Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3D model"" "subject:"3D godel""
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Vytvoření podpůrných výukových prostředků pro kurz Moderní počítačová grafika / Creating 3D models supporting Modern computer graphics courseSilber, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two parts, where the first part is focused on an overview and work with 3D software at Czech universities, it includes a comparison of the different programs and description of history of Blender programme which was the one chosen as support for teaching the Modern computer graphics course. The second part of the thesis is more focused on practical matters and describes the basic workings of the programme from the first start up, orientation in the different sections and the settings of the work space for the work itself. The thesis details basic transformation commands of change of location, rotation and change of scale of objects and editing commands like copying, deleting, hiding and duplication of individual objects including their theoretical descriptions. Work with lightings continues after the transformation commands including practical examples of different types of lighting. Work with materials and textures is described in the last two chapters. The goal of this thesis is to describe how to work with the Blender programme and basic work with objects and assigning individual materials and textures for objects and the lighting in a scene for people unfamiliar with the programme.
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Mobilní mapování v architektuře / Using of Mobile Mapping in ArchitectureDeutsch, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the application and using of mobile mapping in architecture. After getting to know the mobile mapping system MOMAS, which was developed by Geodis Brno, spol. s.r.o., in this way some localities in Brno were measured. From that measuring was chosen the facade of Dům Milady Horákové, and by post-processing was the facade compiled and created into 3D model. In addition the control measuring was done by non-prism method, following the assessment of accuracy.
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Dvoudobý motor pro malou mechanizaci / 2-stroke Engine for Small MechanizationBöhm, Milan January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis includes progress constructional design of 2 - stroke engine for small mechanization, using modern tools of computer aided design. In the first part is mentioned short summary contemporary types small mechanization with 2 - stroke engines. Follows part devoted conceptual design with calculation of the main dimensions of engine cylinder. After assesment strength load of cranked mechanism, is effected stress analysis of connection rod, whose design and modeling is part of work, how by the help of analytical figures from appropriate literature so by final element method. Last part of those work is estimation results with presentation parameters, which affect power of 2 - stroke engines for small mechanization.
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Technologický manipulátor udírny / Technological manipulator of smoking-chamberGajdušek, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This work designs overall structural design of technological manipulator of smoking- chamber, which serves to move the trolleys with food between smoking and chilling chamber. Chambers are connected in a single device. Trolleys are considered with full and uniformly distributed load. Work includes a 3D model of equipment and production documentation.
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Animovaný 3D model / Animated 3D ModelKonečný, Kamil January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with production of three-dimensional animated model. Thesis is about model of billiard table and visualization of balls motion on its surface. Using simulation methods to solve the problem of balls motion is the goal of this work. This thesis contains summary of physical phenomena which describe the ball motion. There are also animation and simulation techniques which are used to create a model involved in this work. This thesis also deals with description of software, which can be used to create a three-dimensional model, animation and define user interaction. The second part of thesis describes how simulation program and visualization application was made. In the end, there are charts which describe ball behaviour involved in this work.
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Modelling 3D Forest Structure for Improved Retrieval of Forest Biophysical Properties / Modelling 3D Forest Structure for Improved Retrieval of Forest Biophysical PropertiesJanoutová, Růžena January 2017 (has links)
Hlavním cílem práce bylo zlepšení kvantitativních odhadů vegetačních parametrů smrkových porostů pomocí spektrálních simulací trojrozměrného modelu přenosu záření. Prvně bylo potřeba vytvořit přesný 3D model smrku. Implementace přesného 3D modelu smrku pro parametrizaci celých lesních porostů je v současné době výpočetně nemožné, bylo tedy nutné tento 3D model smrku zjednodušit. Přesný 3D model smrku společně s dostupnými leteckými daty sloužil pro nalezení optimálního zjednodušení. Optimální model vedl ke kompromisu mezi výpočetní náročností a přesností výsledné odrazivosti z modelu přenosu záření. Následně byl optimální model smrku využit pro odhady vegetačních parametrů ze satelitních snímků. Přesnost odhadů byla ověřena oproti pozemním měřením odhadovaných parametrů. Na závěr byly porovnány výsledky z odhadů vegetačních parametrů pomocí optimálního 3D modelu smrku s výsledky z tradičního přístupu pomocí modelů stromu s geometricky jednodušími tvary korun.
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Analyse des effets directs de rayonnements ionisants à différents TELs dans un modèle expérimental in vitro de cartilage humain sain et pathologique / Analysis of the Direct Effects of Ionizing Rdiation of Different LETs in 3D Reconstructed Human Articular Cartilage and Chondrosarcoma ModelsHamdi, Dounia 17 March 2016 (has links)
L’hadronthérapie par ions carbone représente une modalité de radiothérapie alternative très attractive du fait des propriétés physiques et biologiques de ce type de particules. Les chondrosarcomes, tumeurs radio-résistantes à différentiation cartilagineuse, sont en première ligne pour le traitement par ions carbone. Cependant, les effets secondaires sur les tissus sains environnants sont peu ou mal connus. Ce projet a pour but l’étude des effets directs des ions accélérés dans un modèle 3D de cartilage sain et pathologique proche de l’homéostasie humaine et le développement de nouveaux outils de calculs d’efficacité biologique relative (EBR). Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux séquelles radio-induites sur le cartilage articulaire dans un contexte d’hadronthérapie par ions carbone. En culture 2D physioxique (2% d’O2), l’efficacité biologique relative des ions carbone (transfert d’énergie linéique ou TEL intermédiaire) comparée aux rayons X a été évaluée à 2,6. Ceci a été corrélé à une plus forte induction de sénescence radio-induite. Cependant, cet effet différentiel n’a pas été retrouvé en utilisant un modèle 3D de cartilage articulaire. L’efficacité biologique relative des ions accélérés semble donc surévaluée, en utilisant des cultures en monocouche, par rapport à la 3D. Dans un deuxième temps, un modèle 3D de chondrosarcome a été développé pour des études d’hadronbiologie. Après plusieurs obstacles techniques, des méthodes d’extraction protéique et d’immunohistochimie ont été mises au point. Une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation de l’EBR en 3D basée sur la cinétique d’induction de la protéine γ-H2AX a été proposée. / Hadrontherapy using carbon ions has many advantages due to physical and biological properties of this type of particle. Chondrosarcoma, a cartilaginous radio-resistant tumor, has been successfully treated using carbon ions. However, potential side effects to the surrounding healthy tissues are still poorly known. This project aims to study the direct effects of carbon ions in a 3D model of healthy articular cartilage and chondrosarcoma close to human homeostasis, in order to provide new tools for the evaluation of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE).The first part of the project was dedicated to the evaluation of carbon ions-induced impact on articular cartilage in the context of chondrosarcoma treatment. Compared to X-rays, the relative biological effectiveness of intermediate-LET carbon ions scored 2.6 in 2D monolayer culture. This was correlated with a stronger induction of cellular senescence. However, this differential effect was not reproduced using a 3D model of articular cartilage. Thus, the relative biological effectiveness of accelerated ions is probably overestimated using monolayer cultures (2D), compared to 3D. In the second part of this work, we developed a 3D chondrosarcoma model for hadronbiology studies. Protein extraction and immunohistochemistry protocols were developed. A new RBE evaluation method based on γ -H2AX repair kinetic in 3D, was proposed.
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Sestavení digitální modelové inženýrskogeologické 3D mapy v M 1:5 000 pro území listu 6 - 8 Kralupy nad Vltavou / Compilation a digital 3D engineering geological map in scale 1:5 000 map sheet 6 - 8 Kralupy nad VltavouKalinová, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation be about use the opportunity of 3D modelling geological settings for definitions engineering geology zoning. The model area represents the map sheet 6 - 8 Kralupy nad Vltavou in scale 1:5 000, which is built by rocks (pre-Quaternary) and soils (Quaternary cover) divided into eleven engineering geology zones. The results of modelling are showing at the map appendices, which are engineering maps all of nine the individual roof (surface) of zones, including the 3D section in the direction of x axis and also five of the 2D maps of roof of selected zones with the 3D schematic models. The integral part is the map of documentation points and their database on DVD. Three dimensional modelling presents a benefit mainly therefore the solutions, where are visible the spatial geological settings including the thickness individual layers, respectively zones. These display options can have practically used at designing underground buildings, e.g. tunnels, where would it mean shortening time the preparation of the project. Modelling of the zones also shown a possibility of distinction the mistakes at some archive hole. For example, the mistakes in descriptions can relate to confusion of Neogene's sand layer for Quaternary's sand. In the description of new geological survey, when using appendix no....
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Mängdavtagning i Vico Office : Jämförelse ur tids- och kostnadsperspektiv mellan Vico Office och manuell mängdavtagning / Amount calculation in Vico Office : A comparison of time- and costperspective between quantity calculation and Vico OfficeSiwani, Zahra, Tunc, Bahar January 2015 (has links)
BIM som står för Building Information Modeling har lett till stora förändringar inom byggbranschen, men trots detta tillämpas inte tekniken fullt ut. Detta beror bland annat på att vissa aktörer känner sig tryggare vid det manuella arbetssättet. Tekniken som är tillgänglig kan bland annat tillämpas vid utförandet av mängdavtagningar. I dagsläget väljer vissa kalkylingenjörer att utföra mängdavtagningar manuellt utifrån PDF-ritningar i utskriftsformat med hjälp av SpeedyCalc, penna och skalstock. Detta kan istället genomföras i mängdavtagningsprogrammet Vico Office med hjälp av en 3D-modell. Syftet med examensarbete är att jämföra två mängdavtagningsmetoder ur tids- och kostnadsperspektiv. Metoderna som jämfördes i studien var manuell mängdavtagning och mängdavtagning i programmet Vico Office. Studiens syfte var även att jämföra felen som kan uppstå vid utförandet av dessa två metoder. För studiens ändamål utfördes ett antal intervjuer där viktig information samlades in. Författarna deltog även i två kurser för att få kunskapen som behövdes för att underlätta utförandet av studien. Dessa kurser handlade om modelleringsprogrammet ArchiCAD och mängdavtagningsprogrammet Vico Office. Författarna samlade även in information genom att studera tidigare forskningar inom berörda området. Mängdavtagningen i studien utfördes på projektet Strandpromenaden, som tilldelades av Peab. Projektet är ett flerbostadshus som består av fem huskroppar med fyra till sex våningar. Studien avgränsades till tre huskroppar och även de större byggnadsdelarna som bland annat väggar, dörrar och fönster. Studien påvisade att implementering av BIM i anbudsskedet medför en kortare tid och lägre kostnad vid mängdavtagning. När de olika mängdavtagningsmetoderna ställdes gentemotvarandra, var differensen av mängden på exempelvis en fläktrumsvägg 100 %, vilket innebar att fläktrumsväggen blev utebliven vid den manuella mängdavtagningen. / BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and has led to major changes in the construction industry, but despite this, the technology is not used fully. This is partly because some players feel more comfortable in the manual methods. The technology that is available can be particularly applied in the performance of amount calculation. In the current situation, some calculus engineers choose to perform amount calculation manually based on PDF drawings in print format using the program SpeedyCalc and also with pen and shell stock. This may instead be implemented in calculation program Vico Office with the help of a 3D model. The aim of the thesis is to compare two methods used for the amount calculation in time and cost perspective. The methods that were compared in this study was manual calculation and calculation program Vico Office. The study's purpose was also to compare the errors that may arise in the performance of these two methods. For study purposes, the authors conducted a number of interviews in which important information was collected. The authors also participated in two courses to gain the knowledge needed to facilitate the study. These courses focused on modeling program ArchiCAD and Vico Office. The authors also collected information by studying previous research in the area concerned. The amount calculation in this study was carried out on the project “Promenade”, which the authors reserved by Peab. The project is a multi-family apparment which consists of five buildings with four to six floors. The study was limited to three buildings and the major structural elements including for instance walls, doors and windows. The study demonstrated that the implementation of BIM in the tender stage results in a shorter time and at lower cost in amount calculation. When the different amount calculation methods prepared against each other, the difference in the amount of, for example a fan room wall was 100%, meaning that the fan room wall was missed during manual amount calculation.
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Analys av BIM-processen i ombyggnadsprojekt / Analysis of the BIM process used in reconstruction projectsSjödin, Magnus, Rasping, Tobias January 2011 (has links)
Idag används BIM, byggnadsinformationsmodellering, i fler och fler nybyggnadsprojekt och det finns mängder med information att inhämta om detta både i tryckta tidskrifter och på internet. En obesvarad fråga är dock hur arbetsgången ser ut när BIM ska användas i ombyggnadsprojekt. Informationen som går att finna om detta är begränsad trots att ombyggnadsprojekt utgör en betydande del av byggverksamheten, såväl i Sverige som internationellt. Målet med denna rapport är därför att undersöka hur ombyggnadsprojekt i dagsläget utförs med BIM som arbetssätt. Processen att arbeta med BIM har undersökts i detalj för att klargöra hur den ser ut idag och för att identifiera den problematik som just ombyggnationer medför. Denna undersökning har genomförts i två pågående projekt enligt en gemensam analysmodell för att klargöra skillnader och likheter. För att klargöra arbetsprocessen så har ett flertal intervjuer med inblandade i projekten genomförts. Genom ett enkätutskick till båda projekten så har ett jämförbart underlag även tagits fram. Projektens modeller har också undersökts för att klargöra deras detaljeringsnivå. Den stora problematik som identifierats med ombyggnadsprojekt är att eftersom arbetet sker mot befintliga byggnadsdelar måste dessa kontrolleras och hanteras. Av denna anledning behöver därför många gånger en inmätning av dessa göras för att kontrollera och komplettera det underlag som finns tillgängligt eller för att skapa ett helt nytt. Detta är en tidig del i processen och något som måste göras innan ett vidare arbete med att upprätta en modell kan utföras. Gemensamt för båda projekten har varit att använda sig av modellen för att samgranska olika discipliners material med syftet att upptäcka och på så sätt minimera antalet kollisioner i produktionen. Analysen har visat på ganska stora skillnader i arbetssätt beroende på projektens förutsättningar. Den största skillnaden är att det i ett av projekten finns ett intresse ifrån beställaren att en modell ska levereras, för att senare kunna användas i förvaltningen. Beställarens intresse har resulterat i att BIM har använts i större utsträckning i det projektet med bland annat kostnader kopplade till modellen. Något som har framkommit är också att arbetssättet BIM måste standardiseras, möjligtvis genom att företaget tar fram en BIM-manual som kan användas i alla projekt som ska använda sig av BIM. Erfarenhetsåterföring efter genomförda projekt måste även ske för att denna manual ska vara aktuell. / Currently BIM (Building Information Modeling) is used to a higher extent in new construction projects and there is a lot of information to gather about this both in magazines and online. An unanswered question is how the workflow looks like when BIM is used in reconstruction projects. The information that can be found about this is limited despite the fact that reconstruction projects represent a significant proportion of the construction business, both in Sweden and internationally. The aim of this report is to examine how reconstruction projects currently is carried out with BIM. The BIM process has been studied in detail to clarify the current situation and to identify the problems that reconstruction adds. The study was conducted on two ongoing projects in accordance to a common analytical model to clarify the similarities and differences between them. In order to clarify the work process several interviews has been conducted with the project personnel. Through a questionnaire, a survey of both projects has been performed. Project models have also been studied to clarify their level of detail. The major problem that has been identified with reconstruction projects is that the work is carried out on existing building elements that have to be verified. For this reason a detail survey often must be done to verify and add to existing drawing and documentations. The survey is an early part of the process and something that must be done before any further work to establish a model can be done. Common to both projects is the use of the model to coordinate the various disciplines content in order to minimize the number of collisions in the production. The analysis has shown quite significant differences in methods depending on project conditions. The main difference is that in one of the projects the client wants to use the model in the property management and therefore a model must be delivered. The client’s interest led to a wider use of BIM in the project, including costs connected to the objects in the model. Something that has become clear is that BIM as a work tool must be standardized, possibly through a BIM manual drafted by the company, which can be used in all projects that will make use of BIM. Feedback with lessons learned must be added to the manual for it to stay updated.
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