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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalita života pacienta po systémové trombolýze / Patient Quality of Live after Systematic Thrombolysis

Matúšová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Quality of life of patients after systemic thrombolysis" is dealing with the impact of systemic thrombolysis to the quality of life of patients affected by the ischemic stroke (IS) and treated with intravenous administration of thrombolytics. The goal is to objectively assess quality of life resulting from health improvement after systemic thrombolysis. The work consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes ischemic stroke, its etiology, symptoms and treatment options. The second chapter is devoted to the practical part of the term "quality of life", methods that are used to measure quality of life. This chapter also deals with the consequences of IS for patient's life. In the practical part we focused on monitoring the physical and mental health in patients with IS, who were treated with intravenous systemic thrombolysis, and in patients who have not undergone this treatment. Each study group of patients had 18 patients. The results of both groups we evaluated and compared. In the survey we used a retrospective analysis of medical data and a survey using the questionnaire SF-36 on the health-related quality of life. The survey results confirmed the assumption that patients treated with thrombolysis have less neurological deficit and thus better physical...

Šiaulių miesto slaugytojų gyvenimo kokybės įvertinimas / Assessment of the Life Quality of Šiauliai City Nurses

Vištortienė, Eglė 02 August 2011 (has links)
Pasaulinė sveikatos organizacija, rūpindamasi žmonių sveikata, siekia užtikrinti visiems galimybę siekti geresnės gyvenimo kokybės (GK). Žmonių gerovė glaudžiai susijusi su jų sveikata. GK koncepcija yra kompleksiškai veikiama asmens fizinės sveikatos, psichologinės būklės, nepriklausomybės lygio, socialinių ryšių ir ryšių su aplinka. Gyvenimo kokybė (GK) gali racionaliai atspindėti ir gyvenimo darbe kokybę (GDK). Šios dvi koncepcijos turi glaudų tarpusavio ryšį (r = 0,55 - 0,66) ir jos susijosios tarpusavyje su aplinka, darbuotoju kaip asmeniu, santykiu su darbo aplinkos kokybe. Tyrimo tikslas - vertinti ir išanalizuoti slaugytojų gyvenimo kokybę. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1.Apibūdinti GK sampratą ir atskleisti GK teorinius aspektus. 2.Ištirti slaugytojų GK. 3.Išsiaiškinti, kokie GK aspektai yra aktualūs slaugos specialistui, atliekant GK sričių tarpusavio koreliacijos analizę. Tyrimo generalinę imtį sudarė Šiaulių miesto gydymo įstaigų slaugytojos – moterys. Buvo apklausta 120 respondenčių. Slaugytojų amžius vyravo nuo 23 iki 65 metų. Didžiausią metų grupę sudarė slaugytojos nuo 18-35 metų amžiaus (42,7 proc.). GK tyrimo instrumentas – adaptuotas PSO klausimynas, kurį sudro VI sritys: fizinė sveikata, psichologinė sveikata, nepriklausomybės lygis, socialiniai santykiai, aplinka ir dvasingumas, atspindinčios žmogaus gyvenimo kokybę. Anketa buvo pildoma apklausos būdu ir vertinama 5 balų sistema. Surinkti duomenys buvo analizuojami ir apdorojami SPSS PC statistiniu paketu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / World Health Organization taking care of human health seeks to ensure access for everybody to achieve a better quality of life (QOL). Human well-being is closely linked with health. QOL conception is exposed to a complex personal physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and relation with the environment. Objective of the study is to assess and analyze nurses’ quality of life. Tasks of the study: 1.To describe the concept of QOL. To assess nurses’ QOL areas. 2.To make a comparison of nurses QOL areas. 3.To establish a correlation relationship between QOL areas. General research sample consisted of Siauliai city hospitals nurses – women. 120 respondents have been questioned. Nurses' age ranged from 23 to 65 years. The largest group consisted of nurses from 18 to 35 years of age (42,7%). QOL survey instrument - adapted PSO questionnaire, which consists of six domains: physical health, psychological health, level of independence, social relationships, environment and spirituality, reflecting the quality of human life. The questionnaires were filled by way of interview and assessed in 5-point scale. The collected data were analyzed and processed using SPSS PC statistical package. Interrelation was assessed by correlation coefficient = r, calculating 95 percent reliability index. Conclusions: 1.87 percent of the nurses evaluate their quality of life as good, it was resulted by statistically significant relationship between... [to full text]

Vliv pohybových aktivit na soběstačnost a kvalitu života seniorů žijících v domácím prostředí / The influence of independency of seniors in home care by movement activities

Hrbáčková, Danuše January 2012 (has links)
Title: Influence of Physical Activity over Self-care and Quality of Life of Elderly People Living at Home Objectives: The main objectives of this thesis are measuring the level of the physical activities of elderly people living at home and the analysis of the influence of these activities on their independence in everyday activities and on their quality of life. Methods: For research I choose a questionnaire survey as main metod. To collect data for the research I used physical activity questionnaire which I created specifically for this thesis, Barthel Index the standardized self-care test, SQUALA questionnaire measuring the quality of live. To verify my hypothesis I statistically evaluated the outcomes of the tests and questionnaires. For this purpose I used the descriptive statistics in the computer program Microsoft Office Excell. Results: The main objective was fulfiled. Results of research proved statistical important depence among age, physical activities, independence in activities of daily living and quality of individuals life Key words: elderly people, physical activities, quality of live, independence

Qualidade de vida de agentes comunitários de saúde de um município da região oeste do estado de São Paulo / Quality of life of community health agents from a western city in the interior of São Paulo State.

Bernardes, Karina Aparecida Garcia 10 October 2008 (has links)
A implantação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) no Brasil representou a modificação do modelo de atenção à saúde, pautado no conhecimento do território e do perfil epidemiológico, com foco no indivíduo, na família e comunidade. Neste processo, o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) torna-se um profissional de fundamental importância para a consolidação das novas práticas em saúde e, pertencendo à comunidade, proporciona para a equipe de saúde da família uma melhor visão desta, facilitando o planejamento das ações. Assim, considerando-se as perspectivas realizadas em torno da ESF, os desafios da equipe para a consolidação do SUS e a importância que os estudos em torno da avaliação da Qualidade de vida (QV) exercem sobre a melhor compreensão do tema e na remodelação de políticas e práticas, principalmente na área da saúde, definiu-se serem os ACS e sua QV, focos desta pesquisa. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever a qualidade de vida dos agentes comunitários de saúde, segundo o referencial do WHOQOL-bref (GRUPO WHOQOL, 1998), em uma cidade no interior do estado de São Paulo, no ano de 2007. Tratase de um estudo descritivo - exploratório e transversal. Participaram do estudo 198 ACS pertencentes a 21 unidades de saúde do município. Houve predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino (86,1%), com média de idade de 34,3 anos, ensino médio completo (66,7%) e casados ou vivendo como casados (54,3%). A maioria dos ACS considerou a própria saúde como boa ou muito boa (79,7%) e 45,4% responderam ter nenhum problema de saúde. O tempo médio de trabalho dos ACS foi de 3 anos e 2 meses. Para testar a consistência interna do WHOQOL-bref foi calculado o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, o qual apresentou valores satisfatórios para as 26 facetas ( = 0,91) e para os domínios físico, psicológico e meioambiente ( = 0,78; = 0,75 e = 0,76, respectivamente). Os escores médios para QV Geral foram 69,8 e 66,9, respectivamente, para Q1 e Q2. Para os domínios os escores médios foram 73,8 para o domínio físico; 71,7 para o domínio psicológico; 70,4 o domínio relações sociais e 55,8 para o domínio meio-ambiente. As facetas que apresentaram os maiores escores médios em cada domínio foram mobilidade (80,7) (domínio físico), espiritualidade / religiões / crenças pessoais (81,9) (domínio psicológico), relações pessoais (73,7) (domínio relações sociais), ambiente no lar (66,8) (domínio meio-ambiente). As facetas que apresentaram os menores escores médios de cada domínio foram sono e repouso (68,3) (domínio físico), sentimentos positivos (65,8) (domínio psicológico), suporte, apoio social (67,5) (domínio relações sociais), recursos financeiros (37,00) (domínio meio-ambiente). A hipótese inicial de que os ACS apresentariam escores baixos na avaliação da QV somente se confirmou para o domínio Meio-Ambiente, constituído de facetas inerentes à vida no lar e na comunidade, revelando necessidades não apenas do sujeito como profissional, mas como integrante e participante de uma comunidade. Os resultados contribuem positivamente no sentido das práticas de saúde sustentáveis que se constroem com profissionais comprometidos e satisfeitos quanto aos aspectos do trabalho e da vida. / The implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazil represented the modification of the model of the attention to the health, which is based on knowing the territory and its epidemic profile, focusing on the individual, on the family and on the community. In this process, the Community Health Agent (CHA) has become a really important professional to the consolidation of the new health actions and, because he belongs to the community, he knows about its characteristics and its fragilities, which provides, for the family health group, a better view of the community and makes the planning of the actions easier. Thus, considering the prospects held around the FHP, the challenges of the team for the consolidation of SHS and the importance that studies regarding the evaluation of Quality of Life (QoL) have for a better understanding of the subject and the remodeling of policies and practices, especially in health, the CHA and their QoL were defined as the foci of this research. The aim of this study is to describe the community health agents` quality of life in accordance with WHOQOL-bref (WHOQOL Group, 1998), from a city in the interior of São Paulo State in 2007. This is a descriptive-exploring and transversal study. 198 CHA have participated in this study; they belong to 21 health units of the city. There were more female than male individuals (86,1%), average age of 34, 3 years old, complete high school level (66,7%) and predominately married or living as they were married (54,3%). The majority of the CHA has considered their lives as good or as very good (79,7%) and 45,4% answered that they dont have any health problems. Their period of work was 3 years and 2 months on average. In order to test the internal consistency of the WHOQOL-bref , the Cronbachs Alpha coefficient was calculated and the result was satisfactory for the 26 facets ( = 0,91); and for the physical; psychological and for the environment domains ( = 0,78; = 0,75 e = 0,76, respectively). The mean scores for the Overall QoL were 69,8 and 66,9, respectively for Q1 and Q2. For the domains, the mean scores were 73,8 for the physical domain; 71,7 for the psychological domain; 70,4 for the social relationships domain and 55,8 for the environment domain. The facets that had the highest mean scores in each domain were mobility (80,7) (physical domain), spirituality / religiousness / personal beliefs (81,9) (psychological domain), personal relationships (73,7) (social relationships domain), home environment (66,8) (environment domain). The facets that had the lowest mean scores from each domain were sleep and rest (68,3) (physical domain), positive feelings (65,8) (psychological domain), social support (67,5) (social relationships domain), financial resources (37,0) (environment domain). The initial hypothesis that the CHA would present low scores on the QoL evaluation was confirmed just for the Environment field, which consists of facets inherent to life at home and community, revealing needs of the subject not only as a professional but as member and participant of a community. The results contribute positively towards sustainable practices in health, which are built with committed and satisfied professionals regarding the aspects of work and life.

Qualidade de vida de agentes comunitários de saúde de um município da região oeste do estado de São Paulo / Quality of life of community health agents from a western city in the interior of São Paulo State.

Karina Aparecida Garcia Bernardes 10 October 2008 (has links)
A implantação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) no Brasil representou a modificação do modelo de atenção à saúde, pautado no conhecimento do território e do perfil epidemiológico, com foco no indivíduo, na família e comunidade. Neste processo, o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) torna-se um profissional de fundamental importância para a consolidação das novas práticas em saúde e, pertencendo à comunidade, proporciona para a equipe de saúde da família uma melhor visão desta, facilitando o planejamento das ações. Assim, considerando-se as perspectivas realizadas em torno da ESF, os desafios da equipe para a consolidação do SUS e a importância que os estudos em torno da avaliação da Qualidade de vida (QV) exercem sobre a melhor compreensão do tema e na remodelação de políticas e práticas, principalmente na área da saúde, definiu-se serem os ACS e sua QV, focos desta pesquisa. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever a qualidade de vida dos agentes comunitários de saúde, segundo o referencial do WHOQOL-bref (GRUPO WHOQOL, 1998), em uma cidade no interior do estado de São Paulo, no ano de 2007. Tratase de um estudo descritivo - exploratório e transversal. Participaram do estudo 198 ACS pertencentes a 21 unidades de saúde do município. Houve predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino (86,1%), com média de idade de 34,3 anos, ensino médio completo (66,7%) e casados ou vivendo como casados (54,3%). A maioria dos ACS considerou a própria saúde como boa ou muito boa (79,7%) e 45,4% responderam ter nenhum problema de saúde. O tempo médio de trabalho dos ACS foi de 3 anos e 2 meses. Para testar a consistência interna do WHOQOL-bref foi calculado o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, o qual apresentou valores satisfatórios para as 26 facetas ( = 0,91) e para os domínios físico, psicológico e meioambiente ( = 0,78; = 0,75 e = 0,76, respectivamente). Os escores médios para QV Geral foram 69,8 e 66,9, respectivamente, para Q1 e Q2. Para os domínios os escores médios foram 73,8 para o domínio físico; 71,7 para o domínio psicológico; 70,4 o domínio relações sociais e 55,8 para o domínio meio-ambiente. As facetas que apresentaram os maiores escores médios em cada domínio foram mobilidade (80,7) (domínio físico), espiritualidade / religiões / crenças pessoais (81,9) (domínio psicológico), relações pessoais (73,7) (domínio relações sociais), ambiente no lar (66,8) (domínio meio-ambiente). As facetas que apresentaram os menores escores médios de cada domínio foram sono e repouso (68,3) (domínio físico), sentimentos positivos (65,8) (domínio psicológico), suporte, apoio social (67,5) (domínio relações sociais), recursos financeiros (37,00) (domínio meio-ambiente). A hipótese inicial de que os ACS apresentariam escores baixos na avaliação da QV somente se confirmou para o domínio Meio-Ambiente, constituído de facetas inerentes à vida no lar e na comunidade, revelando necessidades não apenas do sujeito como profissional, mas como integrante e participante de uma comunidade. Os resultados contribuem positivamente no sentido das práticas de saúde sustentáveis que se constroem com profissionais comprometidos e satisfeitos quanto aos aspectos do trabalho e da vida. / The implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazil represented the modification of the model of the attention to the health, which is based on knowing the territory and its epidemic profile, focusing on the individual, on the family and on the community. In this process, the Community Health Agent (CHA) has become a really important professional to the consolidation of the new health actions and, because he belongs to the community, he knows about its characteristics and its fragilities, which provides, for the family health group, a better view of the community and makes the planning of the actions easier. Thus, considering the prospects held around the FHP, the challenges of the team for the consolidation of SHS and the importance that studies regarding the evaluation of Quality of Life (QoL) have for a better understanding of the subject and the remodeling of policies and practices, especially in health, the CHA and their QoL were defined as the foci of this research. The aim of this study is to describe the community health agents` quality of life in accordance with WHOQOL-bref (WHOQOL Group, 1998), from a city in the interior of São Paulo State in 2007. This is a descriptive-exploring and transversal study. 198 CHA have participated in this study; they belong to 21 health units of the city. There were more female than male individuals (86,1%), average age of 34, 3 years old, complete high school level (66,7%) and predominately married or living as they were married (54,3%). The majority of the CHA has considered their lives as good or as very good (79,7%) and 45,4% answered that they dont have any health problems. Their period of work was 3 years and 2 months on average. In order to test the internal consistency of the WHOQOL-bref , the Cronbachs Alpha coefficient was calculated and the result was satisfactory for the 26 facets ( = 0,91); and for the physical; psychological and for the environment domains ( = 0,78; = 0,75 e = 0,76, respectively). The mean scores for the Overall QoL were 69,8 and 66,9, respectively for Q1 and Q2. For the domains, the mean scores were 73,8 for the physical domain; 71,7 for the psychological domain; 70,4 for the social relationships domain and 55,8 for the environment domain. The facets that had the highest mean scores in each domain were mobility (80,7) (physical domain), spirituality / religiousness / personal beliefs (81,9) (psychological domain), personal relationships (73,7) (social relationships domain), home environment (66,8) (environment domain). The facets that had the lowest mean scores from each domain were sleep and rest (68,3) (physical domain), positive feelings (65,8) (psychological domain), social support (67,5) (social relationships domain), financial resources (37,0) (environment domain). The initial hypothesis that the CHA would present low scores on the QoL evaluation was confirmed just for the Environment field, which consists of facets inherent to life at home and community, revealing needs of the subject not only as a professional but as member and participant of a community. The results contribute positively towards sustainable practices in health, which are built with committed and satisfied professionals regarding the aspects of work and life.

Qualité de vie de parents, développement psychologique et prise en charge de jeunes enfants avec autisme : une étude comparative franco-germanique / Quality of life of parents, psychological developpment and interventions of young children with autism : a comparative study between France and Germany

Grimm-Astruc, Caroline 04 December 2010 (has links)
La qualité de vie des parents d'enfant atteint d'autisme reste un champs de recherche encore sous-exploité malgré la richesse des informations qu'il peut apporter afin d'adapter au mieux les interventions aux besoins de l'enfant et de sa famille. Les objectifs de notre étude sont d'évaluer le niveau de qualité de vie qu'estiment avoir les parents d'enfant atteints d'autisme et son évolution dans le temps; observer s'il y a des différences entre les pères et les mères et observer quelles caractéristiques de l'enfant et de la famille sont associées à la qualité de vie des parents et peuvent être susceptible d’en être des déterminants. Nous avons pour cela fait une étude comparative entre 24 familles françaises et 24 familles allemandes et relevé nos données 2 fois á 12 mois d'intervalle. Nos résultats montrent que les enfants allemands, qui ont une prise en charge plus intense que les enfants français, ont une évolution plus importante dans leurs compétences en communication. Que ce soit en France ou en Allemagne, les mères, comme les pères, estiment que la pathologie de leur enfant a un impact moyen avec une tendance négative sur leur qualité de vie, et ce, de façon constante dans le temps. Le niveau d'irritabilité de l'enfant ainsi que le niveau de qualité de vie du conjoint sont fortement corrélés à la qualité de vie des parents, que ce soit en T1 ou en T2. / The quality of life of parents of autistic children rest a subject being little worked on in research despite the loads of information that could be collected to adapt the interventions at its best on the needs of the children and their families. The aims of our study are evaluating the level of the quality of life that the parents of autistic children have and how it develops with the time. It’s an aim to observe if there are differences between mothers and fathers, and which characteristics of the child and its family can be associated with the parents quality of life and can be susceptible of being determinants. That’s why we have made a comparative study between 24 German and 24 French families and collected data in intervals of 2 to 12 month. Our results show that German children, which are taken care of more intense than French children have a better development in their communicative competences. In Germany and in France the mothers and fathers estimate that the pathology of their child has a medium impact with negative tendencies on their quality – constantly. The level of irritability of the child as well as the level of the quality of live of the marriage partner is strongly correlated to the quality of live of the parents, independent of T1 or T2.

Perceptions of the beneficiaries regarding income generating projects at Gauteng Department of Social Development : Sedibeng Region.

Kaeane, Innocentia Raisibe 25 February 2010 (has links)
Income generating projects represent one strategy adopted by the Department of Social Development to alleviate poverty and foster sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of beneficiaries of income generating projects regarding these projects and whether the income generating projects run by the Development Centres in the Sedibeng Region, Gauteng Department of Social Development were perceived to be making any impact and were responding to the needs of the poor. The research design for the study could be classified as qualitativedescriptive. A sample of 20 participants was drawn from two Development Centres. The sampling method for the study was partly purposive and partly availability sampling. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and responses obtained from the interviews were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic content analysis. The main findings that emerged from the study were that participants appeared to have a clear understanding of the fact that income generating projects represented a government strategy to fight poverty, create jobs and uplift the standard of living of the poor. However, most participants were dissatisfied with the lack of clearly defined expectations, planning and monitoring on the part of the Department of Social Development. Despite the fact that there were challenges and limitations encountered by beneficiaries during implementation of the projects, the Development Centre was perceived to be an effective service delivery model for alleviating poverty and enhancing the quality of life of beneficiaries. The conclusion drawn was that income generating projects conducted at the two Development Centres seemed to be achieving their aims even though there would seem to be room for improvement in terms of knowledge and skills imparted and participation of beneficiaries in decision-making. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for Development Centres, the Department of Social Development, social work practice and future research.

Estudo das propriedades psicom?tricas da escala WHOQOLold em idosos da regi?o Nordeste

Le?o, Isis Sim?es 06 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IsisSL_DISSERT.pdf: 849712 bytes, checksum: 3292c946a295ab825e4bdace18364a27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-06 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The population aging process increases the number of elderly people worldwide. In Brazil, a country of continental size, this process began in the 40s and happens with specific features in each of the different region s realities. This way, this thesis aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of a elderly s quality of life (QOL) scale, the WHOQOL-old, in a population of the Northeast of Brazil. We sought to investigate the congruence between the content covered by the scale and the ones deemed as relevant by the participants. It aimed also study the validity evidences of the instrument s internal structure. To achieve the research objectives we adopted the design of multiple methods. The research was organized in two studies. For data collection, both studies used a sociodemographic questionnaire to obtain a profile of the participants and the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), used as exclusion criterion. A number of 18 elderly residents of the cities of Natal-RN and Campina Grande-PB, mean age of 73.3 years (SD = 5.9) took part od the study, They were organized into three focal groups (FG) in witch they discussed about the concept of QOL, what enhance and what hinders QOL. For Study II, a quantitative approach, 335 elderly from Campina Grande responded scale WHOQOL-old. They are between 65 and 99 years (M = 74.17, SD = 6.5). The FG data were analyzed by categorical thematic content. For the data analysis of the WHOQOL-old scale were used exploratory factor analysis and calculation of the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria. The results of both studies were triangulated. According to the discussions in the FG, health and social participation have central roles in quality of life. Social participation is related to all the other QOL s influences raised. The participants indicated the relevance of religiosity and were divided about the importance of sexual activity. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) extracted a model of six factors. Two items (OLD_3 and OLD_9), not loaded on any factor and were excluded. The other items had factor loadings > 0.3. The response categories were reduced from five to three. After the scale changes, the empirical model showed better fit (-2loglikelihood = 8993.90, BIC and AIC = 9183.90 = 9546.24) than the theoretical model (-2loglikelihood = 18390.88, AIC = 18678.88 and BIC = 19228.11). Despite the best information criterion values, the RMESA remained above the ideal (0.06). We conclude that the WHOQOL-old presents psychometric parameters below the ideal when used with the Northeast population, but the improvements made the scale s use acceptable. The WHOQOL-old uses observable variables that matches with the participants' perceptions on quality of life. However, new strategies must be tested for a better sacale refinement / O envelhecimento populacional aumenta o n?mero de idosos em todo mundo. No Brasil, pa?s de tamanho continental, esse processo come?ou na d?cada de 40 e acontece com caracter?sticas espec?ficas em suas diferentes realidades. Dentro dessa perspectiva, a presente disserta??o teve o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades psicom?tricas da escala de avalia??o da qualidade de vida (QV) de idosos, WHOQOL-old, em uma popula??o de nordestinos. Buscou-se investigar a congru?ncia entre os conte?dos abordados pela escala e aqueles considerados relevantes pelos participantes; e estudar as evid?ncias de validade de estrutura interna do instrumento. Para atingir os objetivos da pesquisa foi adotado o desenho de m?todos m?ltiplos. A pesquisa foi organizada em dois estudos. Como instrumento de coleta de dados comum a ambos, foi utilizado question?rio sociodemogr?fico para tra?ar o perfil dos participantes e o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), que serviu como crit?rio de exclus?o. O Estudo I, de abordagem qualitativa, contou com a participa??o de 18 idosos moradores das cidades de Natal-RN e Campina Grande-PB, m?dia de idade de 73,3 anos (DP = 5,9), divididos em tr?s grupos focais (GF) que discutiram o conceito de QV, o que ajuda e o que atrapalha a QV. Para o estudo II, de abordagem quantitativa, 335 idosos de Campina Grande, entre 65 e 99 anos (M = 74,17; DP = 6,5) responderam a escala WHOQOL-old. Os dados dos GF foram submetidos ? an?lise categorial tem?tica de conte?do; e para an?lise dos dados da escala WHOQOL-old foram utilizados an?lise fatorial explorat?ria e c?lculo dos crit?rios de informa??o de Akaike e Bayesiana. Os resultados dos dois estudos foram triangulados. De acordo com as discuss?es nos GF, sa?de e participa??o social t?m pap?is centrais na qualidade de vida. A ?ltima estabelece rela??o com todos os demais temas suscitados. Os participantes indicam a relev?ncia da religiosidade e ficam divididos sobre a import?ncia da atividade sexual. Analise fatorial explorat?ria (EFA) extraiu um modelo de seis fatores. Dois itens (OLD_3 e OLD_9), n?o carregaram em nenhum fator e foram exclu?dos. Os demais itens apresentaram carga fatorial >0,3. As categorias de resposta foram reduzidas de cinco para tr?s. Ap?s as mudan?as na escala, o modelo emp?rico apresentou melhor ajuste (- 2loglikelihood = 8993,90; AIC = 9183,90 e BIC = 9546,24) que o modelo te?rico (- 2loglikelihood = 18390,88; AIC = 18678,88 e BIC = 19228,11). Apesar dos melhores valores de crit?rio de informa??o, o RMESA permaneceu acima do ideal (0,06). Conclui-se que o WHOQOL-old apresenta par?metros psicom?tricos abaixo do ideal na popula??o nordestina, mas as melhorias o tornaram sua utiliza??o aceit?vel. O instrumento WHOQOL-old utiliza vari?veis observ?veis que condizem com a percep??o dos participantes sobre qualidade de vida. No entanto, novas estrat?gias merecem ser testadas para refinamento da escala

Livskvalitet efter sepsis : Överleva och leva

Hjelm, Cajsa, Lager, Karolina January 2022 (has links)
Sepsis drabbar årligen 19,4 miljoner människor. Fler och fler människor överlever behandlingen, även om mortaliteten fortfarande är hög. Många av överlevarna drabbas av komplikationer i efterförloppet som påverkar deras framtida livskvalitet. Livskvalitet är ett mångdimensionellt uttryck som har ett flertal olika definitioner. Syftet med examensarbetet var att granska befintlig forskning om hur patienter som har överlevt sepsis upplever sin livskvalitet efter att ha vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Examensarbetet genomfördes med en integrativ systematisk litteraturstudie som metod. Två huvudteman identifierades, Vem har jag blivit? och Tillgång till världen, med tre subteman vardera, förändrad bild av sig själv, relationsförändringar och känslor efter sepsis samt fysiska följder, kognitiva följer och psykiska följder. Generellt sågs ingen skillnad i livskvalitet mellan en patient med sepsis som hade vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning jämfört med en patient som hade vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning för andra diagnoser. Patienterna behöver få information om hur kroppen har förändrats och hur de själva kan påverka sin situation. De behöver också få information om var de ska vända sig när de behöver hjälp och stöd efter utskrivning. De behöver få stöd av kompetent personal som är insatta i de komplikationer som intensivvården för med sig. Vidare forskning behövs inte bara för att optimera patienternas överlevnad utan även för att optimera för en god livskvalitet efter intensivvården. / Sepsis affects approximately 19,4 million people each year. An increasing number of people survive the treatment, even though the mortality rate is still high. Many of the survivors are suffering from sequelae that is affecting their quality of life. Quality of life is a multidimensional concept with several definitions. The aim of the study was to examine existing research regarding the patients’ perceptions of their quality of life after a sepsis that required intensive care. The method used was an integrative review. Two main themes were identified, Who have I become? and Access to the world, each with three sub themes, changed view of yourself, changes in relationships and feelings after sepsis and also physical impact, cognitive impact and mental impact. There were no significant differences in quality of life between patients that had been hospitalized and admitted to intensive care for sepsis compared to patients with other diagnoses. Patients need information about how their body has changed and how they can affect their own situation but they also need information about where to turn when they need more help after discharge. They need health care professionals that understand what has happened to their bodies during intensive care and the kind of sequelae that often affects these patients. More research is needed to make sure that patients not only survive, but have a good quality of life after intensive care.

Vilsenhetens epidemiologi : en religionspsykologisk studie i existentiell folkhälsa / The epidemiology of lost meaning : a study in psychology of religion and existential public health in a Swedish context

Melder, Cecilia A. January 2011 (has links)
The existential dimension has gained importance in health studies in the last decades (Moreira-Almeida & Koenig, 2006; DeMarinis, 2008). Little Swedish research exists in this area. A pilot study was conducted in a suburban Stockholm, Church of Sweden parish. Research question was: “How does the existential dimension of health, understood as the ability to create and maintain a functional meaning-makings system, affect the person’s self-rated health and quality of life?” Theoretical framework included: health research focusing the existential dimension; public health through psychology of religion; and, object-relations theory. The mixed-methods format included semi-structured interviews, and surveys: 1) on meaning-making, and 2) Swedish pilot translation of WHOQOL-SRPB (self-rated health and quality of life including spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs). Central results showed a positive relation between the existential health dimension and: overall ratings of physical, mental, social, and environmental health (p = .008); the overall existential health dimension and mental health (p = .008); and, social health (p = .046) and, the combined health items “How do you feel?” and “How satisfied are you with your health?” (p = .001). These results find support in WHO’s health perspective, and are linked to DeMarinis’ health dimensions and Winnicott’s understanding of potential space. Health dimensions: physical, mental, social, ecological and existential, are closely interlinked. The existential dimension is important through interaction with the others, and through its function as an autonomous health dimension. The study underlines the need for – and offers a culturally-tested method and model to explore existential needs in this secularized context.

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