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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Complicating Normal: How Trans People Simultaneously Challenge and Reproduce Heteronormativity

Kassner, Katherine M. 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Přístup k trans a nebinárním studujícím v českých školách / Approach towards trans and non-binary students in Czech schools

Brzák, Teodor January 2021 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The aim of the thesis was to explore the approach of schools towards trans and nonbinary students in Czech Republic. The theoretical part presents an analysis and comparison of various approaches to this issue and places it in the context of the Czech educational system. The practical part of the thesis brings quantitative research devoted to the assessment of the whole situation in a comprehensive form from the perspective of trans and nonbinary students themselves, with an extension of qualitative insight. The survey conducted through electronic questionnaires focused on experiences in the field of: school procedure after coming out; solving specific situations; the school's approach to queer and gender themes; safety in the school environment. The research involved 105 people who provided 122 experiences from schools in primary, secondary and tertiary education. The results provided a detailed description of the current situation and its significant diversity, while also pointing to specific problematic aspects and differences in the degree of respect for the identities of students growing along with the level of education. The variability of research results and frequently mentioned disregarding attitudes and approaches correlate with the theoretical finding that there are no officially...

Écrivains chinois d'expression française. Typologie d'un champ littéraire transculturel / Chinese authors writing in French. Typology of a transcultural literary field

Croiset, Sophie 29 May 2012 (has links)
Dans le courant du XXe siècle, la scène littéraire de langue française s’est enrichie d’auteurs venus de Chine. Passeurs de langues, de frontières et de cultures, ils érigent, par leurs productions, des ponts singuliers illustrant les défis de la mondialisation. Du roman à la poésie en passant par le théâtre, l’objectif de notre étude est d’avancer une typologie de ce champ littéraire émergent. Englobant les vingt-quatre auteurs qui composent ce dernier, parmi lesquels François Cheng, Gao Xingjian, Dai Sijie, ou encore Ying Chen, l’analyse se fonde sur un concept-référent : la transidentité des auteurs. Par ailleurs, afin de saisir au mieux la complexité et la diversité des productions, la transdisciplinarité des approches – sociologique, littéraire et linguistique – s’avère éclairante. Par le prisme de l’identité culturelle, l’étude interne des œuvres se divise en deux volets : les représentations interculturelles et la poétique transculturelle. Dans une optique de comparaison constante entre les œuvres de chaque auteur, puis entre les différents auteurs, nous rendons compte des caractéristiques récurrentes et opérons des classifications. Ceci permet d’interroger le statut du champ au sein des littératures dites "francophones" et de soulever la question de l’étiquette. Ainsi, par le truchement des auteurs chinois, c’est le statut identitaire et théorique de tout écrivain périphérique dans l’espace francophone que nous cherchons à éclairer. / In the 20th century, French literary scene has been enriched by authors coming from China. Crossing languages, borders and cultures, they erected, through their productions, singular bridges that illustrate the challenges of globalization. Focused on novels, poetry, passing by theater, the purpose of this research is to advance a typology of this emerging literary field. Encompassing the twenty-four authors composing it, including François Cheng, Gao Xingjian, Dai Sijie, or Ying Chen, the study is based on a referent-concept: the authors’ transidentity. For a better understanding of complexity and diversity of productions, transdisciplinarity – sociological, literary, and linguistic approaches – is instructive. By the prism of cultural identity, the internal study of works is divided into two components: intercultural representations and transcultural (of cross-cultural) poetic. With a constant comparison between works of each author, and between the authors, we figure out recurring characteristics and operate classifications. This allows to question the status of the field in the so-called "Francophone" literature and to raise the issue of the label. Thus through Chinese authors, it is any peripheral writer theoretical status in the francophone space that we are trying to explore and enlighten.

Traitement de la transidentité dans "Laurence Anyways"

Légeron, Camille 04 1900 (has links)
Notre travail s'articule autour du film Laurence Anyways (2012), de Xavier Dolan. Nous y explorons la représentation du personnage de femme transgenre. Dans un premier temps, nous procédons à une analyse filmique axée sur la transidentité, puis à une analyse de réception à deux volets : celle dans la presse, mais aussi celle des personnes trans. Enfin, nous précisons la démarche de recherche-création ayant mené à la réalisation d'un documentaire où figurent deux personnes trans qui témoignent de leurs rapports à la représentation des personnes trans dans les médias audiovisuels contemporains. / Our work revolves around Xavier Dolan’s film Laurence Anyways (2012), in which we will explore the transgender woman representation. First, we will proceed to a film analysis that focuses on trans identity, and then to a double reception analysis: reception in the press, but also reception by trans people. Eventually, we will detail the research-creation process that led us to direct a documentary film featuring two trans people speaking about their views on trans representation in the audiovisual media today.

Construction and validation of a Negative Attitudes toward Trans People Scale / Construcción y validación de una escala de actitudes negativas hacia personas trans

Páez, José, Hevia, Guillermo, Pesci, Florencia, Rabbia, Hugo H. 25 September 2017 (has links)
The study goal was to construct and psychometrically validate a negative’s attitudes towards trans people scale (EANT) as an expression of prejudice against trans. Two interdepen- dent sequential studies through questionnaires are reported, both rely on non-probabilistic samples: Study 1, involves 203 participants, mainly college students, addresses the construction and exploratory analysis of the EANT. Study 2, involving 408 participants assigned according to s ociodemographic quotes established by the national census in the general population, shows confirmatory factor analysis and external validation of the scale. A sole factor 9-item instrument, with acceptable internal consistency (α = .886) was obtained. The results suggest good applicability in general population studies. Expected relations with typical variables (ATLG, RWA, SDO and religiosity) were procured. / Se construye y valida psicométricamente una escala de actitudes negativas hacia personas trans (EANT) como expresión del prejuicio hacia las mismas. Se reportan dos estudios secuenciales interdependientes por cuestionarios a partir de muestreos no probabilísticos. El estudio 1, con 203 participantes, en su mayoría estudiantes universitarios, aborda la construcción y análisis exploratorio de la EANT. El estudio 2, con 408 participantes según cuotas sociodemográficas establecidas por el censo nacional en la población general, estudia los análisis factoriales confirmatorios y la validación externa de la escala. Se obtuvo un instrumento unifactorial de 9 ítems, con una consistencia interna aceptable (α = .886) que sugiere una adecuada aplicabilidad en población general, así como relaciones esperables convariables típicas (ATLG, RWA, SDO y religiosidad).

La voix genrée, entre idéologies et pratiques – Une étude sociophonétique / Voice, gender ideologies and practices – A sociophonetic study

Arnold, Aron 03 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse interroge le lien qui existe entre voix et genre. Le triple dispositif analytique sociophonétique, consistant à articuler données phonétiques, expérimentales et ethnographiques, a permis d’étudier comment une voix est perçue comme genrée et comment des locutrices/eurs utilisent des pratiques vocales pour indexer des identités de genre. Deux expériences dans lesquelles étaient utilisés comme stimuli des voix de synthèse et des voix resynthétisées ont permis d’observer que la fréquence fondamentale et les fréquences de résonance jouent des rôles différents dans la perception du genre. Une troisième expérience avec des voix de locutrices/eurs trans (transgenres, transsexuel-le-s) a permis de reproduire les résultats des deux expériences précédentes : en deçà d’un certain seuil de fréquence fondamentale, les voix tendent à être perçues comme « voix d’hommes » ; la perception genrée de voix produites avec des fréquences fondamentales supérieures à ce seuil est cependant largement déterminée par les fréquences de résonance.L’étude de pratiques vocales utilisées par des locutrices/eurs trans a soulevé un ensemble de questions sur le passing de genre et sur la co-indexation d’identités et de postures par la voix. Elle a aussi soulevé la question de la légitimité de chercheurs identifiés comme hommes cisgenres à réaliser ce type d’étude. Une démarche ethnographique a pu apporter des éléments de réponse à ces différentes questions. Une analyse de la littérature phonétique a finalement permis de montrer que celle-ci, à travers ses questions et hypothèses de recherche, ses axiomes, ses analyses et interprétations des données, peut véhiculer une idéologie de genre binaire et sexiste. / The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between voice and gender. Phonetic, experimental and ethnographic data have been used to study how the voice is perceived as gendered and how speakers use vocal practices to index gender identities. Two experiments with synthetized and resynthesized voices have shown that fundamental frequency and resonance frequencies play different roles in the perception of gender. The results of these experiments could be reproduced in a third experiment with voices of transgender speakers: under a certain fundamental frequency threshold, voices tend to be perceived as “male voices”; but above this threshold, resonance frequencies define if the voice is perceived as “female voice” or “male voice”. The study of the vocal practices of transgender speakers raised questions about gender passing, and about the indexical link between identities, stances and voice. It also raised the question of the legitimacy of researchers that are identified as cisgender males to do research on trans speaker voices. These different questions could be addressed through ethnographic data. Finally, an analysis of the phonetic literature showed that the research questions and hypotheses, the axioms, the analyses and interpretations of data one can find in phonetic studies can be a vehicle for a sexist and binary gender ideology.

Trans Library Experience : A qualitative research of trans experience and identity work in Swedish public libraries

Blick, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines how trans people experience Swedish public libraries, as well as how the library can be an integral part of their trans identity work. The data sample was collected through semi-structured phenomenological interviews with five trans and non-binary library users. The analysis of the interview data was done using the method of thematic analysis (TA), following an inductive approach. The theoretical framework focuses on five different, but connecting, concepts. Mainly, theories about intersectionality; whiteness; the heterosexual matrix; orientation; and categorization. The results of this study show that trans people use and experience the library in a myriad of different ways. It is clear, however, that all the informants look to libraries to provide them with material that they can see themselves represented in, to get a sense of validation for their gender identity. Even though the library provides this in some ways, other aspects connected to libraries function to hinder trans people in their identity work. There are several ways that libraries can improve on their services toward trans patrons, and one of these are to better facilitate meetings between different trans people through more activities catering towards this group. In short, libraries need to be mindful about this specific group both when it comes to the services they offer, as well as the physical layout of the library space. These are all aspects which affect and influence trans people and their ability to construct and express their gender identity. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur transpersoner upplever Svenska folkbibliotek, och dessutom hur biblioteken kan fungera som en viktig faktor i deras identitetsarbete. Dataansatsen samlades in via semi-strukturerade fenomenologiska intervjuer med fem trans- och icke-binära biblioteksanvändare. Analysen denna intervjudata gjordes med hjälp av metoden tematisk analys (TA), utifrån en induktiv ansats. Det teoretiska ramverket fokuserar på fem olika, men integrerade, koncept. Detta baserat på teorier kring intersektionalitet; vithet; den heterosexuella matrisen; orientering; och kategorisering.  Resultatet av denna studie visar att transpersoner använder och upplever bibliotek på en rad olika sätt. Det framgår dock tydligt att informanterna alla ser till biblioteken för att erhålla material de kan se sig själva representerade i för att få en känsla av erkännande av deras genusidentitet. Även om biblioteken lyckas erbjuda detta i vissa fall lyckas andra apsekter av biblioteken fungera för att hindra dem i deras identitetsarbete som transpersoner. Det finns flera sätt som biblioteken kan förbättra deras tjänster gentemot sina användare som är trans, ett av sätten vilket relaterar till att arbeta mer mot att skapa mötesrum för transpersoner genom att erbjuda mer aktiviteter som riktar sig mot denna grupp. I korthet kan man säga att bibliotek måste vara medvetna kring hur de vänder sig mot den här användargruppen, både när det kommer till vilka tjänster de erbjuder samt hur biblioteket som fysisk plats utformas. Dessa är alla aspekter som påverkar och har en inverkan på transpersoners möjlighet att konstruera och uttrycka sin genusidentitet.

Trans Play : Imagining the future of trans games and research from an insider's perspective

Enekvist Redig, Felix January 2021 (has links)
The discussion of LGBT, and specifically, trans identity and its place in games is oneflourishing with more and more research from scholars. Though a glaring issue stillseems to haunt the field, as the voice of LGBT creators and gamers seems to be missingfrom the video game industry and research alike, which is counterproductive to theultimate goal of bettering the environment of games for LGBT gamers and creators. Asa subset to this, a similarly lacking voice is that of the trans gamer. This thesis aims totherefore further explore the stories of a selection of trans gamers through a co-designdriven approach, in an attempt to explore what the trans audience desires from themedium of games, and to explore and to speculate approaches. The findings wouldshow that allowing the participants to themselves lead the study allows for a different,flourishing selection of ideas and hypotheses. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

Trans* identita a rodičovství v České republice / Trans* Identity and Parenting in the Czech Republic

Vostárková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with experiences and ideas of parenting trans*'s persons in the context of their identity. I primarily follow feminist theories and constructivist paradigm, where the research being realized through semi-structured interviews. In the theoretical part I define the basic terms and concepts on which my work is based. I focus on the conceptualization of trans* identities, on the concept of transsexuality in the Czech medical and socio-legal discourse, as well as on their limits in terms of gender perspective. Furthermore, I present the partnership and sexual relations of trans* persons, which then lead me to parenthood itself in the context of trans * identities. Finally, I deal with the coming-out process, especially with a focus on offspring. Within the analytical part I am interested in the attitude of trans* people to prevent reproductive function as the legal condition of gender transition, what reproductive ways and ways of parenting they choose, what obstacles they encounter in the context of parenthood and how they perform their parental role. Key words: gender, trans* identity, heteronormativity, coming out, homophobia, transphobia, limits of identity, parenting, parenting role, kids

Ecrivains chinois d'expression française: typologie d'un champ littéraire transculturel

Croiset, Sophie 29 May 2012 (has links)
Dans le courant du XXe siècle, la scène littéraire de langue française s’est enrichie d’auteurs venus de Chine. Passeurs de langues, de frontières et de cultures, ils érigent, par leurs productions, des ponts singuliers illustrant les défis de la mondialisation. Du roman à la poésie en passant par le théâtre, l’objectif de notre étude est d’avancer une typologie de ce champ littéraire émergent. Englobant les vingt-quatre auteurs qui composent ce dernier, parmi lesquels François Cheng, Gao Xingjian, Dai Sijie, ou encore Ying Chen, l’analyse se fonde sur un concept-référent :la transidentité des auteurs. Par ailleurs, afin de saisir au mieux la complexité et la diversité des productions, la transdisciplinarité des approches – sociologique, littéraire et linguistique – s’avère éclairante. Par le prisme de l’identité culturelle, l’étude interne des œuvres se divise en deux volets :les représentations interculturelles et la poétique transculturelle. Dans une optique de comparaison constante entre les œuvres de chaque auteur, puis entre les différents auteurs, nous rendons compte des caractéristiques récurrentes et opérons des classifications. Ceci permet d’interroger le statut du champ au sein des littératures dites « francophones » et de soulever la question de l’étiquette. Ainsi, par le truchement des auteurs chinois, c’est le statut identitaire et théorique de tout écrivain périphérique dans l’espace francophone que nous cherchons à éclairer.<p><p>/ In the 20th century, French literary scene has been enriched by authors coming from China. Crossing languages, borders and cultures, they erected, through their productions, singular bridges that illustrate the challenges of globalization. Focused on novels, poetry, passing by theater, the purpose of this research is to advance a typology of this emerging literary field. Encompassing the twenty-four authors composing it, including François Cheng, Gao Xingjian, Dai Sijie, or Ying Chen, the study is based on a referent-concept: the authors’ transidentity. For a better understanding of complexity and diversity of productions, transdisciplinarity – sociological, literary, and linguistic approaches – is instructive. By the prism of cultural identity, the internal study of works is divided into two components: intercultural representations and transcultural (of cross-cultural) poetic. With a constant comparison between works of each author, and between the authors, we figure out recurring characteristics and operate classifications. This allows to question the status of the field in the so-called "Francophone" literature and to raise the issue of the label. Thus through Chinese authors, it is any peripheral writer theoretical status in the francophone space that we are trying to explore and enlighten. / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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