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台灣高科技企業的多品牌策略-以宏碁為例 / Multi-Brand strategy of Taiwanese high-tech enterprises : a study of Acer徐培軒, Hsu, Elton Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技企業擁有高超的製造力以及全球維運的能力,在品牌經營的成果則待持續努力,綜觀目前世界品牌價值前百大的品牌中台灣還有沒任何品牌入圍。宏碁與華碩是台灣 NB 與 PC 產業具有代表性的品牌企業,但選擇了截然不同的品牌經營之路,2007 年開始宏碁採用多品牌策略,華碩曾一貫堅持品牌傘策略,二家企業在歷年的品牌價值評估中則互有領先,難分軒輊。
本研究發現品牌策略在企業發展的不同階段,會受到不同 (企業內部和企業外部) 因素的影響;因此,最適當的品牌策略並非永遠不變。然而每一個品牌都會面臨不同問題,受到不同的要素與營運目標所影響,同樣的策略作法未必會適用於其他品牌。產業特性、資源多寡、企業文化與消費者行為等等皆會影響品牌策略的選擇。如何做好內外部分析,在不同時期,找出最適合自身企業的品牌策略,乃是品牌策略的成功與否的最主要關鍵。
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小筆電興起與宏碁筆記電腦經營策略之研究-以技術採用生命週期觀點分析黃清茂 Unknown Date (has links)
近兩年小筆電的熱銷讓宏碁Aspire One出奇致勝,即使宏碁並不是首推小筆電的廠商,卻迅速反應,在很短的時間內,搶佔市場。Aspire One的熱銷是宏碁不巧受到幸運之神眷顧?還是宏碁在策略上運用得宜?小筆電的興起對宏碁筆記型電腦經營的策略有何特別的意涵?
本論文以個案研究法,除了相關文獻的蒐集與分析之外,輔以筆者在筆記型電腦大廠深耕約二十年的工作經驗,深度分析小筆電的興起、以及宏碁公司的經營策略。 / Netbook can be seen as the new product developed from Notebook computer. In the wake of economic recession in recent two years, market acceptance for Netbook has become extremely high. This research is based on literature analysis, aims to analyze the rise of Netbook era, Acer‟s corporate strategy, the competitive approach in Notebook computer industry, the analysis model upon core competition in Notebook computer industry, and technology marketing strategy. The study is taking “Technology Life Circle” as research model .
Acer‟s Aspire One is the biggest winner in Netbook selling record. Even Acer is not the first one to promote Netbook, its prompt response to the market brings Acer to the biggest Netbook player. Is Acer just lucky for perfect timing heading to this triumph, or it indicates Acer‟s strategies properly deployed? Besides, does the rise of the Netbook era since change the direction of Acer‟s business strategy?
The research is doing in the manner of case study. On top of related literature analysis, my professional working experience within Notebook computer industry nearly twenty years is crucial for insight analysis of the rise of Netbook era and Acer‟s business strategy. Hopefully, this research brings reference value to industry.
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多國企業整合與協調之研究--以宏碁集團之主從架構為例 / The coordination & integration mechanisms of multinational enterprises - the case of Acer's client-server structure許宗哲, Hsu, Tsung-Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討多國企業面對全球環境變化與全球策略的改變時,如何針對不同角色的子公司進行整合與協調。另外,並提出多國企業整合與協調的權變模式,試圖瞭解在不同的全球環境與全球策略下,子公司角色如何變化、資本流與知識流如何移動、應採取何種整合與協調機制。本研究採用個案研究法,以國內國際化程度最深之一的宏碁集團為對象,針對集團總部與六個子公司進行研究,並以 Client-ServerO.X、Client-Server l.X 與 LOB 將宏碁集團整合與協調分為三個階段,兼用結構化問卷與對子公司高階經理的深度訪談取得詳細資訊。另外並椅子公司的「相對優勢」、「全球整合/地方回應」與「策略重要性」將子公司角色分成八類,亦定義出六個整合與協調的機制。研究結果發現,當全球整合壓力增強時,多國企業將增加成本領導策略與與複雜創新策略的權重,優先促使全球整合導向、策略重要性高但相對優勢較低的子公司改變其角色,此時對不同角色的子公司仍需採取不同的整合與協調機制,但皆加強結構調整機制與資源管理機制的使用;當地方回應壓力增強時,多國企業將增加行銷差異化策略與廣度策略的權重,優先促使地方回應導向、策略重要性高但相對優勢較低的子公司角色移動,但較不強調資源管理機制的使用。 / This paper investigate how a Multinational Corporation(MNC) integrates and coordinates subsidiaries with different roles, in the context of global competition . A contingency model MNC's integration & coordination is proposed in order to provide a in-depth understanding of how to deal with the flows of knowledge and capital. Integration and coordination mechanisms are also suggested to manage the strategic role changes of subsidiaries. A qualitative approach consists of questionnaires and interviewing of CEOs is used to explore the relationships among global environment, global strategy, subsidiary's roles and mechanisms to integrate and coordinate the activities of a MNC. One of the MNCs in Taiwan with high degree of internationalization, Acer Group is the focus of the study. The head office and six subsidiaries were interviewed and the following three phases of Acer's history were examined: Client-Server O.X, Client-Server l.X and LOB. Three dimensions, relative advantage, integration/responsiveness and strtrgic importance, were used to classified the roles of subsidiaries into eight categories. We also identified six mechanisms of intrgration and coordinition. The research findings suggest two important patterns to integrate and coordinate. First, increasing pressure to integrate will push MNCs to strengthen the cost strategy and complex innovation strategy, to change subsidiaries'roles. The head office should adopt different integration and coordination mechanisms to deal with subsidiaries with different roles. Two types of the mechanisms, the microtructural arrangement mechanism and the resource management mechanism should be emphasized in all subsidiaries. Second, increasing pressure to response to host demands will push MNCs to strengthen the marketing differentiation strategy and breadth strategy, to change subsidiaries'roles as well.
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“策略、創新與營運模式”整合模型之研究 - 以戴爾、捷威與宏碁等個人電腦國際品牌公司為例 / The integrated model of strategy, innovation, and business model - A case study for Dell, Gateway, and Acer廖忠雄, Liau, Jung Shiung Unknown Date (has links)
自二十世紀的第三次工業革命(原子能、計算機、與空間技術)以來,由科技帶動全世界半個世紀的進步。在1950至1980年代,企業利用經濟規模提昇產業效率蔚為顯學。90年代以後,人類各項生活基本需求早已被滿足無虞。此時,創新且差異化的營運模式(Business Model)成了企業存在的必要條件。理論上,消費者的需求無所不在,各產業的產品與服務亦無奇不有,而且每個企業更有其賴以生存的特點與優勢,因而適合個別企業發展的營運模式理應也有不少的選項。若果真如此,何以許多企業在一次又一次的競爭中被殘酷地淘汰?而存活的企業中,亦仍有不少在生存與競爭的大海裡掙扎,試圖脫困。
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台灣資訊科技公司對俄國市場的行銷策略 / The Taiwanese IT companies' marketing strategy for Russia謝佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣資訊科技公司多透過俄國配銷商進入俄國市場,藉由他們分攤風險與了解市場。早期進入俄國市場的業者,如宏碁,積極尋找合適的俄國夥伴。如此為後進入市場的業者減輕審查與教育成本,卻也建立較高的品牌知名度。業者重視品牌形象的提昇與推廣,將行銷重點集中在人口密集與消費力強的莫斯科及聖彼得堡。面對廣大的俄國市場,企業更需當地夥伴的協助,確保經營流程的順暢。近年來越來越多台灣企業在俄設立辦事處,為求貼近市場以快速反應市場需求。 / Engaging in international marketing, companies have to know the countries’ overall situation and the relevant industry there. Russia’s economy is growing rapidly, and there are a lot of chances in this country. Many enterprises regard this emerging market as important, and go to Russia to do business. Russia is the largest country in the world, and there are many people there. However, much more residents are gathered in the Europe part of Russia, and the poverty gap is very big. In Russia laws and taxes are heavy and complicated. The government’s corruption and bureaucrat as well as public security are serious problems. There are both high potential and risks in Russian market.
The penetrative rate of relevant computer products in Russia is still low. Computerization of the government and enterprises makes Russian computer market grow rapidly. Russians are more and more attaching importance to computer skills, and there is more demand for IT products. Instead of emphasizing prices, Russians pay more attention to the brand while they choose electronic products. Russia’s network infrastructure is insufficient, but it will make more chances in the future. Russia is a large source of scientific, mathematical and programming talent, and she’s emerging and aggressive as a R&D center.
Lots of Taiwanese IT companies enter Russian market by local distributors. These distributors can help Taiwanese enterprises to more understand the market and reduce risks. Companies which entered Russian market earlier just like Acer had to pay more cost to find appropriate local partners, but they have won higher brand value. Enterprises take brand value seriously, and they focus more attention on Moscow and St. Petersburg. Because Russia is too big, Taiwanese companies need local partners’ assistance very much. More and more Taiwanese enterprises establish offices in Russia, so that they can respond to consumers’ requirements faster.
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企業社會責任的實踐挑戰:宏碁爭取列入道瓊永續性指數個案探討 / The implementation challenge of corporate social responsibility:case study of Acer's Striving to Enter DJSI component list謝書書, Hsieh, Shu Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以道瓊永續性指數(DJSI)成份股的評選機制,做為檢核企業社會責任實踐成果的工具,並以宏碁公司為探討個案,以價值鏈模式,分析宏碁從事企業社會責任的驅動原因,並進一步以道瓊永續性指數成份股的入選評量準則,探究宏碁企業社會責任的實踐現狀與該準則間之落差,繼而提出改善建議。期望有助於宏碁及台灣其他有志於入列道瓊永續性指數之企業,強化其企業社會責任的實踐績效。 / The notion of ``Corporate Social Responsibility`` (CSR) has come to fall into place as a driver to sustain any companies' growth. While there have been lacking well recognized criteria to assess performance of companies that put CSR into actions, it has been found that their associated financial performance frequently signals the efforts. As a result, whether to be able to be listed in publicly accessible financial sustainability indexes provides a convenient yardstick for the companies enforcing the notion.
In this study, given a goal to be a component in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), we evaluate in depth why Acer, an international brand personal computer company, has been motivated to assume the CSR as well as pursue the goal. The value-chain model is applied to gauge the strength and weakness in managements presently facing Acer. Serving other Taiwanese companies equally well, our analyses contribute to identify various dimensions in the value chain on which the company could make good improvements.
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企業開發創新性產品之研究—以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One 系列為例盧麗玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從過往眾多文獻中,整理出市場面、組織面及產品面等三大重要構面,做為研究架構,並以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One系列為例,從產品開發流程中,尋找產品開發成功的重要因素。本研究藉由關鍵人物訪談及次級資料蒐集取得資訊,建構起研究的主體。
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高科技企業品牌策略之研究--宏碁電腦個案分析湯嘉祥, Tang, Jia-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究得到了下列的結論: (1) 就世界趨勢而言,自創品牌是高科技企業應走的路(2) 高科技產品品牌與消費品品牌策略的基本精神相同,主要的差異在於兩種產品的產品本身、銷售的對象以及市場因素(3) 發展高科技企業品牌策略的先決條件為產品條件與決心(4) 高科技企業可以藉由品牌購併及品牌延伸來達到提升品牌價值的目的(5) 高科技企業的品牌行銷活動除了推廣活動之外,尚須加強服務的工作(6) 高科技企業的品牌策略為整體作業活動的整合性設計。 / High-tech industry is the important industry in Taiwan. However, in order to become the "Technology Island", not only should we improve the ability of R&D, but also the ability of marketing, especially branding.
The author used personal interview to understand the brand strategy of high-tech enterprise. The brand strategy means how does high-tech enterprise face the environment、 allocate the resource、 design marketing and brand management activities to create a global brand.
Computer industry is the major type of Taiwan high-tech industry. Acer, the most famous enterprise of creating global brand in Taiwan computer industry, was chosen the research object.
The conclusions of the research are as follows: (1) For the international trend, creating a self-owned brand is necessary for Taiwan high-tech enterprises. (2)The basic ideas between high-tech and consumer brand strategy are simi lar. But the main differences between these two categories are product itself, consumers who buy it, and market factors. (3)The essential conditions for high-tech products branding are products' quality and executives' determination. (4)High-tech enterprise can enhance its brand value by brand acquisition and brand extensions. (5)Beside brand marketing activities, high-tech enterprise should also enforce its services. (6)Branding strategy of high-tech enterprise should be implemented as the integrated redesign of business model.
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宏碁公司(2005-2010)快速蹶起 之 核心能耐研究 / The Core Competence of Rampaging Growing IT Company The Case Study of Acer Inc. (2005-2010)蔡榮龍, Tsai, Frank Unknown Date (has links)
宏碁在 2005 到2010 創造了爆發性營業額成長,這個高度成長已超過一般公司的表現;也引起 Dell 和 HP 研究 Acer 的威脅分析。每個公司都有它們的核心競爭能耐,去贏得在PC業界傑出表現的方程式。此論文動機是去發覺出真正Acer內部贏的方程式,看看這個公司在過去五年來;如何得到手提電腦中最高成長的市佔率。
有三個研究目的,此論文將研究: (1) 是什麼全球策略帶領新產品開發能力與技術創新? (2) 有什麼主要的新產品開發流程與系統,導致最低開發成本及最快的開發時程? (3) 客戶的評論與回饋如何影響產品計畫與管理方式。總之,本研究將找出Acer核心競爭力,在2005 到2010快速成長的五年。
此研究架構包含三的項目: (1) 全球策略: 全球,事業,和產品層次。(2) NPD 新產品開發流程的組織、流程、與系統。(3) 技術創新和其管理能力。我們用Acer這個擁有16%全球PC市佔公司來探究與其質量研究 。首要資料得到、收集、消化 ,都是從各個相關部門來增加資料正確性;如業務、行銷、產品管理、研發、與品質服務。但有些資料及表格式內容則由許多資深內部同仁的問卷調查和他們各別的想法。同時,研討最高階管理者,為何深刻影響全球資源整頓與分配? 看到內部NPD組織與不斷研發改善流程結合?最後,也看出什麼專案應包含那種NPD 系統的優化?
這本論文共發現了十個研究發現如下: (1)Acer的全球事業開發策略目標已經清楚定義事業團隊與NPD 新產品研發團隊相關工作職責(2)Acer 的全球外包策略也幫助公司的營運效率,也加強產品設計品質;藉由結合外部優勢資源與其管理能力。(3) Acer 管理層不斷推動的成本領導策略,來保持全球產品競爭力。(4) 四次在 2006-2009 M&A 事件,產生快速市佔提昇,但也付出相當整合資源投入。(5) 專案矩陣組織是最通用的,也讓最高管理者,快速安排適當開發資源,來控制時間、成本、和規格。(6) 在NPD開發中,簡化系統模組共同設計,來節省開發成本,也能創造市場中更有彈性產品。(7) 一個簡化的公司,藉由不斷流程精化與專案效能管理來達到最佳NPD境地。(8) 在不同的管理和功能團隊,都有導入NPD跨平台快速新技術能力。(9) 整合全球法務系統與資源,加強法務專利管理能力,並高度結合研發團隊與NPD 設計工程。(10) 聽取客戶端價值聲音,以改善產品規劃和品質,提昇其競爭力。
關鍵字: 宏碁 戴爾 惠普 新產品開發 核心競爭力 全球策略 技術創新
成本領導 研發 企業倂購 專案矩陣組織 出貨單元 / Acer has made rampaging business growth during 2005 – 2010. The outstanding and surpassing performance was an unusual case that induced Dell and HP to conduct Acer analysis projects how to react to the Acer’s threatens. Each company would have its core competence or competitive capability to make it a winning formula to attain breakthroughs in the PC industry. The motivation of this study is to figure out what real winning formula inside to keep Acer obtaining the highest market share and growth in laptop sales for the continuous five years till 2010 Q3.
Three objectives will be studied in this thesis: (1) what are the global strategies that lead to new product development capability and technology innovation? (2) What are the key process and systems of new product development (NPD) that result in the lowest development cost and fastest development lead time? (3) How do customers’ comments and feedbacks impact product planning and management? In summary, this study is to explore Acer’s core competence that results in business rampaging growth during the years 2005 to 2010.
Research framework of this study consists of three constructs: (1) Global strategies: global, business and product level, (2) NPD organizations, processes and systems, (3) Technology innovation and management capabilities. As an exploratory study, qualitative research is adopted to conduct case study on the firm – Acer, which has attained 16% global PC market share in 2010. For data collection and digestion, primary data were obtained through multiple sources of evidence and findings in order to increase its validity. Some data came from internal business and product development documents especially on sales, marketing, product management, R&D and quality service. There are other data sources such as articles’ tabular content, case study database, and senior colleagues’ notes and opinions to the above-mentioned questions. Why do top-management strategies of a corporate deeply influence allocation and integration of global resources? What does internal NPD organizational adaption should be engaged with continuous improving design process? Which projects could attain optimization of the NPD systems will be analyzed as well.
Findings of this study are as below:
1. Acer business goal develops varies of global strategies that clearly define task ownerships between business teams and NPD teams.
2. Acer’s global outsourcing strategy may assist with company’s operational efficiency and enhance product design quality by leveraging talented resources with their capable management skill.
3. Acer cost leadership strategy driven by top management stays the sustainability of global competitiveness.
4. The four times M&A events increased market share significantly but took heavy resources to the companies being acquired during the years of 2006-2009.
5. Project matrix organization is most common one that allows top management to allocate capable development resources to control projects in schedule, cost, and specification.
6. Simplification with modularity of system design during NPD is to save development cost and create flexibility of product SKU to the market.
7. A learning company like Acer may improve internal NPD design defects by continuously taking process refinement and project management to achieve the best NPD practice.
8. A fast adaptability of new technology design in platform during NPD for different managerial and function teams to perform technology innovation.
9. To leverage global legal experienced resource and system to enhance legal management capability to closely engaged with R&D during NPD design works.
10. Listen to the value voices of customers for product planning and quality improvement may play a key refinement process to sustain product in competitiveness.
At the end, practical suggestions will be given for companies in PC industry on business and product strategies management plan and how to optimize internal NPD system to refine process, project and organization by different level of management capabilities and technology innovation. That could render a company highly competitive in a global PC market place.
Keywords: Acer, Dell, HP, NPD, core competence, global strategies, technology innovation, cost leadership, R&D, M&A, project matrix organization, SKU
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