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Difference in estimated VO2max between the 30-15 intermittent fitness-test and 20-meter shuttle test in amateur floorball-players.Råsäter, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Background: Floorball is a sport where not a lot of research have been done, it is a young sport and up until now it has only been played in Europe. The sport is in present days growing rapidly in popularity and is expanding worldwide. Because of the lack of research coaches have little knowledge regarding VO2max testing within the sport. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare results of both a 30-15 intermittent fitness test (IFT) and a 20-meter shuttle test (beep test) and see if there is a difference between estimated VO2max for athletes playing floorball. The hypothesis was that because the 30-15IFT mimics the movement pattern of floorball more than the beep test does, athletes playing this sports should score a higher result in the 30-15IFT. Methods: The study was done on fifteen sub-elite floorball players (8 male and 7 female) aged 20.6 years ± SD 3.5. The test persons performed two aerobic fitness tests, Beep test and 30-15IFT. The beep test consists of a number of 20 meter shuttle runs with increased speeds every minute and the 30-15IFT consists of 30 seconds of running followed by 15 seconds of rest with increased running speed every 45 seconds. A paired sample t-test was used to compare the estimated VO2max results of both tests. Results: Results show that 66% test persons scored a higher result in the 30-15IFT compared to the beep test. However, there was no statistical difference between the two tests. The players scored a mean value of 48.3 ml/kg/min ± 3.8 during the 30-15IFT and 45.4 ml/kg/min during the beep test ± 5.9, p=0.06 Conclusion: The 30-15IFT is equally as good as the beep test at estimating VO2max in floorball players. A factor that might have affected the results was that the formula for calculating VO2max in the beep test does not take age and weight into consideration while the formula for the 30-15IFT does. In the future, work should be done at “constructing” a new formula for the beep test.
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Effects Of Muscle Fatigue On Shooting Accuracy In Handball PlayersSimsek, Beyza 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of muscle fatigue on shooting accuracy in male handball players. Sixteen elite young male handball players (age: 17.12± / 1.74 year / height: 185.26± / 7.17 / body mass: 78.93± / 11.07) volunteered to participate in the study. The study composed of laboratory and field test sessions. In the laboratory test, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) obtained from treadmill running test, blood lactate concentration, heart rate monitoring at resting and every 3 minutes during running were measured. Running speed equal to 75% speed at VO2max values of participants was used as initial velocity for 30-15 intermittent fitness test (30-15IFT). In the field tests, after determined the optimum shooting velocity of each participant, they shots to each targets placed at the four corner of the handball goal 4 times, totally 16 times. Blood lactate concentration was measured from the earlobe of participant who completed shooting to target test session. Then, 30-15IFT was applied as fatigue protocol and at the end of the test, blood lactate concentration was measured again and participant repeated shooting to target test session immediately after fatigue protocol. During all shooting procedures, acceleration of wrist and speed of ball were recorded. Blood lactate concentration over 8mmol/L,
90% of HRmax, respiratory exchange ratio> / 1 and exhaustion of participant accepted ending criteria for the tests. As a result, no significant differences were found between pre-fatigue and post-fatigue protocols in terms of accurate and inaccurate shots. Shooting consistency, ball speed, response time, X, Y, Z axis of wrist acceleration variables highly correlated each other in terms of shooting accuracy both in pre and post fatigue conditions. Shooting consistency has an effect on accurate shots. Ball velocity has effect on inaccurate shots in pre-fatigue condition. However, none of variable has effect on accurate and inaccurate shots in post-fatigue conditions. In pre-fatigue conditions, right to left motion of wrist (X axis) was the most important motion, back to forward motion (y axis) was became more important in post fatigue condition.
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Vilket intermittent uthållighetstest korrelerar bäst med Repeated Sprint Ability Test- Yo-Yo IR1 eller 30-15 IFT? : En studie på damfotbollsspelare / Which Intermittent fitness test correlate best with Repeated Sprint Ability Test- Yo-Yo IR1 or 30-15 IFT? : A study on female soccer playersNelin, Frida, Vesterberg, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att prestera på elitnivå behöver Fotbollsspelare en välutvecklad aerob och anaerob effekt och kapacitet. Repeated sprint ability (RSA) är en anaerob förmåga som kan avgöra många matchsituationer, till exempel bollinnehav och målchanser. För att testa RSA görs ett repeated sprint ability test (RST). Syreupptagningsförmågan testas ofta genom olika konditionstester. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka korrelationen mellan RST, Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 test (Yo-Yo IR1) och 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT). Metod: Nio damfotbollsspelare som randomiserades in i två grupper (Grupp 1, n=5, 22±3 år, kroppsvikt 64±12,8 kg och grupp 2, n=4, 20±3 år, kroppsvikt 64,2±2,4 kg). Deltagarna genomförde antingen RST och/eller Yo-Yo IR1 vid ett tillfälle och vid nästa tillfälle RST och/eller 30-15IFT. Alla tester skedde utomhus på en konstgräsplan. På Yo-Yo IR1 och 30-15IFT dokumenterades sluthastigheten. På RST dokumenterades den totala sprinttiden (RSTtotal) och %trötthet mellan bästa sprinten jämfört med resterande sprinter (RST%dec). Resultatet på testerna presenteras som en grupp i medelvärde och standardavvikelse (SD). Uträkningen av korrelationen användes Pearsons Korrelationskoefficient (r). Statistisk nivå för signifikans var p <0.05. Resultat: Korrelationen mellan Yo-Yo IR1 mot 30-15IFT samt 30-15IFT mot RSTtotal hade en väldigt stark statistiskt signifikant korrelation (r = 0.855; respektive r= -0.721). Det fanns inte någon statistiskt signifikant korrelation mellan Yo-Yo IR1 mot RSTtotal, IRL mot RST%dec, och 30-15IFT mot RST%dec (r= -0.704; r=0.209 respektive r=-0.02). Konklusion: Resultaten indikerar att det finns en väldigt stark korrelation mellan Yo-Yo IR1 och 30-15IFT och fördelar mot nackdelar bör vägas för att använda vilket test. 30-15IFT verkar använda en högre andel RSA eftersom det hade en starkare korrelation till RST än Yo-Yo IR1.
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