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Vocoids and their prosodic distribution, with special reference to Italian and ArabicBosisio, Nicole January 2003 (has links)
This study attempts to characterize vocoids, i.e. vowels and semivowels, as a unified class of segments. In order to do so, it investigates the main phenomena concerning the quantitative distribution of these sounds, namely syllabic alternation, length alternations, deletion and insertion. Such phenomena are best analyzed by making reference to prosodic structure, and syllable structure in particular. Therefore, both frameworks adopted in this thesis take into consideration this type of representation. The main approach, which I refer to generally as Derivational Theory (DT), is based on the notion that surface phonetic forms are derived from underlying forms through a series of structural changes taking place at different levels of representation. This model is contrasted with the recently introduced (Prince and Smolensky 1993) Optimality Theory (OT), an output-oriented paradigm based on the parallel evaluation of candidate forms by means of universal but violable constraints. This thesis shows that OT offers some valuable insights into the phenomena under analysis, although there are areas in which it requires integration with derivational tools. This study also makes specific reference to two languages: Ammani Arabic and Standard Italian. These diverge in their treatment of vocoids, but clear general trends may be detected which have also been found in other languages.
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The licensing and interpretation of coronality : a new approachRubin, Dominic January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents a new approach to the behavior of coronal segments. It examines seven aspects of coronal uniqueness; (i) the interaction of coronal consonants with front vowels, (ii) the confinement of liquids to coronal Place, (iii) the preference of "weak" syllabic sites for coronal Place, the processes of (iv) palatalization and (v) coronalization of coronal and non-coronal consonants by palatal glides and front vowels, (vi) the confinement of consonant harmony processes to consonants of coronal Place, and finally, (vii) the frequency and subplace richness of the coronal Place. It is argued that this range of behavior can be given a unified analysis if coronality is represented by the Government Phonological element [I]. Further, this element is argued to be the head of a Resonance Phrase in an element-geometric tree which is divided into a Resonance, Manner and Laryngeal Phrase. The headship of [I] gives this element greater powers to license other (Place, Manner and Laryngeal) elements, so deriving the behavior noted. This is contrasted with approaches which underspecify coronal Place, or try to capture coronal anomalies by recourse to phonetic context. The headship or dependency of elements drives element combinations, and thus derives the structure of phonemic inventories. This is traced to functional underpinnings, drawing on phonetic theories which argue for the optimality of segments based on the acoustically integrative effects of the articulations by which they are executed. The interpretation of [I] is thus investigated in some detail. At the level of segment generation, therefore, it is argued that there are formal and functional constraints operating. Finally, the distribution of coronal segments in the word is looked at in a broad range of typologically diverse languages. This is modeled using the above tools, in conjunction with a Government Phonology approach to syllabic structure and licensing.
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Preaspiration in phonological stop contrasts : an instrumental phonetic studyChasaide, Ailbhe Ní January 1985 (has links)
This study is an experimental phonetic investigation of phonological voicing oppositions - specifically, those involving preaspiration as found in Icelandic, Scottish Gaelic, and Irish. Three main aspects of these oppositions are dealt with. - The first involves the production 8f these contrasts. Productions by native speakers of the three languages were monitored using techniques including electroaerometry and photoelectric glottography. Specific attention is directed to the durational correlates of the opposition, and how these vary across languages and for different phonetic environments, including stress variation. The differences and similarities between contrasts which involve preaspiration and those which involve postaspiration are discussed in some detail. In considering production aspects of these oppositions, interest focusses also on the laryngeal mechanisms which control voicelessness and aspiration (pre- and post-). Glottographic data presented suggests that the nature and the amplitude of glottal gesture for a voiceless or aspirated stop is very precisely tailored to the prevailing aerodynamic conditions. The second aspect considered is that of the historical development of these contrasts. Past hypotheses are discussed in some detail, and a more phonetically-based alternative is proposed. The general tendencies of change which affect voicing oppositions and which have traditionally been termed lenition processes are also considered. Suggestions are made regarding the phonetic motivation of such changes, suggestions based on existing research as well as on certain results of this study. Thirdly, the perception of these oppositions is considered. Perceptual experiments are repotted using synthetic and computeredited natural speech stimuli. In the first instance, these tests bear on specific questions regarding the perception of preaspirated stops, which arise out of the production data in the earlier chapters. In addition, the broader question of the perception of voicing contrasts is discussed. A serious problem facing the researcher in this area (and in the area of.linguistic contrasts generally) is that of how the simple binary linguistic percept is arrived at from the large number of potentially relevant cues. The question arises as to whether there is a single dominant cue or whether voicing detection involves separate monitoring of the various cues which have been postulated in the literature. A hypothesis is proposed to the effect that the linguistic percept depends on a judgement regarding the relative ratio of two properties of a larger, Vowel+Consonant unit. The multiplicity of postulated cues may be an artifact of an excessively segmental approach; these seemingly disparate cues may be seen instead to be feeding into a cumulative decision based on a syllable-type unit.
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Le semi-symbolisme phonétique et ses relations de motivation, conventionnalité et arbitrarité / The phonetic semi-symbolism and its relations of motivation, conventionality and arbitrariness / O semissimbolo fonético e suas relaçoes de motivaçao, convencionalidade e arbitrariedadeDe Sousa Silva, José 10 March 2015 (has links)
On a analysé la manifestation de sémiotiques signifiantes dans une sémiotique biplane, la langue portugaise brésilienne, avec le but d’y vérifier la possibilité de manifestations de semi-symboles. Les analyses ont été distribuées dans trois catégories linguistiques, la phonético-phonologique, la rhétorique et la prosodique ; et dans trois catégories visuelles, l’eidétique, la topologique et la chromatique. En fait, l’enquête a été surtout concentrée sur les caractéristiques articulatoires, acoustiques, prosodiques, sur la couleur, la forme et le jeu de direction des signifiants sonores dans des chaînes discoursives dans lesquelles le sens véhiculé par la forme d'expression supplantait les valeurs purement stylistiques. La première partie de la thèse présente les fondements théoriques et la méthode de recherche et dans la deuxième se sont déroulée les analyses et les discussions sur les semi-symboles manifestés en textes humoristiques et poétiques issus du contexte culturel brésilien moderne et postmoderne. Pour vérifier l'hypothèse selon laquelle les semi-symboles se manifestent en tant que des phonèmes dans des sémiotiques biplanes, il ont été mené des analyses sur onze poèmes appartenant à neuf auteurs adeptes de styles littéraires différents, sur deux sketches tirés de l’Os Trapalhões, sur deux extraits de la bande dessinée de la Mônica et sur deux autres du Helmer Fudd, sur un extrait du feuilleton O Bem Amado et sur un monologue comique du comédien Shaolin. Pour bien mener les analyses, on a présenté un modèle opératoire proposé pour la description logico-structurelle des manifestations semi-symboliques dans les ensembles signifiants étudiés. On a élucidé les corrélations entreprises par le biais des notions de motivation, conventionnalité et arbitrarité entre des catégories d’expression et du contenu dans une dimension verbale parfois syncrétique. La recherche a ratifié des distinctions entre langage formelle et langage molaire, elle a mis en évidence la distinction entre les rapport terme à terme et catégorie à catégorie dans les formes et substances des plans sémiotiques délimitant les frontières entre signe linguistique, symbole, semi-symbole et symbolisme phonétique en plus de discuter le rôle de la répétition et du contexte pour la mise en place du sens semi-symbolique. L’étude a révélé en outre qu’avant de parler sur semi-symboles, le rapport de motivation entre le signifiant et le signifié avait déjà été touché, grosso modo, en termes de symbolisme phonétique par la Phonostylistique et même avant cela avait déjà été touché, entre autres, par Platon (dans un certain degré linguistique), dans le Cratyle ; par Humboldt en termes de motivation picturale, symbolique et analogique ; par Guiraud en termes de motivation interne et externe au système linguistique ; par Saussure en termes de motivation intralinguistique, c’est-à-dire, en tant que moyen de formation de mots et renouvellement du lexique concernant de plus près les classes des onomatopées, des conjonctions et le processus de composition morphologique. Il est avéré que tant la motivation comme la conventionnalisation coproduisent et coopèrent à la fois au processus de semiosis. Enfin, il a été constaté que la manifestation semi-symbolique est possible dans des sémiotiques biplanes à partir de formes d’expressions de la même nature comme de nature syncrétique aussi bien. / The manifestation of signifying semiotics was analyzed in a biplane semiotic, the Brazilian Portuguese language, with the aim of verifying the possibility of manifestations of semi-symbols. The analyses were distributed in three linguistic categories, the phonetic-phonological, prosodic, rhetoric; and in three visual categories, eidetic, topological and chromatic. Indeed, the investigation was mostly focused on the articulatory, acoustic, prosodic characteristics on the color, shape and on the direction play of the sound signifiers in the discursive chains in which the meaning conveyed by the form of expression surppasses the values purely stylistic. The first part of the thesis presented the theoretical foundations and the method of research and in the second part was performed the analysis and the discussions about the semi-symbols manifested in humorous and poetic texts outcome from modern and postmodern Brazilian cultural context. To test the hypothesis that the semi-symbols occur as phonemes in semiotic biplanes, it was analyzed eleven poems from nine authors who are followers of different literary styles, two sketches drawn from Os Trapalhões, two extracts from the cartoon Monica’s Gang and two others from Helmer Fudd, an extract from the soap opera O Bem Amado and other from a Shaolin’s stand-up comedy show. To perform the analysis, it was proposed an operating model for the logical-structural discription of the semi-symbolic manifestations in the studied signifying ensembles. It was elucidated the correlations engages through the notions of motivation, conventionality and arbitrariness between categories of the expression and the categories of content of a verbal dimension sometimes syncretic. The research ratified distinctions between formal language and molar language, it highlighted the distinction between the relation term to term and category to category between forms and substances of the semiotic plans delineating the boundaries between linguistic sign, symbol, semi-symbol and phonetic symbolism in addiction to discussing the role of the repetition and context for the setting of semi-symbolic meaning. The study also reveals that before talking about semi-symbols, the relation of motivation between signifier and signified had already described grosso modo in termes of phonetic symbolisms by Phonostylistics and even before that it had also touched by, amongst others, Plato, in the Cratylus (in a certain language degree); by Humboldt in terms of pictorial, symbolic and analogical motivation; by Guiraud in terms of internal and external motivation into linguistic system; by Saussure in terms of intralinguistic motivation, i.e., as a meand for word formation and renewal of the lexicon touching closer to classes of the onomatopoeias and of the conjoctions and the process of morphological composition. It was evident that both the motivation and the conventionalization co-occur and cooperate to the process of semiosis. Finally, it was found that the semi-symbolic manifestation is possible in biplane semiotics as from forms of the expression of same nature as syncretic nature as well. / Tratou-se da análise da manifestação de semióticas significantes, em uma semiótica biplana, a língua portuguesa, com o objetivo de aí verificar a possibilidade de manifestações de semissímbolos. Distribuíram-se as análises em seis categorias linguísticas, a fonético-fonológica, a prosódica e a retórica; e em três categorias visuais, a eidética, a topológica e a cromática. Na verdade, a investigação foi concentrada principalmente sobre as características articulatórias, acústicas, prosódicas, sobre a cor, a forma e o jogo de direção dos significantes sonoros em cadeias discursivas nas quais osentido veiculado pela forma da expressão suplanta os valores meramente estilísticos. Na primeira parte da tese, apresentam-se os fundamentos teóricos e o método de investigação e na segunda realizaram-se as análises e as discussões sobre os semissímbolos manifestados em textos humorísticos e poéticos retirados do contexto cultural brasileiro moderno e pós-moderno. Para verificar da hipótese de que os semissímbolos se manifestam como fonemas em semióticas biplanas, foram analisados onze poemas de nove autores seguidores de estilos literários diferentes, dois esquetes retirados de Os Trapalhões, dois excertos dos quadrinhos da Turma da Mônica e dois outros do Elmer Fudd (Hortelino Troca-Letras), um fragmento da novela O Bem Amado e outro de um espetáculo solo do comediante Shaolin. Para realizar as análises, apresentou-se um modelo operatório para a descrição lógico-estrutural das manifestações semisímbólicas nos conjuntos significantes estudados. Elucidaram-se as correlações empreendidas por meio das noções de motivação, convencionalidade e arbitrariedade entre categorias de expressão e categorias de conteúdos de uma dimensão verbal por vezes sincrética. A investigação ratificou distinções entre linguagem formal e linguagem molar, tornou patente a distinção entre relação termo a termo e categoria a categoria entre formas e substâncias dos planos semióticos delimitando as fronteiras entre signo linguístico, símbolo, semissímbolo e simbolismo fonético além de discutir o papel da repetição e do contexto para a configuração do sentido semissimbólico. Revelou, ainda, que antes de se falar em semissímbolos a relação de motivação entre o significante e o significado já havia sido descrita, grosso modo, em termos, de simbolismos fonéticos do lado da Fonoestilística e mesmo antes disso já havia sido tocada de certa maneira, entre outros, por Platão em o Crátilo (em certo grau linguístico); por Humboldt, em termos de motivação pictórica, simbólica e analógica; por Guirraud, em termos de motivação interna e externa ao sistema linguístico; por Saussure em termos de motivação intralinguística, ou seja, como expediente de formação de palavras e renovação do léxico tocando mais de perto as classes das onomatopeias, das conjunções e os processos de composição morfológicos. Ficouevidente que tanto a motivação como a convencionalização coocorrem e concorrem para o processo de semiose. Por fim, se constatou que a manifestação semissimbólica é possível em semióticas biplanas a partir de formas da expressão de mesma natureza como de natureza sincrética também.
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Perception auditive, visuelle et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales par les adultes devenus sourds. Lecture labiale, implant cochléaire, implant du tronc cérébral. / Auditory, visual and auditory-visual perception of nasal vowels by deafened adults : Speechareading, Cochlear Implant, Auditory Brainstem ImplantBorel, Stéphanie 14 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la perception visuelle, auditive et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales [ɑ̃] (« lent »),[ɔ̃] (« long ») et [ɛ̃] (« lin ») par des adultes devenus sourds, implantés cochléaires et implantés dutronc cérébral. L’étude sur la perception visuelle des voyelles, auprès de 22 adultes devenus sourds,redéfinit les sosies labiaux des voyelles nasales et propose une mise à jour de la classification desvisèmes. Trois études sur l’identification auditive des voyelles nasales auprès de 82, 15 et 10 adultesimplantés cochléaires mettent en évidence leur difficulté à reconnaitre les trois voyelles nasales, qu’ilsperçoivent comme des voyelles orales. Les analyses acoustiques et perceptives suggèrent que lesadultes implantés cochléaires s’appuient sur les informations fréquentielles des deux premiers picsspectraux mais négligent les informations d’intensité relative de ces pics. D’après l’étude menéeauprès de 13 adultes implantés du tronc cérébral, des informations acoustiques linguistiques sonttransmises par l’implant du tronc cérébral mais la fusion entre les informations auditives et visuellespourrait être optimisée pour l’identification des voyelles. Enfin, une enquête auprès de 179orthophonistes pointe le besoin d’une information sur la définition phonétique articulatoire actualiséedes voyelles [ɑ̃] et [ɛ̃]. / This thesis focuses on the visual, auditory and auditory-visual perception of french nasal vowels [ɑ̃](« lent »), [ɔ̃] (« long ») and [ɛ̃] (« lin ») by Cochlear Implant (CI) and Auditory Brainstem Implant(ABI) adults users. The study on visual perception of vowels, with 22 deafened adults, redefines thelip configuration of french nasal vowels and provides an update of the classification of vocalic visualphonemes. Three studies on auditory identification of nasal vowels with 82, 15 and 10 CI usershighlight their difficulty in recognizing the three nasal vowels, which they perceive as oral vowels.Acoustic and perceptual analyzes suggest that adults with CI rely on frequency informations of thefirst two spectral peaks but miss the informations of relative intensity of these peaks. The study with13 ABI users show that some linguistic acoustic cues are transmitted by the ABI but the fusion ofauditory and visual features could be optimized for the identification of vowels. Finally, a survey of179 Speech Language and Hearing Therapists show the need of an update on the phonetic articulationof french nasal vowels [ɑ̃] and [ɛ̃].
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Perception auditive, visuelle et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales par les adultes devenus sourds. Lecture labiale, implant cochléaire, implant du tronc cérébral. / Auditory, visual and auditory-visual perception of nasal vowels by deafened adults : Speechareading, Cochlear Implant, Auditory Brainstem ImplantBorel, Stéphanie 14 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la perception visuelle, auditive et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales [ɑ̃] (« lent »),[ɔ̃] (« long ») et [ɛ̃] (« lin ») par des adultes devenus sourds, implantés cochléaires et implantés dutronc cérébral. L’étude sur la perception visuelle des voyelles, auprès de 22 adultes devenus sourds,redéfinit les sosies labiaux des voyelles nasales et propose une mise à jour de la classification desvisèmes. Trois études sur l’identification auditive des voyelles nasales auprès de 82, 15 et 10 adultesimplantés cochléaires mettent en évidence leur difficulté à reconnaitre les trois voyelles nasales, qu’ilsperçoivent comme des voyelles orales. Les analyses acoustiques et perceptives suggèrent que lesadultes implantés cochléaires s’appuient sur les informations fréquentielles des deux premiers picsspectraux mais négligent les informations d’intensité relative de ces pics. D’après l’étude menéeauprès de 13 adultes implantés du tronc cérébral, des informations acoustiques linguistiques sonttransmises par l’implant du tronc cérébral mais la fusion entre les informations auditives et visuellespourrait être optimisée pour l’identification des voyelles. Enfin, une enquête auprès de 179orthophonistes pointe le besoin d’une information sur la définition phonétique articulatoire actualiséedes voyelles [ɑ̃] et [ɛ̃]. / This thesis focuses on the visual, auditory and auditory-visual perception of french nasal vowels [ɑ̃](« lent »), [ɔ̃] (« long ») and [ɛ̃] (« lin ») by Cochlear Implant (CI) and Auditory Brainstem Implant(ABI) adults users. The study on visual perception of vowels, with 22 deafened adults, redefines thelip configuration of french nasal vowels and provides an update of the classification of vocalic visualphonemes. Three studies on auditory identification of nasal vowels with 82, 15 and 10 CI usershighlight their difficulty in recognizing the three nasal vowels, which they perceive as oral vowels.Acoustic and perceptual analyzes suggest that adults with CI rely on frequency informations of thefirst two spectral peaks but miss the informations of relative intensity of these peaks. The study with13 ABI users show that some linguistic acoustic cues are transmitted by the ABI but the fusion ofauditory and visual features could be optimized for the identification of vowels. Finally, a survey of179 Speech Language and Hearing Therapists show the need of an update on the phonetic articulationof french nasal vowels [ɑ̃] and [ɛ̃].
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Etudes multiparamétriques de la voix et de la parole après cordectomie laser par voie endoscopique de type II - III / Multiparametric studies of voice and speech after laser endoscopic cordectomy of types II-IIIWallet, Lucille 17 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude des caractéristiques phonétiques de la voix et de la parole après cordectomie laser de type II-III, proposées pour des tumeurs laryngées limitées à un seul pli vocal. Les cordectomies de type IIIII consistent en la résection de l’épithélium, du ligament vocal, de la lamina propria et d’une partie variable du muscle vocal. La nouvelle configuration anatomico-physiologique engendre un accolement des plis vocaux moins efficace et une asymétrie vibratoire, impliquant des perturbations en fréquence et en amplitude du fondamental ainsi qu’une possible altération du trait de voisement. Il s’agit d’une étude prospective de 10 patients masculins et francophones âgés de 47 à 80 ans. Les sujets ont été enregistrés entre 6 mois et 1 an postopératoire. Une population saine de 10 témoins masculins, âgés de 34 à 67 ans nous a servi de référence. Le premier chapitre est un rappel anatomique et biomécanique de la phonation. Il permet de mieux comprendre et appréhender les mécanismes de production de la voix et de la parole. Le second chapitre présente succinctement les chirurgies partielles du larynx. Il nous permet de déterminer, en particulier, les conséquences d’apparition et de pratique des cordectomies laser. Le troisième chapitre est une description des différentes cordectomies laser. Nous présentons également une revue de la littérature qui met en évidence les résultats fonctionnels après ces chirurgies, mais surtout qui insiste sur la dimension multiparamétrique des approches scientifiques. Le quatrième chapitre est une description détaillée de nos populations étudiées, des corpus et des matériels utilisés pour nos différentes études. Le cinquième chapitre comprend quatre études qui montrent l’impact de la chirurgie sur les paramètres de la F0, de l’intensité sonore et de leurs indices de perturbation (jitter et shimmer). Les plages de variation de F0 des sujets y sont analysées. Enfin, le dernier chapitre est consacré à l’ implémentation du trait de voisement. Celui-ci se compose de quatre études (acoustique, aérodynamique, EGG et perceptive) qui nous permettent d’étudier la réalisation du contraste de voisement des occlusives après ces cordectomies. / This thesis concerns the study of the phonetic characteristics of the voice and speech after laser cordectomy of types II-III, proposed for laryngeal tumors limited to the vocal fold. Cordectomies of types II-III consist of resection of the epithelium, vocal ligament, lamina propria and a variable part of the vocal muscle. This new anatomicophysiological configuration creates an apposition of the vocal folds less effective and a vibratory asymetry, which involve perturbations in frequency and amplitude and a possible alteration of the voicing. This is a prospective study of 10 male French patients aged 47-80 years. The subjects were recorded between 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. A healthy population of 10 males, aged 34-67 years was the control group. The first chapter is a anatomical and biomechanical reminder of the phonation. It provides a better understand of the mechanisms of voice production and speech. The second chapter is a brief presentation of partial laryngeal surgeries. It allows us to determine, in particular, the emergence of laser cordectomies. The third chapter is a description of the different laser cordectomies. We also present a review of the literature which shows the functional results after these surgeries, but also emphasizes on the multiparamétric dimension of the scientific approaches. The fourth chapter is a detailed description of the populations studied, the corpus and the materials used for our various studies. The fifth chapter includes four studies which show the impact of surgery on the parameters of the F0, loudness and their perturbation factors (jitter and shimmer). The ranges of variation of F0 of the subjects will be analyzed. The last chapter is devoted to the implementation of the voicing feature. It consists of four studies (acoustic, aerodynamic, EGG and perceptual) which will allow us to observe the preservation of voicing contrast of plosives after these cordectomies.
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Perception auditive, visuelle et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales par les adultes devenus sourds. Lecture labiale, implant cochléaire, implant du tronc cérébral. / Auditory, visual and auditory-visual perception of nasal vowels by deafened adults : Speechareading, Cochlear Implant, Auditory Brainstem ImplantBorel, Stéphanie 14 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la perception visuelle, auditive et audiovisuelle des voyelles nasales [ɑ̃] (« lent »),[ɔ̃] (« long ») et [ɛ̃] (« lin ») par des adultes devenus sourds, implantés cochléaires et implantés dutronc cérébral. L’étude sur la perception visuelle des voyelles, auprès de 22 adultes devenus sourds,redéfinit les sosies labiaux des voyelles nasales et propose une mise à jour de la classification desvisèmes. Trois études sur l’identification auditive des voyelles nasales auprès de 82, 15 et 10 adultesimplantés cochléaires mettent en évidence leur difficulté à reconnaitre les trois voyelles nasales, qu’ilsperçoivent comme des voyelles orales. Les analyses acoustiques et perceptives suggèrent que lesadultes implantés cochléaires s’appuient sur les informations fréquentielles des deux premiers picsspectraux mais négligent les informations d’intensité relative de ces pics. D’après l’étude menéeauprès de 13 adultes implantés du tronc cérébral, des informations acoustiques linguistiques sonttransmises par l’implant du tronc cérébral mais la fusion entre les informations auditives et visuellespourrait être optimisée pour l’identification des voyelles. Enfin, une enquête auprès de 179orthophonistes pointe le besoin d’une information sur la définition phonétique articulatoire actualiséedes voyelles [ɑ̃] et [ɛ̃]. / This thesis focuses on the visual, auditory and auditory-visual perception of french nasal vowels [ɑ̃](« lent »), [ɔ̃] (« long ») and [ɛ̃] (« lin ») by Cochlear Implant (CI) and Auditory Brainstem Implant(ABI) adults users. The study on visual perception of vowels, with 22 deafened adults, redefines thelip configuration of french nasal vowels and provides an update of the classification of vocalic visualphonemes. Three studies on auditory identification of nasal vowels with 82, 15 and 10 CI usershighlight their difficulty in recognizing the three nasal vowels, which they perceive as oral vowels.Acoustic and perceptual analyzes suggest that adults with CI rely on frequency informations of thefirst two spectral peaks but miss the informations of relative intensity of these peaks. The study with13 ABI users show that some linguistic acoustic cues are transmitted by the ABI but the fusion ofauditory and visual features could be optimized for the identification of vowels. Finally, a survey of179 Speech Language and Hearing Therapists show the need of an update on the phonetic articulationof french nasal vowels [ɑ̃] and [ɛ̃].
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Étude des voyelles antérieures non-arrondies en allemand, français et finnois, et applications en vue d'une didactique de la prononciation. / Study of the front non-rounded vowels in German, French and Finnish and applications in the perspective of pronunciation teachingIbarrondo, Ludovic 26 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une réflexion sur les apports potentiels de la phonétique expérimentale à la didactique et à l’enseignement de la prononciation. Son objectif est d’examiner les préférences perceptives des locuteurs du finnois, de l’allemand et du français, pour les voyelles antérieures non-arrondies /i e ɛ/ ; et de prolonger cette démarche dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la prononciation du français, en s’interrogeant sur la nécessité de continuer à considérer le contraste existant entre les voyelles moyennes /e/ et /ɛ/. La première partie de ce travail dresse un portrait des trois langues concernées, et introduit les principales hypothèses de processus cognitifs impliqués dans la perception. La deuxième partie de ce travail aborde la perception des voyelles /i e ɛ/, à travers trois tests de perception permettant 1) de définir les prototypes privilégiés par chacune des populations, 2) de mesurer l’effet d’un aimant perceptif spécifique à la langue, et 3) d’évaluer l’importance accordée à l’abaissement de la mandibule pour le choix des exemplaires de chacune des catégories concernées. L’analyse d’un corpus de parole spontanée nous permet enfin d’examiner la robustesse du contraste /e/~/ɛ/, et de mesurer l’intérêt didactique d’enseigner la différenciation et l’acquisition du timbre ouvert et du timbre fermé de ces voyelles en français langue étrangère. La troisième partie de ce travail s’intéresse enfin à la place accordée à la phonétique dans l’enseignement des langues, et offre une revue des principales tendances méthodologiques qui ont contribué à sa diffusion. L’intérêt d’investir différents outils issus de la phonétique expérimentale, du support multimédia, ou de disciplines non-linguistiques, y est discuté. / This work has its place within the context of reflection on the potential input of experimental phonetics to pronunciation teaching. Its aim is to compare the perceptual preferences of native speakers of Finnish, German, and French, for the front non-rounded vowels /i e ɛ/ ; and to extend this approach to French pronunciation teaching, by analyzing the contrast between the middle vowels /e/ and /ɛ/. The first part of this dissertation presents a picture of the phonological systems and phonotactics of the three languages and recalls the main theories about the cognitive processes involved in the perception of phonetic categories. Based on this comparison, the second part examines the perception of the vowels /i e ɛ/. Three studies have been conducted, in order to 1) determine the category’s prototypes for the three populations studied, 2) measure the impact of a language-specific perceptual magnet [Kuhl, 1991], and 3) assess the involvement of mouth opening, to ensure the contrast between the categories in the three languages. The robustness of the contrast /e/~/ε/ through the acoustic analysis of 633 occurrences of /E/ in a spontaneous speech corpus by one French native speaker has been evaluated and the interest to systematically distinguish the sounds of these two vowels in French as a foreign language has been assessed. The diverse conditioning factors, as the trends highlighted in our corpus, are compared to a similar study carried out by Léon and Tennant [1990] on 100 occurrences of /E/ taken from television broadcasts of Bernard Pivot. The third part of this work finally deals with the place granted to phonetics in language teaching and provides a review of the main methodological tendencies which have contributed to its diffusion. The potential of applying different tools resulting from experimental phonetics research, multimedia or non-linguistic disciplines is also discussed.
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La voix genrée, entre idéologies et pratiques – Une étude sociophonétique / Voice, gender ideologies and practices – A sociophonetic studyArnold, Aron 03 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse interroge le lien qui existe entre voix et genre. Le triple dispositif analytique sociophonétique, consistant à articuler données phonétiques, expérimentales et ethnographiques, a permis d’étudier comment une voix est perçue comme genrée et comment des locutrices/eurs utilisent des pratiques vocales pour indexer des identités de genre. Deux expériences dans lesquelles étaient utilisés comme stimuli des voix de synthèse et des voix resynthétisées ont permis d’observer que la fréquence fondamentale et les fréquences de résonance jouent des rôles différents dans la perception du genre. Une troisième expérience avec des voix de locutrices/eurs trans (transgenres, transsexuel-le-s) a permis de reproduire les résultats des deux expériences précédentes : en deçà d’un certain seuil de fréquence fondamentale, les voix tendent à être perçues comme « voix d’hommes » ; la perception genrée de voix produites avec des fréquences fondamentales supérieures à ce seuil est cependant largement déterminée par les fréquences de résonance.L’étude de pratiques vocales utilisées par des locutrices/eurs trans a soulevé un ensemble de questions sur le passing de genre et sur la co-indexation d’identités et de postures par la voix. Elle a aussi soulevé la question de la légitimité de chercheurs identifiés comme hommes cisgenres à réaliser ce type d’étude. Une démarche ethnographique a pu apporter des éléments de réponse à ces différentes questions. Une analyse de la littérature phonétique a finalement permis de montrer que celle-ci, à travers ses questions et hypothèses de recherche, ses axiomes, ses analyses et interprétations des données, peut véhiculer une idéologie de genre binaire et sexiste. / The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between voice and gender. Phonetic, experimental and ethnographic data have been used to study how the voice is perceived as gendered and how speakers use vocal practices to index gender identities. Two experiments with synthetized and resynthesized voices have shown that fundamental frequency and resonance frequencies play different roles in the perception of gender. The results of these experiments could be reproduced in a third experiment with voices of transgender speakers: under a certain fundamental frequency threshold, voices tend to be perceived as “male voices”; but above this threshold, resonance frequencies define if the voice is perceived as “female voice” or “male voice”. The study of the vocal practices of transgender speakers raised questions about gender passing, and about the indexical link between identities, stances and voice. It also raised the question of the legitimacy of researchers that are identified as cisgender males to do research on trans speaker voices. These different questions could be addressed through ethnographic data. Finally, an analysis of the phonetic literature showed that the research questions and hypotheses, the axioms, the analyses and interpretations of data one can find in phonetic studies can be a vehicle for a sexist and binary gender ideology.
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