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Remote sensing and bio-geo-optical properties of turbid, productive inland waters : a case study of Lake BalatonRiddick, Caitlin A. L. January 2016 (has links)
Algal blooms plague freshwaters across the globe, as increased nutrient loads lead to eutrophication of inland waters and the presence of potentially harmful cyanobacteria. In this context, remote sensing is a valuable approach to monitor water quality over broad temporal and spatial scales. However, there remain several challenges to the accurate retrieval of water quality parameters, and the research in this thesis investigates these in an optically complex lake (Lake Balaton, Hungary). This study found that bulk and specific inherent optical properties [(S)IOPs] showed significant spatial variability over the trophic gradient in Lake Balaton. The relationships between (S)IOPs and biogeochemical parameters differed from those reported in ocean and coastal waters due to the high proportion of particulate inorganic matter (PIM). Furthermore, wind-driven resuspension of mineral sediments attributed a high proportion of total attenuation to particulate scattering and increased the mean refractive index (n̅p) of the particle assemblage. Phytoplankton pigment concentrations [chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and phycocyanin (PC)] were also accurately retrieved from a times series of satellite data over Lake Balaton using semi-analytical algorithms. Conincident (S)IOP data allowed for investigation of the errors within these algorithms, indicating overestimation of phytoplankton absorption [aph(665)] and underestimation of the Chl-a specific absorption coefficient [a*ph(665)]. Finally, Chl-a concentrations were accurately retrieved in a multiscale remote sensing study using the Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index (NDCI), indicating hyperspectral data is not necessary to retrieve accurate pigment concentrations but does capture the subtle heterogeneity of phytoplankton spatial distribution. The results of this thesis provide a positive outlook for the future of inland water remote sensing, particularly in light of contemporary satellite instruments with continued or improved radiometric, spectral, spatial and temporal coverage. Furthermore, the value of coincident (S)IOP data is highlighted and contributes towards the improvement of remote sensing pigment retrieval in optically complex waters.
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Faecal indicator bacteria and organic carbon in the Red River, Viet Nam : measurements and modelling / Les bactéries indicatrices de contamination fécale et du carbone organique dans le Fleuve Rouge, Vietnam : observations et modélisationNguyen, Huong Thi Mai 18 March 2016 (has links)
Dans de nombreux pays en développement, la qualité médiocre de l'eau constitue une menace majeure pour la santé humaine. Par ailleurs, le manque d'accès à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement sont un frein majeur au développement. La Fleuve Rouge est le deuxième plus grand fleuve au Vietnam et constitue la principale source d'eau pour la population du Nord-Vietnam. Cette thèse présente les résultats des observations et de la modélisation des bactéries indicatrices de la contamination fécales (BICF) et du carbone organique (CO) dans la Fleuve Rouge. Le modèle Seneque/RIVERSTRAHLER utilisant l’ensemble des données recueillies a permis d'étudier la dynamique et la répartition saisonnière des BICF et du CO dans la Fleuve Rouge et ses affluents. Un scénario, basé sur l’évolution démographique et les changements d’usage des terres prévus à l'horizon 2050, a montré une augmentation limitée des nombres des BICF par rapport à la situation actuelle. Ceci est particulièrement le cas pour la ville d’Hanoi même si la population devrait tripler d'ici 2050. Les apports en CO et la respiration hétérotrophe résultant du CO abouti à un système qui est une forte source en CO2 pour l’atmosphère. Les résultats du modèle reflètent également l'importance des différents usages des terres, le débit et la prédominance des sources diffuses relatifs aux sources ponctuelles sur les BIFC et CO dans le Fleuve Rouge. Cette thèse fournit de nouvelles informations sur les teneurs en BICF et CO dans la Fleuve Rouge ainsi qu’une base de discussion pour les décideurs sur la gestion future des eaux usées rejetés dans ce Fleuve. / In many developing countries, poor water quality poses a major threat to human health and the lack of access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation continues is a major brake on development. The Red River is the second largest river in Vietnam and constitutes the main water source for the population of North Vietnam. This thesis presents the results from observations and modeling of both faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and organic carbon (OC) in the Red River system, North Vietnam. The objective of this work was to measure FIB numbers and OC concentrations in this system and then to model these parameters in order to investigate scenarios for 2050 when population in the area is estimated to have doubled. The dataset was then modeled using the Seneque/Riverstrahler model in order to investigate the dynamics and seasonal distribution of FIB and OC in the Red River and its upstream tributaries. A scenario, based on the predicted changes in future demographics and land use in the Red River system for the 2050 horizon, showed only a limited increase of FIB numbers compared with the present situation. This was particularly the case in Hanoi even though the population is expected to triple by 2050. The OC inputs and the resulting heterotrophic respiration of this OC resulted in a system that was a strong CO2 source. The model results also reflected the importance of land use, discharge and the dominance of non-point sources over point sources for FIB and OC in the Red River. This thesis provides some new information on FIB in the Red River as well as providing a base for discussion with decision makers on the future management of wastewater in the Red River.
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Capacités d’adaptation des populations naturelles à la contamination des milieux aquatiques : cas d’étude du cadmium chez le crustacé Gammarus fossarum / Adaptive potential of field populations to the contamination of aquatic environments : a case study with cadmium and the crustacean Gammarus fossarumVigneron, Amandine 10 July 2015 (has links)
Comme ils conduisent à des modifications de sensibilité toxicologique et de traits d'histoire de vie au sein des populations naturelles exposées, les phénomènes d'adaptation à la contamination questionnent la pertinence de l'évaluation du risque environnemental lié au rejet de contaminants chimiques et sont devenus un champ de recherche important à développer en écotoxicologie. Centrés sur l'étude des capacités d'adaptation de l'amphipode d'eau douce Gammarus fossarum, les travaux présentés ici ont eu pour objectif d'avancer dans la compréhension des effets d'une exposition à long terme au cadmium à l'échelle populationnelle et en milieu naturel. En recourant à des méthodologies de biomonitoring par encagement, de culture et d'exposition au laboratoire et de suivi démographique in situ, une démarche couplant études a priori et rétrospectives sur populations naturelles, a permis d'identifier un phénomène d'augmentation de la tolérance et de modification de traits d'histoire de vie chez une population exposée historiquement au cadmium. Des approches de génétique quantitative conduites sur trois populations ont dans un deuxième temps mis en évidence (1) une faible héritabilité de la sensibilité au cadmium au sein de populations naïves ; et (2) un rôle majeur des effets parentaux induits par l'exposition comme mécanisme populationnel soutenant l'évolution de la tolérance chez cette espèce. Enfin, la caractérisation de la variabilité de la sensibilité au cadmium au sein du genre Gammarus (dix-sept populations) et la mise en regard de la divergence de la population tolérante vis-à-vis de cette variabilité, ont permis de discuter des implications de ces processus évolutifs induits par des expositions environnementales pour l'évaluation du risque lié aux substances chimiques. Ainsi, il apparaît nécessaire de prendre en compte les réponses adaptatives induites par la contamination des milieux comme source de variabilité et d'incertitude afin de proposer une évaluation du risque pertinente intégrant pleinement l'ensemble des impacts des contaminations environnementales sur les populations naturelles / Because they lead to changes in toxicological sensitivities and life history traits within field populations, evolutionary processes supporting adaptation to contamination challenge the relevance of environmental risk assessment of chemical contaminants. Hence their study becomes an important developing field of research in ecotoxicology. Focusing on the study of adaptive capacity of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum, this work aimed to gain insight into the effects of long term exposure to cadmium at the population scale in the field. By means of biomonitoring methodologies (caging), population demographic sampling, culture and exposure in the laboratory we identified a phenomenon of increased tolerance and modification of life history traits in a natural population historically exposed to cadmium. Quantitative genetics experiments conducted on three populations secondly demonstrated (1) a low heritability of sensitivity to cadmium in naïve populations ; and (2) a major role of parental effects induced by exposure as populational mechanism supporting the development of tolerance in this species. Finally, the characterization of the variability of cadmium sensitivity in the genus Gammarus (seventeen populations), and the analysis of the divergence of the tolerant population in comparison to this variability led us to discuss about the implications of these evolutionary processes induced by environmental exposure for risk assessment of chemicals. Thus, from these results it appears necessary to take into account adaptive responses induced by environmental contamination as a source of variability and uncertainty in order to provide a relevant risk assessment fully integrating all the impacts of environmental contamination on natural populations
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Etude de la recharge artificielle des nappes en zone semi-aride : application au bassin du Souss-Maroc / Study of artificial recharge in semiarid : application of Morocco Souss- BasinBouragba, Latifa 02 February 2011 (has links)
La plaine du Souss est délimitée au nord par le Haut-Atlas, au sud par l’Anti-Atlas et à l’estpar le massif cristallin de Siroua. Les principales formations géologiques sont des marnocalcaireset conglomérats assez perméables, les calcaires du Turonien qui leur sont sousjacentset le lit fossile de l’oued Souss composé d’alluvions sablo-graveleuses trèsperméables.La nappe du Souss est la plus importante du sud du Maroc, elle est très exploitée par unsecteur agricole exportateur, la surexploitation de la nappe s’est traduite par une baissecontinue des niveaux. Depuis 1970, les prélèvements dépassent de loin les ressourcesrenouvelables de la nappe (déficit : 185 Mm3 en 1976, 358 Mm3 en 1998, 228 Mm3 en 2003).Le barrage d’Aoulouz est principalement destiné à la recharge artificielle de la nappe par deslâchers d’eaux stockées pendant les périodes pluvieuses. En zone semi-aride, une estimationprécise de la recharge est souvent délicate, la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la recharge étantgénéralement forte et les processus variés.Ce travail a permis de mieux caractériser l’impact de la recharge sur la nappe et d’évaluer letemps de séjour et le renouvellement des eaux souterraines.L’évolution de la piézométrie à la suite des lâchers d’eau à partir du barrage Aoulouz montredes remontées locales du niveau piézométrique sur la haute plaine, environ 85% des eauxlâchées à partir du barrage d’Aoulouz s’infiltrent 80 km entre Aoulouz et Taroudant.Toutefois, le niveau général de la nappe continue de baisser.Le faciès géochimique est principalement bicarbonaté calcique (dissolution des carbonates), etpar endroits sulfaté calcique (évaporites au pied du Haut-Atlas). Les eaux de surface ont unfaciès bicarbonaté calcique et magnésien acquis lors de leur circulation sur des calcaires et desdolomies.[...] / The Souss valley is bounded to the North by the High Atlas, to the South by the Anti-Atlasand to the East by the Siroua crystalline massif. The main geological formations arecalcareous marls of the Plio-Quaternary, the Turonian limestones that underlie them, and thefossil bed of River Souss formed by sands, sandstones and gravels from high permeabilityalluvium.The Souss aquifer is the most significant aquifer in southern Morocco, highly exploited by anagricultural exporting activity. Groundwater overexploitation induced a decreases ofpiezometric heads. Since 1970, water demand far exceeds renewable groundwater resources(balance defecit: 185 Mm3 in 1976, 358 Mm3 in 1998, and 228 Mm3 in 2003).The mean role of the Aoulouz dam is the artificial recharge of the Souss plain by release ofwater stored during rainy periods in the plain.In semi-arid areas, estimating recharge is often difficult, the spatial and temporal variabilitiesof recharge are generally high, and processes are varied.This work has enabled to characterize the impact of artificial recharge and to estimate therenewal of water in the aquifer.Water releases from Aoulouz dam has permitted an increase of the piezometric level on thehigh plain, about 85% of the water released are unfiltered in the first 80 Km between Aoulouzand Taroudant cities. However, the general water level decline goes on.The geochemical facies is mainly calcium bicarbonate type (dissolution of limestone), andlocally calcium sulphate type (evaporites of the High Atlas). Surface waters are a calcium andmagnesium bicarbonate types, acquired during their flow through limestones and dolomitesoutcrops.[...]
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Evaluating an ecosystem management approach for improving water quality on the Holnicote Estate, ExmoorGlendell, Miriam January 2013 (has links)
The European Water Framework Directive 2000 established a new emphasis for the management of freshwaters by setting ecologically-based water quality targets that are to be achieved through holistic, catchment-scale, ecosystem management. However, significant knowledge gaps exist in the understanding of the cumulative effectiveness of multiple mitigation measures on a number of pollutants at a catchment scale. This research contributes to improved understanding of the effectiveness of an ecosystem management approach to deliver catchment-scale water quality improvements on the National Trust Holnicote Estate on Exmoor, UK. This research is part of a larger multi-objective project funded by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), to demonstrate the benefits of land use interventions for the management of flood risk. This thesis evaluates the effects of upland ditch blocking on physico-chemical and biological parameters of water quality in an upland Horner Water catchment one year after habitat restoration, and establishes a solid baseline for the monitoring of the effects of current and future land management changes in a lowland, intensively managed, agricultural Aller catchment. The spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties (bulk density, total carbon (TN), nitrogen (TN), C:N ratio, δ15N, total phosphorus (TP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic phosphorus (OP)) and water quality determinands (suspended sediment (SS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total particulate carbon (TPC), total oxidised nitrogen (TON) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP)) in the two study catchments with contrasting land use has been characterised and linked to the prevailing land use. Agricultural land use resulted in extensive homogenisation of soil properties. The spatial dependence of all soil properties, except for bulk density and δ15N, was stronger in the agricultural than the semi-natural catchment (nugget:sill ratio 0.10-0.42 in the Aller and 0.15-0.94 in Horner Water), while bulk density, TP, inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic phosphorus (OP), C:N ratio, δ15N and carbon storage showed a longer range of spatial auto-correlation in the agricultural catchment (2,807-3,191 m in the Aller and 545-2,599 m Horner Water). The central tendency (mean, median) of all soil properties, except for IP and δ15N, also differed significantly between the two catchments (P < 0.01). The observed extensive alteration of soil physical and chemical properties in the agricultural catchment is likely to have long-term implications for the restoration of ecosystem functioning and water quality management. The intensive land use seems to have resulted in an altered ‘catchment metabolism’, manifested in a proportionally greater total fluvial carbon (dissolved and particulate) export from the agricultural than the semi-natural catchment. The agricultural catchment supported significantly higher DOC concentrations (P < 0.05) and the quality of DOC differed markedly between the two study catchments. The prevalence of more humic, higher molecular weight compounds in the agricultural catchment and simpler, lower molecular weight compounds in the semi-natural catchment, indicated enhanced microbial turnover of fluvial DOC in the agricultural catchment as well as additional allochtonous terrestrial sources. During an eight month period for which a comparable continuous turbidity record was available, the estimated SS yields from the agricultural catchment (25.5-116.2 t km2) were higher than from the semi-natural catchment (21.7-57.8 t km2). Further, the agricultural catchment exported proportionally more TPC (0.51-2.59 kg mm-1) than the semi-natural catchment (0.36-0.97 kg mm-1) and a similar amount of DOC (0.26-0.52 kg mm-1 in the Aller and 0.24-0.32 kg mm-1 in Horner Water), when normalised by catchment area and total discharge, despite the lower total soil carbon pool, thus indicating an enhanced fluvial loss of sediment and carbon from the intensively managed catchment. Whilst detection of catchment-scale effects of mitigation measures typically requires high resolution, resource-intensive, long term data sets, this research has found that simple approaches can be effective in bridging the gap between fine scale ecosystem functioning and catchment-scale processes. Here, the new macro-invertebrate index PSI (Proportion of Sediment-sensitive Invertebrates) has been shown to be more closely related to a physical measure of sedimentation (% fine bed sediment cover) (P = 0.002) than existing non-pressure specific macro-invertebrate metrics such as the Lotic Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE) and % Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera & Trichoptera abundance (% EPT) (P = 0.014). Further testing of PSI along a pronounced environmental gradient is recommended as PSI and % fine bed sediment cover have the potential to become a sensitive tool for the setting and monitoring of twin sedimentation targets. Upland ditch management has not had any discernible effect on water quality in the semi-natural upland catchment one year after restoration, which may be due to the short-term post-restoration monitoring period but may also reflect benign effects of large-scale earth moving works on this high quality environment. The conceptual understanding of catchment processes developed in this thesis suggests that cumulatively, the recently completed mitigation works in the lowland agricultural catchment will likely result in reduced sediment and nutrient input into the aquatic environment. However, further research is needed to build on this detailed baseline characterisation and inform the understanding of the effectiveness of combined mitigation measures to reduce the flux of multiple contaminants at the catchment scale.
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Combined effects of bioavailable organic contaminants in the aquatic environmentEmelogu, Emmanuel Steven January 2013 (has links)
Passive sampling, as opposed to the conventional spot or bottle water sampling technique, has shown to be reliable and efficient in monitoring the toxicologically relevant, freely dissolved (e.g. bioavaialable) concentrations of a wide range of organic contaminants in water. At the same time, partitioning controlled delivery (passive dosing; PD) techniques promise to overcome many of the challenges associated with toxicity testing of hydrophobic substances that may bias the interpretation of toxicity data. The present study investigated the feasibility of coupling silicone rubber passive sampling devices (SR-PSDs) with bioassay techniques for both chemical and ecotoxicological assessment of complex mixtures of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment. SR-PSDs were deployed in water at various locations within the Ythan catchment (north east, Scotland, UK), Forth estuary and the Firth of Forth (east coast of central Scotland, UK) for 7 to 9 weeks. Following retrieval, extracts from the SR-PSDs were analysed for dissolved concentrations of a variety of organic contaminants including PAHs and PCBs using GC-MS and GC-ECD respectively and were screened for a wide range of pesticides using GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS. The extracts were further evaluated for acute cytotoxicity (i.e. neutral red uptake assay) and EROD induction potential using rainbow trout liver cell line (Oncorhynchus mykiss; RTL-W1) and for phytotoxicity and developmental toxicity potential using algal growth inhibition test (with a marine phytoplankton, Diacronema lutheri) and fish embryo toxicity test (with embryos from zebrafish Danio rerio) respectively. Overall, the individual and total dissolved concentrations of PAHs (ΣPAH40; parent and branched) and PCBs (ΣPCB32; ortho and mono-ortho) measured in water from the Ythan, Forth estuary and Firth of Forth were relatively low compared with other studies using PSDs. A number and level of pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides and fungicides of varying hydrophobicity (log KOWs ~2.25 to ~5.31) were detected in the silicone rubber (SR) extracts from the Ythan catchment, the Forth estuary and the Firth of Forth, suggesting input mainly from agricultural run-off and possibly from direct discharges. No statistically significant (p<0.05) acute cytotoxicity was observed following 48 h exposure of RTL-W1 cells to SR extracts from the Ythan catchment. But, on a sublethal level, for every site, statistically significant EROD activity was observed to some degree following 72 h exposure. In addition, developmental and algal toxicities on embryos of D. rerio and D. lutheri respectively, were measured in all the deployed samples compared with the procedural controls (undeployed samples). Interestingly, extracts of SR-PSDs from the Forth estuary and the Firth of Forth exhibited growth inhibitions on D. lutheri that were similar to those of extracts from the Ythan, even though, fewer numbers of pesticides were detected in the Forth estuary and Firth of Forth than the Ythan. This suggests that pesticides were not solely responsible for the observed effects in the Ythan catchment. To further improve data from toxicity testing of hydrophobic substances, the study identified the use of SR O-rings as a suitable passive dosing format in in vitro toxicity tests and was partially validated through their use in dosing RTL-W1 cells with two individual PAHs and subsequently determining cytotoxicity and EROD-activity.
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Modèles d'habitat statistiques comme outils d'aide à la gestion des débits des rivières insulaires tropicales : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion / Statistical hydraulic habitat models for guiding flow management in tropical insular streamsGirard, Virginie 15 April 2013 (has links)
Les modèles d’habitat hydrauliques sont fréquemment utilisés pour prédire les impacts écologiques de la gestion des débits des rivières. Ils couplent des modèles hydrauliques des tronçons de rivières à des modèles de "préférences" des organismes pour les conditions hydrauliques de leur microhabitat (vitesses, hauteurs, forces). Les modèles d'habitat statistiques reposent sur une modélisation des distributions en fréquence des variables hydrauliques. Ils sont simples d'utilisation mais ne sont pas applicables en l'état en milieu insulaire tropical. Nous avons développé des modèles biologiques de préférences hydrauliques de 15 taxons diadromes des îles tropicales (crevettes et poissons), ainsi que des modèles hydrauliques statistiques adaptés aux rivières à forte pente et forte granulométrie. Les modèles utilisent cinq jeux de données biologiques existants (~8350 échantillons de pêches électriques, 52 rivières) et des mesures hydrauliques originales (44 rivières, 69 station×date), collectés dans quatre îles des Caraïbes (Guadeloupe, Martinique) et de l'Océan Indien (Mayotte, Réunion), en collaboration avec des partenaires locaux. Nos modèles hydrauliques statistiques prédisent les distributions de vitesses et de hauteurs d'eau observées avec plus de précision que les modèles développés en Europe continentale. Les modèles biologiques reflètent que les contraintes hydrauliques contribuent généralement faiblement à la sélection du microhabitat en milieu tropical. Néanmoins, certains taxons montrent des préférences hydrauliques significatives et comparables entre les jeux de données. Nous illustrons l'application possible des résultats pour guider la gestion des débits / Hydraulic habitat models are frequently used for predicting the ecological impacts of flow management in stream reaches. Their hydraulic component describes microhabitat hydraulics within the reach (e.g. velocity, depth); their biological component describes the "preferences" of aquatic taxa for microhabitat hydraulics. Statistical habitat models involve the modelling of the frequency distributions of hydraulic variables in reaches. Their application requires simple data, but such models are not available for insular tropical streams. We developed hydraulic preference models for 15 diadromous taxa of tropical islands (shrimps and fishes), and statistical hydraulic models for steep streams with large bed particle size. Our models are based on five available biological data sets (~8350 electrofishing units, 52 streams) and original hydraulic measurements (44 streams, 69 site×date) collected in four islands in the Caribbean region (Guadeloupe, Martinique) and the Indian Ocean (Reunion, Mayotte), in collaboration with local partners. Our hydraulic models improve the predictions of observed velocity and depth distributions when compared with previous models developed in continental Europe. Our biological models reflect that hydraulics contribute less to microhabitat selection in tropical islands than elsewhere. Nevertheless, some taxa have significant hydraulic preferences that are comparable among data sets and we illustrate a potential application of our results for guiding low flow management in tropical insular streams
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Effects of pollution and metazoan parasites on the health and oxidative stress biomarkers of two cyprinid fish species in the Olifants River System, South AfrricaRamalepe, Tshepiso Promise January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Zoology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / The unprecedented expansion in human population and industry, since the industrial revolution in the late 1700s, has led to increased anthropogenic activities which have indisputably impacted freshwater ecosystems and biological communities therein, including fish. Although this has understandably been the focus, under natural aquatic conditions, no organism is only affected by pollution. Parasites have also been shown in a number of interdisciplinary studies to affect the health of aquatic hosts (amphibians, crustaceans, fish, and mammals). This is illustrated in a number of comprehensive studies the detrimental effects parasites exacerbate when their hosts (fish) are stressed. Therefore, the ability of parasites to interact with anthropogenic stressors, as well as effects they have on the genetic, cellular or tissue level of their host is crucial in conservation and sustaining aquatic biodiversity. As such, the present study examined the combined effects of pollution and metazoan parasites on the health and oxidative stress biomarkers, evaluated for the first time for silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844) and rednose mudfish, Labeo rosae Steindachner, 1894, in one of South Africa’s impacted freshwater ecosystems, Flag Boshielo Dam, Olifants River System, Limpopo Province. Seasonal surveys were conducted from February 2012–January 2013. A total of 111 H. molitrix and 116 L. rosae fish specimens were collected using conventional angling gear, scoop and gill nets with stretched mesh sizes of 30–110 mm. The two selected cyprinid fish species were assessed for oxidative stress biomarkers [Glutathione S-transferase (GST), lipid peroxidation (MDA) and Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC)] and parasitism of metazoan parasites. Concentrations of biomarkers of oxidative damage and antioxidant defense in the gill and liver tissue were measured to assess how these major organs of the immune system responded to oxidative stress associated with parasitic infections. In addition, water quality analyses were carried out by testing an assay of physico-chemical parameters to establish the level of contamination. Fish health was assessed using the Health Assessment Index (HAI), refined Parasite Index (PI), Inverted Parasite Index (IPI) and Condition Factor (K) protocols. Relative to previous studies at Flag Boshielo Dam, water quality results showed an increase of nutrients, major ions and several metals which may have adverse effects that may comprise fish health; however, this dam remains moderately polluted in a mesotrophic state. The fish health assessment results indicated that H. molitrix was more affected in terms of the necropsy and parasite based assessments (HAI, IPI and K) with mean±SD of 65.68±35.51; 68.29±25; 0.82±0.20, respectively, as compared to 39.14±22.44; 28.79±18.33; 1.17±0.21 for L. rosae during the study. In addition, significantly higher parasitic infections (mean prevalence of infection with any species of parasite = 45.3±0.13) were observed for H. molitrix than L. rosae (12.0±0.05). Furthermore, there was considerable variation in biomarker concentration between highly infected and non-infected fish, for and between each species and tissues with regard to parasite infection, suggesting that the specific functions of each tissue are associated with their susceptibility to oxidative stress, as well as their ability to defend against oxidative damage.
These results illustrate that although fish are affected by aquatic contaminants they are to an extent affected by parasites, which may act synergistically on the health of the two fish species. Most importantly, it was suggested that knowledge on the parasites of alien H. molitrix when compared to indigenous L. rosae may give an indication of how adaptive this fish are to new localities as well as expands the information on the rarely studied biology, epizootiology and ecological interactions of these two cyprinid species.
Keywords: Health Assessment Index, refined Parasite Index, Inverted Parasite Index, Condition Factor, water quality, lipid peroxidation, Glutathione S-transferase, Total Antioxidant Capacity, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Labeo rosae, Flag Boshielo Dam.
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Substances dangereuses dans les effluents de traitement de surface : identification et traitement par des procédés innovants / Hazardous substances in surface treatement effluents : identification and treatement using innovative processesEuvrard, Élise 18 November 2016 (has links)
Le secteur industriel du traitement de surface (TS), secteur d’excellence en Bourgogne Franche-Comté, est contraint de recourir à de nouvelles méthodes d’épuration des eaux du fait d’une règlementation européenne de plus en plus stricte. En effet, notamment dans le cadre de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau, les industriels doivent sans cesse améliorer la qualité de leurs rejets et diminuer les impacts générés par ceux-ci. Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans cet objectif. Ainsi, trois grands types d’investigations ont été menés : le premier a permis de définir la composition qualitative et quantitative en substances dangereuses (SD) des rejets de TS et d’étudier leur variabilité temporelle ; le second a validé des modifications d’une station physico-chimique de traitement des eaux franc-comtoise pour diminuer le flux de SD ; le dernier a proposé des solutions innovantes par bioadsorption sur des matériaux de cyclodextrine et par procédé d’oxydation avancée (POA) soit par ozone/UV, soit par l’utilisation de catalyseurs Pd-Cu pour atteindre le même objectif.[...] / The industrial sector of surface treatment (ST), sector of excellence in Bourgogne Franche-Comté, is forced to resort to new methods for water treatment due to European regulations increasingly strict. Indeed, particularly in the context of the Water Framework Directive, industries must continually improve the quality of their discharge waters and reduce the impacts generated by them. This work is part of this. Thus, three types of investigations were conducted: the first has defined qualitative and quantitative composition of hazardous substances (HS) in ST discharge waters and study their temporal variability; the second has approved changes in a physicochemical wastewater decontamination station to decrease HS water flow; the last proposed innovative solutions by biosorption on cyclodextrin materials and advanced oxidation process (AOP) by ozone / UV, or by the use of Pd-Cu catalysts to achieve the same objective.[...]
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Gestion intégrée de l'eau et développement durable : le cas du Cap-Vert / Integrated water management and sustainable development : the case of Cape Verde / Gestão Integrada da Água e Desenvolvimento Durável : O caso de Cabo VerdeNascimento, Januário da Rocha 12 June 2017 (has links)
La thèse aborde la problématique des usages de l'eau dans un archipel ouest-africain semi-aride, pauvre, vulnérable, où la question des ressources hydriques a toujours posé de graves problèmes, que cinq siècles de colonisation n'ont pas résolu. Dans un monde ouvert, interdépendant, où les questions de durabilité environnementale, de production agricole, de sécurité alimentaire et de lutte contre la pauvreté et pour le développement sont des enjeux majeurs pour la planète et ses habitants, la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE) constitue une solution intéressante pour une économie cap-verdienne de l'eau répondant à ces défis.L'objectif de la thèse est de contribuer à la mise en œuvre de la GIRE sur le territoire de la République du Cap-Vert. Elle s'interroge sur le « modèle transféré » des barrages hydrauliques, avec l'exemple de celui de Poilão, dans la Ribeira Seca de l'île de Santiago, premier barrage construit au Cap-Vert, avec l'aide de la coopération chinoise. Elle examine le rôle et les effets de l'irrigation, les impacts de sa réalisation sur l'environnement local, ainsi que les problèmes socio-économiques entraînés par l'usage de l'eau dans le bassin versant de la Ribeira Seca. La thèse s'interroge sur la question de la gouvernance juridique, réglementaire et institutionnelle de l'eau au Cap-Vert, avec des comparaisons internationales. Enfin, elle propose un modèle de gestion de l'eau inspiré de l'approche GIRE. / This thesis deals with the problem of water use in a poor, vulnerable, semi-arid West African archipelago where the issue of water resources has always posed major problems, problems which five centuries of colonization were unable to solve. In an open, interdependent world in which issues of environmental sustainability, agricultural production, food security and the fight against poverty and in favor of development are major challenges for the planet and its inhabitants, integrated water resources management (IWRM) constitutes an interesting solution for an economy of water that responds to these difficulties in the country.The objective of the thesis is to contribute to the implementation of integral water resource management in the territory of the Republic of Cabo Verde. It questions the “adopted model” of hydraulic dams, with the example of the Polião Dam in Ribeira Seca valley, on the island of Santiago, the first dam built in Cabo Verde, with the help of the People’s Republic of China. It examines the role and effects of irrigation, the impacts of engaging therein on the local environment, and the socio-economic problems caused by water usage in the Ribeira Seca watershed.The thesis also uses international comparisons to raise questions related to the legal, regulatory and institutional governance of water in Cabo Verde. Finally, it proposes a water management model inspired by the Integrated Water Resources Management approach. / A presente tese aborda a questão do uso da água num arquipélago Oeste Africano semiárido, pobre, vulnerável, onde a questão dos recursos hídricos sempre levantou problemas graves, que cinco séculos de colonização não conseguiram resolver. Num mundo interdependente e aberto, onde as questões de sustentabilidade ambiental, a produção agrícola, a segurança alimentar e a luta contra a pobreza e pelo desenvolvimento são as questões fundamentais para (a preservação) do planeta e seus habitantes, a gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos (GIRH) é uma solução interessante para uma economia cabo-verdiana da água que responda a estes desafios.O objetivo desta tese é o de contribuir para a implementação da GIRH no território da República de Cabo Verde. A tese questiona sobre o "modelo transferido " de barragens, como por exemplo o da Barragem de Poilão na Ribeira Seca, na ilha de Santiago, a primeira barragem construída em Cabo Verde, com a ajuda da Cooperação chinesa. A tese examina o papel e os efeitos da irrigação, o impacto da sua implementação no ambiente local, assim como os problemas socioeconómicos causados pelo uso da água na bacia hidrográfica de Ribeira Seca.A tese interroga-se sobre a questão da governança jurídica, regulamentar e institucional da água em Cabo Verde, usando o direito comparado internacional. Finalmente, a tese oferece um modelo de gestão da água, com base na abordagem GIRH.
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