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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apologie, archive et pratique de la scène au XVIIe siècle. Étude et édition critiques du Théâtre françois de Samuel Chappuzeau (1674) / Apology, archive and practice of the scene in 17th century. Critical study and edition of Le Théâtre François of Samuel Chappuzeau

Rejichi, Rim 07 June 2011 (has links)
Avec le Théâtre françois, Samuel Chappuzeau rend hommage aux comédiens et révèle tout un pan mal connu du théâtre français. Après la mort de Molière et avec la fondation du théâtre Guénégaud, l’auteur dévoile les conditions de la vie matérielle des acteurs et de l’organisation des troupes. Témoin privilégié d’un compendium d’événements, il entreprend de décrire les us et coutumes de cette catégorie socioprofessionnelle en cours de constitution et participe ainsi à la querelle de la moralité du théâtre. En outre, il élabore la première histoire du théâtre et fait ainsi entrer le théâtre dans le champ de la littérature. Grâce à cet ouvrage, le théâtre acquiert sa dignité comme activité, spectacle et genre littéraire. / In Le Théâtre François, Samuel Chappuzeau celebrated its actors and actresses and unveiled largely unfamiliar aspects of 17th century French theatre. His book described how actors concretely lived and how troupes were organized after Molière's death and the Comédie-Française's foundation; as a privileged witness of such eventful years, he described the ways and customs of that emerging social group, and thus took part in the controversy about whether theatre was immoral or not. Besides, by writing the first history of French theatre, he allowed it to enter the field of literature. Le Théâtre François qualified French theatre as an occupation, as an entertainment, and as a literary genre.

Kalínago. Français et amérindiens dans les Petites Antilles au XVIIe siècle / Kalínago. Amerindians and French in the Lesser Antilles during the seventeenth century

Roux, Benoît 13 September 2019 (has links)
L’histoire des expansions européennes est peuplée d’ethnonymes dont l’évocation seule suffit à figurer les confins de la civilisation et à résumer les espoirs déçus des empires coloniaux. Autant de noms exotiques que l’on prononce, tels des emblèmes de la résistance indigène opposée à tout effort de conquête. Caraïbes est de ceux-là qui, sitôt entrés dans les chroniques européennes, ont été érigés en légende. Or, au-delà des discours hérités et convenus, que savons-nous de ces Indiens, de leurs logiques, de leurs pratiques, de leurs représentations sociales, ou des relations qu’ils entretiennent avec les Français au XVIIe siècle ? À dire vrai, fort peu de choses. Ces questions, bien que sorties des mortes-eaux de l’histoire coloniale, n’ont suscité que peu d’intérêt. Elles n’ont été qu’effleurées dans des monographies insulaires, ou dans des ouvrages consacrés à l’occupation archéologique de l’archipel. C’est en écho à ce constat un peu trop vite entériné qu’a pris forme le projet d’écrire une histoire de la cohabitation entre Français et Caraïbes au XVIIe siècle. La présente recherche aspire donc non seulement à apporter un éclairage sur ce chapitre, mais également à désenclaver des histoires généralement séparées dans la production scientifique. Aussi, souhaitons-nous que cette enquête, à l’intersection des histoires coloniales et indigènes, conduise à revoir nos grilles d’analyse, en tenant compte des réflexions développées par l’ethnologie et l’archéologie, afin d’éviter les écueils de l’histoire-récit. Les circulations et les échanges entre Indiens, Européens et Africains, où prime le facteur humain, seront par conséquent au cœur de l’intrigue. / In the stories of European expansion, many ethnonyms are synonymous with barbarism (as opposed to civilization) or with the failure of the colonial empire. These “exotic” demonyms became the symbols of the resistance of the natives against any attempt of conquest. “Caraïbes” (Caribs) is one of the names which became legendary as soon as it appeared in the European chronicles. But beyond the inherited and agreed discourses, what do we know about these Caribs, their logics, their practices, their social representations, or their relations with the French settlers during the seventeenth century? It must be acknowledged we know next to nothing about these Indians, despite the historiographical revival in the field of colonial history over the last decades. The Caribs have only been touched upon in monographs concerned with such or such island, or in books focusing on archaeological occupation of the archipelago. On the basis of these observations, this doctoral thesis explores the history of the cohabitation between the French and the Caribs in the seventeenth century. It also attempts to open up stories which have generally been studied separately although they all belong to the same scientific field. Such project, at the intersection of colonial and native history, will therefore take into account archaeological and ethnological research in order to avoid the pitfalls of story-telling. As a consequence, the circulation and exchanges between Amerindians, Europeans and Africans, in which the human factor prevailed, will be an essential field of investigation.

Mosseh Rephael d\'Aguilar: origens da literatura judaica em português no Brasil holandês / Mosseh Rephael d\'Aguilar: the origins of Jewish literature in Portuguese in Dutch Brazil

Maghidman, Marcelo 25 March 2019 (has links)
Os objetivos principais deste trabalho são: o resgate do autor Mosseh Rephael dAguilar e sua obra, a constatação de que foi ele um dos precursores da literatura judaica em português durante o período colonial holandês no nordeste brasileiro e, por fim, a transcrição da única obra da qual se tem a certeza de haver sido produzida no Brasil em sua estadia entre 1642 e 1654. Para tal, foram analisados manuscritos, publicações e documentos situados na Biblioteca Ets Haim Montezinos, Arquivo Municipal da Cidade de Amsterdã, cemitério português de Ouderkerk e coleção Rosenthaliana da Universidade de Amsterdã. Encontramos inúmeros documentos que revelam detalhes sobre sua biografia e a relação com o sobrinho Isaac de Castro Tartas, bem como os postos comunitários ocupados na sua trajetória profissional. Foi atuante durante quarenta anos como rabino, filósofo, autor, professor, tradutor, gramático e filólogo, membro do Beth Din (corte rabínica) em Amsterdã, e rosh ieshivá (chefe de Academia Talmúdica). Procuramos elencar sua obra, que abrange um variado leque incluindo responsa de temas haláchicos (legais), tratados de lógica e retórica, manual de abate ritual de animais, homilias, discursos, índex para estudo do Talmud, interpretações de fontes canônicas, poesia e ascamot (autorizações). Poliglota de biblioteca vasta e interessado além dos muros da sua própria comunidade, teve duas de suas obras publicadas, mas descobrimos milhares de páginas que ainda aguardam catalogação e publicação. Mostramos que não foi somente um acompanhante do célebre rabino Isaac Aboab da Fonseca em seu curto intervalo no Recife, mas produziu aquele que consideramos um dos textos pioneiros da literatura judaica em português produzida em solo brasileiro. Seu texto Explicação do Capítulo 53 de Isaías feita no Brasil, tem transcrição inédita neste trabalho. / The main objectives of this work are: the rescue of the author Mosseh Rephael d\'Aguilar and his work, the realization that he was one of the forerunners of Jewish literature in Portuguese during the Dutch colonial period in the northeast of Brazil and, finally, the transcription of the only work that is certain to have been produced in Brazil during his stay between 1642 and 1654. For that, manuscripts, publications and documents have been analyzed in the Ets Haim Montezinos Library, Municipal Archives of the City of Amsterdam, Portuguese Ouderkerk Cemetery and Rosenthaliana collection of the University of Amsterdam. We found numerous documents that reveal details about his biography and the relationship with his nephew Isaac de Castro Tartas, as well as the community posts occupied in his professional career. He worked for 40 years as a rabbi, philosopher, author, teacher, translator, grammarian and philologist, member of the Beth Din (rabbinical court) in Amsterdam, and rosh ieshivá (head of the Talmudic Academy). We have sought to list his work, which covers a wide range of subjects including halachic (legal) themes, treatises of logic and rhetoric, manual of ritual slaughter of animals, homilies, speeches, index for Talmud study, interpretations of canonical sources, poetry and ascamot (authorizations). Polyglot and owner of a large library and interested in subjects beyond the walls of his own community, he has had two of his works published, but we have discovered thousands of pages that still await cataloging and publication. We have shown that he was not only an escort of the celebrated Rabbi Isaac Aboab da Fonseca in his short interval in Recife, but produced what we consider to be one of the pioneering texts of Jewish literature in Portuguese produced on Brazilian soil. His text Explanation of Chapter 53 of Isaiah made in Brazil, has unpublished transcription in this work.


Procházková, Dana January 2020 (has links)
Baroque piety has been the centre of research of some historians, who tried to describe the main and unique features of this time. They studied some sources to find out that this time`s piety was emotional, Christocentric and using some violent means. The present study tries to find typical virtues of holy people in the Baroque era and so describe the piety and name the character qualities which Jesuit scholars wanted to input and influence so that Czech people follow them. I used structural analysis to separate stories of the lives of saints and find the desired virtues. I found out that most important virtues were taken from the Gospel of Matthew, i.e. mercy, fasting and prayer. The sources tended to describe quite normal people so that there appeared to be some tendency to democratize sanctity. These findings help us to understand features of Baroque piety as well as its influence into the modern times.

Die Anfänge der Oper in Ungarn

Murányi, Róbert Árpád January 1999 (has links)
Da mein Thema jene Epoche bespricht, in der die Landesgrenze noch anderswo lag, ist es unumgänglich, auch diejenigen Regionen zu erwähnen, welche heute zu anderen Ländern gehören. Die Oper hat ihre Wurzeln u.a. in den Singspielen, welche schon im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert gepflegt und als Schuldramen bekannt wurden.

Briller par la diversité : les recueils collectifs de poésies au XVIIe siècle (1597-1671) / French poetry collections of the 17th century (1597-1671)

Speyer, Miriam 10 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui a pris pour point de départ l’inventaire des recueils collectifs de poésies fourni par le bibliographe Frédéric Lachèvre, vise à établir le rôle qu’ont joué les recueils poétiques polygraphiques dans la publication, la pratique et la réception de la poésie au XVIIe siècle.Au XVIIe siècle, en effet, les recueils collectifs deviennent le principal mode de publication imprimée de pièces poétiques inédites. Ces imprimés n’ont jusqu’à présent fait l’objet d’aucune analyse systématique suivie. Pour rendre compte à la fois des recueils, de leur évolution entre 1597 et 1671 et des pièces qu’ils publient, ce travail utilise une approche double.D’une part, il propose une typologie des recueils en général qui permet une étude de la place et du rôle des recueils collectifs de poésies parmi les publications du temps.D’autre part, à l’aide d’une base de données recensant plus de 10 000 pièces, cette thèse analyse les poèmes publiés dans les recueils collectifs de poésies selon plusieurs critères : forme, genre, composition, thème. L’exploitation du contenu de ces recueils par l’outil numérique permet de rendre compte de diverses évolutions et d’isoler les pièces les plus représentatives de certaines périodes.Cette étude contribue à notre connaissance de la poésie entre 1597 et 1671 parce qu’elle prend en considération tous les auteurs publiés et le mode de publication majeur de la poésie à l’époque : le recueil collectif. Dans une perspective diachronique, elle affine notre connaissance des différents courants poétiques qui se succèdent au cours de cette époque. Dans une perspective synchronique, en exploitant la base de données, elle entreprend de dégager les principaux traits stylistiques et métriques caractérisant les pièces d’une même période. Enfin, croisant l’histoire du livre et l’analyse sociocritique, ce travail s’intéresse au recueil en tant qu’objet commercial et aux usages que libraires, auteurs et lecteurs en font. / This study examines poetry collections printed in France between 1597 and 1671. During this period, poetry is not published as the work of an author, but integrated into collections, which unite the works of various authors. While Frédéric Lachèvre has alerted us to the importance of the phenomenon through his bibliography (Bibliographie des recueils collectifs publiés de 1597 à 1700), a systematic study on 17th century poetry collections is still missing. How did these collections influence the way poetry was written, read and published? To answer this question, this study uses a two-fold approach.I carve out a typology of 17th century text collections with the aim of determining their importance in the editorial practice of the time. A database containing information on 10 000 poems, developed specifically for this study, enables us to analyse these texts following various criteria (poetic form, metre, subject, composition) and further to identify the most typical pieces of certain decades.Instead of focusing on individual poets, this study centres around the prevailing way of publishing poetry in 17th century France. Thanks to this general approach it is able to identify different poetical and aesthetical movements of the time. Moreover, with the help of the database, I can isolate the stylistic characteristics that identify poems composed during the same period. This study finally considers 17th century poetry collections as an historical and commercial object. By taking into account studies on book history and the socio-cultural context, it discusses how these collections were composed, produced and read.

De Versailles à Clarens : nature et politique dans les jardins littéraires de l'âge classique

Dufresne, Virginie. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

"Aproued on my self" : inbetween the sheets of Inigo Jones's Palladio

Theodore, David Michael. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The Kunstkammer object in seventeenth-century Salzburg : a case study, early modern collections, transformation and materiality

Mitchell, Sarah January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Market integration : France's grain markets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Saint-Amour, Pascal January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

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