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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

多品牌管理策略研究 / Analysis of multi-brands management in multi-national enterprise

劉秋慧, Liu, Joyce Unknown Date (has links)
The case study provides an analysis of the multi-brands management of multi-national enterprise, taking Acer group as an example. The objective of this study is to analyze the reason for Acer group to adopt multi-brands strategy, how Acer group implements the multi-brand strategy and the overview of the industry. Provide SWOT analysis on Acer after its implementation of multi-brands and follows with conclusion and recommendations in the end.

台灣高科技企業的多品牌策略-以宏碁為例 / Multi-Brand strategy of Taiwanese high-tech enterprises : a study of Acer

徐培軒, Hsu, Elton Unknown Date (has links)
擁有自己的品牌是許多人的夢想,能將自己的品牌推向國際大放光芒更是許多企業家心心念念的目標。專長於代工的台灣企業家多數更希望能在自家生產出的的產品上掛上自己的標誌,行銷全世界,這不只是一種榮耀,也代表著能賺取優良品牌所帶來的高額利潤。 台灣高科技企業擁有高超的製造力以及全球維運的能力,在品牌經營的成果則待持續努力,綜觀目前世界品牌價值前百大的品牌中台灣還有沒任何品牌入圍。宏碁與華碩是台灣 NB 與 PC 產業具有代表性的品牌企業,但選擇了截然不同的品牌經營之路,2007 年開始宏碁採用多品牌策略,華碩曾一貫堅持品牌傘策略,二家企業在歷年的品牌價值評估中則互有領先,難分軒輊。 本研究發現品牌策略在企業發展的不同階段,會受到不同 (企業內部和企業外部) 因素的影響;因此,最適當的品牌策略並非永遠不變。然而每一個品牌都會面臨不同問題,受到不同的要素與營運目標所影響,同樣的策略作法未必會適用於其他品牌。產業特性、資源多寡、企業文化與消費者行為等等皆會影響品牌策略的選擇。如何做好內外部分析,在不同時期,找出最適合自身企業的品牌策略,乃是品牌策略的成功與否的最主要關鍵。 本研究亦發現無論是品牌傘策略或是多品牌策略的運用都與「產品力」息息相關,而缺乏量化數據資料也是當前品牌價值評估與追蹤機制難以建立的原因。

企業品牌與多品牌策略選擇之跨產業個案研究 / A study of single Brand and Multiple Brand strategies by cross-industrial case study

呂昆安, Lu, Kun An Unknown Date (has links)
觀察台灣產業品牌發展,在相同的產業裡,各企業或許會出現ㄧ致的品牌策略,亦或許會出現迥異的品牌策略,是哪些原因影響,讓企業在相同的產業環境下,卻有不同的品牌策略選擇? 或堅持某一特定策略? 本研究將透過深度個案訪談及次級資料分析方式,針對企業在品牌策略的發展歷程中,其品牌策略選擇的影響因素,同時透過食品業與科技業的跨產業比較,以企業經理人觀點出發,探討品牌策略選擇的影響要因。 個案選擇其品牌策略概分為「企業品牌」與「多品牌」兩種策略,產業之個案選擇以食品業之統一、味全、桂冠,科技業則為宏碁、華碩、英華達等。 研究結果顯示,企業品牌策略發展歷程中,其品牌策略選擇的影響因素,主要涵蓋企業、產品與市場三大構面。在食品產業成長發展過程中,各廠商間品牌策略選擇,較偏向多品牌策略,受訪經理人認為,食品業由企業品牌轉多品牌策略,主要與消費者需求改變有關,過去消費者注重價格實惠的理性消費;但隨著台灣經濟社會開發後,人民所得普遍提高,因此,轉變為多樣化的需求,因此必須對應多品牌以鮮明訴求不同產品定位。 在科技產業成長發展過程中,各廠商間品牌策略選擇,較偏向企業品牌策略,受訪經理人表示,主要原因為產品屬性因素,科技產品的標準化生產流程,使個產品不會有所謂的口味、生活習慣等文化差異,在食品業所強調「家鄉市場」(home market)的條件,已經不存在,對科技公司而言,品牌的戰略不同於食品業由區域品牌做起的單點突破方式,各區域消費差異小,而是以全球消費者目標的全面式出擊,加上企業研發與製造投資金額龐大,營運風險高,採行企業品牌,可降低投資風險,增加品牌投資綜效,節省龐大行銷費用;再加上國際先驅品牌大廠,以採取類似的組合品牌策略,因此,大多採取一致的品牌策略。 在食品與科技不同產業間,其品牌策略發展將有不同的趨勢,科技業品牌,因全球標準一致性,因此全球品牌走向大者恆大的趨勢,未來將僅存續全球十大品牌;食品業則較具文化與地理上障礙,將朝區域品牌大廠發展,跨區域間,則進行策略聯盟發展。 / Observing the brand development of Taiwan industrials, there may appear consistent or inconsistent brand strategy in the same industry. Which factors are influencing on managers during brand strategy decision-making? Why do managers choose different brand strategy or insist on a specific strategy under the same industrial environment. The purpose of this study is to identify the cause of brand strategy choice from manager’s viewpoints, through the secondary data and case study method. This study will also compare with the technology industrial and food industrial cases. There are categorized two type strategies- corporate branding and product branding strategy. Case study lists are President, Weichuan, Laurel, acer, Asus and OKwap. The result of study shows, the brand strategy influenced factors contain the corporate, product and market attributive factors. While the food industry developed, they preferred to choose product branding. Managers told us that this change is related to consumer demand change. Consumers paid attention on the benefit of price in the past. Since the economic booming in Taiwan, people's incomes were generally raised. Consumers changed to diversified demands. The product branding is appealed to this request. While the technology industry developed, they preferred to choose corporate branding. Managers told us that the main reason is product attribute factor, for example standardized and homogeneous product attribute. They need to face global market, without any regional market advantage. Their products must target to all of users world wide. They must make investment hugely on R&D, marketing and manufacturing. The operation risk is high. They can reduce the risk by adapting corporate branding strategy. Retracing the leading company internationally, they also chose the same brand strategy. Among food and technology industries, their brands developed differently and have different trends in the future. Technology brands will exist only top ten vendors due to standardized and homogeneous product influenced. Food industry relatively has obstacle on culture and geography. They only will develop brands towards local regional markets. For cross-regions markets, they will cooperate by strategic alliance.

代理商品牌策略之探討 / Brand Strategy for Agent

李怡佩, Li, Yu Pei Unknown Date (has links)

食安問題危機處理之策略行銷分析—以連鎖多品牌餐飲集團為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Dealing with Food Safety Crisis: A Case Study of Multi-brand Chain Dining Group

蘇繹純, Su, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的餐飲業一直都是百家爭鳴、蓬勃發展,但近年來,有逐漸走向大型化以及連鎖化的趨勢,眾多連鎖餐飲集團,帶著多品牌餐廳的優勢,各自主打不同的客群和定位,穩健地搶占市場份額,隨著瓦城泰統、王品集團的上市,各家連鎖多品牌餐飲集團也都力爭上游,營收狀況成長驚人,像是乾杯集團、欣葉國際餐飲等等,年營收都超過5億元,不論是來客量、客單價都逐年成長,餐飲業從業人員和總產值也是逐年提升,許多業者也開始注意到這個趨勢,也逐漸朝向連鎖和多品牌的經營模式靠攏。 餐飲業不可避免的,與食品安全的問題息息相關,尤其是近年台灣面對大大小小各種出乎意料的食品安全事件衝擊,更是讓餐飲業不堪其擾,食安意識抬頭,不論政府或是業界,不僅要好好反思和檢討這些事件的前因後果,更重要的是要怎麼樣有所作為,讓消費者能夠吃得放心,餐飲業者也才不會因為食安問題,而對經營面造成衝擊,其實參考歐洲的狀況,從生產到消費者端,食品安全在每一個環節都做好監控和追蹤,產品溯源和政府監控檢驗的機制也相當完善,且歐洲各國互相連動,各國的食品安全資訊共享,並共同合作預防食安問題,當然這是產業和政府環境相當成熟的狀況,反觀台灣還有眾多努力空間。 本研究主要探討X連鎖多品牌餐飲集團,其所擁有之自助式吃到飽S餐廳品牌,在遭遇到不可抗拒之食安風暴時,如何進行危機處理,調整部門組織、協調組織資源作出變革與改善,接著以策略行銷4C分析理論作為分析架構,探討如何在食安問題後,透過菜色調整、裝潢和服務的提升,去彌補顧客知覺的總效益,且透過折扣去降低外顯單位效益成本;進一步該如何確實揭露有效資訊;自建實驗室、取得國際食安認證,以控管道德危機成本,重新找回消費者的信任;最後如何透過顧客關係管理、促銷及品牌經營,建立專屬資產的過程。 本研究屬於質性之探討性研究,以次級資料的搜集彙整以及本研究生進行之店訪與實際訪談為基礎撰寫此個案,也希望透過後文的分析,能找出目前X餐飲集團略顯不足之處,提供其未來在經營面、組織面以及顧客關係管理的一些建議,提升X餐飲集團之競爭力和品牌力。更重要的是也希望能夠提供其他餐飲業者,未來在面對食安問題時,可以借鏡的案例。

電源供應器業創新經營策略之研究-以T公司個案為例 / The business strategies of power supply firms emphasized on innovation-A case study of T corporation

周青麟, Chou, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
台灣歷經過去幾十來在電子工業的蓬勃發展,帶動了供應鏈上各種產業聚落的形成。舉凡終端產品如個人電腦、筆記型電腦、無線通信及影音設備等。關鍵電子零組件如電源供應器、印刷電路板、積體電路代工業等。電源供應器(Power Supply) 提供各種電子產品穩定的電壓電源,隨著各式電子產品的演進,電源供應器產業的公司也不斷的進行各種創新研發與經營策略的調整。 本研究以T公司為個案研究對象,探討台灣電源供應器產業在以往的成長經驗裡,在經營策略面與創新模式中,有哪些關鍵成功因素。經由外在環境探討與內部組織優劣勢分析(SWOT),以及公司現行策略類型之整理(司徒達賢2005),本研究進行個案公司可行性策略之研擬、分析與建議(TOWS)。個案公司於實體及虛擬通路市場有多年的經營與成功經驗,舉凡創新研發與專利佈局、多品牌全球交叉行銷、以核心領域擴散之產品多角化經營路線等。本個案是一個台灣中小企業在極大化有利的外在機會與創新研發的強項下,成功的達成逐步成長的目標並進而完成台灣OTC市場上櫃的案例。 由於2008年以來的金融風暴及今年歐美市場在主權債務問題與全球經濟疲弱的表現,僅少數廠商仍有逆勢成長的表現;對於未來電源供應器產業的景氣看法,也看法分歧。本研究透過系統性的分析工具,從總體經濟面與產業面的威脅與機會及內部組織的優劣勢分析出發,推衍出對未來經營策略的具體方針與策略執行方案。可做為個案公司對未來發展經營策略之建議以及科技相關產業或其他企業在經營策略分析、行銷通路佈局之參考。 本研究探討之主要經營創新策略關鍵重要因素,包含了多品牌全球互動行銷、逆循環行銷模式、搭配專利進行顛覆式研發創新、少量多樣模組化生產等創新經營模式。以上因素也造就了個案公司過去連續多年成長倍增的驅動力量。 關鍵字:電源供應器、多品牌全球交叉行銷、TOWS

代言人廣告中產品涉入與推荐疲乏對廣告效果的影響 / The advertising effectiveness of product involvement and recommendation fatigue in celebrity endorsement

洪茂光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討代言人的選用策略、代言人代言數量、產品涉入程度與廣告效果之間的意涵;分析人口統計變數對廣告效果的差異性;檢定產品涉入程度、代言人代言數量多寡之間對廣告效果的關係。根據量化分析及質化訪談的研究分析,對代言人的選用策略提出整合研究建議。 研究方法採取量化的實驗法及質化的深度訪談進行,以實驗法進行的過程,先針對代言人代言數量多寡進行人選的前測,再與涉入程度高低不同程度的商品搭配,設計出一組3*2的實驗組合。透過統計檢定導出結論,再輔以實際廣告業界當中,從廣告主及廣告代理商的深度訪談佐證,最終再提出名人代言的選用策略建議。 根據實驗的結果統計歸納,摘要四點結論如下: 一、名人多品牌大量代言等於高知名度,廣告效果仍佳。 二、代言人代言數量過多導致推荐疲乏雖然存在,但對廣告效果影響有限。 三、在商品涉入程度的關係中,名人代言策略建議用在低涉入產品中,高涉入產品效果較差。 四、代言人的選擇應考慮目標對象的性別及教育程度進行遴選標準。 根據廣告主及廣告公司等業者的訪談,提出八項建議如下: 一、依據代言人性格及品牌關聯,為名人量身打造廣告,破解可能的推薦疲乏。二、經由代言人成為「品牌大使」的角色,發揮品牌精神。 三、為避免折損名人價值,名人應嚴選合作品牌,與品牌適配結合。 四、創造虛擬偶像或素人明星為操作代言人的奇兵策略。 五、整合性名人代言的傳播決策路徑 六、避免喧賓奪主效應,發展名人與品牌之間的雙贏及共生關係。 七、用名人自己平常慣用的語言及消費者認同的語言來溝通。 八、理性與感性建立品牌人格化模式。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the strategy of choosing advertising spokesperson, the number of endorsements, the meaning between product involvement and advertising effectiveness. Analyze the demographic variables toward advertising effectiveness. Test product involvement level and relationship between the number of endorsements of advertising spokesperson and the advertising effectiveness. The conclusion is based on the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative research to provide the integrated suggestion for choosing advertising spokesperson. Methodology is based on the quantitative and qualitative (in-depth interview) research. In the course of an experimental method, conduct the pre-test of the candidates for the number of endorsements by advertising spokesperson, the next step is to design a set of 3 * 2 experimental combinations with varying degrees of product involvement. The conclusions derived through a statistical test, and then supplemented with the actual advertising industry which, from the advertisers and advertising agencies in support of in-depth interviews and eventually made the choice of celebrity endorsement strategy proposals. According to the experimental results of statistical induction, four-point summary of the conclusions are as follows: 1. Celebrity endorsement for a large number of brands increases the total brand awareness which means the advertising effect is still good. 2. Lead to an excessive number of spokesmen for endorsement recommendation fatigue exist, but a limited impact on advertising effectiveness. 3. The relationship between the degree of product involvement, the celebrity endorsement strategy proposes to use in low-involvement products, high-involvement products seems less effective. 4. Choosing the advertising spokesperson should take into account gender and educational level of the Target audience as the selection criteria. According to the in-depth interview with advertisers and advertising agencies. The eight suggestions are as follows: 1. Based on the spokesperson personality and association with the brand, it is recommended that the advertising should be tailored to reduce the recommendation fatigue. 2. Through the advertising spokesperson become a "brand ambassador" role, to play the brand spirit. 3. In order to avoid impairment value of celebrity, celebrities should be carefully selected co-brand fit and brand integration. 4. The creation of a virtual idol or a prime people as the advertising spokesperson is an innovative strategy. 5. Integrated decision-making path to celebrity endorsement. 6. To avoid overwhelming and reduce the advertising effect, it is necessary to build the symbiotic relationship between celebrities and the brand to create the win-win situation. 7. Using its own language of the celebrities to communicate with the target audience. 8. Sense and Sensibility patterns to build brand personification.

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