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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroresistiver Effekt im sauerstoffdefizitären Manganit Nd2/3Sr1/3MnO3-/δ

Morsakov, Wladimir 11 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Structure and magnetocrystalline anisotropy of interlayer modified ultrathin epitaxial magnetite films on MgO(001)

Schemme, Tobias 27 January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis the influence of different growth conditions on the structural and the magnetic properties of magnetite were analyzed. Therefore, ultrathin Fe3O4 films were grown on MgO(001) substrates, on NiO, and on Fe pre-covered MgO(001) substrates. In the first part of this thesis magnetite films with different film thicknesses were deposited directly on MgO by RMBE to investigate the thickness dependence of the anomalous strain and the in-plane magnetic anisotropy. Surface sensitive methods like XPS and LEED have shown that all films in the investigated thickness range are stoichiometric and epitactic magnetite. Bulk sensitive XRD experiments at the specular rod point to well-ordered films with homogenous film thickness indicated by the distinct Laue oscillations. However, the vertical layer distances are smaller than expected even for strained magnetite. Raman measurements were carried out to clarify this contradiction between surface sensitive and bulk sensitive measurements. While the 20 nm and 30 nm films exhibit the typical bands for magnetite, no distinct bands can be observed for the 7.6 nm film. Due to this results we first assume a partial formation of a thin maghemite layer on top of the uncapped magnetite film under ambient conditions. Nevertheless, additional XPS measurement exclude the complete oxidation of magnetite to maghemite since there is no significantly increased Fe3+-signal visible. Thus, the low vertical layer distance can be attributed to the presence of APBs causing an anomalous strain relaxation as reported in literature. Although all films feature ferromagnetic behavior there are differences in the characteristic of the magnetic in-plane anisotropy. The 7.6 nm film has an in-plane magnetic isotropy while the 20 nm and 30 nm film have an in-plane fourfold magnetic anisotropy. Here, the fourfold magnetic anisotropy is stronger for the 20 nm magnetite film than for the 30 nm film. The critical film thickness for the transition from magnetic isotropy to magnetic fourfold anisotropy may be influenced by film thickness and lattice strain induced by the substrate. The second part of this thesis features the thickness dependence of the structural quality of Fe3O4/NiO bilayers. Each film of the Fe3O4/NiO bilayer on MgO(001) have been successfully grown by RMBE. LEED and XPS experiments have proven that the surface near regions of the distinct films have high structural and stoichiometric properties. Here, too, the detailed ’bulk’ structural characterization of Fe3O4/NiO bilayers were carried out using XRD. It was shown that the Fe3O4 films grow homogeneously and smoothly on NiO films if the NiO film thickness is below 24 nm. Above this NiO film thickness the structural quality of the magnetite films gets distinctly worse. This behavior can be attributed to the fact that the interface roughness between NiO and Fe3O4 depends on the NiO film thickness. The roughness of the 3 nm NiO film is rather small and it is rising obviously with increasing NiO film thickness. Thus, the structural quality of the magnetite films grown on 30 nm NiO films is constantly reduced with increasing magnetite film thickness since the quality of the Fe3O4 films is influenced by the quality of the Fe3O4/NiO interface. In the third study the influence of initial iron buffer layers on the magnetic properties of magnetite grown on MgO(001) substrates has been investigated. In situ XPS and LEED indicate that the structural and stoichiometric properties of the surface near region of the magnetite films are not influenced by the iron buffer layer. However, the structural and magnetic properties of the whole film have changed compared to magnetite grown directly on MgO as shown by XRD and MOKE. The crystalline quality is poor and the magnetic easy axis of the magnetic in-plane anisotropy is rotated by 45◦ compared to magnetite films grown directly on MgO. Both crystalline quality and the rotation of the magnetic in-plane anisotropy show no dependence on the film thickness. However, the strength of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy decreases with increasing film thickness. XPS and XRD measurements have indicated that the iron buffer layer is completely oxidized during the second growth stage of the magnetite. The small Kerr rotation in the MOKE experiments of the samples with film thicknesses up to 28 nm confirms this result since a remaining iron film would cause a higher Kerr rotation. In the last part of this thesis the structural and magnetic properties of a partially oxidized, a completely oxidized and a metallic iron film are analyzed. The partially oxidized iron film is a bilayer with a metallic iron film and an iron oxide film. The surface near stoichiometry of both oxidized iron films correspond to magnetite as proven by XPS. The structural analysis by XRD reveals that though these magnetite films are crystalline, they have an inhomogeneous thickness. The magnetization curves of the partially oxidized film (bilayer) measured by MOKE exhibit a magnetic saturation which is comparable to the magnetic saturation of the single metallic iron film. However, the coercive field is higher compared to the single metallic iron film due to the high interface roughnesses. Considering the coercive field as a function of the sample rotation α the bilayer exhibits a fourfold anisotropy with eight maxima. However, the angular dependence of the magnetic remanence features a simple fourfold anisotropy with easy axes in h110i directions of MgO(001). Vector MOKE analysis displays that the magnetic reversal processes of the bilayer are similar to single metallic iron films. Thus, the bilayer exhibits mostly the magnetic properties of a single iron film. The bilayer has the same magnetic easy axis and a similar magnetic saturation. The magnetic easy axis of the magnetic in-plane anisotropy of the completely oxidized iron film is rotated by 45◦ compared to magnetite films grown directly on MgO as already observed in Ref. [148]. The completely oxidized iron film exhibits also a significantly increased coercive field due to high surface roughness. A magneto-dynamic investigation of the exchange-coupling of the Fe3O4/Fe bilayer system was carried out to yield all relevant magnetic parameters, such as anisotropies, as well as the coupling constant J1. Here, also a complex fourfold anisotropy was observed, which might be due to a coupling of a perpendicular spin-wave mode in the magnetite layer with the acoustical coupling mode. We have also successfully calculated the angular dependence of the resonance field of all films using the eighth order of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Although we have applied many measurement methods, we have found no explanation for the complex fourfold angular dependence of the coercive field of the bilayer. Nevertheless, this bilayer provides interesting properties for application in MTJs due to its enhanced magnetic properties like complex fourfold magnetic anisotropy and higher coercive field and remanence. All in all, we have shown that the structural and magnetic properties of magnetite films are strongly influenced by interlayers between film and substrate. While magnetite films directly deposited on MgO exhibit a homogeneous film thickness, both NiO interlayers with a thickness above 24 nm and initially grown iron films deteriorate the structural quality of the on top grown magnetite films. In addition, the magnetic fourfold anisotropy is rotated by 45◦ in comparison to magnetite films grown directly on MgO for the structurally disturbed magnetite on iron pre-covered MgO substrates. Here, further investigations are necessary to understand why this anisotropy rotation occurs and how we can improve the structural quality of magnetite on iron and NiO. The growth of magnetite by oxidizing previously deposited iron films leads to crystalline magnetite films but with inhomogeneous film thicknesses. In case of a Fe3O4/Fe bilayer, the magnetic properties are drastically changed due to the magnetic coupling between the iron and the magnetite film.

Charakterisierung elektronischer und magnetischer Eigenschaften in Seltenen Erd-Borkarbiden / Characterisation of electronic and magnetic properties in Rare Earth-Borocarbides

Krug, Klaus 21 June 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchung des elektrischen Widerstandsschaltens perowskitischer Manganatfilme auf der Nanometerskala / Nanometer scale studies of the electrically induced resistive switching of perovskite manganites

Krisponeit, Jon-Olaf 13 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Magnetic field effects on the local tunneling conductivity of La0.75 Ca0.25 MnO3 /MgO thin films / Magnetfeldeffekte auf die lokale Tunnelleitfähigkeit von dünnen La0.75 Ca0.25 MnO3 /MgO Filmen

Köster, Sigrun A. 10 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Tailoring the properties of metamaterials for linear and nonlinear applications

Sydoruk, Oleksiy 13 June 2007 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to magnetic metamaterials operating in the frequency range of 10 MHz 1 GHz. Mechanisms of tailoring the properties of metamaterials are developed and a number of linear and nonlinear applications is proposed.In Chapter 1, the introduction to the field of metamaterials is given and the main goal of the thesis is defined as the search for possible applications of low-frequency metamaterials. The main motivation is the potential of magnetic metamaterials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).Chapter 2 briefly summarizes the near-field properties of magnetic metamaterials. Magnetic coupling between a pair of metamaterial elements is described and magnetoinductive (MI) waves propagating on the metamaterials arrays are introduced.In Chapter 3, the magnetic coupling between the elements is studied in more detail. Based on the analogy between MI waves and acoustic waves in solids, "diatomic" metamaterial arrays having two elements per unit cell are introduced. It is shown that by changing the resonant frequencies of the elements and the coupling between them it is possible to acquire additional freedom in tailoring the dispersion properties of MI waves compared to simple "monatomic" configurations.In Chapter 4, various linear applications of metamaterials are discussed. They are shift-dependent transmission, subwavelength imaging and focusing, and rotational resonance of MI waves. It is shown that the microscopic model based on taking the interaction between the elements into account allows for reliable explanation of the phenomena studied.In Chapter 5, a nonlinear application, parametric amplification of MI waves, is discussed. It is shown that parametric amplification can lead to the compensation of loss in metamaterials and to increase of the power extracted from an MRI detection system.Conclusions are drawn and possible directions for future work are determined in Chapter 6.

Amorphe weichmagnetische CoFeNiSiB-Detektionsschichten in Spinventilen / Amorphous soft magnetic CoFeNiSiB detection layers in spinvalves

Käufler, Andrea Regina 16 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Entwicklung eines quantitativen Verfahrens zur Streufeld- und Magnetisierungsbestimmung magnetischer Strukturen / Development of a quantitative method for the determination of the stray field and the magnetization of magnetic structures

Dreyer, Sebastian 03 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Magnetische Grenzflächeneffekte in Doppellagen aus V2O3 und den ferromagnetisch geordneten Übergangsmetallen / Magnetic properties of bilayers consisting of V2O3 and magnetically ordered transition metals

Sass, Björn 24 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Grenzflächeneffekte in Manganatschichten / Interfacial effects in manganite thin films

Esseling, Markus 10 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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