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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國直銷業之管理策略分析─以中國安利及雅芳為例 / The Study of Management Strategies for Managing Direct Selling usiness in China - The Case Studies of Amway and Avon in China

李威德, Lee,Victor Unknown Date (has links)
The development of Direct Selling industry in China is amazingly flourishing since Avon set foot in GuangDong, China at 1992. Giving China’s potential mega size market, the growth pattern of the industry is not all very positive in the past 30 years. Chinese government has issued a total shut down upon all those Direct Selling business in 1998 to prevent the deterioration of the social distress caused by the not yet completed governing system. All the existing multi-national direct selling company were “advised” to transform from “No-Shop” Sales to “Direct-owned” or “dealer-owned” store operation. Not until Chinese government honored the WTO treaty in 2005 and embraced the development of private own retail business, the permission of No-Shop sales were then reissued. However, the well known multi-level marketing/compensation system of Direct Selling system was still banned in China. The Direct Selling system are mainly differentiated from traditional retailing system by its different selling channel, no-shop sales, single or multiple compensation system, and their high percentage motivation bonus system. What were the challenges the management team of the multinational direct selling companies facing? How can these companies survive the highly volatile legal environment and still be thriving 30 years after? What were the strategies adopted to cope with the external change? What were the consequences after these new strategies had implemented? The author has chosen the largest global Direct Selling Corporation-Avon and the largest International Direct Selling Corporation operate in China -Amway as subjects of this study and tried to determine what were the strategies these companies adopted that lead to success. The result of study found that the common strategies toward emergency lead to success are as follows: 1. Obey and cooperate with Chinese government's decree 2. Keep the communication channel with government open at all cost 3. Maintain good public image, advocate social well-beings by contributions 4. Ultra-flexible organizations


黃新福, HUANG, XIN-FU Unknown Date (has links)
隨著人類知識的推展及科學技術的更新,現今組織所面臨的環境已截然異於往昔,環境中所隱含的不可預測性及複雜性已達相當的激盪程度。故就開放性的組織而言,為了能適應此激盪環境的變動需求,其不得不對原有的管理策略及理念作適度的調適以變遷,特別是自本世紀八十年代後期開始,環境變遷的速度更是超乎從前,再加上危機事件的頻頻發生及損害程度的持續增強,在使得組織面臨到前所未有的新挑戰。故不論是公私組織均相繼地對此類危機的防範提出因應的管理策略,並且逐漸意識到危機管理的重要性。 因危機所造成的影響層面極為廣泛,且形成的主因甚多,故組織若欲作好有效的「危機管理」,並達到化危機為轉機的境界,則其必需先秉持「凡事豫則立,不豫則廢」的心態來面對危機,並運用長期規劃的觀點來對危機作充分的準備,並建構出一套完備且周詳的管理策略,從不斷學習及調適的過程中來落實管理成效。而動態的危機管理過程大致可分為五大管理步驟-危機訊息的偵測、危機的準備及預防、損害的控制及處理、從事復原工作、及學習等,其中以危機初期徵兆的偵察最為重要。此乃因最成功的管理境界當是消弭危機於無形,等而下之的管理策略則是將危機所引發的影響予以排除。故從此觀點來看,組織若欲化危機為轉機並掌握成功的契機,則其必需先從強化決策者的認知及危機辨識的能力作起,使組織的決策得以適應環境的需求。此外,組織亦需事先建構一套職司「危機管理」的應變計畫及執行機構,使組織得以在危機的衝擊下,作好萬全的應變及處置措施,並透過不斷地學習及調適的動態過程來達到有效的危機管理目標。

多品牌管理策略研究 / Analysis of multi-brands management in multi-national enterprise

劉秋慧, Liu, Joyce Unknown Date (has links)
The case study provides an analysis of the multi-brands management of multi-national enterprise, taking Acer group as an example. The objective of this study is to analyze the reason for Acer group to adopt multi-brands strategy, how Acer group implements the multi-brand strategy and the overview of the industry. Provide SWOT analysis on Acer after its implementation of multi-brands and follows with conclusion and recommendations in the end.


林佩君, Lin, Pei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在我國廣播頻道開放之後,以服務客家族群為訴求的客家電台紛紛出現,然而以人口數量、語言與文化活力來看,客家族群無疑是相對弱勢的,客家電台有著迴異於主流傳播的市場定位,並使用弱勢的客家語言,其經營環境具有何種特質,而客家電台又以何種策略來因應,是本研究所關切的重點。 本研究以財團法人寶島客家廣播電台,以及桃園新客家電台為分析個案,應用文獻探討、深度訪談及內容分析等方法,對客家電台的背景與現況、節目呈現、行銷活動及財務等方面進行瞭解,同時分析討論客家電台經營管理的架構與執行。 研究結果發現,在客家電台的經營環境上,有五個特色:一、客家意識抬頭,製造客語傳播有利環境;二、客家電台的聽眾群年紀較長、忠誠度高;三、客家電台面臨激烈的市場競爭;四、客語廣播不受廣告商青睞,客家電台需以其他營收來維持營運;五、客語廣播人才不足,節目品質難以提升。 在研究個案的分析上面,由於組織型態上的不同,非商業的寶島客家電台採用產品導向的策略來向聽眾推廣其理念;商業性的新客家電台則以市場導向的策略投合聽眾喜好,並藉此創造利潤。對於研究個案的建議,則包括有加強聽眾研究、提升節目品質、強化行銷活動等方面。

台灣資訊科技產業之專利管理策略研究 / The study on patent management strategy of Taiwan IT industry

陳思慈, Szu-Tzu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技及市場的演化,在現代經濟交易中,知識成為重要資產,就如同過去天然資源對於低技術、重勞動力市場一般重要。新知識、新技術催生了許多新產業,由其是那些與電腦、半導體、生化科技有關的範疇。 近十幾年來,資訊科技產業成為台灣經濟的重心,也造就了相當數量的科技新貴。究其原因,多數研究皆指出:優秀的技術勞動力、彈性的製造優勢、敏銳的市場回應、高效率的中衛體系、競爭性合作網路等是該產業擅其勝場之主因。但國內該產業也有為數不少的廠商,在市場競爭中遭到淘汰。究其原因,研發創新的加速使個別產品壽命縮短,致使廠商研發回收不易。同質性產品競爭激烈等市場因素皆是。也有某些研究報導指出:遭到外國專利侵害控訴、鉅額專利權利金追索,美國國內法反仿冒、反傾銷制裁等等措施,迫使廠商不堪負荷而退出。或因繳交過高的權利金,而喪失市場競爭力。據此,得以窺見:在現階段,作為產業重要「智識財產」之一的專利權,尚未成為我國資訊科技產業的競爭優勢,反倒成為被抨擊的弱點所在。是以,從長期的觀點來看,企業提昇專利權管理成為策略考量層次,對資訊科技產業維持競爭、生存優勢來看,有其必要。 以往企業總以為取得專利的目的,僅在保護自己公司的產品、技術和研發成果。但是,今日我們應建立一個新的觀念:從策略觀點,意即資源運用觀點;管理(有效利用)專利權以取得持續性的競爭優勢。也就是靈活運用專利權,以做為企業間技術競爭以及企業戰略的武器。這當然包括了增加企業收益的企圖。另一方面,處在技術競爭的戰場上,任何一家企業都無法遠離「專利權」的雷區與火力。消極地,避開競爭對手的專利佈局與攻擊,不得已時也得將被專利攻擊的損失減至最小;積極地,運用本身技術資源,蓄積專利量、提昇專利質、組構專利網以作為攻擊或赫阻競爭對手的武器,或作為交互授權、專利聯盟(Patent pooling/ consortion)的籌碼。 程序上,本研究採兩階段資料整合分析。第一階段,先蒐集該產業涵蓋上、中、下游之16家代表性廠商,自成立以來至1998年底為止的專利核准件數與內容;佐以我國智慧財產權局的總體統計、各上市公司年報,作初步比較分析。檢視其: 一、 專利數量與質量(基本專利或衛星專利)的比重。 二、 個別廠家在發明、新型、新式樣三類專利比重。 三、 專利內容與廠家核心事業的關連性。 四、 專利數量累積與營業成長的關係。 五、 綜合以上,窺探各別廠家的策略意圖。 第二階段,取四家代表性廠家做個案深入訪談以解釋命題,求證假設。 最後由研究歸納、抽象出:激勵策略、防禦策略、前瞻策略、攻擊策略等四種概念化之專利管理策略的假設模型,並嘗試做出策略建議。 第一章 緒論………………………………………………………4 第一節 研究背景………………………………………………….4 第二節 研究動機………………………………………………….6 第三節 研究問題………………………………………………….7 第四節 研究目的………………………………………………….8 第五節 研究程序………………………………………………….8 第六節 撰寫大綱………………………………………………….8 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………9 第一節 專利與專利制度…………………………………………9 第二節 專利法與專利權…………………………………………9 第三節 專利權之取得、運用與維護……………………………12 第四節 專利管理…………………………………………………15 第五節 專利管理策略……………………………………………24 第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………27 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………28 第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………28 第三節 研究變項…………………………………………………29 第四節 名詞定義…………………………………………………29 第四章 個案分析…………………………………………………30 第一節 統計資料解析……………………………………………30 第二節 宏□電腦公司……………………………………………38 第三節 鴻海精密工業公司………………………………………57 第四節 世界先進積體電路公司…………………………………71 第五節 研華股份有限公司………………………………………81 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………90 第一節 研究發現…………………………………………………90 第二節 結論………………………………………………………95 第三節 後續研究建議……………………………………………97 參考文獻 一、 中文部份……………………………………………………98 二、 外文部份……………………………………………………99 附錄 一、 宏□、鴻海、世界先進、研華訪談紀要…………………100 二、 宏□、鴻海、世界先進、研華國內智慧財產權局註冊專利摘要 三、 聯電、台積電、華碩、廣達、技嘉、英業達、力捷、神達等公司 之專利摘要 / Along with the evolution of technology and market, in modern transaction economy, intellectual works have become as important properties as natural resources did to the labor-intensive, non-technological market for the past. New knowledge and new technologies create some new industries, especially those that related to the domain of computing, semiconductor and biotech. Information technology industry has become the core of Taiwan economy for the past twenty years. Meanwhile, this industry has created certain amount of young millionaires to the Taiwan society as well. In search of its causes, some point out that good qualified technical labors, advantage of flexible manufacturing, prompt market responds, efficient logistics system, competitive co-operation network etc… are the answers to its prosperity. Nevertheless, not a few Taiwan information technology companies have been expelled from this market over competition. To answer this question, some researches point out that acceleration of R&D results to shorten product life circle making unlikely to return the investment. In addition, such marketing factor as severe homogeneous product competition occurred. There are also some reports said: the accusation from foreign technology leading countries such as USA, Japan or Europe, and the claim of huge amount of royalty payment, enforcement of copy right and anti-dumping by USA government. All these impacts struck out some Taiwan IT companies from this game. Furthermore, high royalty payment ate up its profit margin and made most of them lose price competitive advantage. Base on above studies, one can be aware that patent right as an important intellectual property has currently not been the competitive advantage of Taiwan IT industry yet. On the contrary, patent right used to be the Achilles' heel of Taiwan IT industry for the past. For Taiwan IT related companies' long run concern, to lift patent right management up to the strategic level seems essential to keep its own competitive advantage as well as long term survival. It supposed to be the purpose of being granted a patent right that protecting one's innovation of product or technology. While today, a positive concept should be given to the corporate patent rights. That is, in order to maintain corporate continuous competitive advantage, corporate should see the patents from strategic point of view. That is to say applying resource management viewpoint to manage corporate patents. Corporate should use patent rights so flexibly as to be a weapon of inter-corporate technological campaign. One intention is for sure that it can increase corporate income. For the negative concern, it avoids rivals' attacks and minimizes the loss from the patent war. For positive concern, corporate should manipulate its technical resources to accumulate patent volume, to promote patent quality, to build patent web so as to deter competitors from imitation or to be the stakes of cross-licensing and patent pooling. In processing this study, it takes two successive phases data integration. At the first phase, collected official information of patent applied and filed from Taiwan Intellectual Property Office, which covering sixteen firms over IT industry from top end to users' end respectively. Together with Taiwan IPO's macro statistics and each company's annual report, this study preliminarily compared and analyzed following factors: 1. Quantity and quality (basic or satellite) of filed patents of respective company. 2. Portion of patent form: invention, new type or new pattern patent of each company. 3. Co-relation between patents content and core business of each company. 4. Relation of patent accumulation and its sales turnover of each company. 5. Base on above, speculating each company's strategic intention. At the second phase, these sixteen firms had been divided into three groups according firms' product subject to industrial or end-user purpose, this study chose four examples which are most representable and well-established firms as profound case study to interpret proposition and hypothesis. Finally, inducting four conceptual strategy models of patent management, they are Incentive, Defendable, Advanced, Aggressive strategies and this study try to propose the strategic choice.


林欽淼 Unknown Date (has links)
現在壽險公司透過核保所能賺取的利潤微乎其微,所以投資利潤已逐漸成為壽險業獲利的重要來源。尤其近一年來,受到國際經濟因素的影響,使得我國的利率水準不斷下降,再加上股票市場的低迷不振,壽險業的投資利益也受到影響,因此壽險業的資產管理逐漸受到重視。   所以本研究利用個案研究的方式探討壽險業的資產管理策略,分析壽險公司實務上如何執行資產管理策略、資產管理策略的決定過程,以及擬定此策略時所考慮的因素,並且透過模擬方式,評估個案公司的資產管理績效,以深入瞭解壽險公司如何利用資產管理提高投資報酬。   本研究經過訪談與側面調查後發現,國內壽險公司的資產配置主要著重在有價證券、銀行存款及擔保放款方面。而個案公司因為成立資產管理委員會,使得公司的投資績效表現優於同業。另外本研究經過模擬分析後發現,在四種情境中樂觀情境之下,持有股票比例較高的投資組合,其報酬率也較高;在四種情境中悲觀情境之下,持有債券比例較高的投資組合,其報酬率也較高;當未來情境多頭的機率較高的時候,持有股票較高的投資組合其報酬率也較高;當未來情境空頭的機率較高的時候,持有債券比例較高的投資組合,其報酬率也較高;當未來情境的多頭和空頭的機率相等時,則股票和債券的持有比率會影響公司的投資組合報酬率。


王建裕 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今非常兢爭的資訊產業中 , 由於產品不斷的推陳出新 , 縮短了新產品的生命週期 , 除了提高產品品質及降低生產成本外 , 如何將產品透過有效的銷售管道 , 迅速的佔有市場 , 成為各個資訊產品供應商在有限的成長市場環境中 , 極為重要的一環 。敝人任職於資訊產品供應商多年 , 深深感受到銷售管道對於供應商之重要性 , 因此在本研究中 , 針對供應商和配銷商間的資訊管理機制 , 做一深入的探討 , 期望藉由研究結果 , 規劃及改善出一套有效及迅速的配銷商管理資訊系統 , 以促使在如此微利時代的資訊產業中突破逆境持續成長。 / On the competition edge of IT industry, innovation and emerging technologies lead to an increasingly shorter product life cycle. Besides product quality improvement and cost rationalization, effective management on market channels to increase market-shares becomes significantly crucial for IT-product suppliers to survive in such a rapid-changing, low profit-margin business environment. This research thus aims at finding the way for effective handling on the IT-product market-channels. This paper describes at first the market situation regarding IT products. Thereafter, we than elaborate the importance of the sales-channel, in particular of wholesales, to the suppliers. An analysis on the case of a large-scale international corporation is then presented, where by we study the behavior and information management among wholesalers and the firms. Last but not least, the study results in improving information management for more efficient and effective distribution and sales of IT-Products.


林舒怡, Lin, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將以互相依賴的觀點觀察照明產業中廠商的夥伴關係,並以W照明公司之案例及其配合10家以上的供應商及訪談,探討照明產業供應鏈中,公司間的互相依賴度與夥伴關係管理策略之關聯。 研究者藉由文獻探討、個案分析與深度訪談之方式,瞭解及探討照明產業供應鏈中製造商與各供應商的互相依賴現況,以及在不同互相依賴程度下,製造商運用的夥伴關係管理策略的不同,研究結果如下: 一、相互依賴的本質來自於社會交易或資源依賴,相互依賴的程度可從買賣雙方的交易內涵、替代性及專業來判斷,如果買賣雙方有多年的交易關係,雙方至少是「賣方主導」以上程度的相互依賴性。 二、買賣雙方不同程度的相互依賴性,自然會影響買方夥伴關係管理策略之施行。 三、買方之夥伴關係管理策略可以有三方面的作為:夥伴關係類型的建立、夥伴關係階段的發展及夥伴關係評估指標的運用。雙方往來的頻率愈頻繁且時間愈長,買方愈可能對賣方建立型三的夥伴關係。雙方往來時間短則可能停在可靠階段;若雙方往來時間愈長,則愈可能進展到應變甚至創新階段。合作時間不長,買方通常會運用短期指標;合作時間長,買方會採取較長期性及信賴性的指標。 四、相互依賴及夥伴關係之各項變數是可以形成一個整合性架構的循環關係,此架構描述了交易內涵、替代性及專業性決定了買賣雙方之相互依賴程度,而相互依賴程度又和買方的夥伴關係管理策略有密切的關係,在買方實行了夥伴關係管理策略一段時間後,又會造成交易內涵、替代性及專業性可能的變化。 / This research studies partner relationship in lighting industry from the interdependency perspective. By interviewing 10 suppliers and analysing case dara of A lighting company to explore interdependecy and partnership management strategies in the lighting supply chain of A company and it's suppliers, the research findings is as following: 1. The essence of interdependency comes from social exchange or resources dependency. The degree of interdependency is up to content of transaction 、alternative and specialization between buyer and seller. If buyer and seller have long-term transaction relationship, they are easily to established more than "buyer dominant" relationship of interdepency. 2. The degree of interdependency between buyer and seller affects buyer's implementation of different partnership management strategies. 3. Buyer's partnership management strategies are composed of establishment of partnership relationship types、development of partnership stages and Using of relationship evaluation criteria. If buyer and seller have transaction longer time, they will probably have type Ⅲ partner relationship 、innovative stage of partnership 、 longterm and mutual trusting evaluation criteria. 4. All the variables about interdependency and partner relationship forms a holistic and circulate relation structure.


林煜程 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現對我們的生活造成了重大的改變,我們面臨的是一個全新的世界。不論是工作模式、娛樂型態皆產生極大的變化,那網際網路下一步是什麼?思科系統執行長 錢伯斯(John Chambers)告訴了我們一個答案:「網際網路中成長最巨,而日後也會證實是促進變革的最大動力,就是e-learning。」數位科技使得內容變成了「數位內容」,帶來了相當多的便利,但同時也帶來了許多的改變,不論是產業面、科技面、法律面或是管理面,皆須面臨新的挑戰與新的議題。 本研究除了二手資料的收集外,並針對e-learning個案公司做深入的訪談,從資源、著作權、數位課程開發流程等構面進行探討研究,分析歸納出e-learning業者如何進行數位課程的管理,以及既有資源是否影響其數位課程管理策略,並且對於e-learning公司在經營數位課程所會遭遇到的著作權議題進行初步的研究與探索。本研究的研究目的如下: 一、探討e-learning業者數位課程管理模式。 二、探討e-learning業者既有資源與數位課程管理間的關係。 三、探討數位課程的開發流程與著作權相關之議題。 四、探討數位課程著作權管理模式。 本研究架構乃先由個案訪談的結果收集個案公司所擁有的既有資源、數位課程開發流程以及數位課程管理方式,且藉由資源基礎論中對於資源的運用方式,分析解構個案公司其數位課程管理策略。而後以既有資源研究其對數位課程管理策略之影響,與以著作權的觀點探討數位課程開發流程中,所產生的著作權議題,並將兩者所得之結論,加以整合描繪出數位課程著作權管理模式。本研究引用經營策略與資源基礎論等相關文獻,來探討e-learning業者如何進行管理數位課程。本研究主要在說明所觀察現象的具體意義,而非嚴謹的在驗證變數間的因果關係,屬於探索性研究,故採定性研究之「個案研究」法,以個案訪談和次級資料蒐集的方式來瞭解企業實際運作情形。 本研究所得之結論如下: 在課程素材取得階段,課程素材取得策略有內尋策略、外尋策略。著作權議題則為與課程素材提中者簽訂課程素材授權(讓與)契約、課程素材著作權的保證。 在數位課程取得階段,數位課程取得策略有自製策略、委製策略、取得授權策略、買斷策略。著作權議題則為與數位課程開發人員進行數位課程著作權歸屬契約的簽訂、對數位課程開發人員進行著作權的教育。 在數位課程運用階段,數位課程運用策略有內訓策略、教學策略、委用策略、 賣斷策略。著作權管理議題則有與數位課程使用者進行契約的簽訂、數位課程其著作類型是多媒體著作、數位課程著作權保護方式的進行。 而個案公司在面臨數位課程時所採行的事業策略則有核心策略、合作策略、專業代製策略、通路策略。 此外,根據研究發現得知,個案公司在進行e-learning之前所擁有的既有資源,會影響個案公司各階段所採行的數位課程管理策略。 而在其他發現,在外部經營問題主要為市場需求不足,而內部經營問題則為教師合作意願不高、缺乏跨領域專業課程企畫人才、缺乏整合性業務人員。 / The rise of internet has changed people’s life style dramatically. Nowadays, we are facing a whole new world. E-learning is considered as the star of the next century. Even John Chambers once mentioned that “the next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education.” Digital technique has digitalized the existing contents. Internet does not only deliver much convenience, however, internet related topics are also conducted and challenged from the perspectives of industry, law, and management. The objective of this thesis is to examine 1) The general framework for e-learning management model, 2) The relationship between the primarily resources and the management on e-learning, 3) The instructional development process for e-learning and its related copyright issues, and 4) Management model for copyrights on digital contents. The method of this research is primarily based on case study, six e-learning related companies. The interviews with the e-learning companies have contributed the great insights about the information of company resources, development process of digital content, and the modes of content management. Furthermore, collected information from the interviews has been analyzed about how original resources affect the digital content management strategy and the copyright issues in the development process of digital content. This study has found that there are four stages: Instructional material acquisition, digitalized course acquisition, digital course application stage, and business Strategy. In the Instructional material acquisition stage, the strategies of acquiring the instructional materials for e-learning is in-house finding, outsourcing or both. Licensing contracts and guarantees on course materials become an important issue when dealing with the material providers. In the digitalized course acquisition step, the strategies are self-manufacture, out-source manufacture, copyright acquisition, and buying copyright. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital engineers, and in general, the company is responsible for the digital engineers. In the digital course application stage, the strategies are training, teaching, licensing, and selling. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital content users. One should notice that the digital contents belong to multi-media. Moreover, in the final stage, core business, collaboration, ODM, channeling are the business strategies that the companies use for e-learning applications. In additional findings, this study found that market demand is the primary problem of e-learning environment, and there are three major problems within the e-learning companies: the motivations of the teachers, the lack of cross boundary-expertise and integrated business manager.

大陸台商外部環境分析與策略因應之研究─ 以石化相關產業為例

陳勇全 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來中國大陸堅持「改革開放」的發展路線,台商在大陸地區的投資亦不斷增加,目前中國大陸已成為台商的最重要海外投資國。然而根據瑞士商業環境風險評估公司(BERI)對各國風險的評比資料,中國大陸至今仍屬中度風險區。 長期以來在台商登陸投資的相關研究中,大部分著重在進入策略與關鍵成功因素的探討,對外部環境不確定性與管理策略的研究則較少。事實上,外部環境不確定性對企業經營有極大的影響。管理者越能精確地管理外部環境的不確定性,就越能替公司創造利潤與競爭優勢。 本研究著重於探討石化業在大陸外部環境的策略因應。台灣的石化相關產業產值,約佔製造業比重的四分之ㄧ,實為台灣相當重要的產業,目前除了上游產業因政府尚未允許對大陸投資外,中、下游廠商早已先後赴大陸投資設廠。因此,我們選取了兩家代表性廠商,作為企業訪談的對象。 研究發現,台灣石化相關產業登陸投資後,在大陸外部環境不確定性對公司影響的認定上,以及其採行的管理對策,實有相似之處。受訪公司一致認為策略的擬定必須謹慎,才不致影響公司的營運與競爭力;我們甚至可說,面對不確定的外部環境下,所擬定的因應策略,是影響公司生存的重要關鍵。 盱衡當前局勢,企業的對外投資與管理,已成為台灣經濟發展、企業永續成長的關鍵。中國大陸是台商最重要的海外投資國,協助產業界提升投資與經營績效,絕對是十分重要的課題。我們希望這些研究結果,可供其他業者做為日後投資與經營上的參考,產官學界更可針對策略績效較低的部份,研擬相關措施或補強辦法,來協助廠商管理大陸的投資事業。深切地希望本研究的發現,能夠對台商在大陸的經營管理,甚至是台商的全球化,提供一些建議與參考。

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