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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The international organizational network as core capability : global product development in Fujitsu Limited

January 1993 (has links)
Christopher J. Voisey. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 51-52). / Supported by the Japan-United States Friendship Commission and by the MIT Japan Program Corporate Consortium.

Gambling with globalism : Japanese financial flows to North Korea and the sanctions policy option

January 1995 (has links)
Jenny Lind. / Includes bibliographical references.


LO RE, DONATO 16 April 2018 (has links)
L'argomento scelto riguarda l'apprendistato italiano, comparato con le principali esperienze europee, con particolare attenzione al modello nordico (Germania e Svezia). Si è poi guardato all' Europa e alle sue politiche di inclusione dei giovani, attraverso le vaire iniziative lanciate e di cui vengono forniti i dati. Nelle conclusioni, a seguito di un riassunto dell' intero elaborato, viene proposo un miglioramento di tale istituto, nella prospettiva di rendere tale strumento efficace ed efficiente. / The thesis' topic concers the Italian apprenticeship,compared with the main European experineces, particularly the Nordic model (German and Sweden).After this I direct myself to Europe and his inclusion policies for young people, analyzing the main initiatives, and providing the current data. Finally, after a brief thesis' resume, it is offered a possible improvement of this institut, in order to make it effective and efficient.

Tous ensemble !" ? Les dynamiques de tranformation de la gauche radicale française / "Tous ensemble !" ? The French Radical Left transformation dynamics

Mathieu, Romain 19 November 2015 (has links)
La gauche radicale est étudiée comme un espace relativement autonome dans le champ politique, faisant sens pour un nombre restreint d’acteurs politiques. Il s’agit de saisir les effets des dynamiques d’interactions entre entreprises partisanes, parfois alliées mais toujours rivales, sur la recomposition des offres politiques. La thèse associe une approche « par le haut » à une analyse localisée des relations intra et inter-partisanes. Tout d’abord, la première partie opère un retour sur les conditions d’émergence d’une coalition – investie d’une pluralité de sens et d’intérêts par les acteurs – dans un espace politique fragmenté et concurrentiel. Ensuite, dans une deuxième partie, il s’agit d’étudier et de comparer les traits structurants de la sociologie des militants des principaux partis de gauche radicale. Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée aux interactions et interdépendances entre ces acteurs, à la fois dans l’espace de la gauche radicale et dans le processus d’institutionnalisation conflictuelle d’une coalition partisane. La méthodologie repose sur des données plurielles : exploitation de sources écrites, réalisation de soixante-dix entretiens semi-directifs auprès de dirigeants et militants actifs, recours à des observations directes et réalisation d’une enquête par questionnaire auprès des participants aux congrès du PG (novembre 2010), du NPA (février 2011) et à la conférence nationale du PCF (juin 2011) / The radical left is studied as a relatively autonomous space in the political field, with a clear meaning for a limited number of political actors. The aim is to comprehend the effects of dynamic interactions between political parties, sometimes allies but always rivals, on the recomposition of political offers. The thesis combines a top-down approach and localized analysis of internal and inter-partisan relations. The first part analyzes the conditions for the emergence of a coalition – invested with a plurality of meanings and interests by actors – in a fragmented and competitive political space. In the second part, the structural features of the sociology of activists of the main radical left parties are studied and compared. Finally, the third part deals with the interactions and interdependencies between actors, both in the space of the radical left and the conflictual institutionalization process of a coalition of parties. The methodology is based on various data, including written sources, seventy interviews with leaders and activists, direct observations and a statistical survey conducted at the congresses of the Left Party (Parti de Gauche) in November 2010 and of the New Anticapitalist Party (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste) in February 2011, as well as at the conference of the French Communist Party (Parti Communiste Français) in June 2011.

Il distacco del lavoro nella prospettiva dell'integrazione europea

Mattei, Alberto January 2011 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca che ci si è proposti di affrontare ha l’obiettivo di analizzare il distacco del lavoro come fenomeno giuridico all’interno del suo contesto europeo, ossia nel mercato unico (Cap. I), nella sua evoluzione giurisprudenziale alla luce del conflitto di leggi (II), nel suo profilarsi all’interno dell’ordinamento nazionale (III) ed, infine, nelle sue possibili prospettive future nell’integrazione europea (IV). In particolare, si è dato spazio all’impatto che le libertà di circolazione dei servizi può avere sulla tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori e sulla manodopera in distacco nell’ambito di una prestazione transnazionale di servizi: l’allargamento-accessione dei paesi dell’Est dell’Unione europea assieme alla liberalizzazione del mercato dei servizi, analizzati nel lavoro, assieme all’intervento della Corte di Giustizia, in particolare il caso Laval, hanno mostrato il conflitto tra diritti sociali di azione collettiva, come il diritto di sciopero, e le libertà economiche, come la libera prestazione di servizi. Partendo dall’analisi legislativa e giurisprudenziale, si è voluto così porre in risalto come non vi sia un’appropriata tutela del lavoro svolto a livello trasnazionale, come quello in distacco, e, pertanto, entra in gioco la normativa internazionalprivatistica (Reg.593/08, cd. Roma I e prima la Convenzione di Roma del 1980) che incide sull’individuazione della legge applicabile ai rapporti di lavoro con elementi d’internazionalità e transnazionalità. Per tali motivi, ci si è proposti di analizzare il distacco del lavoro transnazionale, in un’ottica interdisciplinare a cavallo fra il diritto del lavoro e il diritto internazionale privato dell’U.e., al fine di evidenziare le lacune esistenti nell’ordinamento dell’Unione e provare a ricercare, anche attraverso gli “attori in gioco”, un possibile punto di equilibrio tra gli interessi che si contrappongono nel mercato unico nella prospettiva dell’integrazione europea.

L'interazione madre - bambino durante i primi anni di vita: analisi longitudinale degli effetti della genitorialità a rischio sullo sviluppo del bambino.

Emer, Alessandra January 2013 (has links)
L'obiettivo generale di questa tesi è chiarire il modo in cui alcune variabili, prossimali e distali, influenzano lo sviluppo psicofisico del bambino all' interno di un campione di madri a rischio del progetto Scommettiamo sui giovani. Qualora i risultati descritti in questo lavoro confermassero i dati presenti in letteratura, la Provincia Autonoma di Trento potrebbe applicare sul territorio una serie di servizi rivolti alle madri a rischio e non, e attuare interventi di supporto alla genitorialità. L'organizzazione della tesi prevede una parte teorica introduttiva, la presentazione di quattro articoli scientifici, in corso di pubblicazione, riguardanti diverse aree di interesse (articolo 1: Le madri a rischio e il quoziente di sviluppo dei bambini; articolo 2: L'indice di attaccamento dei bambini in un campione di madri a rischio; articolo 3: Il parenting nei contesti di immigrazione; articolo 4: Valutazione preliminare dell'efficacia dell'intervento di supporto alla genitorialità a rischio in Trentino e un capitolo finale sulle conclusioni generali e sulle ricerche future.

L’insediamento rurale in Africa Proconsularis, Tunisia (regione di Thugga) e Algeria (Parc National d’El Kala), in et`a romana e tardo-antica

Battisti, Alessandro January 2015 (has links)
Il confronto è un procedimento fondamentale per poter meglio comprendere i dati provenienti dai progetti di ricognizione archeologica. Partendo da questo presupposto, il presente studio si pone l'obbiettivo di approfondire la conoscenza dei modelli di sfruttamento del paesaggio agrario antico attraverso il confronto tra due territori, rispettivamente in Tunisia attorno a Thugga ed in Algeria nella wilaya di El Tarf. Si procederà, attraverso l'applicazione di analisi statistiche (bi-variate e multi-variate), alla ricerca di eventuali modelli preferenziali di insediamento e di relazioni tra siti, basandosi anche sulle stime della capacità di produzione dei torchi oleari e la conseguente possibile estensione del fondo agricolo.

Analysis and Characterization of Wireless Positioning Techniques in Indoor Environment

Pivato, Paolo January 2012 (has links)
Indoor positioning, also referred to as indoor localization, shall be defined as the process of providing accurate people or objects coordinates inside a covered structure, such as an airport, an hospital,and any other building. The applications and services which are enabled by indoor localization are various, and their number is constantly growing. Industrial monitoring and control, home automation and safety, security, logistics, information services, ubiquitous computing, health care, and ambient assisted living (AAL) are just a few of the domains that indoor positioning technology can benefit. A significant example is offered by local information pushing. In this case, a positioning system sends information to a user based on her/his location. For instance, a processing plant may push workflow information to employees regarding operating and safety procedures relevant to their locations in the plant. The positioning system tracks each employee, and has knowledge of the floor plan of the facility as well as the procedures. When an employee walks inside a defined perimeter of a particular area, such as packaging department, the positioning systems displays on the user’s personal device assistant (PDA) information regarding the work expected to be done in that area This significantly increases efficiency and safety by ensuring that employees follow carefully designed guidelines. Location-enabled applications like this are becoming commonplace and will play important roles in our everyday life. The design of a positioning system for indoor applications is to be regarded as a challenging task. In fact, the global positioning system (GPS) is a great solution for outdoor uses, but its applicability is strongly limited indoors because the signals coming from GPS satellites cannot penetrate the structure of most buildings. For this reason, considerable research interest for alternative non-satellite-based indoor positioning solutions has arisen in the last years. Actually, the positioning problem is strictly related with the measurement of the distance between the object to be located and a number of landmarks with known coordinates. Then, the position of the target is commonly determined by means of appropriate statistical or geometrical algorithms. Several approaches have been proposed, and various are the fundamental technologies that have been used so far. Today, distance measurement between two objects can be easily obtained by using laser-, optical- and ultrasounds-based devices. However, evident drawbacks of these systems are their sensitivity to line-of-sight (LOS) constraint, and the strict object-to-object bearing requirement. The latter becomes an even worse downside when the topology of the system dynamically changes due to mobility of the target. On the other hand, wireless-based ranging solutions are more insensitive to obstacles and non-alignment condition of devices. In addition, they may take advantage of existing radio modules and infrastructures used for communications. Accordingly, the ever grow- ing popularity of mobile and portable embedded devices provided with wireless connectivity has encouraged the study and the development of radio-frequency (RF)-based positioning techniques. The core of such systems is the measurement of distance-related parameters of the wireless signal. The two most common approaches for wireless ranging are based on received-signal-strength (RSS) and message time-of-flight (ToF) measurements, respectively. In particular: • the RSS-based method relies on the relationship between the measured received signal power and the transmitter-receiver distance, assuming that the signal propagation model and the transmitted power are known; • the ToF-based technique leans on the measured signal propagation time and the light speed, owing to the fundamental law that relates distance to time. The work presented in this dissertation is aimed at investigating and defining novel techniques for positioning in indoor environment based on wireless distance measurements. In particular, this study is devoted to the analysis and in depth evaluation of the use of RSS and ToF measurements for different indoor positioning applications. State of the art techniques relying on RSS- and ToF-based ranging methods have already proven to be effective for the localization of objects inside buildings. Nevertheless, several limitations exist (e.g., on the accuracy of the ranging, its impact on localization algorithms, etc.). The work presented in this dissertation attempts to: 1. investigate the main sources of uncertainty affecting RSS- and ToF-based indoor distance measurement; 2. analyze the impact of ranging error on the accuracy of positioning; 3. propose, on the basis of the understanding gained from 1. and 2., novel and effective systems in order to overcome the above-mentioned limitations and improve localization performance. The novel contributions of this thesis can be summarized as follows: • In-depth analysis of both RSS- and ToF-based distance measurement techniques, in order to assess advantages and disadvantages of each of them. • Guidelines for using different ranging methods in different conditions and applications. • Implementation and field testing of a novel data fusion algorithm combining both RSS and ToF techniques to improve ranging accuracy. • Theoretical and simulation-based analysis of chirp spread spectrum (CSS) signals for low-level timestamping. • Experimental assessment of CSS-based timestamping as key enabler for high accuracy ToF-based ranging and time synchronization.

Il sindacato tra immunità e istanze di eteroregolazione

Cristofolini, Chiara 19 April 2018 (has links)
La ricerca si propone di contribuire a rimettere a tema la democrazia nel sindacato come problema giuridico, confrontandosi con la questione dell’ammissibilità di una regolazione eteronoma dell’ordinamento sindacale e, di conseguenza, con gli approdi della dottrina immunitaria. A tale fine verranno, innanzitutto, ripercorse le riflessioni dottrinali che hanno portato alla costruzione del principio libertà-immunità, in virtù del quale viene affermata l’inammissibilità di interventi dello Stato e l’impossibilità di predisporre modelli organizzativi sindacali eteroregolati. Le argomentazioni della dottrina italiana verranno quindi discusse in chiave comparata, attraverso un confronto con le teoriche sul rapporto tra controllo democratico e autonomia sindacale provenienti dai sistemi giuridici tedesco e inglese. Le riflessioni dottrinali emerse dal contesto comparato, unitamente ai modelli organizzativi sindacali inglesi e tedeschi, saranno prese a termine di confronto nella successiva disamina sul funzionamento delle attuali associazioni sindacali italiane, al fine di verificare la qualità democratica del sistema interno risultato dell’autonomia riconosciuta dalla teoria immunitaria. Dallo studio in chiave comparata e dall’approfondimento delle dinamiche interne al sindacato emergono istanze di eteroregolazione che inducono a ridiscutere il ruolo dello Stato nei confronti delle istanze di tutela dei diritti dei membri. Per questa via si perviene a proporre una diversa interpretazione del dettato costituzionale, fondata sul bilanciamento dell’autonomia sindacale con la tutela degli iscritti dell’organizzazione, diretta a consentire una maggiore protezione delle posizioni giuridiche endoassociative. Nuovi modelli di regole che, in una prospettiva non paralizzante dell’autonomia collettiva, siano sintonici con la complessiva modificazione strutturale della fattispecie sindacale, potrebbero rafforzare la legittimazione e la funzione sociale del sindacato quale preziosa componente delle democrazie moderne.

Organizational transparency: Stakeholder relationships and internal dynamics

Leonardi, Lucia January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the notion of organizational transparency through the lenses of stakeholder theory and focuses on the interaction between management and internal stakeholders. A theory-driven measure of transparency is developed and dened along three dimensions: informative, participative, and accountable. Based on a unique data set consisting of six Italian social enterprises operating in the social service sector, we use a mixed-method approach in order to study both managerial policy and stakeholders' perceptions towards transparency. From qualitative, exploratory, and multi-case analysis, it emerges that the nature of the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders shapes transparency dimensions through organizational structure. There are common patterns in this context that distinguish large enterprises with vertical decision-making from smaller rms with horizontal processes: in the rst group,transparency is developed along its informative dimension and it is structured on a unilateral ow of information that is aimed at controlling internal stakeholders. Whereas in the second group, transparency is mainly participative, designed as a two-way exchange of information with an explicit objective to allow mean- ing co-creation. Using structural equation modelling, we nd that stakeholders' perceptions about transparency are relatively high and positively linked to organizational commitment, where trust plays a signicant mediating role. Tenure in the organization, formal membership, and job security display varying and, in some cases, opposing behaviors. The main contribution of this thesis to the literature in this area is that it highlights the need for understanding the interplay between the transmitter and the receiver of transparency. It further considers the impact of stakeholder relations to enable alternatives for developing dierent typologies of transparency.

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