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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


許碧蘚 Unknown Date (has links)

Apple iPhone與宏達電營運模式之比較 / The comparison of business model between Apple iPhone and HTC

常家寶, Chong, Chia Bao Unknown Date (has links)
手機產業是人類發明產品中,成長最快速的產業。近二十年的時間,已銷售超過三十億隻手機。在手機產業成長及利潤趨近成熟飽和之際,智慧型手機的出現,帶給手機業者新的利潤及事業發展空間,但同時也改變了手機產業長久以來的產業生態及營運模式。iPhone 的上市及其結合軟硬體和下載服務的創新營運模式,顛覆了傳統手機市場的思維與操作方式,也讓消費者對於手機上網及應用服務有了不同的體驗與認知。Apple在App Store有超過十萬個應用程式,讓使用者以自行下載自己需求的應用服務。Apple這種爲個人量身打造的個人化行銷,讓iPhone自2007年六月上市以來至今已銷售了四千多萬支,並且讓Apple iPhone 2009年第三季獲利,打敗全球市佔率第一的Nokia,創下手機產業的歷史紀錄。 宏達電在2007年六月搶先在iPhone上市前,搶先推出HTC Touch 觸控智慧型手機,轟動全球,也讓HTC躋身於全球前五大智慧型手機品牌。 HTC自創的HTC Flow使用者介面,不僅打破過去Microsoft WM 的標準介面設計,更奠定HTC在全球智慧型手機的品牌形象及里程碑。在Touch上市之後,HTC 不斷推陳出新,陸續發表了HTC Touch 2, Pro 2等手機,更於2008年10月與Google合作,推出全球第一隻Android手機G1,隨後並推出 HTC Dream、Magic及備受好評的Hero及HTC Sense 使用者介面。在2009年12月更推出全球第一支4.2 吋的Windows Mobile 6.5的手機 HD2,在2010年1月又由Google在CES大展推出宏達電代工生產的第一支Google品牌手機Nexus One,大幅拉抬宏達電的知名度及強化宏達電在Android 手機平台的領先形象。 Google在2007年成立開放手機聯盟(OHA),把原本封閉的手機作業系統,一舉推向免費授權的系統,把原本在電腦上的服務也盡量複製到手機,推出Google Mobile Service (GMS),除了HTC,許多手機大廠如Motorola,Samsung,SE,紛紛開始上市Android介面手機且開始經營品牌的加值應用服務,除此之外,還有許多台灣的電腦廠商如華碩、宏碁也紛紛加入Android智慧型手機市場。Google Nexus One於2010年一月上市,Google計畫複製iPhone營運模式的成功經驗,藉由上市Google手機,擴展Android System及應用程式市場的營收,並首度成立全球性的網路商店,宣稱以簡單的概念為核心, 建立一個全新的銷售通路,創造一個簡單的使用者體驗,簡單的購買程式並自由選擇費率方案等服務。 未來的智慧型手機競爭,不僅在於硬軟體的推陳出新,還要思考整體營運模式,把內容服務當成競爭優勢的重點。在這波新的智慧型手機戰役中,iPhone 及HTC是否能夠持續保持優勢? 本研究將比較Apple iPhone及HTC兩家公司之事業創新營運模式及核心策略並探討Apple iPhone 及 HTC在未來手機產業中將會面臨的挑戰。


張卉穎 Unknown Date (has links)

從混搭式報導出現,談學院知識份子在報紙新聞裡的形貌變遷 / Changing Intellectuals species in Newspaper,1987~2009

彭群弼, Peng, Chun Bi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究始於採訪實務中的觀察:學者在報端發表評論,影響了讀者們對於重要新聞事件或社會議題的解讀,報紙則藉助學者的身分及知識,提高報紙的可信度。根據一份來自媒體內部的非正式排行榜卻顯示,短短數年內,知名的學者或專家見諸報端的次數竟然多達數百次,這份名單被用來提醒記者們少找這些高曝光者。美國媒體界通稱這一群常見諸報端的評論者為Pundit(研究者試譯為「評匠」),他們擁有「一通電話,快速評論」的本領,甚至自嘲是「評論應召者」。這樣的轉變毋寧是巨大的,研究者試圖追尋知識份子在報紙裡形貌的轉變。  評論是報紙提供讀者除了資訊之外,得到觀點的重要來源。除了來自學院的知識份子之外,其他評論者還包括來自產業或具有專門知識的專家(例如律師、會計師、醫師或產業專門人士等),包括記者及專欄作家等媒體工作者以及透過投書表達意見的一般民眾。在報導形式上,除了客觀事實之外,摻入專家評論或民眾意見這種混合報導與評論的新聞,出現的頻率越來越多,尤以《蘋果日報》最常使用。研究者將此一報導形式稱為「混搭式報導」(crossover-reporting),取其將不同性質的訊息及知識拼貼在一起之意,並作為觀察知識份子形貌變化的重要取徑。 本研究採定性及定量雙重取徑,透過內容分析法,選擇1987年(解除報禁)、1989、1997、1999、2003、2009等六個年份,包括:《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》(1989年起)、及《蘋果日報》(2003年起)等四份主要報紙,以立意取樣觀察並紀錄評論者出現的次數、所佔面積/字數、位置(如新聞辦面、論壇版面或副刊版面等)、形式(如專文、座談會、受訪、讀者投書),是否為混搭式報導等。另搭配對報導內容的定性觀察及深入訪談兩位新聞工作者,輔助量化分析所得並進一步進行質性探討。 結果顯示:雖然隨著報禁開放,學院知識份子的評論次數逐漸增加,但在22年間,評論的平均面積卻減少了52%,且從可完整論述的專文,逐漸退卻並轉進到民意論壇。以專文為例,從1987年的每篇平均320cm2,減少到2009年的80cm2。學院知識份子份量減少但次數增加,此一現象自2003年《蘋果日報》創刊後,大量採用混搭式報導就更形明顯。混搭式報導也提供了產業知識份子(專家)們評論的機會,甚至一般民眾都可以表達意見,出現的次數甚至不亞於比學者,但分量更為稀少,平均面積只有10餘平方公分。 至於深入訪談的編輯主管及第一線的記者都坦承在截稿時間壓力下及編輯部門要求下,會趨向選擇採訪口語表達能力好,反應快、可主動提供符合編輯需要的評論意見的學者或專家,與美國的評匠有相當高的同質性。 綜上,研究者認為,知識份子與報紙之間的關係,已從早期的文人報導,論政救國,逐漸退居到作為報導裡眾生喧嘩裡的評論者之一。知識遭到工具化,僅有滿足報紙設定立場的機械式評論。作為獨立意見提供者,知識份子或許應該維持反叛與堅持的態度,基於面向社會的責任感。在面對報業困境及呈現爆炸式成長的新興傳播科技與網路社群的同時,知識份子們應當重新自我書寫、發表並尋回獨立發聲的機會,方能作為社會良知,發聲以震聵 / In order to emphasize the credibility of news reports and offer news analysis to the readers, newspaper as well as other media always quote the comments of experts or scholars. However, an informal ranking list came from a newspaper revealed that the same group of experts always quoted up to several hundred times within years, and the mangers of the this newspaper reminded their reporters to avoid interviewing those experts who were familiar to the public. The American media industry call a group of commentators with different specialties often shown in the newspaper as ‘Pundit,’who are well prepared to answer questions or express their viewpoints for the reporters in a phone call quickly. Thus, this phenomenon seems to be common not only in Taiwan but also in other countries. Comments in the newspaper provide readers different point of views other than objective information. Instead of academic scholars, experts such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, columnists and senior media workers can also play the role of commentators. In this study, we observe a kind of news report which reporters not only provide facts to the readers, but also quote the comments of the intellectuals, as well as that of common people. The study call this type of reports as ‘crossover-reporting,’ which is a new phenomena in Taiwan media industry, and the reporter of which combine different kinds of information in a report. This technique is seemed to be mostly used by Apple Daily. By analyzing how the intellectuals and their comments appears in the newspaper, the study tries to explore the changing roles of the intellectuals in Taiwan printed media. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis are used in this study. We choose four newspaper from 1989 to 2009 as our materials. The properties of the comments were further analyzed by purposively sampling the appearance of intellectuals in the main contents in theses newspapers. We analyze the number of words, the section where the report appears (e.g. in the main reports, forums, or supplements), and the form (e.g. special articles, opinion, symposium, interviews, or letters to editors) to define whether a report is cross-reporting or not, and to observe the change of the role of intellectuals. Besides, we interview two senior media worker to gather qualitative information for our analysis; one of the interviewee is a chief editor and the other one is a senior reporter. The results of the study shows that the number of comments from academic scholars is increasing since 1987 (the year which the Lifting of Martial Law is declared in Taiwan); however, the average area is decreased by 52% within 22 years, and the form they appeared is gradually transformed from integral special article to public opinion forum (e.g. the average area was 320 cm2 in 1987, but remain only 80 cm2 in 2009 in special articles). The study also shows since Apply Daily started publication in 2003 and its massive use of crossover-reporting, the academic scholars’ number of words quoted by reporter has decreased, but the number of academic scholars’ quotation has increased. We also find that the using of crossover-reporting provides the opportunities for other intellectuals and even general public to comment on news issues. The number of their comment is even more than that of the scholars, but number of words of the former (average area is only about 10 cm2) is lesser than that of the latter. By interviewing two senior media workers, both of them agree that, under time pressure and the demand from editors, they prefer to adopt the comments from those intellectuals who can express clearly, response quickly and actively provide information. This situation is very similar to that of American mass media industry of which the media always need ‘Pundit’ to give quick and clear comments for the needs of reporting and editing. In words, this study demonstrates the change of the role of the intellectuals in the newspaper; they used to offered professional opinions for the public and played important role in politics. However, in the recent years, the intellectuals’ role gradually decline and become only one of the commentators appearing in media. Now professional knowledge is used only as tool to support the viewpoint of the newspaper. In our opinion, we still suggest that the intellectuals should remember their social responsibilities, keep their independent and critical roles and resist the present situation which regard them as only tools or materials of reporting. In facing the decline of printed media and the rising of new media technology such as internet and social media, the intellectuals should try to reclaim their position as the conscience of the society and reacquire their influencing role to enlightening the public.

數位閱讀浪潮之探究---以iPad為例 / A study of the wave of digital reading -iPad

黃友玲, Huang, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
iPad自2010年推出以來,佳績不斷,成為史上銷售最快的電子產品,蘋果公司又於2011年乘勝推出iPad2,再次贏得全球矚目,消費者不但是引頸期盼,iPad所到之處更是門庭若市、大排長龍,這不但成為電子產品銷售奇蹟,更為人類閱讀歷史帶來了革命性的改變,為現代人的數位閱讀生活掀起浪潮,iPad影響之大,由此可見一斑。本研究聚焦於iPad進行深入研究,嘗試找到iPad之於此波數位閱讀浪潮,之所以能脫穎而出之原因,以及iPad之於此波數位閱讀浪潮,其所扮演的角色為何?iPad之於數位閱讀浪潮,未來發展趨勢為何? 本研究採用質化研究法,包括文獻分析法、線上資料整理法,以及深度訪談法,研究整理之後,得到以下結論: iPad之所以能掀起數位閱讀浪潮,究其原因,可分內在與外在因素來看: 一、內在因素:iPad能提供使用者難忘的經驗,以體驗經濟理論來看,這的確符合了Pine & Gilmore的理論:體驗就是創造難忘的經驗,成為消費者美好的回憶,讓其體會到娛樂性、教育性、逃避現實以及一種美學的感受。 二、外在因素:長久以來電子書閱讀器或平板電腦市場已經累積了許多失敗的教訓,這些都成為iPad推出前可供參考的重要資訊,最後是環境的成熟,網際網路的普及、資訊環境的便利、雲端技術的進步等等,正像Malcolm Gladwell所觀察到的,許多變化來得又快又急,就在於觀念、行為、訊息及產品等,像傳染病一般突然間發作蔓延,一旦達到「引爆點」,就會忽然間將時代潮流一口氣往前邁進。 以上內外因素使得iPad具備了天時地利人和的關鍵因素,因此,當iPad一出,立刻造成全球搶購風潮,進而帶來數位閱讀之新氣象。 本研究發現如下: 一、iPad擴大了閱讀的族群,發揮其引導功能 過去不看書,或是過去不碰電子書的人,很可能因為對iPad的好奇,而開始接觸數位閱讀,可以說,iPad擴大了閱讀的人口,許多人隨時隨地瀏覽新聞、雜誌、網頁、書籍,無形之中鼓勵了閱讀風氣,增加了讀書的人口。 二、iPad豐富了閱讀內容:影音加文字、動態與互動 iPad使得閱讀這件事變得廣義而豐富,閱讀不再限於靜態的、文字的、黑白的,而是彩色的、動態的影音內容,甚至有互動的設計,使得閱讀內容多彩多姿。 三、iPad串起了閱讀行為,完成數位閱讀新載體架構 iPad能夠在體積小、行動力強的手機與功能強大的電腦之間,串起讀者的閱讀行為,提供所謂的無縫式閱讀,這都歸因於iPad能提供隨時隨地、隨開隨用的閱讀優勢,讓讀者可以在不同情境下取用資訊,串起現代人的數位閱讀行為,完成了數位閱讀的新載體架構。 iPad使得繁忙的現代人得以運用更簡便、更有效率的方式管理個人的閱讀生活。以數位閱讀的角度來看,iPad可以刺激學習者的動機,提高閱讀者的興趣,單一紙本閱讀的時代已經過去了,現在的人們可以用iPad體驗更豐富更精采的閱讀生活。 本研究建議如下: 一、iPad對閱讀的影響:iPad之於數位閱讀,由於其畫面亮麗、功能豐富,使用者可能會傾向於淺層理解、容易分心,收收E-mail、玩一下遊戲、看一段新聞等,閱讀可能會淪為片段式的所謂的「輕閱讀」,若要深入做學術研究,或是專題報告等,效果如何,不得而知。總之,iPad的確引起了使用者的閱讀興趣,但效果究竟如何,值得後續觀察。 二、iPad對人際關係的影響:iPad之問世,許多人愛不釋手,尤其是App Store,天天都有新玩意兒,人與機器互動的時間增加許多,如此以往,會不會造成人與人之間的疏離感,而且iPad2還有Facetime功能,人對機器講話的機會也增加了,這會不會使人與人相處的臨場感逐漸消失,至終引起社會問題,值得注意。 / iPad, since its launch in 2010, becomes the fastest-selling electronic product in history. Followed by iPad2 in 2011, iPad once again won the global attentions. Wherever iPad goes, numerous consumers wait in long lines. Sales of this electronic product, not only become a miracle, but also brought a revolutionary change into the reading history of mankind. The influence of iPad, is evident. This thesis focused on iPad, trying to find the reason why iPad is so outstanding among all the e-readers? What role is iPad palying in the wave of digital reading? And how iPad will lead the trends in the future of digital reading life of modern people? This study used qualitative research methods, including document analysis, online data compilation method, and depth interviews The important research results are as follows: Why iPad is able to set off a wave of digital reading? The answer can be divided into internal and external factors: (A) Internal factors: iPad offers users a memorable experience. From the experience economic theory point of view, it is indeed in line with the Pine & Gilmore’s theory: to create a memorable experience is the key to satisfy consumers. Let consumers feel entertainment, education, escapism, and an aesthetic experience. (B) external factors: For a long time, e-book readers or tablet PC have ended in failures. All these failures become important informations for iPad’s design. Meanwhile, the maturity of the environment, including the popularity of the Internet, information environment to facilitate the clouds and technological progress, etc., just like Malcolm Gladwell observed that, many changes came too fast and urgent, such as concept, behavior, messages and products. all of a sudden, everything reach the “tipping point”, and it will suddenly move forward the trend of the times in one breath. With internal and external factors, iPad causes a global phenomenon, brings the new digital reading era. What iPad brought into the reading history of mankind?: (A) iPad expanded reading population People who do not read books in the past, or people do not touch e-books before, probably because of the curiosity about iPad, they will start to read books with iPad.In another word, iPad has expanded reading population. More and more people start to read news, magazines, books with iPad, because it is so convenient. (B) iPad enriches the reading content: including audio, video and interactive design iPad makes reading broad and rich. Reading is no longer limited to static, text, black and white, but colorful, filled with video and even interactive. iPad enriches the content-of reading. (C) iPad brought the completion of digital reading behavior of modern people iPad, between the small, mobile cellphones and strong and powerful computers, plays the key role of the readers’ reading behavior, providing the so-called seamless reading, which offer the iPad users to read anytime, anywhere, so that the readers can access informations in different situations. iPad brought the completion of digital reading behavior of people. iPad offers modern people to build a efficient management of individual reading life. iPad can stimulate the readers’ motivation, improve their interest. With iPad, people can experience richer and more exciting reading life. The recommendations are as follows: (A) iPad and Reading: iPad, because of its bright screen, feature-rich, the users might be inclined to shallow understanding. They are easily distracted by collecting E-mail, playing games, and watching a piece of news. This kind of reading become so-called “light reading”. If people want to do further academic research or special reports, iPad is useful or not still remain unknown. It is worth follow-up observation. (B) iPad and interpersonal relationships: iPad is so amazing that many people enjoy using the device, especially the App new stuffs coming up every day. In the future, iPad will cause alienation between people or even cause social problems, we still need to observe it.

蘋果咬一口:科技產品行銷通路之服務創新與體驗行銷策略研究 / A bitten apple –The research of service innovation and experiential marketing in dealers of technology products

郭家伶, Kuo, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
2001年,消聲已久的蘋果公司推出iPod,改寫了音樂產業的風貌,造成全球搶購的熱潮,自此之後,蘋果公司陸續推出許多產品,在全世界屢獲好評,在台灣亦如是。然而,台灣目前沒有Apple Store,因此欲於實體店面購買蘋果產品的消費者,會至蘋果在台的各大經銷商購買,而目前在台灣有四大優質經銷商,分別是Youth、德誼、Studio A和i Store,此四家的業績近乎佔盡台灣蘋果銷售市場。因此,本研究以蘋果公司最重要的兩項元素「服務創新」及「體驗行銷」作為本研究內涵,以此檢視台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商在「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」上是否獲得消費者的認同。   本研究以調查法為主,於2011年4月9日至2011年5月7日間透過網路平台發放問卷,總計填答者471位,剔除無效問卷31份,有效問卷共440份,有效回收率為93.4 %,並以深度訪談為輔,訪問台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商於台北旗艦店之店經理與副店經理。   透過量化與質化的研究結果可得以下四大結論,第一,服務場景與流程創新是讓消費者辨別經銷商之關鍵;其二,消費者感受到的五感體驗將烙印於消費者心中;其三,顧客滿意度由服務創新與體驗行銷共同決定;最後,顧客忠誠度的表現是為企業獲利指標。另外,透過本研究長期觀察與實證結果,提出下列幾點建議予台灣蘋果公司參考:爭取優先上市權、舉辦活動並增加露出、播送電視廣告、提高服務品質、遵守蘋果總公司服務條款、建立專門蒐集消費者意見之管道。 / In 2001, the Apple Inc. which had been quiet for a long time announced their product – iPod, and soon rewrote the style of global music industry. The representing product – iPod also raised up shopping rush all over the world. Henceforward, Apple Inc. brought lots of products and became popular around the world, so did Taiwan. Even though, Apple Inc. didn’t institute any Apple Stores in Taiwan, the only way to buy Apple’s products personally is to visit dealers which acquire authorization. In addition, there are four APRs (Apple Premium Reseller) in Taiwan, include Youth, Dataexpress, Studio A, and istore, they also hold overwhelming majority of Apple products selling in Taiwan. As a result, this research is based on service innovation and experiential marketing that two factors the Apple Inc. emphasize most, and examine whether those four APRs had obtain identification from consumers in customer satisfaction degree and customer loyalty or not.  This research used survey procedure to gather feedbacks from consumers during 9th April to 7th May in 2011 by uploading internet survey platform. There were 471 answer sheets on the platform above, 31 of them were invalid and 440 were valid, achieve the scale at 93.4%. We also used depth interview and had interviews with shop managers and vice-shop managers of those four APRs.  Combining the two dimensions, this research had four main conclusions. First, Services cape and Procedures innovations are key points for consumers to recognize resellers. Second, five source of sense experience that consumers truly experience will make deep impressions in their mind. Third, customer satisfaction degree depends on service innovation and experiential marketing. The last but not least, the certain appearance of customer loyalty is as the index of company’s profit. According to long term observation and the conclusions of empirical research, we recommend few suggestions for the branch in Taiwan of Apple Inc. as follow. First, try to fight for the position of debut product, try to hold more selling activities and increase exposure, try to broadcast more TV commercials, try to raise service quality, try to obey service principles and guidelines established by Apple Inc., and try to set up a special channel to collect opinions from consumers.


高珮芳 Unknown Date (has links)
MP3與P2P的出現,打破過去唱片業者壟斷市場及通路的遊戲規則。面對網路盜版的猖獗,不只全球主要的音樂唱片公司,嘗試從法律面及技術面去尋求解決之道,對於未來的發展方向,許多廠商及也都在努力思考,如何經由科技應用、創新經營模式以搶得市場之先機。 自蘋果電腦力邀五大唱片商合作、率先揭櫫數位音樂大旗以來,其以線上音樂商店結合iTunes軟體及iPod數位音樂播放器的經營模式,可能就是管理、法律、科技相互配合,共同捍衛智財權的最佳範例。 本論文由音樂播放軟體系統競爭的角度切入,針對線上音樂廠商,面臨系統產品的標準競爭、網路外部性、產品相容性、互補性資產等議題,所採取的各項策略進行全面性探討,其中包括平台標準的建立與選擇、系統採開放或封閉模式、廠商最適垂直整合度等決策。 本研究除了從智慧財產管理、資訊產品特性、系統平台面看線上音樂產業之發展,也探討數位版權技術的應用、經營模式的改變、法律規範的嚇阻,如何克服網路盜版音樂猖獗的問題,更試圖整理目前線上音樂業者之經營模式、蘋果電腦領先之道以供後續廠商參考,並提出新的經營模式、網路經營觀念等促進線上音樂蓬勃發展之建議。

線上音樂商店經營模式 --從台灣市場需求的觀點 / Online Music Business Model-- From the Perspective of Taiwan Market

葉舒菁 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路普及而興起, MP3音樂檔案格式在1999年入選美國時代雜誌TIME 所公佈十大最佳網路科技。而MP3這項殺手級科技(Killer Application)更強力促進了線上音樂的盛行,尤其是自蘋果電腦聯合五大唱片商合作誕生出iTunes這種革命性的音樂經營模式出現後,合法授權線上音樂這塊市場更是呈現出爆發性的快速成長局面。 反觀台灣本地合法授權的線上音樂市場是呈現出滯留不前的局面。因這幾年唱片盜版問題遲遲不能解決,加上經濟環境之劇烈變化,除了造成台灣唱片市場在世界排名上的滑落,更造成後來國內幾家稍具知名度的線上音樂網站接連因服務與營運上的問題出現關閉的局面。而能夠存活下來的線上音樂業者如KKBOX在經營服務上相較於歐美多重選擇的線上音樂服務與內容,仍有許多待改進之處。 本研究希望嘗試探究現在既有的線上音樂網路商店之經營模式,分析各大業者在經營模式上的優缺,再針對台灣的特殊市場情況加以討論。期望本研究在最後所提出的經營策略建議能減低盜版市場的猖獗,為台灣合法線上音樂帶來經營新氣象,促進線上音樂產業蓬勃發展。

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