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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memórias vivas e a polonidade no município de Guarani das Missões/RS

Slodkowski, Aline Carlise January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como foco de análise compreender as identidades culturais atuais e a relação com sua cultura de origem. Para este trabalho, tomou-se como área de estudo o município de Guarani das Missões/RS, espaço caracterizado pela intensa imigração polonesa no período de formação das colônias no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e, considerada a “Capital Polonesa dos Gaúchos”. Teve-se como objetivo geral a busca de uma compreensão do grupo cultural polonês, investigando suas formas de organização, suas simbologias e, as intencionalidades com as quais os mesmos (re) organizam o território, por meio de suas histórias de vida e do discurso da polonidade. Para tal perspectiva, em termos metodológicos primou-se pela valorização das memórias vivas como uma forma de compreender as representações que cercam estes indivíduos e, como a identidade polonesa pode ou não influenciar na organização do seu espaço social, no seu modo de vida e, na relação com as novas gerações. Ao tecer nossa dissertação, indagamos como estas identidades foram sendo produzidas em determinadas configurações temporais e espaciais, pois a marca de uma cultura está em seu movimento e dinamismo. Mudanças e permanências cercam este lugar, assim pretendemos discutir aqui, como estas relações de contradição estão inscritas na construção do imaginário da identidade do brasileiro versus o „apagamento‟ de uma identidade polonesa entre os diferentes atores que vivem no município. / This dissertation aims to understand current cultural identities and their relation with their original culture. For this study, the city of Guarani das Missões/RS was the area of analysis, which is characterized by its intense Polish immigration in the period of colony formations in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and is also considered the Polish Capital of the Gaúchos”. The general objective was to understand thoroughly the Polish cultural group by investigating its organization, symbols, and the international aspects with which they organize their territory, considering their life stories and the Polish discourse. From this perspective, in terms of methodology, live memories were prioritized as a way to comprehend the representations surrounding these people, and also to understand how the Polish identity may or may not influence in the organization of the social space, lifestyle and relationship with new generations. While writing this dissertation, we asked how these identities were produced in determined spatial and temporal configurations since the mark of a culture relies in its movement and dynamism. Changes and permanence surround this place, so the discussion here focus on how these contradiction relations are subscribed in the construction of the Brazilian identity imaginary versus the „erasing‟ of a Polish identity among the different subjects who live in this city.

VYUŽITÍ BIOTECHNOLOGICKÝCH METOD U MASNÝCH STÁD SKOTU / Using biotechnological methods in beef cattle herds

ZATLOUKAL, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation consists in analysing the results of the biotechnological techniques (insemination, embryotransfer) for a selected herd of meat-type cattle raised in a foothills countryside dutiny 5 years (2002 {--} 2006) and their comparison with natural breeding. The results this obtained are presented in dependence on the breed, fater{\crq}s origin and calving month. The analysis involves 795 Charolais calves and 450 meat-type Siemental calves. In the Charolais group insemination gave 275 calves, while natural breeding gave 520 calves. In the case of meat-type Siemental group the corresponding numbers are 179 and 271, accordingly. After embryotranfer we have got 4 Charolais calves and 15 calves of the other breed. The work evaluates the influence of the technique of breeding on to the rate of calf grow, with this investigation being performed in dependence on the breed. The meat-type Siemental bulls have shown a significant difference (p {>} 0,05) in the live weight of the calves 120 and 365 days old. In this age bulls born after insemination have been heavier (183,9 kg, 527,9 kg) in comparison with bulls born after natural breeding (172,4 kg, 497,0 kg). Concerming Charolais bulls, no statistically significant difference in the live weight have been found. In addition, no significant influence of the mode of breeding on to the live weight has been found for heifers of both breeds. Concerning the effect of the calving month on the rate of grow, the meat-type Siemntal calves have shown a highly statistically significant (p {>} 0,001) difference in the live weight of calves born in March. The live weights of calves born in March and weighed at 120, 210 and 365 days have been 181,17 kg, 289,2 kg and 510,31 kg, these values being valid for calves after insemination. The corresponding values for natural breeding are lower, particularly 168,26 kg, 271,37 kg and 439,59 kg. In addition a statistically considerable difference (p {>} 0,01) in the live weight has been found for calves 120 days old if the calves were born in April. Insemination has led to a live weight of 194,5 kg, while natural breeding to 168,9 kg. In the group of Charolais calves a statistically significant difference (p {>} 0,01 {--} 0,05) has been found at the age of 365 days. Calves born after insemination had a higher live weight (462,85 kg) as compared to those born after natural breeding (432,85 kg). As concerns the parameters characterising fertility, the following ones have been analysed: the service period (SP), the birth-to-birth interval and the percentage of becoming pregnanat after the first insemination. For the whole period under investigation, the SP value for the Charolais calves (T 100) has been 89,19 days while for the meat-type Siemental calves (S 100) 80,04 days. As concerns the birth-to-birth period found for Charolais (381,32 days) and the meat-type Siemental (390,35 days), it may be stated that these results are satisfactory. The percentage of becoming pregnant after the first insemination has shown a downword trend for both breeds in the course of the years under study. Investigated paramentrs of growth and reproduction are markedly influenced by the breed.

Srovnání efektivity monitoringu norka amerického /Mustela vison/ a tchoře tmavého /Mustela putorius/ pomocí raftů a sklopců. / Comparison of efficiency of box traps and floating rafts as monitors and trap sites for mink (Musela vison) and polecat (Putorius putorius) for population control.

BARTÁKOVÁ, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to evaluate two methods of monitoring of the American mink and polecat, monitoring with live traps and by floating rafts. While the first method is commonly used in our country, where the second method is the pilot project here, but it has been used in the UK successfully. Observation was from August to November in 2008 and from April to November in 2009. Observation took place in the area near PP Černíč near Dačice, where were chosen 4 different habitats. All detected tracks of Mustelids found on rafts were from the American mink. It corresponds with captures, where were captured also only minks and no polecat. Occupation of rafts was higher in 2008 than in 2009 because of the eradication of mink in November 2008. In both years the highest occupancy rate in rafts was in September and the lowest in October. There were differences between habitats and number of captured minks and tracks. In compare between rafts and traps, rafts were more successful method.

Etologické projevy býků v průběhu výkrmu / Ethological manifestation of bulls during fattening

ŽÁČEK, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The object of graduation theses was catch up the basic category of bull´s behaviour (food taking, resting, standing, movement). The bulls are stabled in free full grating system and they are here from start until the end of fattening with regard to racial differences among them. Average time of taking feed during whole fattening was 4.68 hours (19.4 %). Average time of caregory´s movement durinng whole fattening was 1.30 hours (5.4 %). Average time of resting was 13.41 hours (56.0 %). Average time of standing was 4.62 hours (19.2 %).

Kvalitativní a kvantitativní charakteristika spermatu polyploidních jeseterů (Acipenseridae) / Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of polyploid sturgeon sperm (Acipenseridae)

KAŠPAR, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to compare 4n sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and 8n and 12n siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) sperm. Relative quantitative values and % of live spermatozoa as a qualitative factor have been compared between species. At the same time influences of four different types of substances (CPE, Ovopel, GnRHa25 and GnRHa75) on sperm quality were compared.

Os (des)encontros da loucura com as cidades : serviços residenciais terapêuticos - narrativas do processo de desinstitucionalização no território brasileiro

Frichembruder, Simone Chandler January 2009 (has links)
Iniciei a escrita desta pesquisa inspirada na obra de James Cowan “O Sonho do Cartógrafo: meditações de Fra Mauro na Corte de Veneza do Século XVI”, com a intenção de, assim como Fra Mauro, o cartógrafo veneziano que buscava através de seus informantes desenhar o mapa perfeito que contemplasse a dimensão da criação, traçar o Mapa da Reforma Psiquiátrica, no Brasil, os des(encontros) da loucura com as cidades. Para tanto, parti em busca das experiências de (des)institucionalização da loucura, nas cinco regiões do território brasileiro, através das narrativas dos cuidadores, gestores, usuários e vizinhos sobre a vida nos Serviços Residenciais Terapêuticos. Com esse percurso, tive como objetivo trazer elementos para pensarmos sobre as práticas implicadas nos processos de (des)institucionalização da “loucura” no país. Para iniciar os primeiros traços do mapa e do lugar de onde falamos da loucura, apresentei e discuti situações cotidianas, trazendo as maneiras de agir em relação à “loucura”, vivenciadas em diferentes culturas. Com tais experiências, visei problematizar a sua pretensa universalidade e os jogos de exclusão que (des)configuram os tracejos do mapa da Reforma no País. A seguir, apresento os (Des)caminhos da Construção desta Pesquisa, em que discuto as ferramentas teórico-metodológicas deste estudo. Em um terceiro momento, realizo um traçado dos principais movimentos, conferências e dispositivos legais que delinearam a constituição do Residencial Terapêutico no Brasil, debatendo a partir destes tracejos do mapa possíveis interstícios do morar em um Residencial cadastrado junto ao Sistema Único de Saúde. Na seqüência da tese, ingresso nas práticas vigentes da constituição do Hospital Psiquiátrico tecidas através das narrativas de profissionais, que atuaram nestas instituições e, hoje, trabalham nos Residenciais, e dos usuários que viviam e vivem nesses lugares, buscando analisar e tencionar possíveis tramas que se prolonguem na constituição dos Residenciais Terapêuticos nas cidades. Na continuidade dos traços do mapa, analiso o percurso da chegada dos “escolhidos” para ingressar nos Residenciais Terapêuticos, delineando as diferentes vias que se constituem na vida dos usuários de Saúde Mental em tempos de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Dentre aqueles a quem foi permitida a “volta para casa”, como uma sucateira, catei as narrativas dos usuários, cuidadores e gestores neste atribulado percurso em que se dão os (des)encontros da loucura com as cidades. Para ampliar as formas do mapa, narro momentos de minha passagem por um residencial do sudeste, entremeadas pelas narrativas de outros fazeres que testemunhei nas diferentes regiões do país, dando “visibilidade” as formas de agir e escutar os moradores, chamando a atenção para a possibilidade de delinear outros traços na construção do “Mapa da Reforma” no Brasil. Finalizo meu percurso, com o encontro com Riobaldo, ex-jagunço e fazendeiro personagem de Grande Sertões Veredas e outros atores, numa conversa/pensamento em que busco outros “acabamentos” para possíveis desenhos futuros da Reforma Brasileira. / I started writing this paper inspired by James Cowan’s book “A Mapmaker's Dream: The Meditations of Fra Mauro, Cartographer to the Court of Venice” and, much like Fra Mauro, the Venetian cartographer who, through his informants, sought to draw a perfect map that represented the full breadth of Creation, planning to draw the map of Psychiatric Reform in Brazil, the (mis)understandings between insanity and the cities. To that end, I set off in search of insanity (de)institutionalization experiences across Brazil, gathering accounts by caregivers, managers, users, and neighbors about life in Psychiatric Homes. My goal for that journey was to bring elements for us to think about the practices involved in the country’s “insanity” (de)institutionalization processes. To start outlining the map and the place from where we talk about insanity, I presented and discussed everyday situations, bringing the attitudes toward “insanity” taken by different cultures. Through such experiences I sought to discuss their alleged universal character and the exclusion games that (de)form the traces of the Reform in the Country map. Next, I will present the (By-)Ways taken to Construct this Paper, in which I discuss the theoretical-methodological tools used. Then, I will recap the main movements, conferences, and legal provisions that set up the creation of Psychiatric Homes in Brazil, discussing, based on such draw lines on the map, the possible interstices of living in a Home accredited by the Brazilian federal health system. Moving further along, I approach the practices involved in establishing Psychiatric Hospitals through the accounts of people who used to work at such institutions and now work at the Homes, and the accounts of users who used to live or currently live in those places, in an effort to analyze and contemplate possible webs that extend into the creation of Psychiatric Homes in cities. As I keep on drawing the map, I analyze the journey taken by those “chosen” for admittance to the Psychiatric Homes, and lay out the different pathways traveled by Mental Health users in times of Psychiatric Reform. From those allowed to “go back home”, like a dumpster diver I sifted through the accounts of users, caregivers, and managers along this troubled course on which the (mis)understandings between insanity and the cities take place. To enlarge the shapes on the map, I recount some of my visit to a home in southeastern Brazil, interspersed with chronicles of other doings I have witnessed in the country’s various regions, giving “visibility” to the ways of acting and listening to the residents, drawing attention to the possibility of drawing other traces to put together the “map of Reform” in Brazil. I end my travels as I meet former hired hoad and farmer Riobaldo, a character in Grande Sertões Veredas and other actors, in a talk/thought in which I search for other “finishings” for possible future sketches of the Brazilian Reform.

Avaliação da estabilidade do suco e do bagaço de yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) e seu encapsulamento por atomização

Lago, Camila Carvalho January 2015 (has links)
O yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) é uma raiz de origem andina, considerada como um alimento funcional por apresentar em sua composição frutoligossacarídeos (FOS) e compostos fenólicos. Os FOS são polímeros de frutose com grau de polimerização de 3-10 e têm sido designados como prebióticos e fibras alimentares por sua não digestibilidade pelas enzimas do trato digestivo humano e por estimulando seletivamente o crescimento e a atividade de bactérias intestinais promotoras de saúde. Além da ação prebiótica, as raízes de yacon são ricas em compostos fenólicos com propriedades antioxidantes, que protegem o corpo humano dos processos oxidativos. Entretanto, a presença desses compostos torna as raízes suscetíveis à reação de escurecimento enzimático causado pela peroxidase e polifenoloxidase. Diante disso, inicialmente, foi estudada a cinética da inativação térmica e parâmetros termodinâmicos durante o branqueamento dessas enzimas e da enzima inulinase no suco de yacon. O suco de yacon, previamente acidificado com 1% de ácido cítrico foi branqueado com diferentes combinações de tempo-temperatura na faixa de 0-10minutos e 80-100 ºC. O comportamento cinético das três enzimas indicou a presença de duas isoenzimas com diferentes estabilidades térmicas, seguindo o modelo bifásico. A análise cinética demonstrou ainda, a alta resistência térmica das enzimas avaliadas, sendo que a inulinase foi a mais resistente ao calor. A análise termodinâmica indicou que a adição do ácido cítrico ao suco de yacon, provavelmente, causou a desnaturação da maior parte das enzimas que posteriormente foram agregadas durante o branqueamento. Posteriormente, o suco de yacon foi microencapsulado por atomização a fim de avaliar o uso da polidextrose como material de parede através da comparação com a goma arábica que é um dos encapsulantes mais utilizados em alimentos. Os efeitos da concentração dos agentes encapsulantes e da temperatura de secagem no teor de compostos fenólicos totais, atividade antioxidante, frutoligossacarídeos, umidade, atividade de água, solubilidade, higroscopicidade, cor e morfologia foram investigados. Os resultados indicaram que a polidextrose apresentou bom desempenho no microencapsulamento de componentes bioativos do suco de yacon, apresentando alta retenção dos compostos fenólicos e da atividade antioxidante. Em todos os tratamentos avaliados teve comportamento muito similar à goma arábica apresentando boas características, tais como baixa umidade, atividade de água e higroscopicidade e elevada solubilidade. Posteriormente, a cinética e termodinâmica de degradação dos compostos fenólicos e a cinética da degradação da diferença total de cor dessas microcápsulas foram avaliadas sob condições de cinética acelerada de armazenamento, com umidade relativa de 75 e 90% e temperaturas de 35 e 45 ºC. As microcápsulas foram atomizadas na temperatura de 140 ºC com goma arábica e polidextrose na proporção de 10% e armazenadas nessas condições por 35 dias. A degradação dos compostos fenólicos e da diferença total de cor das microcápsulas exibiram cinética de primeira ordem. Em relação à degradação dos compostos fenólicos, para todas as condições de umidade e temperatura, as microcápsulas com goma arábica foram mais estáveis do que as encapsuladas com polidextrose, apresentando maiores tempos de meia vida. Entretanto, os valores dos parâmetros termodinâmicos tiveram valores similares, indicando que a degradação dos fenóis ocorreu de forma similar nas microcápsulas independente do material de parede utilizado. As constantes de velocidades da degradação da diferença total de cor das microcápsulas não apresentaram diferença significativa com o aumento da temperatura e/ou da umidade relativa. Paralelamente, foi avaliada a estabilidade do bagaço de yacon desidratado através das isotermas de sorção e análise termodinâmica. O bagaço é o subproduto do processo de extração do suco, tem baixa atividade de água e potencial para uso em formulações alimentícias devido ao teor de FOS que permanece mesmo após a secagem. Os dados de umidade de equilíbrio de bagaço de yacon desidratado em pó foram determinados nas temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 e 50 ºC e o modelo de Halsey ajustou adequadamente os dados de sorção. As isotermas obtidas foram do tipo III, características de produtos contendo açúcares. / Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a root of Andean origin, considered to be a functional food as it presents fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and phenolic compounds in its composition. FOS are fructose polymers with a polymerization degree of 3–10 units and have been referred to as prebiotics and dietary fibers because they are not digestible by the enzymes of the human digestive tract and they selectively stimulate the growth and activity of of health promoting bacteria. Other than their prebiotic action, yacon roots are rich on phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties, which protect the human body from oxidative processes. However, the presence of such compounds makes the roots susceptible to enzymatic browning reaction caused by peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase. Thereby, initially, a study was conducted on the kinetics of thermal inactivation and thermodynamic parameters during blanching of these enzymes as well as inulinase enzyme on yacon juice. The yacon juice, previously acidified with 1% citric acid was blanched with different time-temperature combinations in the ranges of 0-10 minutes and 80-100 °C. The kinetic behavior of the three enzymes indicated the presence of two isoenzymes with different thermal stabilities, following the biphasic model. Furthermore, the kinetic analysis showed high thermal resistance for the evaluated enzymes, where in inulinase was the most heat resistant. Thermodynamic analysis indicated that the adding of citric acid to the yacon juice, probably, caused the denaturation of the most of the enzymes that were subsequently aggregated during blanching. Afterwards, yacon juice was microencapsulated by spray drying with the aim of evaluating the use of polydextrose as wall material through in comparison to gum arabic, which is one of the more often used encapsulants in food. The effects of the concentration of the encapsulating agents and drying temperature in the content of total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, fructooligosaccharides, moisture, water activity, solubility, hygroscopicity, color, and morphology were investigated. The results indicated that polydextrose presented a good performance in the encapsulation of yacon juice, presenting high retention of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. On all the evaluated treatments, a behavior similar to arabic gum was observed, presenting good characteristics, such as low moisture content, water activity and hygroscopicity and high solubility. Hereafter, the kinetics and thermodynamics of the degradation of phenolic compounds and the kinetics of the degradation of the total color difference of these microcapsules were evaluated under accelerated storage kinetics conditions, with relative humidity of 75 and 90% and temperatures between 35 and 45 °C. The spray drying process was performed under a temperature of 140°C with arabic gum and polydextrose in a 10% concentration and stored under such conditions for 35 days. Degradation of phenolic compounds and total color of microcapsules showed first order kinetics. As of phenolic compound degradation, for all the conditions of relative humidity and temperature the microcapsules with arabic gum were more stable than the ones encapsulated with polydextrose, presenting longer half-lives. Nevertheless, values for the thermodynamic parameters were similar, indicating that the degradation of the phenols occurred in a similar way in the microcapsules, regardless of the wall material used. The kinetic analysis for total color difference of the microcapsules showed that the increase in temperature and/or relative humidity caused no significant difference on the the rate constants. Meantime, the stability of dehydrated yacon bagasse was evaluated by use of sorption isotherms and thermodynamic analysis. The bagasse is a byproduct of the juice extraction process, with low water activity and potential for usage in food formulations due to residual FOS content, even after drying. Equilibrium moisture data for powdered dehydrated yacon bagasse was determined under temperatures of 20, 30, 40, and 50°C and the Halsey model suitably adjusted to the sorption data. The isotherms thus obtained were class III isotherms, typical of sugar rich products.

A Chip for Hydrodynamic Microvortical Rotation of Live Single Cells

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Single cell analysis has become increasingly important in understanding disease onset, progression, treatment and prognosis, especially when applied to cancer where cellular responses are highly heterogeneous. Through the advent of single cell computerized tomography (Cell-CT), researchers and clinicians now have the ability to obtain high resolution three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of single cells. Yet to date, no live-cell compatible version of the technology exists. In this thesis, a microfluidic chip with the ability to rotate live single cells in hydrodynamic microvortices about an axis parallel to the optical focal plane has been demonstrated. The chip utilizes a novel 3D microchamber design arranged beneath a main channel creating flow detachment into the chamber, producing recirculating flow conditions. Single cells are flowed through the main channel, held in the center of the microvortex by an optical trap, and rotated by the forces induced by the recirculating fluid flow. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was employed to optimize the geometry of the microchamber. Two methods for the fabrication of the 3D microchamber were devised: anisotropic etching of silicon and backside diffuser photolithography (BDPL). First, the optimization of the silicon etching conditions was demonstrated through design of experiment (DOE). In addition, a non-conventional method of soft-lithography was demonstrated which incorporates the use of two positive molds, one of the main channel and the other of the microchambers, compressed together during replication to produce a single ultra-thin (<200 µm) negative used for device assembly. Second, methods for using thick negative photoresists such as SU-8 with BDPL have been developed which include a new simple and effective method for promoting the adhesion of SU-8 to glass. An assembly method that bonds two individual ultra-thin (<100 µm) replications of the channel and the microfeatures has also been demonstrated. Finally, a pressure driven pumping system with nanoliter per minute flow rate regulation, sub-second response times, and < 3% flow variability has been designed and characterized. The fabrication and assembly of this device is inexpensive and utilizes simple variants of conventional microfluidic fabrication techniques, making it easily accessible to the single cell analysis community. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Bioengineering 2012

Effect of live yeast on the fermentation and microbiological physico-chemical parameters of the rumen, depending on the nature of the diet : modeling and validation in ruminant / Effet des levures vivantes sur les paramètres physico-chimiques, fermentaires et microbiologiques du rumen, en fonction de la nature de la ration : modélisation et validation zootechnique chez le ruminant

Huang, Yayu 27 February 2018 (has links)
L'acidose ruminale est l'une des préoccupations majeures des exploitations laitières actuelles. Les levures vivantes (LV) ont été largement étudiées et utilisées chez les vaches laitières pour stabiliser la fermentation ruminale. Récemment, la mesure du potentiel redox ruminal (Eh, en mV) a été considérée comme un outil intéressant pour indiquer le trouble de la fermentation ruminale. L'effet positif de LV sur Eh ruminal a été rapporté, mais il reste variable selon les conditions expérimentales. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de fournir une meilleure compréhension du mode d'action de LV et de définir la condition optimale de l'utilisation de LV chez les vaches laitières. La première partie de ce travail a consisté en une analyse quantitative des résultats de 22 expériences avec des vaches laitières canulées. La deuxième partie de ce travail a consisté à vérifier certains des résultats de l'analyse quantitative par une expérience chez des vaches en lactation. En utilisant l'analyse quantitative de données existantes provenant d'expériences antérieures, nous avons clarifié la relation entre le Eh ruminal et d'autres paramètres ruminaux principaux tels que le pH et le profil VFA, et suggéré que les variations de Eh pourraient être liées au transfert d'électrons dans les réactions dans le rumen. En outre, la réponse du Eh après la supplémentation en LV était également liée à celle du profil AGV ruminal, suggérant que l'effet de LV sur le profil VFA était atteint par l'augmentation du pouvoir réducteur, reflétant un meilleur transfert d'électrons dans le rumen. L'analyse a en outre démontré que la régulation du Eh ruminal par LV serait particulièrement efficace lorsque le risque de troubles digestifs est élevé. Puisque l'influence des caractéristiques de la ration sur le Eh ruminal a été quantifiée, l'effet de LV dans un régime donné pourrait être estimé indirectement. En outre, l'analyse quantitative a également révélé que la réponse de Eh suite à la supplémentation en LV était associée à la quantité de sucres solubles ingérée. L'expérience in vivo chez des vaches en début de lactation a confirmé un effet plus important de LV sur Eh ruminal avec une ration riche en sucres solubles, et a démontré que la supplémentation en LV avait un impact sur la richesse des bactéries, et que les métabolites ont également été influencés par la supplémentation en LV, probablement associée à la diminution du Eh ruminal. / Ruminal acidosis is one of the major concerns of current dairy farms. Live yeasts (LY) have been extensively studied and used in dairy cows for stabilization of rumen fermentation. Recently, measurement of ruminal redox potential (Eh, in mV) has been considered as an interesting tool to indicate ruminal fermentation disorder. The positive effect of LY on ruminal Eh has been reported, but it remains variable according to the experimental conditions. The aims of this work was to provide better understanding of mode of actions of LY, and to define the optimal condition of LY utilization in dairy cows. The first part of this work consisted to quantitative analysis of existing results from 22 experiments with cannulated dairy cattle. The second part of this work consisted to verify some of the results from quantitative analysis by an in vivo experiment in lactating cows. By using quantitative analysis of existing data from previously conducted experiments, we clarified the relationship between ruminal redox and other main ruminal parameters such as pH and VFA profile, and suggested that Eh variations might be related to the transfer of electrons in the reactions producing VFAs in the rumen. Moreover, response of ruminal Eh following live yeast supplementation was also related to that of ruminal VFA profile, which suggested that the effect of LY on VFA profile was achieved via the increase of reducing power, possibly reflected improved electron transfer and use in the rumen. The analysis further demonstrated that the regulation of ruminal Eh by LY would be particularly effective when risk of digestive disorder is high. Since the influence of dietary characteristics on ruminal Eh was quantified, the effect of LY in a given diet could be indirectly estimated. In addition, quantitative analysis also associated the response of ruminal Eh following LY supplementation to the intake of soluble sugars. The in vivo experiment in early-lactating cows confirmed greater effect of LY on ruminal Eh in diet rich in soluble sugars, and further demonstrated that i) LY supplementation tended to impact the richness of ruminal bacteria, and ii) some unidentified metabolites were also influenced by LY supplementation, probably associated to the decrease of ruminal Eh.

Os pÃrias da modernidade na terra da luz: a gente Ãnfima de Fortaleza no processo de regulaÃÃo da mÃo de obra urbana (1877 - 1912)

Eylo Fagner Silva Rodrigues 00 August 2018 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A questÃo dos criados de servir acompanhou os debates sobre a libertaÃÃo dos escravos, e se perpetuou no pÃs-AboliÃÃo. Foi central, ainda, para o projeto de modernidade das classes dominantes, no CearÃ, a partir da dÃcada de 1870. Tal tema dizia respeito à reposiÃÃo das hierarquias sociais e era caro tanto a comerciantes de escravos, quanto a abolicionistas. Uns como os outros pretendiam controlar a mÃo de obra de livres e libertos ao longo do processo de modernizaÃÃo, centrado nas famÃlias dominantes. A modernizaÃÃo exigiu a incorporaÃÃo (nÃo sem resistÃncias) de um ethos do trabalho; para tanto, deu-se diverso modo de policiamento dos pobres, que organizavam festas como forma de ocupar espaÃos na cidade, criando territÃrios de resistÃncia, o que se pode ver como expressÃo de sua visÃo de mundo. O riso, nesse sentido, tornava-se expressÃo de um habitus de viver. Por esta via, a resistÃncia se dava de modo velado, no Ãmbito do paternalismo, e aberto, a exemplo de fugas. Os criados fugiam, assim como evadiam-se os escravos desde hà muito no Oitocentos. Controlar os criados era decisivo para a consecuÃÃo da modernidade dos dominantes. Pois se era centrado nas famÃlias, os pobres deveriam ser disciplinados desde ali. Seus modos de ganhar a vida e de vivÃ-la destoavam do que se tinha por civilizado. No entanto, o que despertava receio nos locatÃrios e tutores era a possibilidade de que se tornassem conscientes de sua importÃncia para a ordem familiar dominante. Parando seus serviÃos, esta seria ameaÃada, bem como, a modernidade assimÃtrica que produziu seus pÃrias, as classes perigosas, a âgente Ãnfimaâ. / The domestic servants issue ran parallel to the discussions about the liberation of the slaves and has survived after Brazilian Abolition of slavery. It has also been crucial to the project of modernity of ruling classes, in the State of CearÃ, since the 1870s. Such a subject matter concerned maintaining social hierarchies and was as much significant for slave traders as for abolitionists. Both intended to control free and freed workforce during the modernization process, focused on dominant families. Modernization required the inclusion (not without resistance) of a working ethos. For this purpose, several modes of policing the poor were established. The latter used to organize parties in order to occupy urban spaces, creating resistance enclaves, which can be understood as an expression of their worldview. Therefore, laughter turned to be an expression of a habitus of living. In this way, the resistance used to happen, in a veiled manner, by paternalism, and, in an opened one, by escapes, for instance. Servants used to escape as slaves also used to, since a long time, in seventh century. Consequently, it was determining to control servants as a way of accomplishing this modernity imposed by ruling classes. If poor were family-centered, they must be disciplined since there. Their way of living and livelihood clashed with what it is understood as civilized. However, what was most worrying for their tenants and guardians was the possibility for servants to become aware of their importance for dominant family structure. If they stopped working, this structure would be at risk, as well as the modern asymmetry which produced its outcasts, the dangerous classes, the âgente Ãnfimaâ.

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