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Poems; with an Essay on Matthew Arnold and T. S. EliotChambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933 05 1900 (has links)
The thesis consists of a selection of original poems and an essay on the literary relationship between Matthew Arnold and T. S. Eliot. The poems are loosely related in theme; they are the responses of the poet to the various forces in his upbringing, such as literature, religion and the American Southwest. The essay compares the literary criticism of Arnold and Eliot, the foremost critics of their respective periods, with special attention to Eliot's criticism of Arnold. The conclusion is that despite this criticism Eliot accepted Arnold's major critical precepts and perpetuated in his own work Arnold's central concerns about literature and culture.
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Maxwell Anderson's treatment of historical material in Gods of the lightning and WintersetYeazell, Paul Gilbert, 1927- January 1954 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization in Eugene O'NeillPrince, John Frederick, 1911- January 1938 (has links)
No description available.
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The portrayal of the ideal male in selected works of Eugene O'NeillDriedger, Benjamin Albert January 2012 (has links)
A woman’s choice between a starry-eyed dreamer and a pragmatic businessman ends in disaster. This situation is a motif in the works of Eugene O’Neill, and examining its occurrences in Beyond the Horizon, The Great God Brown, Strange Interlude and Long Day’s Journey into Night sheds light on the “seeker”(the starry-eyed dreamer)and “provider” (pragmatic businessman) characters in O’Neill’s work as well as his understanding of what women believe is the “Ideal Male.” Through his work, O’Neill questions whether women really want a seeker or a provider and, perhaps, would prefer a father instead. Nietzsche, Laing, Lao Tzu, and Frazer are all used to help ground this study of why exactly O’Neill’s women and men seem to get caught up in this cycle that often leaves both sexes dead or insane. / vi, 106 leaves ; 29 cm
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A força política na grandeza das formas : o século XIX em diálogo nas obras de Sarmiento e Hernández / The strength in the greatness of the forms : the 19th century in dialogue inside the oeuvres of Sarmiento and HernándezMinelli, Ivia, 1985- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Alves de Freitas Neto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T13:49:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O estudo do gênero gauchesco para a análise das obras de Domingo F. Sarmiento (1811-1888) e José Hernández (1834-1886), fundamentais na história da literatura argentina devido ao intenso debate que seus escritos promovem desde o século XIX, suscita a reflexão sobre as manifestações artísticas e estratégias discursivas desprendidas em Facundo: civilização e barbárie (1845) e Martín Fierro (1872/79), reveladoras de um fervoroso universo simbólico em meio às disputas políticas do período pós-independência. As diferentes acepções sobre gaúchos e indígenas encontradas em cada texto são representativas da heterogeneidade dos projetos civilizacionais oitocentistas, diversidade esta que encontramos em Sarmiento e Hernández na análise de suas perspectivas sobre a intelectualidade argentina, a expressão política relativa ao campo e à cidade, os projetos e rumos civilizatórios para novo país, a adoção de símbolos nacionais, entre outras. Na abordagem aqui proposta, política e cultura se encontram e rompem as forjadas assimetrias entre esses dois autores, indicando na complexa formação do discurso nacional argentino o esforço de manutenção das premissas civilizacionais do século XIX dentre a historiografia até os dias de hoje. Dessa forma, deslocar as análises de Facundo e Martín Fierro com na inserção da temática indígena, por exemplo, é pensar as fissuras de um discurso que homogeneíza o passado da Argentina / Abstract: The studies of gauchesco literary gender to analyze Domingo F. Sarmiento (1811-1888) and José Hernández (1834-1886) oeuvres, which are the bed rock of Argentinean Literary, due to the intense debate that their writings allow since the middle 19th century, raise some reflections about the artistic out comes and the reasoning strategies used in Facundo: civilization y barbarism (1845) and Martín Fierro (1872-1879), both revealing a vivid symbolical universe during the post-independence political period. The different conceptions about gauchos and indigenous people found in each writing also represent the heterogeneity of 19th century civilizing projects, whose diversity is found in Sarmiento and Hernández's perspectives about: the Argentinean intellectuality, the political representation related to the countryside and the city, the civilizational directions to the fresh born nation, the usage of national symbols and so on. In this approach, culture and politics intersect themselves and clash the asymmetries forged between this two authors, pointing the complex formation of Argentinean national discourse and the effort in preserving the 19h century civilizational assumptions among historiography up to date. Thereby, displacing Facundo and Martín Fierro's analysis, by adding the indigenous thematic for instance, is thinking the disruptions in a discourse that standardize the Argentinean past / Mestrado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Mestra em História
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The use of certain myths in the work of T.S. EliotHall, R F January 1964 (has links)
T.S. Eliot's statement that myth is an ordering device in literature 'is constantly belied by his use of myth in his own poems'. This is the belief of the American critic Richard Chase, noted for his work on myths and mythological themes in English and American literature. Whether or not Chase is right must emerge from the chapters which follow. The purpose will be to examine the effects of the use of myths and mythological patterns on Eliot's work in general, rather than to annotate individual mythological allusions. Simply to recognise an allusion is to raise a question, not to answer one: for we have then to decide what the writer hope to achieve by its use, and whether or not he has succeeded. Unless they lead on to such questions, lists of sources contribute little to our understanding of a work. Far more important than incidental allusions are the mythological themes and patterns on the larger scale, which reveal themselves in recurrent allusions and in basic patterns of symbolism. Again, merely to recognise such a pattern is inadequate: in every case a discovery of its function in both the poem's (or play's) structure and the poet's technique should be our main concern. ... Eliot himself has made it clear that in his case the use of myths and mythological patterns has often been a fully conscious, even self-conscious process. Therefore we may apply to his work the questions mention by Norman: what functions the myths fulfil within individual works; and why Eliot uses them in the first place. This last question leads us back to a more fundamental one; why do many writers, especially modern ones, use myths 'in the first place'? The problem involves discussion of the relation between myths and literature and of the nature of myths themselves, this forms the material of the first chapter. The other chapters will deal with some of Eliot's works, attempting to explain and analyse his use of myths in them, and to illustrate its importance in each case.
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Who is she?: the search for the feminine in the poetry of T.S. Eliot, with special reference to The Waste Land and the Four QuartetsKourie, Alex 18 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (English) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Forasteiros no oeste paulista : escravos no comércio interno de cativos e suas experiências em Campinas, 1850-1888 / Outsiders in the paulista West : bondspeople in the internal slave trade and their experiences in Campinas, 1850-1888Oliveira, Joice Fernanda de Souza, 1988- 11 April 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Robert Wayne Andrew Slenes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T11:29:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Oliveira_JoiceFernandadeSouza_M.pdf: 2473436 bytes, checksum: 03e5d7b025649c7ca47c30e4a4507192 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A pesquisa ora apresentada investiga a experiência de escravos comercializados para Campinas, no período de 1850-1888. Nesse estudo, as principais questões analisadas se referem às relações familiares, às relações de trabalho, à distribuição de ocupações especializadas, às incidências de fuga e às possibilidades de alforria. Para alcançar este objetivo, realizamos micro histórias de três comunidades escravas, utilizando o método de ligação nominativa de fontes para seguir pessoas no tempo e entre séries documentais diferentes. As três escravarias campineiras escolhidas se diferem a partir de seu histórico (se antigas ou de formação recente) e da "velocidade" de sua aquisição de novos cativos (lenta ou rápida) no comércio interno. Nesses cenários investigamos a comunidade escrava em sua totalidade, comparando a experiência de escravos residentes de longa com a vivência dos forasteiros. A partir desse trabalho observamos alguns traços comuns na trajetória dos forasteiros no novo cativeiro, mas principalmente, constatamos a heterogeneidade da experiência daqueles deslocados pelo comércio interno / Abstract: The research presented investigates the experience of bondspeople brought to the city of Campinas - a plantation center in the "historical West" of São Paulo - through the internal trade in slaves that grew rapidly after the end of the traffic in Africans (1850) and reached its height in the 1870s. My story finishes in 1888, the year of abolition. I focus my research on various aspects of slave experience - family relationships (especially marriage and baptism), labor relations, the distribution of specialized occupations, the incidence of flight and possibilities of manumissions - always contrasting the experiences of the descendants of the Africans "founders" of the slave quarters in the first half of the century, with the new "outsiders" post-1850. I construct "micro-histories" - of a small numbers of properties (three, ranging from old to "newly established"), using the method of nominative record-linkage to follow people over time and beteween different documentary series. From this work, I identify some common aspects in the trajectory of outsiders in the new captive, but mainly I apprehend the heterogeneity of experience of those displaced by the internal trade / Mestrado / Historia Social / Mestra em História
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Une écriture à l'œuvre dans Malicroix d'Henri BoscoLévesque, Geneviève 16 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à cerner, dans Malicroix d’Henri Bosco, le cheminement qui préside à l’écriture du récit lui-même. Dans ce dessein, nous utilisons une approche poïétique qui s’intéresse à « l’œuvre en train de se faire », selon l’expression de René Passeron. Nous considérons ainsi l’œuvre comme une poétique d’auteur sous forme fictionnelle. La perspective phénoménologique que nous adoptons permet d’étudier le texte sous l’angle de la perception, alors que la mythocritique offre un point de vue privilégié pour réfléchir la perception du monde – particulièrement le monde textuel – par le biais du sacré et de son imagerie. Reconstruisant pas à pas la double structure – horizontale et verticale – du récit, nous nous penchons sur divers aspects de l’œuvre et du processus scriptural. L’horizon de lecture forme le premier chapitre de notre thèse et donne lieu à une vue triple sur le récit : l’histoire et les personnages, le contexte spatio-temporel et le point de vue du mythe comprenant le mythe fondateur du récit et le scénario initiatique qui en découle. Nous regroupons dans le deuxième chapitre l’élaboration de deux notions qui fondent notre étude poïétique, soient les figures et les chronotopes. Les figures consistent en deux groupes, les figures de l’écrivain et celles de l’expression qui jouent des rôles distincts dans le cheminement scriptural et s’inscrivent dans Malicroix par le biais des personnages. L’étude des chronotopes divise le récit en onze temps-espace qui constituent la trame d’un cheminement des figures suivant le parcours du texte. Le troisième chapitre détaille cette traversée des chronotopes qu’effectuent les figures, dessinant le chemin de l’écriture dans le texte selon onze situations successives. Le dernier chapitre de cette étude comporte deux parties. La première met en lumière une poétique d’écrivain bosquienne comme l’auteur la formule dans un bref article intitulé « L’exaltation et l’amplitude ». La seconde, le point d’arrivée de notre étude, intègre les données de la poétique d’écrivain au cheminement des onze situations, fournissant une description des étapes du processus scriptural que suit Bosco en écrivant Malicroix. / This thesis schematizes, in Malicroix by Henri Bosco, the process that presides to the writing of the novel itself. Using a poietic approach, we consider the text as a writer’s poetic that takes a fictional form. A phenomenological perspective allows us to study the novel from the point of view of perception, and mythocritique enables us to reflect on the perception of the world – especially the world of the text – through the angle of the sacred and its symbols. Reconstructing the horizontal and vertical structures of the novel, we reflect on diverse aspects of the text and of the scriptural process. The reading horizon constitutes the first chapter of our thesis and offers a triple view on the novel: the story and the characters, the spatiotemporal context and the mythical point of view. In the second chapter are elaborated two central notions, the figures and the chronotopes. Two groups of figures emerge, one associated with the writer as creator of the text and the other, with the process of expression. The figures play distinct roles in the conception and expression and are represented in Malicroix by way of the characters. The chronotopes study divides the novel in eleven times-spaces that constitute the basis of the figures’ progression through the text. The third chapter details how the figures cross the chronotopes’ series, drawing the scriptural route inscribed in eleven successive situations in the text. The last chapter contains two parts. The first examines the writer’s poetic that Bosco published under the title « L’exaltation et l’amplitude ». The second, which constitutes the final objective of our study, integrates the elements of this writer’s poetic in the eleven successive situations, producing a description of the stages of the scriptural process followed by Bosco while writing Malicroix.
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An essay on character portrayal, style, and technique of writing in Maxwell Anderson's biographical plays in verseHobson, Henry E. 01 January 1942 (has links)
The purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the reader with the general scope and trend of Maxwell Anderson's work in order to give a more complete conspectus for the discussion of his plays. By so doing a foundation will be laid for a more intelligible discussion of the specific aspects of the seven plays concerned in the thesis proper, the title of which is, "An Essay on Character Portrayal, Style, and Technique of' Writing in Maxwell Anderson's Biographical Plays in Verse."
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