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Live Software for RepRap Assembly Workshops / Live programvara för RepRap monteringskurserLudvigsen, Torbjørn January 2016 (has links)
A key step when initiating robot powered production is setting up the control software.This can be a threshold for operators, especially if the software is fragmented and system requirements are extensive.One way to address this is to pre-configure all the control programs and bundle them with a system that fulfills all the requirements. In this work a live operating system (OS) is loaded with control software and configured to meet the needs of those who have just assembled their first 3D printer.The problem of downloading, configuring and installing various 3D printer controlling programs is reduced to the problem of distributing and booting the live OS. The solution of loading it onto bootable USB drives is tested and evaluated in the context of a commercial RepRap Assembly Workshop (RAW), an event where people pay for RepRap 3D printer parts as well as assembly and usage supervision.The RAW is unusually short, so the bootable USB drives' potential to help RAW hosts with particularly tight time schemes is tested. The results show a limited success.The USB drive is documented not to work for 3 participant groups out of a total of 11 groups.As a solution to fragmented software and diverse system requirements, the live OS is found to work well once booted.Several routes to make the live OS more easily bootable are discussed. Usage examples beyond drop-in replacing existing RAW software setup procedures are discussed. / Alla som startar upp robotiserad produktion måste få igång och börja använda styrprogramvaran.Detta kan inebära en hög tröskel för operatörer, specielt om programen är många och har olika gränssnitt och systemkrav.Ett sätt att hjälpa operatörerna komma igång är att konfigurera alla styrprogram på förhand och bunta ihop dem med ett system som uppfyller alla krav. I detta arbetet laddas ett live operativsystem med styrprogramvara och konfigureras för att lätt kunna användas av någon som precis har satt ihop sin första 3D-skrivare.Problemen med hemladdning, konfigurering och installation av en rad olika styrprogram reduceras till problemet att distribuera och boota live operativsystemet. Lösningen att lasta live-systemet på startbara (eng. bootable) USB-minnen testas och utvärderas som en del av en kommersiell RepRap monteringskurs (eng. RepRap Assembly Workshop), ett event där deltagare betalar för RepRap 3D-skrivardelar, hjälp med att montera ihop dem och med att använda de färdiga 3D-skrivarna.Den undersökta monteringskursen är ovanligt kort, så startbara USB-minnens potential att underlätta för tidsprässade kursvärdar testas. Resultaten visar en begränsad framgång.Vi visar hur 3 av 11 deltagargrupper inte lyckas använda de startbara USB-minnena.Som en lösning på fragmenterad mjukvara med stora systemkrav fungerar live operativsystemet bra när det väl har startats.Olika sätt att göra live-systemet lättare att starta diskuteras. Tillämpningsområden utöver att ersätta existerande programuppsättslösningar för RepRap monteringskurser diskuteras.
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參數式一體化之可動關節模型的生成- 以FDM 3D列印為例 / Generation of Parametric Non-Assembly Joint Model: A Case Study for FDM 3D Printers陳科豫, Chen, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
3D列印的普及讓民眾可利用簡易的建模軟體建立3D模型,但是如何建立可動模型對一般使用者而言卻是一道難題,因為必須考驗建模者對於模型設計與結構的熟悉程度,以及受到目前3D印表機的可印程度等因素限制。目前市面上的3D列印成型技術,以FDM最為普遍,優點是便宜、無毒等,而缺點則為精細度低及需印出支撐材,與其他3D列印技術相比限制較多,且失敗率相對較高。本論文的目標主要是將3D靜態(不可動)的肢體動物模型,以FDM印表機為輸出目標,產生出一體化關節可動模型。根據使用者輸入的模型與骨架,本系統會自動找出關節位置,利用關節點與模型頂點的距離計算各部位關節的半徑大小,並利用外積與旋轉矩陣將可動關節與肢體方向對齊,並調整模型至可動關節可嵌入的大小。使用者可藉由本系統所提供的直覺式操作介面,進行參數化調整,以印出不需組裝之可動模型,我們邀請了10位受試者,透過系統操作教學及任務,讓受試者學習如何使用此系統,並透過問卷的方式探討系統的優缺點。問卷的評分方式是採5分量表,從實驗結果顯示,系統整體有用性平均分數為4.5分,表示本系統能有效的幫助使用者建立可動關節模型;而易用性的平均分數是3.9分,代表本研究在介面設計上雖非重點,但仍有改進的空間;易學性方面的平均分數為4.5 分,表示本系統的操作對使用者是容易學習的。整體而言,實驗結果顯示,本研究所建立的可動關節模型系統已達到輔助使用者建立可動模型的目標,並證實了本研究的發展價值。 / The popularity of 3D printing has allowed people to design 3D models through common 3D modeling software. However, it is still difficult for a regular user to build a model with movable joints because most users are not familiar with mechanical design and it is a great challenge to design such a model that is printable with current 3D printing technology. FDM is the most popular type with the advantages of being cheap. However, its disadvantage is low precision, which make its failure rate higher than others. In this thesis, we aim to design a system that can take a static articulated model and convert it into a non-assemble model with movable joints that is printable on a FDM 3D printer. Our system can automatically find the positions of the joints according to the input mesh and skeleton and compute the radius of the maximal enclosing circle for each joint model. After aligning the joint model with the limb, the system can automatically adjust the size of the whole model such that the joint model can be embedded in the body model. A user can also tune system parameters through an intuitive interface to determine the orientation and limits of each joint. In order to evaluate our system, we invited ten persons to test user our system by completing assigned tasks and filling a usability survey. The survey is a questionnaire consisting of typical five-point Likert-scale items. The survey reveals that the usefulness of our system is 4.5, which means that our system can effectively help the users construct movable joint models. The score of ease-of-use is 3.9, which means that our user interface still have room for improvement although it is the current focus of our system. The score of ease-of-learning is 4.5, which means that our system is easy for the users to learn. In short, from the experimental results, we believe that our system has achieved the goal of providing a 3D modeling system that can assist users in building non-assemble moveable joint models that are printable on FDM 3D printers.
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Analýza využití 3D tisku v domácnostech / The Analysis of 3D printing use in householdsUreš, Miloslav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis called The Analysis of 3D printing use in households is dealing with the current topic of 3D printers and examines the ways of their use in households in the Czech Republic. The main objective is to analyze the use of 3D printing in households. This means to find out why and how often the owners of 3D printers use them in their households. Also, to find out the whole range of other factors related to the ownership of 3D printers such as frequency usage, machine satisfaction, number of owned printers, etc. Based on the analysis for which the data was collected by the questionnaire survey method and later evaluated using hypotheses and comparisons with another similar survey, criteria for 3D printer selection are compiled. These recommendations serve to those who are interested in acquiring this technology. Research conducted in this thesis may be beneficial for future analyzes of this market, or for inventors of 3D printers who are considering to launch their 3D printers on the Czech market.
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Évaluation de technologies organiques faibles pertes et d’impression plastique 3D afin de contribuer au développement de solutions antennaires innovantes dans la bande 60 GHz – 140GHz. / Evaluation of low loss organic technologies and 3D-printing plastic technologies in order to develop innovative antenna solutions in the 60 GHz - 140 GHz frequency band.Bisognin, Aimeric 10 December 2015 (has links)
L’émergence des applications mobiles accessibles depuis un smartphone provoque une très forte augmentation du trafic de données transitant sur les réseaux mobiles. L’augmentation de la capacité du réseau et de la rapidité des connexions sont autant de points cruciaux que les nouvelles générations de réseau mobile devront adresser afin de répondre à la demande des utilisateurs. L’une des solutions viables pour augmenter la capacité du réseau mobile consiste à le densifier afin de permettre la réutilisation des fréquences en déployant des stations de base consommant une faible puissance et couvrant de petites surfaces (les "small cells"). Ce mode de déploiement massif en "small cells" constitue un défi majeur pour le réseau de backhaul afin de reconnecter chacune de ces "small cell" au cœur de réseau. De plus, avec l’évolution du réseau de backhaul vers une architecture de type Centralized Radio Access Network (CRAN), des technologies sans fil pouvant supporter des débits supérieurs à 10Gbit/s seront requises. Étant donné la maturité des technologies silicium au-delà de 100GHz, la bande 116-142GHz semble être un candidat idéal pour établir des communications point à point supérieures à 10Gbit/s et très faible consommation DC. Dans cette thèse, plusieurs solutions d’antennes-lentilles et réflecteurs fonctionnant à 60, 80 et 120GHz sont explorées pour des systèmes WLAN/WPAN et backhaul. Afin de minimiser le coût de la solution antennaire, nous évaluons des technologies d’impression 3D pour la fabrication des lentilles et des réflecteurs, ainsi que des technologies utilisant des matériaux organiques à faibles pertes pour la fabrication des antennes-sources planaires. / The improvement of the capabilities of wireless communication devices (smartphone, tablets …) which require higher and higher data rate, leads to a significant increase of the data traffic needed by each end user. This strong consumer demand for higher data-rate and coverage is stressing a lot the capacity of existing cellular networks. In order to cope with this challenge, one of the most promising solution consists in a network densification based on the deployment of low-power and short-range-radio-coverage base stations (small cells). The development of high data-rate and low power wireless fronthaul and backhaul technologies is a key requirement to enable the deployment of those future small cells (since associated civil works costs generally prevent the use of optical fiber solutions). So far, the wireless industry has been investigating the use of 60 and 80 GHz frequency bands in order to develop low-cost higher than 1Gbit/s backhaul solutions. It is expected that higher data-rate > 10 Gbit/s will be required for fronthaul communications. The broad bandwidth available around 120GHz (116-142GHz) would enable to reach such data rates while lowering the DC power consumption. In this thesis, we develop several lens and reflector antennas operating at 60, 80 and 120GHz for WLAN/WPAN and fronthaul/backhaul networks. In order to minimize the cost of those solutions, we evaluate 3D-printing technologies for the fabrication of the lenses and the reflectors as well as industrial low loss organic packaging technologies for the fabrication of planar antenna-source.
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Resíduos sólidos industriais do setor cerâmico: uma proposta para redução do impacto ambiental a partir do design e da tecnologia de impressão tridimensional / Industrial solid wastes from the ceramic industry: A proposal to reduce the environmental impact using design and 3D printing technology.Marcelo Ambrósio 06 November 2015 (has links)
A indústria de cerâmica branca de objetos decorativos e utilitários, produz diariamente um contingente significativo de resíduo de gesso, oriundo do descarte dos moldes, cuja vida útil é extremamente curta. A deposição desse material via de regra é feita em aterros sanitários, sem qualquer tipo de isolamento em células e sem observar as recomendações da Lei da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. De acordo com a hierarquia estabelecida pela lei, a supressão da geração dos resíduos sólidos aparece como alternativa prioritária do ponto de vista das boas práticas ambientais. É nessa perspectiva que a tecnologia de produção industrial computadorizada de objetos tridimensionais por deposição de matéria prima, surge como alternativa. A intenção desse trabalho é apresentar conceitos de produtos que potencializem o uso dessa tecnologia através de configurações formais inovadoras para o setor, eliminando a utilização do gesso em seu processo de fabricação além de avaliar os resultados obtidos através da análise dos protótipos fabricados. / White ceramic industry of decorative and utilitarian objects, produces daily a significant contingent of waste gypsum, originated from the disposal of moulds, whose lifespan is extremely short. Deposition of this material usually is made in landfills without any type of isolation cells and without observing the recommendations of the Law of the Brazilian solid waste Policy. According to the ranking established by law, the elimination of solid waste generation appears as a priority alternative in terms of good environmental practices. In this perspective, the technology of computerized industrial production of three-dimensional objects by deposition of raw material, is an alternative. The aim of this paper is to present product concepts that enhance the use of this technology through innovative formal settings for the sector and make an analysis about the results.
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Design Upgrades, Reliability Testing and Implementation of Engineering Grade Thermoplastics in Prusa MMU2sKannoth, Ajith January 2020 (has links)
This paper studies the two aspects of current problems that plagues the Prusa i3 MK3sprinters in possession of JTH and how to resolve them; to be able to get a reliable printoutputs from engineering grade materials apart from conventional materials like PLAand PETG. The second aspect being the implementation of multi material module 2.0S,hereafter referred to as MMU2s successfully by analyzing and testing the current modi-cations and upgrades currently in the community and suggest any further modications,if required, both in terms of hardware and software which is further discussed in theupcoming sections. At present, there are numerous design upgrades and modicationsover the stock parts in the community which claim to iron out the reliability issues ofthe multi material unit. But, the success rates of these modications and upgrades varywidely. We tend to look at some of these modications which helps in eliminating theissues associated with the unit while getting it to produce results in a consistent and reliablemanner. The engineering grade thermoplastics which the university plan to use werealso taken into account to implement in the printers once the MMU2s setup was testedfor reliability. The objective also to create a successful prole sets by tweaking variousparameters in the slicing software for the aforementioned engineering grade materials sothat a ready-to-print prole is available for the corresponding material. During the course of project work, the reliability of the multi material unit was increasedby upgrading few of the components such as idler barrel and selector. Fine tuningof software parameters led to the error free running of the MMU unit by which extensivetesting was possible. Furthermore, engineering grade thermoplastics was able to betested and implemented on the current setup by making use of these software and hardwarechanges. Finally, extensive testing of the multi material unit was done coupled withengineering grade thermoplastics which yielded successful results and the congurationsettings saved for future use in the university.
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Automated Design of Graded Material Transitions for Educational Robotics ApplicationsJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Multi-material fabrication allows for the creation of individual parts composed of several materials with distinct properties, providing opportunities for integrating mechanisms into monolithic components. Components produced in this manner will have material boundaries which may be points of failure. However, the unique capabilities of multi-material fabrication allow for the use of graded material transitions at these boundaries to mitigate the impact of abrupt material property changes.
The goal of this work is to identify methods of creating graded material transitions that can improve the ultimate tensile strength of a multi-material component while maintaining other model properties. Particular focus is given towards transitions that can be produced using low cost manufacturing equipment. This work presents a series of methods for creating graded material transitions which include previously established transition types as well as several novel techniques. Test samples of each transition type were produced using additive manufacturing and their performance was measured. It is shown that some types of transitions can increase the ultimate strength of a part, while others may introduce new stress concentrations that reduce performance. This work then presents a method for adjusting the elastic modulus of a component to which graded material transitions have been added to allow the original design properties to be met. / Dissertation/Thesis / Supplementary code from appendices / Masters Thesis Engineering 2020
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Investigating The Performance Of 3-D Printed Sorbents For Direct Air Capture Of CO2January 2020 (has links)
abstract: In this study, the stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing method is used to manufacture honeycomb-shaped flat sorbents that can capture CO2 from the air. The 3D-printed sorbents were synthesized using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), propylene glycol, photopolymer resin, and an ion exchange resin (IER). The one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) design-of-experiment approach was employed to determine the best combination ratio of materials to achieve high moisture swing and a good turnout of printed sorbents. The maximum load limit of the liquid photopolymer resin to enable printability of sorbents was found to be 44%. A series of moisture swing experiments was conducted to investigate the adsorption and desorption performance of the 3D-printed sorbents and compare them with the performance of IER samples prepared by a conventional approach. Results from these experiments conducted indicate that the printed sorbents showed less CO2 adsorptive characteristics compared to the conventional IER sample. It is proposed for future research that a liquid photopolymer resin made up of an IER be synthesized in order to improve the CO2-capturing ability of manufactured sorbents. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2020
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3D Printing for MicrofluidicsGong, Hua 01 November 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on developing 3D printing as a fabrication method for microfluidic devices. Specifically, I concentrate on the 3D printing approach known as Digital Light Processing stereolithography (DLP-SLA) in which serially projected images are used to sequentially photopolymerize layers to build a microfluidic device. The motivation for this work is to explore a much faster alternative to cleanroom-based microfabrication that additionally offers the opportunity to densely integrate microfluidic elements in compact 3D layouts for dramatic device volume reduction. In the course of my research, an optical approach was used to guide custom resin formulation to help create the interconnected hollow regions that form a microfluidic device. This was based on a new a mathematical model to calculate the optical dose delivered throughout a 3D printed part, which also explains the effect of voids. The model was verified by a series of 3D printed chips fabricated with a commercial 3D printer and a custom resin. Channels as small as 108 µm x 60 µm were repeatably fabricated. Next, highly compact active fluidic components, including valves, pumps, and multiplexers, were fabricated with the same 3D printer and resin. The valves achieved a 10x size reduction compared with previous results, and were the smallest 3D printed valves at the time. Moreover, by adding thermal initiator to thermally cure devices after 3D printing, the durability of 3D printed valves was improved and up to 1 million actuations were demonstrated.To further decrease the 3D printed feature size, I built a custom 3D printer with a 385 nm LED light source and a 7.56 µm pixel pitch in the plane of the projected image. A custom resin was also developed to take advantage of the new 3D printer's features, which necessitated developing a UV absorber screening process which I applied to 20 candidate absorbers. In addition, a new mathematical model was developed to use only the absorber's molar absorptivity measurement to predict the resin optical penetration depth, which is important for determining the z-resolution that can be achieved with a given resin. The final resin formulation uses 2-nitrophenyl phenyl sulfide (NPS) as the UV absorber. With this resin, along with a new channel narrowing technique, I successfully created flow channel cross sections as small as 18 µm x 20 µm.With the custom 3D printer, smaller valves and pumps become possible, which led to the invention of a new method of creating large numbers of high density chip-to-chip microfluidic interconnects based on either simple integrated microgaskets (SIMs) or controlled-compression integrated microgaskets (CCIMs). Since these structures are directly 3D printed as part of a device, they require no additional materials or fabrication steps. As a demonstration of the efficacy of this approach, 121 chip-to-chip interconnects in an 11 x 11 array for both SIMs and CCIMs with an areal density of 53 interconnects per square mm were demonstrated, and tested up to 50 psi without leaking. Finally, these interconnects were used in the development of 3D printed chips with valves having 30x smaller volume than the valves we previously demonstrated. These valves served as a building block for demonstrating the miniaturization potential of an active fluid mixer using our 3D printing tools, materials, and methods. The mixer provided a set of selectable mixing ratios, and was designed in 2 configurations, a linear dilution mixer-pump (LDMP) and a parallelized dilution mixer-pump (PDMP), which occupy volumes of only 1.5 cubic mm and 2.6 cubic mm, respectively.
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Percepção de diferentes modelos de tipoias utilizadas nas lesões dos ombros : design e ergonomia aplicados ao desenvolvimento de produtos para saúde /Pereira, Diego Dalvan. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: João Eduardo Guarnetti dos Santos / Resumo: O ombro por ser uma articulação muito instável está mais vulnerável a lesões. Afim de proteger e imobilizar a articulação o tratamento é seguido com o uso de tipoia. No entanto, a imobilização deixa as articulações sob os efeitos deletérios do desuso, o que pode favorecer o surgimento de lesões secundárias como a capsulite adesiva. O design e a ergonomia são considerados disciplinas científicas capazes de desenvolver e ajustar produtos às necessidades e às capacidades humanas. O objetivo deste estudo foi gerar parâmetros para o design ergonômico de uma tipoia alternativa utilizando as tecnologias de manufatura aditiva, a fim de minimizar os desconfortos termofisiológicos e o índice de capsulite adesiva após imobilização. Nesse contexto, desenvolveu-se com o auxílio do design um modelo de tipoia mais confortável, adequado, funcional e que não favorece o surgimento de complicações após imobilização do ombro. Foi realizada uma coleta de dados com indivíduos adultos, de ambos os gêneros, entre 18 e 85 anos de idade, 71 voluntários, que fizeram uso de tipoia para lesão do ombro. Seguiu com uma investigação ergonômica dos modelos de tipoia disponíveis no mercado, para desenvolver um modelo alternativo com as devidas adequações ergonômicas. O projeto da tipoia foi modelado no software CAD SolidWorks e a impressão foi por FDM (Fusão por Deposição de Material), em uma impressora 3D Creality CR-10, com material PLA (Ácido Polilactico). Para testar a percepção do usuário frente aos mode... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The shoulder because it is a very unstable joint is more vulnerable to injury, in order to protect and immobilize the joint, treatment is followed with the use of a sling. However, immobilization leaves the joints under the harmful effects of disuse, which can favor the appearance of secondary lesions such as adhesive capsulitis. Design and ergonomics are considered scientific disciplines capable of developing and adjusting products to human needs and capacities. The aim of this study was to generate parameters for the ergonomic design of an alternative sling using additive manufacturing technologies, in order to minimize thermophysiological discomfort and the adhesive capsulitis index after immobilization. In this context, a more comfortable, adequate, functional tipoia of model was developed with the aid of design, which does not favor the appearance of complications after shoulder immobilization. A data collection was carried out with adult individuals, both genders, between 18 and 85 years of age, 71 volunteers, who made use of tipoia for shoulder injury. It continued with an ergonomic investigation of the sling models available on the market, to develop an alternative model with the appropriate ergonomic adaptations. The design of the tipoia was modeled in SolidWorks CAD software and the printing was by FDM (Melting by Deposition of Material) in a Creality CR-10 3D printer with PLA material (Polylactic Acid). To test the user's perception of sling models, a semantic diff... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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