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Die Anfänge der deutschen Buchkritik, 1688-1720 : die Zeitschrift und ihre Rezension als aufklärerisches MomentHofmann, Thomas K., 1942- January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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Enfaldiga landsmän, puderhjältar och papister : Skeppsprästen Jacob Wallenbergs representation av kristna traditionerStrindin, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to contribute to the understanding of how different Christian traditions are described in Sweden during the second half of the 18th century. This thesis presents examples of how Swedes could look at different Christian traditions. The object of study has been Jacob Wallenberg's famous travel writing Min son på galejan and Wallenberg’s view on various Christian traditions. Wallenberg travels as a chaplain aboard the ship Finland which travels for the Swedish East India Company to China. Wallenberg meets several different people, cultures and sees different types of practices on his journey to China, and therefore Min son på galejan can be seen as a book worth analyzing, it is also relevant because it is relatively well known. The theoretical framework in this study is mainly based on Stuart Hall's theory of representation and therefore the focus is largely on trying to understand how different Christian traditions are represented based on the content of Min son på galejan. The method used to answer the research questions is a content analysis, the focus has mainly been on illustrate what the contexts looked like and how different Christian traditions were portrayed, thus shedding light on how these traditions were valued. In summary Wallenberg valued different traditions differently, the Lutheran tradition Wallenberg mainly portrayed as something desirable but there existed examples where Wallenberg criticized persons with Lutheran belief. Non-Lutheran Christian traditions were mostly portrayed by Wallenberg in a critical and satirical manner and were therefore seen as something less desirable compared to Lutheranism.
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Концепция «общего блага» в работах Даниэля Дефо 20-х гг. XVIII в. : магистерская диссертация / The concept of the "common good" in the writings of Daniel Defoe in the 1720s.Майоров, К. В., Mayorov, K. V. January 2022 (has links)
Проблематика построения стабильного и процветающего государства является одним из основных направлений в общественно-политической и экономической мысли Англии конца XVII в. и первой трети XVIII в. Процесс становления национальных государств сопровождается внутренней рефлексией интеллектуалов, выраженной в построении общественно-политических теорий. Автор работы приходит к выводу, что взгляд Д. Дефо на место монарха в «политическом теле» не расходится с превалирующими среди вигов идеями о «равновесии сил в государственном устройстве» местом и ролью короля и парламента. Функция короля заключается в охране английской свободы и «древней английской конституции». Ограниченная, или парламентская монархия признается Даниэлем Дефо лучшей формой правления применительно к Англии. Основанная на системе противовесов власть венчается королем, который есть отражение идеалов общества. Не претендующий на тираническую власть, он является гарантом «общего блага». «Общее благо» понимается Д. Дефо как система процветания английской нации, где общество разделено на две неравные страты – низший класс и остальные (коммерсанты, интеллектуалы, благородные (титулованное и нетитулованное дворянство) и монарх). Выполнение функций, возложенных на каждую часть «политического тела», ведет нацию к всеобщему благоденствию. / The problem of building a stable and prosperous state is one of the main directions in the socio-political and economic thought of England at the end of the XVII century and the first third of the XVIII century. The process of formation of national states is accompanied by the internal reflection of intellectuals, expressed in the construction of socio-political theories. The author of the work comes to the conclusion that D. Defoe's view of the place of the monarch in the "political body" does not diverge from the ideas prevailing among the Whigs about the "balance of power in the state structure" of the place and role of the king and parliament. The function of the King is to protect English freedom and the "ancient English constitution". The limited or parliamentary monarchy is recognized by Daniel Defoe as the best form of government in relation to England. The power based on the system of counterweights is crowned by the king, who is a reflection of the ideals of society. Not claiming tyrannical power, he is the guarantor of the "common good". The "common good" is understood by D. Defoe as a system of prosperity of the English nation, where society is divided into two unequal strata – the lower class and the rest (merchants, intellectuals, noble (titled and untitled nobility) and the monarch). The fulfillment of the functions assigned to each part of the "political body" leads the nation to universal prosperity.
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Yikhus and the early Hasidic movement : principles and practice in 18th and 19th century Eastern EuropeDynner, Glenn. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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A study of the political role of Shaykh Muḥammad b. ʻAbd al-Wahhāb in the establishment of the Wahhābī state, 1744-1792 /Fakhro, Abdul-Aziz Mohamed. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Making Waves: Bacon, Manley, and the Shifting Rhetorics of Opulent At(a)lantisNielsen, Alex Cahill 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Literacy and the Social Worlds of Writing in the Scottish Atlantic: 1750-1800Casey, Shawn Thomas 18 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Enchanting Pieces. : Miniature Copies in Augustus III's Art Collection from a Material and Contextual PerspectiveKluge, Linnéa Madita January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis examines miniature copies of large-scale paintings as a means of demonstrating knowledge, taste and power at the Saxon court during the reign of Augustus III. In two steps it sheds light on the processes behind the making and collecting of a type of miniature painting that has otherwise been disregarded by art historical research. With the help of five case studies from the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden and a theoretical approach rooted in materiality and contextual studies, it draws the attention of miniature research to the fact that miniature copies were not simple reproductions but the complex results of a multifaceted and prestigious production process. The study thus contributes to a broadened understanding of copies in miniature as valued art objects on their behalf as well as to position them in the larger framework of the 18th century's desire for art, connoisseurship and collecting.
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Den moraliska marknaden : Marknadsförfattarnas skildring av det ekonomiska livet 1839-1860 / The moral market : The commercial authors depiction of economic life 1839–1860Dalgard, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
During the 18th century, the publishing of literature was commercialised in Sweden. The process was intimately connected to the rise of the modern novel and paved the wave for a new type of author. These authors wrote for a large audience and portrayed the everyday life of the ordinary man, not just kings and knights as in the old tales and poems. Historians and literary scholars have recently argued that the 18th century novel can be a productive source of economic knowledge by showing the inner motivations and moral ideas connected to the material world. Previous studies have argued that the 18th century novel can be viewed as moral guidelines for consumption. In this thesis, I argue something more profound: that the novel can be seen as moral guidelines for the whole of the economic life at the dawn of the modern-day economy. This thesis analyses novels, written between 1839-1860, by three of the most sold and most influential of the new novelists in the form of Carl Jonas Love Almqvist, Emilie Flygare-Carlén and Fredrika Bremer. By using Luc Boltanski's and Laurent Thévenot's theory of justification I show how the novels inscribed different moral ideas into economic life. The study shows that the idea of the moral merchant and moral market is prevalent in most of the novels. They speak to a need for moral market actors to counteract immoral and selfish actors.
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Imagining Great Britain, Europe and the Colonies in the Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure (1747-1814). An Enquiry into the foundation of BritishnessFerro, Gaia 28 June 2024 (has links)
The 18th century witnessed a significant evolution of national identities across the European continent. In Great Britain, this process encountered challenges in reconciling three distinct regional identities: Scotland, Ireland, and England retained separate identities characterized by distinct customs, histories, and traditions. Consequently, efforts to cultivate a shared sense of Britishness turned to the English periodical press. The increasing readership of newspapers played a pivotal role in defining a cohesive British national identity. This thesis examines the emergence of Britishness within a specific monthly periodical, the Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure (1747-1814). As implied by its title, the Universal Magazine sought to cover a diverse array of topics in its articles, making its contribution to fostering a sense of national unity indispensable. In line with the notion of a gradual emergence of national identity in Great Britain, this thesis investigates the role of print culture in shaping Britishness. Emphasizing themes concerning the relationship between Great Britain and other national identities, including internal divisions within the British Isles, the study explores how cultural and political developments influenced conceptions of British identity and national and international politics. Thus, the thesis aligns with the concept of a national identity forged in response to 18th-century events in Europe and North America. Using the Universal Magazine as a primary source, this study analyzes a selection of articles relevant to the aforementioned themes. This selection was curated following a preliminary process of cataloguing and indexing all articles published in the magazine during its existence (1747-1814), given the absence of prior studies on this specific periodical. Ultimately, the thesis aims to provide insights into the themes and political inclinations of the Universal Magazine. In line with the perspectives of scholars such as L. Colley and B. Anderson, who advocate for the national press as a unifying force, this thesis offers a conceptual framework for understanding the connections between Great Britain and continental Enlightenment culture. It demonstrates how this intersection influenced the formation of Britishness. / Il XVIII secolo vide una significativa evoluzione delle identità nazionali in tutto il continente europeo. In ambito britannico, questo processo ha dovuto scontrarsi con l’esistenza tre distinte identità regionali: Scozia, Irlanda e Inghilterra hanno mantenuto una propria unicità
culturale, caratterizzata da miti storici, credenze e percorsi religioso-culturali distinti.
Di conseguenza, gli sforzi per coltivare un senso condiviso di britannicità si sono rivolti alla stampa periodica inglese, in accordo con la crescente importanza che tale mezzo aveva guadagnato tra la fine del XVII secolo e l’inizio del XVIII. Il crescente numero di lettori dei periodici londinesi ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale nella definizione di un’identità nazionale britannica coesa. Questa tesi esamina l'emergere della Britishness all'interno di uno specifico
periodico mensile, lo Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure (1747-1814). Come suggerisce il titolo, lo Universal Magazine ha cercato di trattare nei suoi articoli una vasta gamma di argomenti, rendendo indispensabile il suo contributo alla promozione di un senso di unità nazionale. In linea con l’idea dell’emergere graduale di un’identità nazionale in Gran Bretagna, questa tesi vuole indagare il ruolo della cultura della stampa nel plasmare la Britishness. Esaminando gli articoli riguardanti il rapporto tra la Gran Bretagna e altre identità nazionali, comprese le identità regionali di Scozia, Irlanda e Inghilterra, lo studio esplora come gli sviluppi culturali e politici del lungo Settecento abbiano influenzato le concezioni dell'identità britannica e della politica nazionale e internazionale. Pertanto, la tesi ricerca il concetto di identità nazionale come forgiata in risposta agli eventi del XVIII secolo in Europa e Nord America. Utilizzando lo Universal Magazine come fonte primaria, questo studio analizza una selezione di articoli pertinenti ai temi sopra menzionati. Questa selezione è stata curata a seguito di un processo di catalogazione e indicizzazione di tutti gli articoli pubblicati sulla rivista nel corso della sua esistenza (1747-1814), data l'assenza di studi su questo specifico periodico. Di conseguenza, la tesi si propone di fornire approfondimenti sui temi e sulle inclinazioni politiche dello Universal Magazine. In linea con le prospettive di studiosi come L. Colley e B. Anderson, che sostengono la stampa nazionale come fattore culturalmente unificante, questa tesi offre un quadro concettuale per comprendere le connessioni tra la Gran Bretagna e la cultura illuminista continentale, dimostrando come questa intersezione abbia influenzato la formazione della britannicità. / Im 18. Jahrhundert kam es auf dem gesamten europäischen Kontinent zu einer bedeutenden Entwicklung nationaler Identitäten. In Großbritannien stieß dieser Prozess auf die Herausforderung, drei unterschiedliche regionale Identitäten in Einklang zu bringen: Schottland, Irland und England behielten getrennte Identitäten bei, die durch unterschiedliche Bräuche, Geschichten und Traditionen gekennzeichnet waren.
Folglich wandten sich die Bemühungen, ein gemeinsames Gefühl der britischen Identität zu kultivieren, der englischen Zeitschriftenpresse zu. Die zunehmende Leserschaft von Zeitungen spielte eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Definition einer kohärenten britischen
Nationalidentität. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Entstehung des Britentums innerhalb einer bestimmten Monatszeitschrift, dem Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure (1747-1814). Wie der Titel schon andeutet, wollte das Universal Magazine in seinen Artikeln ein vielfältiges Themenspektrum abdecken und leistete damit einen unverzichtbaren Beitrag zur Förderung des Gefühls der nationalen Einheit. Im Einklang mit der Vorstellung einer allmählichen Entstehung nationaler Identität in Großbritannien untersucht diese Arbeit die Rolle der Druckkultur bei der Gestaltung des Britentums. Die Studie konzentriert sich auf Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Beziehung zwischen Großbritannien und anderen nationalen Identitäten, einschließlich interner Spaltungen innerhalb der britischen Inseln, und untersucht, wie kulturelle und politische Entwicklungen die Vorstellungen von britischer Identität sowie nationaler und internationaler Politik beeinflussten. Somit steht die These im Einklang mit dem Konzept einer nationalen Identität, die als Reaktion auf die Ereignisse des 18. Jahrhunderts in Europa und Nordamerika geschaffen wurde. Unter Verwendung des Universal Magazine als Primärquelle analysiert diese Studie eine Auswahl von Artikeln, die für die oben genannten Themen relevant sind. Diese Auswahl wurde nach einem vorläufigen Prozess der Katalogisierung und Indexierung aller in der Zeitschrift während ihres Bestehens (1747-1814) veröffentlichten Artikel zusammengestellt, da keine früheren Studien zu dieser speziellen Zeitschrift vorliegen. Letztlich soll die Arbeit Einblicke in die Themen und politischen Ausrichtungen des Universal Magazine geben. Im Einklang mit den Perspektiven von Wissenschaftlern wie L. Colley und B. Anderson, die sich für die nationale Presse als vereinende Kraft einsetzen, bietet diese Arbeit einen konzeptionellen Rahmen für das Verständnis der Verbindungen zwischen Großbritannien und der kontinentalen Aufklärungskultur. Es zeigt, wie diese Schnittstelle die Entstehung des Britischen Wesens beeinflusste.
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