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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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網路企業品牌形象之研究—以Web 2.0網站為例

何少天 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的興起,公司已能在虛擬的網路環境中提供顧客產品與服務,因此企業品牌形象探討之焦點,逐漸由實體環境轉移至虛擬環境中。然而,網際網路的環境亦不斷地改變,Web 2.0的到來改變了廠商與顧客之間原有的關係。 因此,本研究採用de Chernatony & Christodoulides (2004) 的品牌建構理論以及Davies, Da Silva & Roper (2003) 的企業聲望鏈為基礎,考量Web 2.0網站之特性,以及網站服務品質之相關文獻與量表,歸納出五種品牌屬性,並採用Davies, Chun, Da Silva & Roper (2004) 的企業特性指標 (Corporate Character Scale) 來衡量網路企業品牌形象,最後利用結構方程模式以驗證本研究之假說。 本研究對象以提供Web 2.0服務的無名小站為例,使用便利抽樣法進行抽樣,共計回收377份有效問卷。研究結果發現: 1. 透過結構方程模式的二階模型分析,發現Web 2.0網站所包含的網路企業品牌形象為和藹可親、冒險精神、稱職能力、時髦別緻與不拘禮節等五種人格特性。其中,和藹可親對網路企業品牌形象最具解釋力,其次則為不拘禮節。 2. 使用簡易、隱私安全、顧客關懷、系統穩定與實用滿足等五種品牌屬性均會對網路企業品牌形象產生正面影響。其中又以包含Web 2.0特性之實用滿足對其影響最為顯著。此一結果顯示,除了實體與虛擬環境的差異外,在網路環境中也應考量Web 1.0與Web 2.0環境的特性與差異。 3. 網路企業品牌形象會對滿意度有直接且正面之影響,且須透過滿意度作為中介,進而對忠誠度產生間接的正面影響。

企業品牌與多品牌策略選擇之跨產業個案研究 / A study of single Brand and Multiple Brand strategies by cross-industrial case study

呂昆安, Lu, Kun An Unknown Date (has links)
觀察台灣產業品牌發展,在相同的產業裡,各企業或許會出現ㄧ致的品牌策略,亦或許會出現迥異的品牌策略,是哪些原因影響,讓企業在相同的產業環境下,卻有不同的品牌策略選擇? 或堅持某一特定策略? 本研究將透過深度個案訪談及次級資料分析方式,針對企業在品牌策略的發展歷程中,其品牌策略選擇的影響因素,同時透過食品業與科技業的跨產業比較,以企業經理人觀點出發,探討品牌策略選擇的影響要因。 個案選擇其品牌策略概分為「企業品牌」與「多品牌」兩種策略,產業之個案選擇以食品業之統一、味全、桂冠,科技業則為宏碁、華碩、英華達等。 研究結果顯示,企業品牌策略發展歷程中,其品牌策略選擇的影響因素,主要涵蓋企業、產品與市場三大構面。在食品產業成長發展過程中,各廠商間品牌策略選擇,較偏向多品牌策略,受訪經理人認為,食品業由企業品牌轉多品牌策略,主要與消費者需求改變有關,過去消費者注重價格實惠的理性消費;但隨著台灣經濟社會開發後,人民所得普遍提高,因此,轉變為多樣化的需求,因此必須對應多品牌以鮮明訴求不同產品定位。 在科技產業成長發展過程中,各廠商間品牌策略選擇,較偏向企業品牌策略,受訪經理人表示,主要原因為產品屬性因素,科技產品的標準化生產流程,使個產品不會有所謂的口味、生活習慣等文化差異,在食品業所強調「家鄉市場」(home market)的條件,已經不存在,對科技公司而言,品牌的戰略不同於食品業由區域品牌做起的單點突破方式,各區域消費差異小,而是以全球消費者目標的全面式出擊,加上企業研發與製造投資金額龐大,營運風險高,採行企業品牌,可降低投資風險,增加品牌投資綜效,節省龐大行銷費用;再加上國際先驅品牌大廠,以採取類似的組合品牌策略,因此,大多採取一致的品牌策略。 在食品與科技不同產業間,其品牌策略發展將有不同的趨勢,科技業品牌,因全球標準一致性,因此全球品牌走向大者恆大的趨勢,未來將僅存續全球十大品牌;食品業則較具文化與地理上障礙,將朝區域品牌大廠發展,跨區域間,則進行策略聯盟發展。 / Observing the brand development of Taiwan industrials, there may appear consistent or inconsistent brand strategy in the same industry. Which factors are influencing on managers during brand strategy decision-making? Why do managers choose different brand strategy or insist on a specific strategy under the same industrial environment. The purpose of this study is to identify the cause of brand strategy choice from manager’s viewpoints, through the secondary data and case study method. This study will also compare with the technology industrial and food industrial cases. There are categorized two type strategies- corporate branding and product branding strategy. Case study lists are President, Weichuan, Laurel, acer, Asus and OKwap. The result of study shows, the brand strategy influenced factors contain the corporate, product and market attributive factors. While the food industry developed, they preferred to choose product branding. Managers told us that this change is related to consumer demand change. Consumers paid attention on the benefit of price in the past. Since the economic booming in Taiwan, people's incomes were generally raised. Consumers changed to diversified demands. The product branding is appealed to this request. While the technology industry developed, they preferred to choose corporate branding. Managers told us that the main reason is product attribute factor, for example standardized and homogeneous product attribute. They need to face global market, without any regional market advantage. Their products must target to all of users world wide. They must make investment hugely on R&D, marketing and manufacturing. The operation risk is high. They can reduce the risk by adapting corporate branding strategy. Retracing the leading company internationally, they also chose the same brand strategy. Among food and technology industries, their brands developed differently and have different trends in the future. Technology brands will exist only top ten vendors due to standardized and homogeneous product influenced. Food industry relatively has obstacle on culture and geography. They only will develop brands towards local regional markets. For cross-regions markets, they will cooperate by strategic alliance.

中國企業品牌國際化發展關鍵能力之研究─以L、H與Li公司個研究為例 / The competitive capability embraced by Chinese enterprises for developing international brands- case study for L.H and Li company

張麒鎔 Unknown Date (has links)
Tomas Friedman 的著作The World is Flat(世界是平的)中提及在21世紀是抹平的世界,無限商機的世界。從全球經濟發展的角度來看,全球企業面對的市場是一個無國界的平面,國際競爭更加劇烈。在這個全球市場競爭劇烈的環境中,中國企業要能在全球市場中立足與競爭的首要條件就是站穩中國市場,在國際競爭市場中發展獲利,最重要的就是打造中國企業品牌發展為國際化品牌。中國企業若想在國際市場上進行品牌行銷,中國製造的經營哲學及營運模式必須重新進行調整,才能在國際市場上建立自身的品牌(International Branding)。 2008年為中國改革開放的30週年,品牌國際化趨勢是21世紀全球市場競爭發展的趨勢,國家競爭力的強弱程度也在於中國企業擁有國際化品牌的多與少。面對不同國家和區域的競爭環境市場,探討中國企業要發展為國際化品牌的關鍵能力為相當重要之課題。 本研究是從全球化企業品牌國際化與中國企業品牌國際化著手,來探討個案公司品牌國際化。進而探討個案公司品牌國際化發展關鍵能力,包含企業品牌核心能力、持續創新力、環境適應力與組織內部能力,以及在品牌國際化管理流程的四個階段:分別為評估階段、市場進入策略規劃階段、品牌行銷策略規劃階段、和執行階段。本研究將個案公司結合這四力的現況與關連,然後提出有關未來發展的建議並將藉由中國企業的個案研究,結合中國企業國際化、國際行銷管理及品牌管理的理論與文獻,以管理的觀點,點出中國企業品牌國際化發展的關鍵能力,提供給中國企業在全球化市場下發展品牌國際化的參考,同時也希望能對相關學術研究有所助益。 / 21st century, as being described in the book “The World is Flat” written by Tomas Friedman, is a flat world with unlimited business opportunities generated by globalization whereas the competition within is also fierce. In order to be competitive in this context of global market environment, it is recognized by growing Chinese enterprises the importance to win in domestic China market first, where being identified as the next biggest consumption market after U.S, further to develop company competence for wining a place as an international brand. It is also being acknowledged that Chinese enterprises have to experience continuous business process as well as management philosophy evolvement in order to achieve this ultimate goal – building an International Brand in global market. The tendency of the local brand to be international is as well an index to observe the competitive ability of a country in global market. While year 2008 is the 30th anniversary for China's reformation, the potentials for current Chinese enterprises to develop International Brands also speak for China national competence. It is a focus to examine the competitive capability embraced by Chinese enterprises for developing international brands while reviewing current global commercial markets. This study aims to exploit the competitive capability within Chinese enterprises to develop international brands, which include Core Competency, Innovation Sustainability, Environment Adaption, and Organization Capability. In addition, four stages for Brand Management process are also reviewed: Brand Evaluation, Market Entry, Brand Marketing as well as Brand Execution. Case study is the methodology applied in the study, in which four Chinese enterprises – L company in 3C industry, H company in domestics appliances industry, Li company in sport retailing industry, are presented with in-depth interview conducted from L company, H company, Li company in year 2009.

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