Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cofeatures"" "subject:"andfeatures""
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Sistema pedológico Planosolo-Plintossolo no Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço-MT / Pedological system Solonetz-Plinthosol in the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço-MTBeirigo, Raphael Moreira 18 December 2008 (has links)
O Pantanal é a maior planície continental inundável do mundo, englobando um mosaico de diferentes habitats, sustentando grande diversidade vegetal, animal e de solos. É constituído por onze sub-regiões, sendo uma delas a do Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço, que está localizado ao nordeste dessa bacia sedimentar quaternária. Apresenta uma heterogeneidade espacial de solos que está relacionada com a diversidade de feições geomórficas. Estas, adicionadas aos tipos de inundação, geram uma grande diversidade de microhabitats: Cordilheiras, Paleodiques, Murunduns, constituem as formas de relevo raramente inundáveis, enquanto que as Planícies fluviais, Campos, Baías, Corixos e Vazantes apresentam inundações anuais ou permanentes. No Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço, as altitudes variam de 100 a 150m e a declividade é inexpressiva. O material de origem dos solos é formado por sedimentos arenosos, síltico-arenosos, argilo-arenosos e arenoconglomeráticos semiconsolidados a consolidados a Formação Pantanal. Contém uma diversidade única de solos, freqüentemente com mineralogia 2:1, cuja morfologia reflete as condições de regime hídrico de cada microambiente: Planossolos, Plintossolos, Planossolos Nátricos, Vertissolos e Neossolos Flúvicos se distribuem de acordo com as feições geomórficas encontradas, sendo na grande maioria afetados por processos redoximórficos. O objetivo desta dissertação foi caracterizar e conhecer os processos pedogenéticos dos solos de um sistema pedológico Planossolo-Plintossolo em duas das principais feições geomórficas do Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço. O estudo foi realizado na RPPN (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural) SESC Pantanal, no município de Barão de Melgaço, Estado de Mato Grosso. No sistema pedológico estudado foram identificados quatro solos da classe dos Plintossolos Argilúvicos e Háplico e dois Planossolos Nátricos. A transição dos Planossolos Nátricos para os Plintossolos é evidencia a pela perda gradual do caráter sódico e aumento do processo de plintização. À medida que ocorre a redução da saturação por Na+, a CTC dos solos torna-se saturada por Al3+. A presença de solos com caráter sódico ou nátrico nas partes altas da paisagem, pode ser uma evidência das mudanças climáticas que ocorreram no Pantanal, neste caso tratando-se de solos reliquiais. As principais causas da manutenção dos altos teores de Na nos Planossolos Nátricos, são a porosidade muito fechada dos horizontes subsuperficiais e as elevadas taxas de evapotranspiração no Pantanal, mesmo ocorrendo em posição mais elevada na paisagem local. Os Nódulos de Fe e Mn que ocorrem nesses solos não são pedorelíquias. Foram formados e continuam se formando em condições climáticas atuais. / The Pantanal is the largest continental flood plains, comprising a mosaic of different habitats, maintaining plant diversity, animal and soil. It consists of eleven sub-regions, one of which the of the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço, which is located north of the Quaternary sedimentary basin. It presents a spatial heterogeneity that is related to the diversity of geomorphic features. This, added to the types of flooding and soil, generate a wide variety of microhabitats: Cordileira paleoriverbanks, termite hills, the forms of relief are rarely flooded, while the Plains river, Grasslands, Bays, Corixo and present ebb Annual floods or permanent. In the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço, the above sea level ranging from 100 to 150m and the slope is negligible. The parent material of the soil is composed of sandy sediment, síltico-sand, clay-sandy and sandyconglomerate semiconsolidados the consolidated Training Pantanal. It contains a unique diversity of soils, often with 2:1 mineralogy, whose morphology reflects the conditions of water regime of each microenvironment: Planosols, Plinthosols, Solonetz, Vertisols and Fluvisols are distributed according to the geomorphic features found, and the great most affected by processes redoximorphic. The goal of this dissertation was to characterize and identify the processes pedogenetic soil of a system pedological Solonetz-Plinthosol in two of the main geomorphic features of the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço. The study was conducted in RPPN (Private Reserve of Natural Heritage) SESC Pantanal, in the Barão de Melgaço county, State of Mato Grosso from Brazil. The transition of Solonetz for Plinthosol is given by the gradual loss of sodium and increase character of the plintização. As is the reduction of the saturation of Na+, the CEC soil becomes saturated by Al3+. The presence of soil character natric in the hillslope is an evidence of climate changes that occurred in the Pantanal, where the soils relic. The main causes of maintenance of high levels of Na in Solonetz are very closed the porosity of subsurface horizons and high rates of evapotranspiration in the Pantanal. The nodules of Fe and Mn that occur in these soils are not relic and were formed and are still forming in weather conditions to actually.
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The influence of features of collocations on the collocational knowledge and development of Kurdish high school students : a longitudinal studyRamadhan, Jamal Mohammad January 2017 (has links)
This study explored the influence of four features of collocations- frequency of occurrence, syntactic structure, semantic transparency, and congruency with L1- on the collocational knowledge and development of 252 Kurdish high school learners of English as a foreign language. The importance of collocations in learning English as a second or foreign language and the difficulties that challenge learners at different levels of language proficiency have been well established. However, few studies have adopted a longitudinal research design or a hybrid definition of collocations, incorporating both frequency-based and phraseological views. The present study took this approach to explore learners’ collocational knowledge and development and the influence of features of collocations on their collocational knowledge and development at the high school level of learning English as a foreign language. The study employed two tests: an appropriateness judgement test to measure learners’ receptive knowledge and a gap-filling test to measure their productive knowledge of collocations. The data were collected in two waves, one at the beginning of their school year and the other at the end. Data analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between features of collocations and learners’ collocational knowledge and development. The results revealed frequency of occurrence as the most influential factor affecting learners’ knowledge and development. Influence of the syntactic structure of collocations on the learners’ knowledge and development came second whereas congruency with L1 occupied the third position. Semantic transparency seemed to have the least influence on their collocational knowledge and development. Gender appeared as an influential factor in the individual tests. However, its influence was not significant in terms of overall knowledge development. In general, the results indicated that learners’ productive collocational knowledge lagged behind their receptive. However, receptive and productive collocational knowledge did not increase at the same rate over the study period. While learners’ receptive collocational knowledge did not show an increase in knowledge, their productive knowledge increased significantly over the school year. The results also revealed that grammatical collocations were less challenging than lexical collocations at this level of language learning. Finally, according to the study results, some pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are presented.
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Uma nova abordagem para reconhecimento biométrico baseado em características dinâmicas da íris humana / A new approach for biometric recognition based on dynamic characteristics of the human irisRonaldo Martins da Costa 19 February 2010 (has links)
A identificação pessoal através da análise da textura da íris é um método de identificação biométrico de grande eficiência. Algoritmos e técnicas foram desenvolvidos levando-se em consideração as características de textura da imagem da íris do olho humano. No entanto, essas características por serem estáticas são também susceptíveis a fraudes, ou seja, uma foto pode substituir a íris em análise. Por isso, este trabalho propõe um método para extrair as características de textura da íris durante a contração e dilatação da pupila, além das próprias características dinâmicas de contração e dilatação. Para isso foi desenvolvido um novo sistema de aquisição da imagem utilizando iluminação NIR (Near Infra-Red) e levando-se em conta o reflexo consensual dos olhos. As características são medidas de acordo com um padrão dinâmico de iluminação controlado pelo programa. Com isso, é possível aumentar a segurança de dispositivos de reconhecimento biométrico de pessoas através da íris, pois, somente íris vivas podem ser utilizadas. Os resultados mostram um índice de precisão significativo na capacidade de discriminação destas características. / The personal identification by iris texture analysis is a highly effective biometric identification method. Some algorithms and techniques were developed, taking into consideration the texture features of the iris image in the human eye. Nonetheless, such features, due to the fact that they are static, are also susceptible to fraud. That is, a picture can replace the iris in an analysis. For that reason, this work proposes a method for extracting texture features of the iris during the pupil contraction and dilation, in addition to the dynamic contraction and dilation features themselves. Therefore, it was developed a new image acquisition system through NIR (Near Infra-Red) illumination, considering the consensual reflex of the eyes. Features are measured according to a dynamic illumination standard controlled by the software and are afterwards selected by means of data mining. Then it is possible to increase the safety in the biometric recognition devices of people through their iris, since only living irises can be utilized. Results show a significant precision index in determining such features.
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Relationer på jobbet / Relationships at workLOVIC, SENADA, SAMUELSSON, SOFIA January 2011 (has links)
Goda relationer är av stor vikt för att kunna knyta långa och hälsosamma kundkontakter. Detta är särskilt viktigt på den industriella marknaden, där kontakterna vanligtvis varar över decennier. Frågan är då hur företag kan skapa dessa starka band gentemot sina kunder och vilka personer som bär ansvar för att detta skall inträffa, vilket är något som vi ämnar besvara i denna studie. Vi har dessutom presenterat vilka personer som är involverade i relationerna och vad dessa gör. För att redogöra hur en kundrelation kan se ut har vi redovisat tio egenskaper som kännetecknar relationen. De tio egenskaperna är komplexitet, beroende, makt, förtroende/tillit, engagemang, närhet, stabilitet, långsiktighet, anpassningar och kunskap/erfarenhet. Vi har genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt genomfört en fallstudie på SCA packaging Sweden AB, division Förpackningsservice i Värnamo. De tillverkar, utvecklar och marknadsför förpackningar. Vi utförde djupintervjuer med samtliga säljare, innesäljare samt regionchefen på avdelningen. Vi ämnar inte med vår studie att dra några generella slutsatser utan vår avsikt är istället att få en ökad förståelse över hur verkligheten ser ut och hur ett industriellt företag arbetar med sina kundrelationer, därmed gjorde vi en single case study. De resultat vi fick fram var att flertalet relationsegenskaper användes mestadels som redskap för att frambringa förtroende, vilket vår studie visar är den centrala egenskapen i Förpackningsservice kundrelationer. Den främsta anledningen till att de har fler involverade i en kundrelation är den breda kunskapen som komplexiteten medför. Beroende är något som alltid förekommer i en affärsuppgörelse men företaget använder sig inte utav varken beroende eller makt för att förföra presumtiva kunder, istället gör de detta genom att skapa förtroende och genom att påvisa sina kunskaper. Tilliten skapar de genom att engagera sig i sina kunder exempelvis genom att anpassa sig till kundens krav. Vår studie visar även på att det finns nackdelar med förtroende. Vi har även funnit sex olika grupperingar på vilka olika roller befattningshavarna har på det säljande företaget vilket i tidigare forskning inte tagits upp i särskilt stor utsträckning. Dessa sex grupper är säljarna, innesäljarna, regionchefen, Designcenter, lagerpersonal och övrig intern personal samt de yttre aktörerna. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Étude des processus cognitifs impliqués dans la chirurgie minimalement invasive / Analysis of cognitive features involved in minimally invasive surgeryDe Witte, Benjamin 11 December 2018 (has links)
La chirurgie par laparoscopie est synonyme de faible invasivité et par conséquent d’une réduction du temps d’hospitalisation et des coûts associés. En effet l’utilisation d’un endoscope, de trocarts et d’instruments longs et rigides permet d’opérer dans un milieu clos, réduisant ainsi la taille des incisions et le temps de cicatrisation. Cependant ces conditions imposent au chirurgien une réorganisation des habilités motrices et cognitives. Ainsi, il est confronté à une inversion du sens du travail, des contraintes ergonomiques plus fortes, des rétroactions visuelles et proprioceptives réduites, ce qui complexifie considérablement la pratique. Au-delà, la formation des chirurgiens nécessite d’être mise à jour pour mieux répondre à ces nouvelles exigences. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent qu’il est nécessaire de mieux identifier les invariants de l’activité (ex : capacités spatiales, coordination visuo-motrice) pour permettre d’accélérer la courbe d’apprentissage. De plus, l’entraînement des capacités spatiales doit être integré dans les simulateurs et ceux-ci doivent mieux prendre en compte les principes pédagogiques (charge cognitive, rétroactions). La simulation cognitive doit être introduite au plus tôt et de manière espacée dans la formation, pour être mieux maitrisée et pour mieux exploiter tout son potentiel. La coordination visuo-motrice doit faire l’objet d’un entraînement explicite en dehors des salles d’opérations. Enfin, pour favoriser l’apprentissage, les différentes techniques de simulation doivent être implémentées de manière complémentaire dans le cursus / Minimally invasive surgery reduces postoperative pain, hospitalisation and associated costs. The use of long and rigid instruments in a closed haptic space limits incisions. The latter working conditions also challenge cognitive and motor skills of the surgeons. The surgeons need to mentally rotate the work scene, execute accurate movements with decreased sensitive and visual feedback. Moreover, the current learning paradigm needs to be updated to better match laparoscopic requirements. Our results show that cognitive features underpinning laparoscopy e.g., spatial abilities, hand eye coordination need to be contemplated to improve the learning curve. Simulators should provide the training of spatial abilities and better consider learning features (cognitive load, feedback). To be mastered and express the full potential of mental simulation, this technique should be implemented on a distributed way and earlier in the curricula. Hand-eye coordination needs explicit training outside the operation room. Finally, to favour skill learning, simulation techniques should be implemented on a complementary way in the curricula
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Two-dimensional horizontal (2DH) Boussinesq modelling of waves at the coastJudge, Frances Mary January 2018 (has links)
Understanding the behaviour of waves and their interaction with the coast is vital for marine engineers and maritime planners. As sea levels rise due to climate change, low-lying coastal areas and existing sea defences will become increasingly vulnerable to run-up and overtopping by large wave events. Accurate and effcient numerical models are essential tools for the assessment of such events and the impact they have on the coast so that effective coastal protection can be designed. This thesis presents a depth-integrated numerical solver with two horizontal dimensions for modelling waves in the coastal zone from intermediate depth to zero depth. Pre-breaking, the evolution of the water surface is calculated using the enhanced Boussinesq equation set of Madsen and Sorensen (1992). This equation set has improved dispersion characteristics over the classical Boussinesq equations, but with relatively few terms compared to models based on the Navier-Stokes equations, allowing for more effcient numerical modelling while maintaining suffcient accuracy. The equations are discretised using second-order finite differences and solved using the conjugate gradient method with fourth-order Runge-Kutta time stepping. Switching from the Boussinesq equation set to the shallow water equations allows shoaling waves to break, with the broken waves then propagating as bores. The shallow water equations are solved using a finite volume MUSCL-Hancock scheme with an HLLC approximate Riemann solver in order to resolve the behaviour of steep-fronted bores at the shore. The model incorporates a wetting and drying algorithm that models the moving wet/dry front. Waves are generated by a line of independently moving piston paddles, allowing full replication of laboratory experiments. A mapping technique is used in the region of the paddles to map the moving physical domain onto a fixed computational domain to facilitate the solution of the governing equations. Different aspects of the model are verified using standard benchmark tests. The complete model is then validated by comparing the numerical simulation of laboratory experiments with high quality experimental data from the UK Coastal Research Facility (UKCRF). The laboratory experiments simulated include the interaction of regular waves with sinusoidal and tri-cuspate beaches, and the interaction of both uni-directional and multi-directional focused wave groups with a plane beach. It is found that the model provides satisfactory wave phase resolution and reproduces most of the flow features of waves and currents in the shallow nearshore environment.
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Automatic Control of a Window Blind using EEG signalsTeljega, Marijana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis uses one of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) products, NeuroSky headset, to design a prototype model to control window blind by using headset’s single channel electrode. Seven volunteers performed eight different exercises while the signal from the headset was recorded. The dataset was analyzed, and exercises with strongest power spectral density (PSD) were chosen to continue to work with. Matlabs spectrogram function was used to divide the signal in time segments, which were 0.25 seconds. One segment from each of these eight exercises was taken to form different combinations which were later classified.The classification result, while using two of proposed exercises (tasks) was successful with 97.0% accuracy computed by Nearest Neighbor classifier. Still, we continued to investigate if we could use three or four thoughts to create three or four commands. The result presented lower classification accuracy when using either 3 or 4 command thoughts with performance accuracy of 92% and 76% respectively.Thus, two or three exercises can be used for constructing two or three different commands.
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Fatores determinantes na formaÃÃo da remuneraÃÃo de debÃntures emitidas no mercado de capitais brasileira: governanÃa corporativo e caracteristicas da emissÃo / Determining factors in the formation of the remuneration of debentures in the Brasileiro capital markets: corporate governance and characteristics of the issueHumberto de Souza Leite 28 March 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / Atual cenÃrio do mercado de capitais brasileiro mostra um nÃvel de evoluÃÃo sem precedentes, evidenciando um expressivo volume de emissÃo de debÃntures, visando à captaÃÃo de recursos pelas empresas. A adoÃÃo de boas prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa se faz mais necessÃria, considerando-se as caracterÃsticas do investidor do mercado de capitas. O presente estudo teve, portanto, como objetivo geral investigar a influÃncia da adoÃÃo de boas prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa, assim como de algumas caracterÃsticas das debÃntures emitidas no mercado de capitais brasileiro, na formaÃÃo da sua remuneraÃÃo. Teve como objetivos especÃficos demonstrar a adesÃo das empresas emissoras de debÃntures aos nÃveis diferenciados de governanÃa corporativa da BM&FBovespa; descrever as principais caracterÃsticas das debÃntures . valor, prazo, remuneraÃÃo e garantia . objeto do estudo, por meio de sua distribuiÃÃo e frequÃncia; e identificar a relaÃÃo entre a remuneraÃÃo de debÃntures e a condiÃÃo de aderente aos nÃveis diferenciados de governanÃa corporativa da BM&FBovespa, bem como com algumas das caracterÃsticas da emissÃo . valor, prazo e garantia . descrevendo o impacto que cada uma delas exerce isoladamente sobre a remuneraÃÃo dos tÃtulos. Para tanto, a amostra do estudo reÃne 556 debÃntures, emitidas no perÃodo de 2009 a 2012, por 350 empresas brasileiras. De natureza quantitativa, a pesquisa utiliza tÃcnicas como estatÃstica descritiva, regressÃo linear simples e regressÃo linear mÃltipla, diferenÃa de mÃdias de Mann-Whitney e de Kruskal-Wallis e correlaÃÃo de Spearman. Os resultados do estudo demonstram que o valor da emissÃo tem alto poder explicativo para a respectiva remuneraÃÃo. Por sua vez, nenhuma evidÃncia pode ser inferida sobre a influÃncia do prazo e da garantia na remuneraÃÃo dos papÃis. Constatou-se que a governanÃa corporativa, medida em funÃÃo da adesÃo aos nÃveis diferenciados de governanÃa corporativa da BM&FBovespa, explica somente a remuneraÃÃo de debÃntures baseada em DepÃsito Interfinanceiro (DI) mais spread, nÃo apresentando o mesmo resultado para os demais tipos de remuneraÃÃo . percentual do DI e Ãndice Nacional de PreÃos ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA) mais spread
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Sistema pedológico Planosolo-Plintossolo no Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço-MT / Pedological system Solonetz-Plinthosol in the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço-MTRaphael Moreira Beirigo 18 December 2008 (has links)
O Pantanal é a maior planície continental inundável do mundo, englobando um mosaico de diferentes habitats, sustentando grande diversidade vegetal, animal e de solos. É constituído por onze sub-regiões, sendo uma delas a do Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço, que está localizado ao nordeste dessa bacia sedimentar quaternária. Apresenta uma heterogeneidade espacial de solos que está relacionada com a diversidade de feições geomórficas. Estas, adicionadas aos tipos de inundação, geram uma grande diversidade de microhabitats: Cordilheiras, Paleodiques, Murunduns, constituem as formas de relevo raramente inundáveis, enquanto que as Planícies fluviais, Campos, Baías, Corixos e Vazantes apresentam inundações anuais ou permanentes. No Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço, as altitudes variam de 100 a 150m e a declividade é inexpressiva. O material de origem dos solos é formado por sedimentos arenosos, síltico-arenosos, argilo-arenosos e arenoconglomeráticos semiconsolidados a consolidados a Formação Pantanal. Contém uma diversidade única de solos, freqüentemente com mineralogia 2:1, cuja morfologia reflete as condições de regime hídrico de cada microambiente: Planossolos, Plintossolos, Planossolos Nátricos, Vertissolos e Neossolos Flúvicos se distribuem de acordo com as feições geomórficas encontradas, sendo na grande maioria afetados por processos redoximórficos. O objetivo desta dissertação foi caracterizar e conhecer os processos pedogenéticos dos solos de um sistema pedológico Planossolo-Plintossolo em duas das principais feições geomórficas do Pantanal de Barão de Melgaço. O estudo foi realizado na RPPN (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural) SESC Pantanal, no município de Barão de Melgaço, Estado de Mato Grosso. No sistema pedológico estudado foram identificados quatro solos da classe dos Plintossolos Argilúvicos e Háplico e dois Planossolos Nátricos. A transição dos Planossolos Nátricos para os Plintossolos é evidencia a pela perda gradual do caráter sódico e aumento do processo de plintização. À medida que ocorre a redução da saturação por Na+, a CTC dos solos torna-se saturada por Al3+. A presença de solos com caráter sódico ou nátrico nas partes altas da paisagem, pode ser uma evidência das mudanças climáticas que ocorreram no Pantanal, neste caso tratando-se de solos reliquiais. As principais causas da manutenção dos altos teores de Na nos Planossolos Nátricos, são a porosidade muito fechada dos horizontes subsuperficiais e as elevadas taxas de evapotranspiração no Pantanal, mesmo ocorrendo em posição mais elevada na paisagem local. Os Nódulos de Fe e Mn que ocorrem nesses solos não são pedorelíquias. Foram formados e continuam se formando em condições climáticas atuais. / The Pantanal is the largest continental flood plains, comprising a mosaic of different habitats, maintaining plant diversity, animal and soil. It consists of eleven sub-regions, one of which the of the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço, which is located north of the Quaternary sedimentary basin. It presents a spatial heterogeneity that is related to the diversity of geomorphic features. This, added to the types of flooding and soil, generate a wide variety of microhabitats: Cordileira paleoriverbanks, termite hills, the forms of relief are rarely flooded, while the Plains river, Grasslands, Bays, Corixo and present ebb Annual floods or permanent. In the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço, the above sea level ranging from 100 to 150m and the slope is negligible. The parent material of the soil is composed of sandy sediment, síltico-sand, clay-sandy and sandyconglomerate semiconsolidados the consolidated Training Pantanal. It contains a unique diversity of soils, often with 2:1 mineralogy, whose morphology reflects the conditions of water regime of each microenvironment: Planosols, Plinthosols, Solonetz, Vertisols and Fluvisols are distributed according to the geomorphic features found, and the great most affected by processes redoximorphic. The goal of this dissertation was to characterize and identify the processes pedogenetic soil of a system pedological Solonetz-Plinthosol in two of the main geomorphic features of the Pantanal of Barão de Melgaço. The study was conducted in RPPN (Private Reserve of Natural Heritage) SESC Pantanal, in the Barão de Melgaço county, State of Mato Grosso from Brazil. The transition of Solonetz for Plinthosol is given by the gradual loss of sodium and increase character of the plintização. As is the reduction of the saturation of Na+, the CEC soil becomes saturated by Al3+. The presence of soil character natric in the hillslope is an evidence of climate changes that occurred in the Pantanal, where the soils relic. The main causes of maintenance of high levels of Na in Solonetz are very closed the porosity of subsurface horizons and high rates of evapotranspiration in the Pantanal. The nodules of Fe and Mn that occur in these soils are not relic and were formed and are still forming in weather conditions to actually.
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A periferia à esquerda da sentença no Português Brasileiro: funções discursivas de seus constituintes e sua derivação / The left-periphery of the sentence in Brazilian Portuguese: discourse functions of its constituents and its derivationTercio Campos Polli 15 April 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga propriedades da estrutura sentencial do português brasileiro, mais precisamente aquelas que desencadeiam a inversão de constituintes para a periferia à esquerda da sentença. Sustenta-se num corpus para a obtenção de dados descritivos, constituído por dez peças de teatro, sendo cada uma delas escrita por um escritor nascido no Brasil numa década diferente, abrangendo dois séculos: XIX e XX. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar os tipos de constituintes que ocupam a periferia esquerda de sentenças e o porquê de ocuparem tal posição, isto é, se desempenham alguma função discursiva como tópico, foco ou se simplesmente se encontram em proeminência estrutural, a fim de entender melhor como a estrutura da informação interage com a sintaxe desse dialeto. Dessa forma, o estudo das funções discursivas desempenhadas pelo sujeito, tanto na ordem SV como na ordem VS, também precisou ser considerado. O quadro teórico adotado para sua realização sustenta-se nas implementações do programa minimalista em Chomsky (2000, 2001 e 2004) feitas à Teoria de Princípios e Parâmetros. Além disso, como proposta cartográfica, adota-se Rizzi (2002, 2004) e, como conceito de tópico e de foco, o proposto em Lambrecht (1996). / This research investigates properties of the Brazilian Portuguese sentence structure, more precisely those that trigger the inversion of constituents to the left-periphery of the sentence. It is based on a corpus as a means of acquiring descriptive data, composed of ten plays, being each of them written by a writer born in a different decade, comprising two centuries: XIX and XX. The aim of this research is to identify the types of constituents that occupy the leftperiphery of sentences and why they do so (if they fulfill any discourse function like topic, focus or if they are merely in structural prominence), in order to cast light upon the way the information structure interacts with the syntax of that dialect. For that reason, it was also necessary to investigate the discourse functions played by the subject both in SV and VS orders. The theoretical framework used for the accomplishment of that task is based on the implementations made by the Minimalist Program (Chomsky - 2000, 2001 and 2004) to the Theory of Principles and Parameters. Besides, as cartographic proposal, it adopts Rizzi (2002, 2004) and, as concept of topic and focus, those proposed in Lambrecht (1996).
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