Spelling suggestions: "subject:" epigenetic""
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Darwinismo estendido : em busca de uma teoria de genes e de formasSilva, Mariane Tavares da January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2014. / Desde a publicação da obra máxima de Charles Darwin, On the origin of species, em meados do século XIX, a teoria da evolução tem passado por inúmeras reinterpretações e refinamentos. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi o de estabelecer os fundamentos conceituais para um Darwinismo Estendido, a partir de elementos da Síntese Estendida da Evolução, e definir os limites para uma extensão / ressignificação da teoria evolutiva. São também discutidas as bases para uma teoria da evolução que relacione o darwinismo tradicional com alguns dos seus importantes desdobramentos dos últimos cinquenta anos, tais como a biologia evolutiva do desenvolvimento, herança epigenética, a plasticidade fenotípica e a auto-organização de sistemas complexos. Partindo de uma análise geral dos requisitos conceituais de um Darwinismo Estendido, foi realizada uma análise histórica do conceito de evolução, discutindo a necessidade de uma nova teoria evolutiva estendida. Além disso, o conceito central do darwinismo ortodoxo, a seleção natural, foi rediscutido à luz dos desenvolvimentos recentes da teoria evolutiva. Em um Darwinismo Estendido, o mecanismo da seleção natural perde o seu potencial criativo, como era considerado na Síntese Moderna dos anos 1930-1940, e passa a atuar apenas a partir da variação determinada tanto pelo acaso (por mutações e recombinações cromossômicas), quanto por fatores como auto-organização e módulos dinâmicos. O controverso conceito de espécie também foi discutido aqui em um contexto que procura levar em conta a natureza contínua do processo evolutivo. Por fim, foram apresentadas algumas possíveis repercussões de um Darwinismo Estendido para o quadro conceitual epistemológico da teoria evolutiva. / Since the publication of Charles Darwin's masterpiece, On the origin of species, in the mid nineteenth century, the theory of evolution has gone through numerous reinterpretations and refinements. The main objective of the present work was to establish the conceptual foundations for an Extended Darwinism, based on elements from the Extended Synthesis of Evolution, and to define the limits toward an extension / reframing of the evolutionary theory. It was also discussed the basis for a theory of evolution which relates the traditional Darwinism with some of their important developments of the last fifty years, such as evolutionary developmental biology, epigenetic inheritance, phenotypic plasticity and self-organization of complex systems. Starting with an overview of the conceptual requirements of an Extended Darwinism, a historical analysis of the concept of evolution was performed, discussing the need for a new extended evolutionary theory. Moreover, the central concept of the orthodox Darwinism, natural selection, was revisited in light of recent developments in evolutionary theory. In an Extended Darwinism, the mechanism of natural selection loses its creative potential, as was considered Modern Synthesis during the 1930-1940s, and begins to act only from variation determined by chance (mutations and chromosomal recombinations), as well as by factors such as self-organization and dynamic modules. The controversial species concept was also discussed here in a context that seeks to take into account the continuous nature of the evolutionary process. Finally, some of the possible repercussions of an Extended Darwinism to the epistemological conceptual framework of the evolutionary theory were presented.
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Recherche de nouveaux déterminants génétiques et épigénétiques de susceptibilité à la tumorigenèse intestinale au moyen du modèle murin Apcd14 / Identification of new genetic and epigenetic determinants of intestinal tumorigenesis susceptibility using the Apcd14 mouse modelQuesada, Stanislas 20 September 2013 (has links)
Le cancer colorectal (CCR) représente un problème majeur de Santé publique. Des facteurs de risque environnementaux, ainsi que l'apparition séquentielle d'altérations génétiques et épigénétiques corrélant avec la progression tumorale ont été extensivement décrites. Cependant, les variations épigénétiques préexistant dans le tissu sain, potentiellement responsables de différences notoires de susceptibilité au CCR, sont restées élusives jusqu'à ce jour. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, la lignée murine Apcd14 (porteuse d'une mutation hétérozygote constitutive au niveau du gène Adenomatous polyposis coli) a servi de modèle au cours de ce projet. Les individus de cette lignée comportent une expressivité très variable, au sens qu'ils développent spontanément un nombre plus ou moins important de tumeurs intestinales, impactant sur leur survie. Cette hétérogénéité est observée en dépit de conditions d'élevage et de génomes considérés identiques. L'analyse exhaustive de cette lignée a conduit à y caractériser deux groupes de souris, présentant une gravité différente de phénotype. La variation d'expression génétique dans le tissu sain (i.e en amont de la tumorigenèse) a ensuite été analysée dans le but de comprendre l'établissement de cette hétérogénéité. Ceci a mené à la découverte d'une signature de gènes différemment exprimés entre les deux groupes, permettant de corréler de façon parfaite données moléculaires et phénotype. La potentielle héritabilité de cette signature a par la suite conduit à remettre en cause le statut considéré syngénique de la lignée. Les approches expérimentales effectuées ont déjà permis de cibler une région chromosomique, ce qui mènera à court terme à la caractérisation d'un nouvel acteur impliqué dans la tumorigenèse intestinale. De manière plus générale, les expériences développées durant ce projet ouvrent la voie à la notion de susceptibilité individuelle face au cancer dépendante de la variation d'expression génétique. / Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health concern. Environmental clues, as well as sequential genetic and epigenetic alterations correlating with tumor progression have been extensively described. Meanwhile, pre-existing epigenetic variations in the healthy intestinal mucosa, potentially leading to differences in CRC suceptibility, have generally been overlooked. In order to answer to this question, we have made use of the Apcd14 mouse model (carrying a heterozygous mutation in the Adenomatous polyposis coli gene). Although all Apcd14 mice apparently share the same genome and are raised in the same environmental conditions, they exhibit a huge phenotypic variability at the individual level, spontaneously developping a few or numerous intestinal tumors, that ultimately results in differences in survival rates. Through detailed analysis of this strain, two groups have been characterized, exhibiting several phenotypic specificities. Gene expression analysis in the healthy intestinal tissue was then performed in order to understand the differences already existing, prior to tumorigenesis. This led to the identification of a group-specific gene expression signature, allowing a correlation between macroscopic phenotype and molecular data. Consideration of the hereditary potential of this signature led to reconsider the syngeneic status of the Apcd14 strain. Several experimental data already targeted a specific genomic region, and this will allow to identify the genetic alteration involved. More generally, this project opens the way to discover a link between individual susceptibility to intestinal tumorigenesis and gene expression variability.
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Epigenética da reprogramação em células germinativas embrionárias caninas / Epigenetics of reprogramming in canine embryonic germ cellsAline Fernanda de Souza 16 February 2017 (has links)
As células germinativas primordiais (CGPs) são as precursoras dos gametas, capazes de gerar um novo indivíduo os quais transmitirão os materiais genéticos para as futuras gerações. Normalmente, a linha germinal de mamífero é determinada por fatores genéticos e epigenéticos que possuem funções essenciais para guiar na direção e desenvolvimento das CGPs, bem como das células germinativas embrionárias (CGEs). A reprogramação epigenética é fundamental para a regulação do genoma durante o desenvolvimento das células germinativas responsáveis por originar a linhagem gametogênica nos mamíferos. A metilação e desmetilação em CGPs são um evento único, essencial para apagar a memória epigenética e também prevenir transmissões de epimutações para a próxima geração. Assim, o completo entendimento das vias e mecanismos para a migração inicial e diferenciação destas células em CGEs podem ser importantes para identificar e corrigir falhas possíveis nesses processos, o que será importante, no futuro, para o desenvolvimento e desempenho reprodutivo. A maioria dos estudos com CGPs e CGEs é realizado em camundongos, porém nem sempre esta espécie torna-se o melhor modelo de estudo quando se quer transpor esses conhecimentos a humanos. O cão doméstico (Canis lúpus familiaris) apresenta-se como um modelo ideal para o estudo do desenvolvimento em mamíferos, pois possui inúmeras similaridades com a bioquímica, fisiologia e genética. Deste modo, torna-se interessante expandir os estudos sobre as CGPs e CGEs na espécie canina, a fim de mostrar a importância de diferentes modelos que se assemelham a seres humanos. Portanto, objetiva-se, nesta proposta, identificar qual é a dinâmica de marcadores pluripotentes, germinativos e epigenéticos que são importantes para o desenvolvimento das CGPs e CGEs caninas. Para tal procedimento, essa pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases: a primeira, consiste no processo in vivo, desde o desenvolvimento inicial do embrião até a completa formação da crista gônadal. Análises de RTq-PCR e imunofluorescência para marcadores pluripotentes POU5F1 (OCT4) e NANOG, germinativos DDX4 (VASA), DAZL e DPPA3 (STELLA) e epigenéticos 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 e H3K9me2 foram realizados para criar um perfil de genes que são importantes para o desenvolvimento das CGPs caninas. Prosseguiu-se para a segunda fase in vitro, que incide na derivação e caracterização das CGEs caninas. Ensaios de Fosfatase Alcalina, imunofluorescência para os marcadores: pluripotente POU5F1 (OCT4), germinativos DDX4 (VASA), DAZL e DPPA3 (STELLA), mesodérmico THY-1 (CD90) e epigenéticos 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 e H3K9me2, RT-qPCR para os genes NANOG e DDX4 e formação de teratoma foram efetivados para comprovar a linhagem de células CGEs. Como resultado in vivo, percebe-se que diferentes padrões de marcações e genes foram expressos nas CGPs, comprovando que a espécie canina se assemelha mais com os humanos do que com os camundongos. Os resultados in vitro mostraram que foi possível derivar as células CGEs e que estas conseguem reter sua pluripotencialidade e que diminuem a expressão dos genes germinativos. Porém, essas células tendem a se diferenciar em outros tecidos somáticos, mesmo com a adição de suplementos, fato também notado em CGEs humanas. / Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are known as the only cells capable of generating a new individual, they originate the gametes which then will transmit genetic material to future generations. Normally, the mammalian germ line is determined by genetic and epigenetic factors that have essential functions to guide the direction and development of PGCs as well as embryonic germ cells (EGCs). Epigenetic reprogramming is fundamental for the regulation of the genome during the development of the germ cells responsible for originating the gametogenic lineage in mammals. Methylation and demethylation in PGCs is a unique event, essential for erasing epigenetic memory and also preventing transmissions of epimutations to the next generation. Thus, the understanding of the patterns of differentiation of PGCs in EGCs can be important in identifying and correcting possible failures in these processes, which will be important in the future for development and reproductive performance. Most of the studies with PGCs in EGCs are carried out in mice, but this species is not always the best model of study when transposing this knowledge to humans. In canines, no study has ever been reported on canine PGCs and maybe the Canine species has become interesting as a new animal model for studies. It is known that the study material of human embryos are scarce samples and difficult to obtain, so it is necessary to use other animal models, such as the Canids, which also resemble humans. Dogs were the first fundamental models for the development of bone marrow transplantation in humans, but also made valuable contributions to the development of therapies for cardiovascular and orthopedic diseases. Then, it has become interesting to expand the studies on PGCs in the canine species in order to show the importance of different models that might resemble humans. Therefore, we had how proposal identify which were pluripotent, germinative and epigenetic markers that are important for the development of PGCs and canine EGCs. It research was divided into two phases: the first consists of the in vivo process, from the initial development of the embryo to the complete formation of the gonadal ridge. We analyzed through the techniques of real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and immunofluorescence for pluripotent markers POU5F1 (OCT4) and NANOG, germline DDX4 (VASA), DAZL and DPPA3 (STELLA) and epigenetic 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 and H3K9me2 were performed to create a profile of genes that are important for the development of canine PGCs. We proceeded to the second in vitro phase, which focuses on the derivation and characterization of canine EGCs. Alkaline Phosphatase (AP), immunofluorescence for the markers: pluripotent POU5F1 (OCT4), germinative DDX4 (VASA), DAZL and DPPA3 (STELLA), mesodermal THY-1 (CD90) and epigenetic 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 and H3K9me2. We also analyzed RT-qPCR for NANOG and DDX4 genes and teratoma formation were performed to prove the EGCs cell lineage. As a result in vivo, different marking patterns and genes had been expressed in CGPs, proving that the canine species is more similar to humans than to mice. The in vitro results showed that it was possible to derive the EGCs and that they are able to retain their pluripotency and decrease the expression of the germinative genes. However, these cells continue to differentiate into other somatic tissues, even with the addition of supplements, a fact also noted in human CGEs.
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Estudos epigenéticos em dependentes de crack e cocaína: investigação da metilação global do genoma / Epigenetic studies in crack and cocaine dependents: investigation of global genome methylationCaroline Perez Camilo 10 August 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A expansão e disseminação do consumo de crack e cocaína no Brasil vem se tornando um grave problema de saúde pública nos últimos vinte anos. Diferentes abordagens biológicas têm sido investigadas utilizando o fenótipo de abuso/dependência de crack/cocaína, cujos resultados têm demonstrado a participação importante do substrato genético, assim como a sua interação com os fatores ambientais no desenvolvimento desse transtorno. OBJETIVOS: Investigar o padrão de metilação do DNA do genoma de indivíduos que apresentam abuso/dependência de cocaína e de crack, comparando ao padrão de metilação de indivíduos controles. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 24 dependentes de cocaína e crack e 24 controles saudáveis, pareados por sexo e idade. Utilizando amostras de DNA extraídas de sangue periférico de cada um dos participantes, foi realizada a técnica de metilação global com o ensaio Illumina Infinium Human Methylation450 (450K) BeadChip. Os resultados iniciais foram normalizados considerando a heterogeneidade celular e analisados utilizando o pacote ChAMP (Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline) para identificar genes e/ou regiões gênicas diferencialmente metiladas que possam representar fatores de vulnerabilidade para o comportamento de abuso/dependência do crack e da cocaína. Os processos biológicos e vias celulares com os quais os sítios diferencialmente metilados estão envolvidos foram explorados usando as ferramentas disponibilizadas pelo \"WebGestalt\" e pelo \"UCSC Genome Browser\". RESULTADOS: Foram observados 250 sítios diferencialmente metilados, associados a 246 genes na comparação dos perfis de metilação entre os casos e controles, sendo que 49% destes estavam localizados nas regiões promotoras dos genes, sugerindo que esses sítios podem estar relacionados com a expressão gênica. Alterações estatisticamente significantes no padrão de metilação entre casos x controles foram observadas em 23 sítios CpG (p-valor ajustado < 10-5 e |?beta| = 0,1). Observou-se também que três regiões diferencialmente metiladas foram associadas a genes hipometilados (BMP8A, GPR88 e RNF166) (p-valor ajustado < 0.05), cada uma com pelo menos três sítios. Alterações estatisticamente significantes também foram observadas em seis genes hiper-representados: CALCA, NCOA2, DRD2, EHMT1, EHMT2, MAP2K1, MAPK3 e MAPK1, envolvidos em processos biológicos e moleculares. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas no padrão de metilação genômico de usuários/dependentes de crack e cocaína quando comparados aos controles saudáveis em amostra de DNA extraídas de sangue periférico. Comparação de estudos de expressão em tecido cerebral correlacionaram-se parcialmente com os achados apresentados. Outros estudos utilizando amostras independentes são necessários para confirmar esses achados. A confirmação desses resultados poderá contribuir na identificação e compreensão dos mecanismos biológicos envolvidos na dependência do crack/cocaína / BACKGROUND: The expansion and dissemination of crack and cocaine in Brazil has become a progressive and serious public health problem during the last twenty years. Different biological approaches have been investigated using the crack/cocaine abuser/dependent phenotype, with results confirming the important role of the genetic component, as well as its interaction with environmental factors. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the DNA methylation pattern levels in the genome of individuals with crack and cocaine abuse/dependence and comparing it with the DNA methylation pattern of the genome of control subjects. METHODS: 24 crack and cocaine abusers/dependents and 24 healthy controls were selected and matched by sex and age. Using DNA samples from peripheral blood of each participant, a global methylation technique was performed using the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation450 (450K) Bead Chip assay. The initial results were normalized for cellular heterogeneity and re-analyzed using ChAMP package (Chip Methylation Analysis Pipeline) to identify differentially methylated genes or/and DNA regions that may represent biological/genetic risk factors for crack and cocaine abuse/dependence behavior. The biological processes and cellular pathways were explored using tools provided by \"WebGestalt\" and \"UCSC Genome Browser\". RESULTS: 250 differentially methylated sites associated with 246 genes in methylation comparison profiles between cases and controls were identified, of which almost half were located in the promoter regions of genes (49%), suggesting that these sites may be related to gene expression. Statistically significant changes in the methylation patterns between cases and controls were observed in 23 CpG sites (adjust p-value < 10-5 and |deltabeta| = 0.1). In addition, three differentially methylated regions were associated with hipomethylated genes (BMP8A, GPR88 e RNF166) (adjust p-value < 0.05), each one with at least three sites. Statistically significant changes were also observe with six hiper-represented genes: CALCA, NCOA2, DRD2, EHMT1, EHMT2, MAP2K1, MAPK3 e MAPK1, which are involved in biological and molecular processes. CONCLUSIONS: Crack and cocaine users/dependents presented significant statistical differences in the methylation pattern when compared to healthy controls in DNA samples extracted from peripheral blood. Results from gene expression studies using brain tissue can be correlated with our results. In order to confirm the present findings, future studies should be replicated using independent samples. The confirmation of these results will contribute to the understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in crack/cocaine dependence
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Potencial quimiopreventivo de lipídios estruturados obtidos por interesterificação da tributirina com o óleo de linhaça na hepatocarcinogênese / Chemopreventive potential of structured lipids obtained by interesterification of tributyrin with flaxseed oil in hepatocarcinogenesis.Heidor, Renato 11 February 2016 (has links)
O carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC) apresenta mau prognóstico o que torna importante sua quimioprevenção. Nesse sentido, a tributirina (TB), um inibidor de desacetilases de histonas (HDACi), mostrou-se um quimiopreventivo promissor da hepatocarcinogênese. Avaliaram-se aqui efeitos quimiopreventivos de lipídios estruturados (EST) obtidos por interesterificação enzimática a partir da TB com o óleo de linhaça (LIN). Ratos foram tratados com EST (grupo EST; 165 mg/100g peso corpóreo [p.c]), TB (grupo TB; 200 mg/100g p.c), LIN (grupo LIN; 133 mg/100g p.c), mistura de TB com LIN (grupo LIN; 165 mg/100g p.c) ou maltodextrina (MD) (grupo MD; controle isocalórico; 300 mg/100g p.c) diariamente durante 8 semanas consecutivas por gavagem. Duas semanas após início dos tratamentos, os animais foram submetidos ao modelo de hepatocarcinogênese do \"hepatócito resistente\" (RH). Os grupos EST e TB apresentaram atividade quimiopreventiva bloqueadora e supressora, respectivamente, da hepatocarcinogênese. TB induziu a apoptose, ao contrário dos EST. O tratamento com TB resultou na acetilação e trimetilação da H3K9 e H3K27, enquanto EST atuaram somente na trimetilação das mesmas. Quando analisada a expressão de genes envolvidos com modificações em histonas, EST e TB reduziram a expressão de Ezh2 e de Hdac4. Por outro lado, somente os EST aumentaram a expressão de Hdac6. Tal efeito por parte dos EST merece ser mais investigado, uma vez que esta desacetilase vem sendo sugerida como alvo potencial para o desenvolvimento de fármacos. Em conclusão, a atividade quimiopreventiva de EST e da TB envolve na hepatocarcinogênese experimental mecanismos epigenéticos que podem ou não ser distintos. / Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a poor prognosis, which makes its chemoprevention important. Tributyrin (TB), which is a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), is a promising chemopreventive agent of hepatocarcinogenesis. The chemopreventive effects of structured lipids (STLs) that were obtained by the enzymatic interesterification of TB with flaxseed oil (FSO) were evaluated in the present study. Rats were treated with STLs (STL group, 165 mg/100 g body weight (bw)), TB (TB group, 200 mg/100 g bw), FSO (FSO group, 133 mg/100 g bw), TB mixed with FSO (BLD group, 165 mg/100g bw) or maltodextrin (MD) (MD group; isocaloric control; 300 mg/100 g bw) daily for eight consecutive weeks by gavage. Two weeks after the initiation of treatment, the animals were subjected to the resistant hepatocyte hepatocarcinogenesis model (RH). The STL and TB groups developed blocker and suppressive chemopreventive activity against hepatocarcinogenesis, respectively. TB treatment induced apoptosis, unlike the STL treatment. Additionally, TB treatment resulted in the acetylation and trimethylation of H3K9 and H3K27, whereas the STLs acted only in the trimethylation of these histones. When analyzing the expression of genes involved in histone modifications, the STLs and TB reduced enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Ezh2) and histone deacetylase 4 (Hdac4) gene expression. Conversely, only the STLs increased Hdac6 gene expression. This effect of the STLs warrants further investigation because this deacetylase has been suggested as a potential drug development target. In conclusion, the chemopreventive activities of the STLs and TB in experimental hepatocarcinogenesis involve epigenetic mechanisms that may be distinct.
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Epigenética da reprogramação em células germinativas embrionárias caninas / Epigenetics of reprogramming in canine embryonic germ cellsSouza, Aline Fernanda de 16 February 2017 (has links)
As células germinativas primordiais (CGPs) são as precursoras dos gametas, capazes de gerar um novo indivíduo os quais transmitirão os materiais genéticos para as futuras gerações. Normalmente, a linha germinal de mamífero é determinada por fatores genéticos e epigenéticos que possuem funções essenciais para guiar na direção e desenvolvimento das CGPs, bem como das células germinativas embrionárias (CGEs). A reprogramação epigenética é fundamental para a regulação do genoma durante o desenvolvimento das células germinativas responsáveis por originar a linhagem gametogênica nos mamíferos. A metilação e desmetilação em CGPs são um evento único, essencial para apagar a memória epigenética e também prevenir transmissões de epimutações para a próxima geração. Assim, o completo entendimento das vias e mecanismos para a migração inicial e diferenciação destas células em CGEs podem ser importantes para identificar e corrigir falhas possíveis nesses processos, o que será importante, no futuro, para o desenvolvimento e desempenho reprodutivo. A maioria dos estudos com CGPs e CGEs é realizado em camundongos, porém nem sempre esta espécie torna-se o melhor modelo de estudo quando se quer transpor esses conhecimentos a humanos. O cão doméstico (Canis lúpus familiaris) apresenta-se como um modelo ideal para o estudo do desenvolvimento em mamíferos, pois possui inúmeras similaridades com a bioquímica, fisiologia e genética. Deste modo, torna-se interessante expandir os estudos sobre as CGPs e CGEs na espécie canina, a fim de mostrar a importância de diferentes modelos que se assemelham a seres humanos. Portanto, objetiva-se, nesta proposta, identificar qual é a dinâmica de marcadores pluripotentes, germinativos e epigenéticos que são importantes para o desenvolvimento das CGPs e CGEs caninas. Para tal procedimento, essa pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases: a primeira, consiste no processo in vivo, desde o desenvolvimento inicial do embrião até a completa formação da crista gônadal. Análises de RTq-PCR e imunofluorescência para marcadores pluripotentes POU5F1 (OCT4) e NANOG, germinativos DDX4 (VASA), DAZL e DPPA3 (STELLA) e epigenéticos 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 e H3K9me2 foram realizados para criar um perfil de genes que são importantes para o desenvolvimento das CGPs caninas. Prosseguiu-se para a segunda fase in vitro, que incide na derivação e caracterização das CGEs caninas. Ensaios de Fosfatase Alcalina, imunofluorescência para os marcadores: pluripotente POU5F1 (OCT4), germinativos DDX4 (VASA), DAZL e DPPA3 (STELLA), mesodérmico THY-1 (CD90) e epigenéticos 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 e H3K9me2, RT-qPCR para os genes NANOG e DDX4 e formação de teratoma foram efetivados para comprovar a linhagem de células CGEs. Como resultado in vivo, percebe-se que diferentes padrões de marcações e genes foram expressos nas CGPs, comprovando que a espécie canina se assemelha mais com os humanos do que com os camundongos. Os resultados in vitro mostraram que foi possível derivar as células CGEs e que estas conseguem reter sua pluripotencialidade e que diminuem a expressão dos genes germinativos. Porém, essas células tendem a se diferenciar em outros tecidos somáticos, mesmo com a adição de suplementos, fato também notado em CGEs humanas. / Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are known as the only cells capable of generating a new individual, they originate the gametes which then will transmit genetic material to future generations. Normally, the mammalian germ line is determined by genetic and epigenetic factors that have essential functions to guide the direction and development of PGCs as well as embryonic germ cells (EGCs). Epigenetic reprogramming is fundamental for the regulation of the genome during the development of the germ cells responsible for originating the gametogenic lineage in mammals. Methylation and demethylation in PGCs is a unique event, essential for erasing epigenetic memory and also preventing transmissions of epimutations to the next generation. Thus, the understanding of the patterns of differentiation of PGCs in EGCs can be important in identifying and correcting possible failures in these processes, which will be important in the future for development and reproductive performance. Most of the studies with PGCs in EGCs are carried out in mice, but this species is not always the best model of study when transposing this knowledge to humans. In canines, no study has ever been reported on canine PGCs and maybe the Canine species has become interesting as a new animal model for studies. It is known that the study material of human embryos are scarce samples and difficult to obtain, so it is necessary to use other animal models, such as the Canids, which also resemble humans. Dogs were the first fundamental models for the development of bone marrow transplantation in humans, but also made valuable contributions to the development of therapies for cardiovascular and orthopedic diseases. Then, it has become interesting to expand the studies on PGCs in the canine species in order to show the importance of different models that might resemble humans. Therefore, we had how proposal identify which were pluripotent, germinative and epigenetic markers that are important for the development of PGCs and canine EGCs. It research was divided into two phases: the first consists of the in vivo process, from the initial development of the embryo to the complete formation of the gonadal ridge. We analyzed through the techniques of real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and immunofluorescence for pluripotent markers POU5F1 (OCT4) and NANOG, germline DDX4 (VASA), DAZL and DPPA3 (STELLA) and epigenetic 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 and H3K9me2 were performed to create a profile of genes that are important for the development of canine PGCs. We proceeded to the second in vitro phase, which focuses on the derivation and characterization of canine EGCs. Alkaline Phosphatase (AP), immunofluorescence for the markers: pluripotent POU5F1 (OCT4), germinative DDX4 (VASA), DAZL and DPPA3 (STELLA), mesodermal THY-1 (CD90) and epigenetic 5mC, 5hmC, H3K27me3 and H3K9me2. We also analyzed RT-qPCR for NANOG and DDX4 genes and teratoma formation were performed to prove the EGCs cell lineage. As a result in vivo, different marking patterns and genes had been expressed in CGPs, proving that the canine species is more similar to humans than to mice. The in vitro results showed that it was possible to derive the EGCs and that they are able to retain their pluripotency and decrease the expression of the germinative genes. However, these cells continue to differentiate into other somatic tissues, even with the addition of supplements, a fact also noted in human CGEs.
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Psychanalyse et génétique médicale : une rencontre possible à partir du syndrome du chromosome X fragile / Psychoanalysis and medical genetics: a possible encounter from the fragile X syndromeVarela, Andrea Sousa 05 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse part de la proposition d\'une rencontre possible entre psychanalyse et génétique médicale par le biais des soins offerts aux enfants porteurs de syndromes génétiques, notamment le syndrome de l\'X fragile. Nous avons trouvé dans les recherches en épigénétique une voie de rapprochement de ces différents champs du savoir. L\'idée selon laquelle l\'environnement est capable de modifier l\'expression des gènes représente la rupture d\'un certain déterminisme génétique autrefois accepté, et ouvre un espace où penser la singularité. Notre travail propose d\'élargir le concept d\'environnement, en y considérant la relation de l\'enfant avec l\'Autre, lieu du langage, comme opérateur de marques sur son corps : marques symboliques, constituées dès le tout début de la rencontre de l\'infans et de ceux qui s\'occupent de lui. C\'est justement dans cet espace d\'échange avec l\'Autre qu\'a lieu l\'émergence d\'un sujet. Nous avons opté pour les concepts de sujet et de transfert pour soutenir l\'articulation de la clinique psychanalytique et de la génétique médicale en ce qui concerne le traitement. Nous avons donc exposé trois cas cliniques issus de notre pratique, d\'enfants traversés par le diagnostic de l\'X fragile afin d\'illustrer de quelle manière les conceptions de sujet et de transfert se reflètent dans la clinique. Tenant compte que la psychothérapie est également prise comme objet d\'étude de l\'épigénétique, et qu\'elle est donc considérée comme un environnement capable de provoquer, voire de renverser des marques épigénétiques, l\'enjeu de notre travail repose sur la proposition suivante : et pourquoi pas la psychanalyse également ? La psychothérapie psychanalytique, ancrée sur le transfert, ne peut-elle pas, elle aussi, laisser des marques sur le petit patient / The current thesis assumes a possible encounter between psychoanalysis and medical genetics based on the treatment applied to children carrying genetic syndromes such as the Fragile X Syndrome. Epigenetic studies are a way to approximate different knowledge fields. The assumption that the environment is able to change gene expression strays from the genetic determinism we once believed and opens the way for us to reason about singularity. The proposition in the present study lies on expanding the concept of environment, by taking into consideration the relation between the child and the Other in the environment in question, as well as the place of language as the operator marking the childs body. These symbolic marks start emerging in the first encounter between the infans and caregivers. The subject emerges precisely 3 within an environment of exchanges that is set with the Other. The concepts of subject and transference were chosen to support the treatment articulation between psychoanalytic clinic and medical genetics. Thus, the present study reports three clinical cases followed by the authors, which involved children diagnosed with fragile X syndrome. These cases illustrate how the aforementioned concepts affect the clinical practice. Since psychotherapy has also been taken as the object of epigenetic studies, and as it is considered an environment able to cause, and even reverse, epigenetic marks, the current study relies on the following proposition: why not psychoanalysis as well? Can the psychoanalytic psychotherapy, anchored in the concept of transference, leave marks on the little patient too?
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Linhagens de Aspergillus nidulans como biossensores de efeitos genotóxicos e antigenotóxicos de agentes ambientais. / Aspergillus nidulans strains as biosensors of genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects of environmental factors.Zucchi, Fernando Domingues 09 June 2006 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é o de estabelecer uma estratégia confiável relacionada a genotoxicidade, proteção genômica e recombinação mitótica em Aspergillus nidulans. A genotoxicidade foi induzida por vapor de benzeno e, para testar a proteção genômica, a soja foi usada devido às suas propriedades anticarcinogênicas muito conhecidas. O principal resultado obtido foi que a soja transgênica mostrou maiores propriedades antigenotóxicas do que a soja tradicional. Isto foi duplamente confirmado, tanto através de estratégias de genética clássica, como molecular. Além disso, cada experimento foi repetido três vezes. Principais conclusões foram as seguintes: a) estabelecimento de um protocolo adequado para atender às complexidades dos eventos epigenéticos e, b) a aplicação desse tal protocolo e experimentos afins para testar outros agentes ambientais suspeitos de apresentarem propriedades antigenotóxicas, ou que precisem de sua identificação como tal. Evidentemente, levando-se em conta a grande preocupação relacionada aos alimentos transgênicos e aos muitos produtos de biotecnologia, que entram no mercado, o elenco de prováveis candidatos aos tipos de testes apresentados, será muito grande. Como os resultados obtidos sugerem íntima relação entre metilação de DNA eucariótico, a recombinação mitótica e outros eventos danosos às células, os eventos envolvidos serão epigeneticamente discutidos. / Main aim is to provide a reliable approach to deal with the aspects related to induced genotoxicity, genomic protection and eukaryotic mitotic recombination in Aspergillus nidulans. Genotoxicity was benzene fumes induced, and to test genomic protection soybean has been used on account of its putative anticarcinogenic properties. Main outcome is that transgenic soybean bears higher antigenotoxic properties than traditional soybean. This has been twofold confirmed through basic genetic approaches and molecular approaches, as well. In addition, each experimental approach has been three times repeated. Additional important outcomes are: a- establishment of a reliable protocol to deal with the complexities of the epigenetic events, and b- likely use of present protocol and experimental set-up to test other environmental agents of which antigenotoxic properties are either suspected, or need precise identification. Evidently, on account of present wide concern the transgenic foodstuffs, and many other biotechnological products, as well, are obvious candidates for similar approaches. Obtained results suggest close relationships among eukaryotic DNA methylation, mitotic recombination, and other cells damaging events reputedly leading to carcinogenesis.
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Estudo genético da produção de esterigmatocistina em Apergillus nidulans. / The genetic study of sterigmatocystin production in Aspergillus nidulans.Dezotti, Nanci Otilia Chacon Reche 02 June 1999 (has links)
A esterigmatocistina (ST) é uma micotoxina policetônica produzida por diferentes espécies de Aspergillus e outros gêneros fúngicos como Bipolaris e Chaetomium. Esta toxina é caracterizada como uma bifuranoxantona com fórmula molecular C18H12O6, freqüentemente encontrada como contaminante de diversos produtos alimentícios como sementes oleaginosas e cereais. Possui propriedades carcinogênicas, toxigênicas, mutagênicas e teratogênicas, entretanto, ela é menos tóxica do que a aflatoxina. O fungo Emericella nidulans (Eidam) Vuillemin, cujo anamorfo é o Aspergillus nidulans (Eidam) Winter, foi usado como modelo genético para a investigação de genes envolvidos na via biossintética da esterigmatocistina. Linhagens estoque de Utrecht (originárias de Glasgow) foram analisadas quanto à produção de ST e, entre elas, somente a linhagem UT196 [yA2 (I); metA17 (II); piroA4 (IV)] apresentou produção de 4 ppm de ST (stc+), enquanto que as linhagens UT448 e UT184 mostraram-se não produtoras dessa micotoxina (stc). Embora a linhagem UT196 seja muito bem caracterizada geneticamente, este foi o primeiro relato da produção de ST nessa linhagem. Os índices de segregação alélica e todas as freqüências de recombinação entre os marcadores genéticos ligados e não ligados foram determinados tanto pelo cruzamento meiótico UT448 (stc) x UT196 (stc+) como pelo cruzamento mitótico UT448//UT184. 175 segregantes meióticos e 140 segregantes mitóticos foram analisados quanto à produção de ST, aos marcadores de auxotrofia e de resistência a acriflavina. Essas linhagens cruzadas apresentavam vários marcadores em heterozigose e isso permitiu o mapeamento de um gene estrutural da ST (stcZ+), localizado no braço esquerdo do cromossomo I, 4% distante do gene da riboflavina (riboA1). Como um subproduto deste trabalho, foi detectado um pigmento vermelho, de Rf = 0,90, em todos os segregantes meióticos e mitóticos, produtores ou não de ST, indicando tratar-se, provavelmente, de um pigmento policetônico produzido pelos ascosporos do fungo. A baixa expressão da produção de ST em 13 segregantes meióticos e a alta expressão dessa toxina nos diplóides UT448//UT196 e UT448//UT184 (40 ppm) permitiram concluir a existência de um fator regulador, compreendido na região w-met do cromossomo II, responsável pela expressão do gene estrutural stcZ+. A análise desses genes através do ciclo parassexual sugeriu um comportamento epigenético típico envolvendo esses genes. Com base nos dados obtidos, hipóteses para explicar o controle da expressão desses genes e suas inter-relações foram aqui apresentadas. / Sterigmatocystin (ST) is a polyketide produced by different species of Aspergillus as well as by other fungus genera such as Bipolaris and Chaetomium. This toxin is characterized as a bifuranoxanthone, whose molecular formula is C18H12O6 and which is frequently found as a contaminant in several food products such as oil-seed grains and cereals. It has carcinogenic, toxigenic, mutagenic and teratogenic properties; however, it is less toxic than aflatoxin. The fungus Emericella nidulans (Eidam) Vuillemin, whose anamorph is Aspergillus nidulans (Eidam) Winter, was used as a genetic model to investigate the genes involved in the sterigmatocystin biosynthetic pathway. Strains from Utrecht stocks (originally from Glasgow) were analyzed in order to detect ST production and, among them, only the UT196 strain [yA2 (I); metA17 (II); piroA4 (IV)] showed the production of 4 ppm of ST (stc+), whereas the UT448 and UT184 strains showed to be nonproducers of such toxin (stc). Although the UT196 strain is very well characterized genetically, this has been the first report on its production of ST. The allelic segregation rates and all the recombination frequencies between linked and non-linked genetic markers were determined by both the meiotic crossing UT448 (stc) x UT196 (stc+) and mitotic crossing UT448//UT184. 175 meiotic segregants and 140 mitotic segregants were analyzed as to ST production, auxotrophy markers and resistance to acriflavine. These crossed strains presented various markers in heterozygous configuration, which allowed to map a structural gene of ST (stcZ+) located on the left arm of chromosome I, 4% distant from the riboflavin gene (riboA1). As a byproduct of this work, a red pigment of 0.90 Rf was detected in all meiotic and mitotic segregants, whether they were ST producers or not, which indicated that was probably a polyketide produced by the fungus ascopores. The low expression of ST production in 13 meiotic segregants and the high expression of such toxin in the UT448//UT196 and UT448//UT184 diploids (40 ppm) allowed to conclude that a regulating factor existed in the w-met region of chromosome II, which is responsible for the expression of the structural gene stcZ+. The analyses of those genes through the parasexual cycle suggested a typical epigenetic behavior which involved them. Based on the data obtained, hypotheses to explain the expression control of these genes as well as their inter-relationships were here presented.
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Characterization of BAF155 and BAF170 in Early Porcine EmbryogenesisHayly Michelle Goebel (7022153) 16 October 2019 (has links)
<p>The production of developmentally competent in vitro derived embryos is necessary to decreasing both economic and emotional losses. Epigenetic abnormalities/insults have been shown to occur at a higher incidence in in vitro embryos. An increased prevalence of epigenetic derived disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, and α-thalassemia as well as elevated preimplantation embryo arrest and reduced developmental rates are theorized to be caused by errors in the mediation of chromatin remodeling. Chromatin remodeling refers to the restructuring of packaged DNA so that transcription factors are either given more or less access to specific sequences. This can be done by covalent modification through histone methylation, acetylation, and phosphorylation as well as noncovalent modifications which employ ATP dependent chromatin remodeling complexes. The purpose of this thesis was to characterize two structurally integral core subunits, BAF155 and BAF170, of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in porcine oocytes and preimplantation embryos. </p>
<p>The first study concentrated on the transcript abundance of BAF155 and BAF170 in porcine oocytes and embryos. First, BAF155 and BAF170 transcript sequences were identified in porcine muscle and heart tissues. Those sequences were used to create quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) primers. mRNA from pools of GV oocytes (100-800) was converted to cDNA for transcript abundance measurements. However, transcript abundance remained too low for either BAF155 or BAF170 to be accurately quantified. </p>
<p>The second study focused on developmental competency of embryos post interfering RNA (RNAi) knockdown of BAF155, BAF170, or both BAF155/BAF170 combined. After 7 days of culture, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine differences in mean nuclei numbers and morphological blastocyst percentages across the three groups. No significant difference was seen between means of treatment groups vs. both control groups. Significant differences were seen between siRNA and Non-Injected groups as well as Non-Injected and Scramble RNA groups. However this indicates that loss of BAF155, BAF170, or a combination of the two transcripts is not the driving force of the significant differences, rather the microinjection itself caused the differences.</p>
<p>The third study examined the process by which BAF155 and BAF170 proteins are imported from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. It was hypothesized that karyopherin α 7 (KPNA7), a nuclear importer known to be prevalent in the porcine oocyte and early embryo, is the main importer of both subunits. A dominant-negative KPNA7 construct missing the importin beta binding (IBB) domain was microinjected into parthenogenetically activated embryos to outcompete competent wild-type KPNA7. No change in protein localization was seen at the 4-cell stage of development (48 hours post-injection) for either BAF155 or BAF170. To reinforce these results, an RNAi targeting KPNA7 was also microinjected into parthenogenetically activated embryos. Again, no change was shown in protein localization at the 4-cell stage (48 hours post-injection), indicating that KPNA7 was not the main nuclear importer of either BAF155 or BAF170.</p>
<p>Further study is necessary to determine transcript abundance and the mechanism of nuclear import of both BAF155 and BAF170.</p><div><br></div>
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