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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Induced biodenitrification of nitrate‐polluted groundwater: engineering strategies and assessment of chemical, microbial and isotope effects

Vidal-Gavilán, Georgina 23 May 2014 (has links)
Research made with the collaboration of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, and D D’ENGINY BIOREM S.L., / Nitrate pollution is a widespread problem that affects water bodies in many regions of the world, undermining water quality and therefore its safe use. Despite the application of improved management practices, nitrate pollution seems to increase, particularly in groundwater. The Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) designation in Europe, for instance, has increased from 35.5% of the EU-15 territory at the end of 1999 to 44% at the end of 2003, and the Commission’s report for the period 2004-2007 revealed that 15% of groundwater monitoring stations in the EU-27 territory showed nitrate levels above the limit of 50 mg of nitrates per liter. Some trends towards nitrate attenuation are observed, but at least 33% of water bodies will clearly fail in achieving the 2015 goals set by the Water Framework Directive. Several efforts have been addressed to either reduce nitrogen inputs or to decrease its already accumulated levels, particularly by designing nitrate-removal technologies aimed at recovering drinking-water standards. This PhD thesis, hence, focuses on the optimization of an already existing technology for nitrate­removal: enhanced in situ biodenitrification (EISB), which is now regaining attention due to its economic and environmental benefits and its potential for scale-up and design of case­specific solutions. EISB is an engineered application of microbial heterotrophic denitrification aimed at in situ nitrate removal from groundwater. Aimed at stimulating facultative denitrifiers, EISB is based on the injection of a C source into the aquifer. Microbial denitrification is then enhanced in a designated area of the aquifer, creating a biologically active zone (often referred as biowall) which removes nitrate from the naturally-flowing groundwater. Among the different factors that affect the technical feasibility of EISB, the type and quantity of the injected C source is a key issue, particularly due to its influence upon the microbial processes that determine the treatment performance. The understanding of the subsurface geology and hydrogeology is also an issue of concern, particularly if highly heterogeneous media, such as fractured aquifers, are meant to be remediated. Aimed at achieving our research goal, several EISB experiments were developed at different scales -batch, flow-through column and pilot scale-and involving different geological media -granular and fractured-. Combined chemical, microbial and isotope monitoring tools where applied to gain a better insight on the denitrification process and thus improve technology design and optimization. The first set of batch-scale experiments focused on testing the viability of in situ heterotrophic denitrification and determining the most suitable biostimulants for a case­specific scenario in the Osona region, a Catalan NVZ showing historic nitrate pollution up to 200 mg/L. Native microbiota was stimulated and nitrate reduction was effectively achieved by addition of a carbon source (ethanol or glucose) as well as a phosphorous source (disodium hydrogen phosphate). Transient nitrite accumulation was observed, especially when using glucose as the C source. The N and O isotope fractionation was determined to be -13.0‰ and -17.1‰ for eN and -8.9‰ and -15.1‰ for eO in ethanol and glucose-amended experiments respectively, resulting in eN/eO values of 1.46 (ethanol-amended experiment), and 1.13 (glucose-amended). Organic carbon (OC) consumption in batch­scale experiments, expressed as .C/.NO3 -, varied slightly depending on the type of C source used: 1.6 mmolOC/mmolNO3 -for ethanol and 2.2 for the glucose, similarly to stoichiometric values associated with nitrate respiration (0.83 and 1.25 mmolOC/mmolNO3 ­respectively). When deriving stoichiometric reactions that accounted not only for the amount of electron donor used for nitrate respiration but also for cell synthesis, the following values were determined: 1.9 and 2.0 mmolOC/mmolNO3 -for ethanol and glucose­induced biodenitrification respectively. These values were used for the numerical modeling of batch-scale experiments, aimed at quantifying microbial kinetics by applying the modified Monod expression. The (geochemical) numerical model also indicated a different effect of mineral precipitation on ethanol or glucose-induced denitrification, an effect that is linked to a different alkalinity production. Such effect could be taken into account when designing and/or optimizing EISB systems, particularly as a way to control geochemical clogging. A pilot-scale application was then performed at the site, aimed at assessing the viability of EISB in a fractured aquifer. Ethanol was now used as the main C source, and based on lab­scale results, P was also added. Again, transient nitrite accumulation was detected, and evidences for incomplete denitrification and coexistence of other respiration processes (such as iron or sulfate reduction) and autotrophic denitrification were observed. Sulfate isotope characterization proved that autotrophic denitrification linked to sulfide oxidation could be occurring along with heterotrophic denitrification, while sulfate­reduction couldn’t be verified. Overall, results suggested that stimulated heterotrophic denitrification could be applied as a remedial alternative in a fractured media and despite the complexity of the formation. However, a deep understanding of the system is required and efforts must be addressed to control microbial population and stability as a key issue to avoid the decrease of groundwater quality due to incomplete denitrification or secondary respiratory processes. Different engineering approaches such as feeding or pumping strategies could help improving the system performance. Aimed at testing the impact of such engineering approaches upon resulting water quality, a second study-case was studied, now in an alluvial media. . A flow-through experiment was built to simulate an EISB system and assess the influence of different C addition strategies upon the denitrification process. Heterotrophic denitrification was stimulated by the periodic addition of a C source (ethanol), and 4 different addition strategies were evaluated, being the first-one a weekly injection, and the others a daily injection with decreasing amounts of C. Enhanced denitrification was stimulated following the first C addition, easily achieving drinking water standards for both nitrate and nitrite. Water quality in terms of remaining C, denitrification intermediates and other anaerobic respiration products varied during the experimental time. Ethanol, for instance, showed a cyclic behavior during the weekly feeding strategy while it was completely depleted when injected daily. A quasi steady­state nitrate outflow, similar to ethanol’s, was obtained in daily injection scenarios, with nitrate levels ranging from non-detected values and up to 10 mg/L, and nitrite’s remaining undetected. No dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium was ever detected and some secondary microbial respiration processes, mainly manganese reduction, were suspected to occur temporarily. Overall, results showed that biodenitrification could be successfully achieved by a daily addition of a C source slightly higher than the stoichiometric value, diminishing the accumulation of non-desired products and the biofilm growth and still obtaining the required denitrification results. Reducing the C/N ratio enables us to reduce treatment costs while achieving a better water quality in terms of remaining C and residual microflora, and potentially reducing the biofouling effect due to the increase of endogenous respiration. Endogenous activity –that provides internal C for denitrification-may become important when low C/N values are used, keep denitrification temporarily ongoing and reducing the biofilm growth, but may affect the biodenitrification performance at longer operation times. Such aspects should be further evaluated using modeling and/or experimental tools. Furthermore, results suggested that not only the feeding strategy but also the biofilm life-time have a direct effect on microbial population structure and hence on the biodenitrification performance, reducing the accumulation of nitrite over time. The obtained eN/eO fractionation values for the flow-through experiment (1.01) fell within the low-end of previously reported data (varying from 0.9 to 2.3), an effect that may be linked to faster microbial kinetics in enhanced vs. natural biodenitrification. Similar low values were observed in our previous batch-scale experiments as well as in other work conducted in our lab. Concerning ethanol’s fractionation, on the other side, a two-trend behavior was observed, probably indicating a change in the dominating C­consuming population. Interestingly, the second trend suggests an inverse fractionation of the C source that got depleted while being consumed. / Esta tesis se destina a la evaluación de la viabilidad técnica de la biodesnitrificación in situ de aguas subterráneas contaminadas por nitratos, con el objetivo de optimizar las estrategias de bioestimulación y mejorar los resultados del proceso microbiano. El proyecto evalúa la aplicación de la tecnología en dos entornos geológicos distintos: un medio fracturado de baja porosidad y un aluvial arenoso. Se desarrollan ensayos a tres escalas distintas: batch, columna de laboratorio de flujo continuo y piloto. El seguimiento y estudio del proceso se desarrolla mediante la combinación de herramientas de análisis químico y microbiológico y la aplicación de isótopos estables del nitrato, el sulfato y el C.

Caracterización del subsuelo mediante sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución

Teixidó Ullod, María Teresa 24 November 2000 (has links)
La presente memoria de Tesis Doctoral versa sobre la sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución y sus objetivos principales han sido los siguientes: establecer una validación de esta metodología, poner de manifiesto su potencial de aplicación en el reconocimiento de estructuras geológicas superficiales y mostrar su integración en estudios multidisciplinares de incidencia medioambiental. Por esa razón, tanto la estructura en capítulos como la redacción del texto han seguido un hilo narrativo que hace más hincapié en evaluar el potencial, las limitaciones y el poder resolutivo de la prospección sísmica del subsuelo poco profundo, que en presentar las técnicas del proceso de datos sísmicos. Aunque los casos analizados en la memoria están dirigidos a objetivos diferentes se complementan entre sí, concluyéndose que la sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución es una técnica extremadamente flexible que puede adaptarse a situaciones muy diferentes; desde un estudio geológico, a aplicaciones a la obra civil, a valoraciones medioambientales, etc. A través de cada caso presentado también se van desarrollando diferentes aspectos metodológicos de la sísmica de reflexión superficial que la distinguen de la sísmica profunda y que han de tenerse en cuenta durante el tratamiento de los datos.

Seismic Oceanography: A New Tool to Characterize Physical Oceanographic Structures and Processes

Buffett, Grant George 28 January 2011 (has links)
Large scale global oceanic circulation redistributes heat and freshwater and therefore affects global climate. One of its main forcing mechanisms is, in addition to surface heat and freshwater fluxes, the diapycnal (across lines of equal density) mixing in the ocean interior. The energy needed to drive the mixing processes is mainly provided by tides and wind [Wunsch, 2002]. It is transformed into internal wave energy, cascading through a range of smaller scales leading finally into turbulence and molecular dissipation. Water masses in the ocean are stratified and often separated by relatively thin layers with strong gradients in temperature and/or salinity across which heat and mass transfer occur in order to maintain global circulation and stratification. However, these processes are difficult to observe in practice. Below a few meters, the ocean is opaque to light, and thus to direct optical observations of deep processes [Thorpe, 2005]. Therefore, the development of scientific methodologies and instruments to directly or indirectly measure processes in the ocean interior are of high importance to understanding those processes and their implications.The motivation behind this research is two-tier: 1) broadly, and academically, it is the scientific curiosity of understanding the ocean in order to better comprehend its role in the context of Earth systems; 2) expressly, the motivation is to develop the methodological toolset necessary to observe the ocean on a spatial and temporal scale not possible with traditional oceanographic techniques, thus allowing the foundation of more accurate models of ocean circulation and thereby, ocean-climate interactions.The toolset is emerging as a robust technique of physical oceanography known as 'seismic oceanography'. By definition, seismic oceanography is the application of multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection profiling to physical oceanography. This definition, however, could be subject to future revision and refinement because the development of seismic oceanography observational tools will inevitably lead to newer perspectives.The Mediterranean Outflow Water (henceforth, MOW) is a natural laboratory for seismic oceanography. The MOW was chosen to test seismic reflection in oceanography for three main reasons: 1) The strong oceanographic signature of the MOW. Due to the penetration of the MOW into the North Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar, strong characteristic contrasts in temperature (1.5 °C) and salinity (0.3 psu) and thus, density (0.4 kg/m3) are observed between the MOW and the surrounding Atlantic waters [Baringer and Price, 1997]. These contrasts in density (along with sound speed) are the contributing factors to reflection coefficient, making the identification of structures and processes possible. 2) The large variety of oceanographic and topographic features, such as a continental slope, undulating seafloor (including seamounts and basins) and mesoscale Mediterranean salt lenses (meddies). These structures and processes are believed to play an important role in maintaining the temperature and salinity distribution in the north Atlantic [Bower et. al., 1997]. 3) Finally, extensive archived data sets of bothoceanographic and seismic data place interpretive constraints on the data collected.Part I of this thesis consists of two peer-reviewed papers published by the author and coauthors (Chapters 1 and 2), one manuscript submitted for publication (Chapter 3) and two published peer-reviewed research letters that the author played a lesser role developing (Chapter 4). Part II of the thesis addresses the seismological (Chapter 5) and oceanographic backgrounds (Chapter 6) in the context of some of the structures and processes that are amenable to seismic ensonification. Part III consists of general discussions and conclusions (Chapter 7) and potential future research and development (Chapter 8). / La motivació que hi ha al darrera d'aquest treball es pot separar en dos nivells: 1) En termes generals, i acadèmicament, és la curiositat purament científica d'estudiar l'oceà per tal de comprendre millor el seu paper en el context de les Ciències de la Terra; 2) Concretament, la motivació és desenvolupar les eines necessàries per a observar l'oceà a una escala espaial i temporal que no és possible amb les tècniques tradicionals oceanogràfiques, permetent així generar models més precisos de circulació oceànica i, per tant, de les interaccions oceà-clima.L'objectiu a curt i mitjà termini d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de noves eines d'oceanografia física que proporcionin noves perspectives sobre la dinàmica oceànica. Aquest conjunt d'eines està emergint com una metodologia sòlida dins de l'oceanografia física coneguda com 'oceanografia sísmica'. Per definició, l'oceanografia sísmica és l'aplicació de la sísmica de reflexió multicanal (MCS) a l'oceanografia física. Aquesta definició, però, podria estar subjecte a una futura revisió i perfeccionament, ja que el desenvolupament d'eines d'oceanografia sísmica inevitablement donarà lloc a noves perspectives.La part principal d'aquesta tesi la constitueixen quatre articles, publicats per l'autor i co-autors al llarg del seu període d'investigació (capítols 1, 2 i 4); així com un article sotmès (Capítol 3). En la segona part, com a suport per als lectors no familiaritzats, s'aborden els antecedents sismològics (Capítol 5) i oceanogràfics (Capítol 6) en el context d'algunes de les estructures i processos que són susceptibles de ser identificats mitjançant la sísmica. Les conclusions generals es presenten en el Capítol 7 i en el Capítol 8 es donen algunes recomanacions per a futures investigacions i desenvolupaments (Part III). La tesi es complementa amb quatre apèndixs, on a banda d'un ampli resum en català (Apèndix I), hi ha els diagrames de flux utilitzats per l'autor en el processament de les dades sísmiques (Apèndix II), un conjunt de set desplegables de les seccions sísmiques en gran format (Apèndix III) i finalment un glossari de termes útils per ajudar als lectors no iniciats en qualsevol de les branques de la sismologia o l'oceanografia (Apèndix IV).

Desarrollo de un modelo para el estudio de la dispersión de contaminantes provenientes de una granja de culrivo de camarón en el Complejo Lagunar Estero de Urías: una laguna costera urbanizada (México)

Cardoso Mohedano, José Gilberto 21 March 2013 (has links)
Con el objetivo de desarrollar una herramienta de gestión para la reducción del impacto de los efluentes sobre los ecosistemas receptores de una granja camaronícola en el Estero de Urías, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México, se desarrolló un modelo biogeoquímico acoplado de alta resolución (50X50 metros). Los forzamientos del modelo son elevación de marea en la frontera lateral abierta (puerto), temperatura superficial, precipitación total, nubosidad y radiación solar. Además se simularon las descargas de nutrientes de la granja con un trazador conservativo teórico y el amonio (un no conservativo). Se simularon dos tipos de descarga, una en marea viva y otra en marea muerta. Los resultados del modelo físico indican que la hidrodinámica del Estero de Urías está gobernada principalmente por las mareas astronómicas y su topografía. Por su morfología e hidrología, el complejo lagunar Estero de Urías puede ser divido diferentes áreas: i) la zona cercana al puerto, con las mayores profundidades, más altas velocidades de corriente y tiempos de residencia más bajos. ii) la zona intermedia, que es la más ancha, presenta velocidades y tiempos de recambio medios, es la zona con más altos gradientes de temperatura y salinidad, y recibe las aguas de enfriamiento provenientes de la planta termoeléctrica que impactan local y estacionalmente al ecosistema. iii) La cabeza lagunar es la más estrecha, presenta las velocidades más bajas, los tiempos de residencia más altos y es la que recibe las descargas de la granja. Las simulaciones del modelo biogeoquímico indican que los nutrientes disueltos descargados por la granja son rápidamente asimilados por la trama trófica y posteriormente son sedimentados. Para los 50 días de simulación los trazadores biogeoquímicos se quedan contenidos dentro de la cabeza lagunar y por lo que su exportación es prácticamente nula fuera del estero. Las simulaciones de las descargas indican que el máximo de concentraciones de los nutrientes disueltos se alcanzan en el último día de la descarga, momento en el que la marea puede disminuir los máximos de concentración de los nutrientes disueltos, con una diferencia del aproximadamente 10% entre la marea viva y muerta. Por otra parte, no obstante que las máximas concentraciones simuladas de amonio y nitrato no exceden los límites fijados por la Norma Oficial Mexicana para las descargas de aguas residuales en aguas y bienes nacionales, sin embargo, sí superan a las recomendadas por Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (México) para la protección del medio ambiente, debido a esto se buscó ofrecer una alternativa que disminuya el impacto de las descargas de la granja, por lo que se simuló un cambio de gestión tradicional de dos descargas puntuales al año a un tipo de sistema multiciclo, el cual presenta máximos de concentración más bajos que la descarga puntual y por lo tanto, resultan con mejores niveles de calidad de agua. / In order to develop a management tool that allows a reduction of the impact of effluents on receiving ecosystems in a shrimp farm in Estero de Urias, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, a biogeochemical model coupled of high resolution (50X50 meters) was developed. Its forcings are: rising tide in the border open side (port), surface temperature, total precipitation, cloudiness and solar radiation. In addition, nutrient discharges from the farm were simulated with a theoretical conservative tracer and ammonia (a non-conservative). Two discharge types were simulated, one in spring tide and one in neap tide. The results of the physical model indicate that the hydrodynamics of the Estero de Urias is governed mainly by astronomical tides and topography. Because of its morphology and hydrology, the Estero de Urias lagoon complex can be divided different areas: i) the area near the port, with the largest depths, the highest current velocities and lower residence periods, ii) the intermediate zone is the widest, current velocities and average periods of replacement; it is also the area with higher temperature and salinity gradients and receives the cooling water from the thermoelectric that impact local and seasonally the ecosystem. iii) The lagoon head is the narrowest, which contains the secondary channels with the lower speeds, the highest residence times and is the one receiving farm discharges. The biogeochemical model simulations indicate that the dissolved nutrients discharged by the farm are quickly assimilated into the trophic network and are subsequently settled. For the 50 days simulation biogeochemical tracers are contained within the lagoon head and are hardly exported outside the estuary. Discharges simulations indicate that the maximum concentration of dissolved nutrients are achieved at the last day of discharge, at which time the tide can decrease the maximum concentration of dissolved nutrients, with a difference of about 10% between spring tide and neap tide. Moreover, notwithstanding the maximum simulated concentrations of ammonium and nitrate do not exceed the limits set by the Norma Oficial Mexicana (Mexican Official Standard) for waste water discharges into national waters, however, they do exceed those recommended concentrations by the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (México) (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Mexico)) for the protection of the environment, because of this it was sought an alternative to reduce the impact of discharges from the farm, so a change of management was simulated, form a traditional two year point discharges to a multicycle system, which presents lower maximum concentrations than the punctual discharge and therefore better quality water standards.

P-T­-t-d constraints on the Late Variscan evolution of the Eastern Pyrenees

Aguilar Gil, Carmen María 06 November 2013 (has links)
Structural, petrological, microstructural and geochronological studies were combined with pseudosection modeling in the Roc de Frausa Massif (Eastern Pyrenees). The massif is constituted by Upper Proterozoic–Early Cambrian rocks and represents a mid crustal section intruded by igneous rocks. The aim is to compare the thermal evolution of different crustal levels in a single orogenic event. The rocks constituting the massif were part of the northern margin of Gondwana and were involved in the Variscan orogeny when Gondwana collided with Laurentia-Baltica. Two main Variscan deformation events are distinguished. D1 is marked by tight to isoclinal small-scale folds and a sub-horizontal foliation. D2 structures are tight upright folds facing to the NW with steep NE–SW axial planes. In the high-grade metamorphic domains it transposes S1 foliation by a sub-vertical S2 foliation. D3 structures are characterized by NW–SE folds compatible with steep dextral shear zones that retrograde the pre-Variscan rocks and the Variscan intrusives to greenschist facies. N and S of the studied area F3 folds involve Mesozoic rocks, and therefore it can be attributed to the Alpine orogeny. In the micaschists of the Upper crustal levels, andalusite porphyroblasts with S1 inclusion trails and sillimanite in S1 pressure shadows indicate heating from 580 °C to 640 °C. Cordierite includes the former minerals and does not exhibit pressure shadows pointing to isothermal decompression from 3.4 to 2.6 kbar. A calc-alkaline granitoid intruded on top of this level interkinematically between D1 and D2 (314–311 Ma). Intermediate crustal levels are dominated by schists with sillimanite−biotite−muscovite in the S1 fabric overgrown by cordierite and K-feldspar with no pressure shadows. These assemblages point to decompression from 5 to 3 kbar at 640−660 °C. A gabbro-diorite stock intruded in this level coeval with the D2 in two magmatic pulses (312 and 307 Ma). In the inner aureole four types of migmatites have been characterized, with different textures, mineral assemblages, mineral chemistry and whole-rock compositions. The biotite−sillimanite−K-feldspar−garnet assemblage together with garnet zoning is compatible with heating within the S1 fabric at peak-pressure of 7 kbar and 730 °C. F2 folds with subvertical melt-filled S2 foliation were overgrown by cordierite indicating mainly syn-D2 decompression to 4.5 kbar. The different whole-rock and mineral compositions and the preservation of the mineral assemblages of migmatitic rocks can be explained by different episodes of melt-loss and fluid infiltration in the metasediments at 790 °C and 5.5 kbar and incorporation of the fluids into the melt. The fluids would be released by the crystallizing gabbro-diorite. Lower crustal levels are dominated by fold-structured migmatites occurred in the interval 320–315 Ma. They present a biotite−cordierite composite S1-S2 biotite-bearing fabric with relic garnet embedded in plagioclase, thus precluding deciphering the early metamorphic evolution. Cordierite overgrowing both S1 and S2 fabric points to late equilibration at 3 kbar and 700 °C. The early metamorphic history associated with the S1 fabric is interpreted as a result of lower crustal horizontal flow and could be related to moderate crustal thickening. D2 event is characterized by decompression associated to highly heterogeneous exhumation of the metamorphic complex during the last stages of the Variscan evolution. / Se ha realizado un estudio estructural, petrológico, geoquímico, geocronológico y de modelización térmica en rocas pelíticas e ígneas del macizo de Roc de Frausa (Pirineo oriental) con la finalidad de comparar la evolución térmica de diferentes niveles de la corteza terrestre en un mismo evento orogénico. Las rocas que conforman el macizo formaban parte del margen norte de Gondwana y quedaron involucradas en la orogenia varisca al colisionar Gondwana con Laurentia-Baltica. Las rocas constituyen una serie Proterozoica superior a Paleozoica inferior afectadas por tres episodios deformativos, los dos primeros de edad varisca y el tercero alpina. En los micaesquistos con andalucita–sillimanita del nivel cortical superior, la andalucita y la sillimanita indican un incremento de temperatura de 580 °C a 640 °C coetáneo a la fábrica S1. La cordierita indica una descompresión isotérmica de 3.4 kbar a 2.6 kbar. Por encima de este nivel se emplazó un granitoide calco-alcalino intercinemáticamente entre D1 y D2 (314–311 Ma). Los niveles corticales medios están formados por esquistos con sillimanita-biotita-moscovita sin-S1 sobrecrecidos por cordierita y feldespato potásico post-S1. Estas asociaciones señalan una descompresión desde 5 a 3 kbar a 640–660 °C. Un stock gabro-diorítico intruyó sincrónico a D2 en dos pulsos magmáticos (312 y 307 Ma). En la aureola de contacto se distinguen cuatro tipos de migmatitas con diferentes texturas, asociaciones minerales y composiciones de roca y mineral que se explican mediante un modelo de perdida de fundido alternando con episodios de infiltración de fluido. Las asociaciones minerales indican condiciones PT de 7 kbar y 730 °C sin-D1 y una descompresión sin-D2 a 4.5 kbar. Los niveles corticales inferiores están formados por migmatitas cristalizadas entre 320–315 Ma. La cordierita sobrecrece las fábricas S1 y S2 ricas en biotita y con granate relicto incluido en plagioclasa e indica un equilibrio tardío a 3 kbar y 700 °C. D1 se interpreta como el resultado de un flujo horizontal de la corteza inferior, que podría relacionarse con un engrosamiento cortical moderado. D2 se caracteriza por una descompresión isotérmica que puede explicarse por una exhumación varisca tardía de los complejos metamórficos.

Marknadsplan för AB Tierpsbyggens 55+ segment

Kregert, Ulrika, Olsson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta fram en marknadsplan för Tierpsbyggens 55+ segment. Vi har fått i uppdrag av AB Tierpsbyggen att ta reda på hur de på långsikt ska knyta till sig kunder över 55 år.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Vi har valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Vi har gjort intervjuer med anställda, potentiella och nuvarande hyresgäster till AB Tierpsbyggen. Intervjusvaren redovisas i empiridelen där vi har i valt att göra analyserna löpande istället för i ett särskilt analyskapitel.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Resultat & slutsats: </strong>Vi har kommit fram till att äldre människor ställer höga krav på sitt boende och det är svårt för ett kommunalt bostadsföretag att hålla den standard potentiella kunder är vana vid. För att locka fler kunder måste Tierpsbyggen öka 55+ beståndet och marknadsföra 55+ områdena då få potentiella kunder känner till dessa.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning: </strong>En bra utgångspunkt för ett nytt forskningsprojekt är att ta fram en lägenhet som människor kan åldras i. Det är en utmaning att få fram en lägenhet där människor i yngre pensionsåldern är villiga att flytta in trots att det finns förutsättningar för en 90-åring att leva ett normalt liv där.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag: </strong>Uppsatsen har bidragit med kunskap om Tierpsbyggens nuvarande och potentiella kunders uppfattningar och behov. Vi tror att studien är en bra grund för Tierpsbyggens arbete med marknadsföring mot 55+ segmentet.</p><p> </p>

On the evaluation of integrals of the type f([tau]1,[tau]2,...,[tau]n?)=1/(2[pi]i) [sign for integral] F(s)e W(s,[tau]1,[tau]2,...,[tau]n?)ds and the mechanism of formation of transient phenomena : Part 2a. Elementary introduction to the theory of the saddlepoint method of integration

January 1950 (has links)
[by] Manuel V. Cerillo. / On t.p. "n?" is subscript. On t.p. expression "W(s,[tau]1,[tau]2,...,[tau]n?)" is superscript.

Marknadsplan för AB Tierpsbyggens 55+ segment

Kregert, Ulrika, Olsson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta fram en marknadsplan för Tierpsbyggens 55+ segment. Vi har fått i uppdrag av AB Tierpsbyggen att ta reda på hur de på långsikt ska knyta till sig kunder över 55 år.   Metod: Vi har valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Vi har gjort intervjuer med anställda, potentiella och nuvarande hyresgäster till AB Tierpsbyggen. Intervjusvaren redovisas i empiridelen där vi har i valt att göra analyserna löpande istället för i ett särskilt analyskapitel.   Resultat &amp; slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att äldre människor ställer höga krav på sitt boende och det är svårt för ett kommunalt bostadsföretag att hålla den standard potentiella kunder är vana vid. För att locka fler kunder måste Tierpsbyggen öka 55+ beståndet och marknadsföra 55+ områdena då få potentiella kunder känner till dessa.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En bra utgångspunkt för ett nytt forskningsprojekt är att ta fram en lägenhet som människor kan åldras i. Det är en utmaning att få fram en lägenhet där människor i yngre pensionsåldern är villiga att flytta in trots att det finns förutsättningar för en 90-åring att leva ett normalt liv där.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen har bidragit med kunskap om Tierpsbyggens nuvarande och potentiella kunders uppfattningar och behov. Vi tror att studien är en bra grund för Tierpsbyggens arbete med marknadsföring mot 55+ segmentet.

Paleotaxodonta y pteriomorphia del eoceno del margen sur de la depresión central catalana

Abad García, Antonio 20 June 2001 (has links)
El área estudiada comprende las regiones de Igualada, Manresa, Vic y Girona, desde la Conca de Barberà hasta la playa de Pals, en el Mediterráneo. De las subclases Paleotaxodonta y Pteriomorphia se han reconocido un total de 14 familias, 27 géneros (44 especies y 10 indeterminables específicamente). De ellas, 20 especies se citan por primera vez en esta área y 3 especies son endémicas. Frente a otros bivalvos, presentan casi siempre la concha.Las especies se hallan predominantemente en litologías detríticas finas y calcáreas. En su mayoría eran epifaúnicas y semiinfaúnicas. De las pocas infaúnicas, su modo de fijación era diverso. Predominantemente, habitaban la parte alta de la zona infralitoral, entre la marea baja y los 50 m de profundidad. Aguas con salinidad normal. Los géneros habitan actualmente en latitudes tropicales o templadas.En cuanto a la edad de las unidades que las contienen, la asociación de especies indica que es dificil discernir una edad luteciense o bartoniense, si bien las unidades inferiores contienen mayor número de especies lutecienses y las unidades superiores, especies bartonienses. La mayoría de los géneros tienen representantes actuales.La asociación de especies de dichas unidades inferiores muestra gran similitud con las del Luteciense de las cuencas del W europeo. La de las superiores con el Bartoniense de Aquitania y Biarritz. Ambas, con las del Priaboniense de Italia y Balcanes. / The area studied includes the regions of Igualada, Manresa, Vic and Girona, from the Conca de Barberà zone to the Pals beach, on the Mediterranean coast.14 families and 27 genera (44 species and 10 of undeterminable species) of the subclasses Paleotaxodonta and Pteriomorphia (bivalves) have been recognised. 20 of those species have been reported for the first time in this area and another 3 are endemic. Unlike other bivalves, the great majority of them keep the shell.The species are predominantly found in fine, calcareous detrital lithologies. Most of the species were epifaunal or semi-infaunal. The few infaunal species present in the area had diverse fixation systems. For the most part, they dwelled in the upper part of the infralittoral zone, between the low tide and 50 m deep, in waters of normal salinity. The genus dwell in tropical or temperate latitudes.As for the age of the units that contain them, the association of species shows that it is difficult to discern Lutetian or Bartonian age; although the presence of Lutetian species is higher in lower units, and the Bartonian species appear in a larger number in upper units. Most of the genuses have representation nowadays.The association of species found in the lower units shows a great similarity to those of the Lutetian of the west European basins. The one found in the upper units, bears resemblance to the Bartonian of Aquitanie and Biarritz. Both associations show similarities to those found in the Italian and Balkan Priabonian.

Petrologia i diagènesi en sediments de l'Oligocè superior i del Miocè inferior i mitjà de la Depressió del Vallès i del Pla de Barcelona. Evolució de l'àrea font i dinàmica dels fluids

Parcerisa Duocastella, David 04 December 2002 (has links)
En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat sediments d'edat entre l'Oligocè superior i el Miocè mitjà que estan en relació amb la formació de les Serralades Costaneres Catalanes (SCC). Els sediments d'edat oligocena (Catià de Montgat) es van formar en un context compressiu, quan les SCC encavalcaven vers la Conca de l'Ebre, probablement com a part integrant d'una conca de tipus piggy back. Els sediments d'edat miocè inferior i mig es van formar en un context distensiu, reomplint dues de les conques de tipus semigraben que provocaren el col·lapsament de gran part de les SCC i la formació del Solc de València. Concretament, els sediments més basals del Miocè inferior (Aquitanià? i Burdigalià inferior del Vallès) pertanyen a l'etapa de syn-rift miocena i la resta de sediments del Miocè inferior i mitjà (Burdigalià superior-Languià del Vallès i Languià?-Serraval·lià de Montjuïc) pertanyen a l'etapa de post-rift.Després de l'estudi detallat dels materials del Catià de Montgat, del Burdigalià del Vallès i del Serraval·lià de Montjuïc, es poden identificar tres etapes en l'evolució de l'àrea font, les quals es poden relacionar amb l'evolució tectono-sedimentària d'aquesta zona i, al mateix temps, amb la dinàmica dels fluids establerta durant la diagènesi dels sediments estudiats:1- A l'Oligocè superior, hi havia una cobertora mesozoica que recobria els massíssos del Garraf, de Collserola i la part més meridional del massís del Montnegre. Aquest fet s'adiu amb l'etapa de pre-rift donada per aquesta època dins del context d'evolució tectono-sedimentària del marge català del Solc de València. A més, això concorda amb la darrera fase de cimentació dels gresos de Montgat, la qual esdevingué en relació amb fluids que circularen preferentment a través de fractures en un context de deformació compressiva.2- Al Burdigalià inferior, la formació de les fosses del Vallès i de Barcelona, provocà una forta erosió del massís de Collserola. Aquesta forta erosió promogué la desaparició, pràcticament en la seva totalitat, de la cobertora mesozoica del massís de Collserola i, probablement, del massís del Montnegre. Aquest esdeveniment concorda amb l'etapa de syn-rift donada per aquesta època dins del context d'evolució tectono-sedimentària del marge català del Solc de València. Per altra banda, l'entrada de fluids meteòrics que circularen de manera general a través dels sediments del Burdigalià inferior del Vallès i que en causaren la seva cimentació està en consonància amb aquesta situació.3- A partir del Burdigalià superior només es registra l'erosió del sòcol paleozoic del massís de Collserola i, probablement, dels perfils d'alteració permians que l'afectaven al contacte entre aquest i la cobertora mesozoica, mentre que, a la Serralada Prelitoral, s'erosionava la cobertora mesozoica i començaven a erosionar-se els materials paleògens de la conca de l'Ebre. Aquesta situació s'adiu amb l'etapa de post-rift donada per aquesta època dins del context d'evolució tectono-sedimentària del marge català del Solc de València. Al igual que en l'etapa anterior, en aquest període la cimentació es feu per fluids que circularen de manera general a través del sediment i que causaren la cimentació del Burdigalià superior-Languià del Vallès (fluids meteòrics) i la silicificació de Montjuïc (fluids indeterminats). / The present work studies the sediments from Upper Oligocene to Middle Miocene age related to the formation of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (CCR). Two of the studied zones are located in the Barcelona Plain (the Chattian sediments of Montgat and the Serravallian rocks of Montjuïc) and the other one, Burdigalian in age, is located in the Vallès Depression. Upper Oligocene sediments were formed as part of a compressive piggy-back basin when the CCR thrusted the Ebro basin. The Middle and Lower Miocene sediments were deposited in two half-graben basins during an extensive period that caused the collapse of the CCR and the formation of the Valencia Trough. Specifically, basal sediments of the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian? and Lower Burdigalian sediments of the Vallès half-graben) belong to a syn-rift stage and the rest of the Lower and Middle Miocene deposits (Upper Burdigalian-Langhian rocks of the Vallès half-graben and Langhian?-Serravallian materials of Montjuïc) belong to a post-rift stage.Three different stages in the evolution of the source areas have been identified with the study of the sediments of the Chattian of Montgat, the Burdigalian of Vallès and the Serravallian of Montjuïc. These stages can be correlated with the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the area and, at the same time, with the fluid dynamics recognized during the diagenesis of the studied materials.1- During Upper Oligocene times, there was a Mesozoic cover that overlaid the massifs of Garraf, Collserola and Montnegre. This situation is concordant with the pre-rift stage prior to the Miocene extension. On the other hand, the last stage of cementation of the Montgat sandstones, occurring in relation with fluids that circulated preferably through fractures in a compressive context, reinforces this conclusion.2- In Lower Burdigalian times, the formation of the Vallès and Barcelona basins promoted a strong erosion that caused the disappearance of the Mesozoic cover from the Collserola massif and, probably, from the Montnegre massif as well. This situation is concordant with the Miocene sin-rift stage. Shallow meteoric fluids that circulated pervasively through the Lower Burdigalian sediments of the Vallès half-graben are in accordance with this point.3- Finally, in the Collserola massif, and from the Upper Burdigalian onwards, the erosion of the Palaeozoic rocks, and the associated Permian weathering profiles, took place, whereas in the Prelitoral Range the Mesozoic cover and the Palaeogene materials of the Ebro basin were being eroded. This situation points to a Miocene post-rift stage. As in the previous stage, during this one the cementation that took place was related with fluids circulating pervasively through the sediments: meteoric fluids in the case of the Upper Burdigalian materials of the Vallès half-graben, and indeterminate fluids in the case of the Serravallian sediments of Montjuïc.

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