Spelling suggestions: "subject:" life"" "subject:" like""
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Qualidade de vida de agentes comunitários de saúde de um município da região oeste do estado de São Paulo / Quality of life of community health agents from a western city in the interior of São Paulo State.Karina Aparecida Garcia Bernardes 10 October 2008 (has links)
A implantação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) no Brasil representou a modificação do modelo de atenção à saúde, pautado no conhecimento do território e do perfil epidemiológico, com foco no indivíduo, na família e comunidade. Neste processo, o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) torna-se um profissional de fundamental importância para a consolidação das novas práticas em saúde e, pertencendo à comunidade, proporciona para a equipe de saúde da família uma melhor visão desta, facilitando o planejamento das ações. Assim, considerando-se as perspectivas realizadas em torno da ESF, os desafios da equipe para a consolidação do SUS e a importância que os estudos em torno da avaliação da Qualidade de vida (QV) exercem sobre a melhor compreensão do tema e na remodelação de políticas e práticas, principalmente na área da saúde, definiu-se serem os ACS e sua QV, focos desta pesquisa. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever a qualidade de vida dos agentes comunitários de saúde, segundo o referencial do WHOQOL-bref (GRUPO WHOQOL, 1998), em uma cidade no interior do estado de São Paulo, no ano de 2007. Tratase de um estudo descritivo - exploratório e transversal. Participaram do estudo 198 ACS pertencentes a 21 unidades de saúde do município. Houve predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino (86,1%), com média de idade de 34,3 anos, ensino médio completo (66,7%) e casados ou vivendo como casados (54,3%). A maioria dos ACS considerou a própria saúde como boa ou muito boa (79,7%) e 45,4% responderam ter nenhum problema de saúde. O tempo médio de trabalho dos ACS foi de 3 anos e 2 meses. Para testar a consistência interna do WHOQOL-bref foi calculado o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, o qual apresentou valores satisfatórios para as 26 facetas ( = 0,91) e para os domínios físico, psicológico e meioambiente ( = 0,78; = 0,75 e = 0,76, respectivamente). Os escores médios para QV Geral foram 69,8 e 66,9, respectivamente, para Q1 e Q2. Para os domínios os escores médios foram 73,8 para o domínio físico; 71,7 para o domínio psicológico; 70,4 o domínio relações sociais e 55,8 para o domínio meio-ambiente. As facetas que apresentaram os maiores escores médios em cada domínio foram mobilidade (80,7) (domínio físico), espiritualidade / religiões / crenças pessoais (81,9) (domínio psicológico), relações pessoais (73,7) (domínio relações sociais), ambiente no lar (66,8) (domínio meio-ambiente). As facetas que apresentaram os menores escores médios de cada domínio foram sono e repouso (68,3) (domínio físico), sentimentos positivos (65,8) (domínio psicológico), suporte, apoio social (67,5) (domínio relações sociais), recursos financeiros (37,00) (domínio meio-ambiente). A hipótese inicial de que os ACS apresentariam escores baixos na avaliação da QV somente se confirmou para o domínio Meio-Ambiente, constituído de facetas inerentes à vida no lar e na comunidade, revelando necessidades não apenas do sujeito como profissional, mas como integrante e participante de uma comunidade. Os resultados contribuem positivamente no sentido das práticas de saúde sustentáveis que se constroem com profissionais comprometidos e satisfeitos quanto aos aspectos do trabalho e da vida. / The implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazil represented the modification of the model of the attention to the health, which is based on knowing the territory and its epidemic profile, focusing on the individual, on the family and on the community. In this process, the Community Health Agent (CHA) has become a really important professional to the consolidation of the new health actions and, because he belongs to the community, he knows about its characteristics and its fragilities, which provides, for the family health group, a better view of the community and makes the planning of the actions easier. Thus, considering the prospects held around the FHP, the challenges of the team for the consolidation of SHS and the importance that studies regarding the evaluation of Quality of Life (QoL) have for a better understanding of the subject and the remodeling of policies and practices, especially in health, the CHA and their QoL were defined as the foci of this research. The aim of this study is to describe the community health agents` quality of life in accordance with WHOQOL-bref (WHOQOL Group, 1998), from a city in the interior of São Paulo State in 2007. This is a descriptive-exploring and transversal study. 198 CHA have participated in this study; they belong to 21 health units of the city. There were more female than male individuals (86,1%), average age of 34, 3 years old, complete high school level (66,7%) and predominately married or living as they were married (54,3%). The majority of the CHA has considered their lives as good or as very good (79,7%) and 45,4% answered that they dont have any health problems. Their period of work was 3 years and 2 months on average. In order to test the internal consistency of the WHOQOL-bref , the Cronbachs Alpha coefficient was calculated and the result was satisfactory for the 26 facets ( = 0,91); and for the physical; psychological and for the environment domains ( = 0,78; = 0,75 e = 0,76, respectively). The mean scores for the Overall QoL were 69,8 and 66,9, respectively for Q1 and Q2. For the domains, the mean scores were 73,8 for the physical domain; 71,7 for the psychological domain; 70,4 for the social relationships domain and 55,8 for the environment domain. The facets that had the highest mean scores in each domain were mobility (80,7) (physical domain), spirituality / religiousness / personal beliefs (81,9) (psychological domain), personal relationships (73,7) (social relationships domain), home environment (66,8) (environment domain). The facets that had the lowest mean scores from each domain were sleep and rest (68,3) (physical domain), positive feelings (65,8) (psychological domain), social support (67,5) (social relationships domain), financial resources (37,0) (environment domain). The initial hypothesis that the CHA would present low scores on the QoL evaluation was confirmed just for the Environment field, which consists of facets inherent to life at home and community, revealing needs of the subject not only as a professional but as member and participant of a community. The results contribute positively towards sustainable practices in health, which are built with committed and satisfied professionals regarding the aspects of work and life.
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Aplicação da teoria da confiabilidade na obtenção de limites para o peso de veículos de carga em pontes de concreto / Development of truck weight limits for concrete bridges using reliability theoryLuciano Maldonado Ferreira 29 May 2006 (has links)
O aumento nos limites de pesos estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira e o surgimento de novas combinações de veículos de carga nos últimos anos tornam necessária a verificação da segurança estrutural das pontes quando submetidas ao tráfego real. Este trabalho verifica o desempenho das obras de arte sob jurisdição do DER-SP através do índice de confiabilidade 'beta' e obtém limites para o peso de caminhões de modo a não comprometer sua integridade estrutural. São consideradas as superestruturas das pontes em concreto armado ou protendido, classes 36 e 45. Verifica-se o estado limite último nas seções transversais mais solicitadas por momento fletor positivo e negativo. No caso de pontes em concreto protendido, acrescenta-se o estado limite de formação de fissuras. Para a representação do tráfego real, é desenvolvido um modelo de carregamento móvel com base em pesagens de caminhões efetuadas em rodovias do estado de São Paulo. Admite-se a presença simultânea de veículos sobre a ponte e diferentes relações entre seus pesos. Os parâmetros estatísticos da resistência são determinados através da técnica de Monte Carlo. Apresenta-se os limites de peso em forma de equações, denominadas ECPLs (equações comprimento-peso limite), aplicáveis a quaisquer grupo de eixos consecutivos. Os resultados indicam restrições à circulação de algumas composições, especialmente ao rodotrem de 740 kN e 19,80 metros de comprimento. Considerando-se apenas o estado limite de serviço, as obras de arte classe 45 apresentam menores limites de peso devido à ponderação de ações durante o projeto / The increase in gross weight limits allowed by Brazilian legislation and the appearance of new truck configurations in last years require the assessment of bridges structural safety when submitted to real traffic. This thesis verifies the performance of the bridges under DER-SP jurisdiction using the reliability index 'beta' and obtains truck weight limits in order to guarantee its structural integrity. The superstructure of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges, classes 36 and 45, is considered. The ultimate limit state is verified in cross sections submitted to critical positive and negative bending moments. In case of prestressed bridges, the tension limit state in concrete is added. To represent the real traffic, a live load model is developed based on weighting data collected from stations located at highways of the state of Sao Paulo. Multiple presence of vehicles over the bridge and different relations between weights are admitted. The statistical parameters of resistance are determined using the Monte Carlo technique. The gross weight limits are presented in the form of equations, known as bridge formulas, to be applied on any group of two or more consecutive axles. The results indicate restrictions to the traffic of some vehicles, especially the 740 kN and 19,80 meters length roadtrain. Considering only the serviceability limit state, bridges class 45 exhibit lower weight limits due to the load factors recommended by the code during design
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Avaliação do comprimento das veias renais em cadáver e perda da sua extensão com três diferentes tipos de ligadura e secção / Evaluation of cadaveric renal vein lengths and their extension loss with three different types of ligature and sectionMurilo Spinelli Pinto 12 December 2008 (has links)
Introdução - As doenças renais terminais têm elevada prevalência. O transplante renal é sabidamente a melhor opção de tratamento, porém há considerável carência de rins de cadáver. A doação intervivos é uma alternativa que propicia redução do tempo em fila de espera, aliada a outras vantagens, contudo, com riscos para o doador. Prefere-se o rim esquerdo por ter veia renal mais longa que o rim contralateral. O rim direito pode ser utilizado em determinados casos, apesar dos riscos impostos pela menor extensão da sua veia. Objetivou-se avaliar as perdas de extensão de veia renal com os métodos de clampeamento mais freqüentemente utilizados, assim como a comparação entre os comprimentos obtidos das veias renais direita e esquerda, antes do seu clampeamento e secção e após. Métodos - Por meio de dissecção de cadáveres, avaliou-se o comprimento da veia renal direita, antes de ser clampeada e seccionada e após, utilizando-se três métodos de clampeamento: com pinça vascular Satinsky, com sutura mecânica (Stapler) e clipe vascular Hem-o-lok®. Empregaram-se os testes Qui-quadrado, T-pareado e ONEWAY-ANOVA para a análise estatística dos dados obtidos. Resultados - Verificou-se que a veia renal direita é significativamente menor que a veia renal esquerda, considerandose o seu comprimento útil em todas as condições. Dentre os três métodos utilizados, evidenciou-se maior comprimento da veia renal direita com o emprego da pinça vascular Satinsky. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre Stapler e Hem-o-lok®, apesar de o primeiro ter mostrado valores maiores em relação ao segundo. Conclusões - Concluiu-se que a veia renal direita é significativamente menor que a veia renal esquerda, considerando-se o seu comprimento útil. A veia renal direita é 13,7% menor que a veia renal esquerda e não há diferença estatisticamente significativa quando comparadas as medidas entre os três métodos de clampeamento vascular. / Introduction - End-stage renal diseases have high incidence. Renal transplantation is the best approach to such conditions. Live donor transplants offer shorter waiting times, and less surgical stress, but pose risks to the donor. The left kidney is preferred because the left renal vein is longer. The right kidney may be used in selected cases, in spite of the risks due to its shorter vein. The preferred clamping method to minimize right renal vein length waste has not been defined. Methods - The length of the right renal vein was assessed in cadavers, before and after clamping and section, with comparison of three clamping methods: Satinsky vascular clamp; Stapler; and Hem-o-lock® vascular clip. The chi-squared, paired t, and ONEWAY ANOVA tests were used for statistical analysis. Results - The right renal vein was found to be significantly shorter than the left one. The Satinsky method produced the greatest length of the right renal vein. The Stapler and Hem-o-lock® methods did not significantly differ, although the former produced values constantly higher than the latter. Conclusions - The right renal vein is significantly shorter (13.7%) than the left one, and the measures obtained with the three vascular clamping methods did not statistically differ
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Cinevivo / CinevivoAlexandre da Silva Carvalho 18 October 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o relato das apresentações de Fluidos, o primeiro projeto realizado no formato CineVivo. Trata-se de uma experiência inédita de longa-metragem realizado ao vivo, com captação, edição e exibição simultâneas. Em diversas locações, atores encenam a história de ficção captada por três câmeras. Essas imagens são transmitidas para a edição em tempo real e a exibição para os espectadores na sala de cinema. As apresentações aconteceram no Centro Cultural São Paulo, no Sesc Pompeia e no CineSESC entre o período de maio de 2009 a maio de 2010. Em anexo, encontram-se o último tratamento do roteiro, o DVD com a versão apresentada no CineSESC e as principais reportagens publicadas na mídia. / The aim of this dissertation is to report the exhibitions of Fluids. This is the first project completed in the format CineVivo. It is a new experience for feature film performed live, with capture, editing and projection simultaneously. At several locations, cast acts the story captured by three cameras that transmit live for realtime editing and projection in the theater. The film was screened at Centro Cultural São Paulo, SESC Pompeia and CineSESC, between May 2009 to May 2010. Attached the last screenplays treatment, DVD with the version presented in CineSESC, and main reports in the media.
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Malária grave murina: análise histopatológica e imunológica em tecido cerebral e pulmonar de camundongos C57BL/ imunizados com parasitos vivos de fase sanguínea de Plasmodium berghei (Cepas ANKA e NK65) e desafiados com Plasmodium berghei ANKARenhe, Daniela Chaves 20 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-03-16T13:54:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-20 / Dentre as várias estratégias utilizadas com o intuito de induzir imunidade antimalárica está o uso de doses ultra-baixas de parasitos vivos de fase sanguínea dos plasmódios. Contudo, apesar desse método aparentemente induzir imunidade transcendente a cepa e espécie dois pontos precisam ser esclarecidos: 1- nenhum estudo tem avaliado se imunizações com parasitos vivos de baixa virulência são capazes de proteger contra o desenvolvimento de quadros graves da doença incluindo malária cerebral; 2 - considerando que crianças africanas frequentemente apresentam malária grave somente após reexposição a parasitos altamente virulentos, a relação entre o uso de parasitos vivos e o possível desenvolvimento de infecções graves precisa ser investigada. Para esclarecer tais questões, animais C57BL/6 foram imunizados uma ou duas vezes com 10³ hemácias infectadas por P. berghei NK65 ou P. berghei ANKA e posteriormente desafiados com 10^5 hemácias parasitadas por P. berghei ANKA. Imediatamente após primeira imunização, somente animais imunizados com P. berghei NK65 apresentaram níveis positivos de anticorpos IgG, os quais reconheceram tanto o antígeno homólogo quanto heterólogo. Independentemente do protocolo de imunização, animais imunizados uma vez apresentaram, tanto no cérebro quanto nos pulmões, menos áreas com acúmulo de hemácias e infiltrado inflamatório que animais somente desafiados ou imunizados duas vezes. Apesar das imunizações (uma ou duas vezes) com P. berghei ANKA e P. berghei NK65 terem controlado o desenvolvimento da parasitemia sanguínea por P. berghei ANKA, somente animais imunizados com P. berghei NK65 permaneceram vivos por até 30 dias após desafio experimental com P. berghei ANKA. Tanto no cérebro quanto nos pulmões, os níveis de TNF-α tenderam a elevar-se em relação ao IFN-ꝩ em animais que sofreram dois ciclos de imunizações, o que pode espelhar os maiores danos teciduais observados nesses animais. Contudo, os padrões de citocinas antiinflamatórias e pró-inflamatórias observados nesse estudo não explicam a mortalidade ou sobrevivência observada em animais imunizados com P. berghei ANKA e P. berghei NK65, respectivamente, e desafiados com P. berghei ANKA. / The use of ultra-low doses of live blood stage parasites is one of several strategies used to induce anti-malarial immunity. Although this method apparently induces cross-species and strain-transcendent immune response, there are two points that need to be explored: 1) no study has assessed whether immunization with live low virulence parasites is able to protect against the development of severe malaria, including cerebral malaria; 2) African children often develop severe malaria only after re-exposure to highly virulent parasites. Thus, the relationship between the use of live parasites and possible development of serious infections needs to be investigated. To clarify these two points, C57BL/6 mice were immunized once or twice with 10³ erythrocytes infected with P. berghei NK65 or P. berghei ANKA, and subsequently challenged with 10^5 P. berghei ANKA-parasitized erythrocytes. After the first immunization, only P. berghei NK65 immunized animals showed positive levels of IgG antibodies, which recognizes both homologous and heterologous antigen. In animals immunized only once, both brain and lungs exhibited fewer regions with accumulation of red blood cells and inflammation, when compared to control group or twice-immunized animals. Regardless of immunization protocols, all of the mice exhibit controlled development of P. berghei ANKA blood parasitemia. However, only P. berghei NK65 immunized animals remained alive 30 days after the being challenged with P. berghei ANKA. The TNF-α levels, on both brain and lungs, tended to rise in relation to IFN-ꝩ in animals undergoing two cycles of immunizations, which might reflect the higher tissue damage observed in these animals. However, the patterns of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines present do not explain the observed mortality and survival rate in animals immunized with P. berghei ANKA and P. berghei NK65, respectively.
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Evaluation of Live Sequence Charts Using Play Engine Tool / Evaluation of Live Sequence Charts Using Play Engine ToolGopidi, Vijay Kumar January 2005 (has links)
Capturing a requirement is a great challenge in the initial stages of the software development, be it a system requirement or a customer requirement to the software engineers. Understanding the requirement and predicting or differentiating what may happen and what must happen is difficult especially in the complex real time systems. Live sequence charts are extensions of the message sequence charts which can specify the live ness of the requirements. And the play engine tool is used to specify, validate, and analyze the scenarios of the requirements. This thesis is to evaluate live sequence charts using the play engine tool and to see if the built-in model checkers can detect inconsistencies in the LSC’s. / The requirements capturing and analysis has always been the initial criteria and main problem during the software design and development for the software engineers. It’s been very common to use natural language for capturing the requirements in the industries because of its ease of use. The graphical languages were used to represent the requirements, its behavior and the scenarios graphically or visually, for example UML. UML Sequence diagrams are used in the real time software development to capture the requirements which specifies the scenarios of the system behavior and also the interactions between the objects graphically. Message sequence charts are also a graphical language for representing the scenarios and also the behavior of the system especially in the telecommunication domain. But these two are only useful in specifying the one aspect of the behavior and not much helpful in specifying the liveness of the requirement. Liveness can be defined as something good will happen [34] or something must happen. For this reason live sequence charts were developed which can specify the liveness of the requirement. Live sequence charts are capable of specifying the scenarios what may happen and what must happen. This thesis is to evaluate the live sequence charts using the play engine tool running on the windows machine and also to study the built in model checkers for formal verification. The thesis starts with the various types of graphical representation of requirements in Software Engineering, followed by the Research Methodology, next a bit more explanation of Live Sequence Charts, Evaluation, Result, Conclusions and Lessons Learned from the thesis. / Permanent Address: C/O: K.VIJAYA H.NO. 3-1-39/12/3/2 TEACHER'S COLONY ARMOOR-503224 ANDHRAPRADESH INDIA.
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Intelligent boundary extraction for area and volume measurement : Using LiveWire for 2D and 3D contour extraction in medical imaging / Intelligent konturmatchning för area- och volymsmätningNöjdh, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis tries to answer if a semi-automatic tool can speed up the process of segmenting tumors to find the area of a slice in the tumor or the volume of the entire tumor. A few different 2D semi-automatic tools were considered. The final choice was to implement live-wire. The implemented live-wire was evaluated and improved upon with hands-on testing from developers. Two methods were found for extending live-wire to 3D bodies. The first method was to interpolate the seed points and create new contours using the new seed points. The second method was to let the user segment contours in two orthogonal projections. The intersections between those contours and planes in the third orthogonal projection were then used to create automatic contours in this third projection. Both tools were implemented and evaluated. The evaluation compared the two tools to manual segmentation on two cases posing different difficulties. Time-on-task and accuracy were measured during the evaluation. The evaluation revealed that the semi-automatic tools could indeed save the user time while maintaining acceptable (80%) accuracy. The significance of all results were analyzed using two-tailed t-tests.
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Comparing Live Migration between Linux Containers and Kernel Virtual Machine : Investigation study in terms of parametersKotikalapudi, Sai Venkat Naresh January 2017 (has links)
Context. Virtualization technologies have been extensively used in various cloud platforms. Hardware replacements and maintenance are occasionally required, which leads to business downtime. Live migration is performed to ensure high availability of services, as it is a major aspect. The performance of live migration in virtualization technologies directly impacts the performance of cloud platforms. Hence comparison is performed in two mainstream virtualization technologies, container and hypervisor based virtualization. Objectives. In the present study, the objective is to perform live migration of hypervisor and container based virtualization technologies, Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) and Linux Containers (LXC) respectively. Measure and compare the downtime, total migration time, CPU utilization and disk utilization of KVM and LXC during live migration. Methods. An initial literature is conducted to get in-depth knowledge about live migration in virtualization technologies. An experiment is conducted to perform live migration in KVM and LXC. The live migration process is performed when 100 % and 66% workloads are being generated to Cassandra present in virtual machine and container. The performance of live migration in KVM and LXC is measured in terms of CPU utilization, disk utilization, total migration time and downtime. Results. Based on the obtained results from the experiment, graphs are plotted for the performance of KVM and LXC during live migration. The results indicated that KVM has better CPU utilization when compared to LXC. However, downtime, total migration time and disk utilization of LXC are relatively better than KVM. From the obtained results, mean and standard deviation are calculated. Box plotting for downtime and total migration time is performed to illustrate difference between KVM and LXC. The measurable difference between KVM and LXC is calculated using Cohen’s d effect size for downtime, total migration time, CPU and disk utilization. Conclusions. The present study concludes that no single hypervisor has better performance when considering all performance metrics. While LXC has better performance when considering downtime, total migration time and disk utilization. However, KVM performs better when CPU usage is considered.
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Performance comparison of KVM and XEN for telecommunication servicesOutadi, Siavash, Trchalikova, Jana January 2013 (has links)
High stability of telecommunication services has a positive e ect on customer satisfaction and thus helps to maintain competitiveness of the product in telecommunication market. Since live migration provides a minimal down- time of virtual machines, it is deployed by telecommunication companies to ensure high availability of services and to prevent service interruptions. The main objective of this research is to assess the performance of various hypervisors in terms of live migration and determine which of them best meets the criteria given by a telecommunication company. Response time and CPU utilization of telecommunication services are measured in non- virtualized and virtualized environments to better understand the impacts of virtualization on the services. Two hypervisors, i.e. KVM and XEN, are used to grasp their characteristic behaviour of handling the services. Furthermore, performance of live migration is assessed for both hypervisors using miscellaneous test cases to identify which one has the best overall performance in terms of downtime and total migration time.
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Procedural Sequencing : a New Form of Procedural Music CreationGöran, Sandström January 2013 (has links)
With increased availability of smartphones, game consoles and computers with capabilities of synthesizing procedural music in real time comes the challenge of realizing new tools for generative music composition for games, inter-media art and musical live performance.This work defines a new method of creating music, “procedural sequencing”, and it presents a musical software that attempts to solve some of the design challenges of bridging interactive elements and more traditional tools for music composition. The software combines aspects of live coding with tracker sequencing.
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