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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oxidation und epitaktische Oxidation von Nickel und Nickellegierung / Oxidation and epitaxial oxidation of Nickel and Nickel alloys

Brandt, Cirsten Maja 16 August 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Epitaktisches Wachstum und Charakterisierung ultradünner Eisenoxidschichten auf Magnesiumoxid(001)

Zimmermann, Bernd Josef 17 September 2010 (has links)
Since many years, the importance of thin layers increases for lots of technical uses. Beginning in the field of microelectronics, the use of thin layers spread increasingly to other areas. Coatings for surface refining and optimisation of the mechanical properties for material engineering, customisation of the surface chemistry in catalysts, as well influencing of the transmission and reflection characteristics of surfaces in optics are only some examples of the high scientific and economic weight of the thin layer technology. Thin magnetic layers are the basis of many known storage media ranging from the tape recorder to the hard disk up to the credit card. Nowadays, these thin layers again gain interest in the research field of nanoelectronics as ultrathin layers. So-called spinvalve-read/write heads being already installed in actual hard disks use the Tunnel Magneto Resistance effect for a significant rise in memory density synonymous capacity. Such read/writeheads consist of a magnetic layersystem. This use of the magnetic as well as the electric characteristics of the electrons is called spintronics. The iron oxide magnetite exhibits a high iron portion, is strong antiferrimagnetic and has a high Curie-temperature. Since many years, it is used as a magnetic pigment on already mentioned magnetic tapes. Literature [1, 2, 3, 4] considers ultrathin epitaxial layers of magnetite on magnesium oxide for uses in the spintronics as a most promising candidate, because it inheres a complete spin polarisation at Fermi-level. Moreover, thin magnetite layers serve in the chemical industry as a catalyst in the Haber- Bosch-procedure and to the dehydration of ethylbenzene to styrene. Being already used and considered to be of ongoing interest, ultrathin magnetite layers offer a wide range of technological applications in many modern industrial and scientific fields. Because there is, nevertheless, a variety of other iron oxide (cf. chapter 4), it is a matter to determine the special growth conditions of magnetite. These ultrathin iron oxide layers were grown reactively on the (001)-surfaces of the magnesium oxide substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. Besides, the surface is examined by the diffraction of low-energy electrons concerning its crystalline structure. X-ray photo electron spectroscopy approaching the stochiometry completes these first characterisations. Other investigations are carried out at HASYLAB / DESY in Hamburg by X-ray reflectivity and X-ray diffraction. The exact thickness of the layers, its crystal properties in bulk, as well as the thickness of the crystalline portion of the layers can be determined among other features of the system. The evaluation of XRR-and XRD-investigations is done via simulations with in chapter 5 introduced software packages. The reader finds the theoretical backgrounds to the used techniques in chapter 3. The experimental setups in Osnabr¨uck and Hamburg as well as the backgrounds to the preparation are presented in chapter 5. Because the formation of the different iron oxides is described in literature [5, 6, 7, 8] as mostly depending on annealing temperatures, the experimental results in chapter 6 are graded accordingly. The dependence on temperature, layer thickness and annealing time should be examined for the iron oxides possible on this substrate. The aim of this work is the preparation of ultrathin epitaxial iron oxide layers with thicknesses up to few nanometers. The main goal is to find the growth parameters for ultrathin crystalline magnetite layers.

Praseodymia on non-passivated and passivated Si(111) surfaces

Gevers, Sebastian 04 July 2011 (has links)
In the presented thesis thin praseodymia films on non-passivated and passivated Si(111) substrates were investigated. The first part deals with PDA of praseodymia films with fluorite structure under UHV conditions in the temperature region from RT to 600°C. Here, a sophisticated model of the annealing process of praseodymia films is established. This is done by detailed analysis of XRD measurements using the kinematic diffraction theory in combination with the analysis of GIXRD, XRR and SPA-LEED measurements. It is shown that the untreated films, which are oxidized in 1 atm oxygen to obtain fluorite structure, do not exhibit pure PrO2 stoichiometry as it was assumed before. Instead, they decompose into two laterally coexisting species exhibiting a PrO2 and a Pr6O11. oxide phase, respectively. These species are laterally pinned to the lattice parameter of bulk Pr6O11. Homogeneous oxide films with Pr6O11 phase can be observed after annealing at 100°C and 150°C. Here, lateral strain caused by the pinning of the species is minimized and an increase of the crystallite sizes is determined. If higher annealing temperatures are applied, the film decomposes again into two coexisting species. Finally, after annealing at 300°C, a mixed crystalline film with both Pr2O3 and Pr2O3+Delta oxide phases is formed, where Delta denotes a considerable excess of oxygen within the sesquioxide phase. Again the lateral strain increases due to the tendency of praseodymia phases to increase their lattice parameters during oxygen loss combined with the lateral pinning. This is accompanied by a decrease of crystallite sizes, which are afterwards comparable to those of the untreated films. Further annealing at temperatures above 300°C does not significantly change the structure of the oxide film. However, the increase of the amorphous Pr-silicate interface between Si substrate and oxide at the expense of the crystalline oxide can be observed after annealing at higher temperatures. Furthermore, an increased mosaic spread of the crystallites occurs, which reduces the lateral strain caused by the oxygen loss. Nevertheless, the crystalline structure is stable against further annealing up to temperatures of 600°C. Transportation of the sample under ambient conditions after annealing at 200°C and 300°C leads to the formation of an additional crystalline structure at the surface which cannot be allocated to any praseodymia phase and may be explained by the contamination of the topmost crystalline layers with Pr-hydroxides. The results obtained from praseodymia films annealed in 1 atm nitrogen show that these films are good candidates to form homogeneous oxide films with pure cub-Pr2O3 structure by subsequent annealing in UHV. Here, a single oxide species is already observed after annealing at 300°C by SPA-LEED measurements which is in contrast to praseodymia films with fluorite structure where higher annealing temperatures (600°C) are necessary. In this case, negative effects like interface growth or increased defect density (mosaics, grain boundaries) can be minimized. Investigations on oxygen plasma-treated praseodymia films to obtain pure PrO2 stoichiometry are presented in the second part. Oxygen plasma-treated samples are compared with samples oxidized in 1 atm oxygen regarding the structure of the crystalline film. For this purpose, XRR and XRD measurements are performed to get structural information of the oxide film, which can be used to identify the corresponding oxide phases. Here, significantly smaller lattice constants of the crystalline oxide species can be observed after plasma treatment, which points to the incorporation of additional oxygen atoms. This verifies former studies, where a higher oxidation state of the oxide film was found by XPS measurements and it shows that plasma-treated films exhibit a higher oxidation state than films oxidized in 1 atm oxygen due to the availability of reactive atomic oxygen in the plasma. Furthermore, the Pr-silicate interface between crystalline film and Si substrate is not increased during plasma treatment. In the last part of the presented thesis, first results from the epitaxy of praseodymia films on Cl-passivated Si substrates are shown. The aim is to suppress the Pr-silicate formation during the growth process. Thus, praseodymia films are grown on passivated and non-passivated substrates to compare the crystallinity of both samples using XSW and LEED measurements. The structure of the oxide films on Cl-passivated Si is determined afterwards by XRR. It is shown that crystalline films with cub-Pr2O3 structure and several nanometer thickness can be successfully grown on Cl-passivated substrates. Here, the Pr-silicate interface layer are restricted to a single mono-layer. In contrast, the films grown on non-passivated substrates are completely amorphous containing Pr-silicates and Pr-silicides.

Investigation of the magnetic and electronic structure of Fe in molecules and chalcogenide systems

Taubitz, Christian 09 June 2010 (has links)
In this work the electronic and magnetic structure of the crystals Sr2FeMoO6, Fe0.5Cu0.5Cr2S4, LuFe2O4 and the molecules FeStar, Mo72Fe30, W72Fe30 are investigated by means of X-ray spectroscopic techniques. These advanced materials exhibit very interesting properties like magnetoresistance or multiferroic behaviour. In case of the molecules they also could be used as spin model systems. A long standing issue concerning the investigation of these materials are contradicting results found for the magnetic and electronic state of the iron (Fe) ions present in these compounds. Therefore this work focuses on the Fe state of these materials in order to elucidate reasons for these problems. Thereby the experimental results are compared to multiplet simulations.

Nichtlineare Optik mit ultrakurzen Laserpulsen: Suszeptibilität dritter Ordnung und kleine Polaronen sowie Interferenz und Holographie verschiedenfarbiger Laserpulse

Badorreck, Holger 13 June 2016 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die nichtlinearen optischen Eigenschaften der Materialien Lithiumniobat und Di-Zinn-Hexathiohypodiphosphat aufgrund der Suszeptibilität 3. Ordnung und kleiner Polaronen untersucht. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass die Interferenz verschiedenfarbiger Laserpulse die Aufzeichnung von statischen und dynamischen holographischen Gittern ermöglicht. Ein Teil dieser Arbeit ist in den im Anhang angegebenen 6 Publikationen bereits veröffentlicht. Lithiumniobat wird mit einer Erweiterung des Z-Scan Experiments untersucht, welches die Pulslängenabhängige Messung der nichtlinearen Absorption und der nichtlinearen Brechungsindexänderung ermöglicht. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass bei sehr kurzen Pulslängen von 70 fs ein Effekt der Polaronen auf die nichtlineare Absorption vernachlässigbar ist und die Zwei-Photonen-Absorption die nichtlineare Absorption dominiert. Mit größerer Pulslänge gibt es allerdings Abweichungen zwischen der Theorie der Zwei-Photonen-Absorption und den Messergebnissen. Mit der Entwicklung eines Polaronen-Anregungs-Modells, welches eine polaronische Absorption aufgrund wiederholtem optisch induziertem Hopping annimmt, konnte dieser Effekt konsistent erklärt werden. Die Messungen der nichtlinearen Brechungsindexänderung lassen darauf schließen, dass sowohl freie Ladungsträger als auch kleine Polaronen neben der Suszeptibilität 3. Ordnung einen Einfluss auf die Brechungsindexänderung haben, da eine nichtlineare Abhängigkeit von der Intensität auch bei Pulslängen von 70 fs festgestellt werden konnte. Analog dazu konnte in Di-Zinn-Hexathiohypodiphosphat ein großer Zwei-Photonen-Absorptionskoeffizient festgestellt werden, welcher für Photonenenergien nahe der Bandkante Werte zeigt, die größer sind als theoretischen Überlegungen zeigen. Eine transiente Absorption nach optischer Anregung, gemessen durch ein Anreg-Abtast-Experiment, sowie Literatur legen nahe, dass in Di-Zinn-Hexathiohypodiphosphat gebundene Lochpolaronen durch optische Anregung entstehen können. Durch den hohen Zwei-Photonen-Absorptionskoeffizienten konnte das Aufzeichnen eines kontrastreichen, dynamischen Amplitudengitters mittels Femtosekundenpulsen gezeigt und nachgewiesen werden. Die Kürze der Femtosekundenpulse ermöglicht aber nicht nur das Aufzeichnen eines Zwei-Photonen-Absorptionsgitters aufgrund der hohen Intensitäten, sondern erlaubt zudem die Beobachtung von Interferenz zwischen verschiedenfarbigen Pulsen. In der Zeitspanne der Pulslänge beträgt die Bewegung der Interferenzstreifen, welche in der Größenordnung der Lichtgeschwindigkeit liegt, nur ein Bruchteil der Streifendistanz, sodass das Interferenzmuster eingefroren und beobachtbar erscheint. Somit lassen sich statische Hologramme in holographischen Filmen, wie auch dynamische Hologramme aufzeichnen. Über ein dynamisches holographisches Gitter mittels Zwei-Photonen-Absorption konnte so eine Frequenzkonversion durch Dopplerverschiebung in Lithiumniobat gezeigt werden.

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