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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從承包商角度探討應用系統開發委外產業行銷策略:4C架構觀點 / From Contractor Viewpoint Probe into Marketing Strategy for Application Development Outsourcing Industry – From 4C Framework Aspect

高添水 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊系統的運用已是現代企業經營不可或缺的一環,然而,應用系統的開發通常不是一般企業的核心能力,故委外開發是大多數企業在建置資訊系統時最常用的選項。企業在進行委外開發之前,可能因未將資訊系統的建置與企業經營策略校準、或因缺乏理性的選商流程與評估標準、或因在議約時純粹以殺低價格為主要考量,而錯選到一個不合格的承包商。如果再加上使用者的需求說不清楚,開發人員的質與量不符所需,雙方對各自的權責沒有共識,專案管理能力不足等,則這種委外開發必然會問題不斷,最終以失敗收場。 為提高委外開發的成功率,本論文首先將「應用系統委外開發」重新定義為「在合約關係下,承包商依據客戶的需求,為其規劃、開發、導入、維護所需的資訊應用系統。在系統建置過程中,客戶的主要人員,必須積極地參與承包商的開發活動,包括提供需求說明,驗證與確認(verify & validate;V&V)階段性產出的正確性及可用性等,以確保承包商可以如期、如質、如需求地在預算內完成所委託的交付項目及服務。」以導正觀念。然後再透過「應用系統開發委外專案之業務及開發流程」的介紹,分別從客戶及承包商的角度,提出正確的業務及開發流程,期以拉近雙方的共識,並印證應用系統委外開發的成功,必須靠雙方的共同努力。 當承包商了解客戶在委外決策時所面臨的問題及顧慮後,即可透過4C策略行銷的分析,設計出能夠解除客戶疑慮的方案,建立共識,降低雙方的交易成本及風險,以確保委外合作有個好的開始。本論文從承包商的角度以4C架構進行行銷策略分析,最終得出46個策略,並依照專案的生命周期歸類,以協助承包商隨著專案進展也可以很方便地檢視各種策略組合,故即使是在多專案併行時,依然能有效掌握各種策略的執行,提高應用系統委外開發專案的成功率。 / The use of information systems is an absolutely necessarily in a modern business operations, however, application development usually is not a core competency of the most of enterprises, thus making development outsourcing becomes the most common option for the most of enterprises while they are establishing information systems. But, before the enterprises move forward development outsourcing, they may not align the establishment of information system with the strategies of business operations, or lack of rational processes and evaluation criteria in vendor selection, or only solely consider the lowest-priced while in contract negotiation, thus wrongly selected an unqualified contractor. In addition, if users cannot express requirements clearly, the developers’ quality and quantity do not match the requirement, no consensus on respective responsibilities of the parties, and project management skills shortage, etc., then this kind of development outsourcing shall have problems at every moment, and they will definitely end in failure. To increase the success rate of development outsourcing, this paper firstly redefines “Application Development Outsourcing” (ADO) as "Under a contractual relationship, the contractor shall, pursuant to customer’s requirements, performing the tasks of planning, developing, implementing, and maintaining of the required application system. In the course of the system development, the customer’s key personnels must actively participate in the contractor's development activities, including provide requirement specification, verify and validate the correctness and usability of the output by phases, etc., to ensure that the contractor will be able to deliver the deliverables and service on time, as required quality, as required functionalities, and within budget." The purpose of this redefinition is going to correct perceive of ADO. And then thru the content of “ADO project business and development process”, describes, from the point of view of the customer and the contractor, the “shall-be” business and development process, for closing the gap of the parties, to reached a consensus, and proving the success of ADO, must rely on the concerted efforts of both sides. When the contractor realizes custome’s problems and concerns while deal with ADO decision, then can based on 4C strategic marketing analysis theory, design the solution that can reolving customer’s misgivings scenario, to build consensus, to reduce the transaction costs of both sides and risks, to ensure that outsourcing cooperation there is a good start. This paper, from the point of view of the contractor, based on 4C marketing strategic analysis theory, resulting 46 strategies, and classify them in accordance with the project life cycle, to assist the contractor can also be easily to review the various strategic groups, as alogn with the project progress, thus making even in a multiple project circumstance, still be able to keep track of the implementation of various policies, to improving the success rate ADO projects.

小型建商在台北市精華區預售屋市場之策略行銷分析 / Strategic marketing analysis of small builders in the pre-sale housing market of Taipei’s wealthiest districts

許景翔, Hsu, Ching Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
台北市房地產延續前幾年全球景氣,加上海峽兩岸前所未有的和諧狀態,2008年上半年房市仍持續樂觀且交易熱絡,房地價大漲直到下半年全球金融風暴來襲而急轉直下。而金融風暴的起因恰好就是美國經營房地產次級貸款公司倒閉所引發的連鎖效應。金融風暴襲捲全世界經濟,以出口為導向的台灣首當其衝,台北市房地產景氣也隨之急速降溫,但雖經濟環境造成需求萎縮,台北市土地價格卻未受影響反而屢創新高,加上政府救經濟的財政與貨幣政策,使得台北市預售屋房價並未明顯下跌,2009年甚至因兩岸交流頻仍、中資來台等議題發燒,精華區房地產市場一掃2008下半年陰霾而帶頭上揚。但在消費需求面卻因實質薪資所得並未提升,使得實際自用住宅市場追價力道薄弱,房地產泡沫危機隱約呈現。 因台灣房地產市場存在如此詭譎的內外在環境,供給與需求、作多與看空的勢力拉扯,本篇論文研究從外部環境觀察鄰近各國總體經濟與房地產景氣連動關係的歷史軌跡,進而探究近年與未來台北市房地產業景氣發展趨勢,瞭解建商面對外在經濟環境變動下所存在之機會與威脅,來發現適合小型建商生存之利基市場所在。而內部環境則以房地產預售市場之賣方與買者交易關係探討,分別從廠商供給面與消費者需求面之成本觀點進行研究,尋找小型建商本身擁有的優劣勢所因應之預售屋消費者注重的各項成本屬性,藉由4C策略行銷分析降低消費者各項購屋成本,最後提出策略建議,提升小型建商之核心競爭力。 / The real estate market in Taipei was booming during the first half of 2008, during which time the economy was good and tensions between Taiwan and China began to ease. Housing prices had been rising until they were hit by the global financial crisis in late 2008. The storm of economic downturn, resulted mainly from the chain reaction caused by the collapse of US financial institutions, had swept through the world. Taiwan was deeply affected due to its export-oriented economy. As a result, the once prosperous real estate market had slowed down because of the decrease in demand. However, in 2009, not only had the prices of lands in Taipei not fallen, the presale home prices in the wealthiest districts began to rise again, due to the government’s stimulus financial policy that heavily relied on its friendlier stance with China and the belief that there would be a flow of cash coming from China. Nevertheless, the rise of housing prices could be a gigantic bubble since the median household income has not gained and demand for new homes have not increased. Under the unusual and unpredictable economic circumstances, this thesis focuses on the research and analysis from the viewpoints of maximizing the competitive edges, profits and surviving advantages of small builders in the current housing market in Taipei. Historic macroeconomic trends in real estate in Taiwan and nearby countries were analyzed. Supply and demand in the presale housing market in Taipei were examined, with an emphasis on not only the cost analysis between small builders and buyers, but also the advantages and disadvantages faced by both sides. 4C strategic marketing analysis was carried out to minimize the buying cost from the consumer’s viewpoint; at the same time, tactical marketing recommendations to success are provided to small builders to meet the present challenges.

以4C策略行銷架構分析可視化履歷 服務網之可行性

張奐雲 Unknown Date (has links)
民以食為天,食以安為要! 近年來國內外持續地發生與食品安全相關之問題,從動物肉品之狂牛症、口蹄疫及禽流感,到歐洲發生的大腸桿菌食物中毒、美國之沙門氏花生醬,以及中國大陸之三氯氰胺毒奶粉等食物危害人體健康的事件,使得食品安全管理的嚴重性一再受到各國政府及社會大眾高度的關注。因此,建立食品安全管理體系,確實執行食品安全管理工作已成為世界各國所需面對的緊急重大議題。 本研究之個案「可視化履歷服務網」係從民間NPO組織結合政府及民間資源的理念出發,嘗試提供一套「從農場到餐桌」的可視化食品安全供應鏈追溯及管理服務系統平台,希望突破以往由政府主導推動,但一直難以展現成效的經驗中,找出另一種可行的創新模式。遂擬以邱志聖(2010)之4C行銷策略架構為研究基礎,針對個案-「可視化履歷服務網」進行可行性的分析,從研究農業生產者與消費者買賣雙方的交換行為中,如何透過外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本,以及專屬陷入成本中找出雙方可以建立互信及互動的媒合點,以有系統脈絡的整體性策略架構及推演模式來協助本服務平台建構出可以永續經營的核心競爭優勢,並以此理論基礎做好服務設計的規劃,有效地吸引客戶(包括生產者、供應者及消費者),最終目的乃希望本服務平台可重拾消費者對於食品安全的信心,並藉此讓政府更了解目前政府的組織在食品安全管理問題上,是否還有更好的改善方針? 同時,重新檢視整體食品安全的國家管理機制,希望政府可以在未來的組織改造計畫中,設計出一套可以橫向運作的食品安全管理架構,整合跨部會間彼此的食品資訊交換,讓消費者、生產者、食品加工業者及政府都能成為本研究個案成功推動後的受惠者。 / Lots of fatal food poisoning incidents happened all over the world in the recent years. For example, the BSE happened in cattle, the FMD from the pigs, and the bird flu from the chickens, as well as the EHEC poisoning issues occurred in 2011 summer in Europe, the Salmonella enteritidis in peanuts from a Georgia processing plant in the United States and Melamine poisoning milk incidents happened in China in the past few years. All of these incidents had attracted the serious concerns of all the consumers of every country, and therefore, it has also become a top urgent mission for these global governments to evaluate their food-safety monitoring systems at the current stage. Under this circumstances, a research towards the “The Visible Traceability Service Network (VTSN)” with the theory of“4C Strategic Marketing Framework” is done, for the purpose of pursuing a feasible solution to help Taiwan government evaluate and examine how to improve the efficiency of the current food-safety monitoring systems; and then, leading the official food-safety practices “from the farm to the table” to a successful plateau. In which, the individual case of VTSN is reviewed from its service concept, service flow chart, as well as its system structure with the “4C Strategic Marketing Framework” methodology; by means of the analysis from every stage of “the Cost of Utility”, “the Cost of Information Searching”, “the Cost of Moral Hazard”, and “the Cost of Asset Specifity”, the result has manifested that an effective 4C marketing strategy can really help the service platform to find out its major strengths, so as to solicit the growers, suppliers and buyers to do their transactions under the scenario of both B2B and B2C. Hopefully, this service platform, built up with the 4C Strategic Marketing Framework, can retrieve the faith of all the users towards the agriculture products and foods, and also could provide our government policy makers a good exemplary case to help them review the current food monitoring systems to make sure there is a right track to well-knitted the resources from both the government and the grassroots , and let the food safety information can be seamlessly exchanged across the different units within the government. Finally, it is hopefully expected that the growers, buyers, food processors, consumers and government can all get their benefits after the kick-off of this service platform.

以4C架構探討中國顧問式行銷策略運用 / Research the Operating of Consultant Marketing in China Based on 4C Strategic Marketing Analysis

向書賢, Hsiang, Austin Unknown Date (has links)

FMCG產業品牌建構成功關鍵因素探討 -以A居家生活用品廠商為例 / Successful Factor of Brand Construction for FMCG Industry

鄧弼文 Unknown Date (has links)
FMCG快速移動消費性產品泛指商品使用週期較短、產品消費速度較快、消費者需要不斷重複購買的產品,由於消費者對此種產品的涉入程度低、認知品牌間產品特性差異不大,為了提高市佔率,企業常會以品牌價值創造做為行銷要點,因此,本研究主要依據邱志聖教授所提出的「4C策略行銷分析架構」,就FMCG買方面對品牌廠商所投入的行銷組合的價值評估,與賣方在交易過程獲得品牌權益累積的作法,以雙方所投入的四種成本:外顯單位效益成本 (C1)、資訊搜尋成本(C2)、道德危機成本(C3) 以及專屬陷入成本(C4) ,找出品牌發展與建構的成功關鍵因素。 採用居家領導品牌案例並針對產品生命週期的產品導入期、成長期等品牌建構、發展時期進行成功因素分析,發現: 1.就產品導入、品牌建構期: 品牌建構的基礎是商品,品牌廠商必須確保消費者獲得與品牌承諾一致的C1商品品質與效益,產品的開發策略也必須聚焦於產品本身的關鍵技術或者利基開發滿足各種消費者需求,且能不斷提升與累積其使用產品總效益的產品組合延伸,再透過有效的C2投資,建議採用中央路徑直接溝通品牌的商品獨特利益,並採用整合性的行銷傳播媒體傳遞一致的商品訊息與品牌形象,建立一致清楚的品牌內涵並系統性的累積品牌資產。品牌建構的過程必須在商品上市前即對於可能的C3成本建立有效的管控做法與危機處理機制,而持續透過與買者C1效益連結為品牌商品的專屬資產,透過C2活動建立的品牌印象累積品牌專屬資產C4,建立品牌忠誠。 2.就產品成長、品牌發展期: 維持品牌商品的穩定產品品質與運用關鍵技術進入新區隔市場或者產品線延伸都是持續降低消費者外顯單位效益成本C1的有效做法,再透過活用不同的溝通通路與新興科技整合傳遞一致的定位與商品、品牌訊息,降低消費者C2並持續累積品牌C1效益訊息傳遞進而建立品牌的專屬資產C4。品牌發展階段C3的管理控制作業甚或危機處理致關重要,所提及穩定的C1產品品質、透過C2建立C4品牌信任感、面對品牌競爭的C2回應操作都是控制或降低道德危機成本C3的關鍵因素。自品牌建構期到發展期必須定義清楚與系統性的累積消費者對於該品牌的技術方案產品效益、品牌印象偏好等品牌的專屬陷入成本C4,持續的追蹤與運用C4創造更深厚的品牌資產,產生態度與行為的忠誠,促使品牌永續的發展。

根據消費者決策考量因素對購買行為影響之偏好 / The competitive strategy analysis of motherboard industry in China

劉文忠 Unknown Date (has links)
我國主機板業在短短不到二十年的時間內迅速竄起並獨霸全球,但由於市場的飽和、產品的規格化,主機板業邁向產業集中化及強者恒強、弱者恒弱的趨勢日趨明顯。因此,各廠商經營效率的改善及提升,及同業間生產規模擴展之競爭,乃至於對未來市場變化之因應便成為一重要研究之探究課題。 本研究採用問卷調查的方式,從主機板產業中選擇中國大陸大學二年級學生為研究對象,發現入學後購買電腦的學生比例達到71%。從各個時段的購買相對值來看,假期結束後回校的前兩個月是購買高峰。按購買電腦類型,DIY的整體份額在29%,筆記型電腦最高在62%;按計劃購買的性別來看,不論是男性或女性,皆是以筆記型電腦為主,其次是DIY;沒有計劃購買電腦的同學中,目前沒有需求是主要原因,而受限於價格是其次。質量可靠、知名品牌與朋友推薦是同學們選擇主板的主要因素。 產品規格及性價比,事先搜尋相關產品資訊確認主板產品的確能提供其廠商所強調的功能或價值,同學多會通過 「詢問朋友」、「媒體推薦」、「網上搜索」等來獲取相關信息,因此相關之「外顯單位效益成本」、「買者資訊搜尋成本」、「買者道德危機成本」等預算,應當維持相當水準, 對於「買者專屬陷入成本」的行銷預算,可以酌情減少, 當廠商了解客戶在面臨的問題及顧慮後,即可透過4C策略行銷的分析,設計出能夠解除客戶疑慮的方案,建立共識,降低雙方的交易成本及風險,以確保合作有個好的開始。本論文從廠商的角度以4C架構進行行銷策略分析,以協助廠商隨著專案進展也可以很方便地檢視各種策略組合,故即使是在多專案併行時,依然能有效掌握各種策略的執行。 / The motherboard industry has developed soon within 20 years and now become the top in the world. In 2000 the market share reached to 84.7%. However, due to the saturation of the whole market and the standardization of the products, it is obvious that the industry has stepped to centralization. The trend of “The stronger will be stronger; the weaker will be weaker” can be seen in the industry. Therefore, the improvement of efficiency, the competition within the industry, and the ways to cope with the market changes in the future are critical topics to research. This research adopted the method of questionnaire survey and took sophomore from universities in China as research objects. We could found in this research that the time students bought their computers concentrated on 2008 and 2009;That is, the frequency which students bought their computers peaked when they were freshmen and sophomore. Also, according to this research, we could found, in the type of computers students bought, that students who bought DIY computers account for 29% and who bought note books account for 62%, the highest percentage. Furthermore, we could found, in the gender who bought computers, that the percentage of boys who bought DIY computers is obviously greater than the percentage of girls and that the percentage of girls who bought note books is obviously greater than the percentage of boys. The primary factors influenced the decision that students bought motherboards are the quality, famous brand, and friends’ recommendation.

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