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Diffusion inélastique des neutrons de la 14 MEV par le carbone, l'oxygène et le lithiumPerey, Francis G.J. 06 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / Le travail présenté dans cette thèse se concentre sur la diffusion inélastique de neutrons de 14 MeV sur les premiers niveaux excités du carbone, de l'oxygène, et du lithium. Les mesures des sections efficaces différentielles ont été réalisées à des angles compris entre 30° et 130°. Le faisceau de deutérons, d'une énergie de 170 keV provenant de l'accélérateur Cockcroft-Walton, frappe une cible de tritium, produisant ainsi des neutrons de 14 MeV par la réaction T(d,n)He4. L'énergie des neutrons diffusés est déterminée par une méthode de temps de vol, utilisant la détection de la particule associée à la production du neutron pour connaître son temps de départ. Le temps de vol est converti en une impulsion de tension, qui est mesurée par un sélecteur d'amplitude à 100 canaux. La résolution temporelle du système est de 3 nanosecondes.
Pour tous les niveaux excités observés, les courbes des sections efficaces différentielles inélastiques présentent une asymétrie par rapport à 90 degrés. Les résultats sont comparés aux prédictions du modèle d'interaction directe de Glendenning, et l'accord est satisfaisant pour tous les niveaux étudiés.
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Calcul dosimétrique en curiethérapie par particules alpha en incluant la modélisation de la diffusionChevé, Patrick 04 1900 (has links)
La curiethérapie est une méthode pour traiter les tumeurs cancéreuses qui consiste à placer à leur proximité des sources radioactives dont les rayonnements endommagent les cellules et mènent éventuellement à leur destruction. En curiethérapie conventionnelle, les sources utilisées sont scellées et seuls des rayonnements bêta et gamma s’en échappent. Dans une méthode de curiethérapie récemment commercialisée, la source n’est pas scellée et permet à des radionucléides, situés à quelques nanomètres sous sa surface, de s’échapper par mouvement de recul lors de leur désintégration. Ces radionucléides se diffusent par la suite dans la tumeur tout en poursuivant une chaîne de désintégration au cours de laquelle ils émettent principalement des particules alpha. L’énergie déposée par les particules alpha par unité de masse de tissu tumoral constitue la dose alpha. Les outils numériques de la curiethérapie conventionnelle ne tiennent pas compte de la diffusion des émetteurs et sont de ce fait inaptes à calculer correctement la distribution spatiale de la dose alpha. Le travail présenté ici avait pour but de développer des outils numériques incluant la modélisation de la diffusion, permettant ainsi un calcul adéquat de la distribution de dose. La méthode des volumes fnis a été utilisée pour développer des modèles en une, deux et trois dimensions, en coordonnées cylindriques et cartésiennes. Ces modèles déterminent où et quand se produisent les désintégrations, une information clé dans ce travail qui pourra aussi être utilisée dans des travaux futurs comme donnée d’entrée des outils numériques de la curiethérapie conventionnelle pour calculer les doses bêta et gamma. / Brachytherapy is a method for treating cancerous tumors which consists of placing near them radioactive sources whose radiation damages cells which eventually leads to their destruction. In conventional brachytherapy, the sources are sealed and only beta and gamma radiations escape. In a recently commercialized method of brachytherapy, the source is not sealed and allows radionuclides, located a few nanometers below its surface, to be released by recoil during their decay. These radionuclides then diffuse into the tumor while continuing to follow a decay chain during which they mainly emit alpha particles. The energy deposited by alpha particles per unit mass of tumor tissue constitutes the alpha dose. The numerical tools of conventional brachytherapy do not take into account the diffusion of emitters and are therefore unable to correctly calculate the spatial distribution of the alpha dose. The work presented here aimed at developing numerical tools including diffusion modeling, thus allowing an adequate calculation of the dose distribution. The finite volume method was used to develop models in one, two and three dimensions, in cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates. These models determine where and when radioactive decays occur, a key information in this work having also the potential of being used in future work as an input data for conventional brachytherapy numerical tools to calculate beta and gamma doses.
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Développement d'applicateurs personnalisés pour la curiethérapie gynécologiqueRoy, Marie-Ève 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer du col de l’utérus, le quatrième cancer le plus répandu chez la femme, affecte principalement les régions à faible et moyen revenu. Alors que les taux d’incidence et de mortalité sont les plus élevés dans les pays en développement, l’accessibilité aux systèmes de dépistage et traitement y est limitée. La curiethérapie (BT) à haut débit de dose (HDR) fait partie du traitement standard recommandé pour les cancers du col de l’utérus en stade localement avancé IIIB-IVA. Les applicateurs commerciaux pour les traitements de BT combinés intracavitaire et interstitiel (IC/IS) sont très chers et n’offrent que des positions et orientations fixes pour les aiguilles IS. L’applicateur à demi anneaux Montréal (MSR) propose la modification d’un applicateur IC commercial par l’ajout de capuchons Adaptiiv, imprimés 3D à faible coût avec la technologie de photopolymérisation (SLA) en résine stérilisable et biocompatible, permettant l’intégration et l’optimisation d’un maximum de 10 trajectoires IS.
Dans cette étude, une nouvelle génération de capuchons réduit le diamètre de l’applicateur MSR d’au plus 8.4 mm et introduit quatre positions d’aiguilles IS additionnelles à l’intérieur du demi anneau (SR), deux positions par SR. Ces capuchons sont imprimés avec la résine BioMed Clear sur l’imprimante SLA Form3B (Formlabs Inc., Massachusetts, États-Unis) et accommodent des angles d’aiguilles IS allant jusqu’à 45°. Les erreurs sur les trajectoires des aiguilles IS de l’applicateur MSR avec les nouveaux capuchons sont évaluées dans un fantôme gynécologique (GYN), développé dans le cadre de ce projet, et comparées dans une analyse statistique aux performances de l’applicateur Venezia (Elekta, Stockholm, Suède). Le fantôme GYN développé comprend une masse implantable en silicone, dont la texture est optimisée avec l’expérience clinique de deux radio-oncologistes spécialisées en BT GYN pour simuler l’insertion d’implants cliniques, pouvant supporter un grand nombre d’aiguilles IS. L’étude sur ce fantôme a démontré que la performance de l’un des capuchons de la nouvelle génération ne présente pas de différence statistiquement et cliniquement significative avec l’applicateur Venezia. Les performances de ce capuchon sont reproductibles dans les différents milieux en silicone et en utilisant différents types d’aiguilles IS. / Cervical cancer, the fourth most common cancer in women, mainly affects low- and middleincome regions. While incidence and mortality rates are highest in developing countries, the accessibility to screening and treatments is limited in those regions. High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy (BT) is part of the standard of care recommended for locally advanced cervical cancer. Commercial applicators for combined intracavitary-interstitial (IC/IS) BT treatments are very expensive and only offer fixed IS needle positions and orientations. The Montreal split ring (MSR) applicator modifies the CT/MR split-ring IC applicator by the addition of Adaptiiv caps, 3D printed at low cost with stereolithography apparatus (SLA) technology in biocompatible and sterilizable resin in order to allow integration and optimization of up to 10 IS trajectories.
In this study, a new generation of caps reduces the diameter of the MSR applicator by at most 8.4 mm and introduces four additional IS needle positions inside the split ring (SR), two positions per SR. These caps are 3D printed using BioMed Clear resin on the Form3B (Formlabs Inc., Massachusetts, USA) SLA printer and accommodate up to 45° IS needle angles. The errors on the IS needle trajectories of the MSR applicator with the new caps are evaluated in a gynecological (GYN) phantom, developed within the framework of this project, and compared in a statistical analysis to the performance of the Venezia applicator (Elekta, Stockholm, Sweden). The developed GYN phantom includes an implantable silicone structure, optimized according to the feedback of two radiation oncologists specialized in GYN BT to simulate clinical implants insertion, which can support a large number of IS needles. The study on this phantom showed that the performance of one of the caps from the new generation does not present a statistically and clinically significant difference with the Venezia applicator. The performance of this cap is reproducible in different silicone media and using different IS needle types.
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Calcul précis de l'équation d'état des gaz leptoniques : quelques implications pour la formation et la destruction des étoiles à neutronsChatri, Hayat 03 1900 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / Les étoiles massives (M≥8M.) deviennent des supernovae de type II à la fin de leur vie. Ce phénomène explosif est caractérisé par l'effondrement du cœur de Fer (56Fe) qui, sous l'influence de sa propre gravité se détache des couches externes qui l'enveloppent. La théorie prédit que le cœur de l'étoile survit à cette explosion sous la forme d'une étoile à neutrons. Cette dernière pourrait subir une collision avec une autre étoiles à neutrons. Comme résultat d'une telle collision, il y aura une expulsion de la matière neutronique. Pour décrire ces deux processus d'effondrement et de décompression, on doit posséder une bonne équation d'état. Or, dans la plupart des études sur la matière nucléaire dans les étoiles massives en implosion, les intégrales se trouvant dans les quantités fondamentales telles que la pression, l'énérgie et l'entropie des électrons ont été représentés par des expressions approchées de Chandrasekhar. Cependant, ces approximations ne sont plus valables à certaines conditions (basse densité et haute température), et il nous est impossible de savoir ce qui se passe dans le milieu stellaire dans de telles conditions; et même dans le cas où ces approximations sont valables, plusieurs questions se posent toujours sur le degré d'erreur dû à ces approximations qui peuvent être, parfois, trompeuses. Dans notre étude on a pris en considération l'effet de création de paires qu'aura lieu dans le milieu stellaire à des basses densités et hautes températures; l'inclusion de ce détail constitue un élément nouveau de cette étude.
Le but de ce mémoire consiste à mener un calcul exact pour toutes les quantités physiques de l'équation d'état en évaluant numériquement ces intégrales, et aussi à voir quelles contributions elles peuvent apporter lors de leurs insertion dans des programmes déjà développés au Département de Physique de l'Université de Montréal, mais qui utilisent seulement des approximations. La bonne précision de nos calculs d'intégrales et les différentes méthodes utilisées pour vérifier leurs valeurs numériques nous a permis de faire des corrections importantes à toutes les quantités physiques de l'équation et, surtout, à l'entropie et l'énergie libre de Helmholtz. Ce calcul nous a permis aussi de déterminer les domaines de validité des expressions approchés de Chandrasekhar, souvent utilisées par les astrophysiciens, et celles de la limite "bulle chaude".
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Quantum control of molecular fragmentation in strong laser fieldZohrabi, Mohammad January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Itzhak Ben-Itzhak / Present advances in laser technology allow the production of ultrashort (≲5 fs, approaching single cycle at 800 nm), intense tabletop laser pulses. At these high intensities laser-matter interactions cannot be described with perturbation theory since multiphoton processes are involved. This is in contrast to photodissociation by the absorption of a single photon, which is well described by perturbation theory. For example, at high intensities (≳5×10[superscript]13 W/cm[superscript]2) the fragmentation of molecular hydrogen ions has been observed via the absorption of three or more photons. In another example, an intriguing dissociation mechanism has been observed where molecular hydrogen ions seem to fragment by apparently absorbing no photons. This is actually a two photon process, photoabsorption followed by stimulated emission, resulting in low energy fragments. We are interested in exploring these kinds of multiphoton processes.
Our research group has studied the dynamics and control of fragmentation induced by strong laser fields in a variety of molecular targets. The main goal is to provide a basic understanding of fragmentation mechanisms and possible control schemes of benchmark systems such as H[subscript]2[superscript]+. This knowledge is further extended to more complex systems like the benchmark H[subscript]3[superscript]+ polyatomic and other molecules. In this dissertation, we report research based on two types of experiments. In the first part, we describe laser-induced fragmentation of molecular ion-beam targets. In the latter part, we discuss the formation of highly-excited neutral fragments from hydrogen molecules using ultrashort laser pulses. In carrying out these experiments, we have also extended experimental techniques beyond their previous capabilities.
We have performed a few experiments to advance our understanding of laser-induced fragmentation of molecular-ion beams. For instance, we explored vibrationally resolved spectra of O[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation using various wavelengths. We observed a vibrational suppression effect in the dissociation spectra due to the small magnitude of the dipole transition moment, which depends on the photon energy --- a phenomenon known as Cooper minima. By changing the laser wavelength, the Cooper minima shift, a fact that was used to identify the dissociation pathways. In another project, we studied the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) dependences of highly-excited fragments from hydrogen molecules. General CEP theory predicts a CEP dependence in the total dissociation yield due to the interference of dissociation pathways differing by an even net number of photons, and our measurements are consistent with this prediction. Moreover, we were able to extract the difference in the net number of photons involved in the interfering pathways by using a Fourier analysis. In terms of our experimental method, we have implemented a pump-probe style technique on a thin molecular ion-beam target and explored the feasibility of such experiments. The results presented in this work should lead to a better understanding of the dynamics and control in molecular fragmentation induced by intense laser fields.
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Free-space NPR mode locked erbrium doped fiber laser based frequency comb for optical frequency measurementTurghun, Matniyaz January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Physics / Brian R. Washburn / This thesis reports our attempt towards achieving a phase stabilized free-space nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) mode locked erbium doped fiber laser frequency comb system. Optical frequency combs generated by mode-locked femtosecond fiber lasers are vital tools for ultra-precision frequency metrology and molecular spectroscopy. However, the comb bandwidth and average output power become the two main limiting elements in the application of femtosecond optical frequency combs.
We have specifically investigated the free-space mode locking dynamics of erbium-doped fiber (EDF) mode-locked ultrafast lasers via nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) in the normal dispersion regime. To do so, we built a passively mode-locked fiber laser based on NPR with a repetition rate of 89 MHz producing an octave-spanning spectrum due to supercontinuum (SC) generation in highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). Most significantly, we have achieved highly stable self-starting NPR mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser based frequency comb which has been running mode locked for the past one year without any need to redo the mode locking.
By using the free-space NPR comb scheme, we have not only shortened the cavity length, but also have obtained 5 to 10 times higher output power (more than 30 mW at central wavelength of 1570 nm) and much broader spectral comb bandwidth (about 54 nm) compared to conventional all-fiber cavity structure with less than 1 mW average output power and only 10 nm spectral bandwidth.
The pulse output from the NPR comb is amplified through a 1 m long EDF, then compressed by a length of anomalous dispersion fiber to a near transform limited pulse duration. The amplified transform limited pulse, with an average power of 180 mW and pulse duration of 70 fs, is used to generate a supercontinuum of 140 mW. SC generation via propagation in HNLF is optimized for specific polling period and heating temperature of PPLN crystal for SHG around 1030 nm.
At last, we will also discuss the attempt of second harmonic generation (SHG) by quasi phase matching in the periodically polled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal due to nonlinear effect corresponding to different polling period and heating temperature.
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Universal Efimov physics in three- and four-body collisionsWang, Yujun January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Brett D. Esry / The Efimov effect plays a central role in few-body systems at ultracold temperature and
has thus accelerated a lot of studies on its manifestation in the collisional stability of the quantum degenerate gases. Near broad Feshbach resonances, Efimov physics has been studied both theoretically and experimentally through the zero-energy scattering observables. We have extended the theoretical studies of Efimov physics to a much broader extent. In
particular, we have investigated the three-body Efimov physics near narrow Feshbach resonances and have also identified the Efimov features beyond the zero temperature limit. We
have found, near a narrow Feshbach resonance, the non-trivial contribution from both of the resonance width and the short-range physics to the three-body recombination and vibrational dimer relaxation. Remarkably, the collisional stability of the Feshbach molecules are found to be opposite to that near the broad resonances: an increased stability for molecules made by bosons and a decreased stability for those made by fermions. The universal physics observed near the narrow Feshbach resonances is further found not to be limited to the zero temperature observables. We have found that the general features of Efimov physics and
those pertaining to a narrow resonance are manifested in different energy ranges above zero temperature. This opens the opportunity to observe Efimov physics by changing the collisional energy while keeping the atomic interaction fixed. The landscape of the universal Efimov physics is thus delineated in both of the interaction and the energy domain. We have also investigated Efimov physics in heteronuclear four-body systems where the complexity can be reduced by approximations. In particular, we have proposed ways for controllable production of the Efimov tri-atomic molecules by three-body or four-body recombinations
involving four atoms. We have also confirmed the existence of four-body Efimov effect in
a system of three heavy particles and one light particle, which has resolved a decade-long controversy on this topic. Finally, we have studied the collisional properties of four identical bosons in 1D, which is important to the experiments on the quantum gases confined in the 1D optical lattices.
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Advanced microstructured semiconductor neutron detectors: design, fabrication, and performanceBellinger, Steven Lawrence January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / Douglas S. McGregor / The microstructured semiconductor neutron detector (MSND) was investigated and previous designs were improved and optimized. In the present work, fabrication techniques have been refined and improved to produce three-dimensional microstructured semiconductor neutron detectors with reduced leakage current, reduced capacitance, highly anisotropic deep etched trenches, and increased signal-to-noise ratios. As a result of these improvements, new MSND detection systems function with better gamma-ray discrimination and are easier to fabricate than previous designs. In addition to the microstructured diode fabrication improvement, a superior batch processing backfill-method for 6LiF neutron reactive material, resulting in a nearly-solid backfill, was developed. This method incorporates a LiF nano-sizing process and a centrifugal batch process for backfilling the nanoparticle LiF material. To better transition the MSND detector to commercialization, the fabrication process was studied and enhanced to better facilitate low cost and batch process MSND production.
The research and development of the MSND technology described in this work includes fabrication of variant microstructured diode designs, which have been simulated through MSND physics models to predict performance and neutron detection efficiency, and testing the operational performance of these designs in regards to neutron detection efficiency, gamma-ray rejection, and silicon fabrication methodology. The highest thermal-neutron detection efficiency reported to date for a solid-state semiconductor detector is presented in this work. MSNDs show excellent neutron to gamma-ray (n/γ) rejection ratios, which are on the order of 106, without significant loss in thermal-neutron detection efficiency. Individually, the MSND is intrinsically highly sensitive to thermal neutrons, but not extrinsically sensitive because of their small size. To improve upon this, individual MSNDs were tiled together into a 6x6-element array on a single silicon chip. Individual elements of the array were tested for thermal-neutron detection efficiency and for the n/γ reject ratio. Overall, because of the inadequacies and costs of other neutron detection systems, the MSND is the premier technology for many neutron detection applications.
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Dissociation dynamics of diatomic molecules in intense fieldsMagrakvelidze, Maia January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Uwe Thumm / We study the dynamics of diatomic molecules (dimers) in intense IR and XUV laser fields theoretically and compare the results with measured data in collaboration with different experimental groups worldwide. The first three chapters of the thesis cover the introduction and the background on solving time-independent and time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The numerical results in this thesis are presented in four chapters, three of which are focused on diatomic molecules in IR fields. The last one concentrates on diatomic molecules in XUV pulses.
The study of nuclear dynamics of H[subscript]2 or D[subscript]2 molecules in IR pulses is given in Chapter 4. First, we investigate the optimal laser parameters for observing field-induced bond softening and bond hardening in D[subscript]2[superscript]+. Next, the nuclear dynamics of H[subscript]2[superscript]+ molecular ions in intense laser fields are investigated by analyzing their fragment kinetic-energy release (KER) spectra as a function of the pump-probe delay τ. Lastly, the electron localization is studied for long circularly polarized laser pulses.
Chapter 5 covers the dissociation dynamics of O[subscript]2[superscript]+ in an IR laser field. The fragment KER spectra are analyzed as a function of the pump-probe delay τ. Within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we calculate ab-initio adiabatic potential-energy curves and their electric dipole couplings, using the quantum chemistry code GAMESS.
In Chapter 6, the dissociation dynamics of the noble gas dimer ions He[subscript]2[superscript]+, Ne[subscript]2[superscript]+, Ar[subscript]2[superscript]+, Kr[subscript]2[superscript]+, and Xe[subscript]2[superscript]+ is investigated in ultrashort pump and probe laser pulses of different wavelengths. We observe a striking ‘‘delay gap’’ in the pump-probe-delay-dependent KER spectrum only if the probe-pulse wavelength exceeds the pump-pulse wavelength. Comparing pump-probe-pulse-delay dependent KER spectra for different noble gas dimer cations, we quantitatively discuss quantum-mechanical versus classical aspects of the nuclear vibrational motion as a function of the nuclear mass.
Chapter 7 focuses on diatomic molecules in XUV laser pulses. We trace the femtosecond nuclear-wave-packet dynamics in ionic states of oxygen and nitrogen diatomic molecules by comparing measured kinetic-energy-release spectra with classical and quantum-mechanical simulations. Experiments were done at the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH) using 38-eV XUV-pump–XUV-probe.
The summary and outlook of the work is discussed in Chapter 8.
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Surface science experiments involving the atomic force microscopeMcBride, Sean P. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Bruce M. Law / Three diverse first author surfaces science experiments conducted by Sean P. McBride
1-3 will be discussed in detail and supplemented by secondary co-author projects by Sean P.
McBride, 4-7 all of which rely heavily on the use of an atomic force microscope (AFM).
First, the slip length parameter, b of liquids is investigated using colloidal probe AFM.
The slip length describes how easily a fluid flows over an interface. The slip length, with its exact origin unknown and dependencies not overwhelming decided upon by the scientific
community, remains a controversial topic. Colloidal probe AFM uses a spherical probe attached to a standard AFM imaging tip driven through a liquid. With the force on this colloidal AFM probe known, and using the simplest homologous series of test liquids, many of the suspected causes and dependencies of the slip length demonstrated in the literature can be suppressed or eliminated. This leaves the measurable trends in the slip length attributed only to the systematically varying physical properties of the different liquids.
When conducting these experiments, it was realized that the spring constant, k, of the
system depends upon the cantilever geometry of the experiment and therefore should be
measured in-situ. This means that the k calibration needs to be performed in the same viscous liquid in which the slip experiments are performed. Current in-situ calibrations in viscous fluids are very limited, thus a new in-situ k calibration method was developed for use in viscous fluids. This new method is based upon the residuals, namely, the difference between experimental force-distance data and Vinogradova slip theory.
Next, the AFM’s ability to acquire accurate sub nanometer height profiles of structures
on interfaces was used to develop a novel experimental technique to measure the line tension parameter, τ, of isolated nanoparticles at the three phase interface in a solid-liquid-vapor system. The τ parameter is a result of excess energy caused by the imbalance of the complex intermolecular forces experienced at the three phase contact line. Many differences in the sign and magnitude of the τ parameter exist in the current literature, resulting in τ being a
controversial topic.
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