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Fatores críticos de sucesso na aderência de processos de negócio de ERP às organizações do setor públicoELIHIMAS, Julliane Cristinne Mágero 20 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-07T13:12:44Z
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Fatores Críticos de Sucesso na Aderência de Processos de Negócio de ERP às Organizações do Setor Público - Julliane Mágero.pdf: 2612858 bytes, checksum: ac5ae5d0b64ccb5859bf1434a201a7f7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-07T13:12:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Fatores Críticos de Sucesso na Aderência de Processos de Negócio de ERP às Organizações do Setor Público - Julliane Mágero.pdf: 2612858 bytes, checksum: ac5ae5d0b64ccb5859bf1434a201a7f7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-20 / A implantação de sistemas integrados de gestão (ERP) juntamente com a Gestão de
Processos de Negócio (BPM) têm se tornado uma expressiva abordagem para
aumentar a eficiência e eficácia dos serviços prestados pelas organizações,
especialmente as instituições públicas. Contudo, a implantação de sistemas ERP é
um processo complexo e de alto risco para as empresas, as quais tem o BPM como
ferramenta essencial de apoio para identificar a aderência dos requisitos de negócios
específicos da instituição em relação aos requisitos funcionais do ERP. Sendo assim,
o objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar os desafios envolvidos na aderência dos
processos de negócio de um ERP administrativo no setor público, com a proposta de
identificar os fatores que são críticos para o seu sucesso, sob a ótica dos
patrocinadores, líderes, analistas de negócio e usuários. Para compreender este
problema a partir de uma perspectiva prática, foi realizado um estudo de caso
exploratório em uma instituição pública de ensino superior que está implantando um
sistema ERP. Foram realizadas entrevistas, observações e análise documental para
coletar os dados, que foram analisados posteriormente. O estudo de caso exploratório
propiciou a identificação dos fatores críticos de sucesso que influenciam, como
facilitadores ou barreiras, na implantação dos sistemas integrados de gestão. Assim,
a realização desse estudo e os resultados encontrados colaboraram para o aumento
do conhecimento sobre quais os fatores influenciam na fase de aderência durante a
implantação de um ERP, possibilitando a mitigação dos possíveis impactos negativos. / The implementation of integrated management systems (ERP) together with the
Business Process Management (BPM) has become an expressive approach to
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided by organizations,
especially public institutions. However, the implementation of ERP systems is a
complex and risky process for companies, which have the BPM as an essential support
tool to identify adherence to the specific business requirements of the institution in
relation to functional ERP requirements. Thus, the objective of this research is to
analyze the challenges involved in adherence of the business processes of an
administrative ERP in the public sector, with the purpose of identifying the factors that
are critical to its success, from the perspective of sponsors, leaders, business analysts
and users. To understand this issue from a practical perspective, an exploratory case
study was conducted in a public institution of higher education that is implementing an
ERP system. Interviews were conducted, as well as observations and documental
analysis for data collection, which were analyzed later. The exploratory case study led
to the identification of critical success factors that influence as facilitators or barriers in
the implementation of integrated management systems. Thus, the realization of this
study and the results obtained contributed to increase the knowledge about which
factors influence the adherence phase when deploying an ERP, enabling the mitigation
of possible negative impacts.
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Value Realization in ERP ProjectsLindberg, Johan, Dagland, Niclas January 2012 (has links)
In modern society, organizations are fighting each other through various means and tools in an ever-changing market at an increasing pace. One such tool is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System which aims to collect the necessary applications an organization need into one system. Although the ERP solution has become more mature over the years, researchers suggest that value gained from them have become progressively difficult to iso-late, difficult to measure and challenging to realize. It was therefore in the interest of the authors to investigate the domain of value realization in ERP projects. To complete such a study we selected an inductive approach, focusing on acquiring and us-ing qualitative data and through the practice of behavioral science and design science con-tribute to existing theories. By studying existing theories and models in topics such as change management, enterprise resource planning & critical success factors and benefit management, we supported our primary data gathering and finally our the creation of our artifact. The result from this study points to a number of important components that are needed to realize value in an ERP project. These identified components include a clear structure in the project, commitment from the clients, and communication to name a few. There were also challenges with realizing value, some of them dealing with change man-agement and the difficulty in finding appropriate measures. Even client commitment proved to be a challenge for realizing value.
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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid ett interkommunalt verksamhetsbaserat IT-projekt : Projektet Värmländsk bibliotekswebb 2.0Keskiniemi, Satu January 2014 (has links)
En utmaning för dagens organisationer är att flexibelt kunna ändra sina tjänster och produkter för att kunna möta kundernas ökade krav. Att använda IT som möjliggörare är ett sätt att utveckla verksamheter. Inom den offentliga sektorn har interkommunal samverkan tagits fram som ett nytt verktyg. Interkommunal samverkan betyder att två eller flera kommuner tillsammans arbetar med ett gemensamt syfte mot ett gemensamt mål. Interkommunalt samarbete främjas ekonomiskt av staten och EU. Interkommunal samverkan sker på områden som exempelvis IT. Eftersom samverkansaktiviteter inte ingår i den vanliga organisationsstrukturen bedrivs samverkan ofta i projektform. IT-projekt är ofta mycket komplexa, vilket kan leda till att projektet misslyckas. Att ändra verksamheten genom att införa ny IT leder till ändringar i verksamheten. Ett nytt IT-system kan bli dyrare än vad som planerades eller bli oanvändbar i verksamheten. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i ämnet informatik är att identifiera och beskriva uppfattade kritiska framgångsfaktorer för ett interkommunalt verksamhetsbaserat IT-projekt. Utifrån tre personliga djupintervjuer med centrala roller i det undersökta interkommunala verksamhetsbaserade IT-projektet, Projektet Värmländsk bibliotekswebb 2.0, har kritiska framgångfaktorer för det projektet undersökts och analyserats. Samtliga intervjurespondenter har lång erfarenhet av branschen och arbetssättet med samverkansprojekt. Som studiens resultat fastställs utifrån uppsatsens litteraturgenomgång att identifiering av kritiska framgångsfaktorer är ett viktigt hjälpmedel vid styrning av verksamheter och projekt. Om dessa faktorer används är det nästan säkert att resultatet blir framgångsrikt. I denna kandidatuppsats har sex dimensioner identifierats: organisatoriska faktorer, processfaktorer, projektfaktorer, mänskliga faktorer, leverantörens miljö och tekniska faktorer. I det undersökta interkommunala verksamhetsbaserade IT-projektet identifierades 27 framgångsfaktorer som uppfattades som kritiska. Faktorer som lyftes upp genom den empiriska studien är markerade med kursiv text: ledningens engagemang extern påverkan ansvarsfördelning 24-timmarsmyndighet marknadsföring förankring hos chefer förändringshantering kunskapshantering utbildning upphandling processledning ledarskap kommunikation tidplan dokumentation utvärdering kompetens samarbete motivation delaktighet branschkunskap produktkunskap support och service drift och underhåll hårdvara säkerhet komplexitet / One challenge for organizations today is that they need to be able to adjust their services and products in a flexible way. Using IT as an instrument is one way to develop an organization. Inter-municipal co-operation is a tool that nowadays is widely used within the public sector. It means that two or more municipalities work together with a common scope towards a common goal. Inter-municipal co-operation is promoted financially from the government and from EU and takes place on several areas, one of these being IT. As the activities of co-operation cannot be included in the normal organisational structure the work is often carried out in a project form. IT projects are often complex by their very nature which can lead to a project failure. To make changes in an organization's functions by implementing new IT will change the organization as a whole. A new IT system can also cost far more than planned or the organisation can fail to adopt it. The scope of this study is to identify and describe the perceived critical success factor for an inter-municipal business based IT project. The critical success factors for one inter-municipal business based IT project, the Värmländsk bibliotekswebb 2.0 project, were studied and analysed by in depth interviews with three key persons with central roles in the project. The persons who were interviewed for this study all have long experience in the branch as well as with the co-operation projects as a way of working. As a result of the literature review of this study it can be determined that to identify critical success factors is an important method for steering both organisations and projects. Should these factors be used the success can almost be guaranteed. Six dimensions were identified in this study as follows: organizational factors, process factors, project factors, people factors, supplier factors and technical factors. In the inter-municipal business based IT project that was investigated for this study 27 different success factors were perceived as critical. Factors that emerged from the case study are marked with italic font: management dedication external influences clear responsibilities 24-hour authority marketing management commitment change management knowledge management training procurement process management leadership communication time schedule documentation evaluation competence co-operation motivation participation branch knowledge product knowledge support and service operation and maintenance hardware security complexity
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Rätt information nu gör det lättare sen : En undersökning om kommunikation vid implementering av affärssystemSandberg, Madeleine, Enström, Jackie January 2015 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen baseras på studie som genomfördes på ett fallföretag under vårterminen 2015. Fallföretaget är Nordens största e-handelsbolag och har cirka 150 anställda. Studien baseras på flertalet hypoteser som skapats utifrån kritiska framgångsfaktorer. En kritisk framgångsfaktor kan ses som ett viktigt område att ta hänsyn till för att uppnå organisatorisk framgång. Ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv har präglat den här undersökningen. Informationslogistik handlar om att se innebörden av information samt sätta den i organisatoriska, tekniska samt logistiska sammanhang. Lindstedt (2014) påpekar att Amazon kommer att finnas på den svenska marknaden inom ett par år. Det är viktigt att svenska e-handelsbolag stärker konkurrenskraften. Affärssystem har enligt Beynon-Davies (2009) en betydande roll då organisationens processer och kommunikationskanaler påverkas av det. Wallström (2015) betonar att affärssystem blir allt mer centralt i organisationen då förståelsen för affärssystemen ökar. Tidigare forskning genomförd av Holland & Light (1999) påvisar bland annat att involvering av anställda och användning av öppna kommunikationskanaler är två betydande kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av affärssystem. Studies syfte var att undersöka kritiska framgångsfaktorer med avseende på kommunikation vid implementering av affärssystem. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av tre teorier och litteratur om kritiska framgångsfaktorer. Teorierna grundas i sociologi, informatik och kommunikation. Undersökningen har genomförts med Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods. Syftet med metoden var att verifiera eller falsifiera sex stycken hypoteser och att undersöka studiens praktiska samt vetenskapliga problem. Resultatet presenteras i form av sammanfattade intervjuer och stapeldiagram. Resultatet analyserades sedan mot det teoretiska ramverket och diskuteras gentemot vetenskapliga teorier, tidigare forskning och problemformulering. Studiens hypoteser är följande: Projektledningens engagemang - Att projektledningen inte anammar projektet. Informationsflöde - Att informationsflödet är bristfälligt och inte uppdaterat. Involvering av anställda - Att anställda inte involveras på grund av tidsbrist. Strategi och planering - Att realistiska deadlines och ständig uppföljning uteblir. Identifiering av befattningar - Att det är otydligt vilka som ingår i projektet och vilka befattningar de har. Förstå kontexten av projektet samt e-handelsorganisationen - Att det finns otydliga definitioner av syfte, mål och vision. Utifrån diskussionen har fyra av sex hypoteser verifierats. / This thesis is based on a study that was conducted on a company during the spring semester of 2015. The company is the largest eCommerce business of the Nordic countries, and approximately has 150 employees. This study, which has an information logistics perspective, is based on several hypotheses that are founded in Critical Success Factors. A Critical Success Factor can be considered as an important area for an organization’s success. Information logistics clarifies the meaning of information, as well as putting information in an organizational, technical and logistical context. Due to Amazons entrance to the Swedish market, Lindstedt (2014) clarifies the importance that Swedish eCommerce businesses confirm their competitiveness. Beynon-Davies (2009) consider ERP-systems to be important to organizations since they are affecting the internal processes and communication channels. Wallström (2015) claims that ERP-systems are becoming more consequential to an organization as the understanding of the ERP-systems are increasing. The purpose of this study was to explore Critical Success Factors with focus on communication within an implementation of an ERP-system. The theoretical framework that was used in this study contains three theories and literature about Critical Success Factors. The theories are based on sociology, informatics and communication. The study has been conducted with an Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method. The choice of method is based on the aims of this study. The aims were to verify or falsify six hypotheses, and also to inquire into the study’s practical and scientific problem. The outcome of this study is presented by summarized interviews and barographs. The result are then analysed and compared to the theoretical framework, and also discussed against scientific theories, previous research, and problem definition. The hypotheses are the following: Project Management commitment - The project management does not embrace the project. Information flow - The flow of information is inadequate and not updated. Involvement of employees - The employees are not involved due to lack of time. Strategy and planning - Realistic deadlines and constant follow-up are absent. Identification of roles - That the project group is obscure and also what positions they have Understanding the project context as well as eCommerce organization - That there are obscure definitions of purposes, goals and visions. Due to the discussion, four out of six hypotheses were verified.
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Vad är kunskapshantering? : En fallstudieZacharoff, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Knowledge management is a subject that is described in the literature as difficult-to-define, but important to an organization's competitiveness. Successful knowledge management is something that is also described as challenging with the subject's subjectivity. Critical success factors are used to gain an understanding of how knowledge management can be measured and implemented. The purpose of this study is to create an increased understanding of what knowledge management is all about. Through a literature search, two theses are formulated, which are then tested via a deductive approach. The first thesis states that knowledge management is seen as a process including different steps. The second thesis states that there exists a number of success factors for successfully implementing knowledge management. These are then tested against practice through semi-structured interviews in a case study. The result answers how knowledge management is perceived in practice, how success factors relate to each other and how these factors can be operationalized. The conclusion shows that informants perceive knowledge management differently, that success factors have a relation to each other and can be operationalized with a clear subject role. / Kunskapshantering är ett ämne som i litteraturen beskrivs som svårdefinierat, men viktigt för en organisations konkurrenskraft. Att lyckas med kunskapshantering är något som också beskrivs som utmanande i och med ämnets subjektivitet. Kritiska framgångsfaktorer används för att kunna få ett grepp om hur kunskapshantering kan mätas och konkretiseras. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en ökad förståelse om vad kunskapshantering handlar om. Genom en litteraturs- ökning formuleras två teser som sedan testas via en deduktiv ansats. Den första tesen är att kunskapshantering kan definieras som en process med olika steg. Den andra tesen är att ett antal framgångsfaktorer för lyckad kunskapshantering existerar. Dessa testas sedan mot praktiken genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer i en fallstudie. Resultatet besvarar hur kunskapshantering uppfattas i praktiken, hur framgångsfaktorer förhåller sig till varandra och hur dessa faktorer kan operationaliseras. Slutsatsen påvisar att informanter uppfattar kunskapshantering olika, att framgångsfaktorer har en relation till varandra och kan operationaliseras med en tydlig ämnesroll.
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Fatores críticos de sucesso e critérios de sustentabilidade na gestão de mudanças organizacionais : um estudo de casoReis, Paulo André Souto Mayor January 2014 (has links)
As demandas por mudanças devem ser vistas como situações normais dentro do processo de gestão de uma organização. Nesta abordagem, dois elementos são fortes contribuintes como sistemáticas de apoio: a gestão (ou gerenciamento) das mudanças, que estabelece os processos e controles necessários para que os objetivos da mudança sejam alcançados de maneira organizada e a existência dos fatores críticos de sucesso para a mudança, que atuam como elementos de convergência em relação aos objetivos planejados. No mesmo contexto, as grandes empresas, principalmente aquelas de atuação global, têm tido demandas pelas diversas partes interessadas com as quais possuem interface, em demonstrar o seu desempenho na gestão da sustentabilidade, dentro das suas respectivas dimensões: ambiental, social e econômica. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho consiste em identificar quais fatores críticos de sucesso são determinantes no processo de mudança organizacional, em particular na abordagem da prática de gerenciamento de mudanças de uma empresa petroquímica brasileira, associados com inclusão da gestão proativa da sustentabilidade empresarial, através do diagnóstico do cenário atual em relação a este tema. A estrutura metodológica consistiu em macro etapas de revisão da literatura, seleção dos fatores críticos de sucesso e critérios de sustentabilidade, desenvolvimento de questionários e aplicação destes através de um estudo de caso, do tipo observação participante, em uma empresa petroquímica brasileira, viabilizando a subsequente análise dos dados obtidos e conclusões. Os principais resultados identificaram quarenta e cinco fatores críticos de sucesso relacionados ao processo de gestão da mudança organizacional e o modelo da GRI como o de maior aderência no meio empresarial mundial. Foram identificadas contribuições da literatura em fatores críticos de sucesso no processo de gerenciamento de mudanças vigente na organização, tais como comunicação constante e eficiente e recursos, de forma a agregar práticas ao modelo atual de gestão da mudança organizacional. As dimensões de fatores críticos de sucesso identificadas como mais relevantes no estudo de caso foram a liderança e recursos. Em relação à percepção sobre conceitos de sustentabilidade, particularmente quanto requisitos da GRI na versão G4, foi verificada junto aos respondentes uma visão que enfatiza a dimensão ambiental, a despeito das dimensões social e econômica, associada a fragilidades em ambientação dos mesmos em relação a conceitos de sustentabilidade e conexão deste tema com fatores críticos de sucesso na mudança organizacional, trazendo elementos para a melhoria contínua das práticas de gestão, assim como do relato da sustentabilidade empresarial. / The demands for change should be seen as normal situations within the management process of an organization. In this approach, two elements are strong contributors as systematic support: change management, which establishes the necessary processes and controls for the objectives of the change to be achieved in an orderly manner, and the existence of critical success factors for change, which act as elements of convergence towards the planned objectives. In the same context, large companies, especially those with global operations, have been demanded by various stakeholders to demonstrate its performance in sustainability management within their respective dimensions: environmental, social and economic. The overall objective of this study is to identify, particularly in the practice of change management in a Brazilian petrochemical company, the proactive management of corporate sustainability and the critical success factors that are decisive in the organizational change process through the diagnosis of the current scenario regarding this topic. The methodological framework consisted of macro steps of literature review, selection of the critical success factors and criteria of sustainability, development and application of these questionnaires through a participant observation case study in a Brazilian petrochemical company, enabling the subsequent analysis of the obtained data and conclusions. Forty-five critical success factors related to the process of managing organizational change were identified and the GRI model was the most applied model in the global business environment. In order to add to the current practice model for managing organizational change, contributions from the literature were identified in critical success factors in the management of the current changes in the organization, such as constant and efficient communication process and resources. Leadership and resources were the most relevant dimensions of critical success factors identified in the case study. Regarding the understanding of sustainability concepts, particularly in relation to the requirements of GRI in a G4 version, it was verified that the respondents’ perceptions emphasize the environmental dimension over the social and economic dimensions. This was associated with the respondents` limited knowledge regarding concepts of sustainability and how this issue connects with critical success factors in organizational change, bringing elements to the continuous improvement of management practices, as well as the reporting of corporate sustainability.
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FAtores críticos de sucesso para a implementação do lean production em uma montadora automobilística / Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Lean Production in an Automobile Assembly PlantAglaé Baptista Torres da Rocha 20 May 2011 (has links)
As vantagens do Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP) sobre os sistemas tradicionais na produção de automóveis têm feito com que montadoras localizadas nas mais diversas partes do mundo se mobilizem para entender e aplicar os conceitos do STP na busca por maior competitividade. O STP aplica os princípios do Lean Production (Produção Enxuta) como base para a construção de processos que conduzem aos melhores resultados de qualidade, produtividade e custo de produção, entre outras vantagens competitivas, assim como à consolidação da cultura organizacional que se busca implantar. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como foco a implantação do Lean Production em uma montadora de veículos automotores, situada na região Sudeste do Brasil, onde se procura identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso dessa implantação, tomando-se como estudo o processo de fabricação de veículos da montadora, considerando todas as suas etapas de produção. Para isto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva subsidiada por coleta de dados em documentos da própria montadora e por meio da aplicação de questionário aos colaboradores da empresa. Para análise dos dados coletados, foram utilizadas técnicas para análise qualitativa de conteúdo, bem como análises quantitativas com o auxílio do programa SPHINX. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam relativa melhoria nos resultados de qualidade, custo, prazo e segurança, principalmente nos períodos em que a utilização das principais ferramentas enxutas mostrou-se assídua por parte dos colaboradores da produção. Destaca-se, igualmente, um significativo grau de comprometimento dos colaboradores na busca do progresso contínuo, evidenciado pelo expressivo número de ideias implantadas ao longo do período estudado. / The advantages of the Toyota Production System (TPS) over traditional systems in automobile production lead many manufacturers located in various parts of the world to mobilize to understand and apply the concepts of TPS in the search for greater competitiveness. STP applies the principles of Lean Production as a basis for building processes that lead to better results in quality, productivity and production costs, among other competitive advantages, as well as the consolidation of organizational culture that seeks to deploy. In this context, this study focuses on the deployment of Lean Production in an automobile assembly plant, located in southeastern Brazil, where they sought to identify the critical success factors of this deployment, using as a study an automakers vehicle manufacturing process, considering all stages of production. For this, it is developed a descriptive exploratory research subsidized by collecting data from the own companys documents and by applying a questionnaire to company employees. For data analysis, techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis, with the help of the SPHINX software were used. The results show relative improvements in quality outcomes, cost, schedule and safety, especially in periods when the main use of Lean tools proved to be assiduous by employees of the production. It is noteworthy, also, the significant degree of employee commitment, verified by the pursuit of continuous improvement as evidenced by the significant number of ideas implemented over the period studied.
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Fatores críticos de sucesso em projetos de ERP cloud: uma análise quantitativa do cenário brasileiro / Critical success factors in cloud ERP projects: a quantitative analysis in brazilian scenarioGheller, Angélica Aparecida 16 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-04T15:25:05Z
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Angelica Aparecida Gheller.pdf: 2718845 bytes, checksum: f9f4c521bf4c3d6860e62f70ee4b1799 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-04T15:25:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Angelica Aparecida Gheller.pdf: 2718845 bytes, checksum: f9f4c521bf4c3d6860e62f70ee4b1799 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-04-16 / The main objective of this research was to investigate the critical success factors for cloud ERP projects in the scenario of Brazilian companies. In addition, the secondary objectives were to identify the perception of benefits resulting from this implementation, in the aspect of improving organizational performance and the elaboration of a matrix to support the management of such projects, based on a review of the literature and the data collected from the field research. The method of the data collection was a self-directed questionnaire, and the statistical method was the canonical correlation, to answer the main research question. In addition, a factorial analysis and a multiple linear regression were run to investigate possible relationships between the independent variables (critical success factors) and the dependent variables (benefits) of the research model. The results obtained did not validate all the critical factors present in the literature, and those that were proven empirically were regrouped in new dimensions, being: security information and alignment of compliance, and communication and management of stakeholders. / O objetivo principal deste estudo foi explorar os principais fatores críticos de sucesso de projetos ERP cloud, no contexto do cenário de empresas brasileiras. Adicionalmente, os objetivos secundários consistiram na identificação da percepção de benefícios resultantes dessa implementação, sob o aspecto de melhoria do desempenho organizacional e a elaboração, com base na revisão da literatura sobre o tema e nos dados coletados na pesquisa de campo, de uma matriz para apoiar a gestão de projetos dessa natureza. Para responder à questão de pesquisa, o método de coleta de dados foi o questionário autodirigido e o método estatístico foi a correlação canônica. Adicionalmente, foi realizada uma análise fatorial e uma regressão linear múltipla para investigar com mais profundidade possíveis relações entre as variáveis independentes (fatores críticos de sucesso) e as variáveis dependentes (benefícios) do modelo de pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos não validaram todos os fatores críticos presentes na literatura, e os que se comprovaram empiricamente foram reagrupados em novas dimensões, sendo: segurança da informação e alinhamento do compliance, e comunicação e gestão de stakeholders.
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Project implementation profile tool applied to upgrading informal settlements programme projectsShaboodien, Azher 06 May 2020 (has links)
Purpose: This research reviews the Project Implementation Profile (PIP) and explores its relevance to Upgrading Informal Settlements Programme (UISP) type projects in Cape Town. The research aims to: • Identify the most common PIP Critical Success Factors (CSF) for UISP projects, • Compare the common PIP Critical Success Factors (CSF) for UISP projects to the Construction Sector CSF • Evaluate if the PIP tool is applicable to UISP projects. • Determine if there any other critical success factors that need to be added to the CSF list that is critical to the UISP Project success Approach: A literature review was conducted to assist in identifying the common CSF in the Constructions Sector. A survey questionnaire was sent out to relevant UISP Project Managers. The survey questionnaire was based on the PIP questionnaire with additional questions regarding to the effectiveness of the PIP tool on UISP projects. The intent of the survey questionnaire is firstly to establish the common CSF for UISP projects and then evaluate the PIP effectiveness on UISP projects. Findings: Based on the research results, it was found that the high scoring CSF for UISP projects were Project Mission, Client Consultation, Technical Tasks, Monitoring and Feedback, Personal. When the high scoring CSF was compared to the Literature Based Construction Sector CSF, the following common CSF was established: Monitoring and Feedback, Client Consultation and Technical Tasks. Practical Implications: This research will give an indication of the high and low scoring CSF relevant to UISP projects, which project managers and Managers in the Human Settlements industry can use to evaluate their UISP or Breaking New Ground (BNG) housing projects. Furthermore, the PIP tool may be utilised more frequently as a project quality success assurance tool in the organisation. The PIP tool has been tested and verified in a number of different industries in previous studies but never in its application to UISP or BNG projects.
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Important activities in an early ERP implementation phase : A case study at ValmetLarsson, Emma, Hallberg, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Research about implementing an ERP system has been investigated for many years but is still a current issue. This is due to the large number of implementations that fail. The purpose of this paper is to identify important activities in an early phase of an ERP implementation. The thesis is based on a literature study to create a foundation of understanding of earlier research and the struggles implementing an ERP system. The study was composed from the five most important critical success factors as a framework. To identify the activities in an early phase, interviews with people from different layers in an implementation organization were conducted. From the interviews, several survey questions were designed to rank the activities. The result of the interviews shows several activities performed in an early phase in an ERP implementation. The result from the survey shows that many of the identified activities from the interviews are important since several of the respondents consider these critical. Some of the most important activities in an early phase of an ERP implementation are: • Conducting workshops to explain the changes to come when implementing a new ERP system. • Make sure the people working in the project are able to work and focus on the project fulltime in the phase where their role is critical for the implementation. • Involve the key-users in an early phase of the implementation. • Communicate the vision to all the employees in the organization. • Have a local super-user that is available to support and help. This research provides a less general framework for what activities are important to perform in an early phase of an ERP implementation to achieve the critical success factors. The study can help companies facing an ERP implementation to do the right things to succeed with the implementation.
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