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建構媒體知識管理架構之研究―以平面媒體為例李雪雯, Lee,Sheue-wen Unknown Date (has links)
企管大師Michael Porter一再強調「差異化」是企業之所以能勝出的主要關鍵,Peter Drucker更宣稱:「知識」將是未來企業唯一,且能夠生產社會與經濟利益的最重要資財。
綜合有關知識管理的理論架構,再配合平面媒體產業的特性,本研究試著為傳統平面媒體,規劃出兩種未來可能獲利的經營模式―「新聞來源供應商」與「綜合新聞供應商」,同時為其擬出可行的知識管理架構,以及分4個階段―「認知覺醒與發展策略」、「經營模式與知識確認」、「設計、規劃與導入」,以及「評估與調整」階段,與3大層面―「策略」、「知識」與「科技」的建議。 / Michael Porter, Professor at Harvard Business School and one of the top 50 business intellectuals of our time, claims that “differentiation” is the key to stand out in a highly competitive environment. Peter Drucker, professor of management and the founder of California-based Leader to Leader Foundation, suggests that “knowledge” is the only asset the future businesses could depend on in generating social and economic benefits.
Knowledge management is the one way to preserve the knowledge generated in the process of management for an enterprise. It decreases management cost and generates revenue at the same time. Therefore, knowledge management is also a way to enhance competitive edge. Mass media, like other management entities, could also apply principles of knowledge management to enhance their competitive edge. How to integrate the intellectual capital through mechanisms of knowledge management, how to share the knowledge stored in the mechanism in more efficient ways, and, how could the media differentiate themselves from their competitators to enhance competitive edge, have become critical issue not only for management, but also for survival.
However, the mechanism or infrastructure of knowledge management is varied for different industries due to the nature of different management requirements. What can be applied in a software company may not be suitable at all for mass media.
Two significant changes accelerate and reinforce the innovation of the Press: the law that limits the numbers of content providers and the law that limits the amount of contents were both banned. In the mean time, the overall reading habit change enabled by the innovation of digital technology also facilitates the renovation of Press. News providers are now facing challenges in providing diversified contents for readers of different habits and tastes.
This research aims at proposing appropriate knowledge management infrastructures by synthesizing the dilemma as well as opportunities media confront in a digital era. Classical literature regarding knowledge management infrastructure and media studies, especially the properties of the Press, help me frame and identify two profitable knowledge management infrastructures: News Supplier and News Content Provider. More than providing the possible infrastructures, I also concluded four phases to implement the infrastructure and three perspectives as lenses to examine the infrastructures. The four phrases are (1) awareness and strategic development; (2) management model and knowledge assurance; (3) design, plan and implementation and (4) evaluation and adjustment. The three perspectives are (1) strategy, (2) knowledge and (3) technology.
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網路媒體出版事業經營要素之研究 / The study of key factors of internet publishing management蔡元隆, Tsai, Yuan-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的快速發展,加上 WWW 所具備的多媒體呈現與連結能力,全球資訊網 WWW 迅速成為一項新興的媒體。傳統媒體業者紛紛投入人力、物力成立網站,提供網路上的服務。本研究的主要目的即在探討網路媒體出版事業的經營要素,並釐清網路特性對於媒體經營之影響。
在資訊即時性方面,網路出版受到網路特性即時性之影響,能以最快的時間完成資訊的傳輸、溝通,加上網路生產價值鍊重組,因此可達到更高的即時性。在資訊累積性方面,由於網路數位式資料庫更易於資訊之累積,且能打破平面媒體篇幅、版面的限制,使得網路出版之資訊累積性更為提高。在地理區域範圍方面,網路出版在網路無遠弗屆、即時性特性的影響下,發行傳送不再受到地理限制。在科技應用方面,在數位化、資訊價值特性之影響下,網路出版必須強調數位化的生產能力,以及擁有數位化之資產。在網路出版所獨有的經營要素方面,由於網路特性即時性、互動性、價值鍊重組、網路外部性之發揮,讀者社群的經營成為網路出版的重要工作。另外一項新的網路出版經營要素--使用方便性,則與媒體呈現之特性較有關聯。 / The study of key factors of Internet publishing management-By Yuan-lung Tsai-Advisor: Dr. Chao-Tung Wen1.MotivationBesides the emergence and rapid growth of Internet, the multimedia display and linking talent of WWW have made it a booming media.
Traditional media enterprises invested their resources to build up web site and provide online services.To the traditional media enterprises, such as Time-Warner and Dow Jones, the Internet is a new arena. Entering the Internet market with their successive experience in traditional media market, could they open the Internet publishing market successfully? How did they transfer t2.Research QuestionsIn this thesis, I will find out the key factors of Internet publishing management, and distinguish the key factors of the Internet publishing management from the key factors of traditional media, the questions of this research include:(1) What are the key factors of Internet publishing management?(2) What is the difference of the key factors of Internet publishing management between the ones of traditional media management?(3) How do the characteristics of the Internet influence the key factors of media management?3. MethodologyStarting with the key factors of media management, and concerning the effects of the characteristics of Internet, I studied several current Internet publishing site, then derived the conclusion.The research objects I chose include three different business types, one is online newspaper, another is online magazine, and the other one is online Encyclopaedia.4. ConclusionThe key factors of Internet publishing management include:(1) Find a definite niche of product, and serve the needs of target readers.(2) Stress the real time or accumulation of information even more(3) Internet publishing could break through the geographical boundary, offering more international information is the trend of Internet publishing.(4) Internet publishing site should design various tools, such as front page, site map, search engine, personal page, to make the site user-friendly.(5) Internet publishing site should design various interactive mechanisms, such as E-mail, online chat, online discussing board, member service, to communicate with the readers, and manage the reader community aggressively.(6) Human resources, especially Internet professionals, matter. Web site should employ full-time workers, include editors, authors, web site producers, web site designers, and computer professionals.(7) The resources of media group can support the Internet publishing, such as content sharing, financial support, brand name, promotion, and reputation.(8) Digital database and digital production capability are core competence of the Internet publishing.(9) Internet publishing should build up the network of collaboration. There are three kind of companions, one is content provider, another is ISP or Internet channel, the other is technology support.Comparing the key factors of media management and the ones of Internet publishing management, there are three different states. Some factors, include product niche, human resources, media resources, and outer resources, are consistent. Some factors, include real time and accumulation of information, market boundary, and technology, are modified. Some factors, include community and user-friendly, are specific for Internet publishing.
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以顧客為基礎的品牌權益分析--以天下雜誌為例 / An analysis of customer-based brand equity: a case study of CommonWealth magazine金玉梅, Chin, Grace Unknown Date (has links)
台灣是製造代工王國,在建立品牌上才剛起步。但是當競爭愈來愈激烈時,企業獲利受到壓縮,品牌即變得愈來愈重要。媒體是促進社會進步重要的一環,同時也是企業,也有必要藉由打造品牌而建立競爭優勢。媒體應如何打造品牌?為了有系統地了解媒體品牌的要素和建立的過程,我們有必要將品牌權益(brand equity)的理論和實務做些印證。
根據Keller的CBBE理論,建立一個強勢品牌需要進行四個步驟的工作:一是用品牌顯著性建立品牌認同,也就是讓消費者認識「你是誰」(Who Are You?)。二是創造品牌內涵,就是讓消費者知道「你有什麼內涵」(What Are You?),其中分為品牌表現和品牌想像。三是引導消費者對品牌產生反應,知道「你有多優秀?」(What About You?),分為消費者評價和感覺。四是建立合適的消費者和品牌的關係,創造品牌共鳴(Relationships: What About You and Me?),這會表現在忠誠的行為、態度上的依賴、社群感和積極參與。
本研究也發現,品牌個性對媒體打造品牌很重要。天下雜誌具有「能力」和「真誠」的品牌個性,因而能有效吸引一群有理想性、熱愛學習的讀者和廣告客戶,形成具有歸屬感的社群,27年來持續發揮社會影響力。但面對網路2.0時代,讀者需要更多的參與,和更具創意的多元接觸,天下雜誌的品牌個性可能必須用不同的方式來詮釋和加強,例如在網站上設計更多活動,或嘗試邀請部落客進駐網站,帶動更多網友的參與和討論。甚至在網路上徵求讀者的意見,作為雜誌選擇報導議題的參考等。 / Being a kingdom of OEM for several decades, Taiwan has just begun to build its own brand. But as competition gets fierce and profits are squeezed, branding becomes more and more important for Taiwanese companies. Media industry, which is crucial in the advancement of society, has experienced severe revenue shrinkage in recent years, so branding has also become an imperative to increase its competitiveness. To find out how a media company could build up its brand, we need to consult major theories in brand equity and compare them with practices been taken in the industry.
This research uses the technique of case-study analysis. Using the widely acclaimed CommonWealth Magazine as the case to be studied, it is aimed at finding out the most suitable brand equity model to explain how a strong media brand is built, and what variables are most important in this process. We found that the Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) by Kevin Keller can best explain the way to build a strong brand, because it is solid and logical in its structure, and is comprehensive in the aspects it covers.
According to the CBBE model, there are four steps in building a brand: 1. Ensure identification of the brand with customers, and let customers know “Who are you?” 2. Firmly establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers, and let customers know “What are you?” 3. Elicit the proper customer responses to this brand identification and brand meaning, and let customers know “What about you?” 4. Convert brand response to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between customers and the brand, and let customers know “What about you and me?”
Using this model as a reference, we can see clearly how CommonWealth Magazine has developed a strong brand. Ever since its establishment, CommonWealth has strived to create a business magazine with a spirit of humanity. The name “CommonWealth” represents its mission to make a better society. It has been very mindful in building its brand identity and brand meaning, insisting on a positive, outward looking and forward looking approach, and has thus created positive brand response and high loyalty from its readers.
This research also finds that brand personality plays an important role in brand building. With a perceived personality of competence and sincerity, CommonWealth has successfully attracted a large readership characteristic of being idealistic and always eager to learn. A community of loyal readers and long-time advertisement clients has thus been formed over the past 27 years, supporting CommonWealth to become one of the most influential magazines in Taiwan.
But with the advent of Web 2.0, people are requiring more interaction with media and are looking for creative and diversified media contacts. Therefore CommonWealth Magazine needs to interpret its brand personality in a different way, such as providing more on-line activities, openly soliciting story ideas from readers, or inviting bloggers to write on its website, so as to involve and engage more readers.
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