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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Listed, obliterated or status unknown : an analysis of the 50-year rule, 1966-2010

Koller, Emily Jeanne 25 July 2011 (has links)
The report evolves from previous work in the field that questions the efficacy of the 50-year rule, or criterion consideration G, of the National Register of Historic Places program to register and protect modern and recent past resources. Proponents of the recent past argue that by restricting evaluation of historic architecture to only that which is 50-years or older is leading to widespread endangerment and demolition of buildings and sites with periods of significance from the postwar era. This report studies the use of criterion G in-depth since the inception of the National Register program and attempts to identify and quantify the resources lost through continued adherence to the 50-year rule. The analysis is done in two parts. Part one examines the history of the use of criterion G by tracking patterns in the National Register of Historic Places data between 1966 and 2010 to determine how and where the case for exceptional significance has been made. Part two challenges the capacity of the existing framework of the 50-year rule and the NRHP program to protect the recent past by surveying the current status of a 145 AIA award-winning buildings from the 1960s. Most are virtually undiscovered in the canon of American architectural history, and all could likely be found as exceptionally significant. The study finds more than 75% of the AIA award-winners standing and possessing good integrity, but only 6% actually listed on the Register. The report concludes that we are losing less to outright demolition than estimated, but lack of context studies and an inconsistent vocabulary for postwar architecture is preventing the registration of intact resources from the 1960s that could greatly benefit from the awareness and recognition that is the primary purpose of the National Register. / text

Darbuotojų teisių apsauga verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo atveju / Safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of business or parts of businesses

Vasiliauskas, Mantas 24 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo sąvoka bei darbuotojų teisių apsaugos tam tikri aspektai ES teisėje, teismų praktikoje, taip pat lyginama su šių nuostatų įgyvendinimu Lietuvos teisėje bei praktikoje. Siekiant nustatyti, ar šios direktyvos pilna apimti įgyvendintos Lietuvos teisėje, atlikta ETT praktikos analizė, kurioje atskleista, jog verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas yra platesnė sąvoka, nei nustatyta direktyvose (77/187, 98/50 ir 2001/23) ir apima pačius įvairiausius perdavimo būdus, įskaitant ir tuos, kai perdavėjo bei perėmėjo nesieja jokia sutartis, administraciniu ar teismo sprendimu ir pan. Nustatyta, jog Lietuvoje verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas tam tikrais atvejais gali būti laikomas savarankišku įmonės ar jos dalies įgyjimo būdu, šalia įmonės ar jos esminės dalies pirkimo-pardavimo, o taip pat ir reorganizavimo. Nepaisant to, Lietuvos teisėje nėra pateikta verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo sąvoka, kaip ji yra apibrėžiama ES teisėje todėl praktikoje dažniausiai įvardinama kaip įmonės reorganizavimas arba struktūrinis pertvarkymas. Nagrinėti darbuotojų teisių apsaugos aspektai ES teisėje nustato aiškią apsaugą bei jos apimtį. Kita vertus, ETT praktika atskleidė darbo santykių apsaugos išimtis ir susiaurino jos taikymo sritį. Įgyvendinant direktyvas Lietuvos teisėje, nebuvo įtvirtinta jokia papildoma apsauga perimamiems darbuotojams, išskyrus tai, jog verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas negali būti teisėta priežastimi nutraukti darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This article analyses the definition of transfer of business or part of business, the protection of particular employees’ rights in the European law, case law, and compares realisation of current provisions in the Lithuanian law and application in the national case law. The European Court of Justice case law is analysed with the aim to determine if the European directives regarding the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses were introduced into the Lithuanian law on the whole extent. According to the judgements of the European Court of Justice, the concept of the transfer of business or part of business should cover a wider number of transfers than it is stated in directives, including those transfers, where there is no contract between transferor and transferee, transfers as a result of a legislative or administrative decision. Purchasing or reorganisation of enterprise does not always coincide with transfer of business or part of business and can be considered as a separate type of acquirement of business or part of business. However, the Lithuanian Labour Code does not provide for a definition of transfer of business, as it is done by The European Court of Justice and in Lithuanian case law it is often recognised as reorganisation or structural changes. The most basic protected employees’ rights were analysed and it showed that the European law provides clear protected rights and its... [to full text]

Religion and philosophy in the thought of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī : the problem of God's existence

Sharqāwī, ʻIffat Muḥammad January 1970 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to define and analyse Razi's position towards Ibn Sina's metaphysics with special reference to the problem of God's existence. The whole analysis is undertaken within the frameworK of Ghazali's presentation of the conflict between philosophy and religion in Islam.


Mason, Edward 01 January 2013 (has links)
Only recently have scholars given particular attention to the development of the racial discourse present in early Christian apologetics. This study is aimed at understanding the Latin and Greek literary antecedents to the development of a Christian discourse on race and identity and examining in detail the apex of this discourse in the work of third century apologist Origen of Alexandria. Origen’s work represented the apex of an evolving discourse that, while continuing to use traditional vocabulary, became increasingly universalizing with the growth of the Roman Empire. By understanding how Christians in the first three centuries shaped their attitudes on race and identity, scholars can better comprehend the place of Christianity within the cultural framework of the Roman Empire.

Analýza příčin nezaměstnanosti věkové skupiny nad 50 let / Analysis of the causes of unemployment age group over 50 years

Moravcová, Renata January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines labour market and unemployment not only in chosen region but also at the country level with special focus on people over 50 years of age. Current growing share of older people at labour market is caused especially by demographic trends and by rising of retirement age. From this reason its necessary to diagnose and solve the topic and area of unemployment of elderly persons. In the first part of thesis basic concepts and theoretical basis are defined. We give emphasis on theoretical information regarding of unemployment, its types and rate and employment politics too. The second part of thesis focuses on unemployments evolution and trend in Czech republic, actual state of the labour market and its analysis from the older population point of view. Following part of work characterizes trend of unemployment in Kralupy nad Vltavou and villages in close neighborhood that are part of same administrative district and evaluates overall situation of local labour market. By confirming or declining of stated hypothesis at the end of thesis we aim to define main and root causes of unemployment of chosen age group.

Nepřítel lidu - recepce severských autorů v české literatuře 50. a 60. let 20. století / An Enemy of the People: Reception of Nordic authors in Czech literature 50th and 60th years of 20th century

KOLLOUCHOVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
My master thesis is capturing the reflection Czech translations from Scandinavian literatures in fifties and sixties 20th century in Czechoslovakia. Part of the thesis is going to be research, which creates the base for bibliographycal list of books translated to Czech language from various Scandinavian languages. Thesis also focuses on period reception of these books in the form of reviews or prefaces and afterwords. Last part is going to present three chosen titles.

Religião e sociedade no Egito antigo: do mito de Ísis e Osíris na obra de Plutarco (I d.C.)

Santos, Poliane Vasconi dos [UNESP] 26 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-09-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:28:15Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_pv_me_assis.pdf: 683228 bytes, checksum: a1b11b554219e8c3ebbb9a4f2c9ad14e (MD5) / Osíris foi um dos deuses mais importantes dentro do panteão da civilização egípcia. Encontramos alusões ao seu mito desde o começo da era dinástica até o período greco-romano, onde temos a síntese realizada por Plutarco (45-120 d.C.) no seu tratado sobre Ísis e Osíris. Através da análise desse mito, tal como narrado por Plutarco, pode-se perceber que sua influência foi muito profunda e marcante na história do Egito abrangendo questões referentes aos aspectos principais dessa sociedade. Seu mito respondia questões e anseios pertinentes a todos os egípcios sendo dessa forma adorado em todo o país. Possuía características e funções como deus relacionado aos ciclos da natureza, como a Lua, o Nilo e o grão, como mantenedor da ordem e da sucessão real e fundamentalmente como aquele que transcendeu a morte e foi reinar no Ultra-Tumba, tornando-se rei e juiz desse mundo. Portanto, nosso objetivo será mostrar que o mito de Osíris estava relacionado com todos os aspectos da vida egípcia, da paz à guerra, da seca à enchente, da peste à abundância, da posição divina do faraó à dureza da servidão e fundamentalmente, da vida à morte. Conseguindo, assim, abarcar em sua personalidade divina todos os atributos necessários para solucionar e satisfazer as necessidades de todos os estratos sociais, do rei ao servo. / Osiris was one of the most important divinities inside the panteon of Egyptian civilization. We find hints of this myth since the beginning of the Dynastyc era until the Greco-Roman period, in which we have the syntesis made by Plutarch (45-120 A.D.) in his work about Isis and Osiris. Analyzing the myth of Osiris, as it is narrated by Plutarch, we can realize that its influence was very deep and very important in the history of Egypt, reaching questions concerning the main features of this society. The myth of Osiris answered questions and wishes which were pertinent to all egyptians, so that it was adored in entire country. It possessed characteristics and functions as god related to the cycles of nature, like the Moon, the Nile River and the seed; as keeper of order and of regal succession and, fundamentally, as the one which transcended the death and went to reign in Over-Grave, becoming king and judge of that world. Thus, our purpose will be to show that the myth of Osiris was related to all features of Egyptian life, from peace to war, from dryness to inundation, from plague to plenty, from the divine position of the king to the hardness of servitude, and fundamentally, from life to death. So, the myth of Osiris got to embrace, in its divine personality, all the necessary attributes to resolve and to satisfy the needs of all social classes, from the king to the serf.

O que ensinar a quem já ensina em aula de língua estrangeira? : uma proposta pedagógica para ensino de línguas estrangeiras a alunos adultos

Basso, Elsa Mónica Bonito 22 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo pesquisar o que ensinar, em aula de língua estrangeira, a alunos adultos, de mais de cinquenta anos de idade que, em virtude de sua experiência de vida, muitas vezes, têm mais a ensinar que a aprender. O estudo está vinculado ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, da Universidade de Caxias do Sul- Mestrado em Educação-, dentro da linha de pesquisa “Educação, Linguagem e Tecnologia” e vincula-se, também, ao projeto de pesquisa “Aspectos da formação leitora e sua repercussão na relação entre profissional eficiente e leitura (TEAR 5)”, desenvolvido na Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados incluíram um instrumento de pesquisa que consistiu num questionário, com a inclusão de um relato de experiências, do qual foi feita uma análise textual discursiva (Bardin e Moraes), juntamente com uma análise dialética dos aspectos levantados. Percebe-se que o conteúdo das aulas de língua estrangeira para adultos maiores precisa ser reformulado, a fim de torná-lo significativo. Com base na pesquisa realizada, destacam-se os aspectos: subjetividade e expressão de sentimentos, o que leva a sugerir um “novo” elemento a ser incluído no ensino de língua estrangeira para essa faixa etária: a estética, entendida como uma possibilidade de entender o mundo de outra maneira. O elemento estético, trabalhado por Bense, Ostrower, Hermann, Paviani, vem acompanhado do processo reflexivo no ato de aprender, como forma de atingir a autonomia no desenvolvimento cognitivo do indivíduo histórico (conceito apresentado por Hegel). Relacionando a ética com a estética, a arte e a vida, compõe-se uma proposta que recorre, também, aos usos do texto e da língua na perspectiva de Vygotsky e Bakhtin, como forma de fazer com que o aluno dialogue consigo mesmo, com o outro e com o mundo. O estudo mostra que o aluno, no momento em que consegue estabelecer esse diálogo, aprende, interagindo e construindo sua subjetividade. Dessa forma, este estudo apresenta sugestões de incluir elementos estéticos nos programas de ensino de língua estrangeira para alunos adultos maiores e de continuar pesquisando se esses elementos são relevantes, também, para outras áreas do ensino e da aprendizagem nessa faixa etária. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-03T12:18:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elsa Monica Bonito Basso.pdf: 1156315 bytes, checksum: 2b3e24f03090617cd4eb117834e9f767 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-03T12:18:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elsa Monica Bonito Basso.pdf: 1156315 bytes, checksum: 2b3e24f03090617cd4eb117834e9f767 (MD5) / The aim of this work is to investigate what to teach, in foreign language classes, to more than fifty-year-old adult learners, who, due to their life experience, have more to teach than to learn. This study is linked to Post-Graduation Program in Education of Universidad de Caxias do Sul- Master in Education- in research line “Education, Language, and Technology” and , it is also linked to a research project “Aspects of reading training and its repercussions in the relationship between efficient professional and reading (TEAR 5)”, also developed at Universidade de Caxias do Sul. The methodological procedures used included a research instrument which consisted in a questionnaire, containing an experience account. From the latter, a textual discourse analysis was done (Bardin and Moraes) together with a dialectic analysis of the referred aspects. It was noticed that the contents of foreign language classes for older adults needs to be reformulated so as to be more significant. Based on the piece of research done, two aspects: subjectivity and expression of feelings are highlighted, which leads to suggest a “new” element to be included in foreign language teaching for this age: aesthetics, considered as a possibility of seeing life in another way. The aesthetic element, as studied by Bense, Ostrower, Hermann, and Paviani appears together with the process of reflection in the act of learning, as a means of attaining autonomy in the cognitive development of the historic individual (concept introduced by Hegel). Relating ethics and aesthetics, art and life, this proposal is composed, also referring to uses of text and language, in Vygotsky‟s and Bakhtin‟s approach, as a way of having the student talking to himself/herself, to others, and to the world. This study shows that, when this dialogue takes place, the student learns, and at the same time, builds his/her subjectivity. So, this study suggests including aesthetics elements in foreign language curricula for older adult students, and continuing research about the possibility of these points being also relevant in other areas of teaching and learning at the referred age.

Les nouvelles de Richard Matheson (1950-1971) : un imaginaire américain entre science-fiction et fantastique / Richard Matheson's short stories (1950-1971) : an American imagination between science fiction and the fantastic

Engélibert, Gwenthalyn 14 June 2018 (has links)
Entre 1950 et 1971, Matheson publie 89 nouvelles dont plusieurs ont constitué des jalons de la culture populaire, par exemple «Born of Man and Woman», «Nightmare at 20,000 Feet», «Steel» ou encore «Duel».Très versatile, il s'imprègne des attentes des magazines de science-fiction et de fantastique américains qui sont en plein bouleversement dans les années 1950. Cette thèse se propose d'étudier les caractéristiques génériques des nouvelles, qui se comprennent également au prisme de la société américaine d'après-guerre : traumatisme de l'utilisation de la bombe sur Hiroshima et Nagasaki, peurs liées à la menace nucléaire, rhétorique paranoïaque du Maccarthysme, développement des banlieues et de leur espace conformiste et attentes de la société vis-à-vis des hommes blancs de la classe moyenne. Les structures et thématiques de la littérature de l'imaginaire, l'aliénation, l'altérité (les monstres, les extraterrestres, les robots), la mécanisation et la robotisation du travail, les objets hantés, la possession, permettent de mettre en évidence les tendances de l'imaginaire mathesonien. Écrivain de la solitude, Matheson excelle à faire partager le point de vue du paranoïaque, du monstre, du robot, et plus largement du marginal qui ne parvient pas à donner un sens au monde qui l'entoure, et dont les interrogations ontologiques et métaphysiques représentent autant de mise-enabyme de récits de création du monde. Le solitaire trouve son paroxysme dans la figure du survivant, qui devient le paradigme de l'imaginaire de Matheson. / Between 1950 and 1971, Matheson published 89 short stories, among which several proved essential in popular culture, such as "Born of Man and Woman", "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", "Steel", or "Duel". As a very versatile author, Matheson was also a pragmatic and he understood what the science fiction and fantasy magazines expected, especially in the 1950s when such magazines were undergoing deep changes. This study is an attempt to analyze the generic characteristics of Matheson's short fiction, also to be understood from a cultural point of view and through the main features of American society after the second world war: traumas after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, fears of nuclear annihilation, paranoid style in politics and Maccarthyism, development of the suburbs and conformism, as well as social expectations for middleclass white males.Structures such as alienation, alterity (monsters, aliens, robots), mechanization of work, haunted objects, possession, that all highlight Matheson's recurrent themes.Matheson specialized in the writing of loneliness, excelling in making the reader share the character's point of view, that of the paranoid, the monster, the robot or more generally speaking, of the marginal who cannot make sense of their environment. Their metaphysical and ontological questioning create mise-en-abyme of narratives of world building and creation. The solitary character culminate into the character of the survivor, paradigmatic of Matheson's fiction.

O que ensinar a quem já ensina em aula de língua estrangeira? : uma proposta pedagógica para ensino de línguas estrangeiras a alunos adultos

Basso, Elsa Mónica Bonito 22 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo pesquisar o que ensinar, em aula de língua estrangeira, a alunos adultos, de mais de cinquenta anos de idade que, em virtude de sua experiência de vida, muitas vezes, têm mais a ensinar que a aprender. O estudo está vinculado ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, da Universidade de Caxias do Sul- Mestrado em Educação-, dentro da linha de pesquisa “Educação, Linguagem e Tecnologia” e vincula-se, também, ao projeto de pesquisa “Aspectos da formação leitora e sua repercussão na relação entre profissional eficiente e leitura (TEAR 5)”, desenvolvido na Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados incluíram um instrumento de pesquisa que consistiu num questionário, com a inclusão de um relato de experiências, do qual foi feita uma análise textual discursiva (Bardin e Moraes), juntamente com uma análise dialética dos aspectos levantados. Percebe-se que o conteúdo das aulas de língua estrangeira para adultos maiores precisa ser reformulado, a fim de torná-lo significativo. Com base na pesquisa realizada, destacam-se os aspectos: subjetividade e expressão de sentimentos, o que leva a sugerir um “novo” elemento a ser incluído no ensino de língua estrangeira para essa faixa etária: a estética, entendida como uma possibilidade de entender o mundo de outra maneira. O elemento estético, trabalhado por Bense, Ostrower, Hermann, Paviani, vem acompanhado do processo reflexivo no ato de aprender, como forma de atingir a autonomia no desenvolvimento cognitivo do indivíduo histórico (conceito apresentado por Hegel). Relacionando a ética com a estética, a arte e a vida, compõe-se uma proposta que recorre, também, aos usos do texto e da língua na perspectiva de Vygotsky e Bakhtin, como forma de fazer com que o aluno dialogue consigo mesmo, com o outro e com o mundo. O estudo mostra que o aluno, no momento em que consegue estabelecer esse diálogo, aprende, interagindo e construindo sua subjetividade. Dessa forma, este estudo apresenta sugestões de incluir elementos estéticos nos programas de ensino de língua estrangeira para alunos adultos maiores e de continuar pesquisando se esses elementos são relevantes, também, para outras áreas do ensino e da aprendizagem nessa faixa etária. / The aim of this work is to investigate what to teach, in foreign language classes, to more than fifty-year-old adult learners, who, due to their life experience, have more to teach than to learn. This study is linked to Post-Graduation Program in Education of Universidad de Caxias do Sul- Master in Education- in research line “Education, Language, and Technology” and , it is also linked to a research project “Aspects of reading training and its repercussions in the relationship between efficient professional and reading (TEAR 5)”, also developed at Universidade de Caxias do Sul. The methodological procedures used included a research instrument which consisted in a questionnaire, containing an experience account. From the latter, a textual discourse analysis was done (Bardin and Moraes) together with a dialectic analysis of the referred aspects. It was noticed that the contents of foreign language classes for older adults needs to be reformulated so as to be more significant. Based on the piece of research done, two aspects: subjectivity and expression of feelings are highlighted, which leads to suggest a “new” element to be included in foreign language teaching for this age: aesthetics, considered as a possibility of seeing life in another way. The aesthetic element, as studied by Bense, Ostrower, Hermann, and Paviani appears together with the process of reflection in the act of learning, as a means of attaining autonomy in the cognitive development of the historic individual (concept introduced by Hegel). Relating ethics and aesthetics, art and life, this proposal is composed, also referring to uses of text and language, in Vygotsky‟s and Bakhtin‟s approach, as a way of having the student talking to himself/herself, to others, and to the world. This study shows that, when this dialogue takes place, the student learns, and at the same time, builds his/her subjectivity. So, this study suggests including aesthetics elements in foreign language curricula for older adult students, and continuing research about the possibility of these points being also relevant in other areas of teaching and learning at the referred age.

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