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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Climatology via applied satellite remote sensing : chlorophyll blooms in the North Aegean Sea / Κλιματολογία με χρήση εφαρμοσμένης δορυφορικής τηλεπισκόπισης στο φαινόμενο των απότομων αναβλύσεων χλωροφύλλης στην περιοχή του Βόρειου Αιγαίου

Γεωργακάς, Κωνσταντίνος 16 September 2014 (has links)
The current study focuses on the phenomenon, mostly accounted within the past recent time, of the algae blooms (chlorophyll burst) in the area of the North Aegean Sea. The study attempts to coincide and amplify the approach of Satellite Remote Sensing monitoring, as means of applied oceanographic methods, in order for possible seasonal, spatio-temporal trends of this phenomenon to be identified, thus making the correlation of the indices-variations, though interdisciplinary, to be explained to an extend plainly, in terms of ‘why’ and ‘why-then’ they occur. The North Aegean Sea is directly influenced by the outflow of the Black Sea water masses, through the Dardanelles Strait. Secondary, riverine discharge is into account, along with special hydrodynamic characteristics of the basin. This Black Sea contribution to the North Aegean basin is cold, brackish and rather rich in biomass and nutrients and via the eutrophic blooms, fluctuate the relative meso-poor nutrient character of the basin. The environmental impacts and causes of the occurrences have a multidisciplinary analysis. They affect local ecology systems, water quality, coastal regions, the ichtyo-stock, the eco-balance on food-dependable species and ultimately the human health. The current study leans emphasis on the meteorological-oceanographic analysis for the algae blooms in the North Aegean Sea, depending on the use of satellite derived data and optical color imaginary, concerning the area under study. The preliminary concern, along with secondary conclusions, among the variable instability of the local biogeochemical recycling of the phenomenon, the prolonged temporal time of its dispersion and its correlation with surface winds and meteo-characteristics, was verified. Data from Giovanni, that is a Web-based application developed by the GES DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure-NASA, where used for the analysis, in order for possible correlations between oceanographic and meteorological variables to be identified, such as: Chlorophyll-a concentrations, Precipitations rates, Euphotic Zone Depth, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter, Absorption coefficient for phytoplankton, Sea Level Pressure, Surface Pressure and Northwards wind component. / --

Uptake and mobilisation of metals associated with estuarine intertidal sediment by microphytobenthic diatoms

Becker, Amani Eve January 2017 (has links)
Microphytobenthos (MPB), a mixed community of microscopic, photosynthetic organisms, algae and cyanobacteria, inhabiting the top few millimetres of bottom sediment, is a key component of intertidal mudflats. It accounts for a significant proportion of estuarine primary production, forms the base of the food chain and influences sediment distribution and resuspension (through production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)). Diatoms dominate the microphytobenthos community in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Estuarine sediments, are a sink for metal contaminants derived from fluvial, marine and atmospheric sources. Whilst metal releases to estuaries have declined in recent years due to increased regulation and declining industrial activity, metals previously discharged and which are now locked up in saltmarsh sediments remain a concern. For example, there are indications that saltmarshes are already being eroded, due to climate change related sea level rise, in some locations. This erosion may result in the redistribution of historically contaminated sediment to locations, such as the mudflats, where it is more available to biota, such as the MPB. In addition to causing redistribution, climate change effects, such as increasing temperatures and storminess, may also alter the bioavailability of metals to MPB. Increased concentrations of metals within the MPB could potentially increase their transfer to higher organisms through the food chain with potential impacts for biota. Whilst planktonic algae have been well studied with respect to metal uptake from the water column, there has been little research involving MPB and uptake of metals from sediment. The extent to which contaminant uptake by microphytobenthic algae occurs and under what conditions is therefore poorly understood. The research presented uses laboratory, mesocosm and field studies, to gain an understanding of processes governing metal bioavailability and mechanisms for uptake from sediment to the diatoms of the MPB under the complex and variable conditions of intertidal mudflats. A laboratory study using a single diatom species Cylindrotheca closterium found that uptake of cadmium (Cd) varied with sediment properties revealing the importance of sediment particle size and organic matter content in metal bioavailability to diatoms. Additionally, this study showed that the presence of diatoms altered Cd partitioning between sediment, overlying and pore water. Specifically there was an increase in Cd in the overlying and pore water when diatoms were present, indicating that diatoms mobilise metals from the sediment to the water column potentially increasing metal bioavailability to other biota. A study was conducted using an intertidal mesocosm to increase the realism of the study system and examine uptake to a natural MPB community. Diatoms were found to have higher concentrations of all the metals analysed (except tin) than other types of algae (filamentous and sheet macroalgae), confirming their importance as a study organism with respect to metal uptake and potential mobilisation through the food chain. Sediment disturbance was shown to increase metal uptake (iron, aluminium, vanadium and lead) from the sediment to algae. This is of concern due to predicted increases in storminess which are likely to increase sediment disturbance, with the likelihood that uptake of metals to diatoms will increase in the future. However, there were also indications of an antagonistic effect of temperature on disturbance, whilst disturbance increased bioavailability and uptake, increasing temperatures reduced uptake of some metals. This highlights the importance of considering the effects of multiple stressors in complex systems. Field studies showed that concentrations of some metals were related to their position on the mudflat whilst others were related to sampling date, indicating that there may be seasonal controls, such as to the presence of greater diatom biomass in spring and autumn, on metal uptake from the sediment. The research conducted has increased understanding of metal uptake to microphytobenthic diatoms from sediment and the influence they have in transferring metals from sediment to water, however the research also raises a number of new questions. For example, there appeared to be a link between sediment organic matter content and bioavailability of metals to diatoms, although the relative contribution of the diatoms, other algae, cyanobacteria and EPS to the sediment organic matter warrants further investigation. Furthermore, it has shown that the use of laboratory and mesocosm studies for this type of research can produce similar outcomes to those observed in the field but under more controlled and easily manipulated conditions, although field studies will continue to be vital in improving understanding of metals availability and transfer.

Diversité des communautés phytoplanctoniques en relation avec les facteurs environnementaux en mer d'Iroise : approche par la modélisation 3D / Marine microbial biodiversity and hydrodynamical patterns : a 3D modelling approach

Cadier, Mathilde 10 June 2016 (has links)
Les facteurs environnementaux (physiques, chimiques et biologiques) influencent la composition des communautés de phytoplancton marin. D'autre part, le transport dynamique peut lui aussi impacter l'abondance relative des organismes au sein de ces communautés. Par conséquent, les biomasses phytoplanctoniques, ainsi que la nature des organismes qui les composent, présentent une importante variabilité à la fois sur le plan spatial (biorégionalisation) et sur le plan temporel (successions). Les régions côtières sont des zones particulièrement contrastées dans lesquelles les gradients environnementaux sont généralement marqués. Ainsi, la mer d'Iroise se caractérise par la présence d'un front de marée saisonnier (front d'Ouessant), particulièrement productif, qui sépare deux régimes distincts. A l'Est du front, les eaux du plateau continental sont régulièrement rendues homogènes par la présence de forts courants de marée alors que la zone du large est soumise à un cycle saisonnier marqué par une stratification verticale estivale. Il s'agit donc d'une région propice à l'étude plus générale des mécanismes d'interaction entre les structures frontales et la diversité phytoplanctonique.L'objet plus spécifique de cette thèse est de caractériser, à l'aide de la modélisation 3D, la nature et la diversité du phytoplancton en mer d'Iroise, à la fois en termes de groupes fonctionnels puis de diversité phénotypique, au cours d'un cycle saisonnier en général et plus particulièrement lors de la période estivale au niveau de la zone frontale.Les premiers résultats obtenus ont montré que la composition en groupes fonctionnels du phytoplancton présente un cycle saisonnier marqué, principalement influencé par la profondeur de la couche de mélange. Durant l'hiver, le picoplancton domine partout dans la zone d'étude. La stratification, qui s'installe à partir du mois d'Avril entraîne par la suite un bloom phytoplanctonique dominé par le microphytoplancton (principalement des diatomées). La période estivale correspond ensuite à la mise en place d'une bio-régionalisation des conditions environnementales en mer d'Iroise avec (i) la zone côtière mélangée qui reste fortement productive et dominée par les diatomées et (ii) la zone offshore, dans laquelle la croissance autotrophe est limitée par les nutriments en surface, ce qui favorise la coexistence entre microphytoplancton et picophytoplancton.Une seconde étude a porté sur la composition de la communauté phytoplanctonique en termes de diversité phénotypique pendant le mois de septembre. Les résultats mettent en évidence une zone de forte diversité en surface, légèrement décalée vers l'Ouest par rapport à la zone frontale (dans laquelle la biomasse est maximale). Au niveau de ce maximum de diversité, l'importance des échanges verticaux (upwelling et mélange) du côté chaud (stratifié) du front a été mise en évidence. Ainsi, un mélange entre des phénotypes ubiquistes présents dans la zone mélangée à l'Est du front et du picoplancton, issu à la fois du maximum de chlorophylle de subsurface et de la surface oligotrophe à l'ouest, est observé dans le maximum de diversité.Finalement, une dernière étude portant sur l'effet du cycle de marée vives eaux/ mortes eauxa permis de comprendre, et ce pour la première fois, les processus qui expliquent l'impact de ce cycle sur la modification de la biomasse phytoplanctonique et sur la composition de la communautéen terme de diversité phénotypique dans le système côtier homogène. Les résultats montrent une augmentation de la biomasse totale ainsi que de la proportion de diatomées et une diminution de la diversité lors des périodes de stratification associées aux mortes eaux. / Phytoplankton diversity depends on physical, chemical and biological local conditions. Moreover, physical transport could also impact the distribution of autotrophic organisms/species within phytoplankton communities. Therefore, phytoplanktonic assemblages exhibit significant spatial (bioregionalization) and temporal (successions) variability in terms of species diversity as well as productivity. Coastal regions are particularly contrasted area with sharp environmental gradients underlying strong heterogeneity in phytoplankton communities' composition. In this context, the Iroise Sea presents a seasonal, highly productive, tidal front, which separates two distinctregimes. Eastside, continental shelf waters are regularly mixed by tidal currents while offshore waters remain stratified throughout the whole summer period.Thus, the Iroise Sea may be an opportune region to study the processes linking the frontal structure dynamic and its impact on phytoplanktonic diversity.This thesis aims, more specifically, at characterizing phytoplankton communities in the Iroise Sea interms of both functional and phenotypic diversity over a seasonal cycle in general and during the summer at the frontal interface in particular. This work is based on a 3D numerical modeling approach using a physical/biogeochemical coupled model. As a first part of this thesis, the implementation of a regional configuration for the Iroise Sea has been conducted, including the technical coupling between the hydrodynamical model (ROMS-AGRIF) and the phytoplankton diversity model (DARWIN). This work was the first necessary step to simulate and study the Iroise sea phytoplanktonic diversity.Our results show a pronounced seasonal cycle of the phytoplankton functional composition, driven by the surface mixed layer depth that influenced light and nutrients' availabilty. Indeed, during winter, the biomass is dominated by picoplankton in the Iroise Sea. Then, as water column becomes stratified offshore, in April, a characteristic phytoplankton bloom occurs with a larger contribution of microphytoplancton (mainly diatoms). During summer, the nutrient-replete coastal well-mixed area remains highly productive and dominated by diatoms while surface stratified offshore waters (where phytoplankton growth is nutrient-limited) show higher coexistence between phytoplankton functional types.We also examined the phytoplankton phenotypic diversity simulated within the frontal region in relation with the surrounding areas in September (summer conditions). The results highlight a diversity maximum located at the surface slightly westward from the biomass maximum of the front. This diversity maximum is suggested to be the result of the upward transport of typical phenotypes from the offshore Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) toward the Surface at the west warm side of the front. Indeed, picoplanktonic phenotypes growing in the DCM coexist, in this diversity maximum, with those from the surface oligotrophic waters and ubiquitous ones growing in the eastside mixed coastal waters.Finally, the effect of tidal spring/neap tide cycle has been investigated and shows, for the first time, how this cycle impacts the phytoplankton biomass and the phenotypic community composition within the coastal well-mixed, homogeneous system. Indeed, the neap-tide conditions of reduced vertical mixing and stabilization lead to an increase in total phytoplankton biomass associated with the rapid development of fast-growing, opportunistic, diatoms species and a decrease in phenotypic diversity.

Processus adaptatifs des végétaux marins face au changement climatique à différentes échelles de temps et d'espace : dynamique de populations, métabolomique, écophysiologie et potentiels de valorisation / Adaptative process of marine macrophytes in a context of climatic change at several time and spatial scales : phenology, metabolomic, ecophysiology and bioinspired applications

Surget, Gwladys 10 July 2017 (has links)
Trois modèles invasifs à large répartition en Europe, le long d'un gradient latitudinal Norvège-Portugal, ont été choisis : Sargassum muticum, Codium fragile et Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Cette thèse a pour objectif l'étude de la phénologie, de l'écophysiologie et du métabolome de ces macrophytes invasifs face à une variation de facteurs environnementaux 1) à une échelle locale, 2) à l'échelle du gradient latitudinal (en lien avec le changement climatique global) ainsi que l'étude 3) des voies de valorisation possibles des métabolites de stress par bio-inspiration. Le gradient latitudinal, se traduisant par un gradient thermique, permet de mimer le réchauffement climatique car les conséquences de ce changement climatique sur les espèces en milieu naturel ne sont généralement appréciables qu'à l'échelle de dizaines d'années. Les suivis de l'écologie, dumétabolome ainsi que des impacts potentiels de ces espèces à une échelle locale en France, a permis d'étudier le développement et le cycle de vie des espèces. En particulier, G. vermiculophylla se caractérise par une phénologie spécifique (avec la prépondérance de petits fragments végétatifs, <3cm) en Rade de Brest et par une tolérance accrue à l'envasement jusqu'à 12 cm de profondeur en acclimatant son métabolome tout en maintenant une physiologie dormante. Cette espèce ingénieur impacte en profondeur l'écosystème vaseux de la Rade. Le suivi le long du gradient latitudinal a permis d'illustrer la plasticité phénologique des espèces et notamment un potentiel invasif contrasté de C. fragile entre les différentes latitudes. Lors de marée basse de vives eaux, les espèces présentent une acclimatation de leur photo-physiologie en fonction de la latitude avec la mise en évidence d'une photoinhibition du PSll, lié au stress engendré par les conditions environnementales.Enfin, ce travail a illustré les propriétés multifonctionnelles d'extraits enrichis en composés phénoliques, présentant des activités antioxydantes mais également photoprotectrices ou ostéogéniques, soulignant l'émergence de voies de valorisation originales par bio-inspiration pour divers secteurs tels que la cosmétologie et les biomatériaux en santé humaine. / Three model species with a large distribution along European coasts, along a latitudinal gradient from Norway to Portugal was chosen: Sargassum muticum, Codium fragile and Gracilaria vermiculophylla. The aims of this PhD thesis were to study the phenology, ecophysiology and the metabolom of these non-native marine macrophytes and their ability to cope with a variation of environmental factors 1) at a population scale, 2) along the latitudinal gradient (in relation with the global climatic change) and to propose 3) bio-inspired molecules for industrial purposes. The latitudinal gradient corresponding to a thermic gradient, allows to imitate the global warming as climatic change ¡mpacts are most of the time only visible at decennial scale.Monitorings of ecology, metabolome and potential impacts of these macroalgae, at a population scale, allowed to study the development and life cycle of these models. In particular, G. vermiculophylla exhibited a specific phenology (with a majority of small vegetative fragments, <3cm) in the Bay of Brest and a highly tolerance to burial until 12 cm depth in the sediment by acclimatizing its metabolome together with the ability to maintain a dormancy physiology. This engineer species modifies deeply muddy shores of this Bay. Latitunal gradients's monitoring highlighted the phenological plasticity and a contrasted invasive potential of C.fragile between latitudes. During low spring tides, species exhibited an acclimation of their photophysiology between latitudes with photoinhibition process related to induce environmental stress. Furthermore, this work showed the multifunctional properties of polyphenols enriched extracts with antioxidant, photoprotective or osteogenic activities, highlighting the emergence of original bio-inspired pathways for cosmetic or biomaterial applications.

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