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Concurrent operation of Bluetooth low energy and ANT wireless protocols with an embedded controllerØsthus, Per Magnus January 2011 (has links)
With the introduction of low-power wireless technologies, new applicationsin the healthcare, fitness and home entertainment markets emergethrough the use of ultra low-power sensors. These devices are designed torun for years on a single coin-cell battery.ANT and Bluetooth Low Energy are two low-power protocols that emergeas competitors in this market. The ability to combine these in a single systemnot only takes away the element of choice from the manufacturers, but alsoprovides compatibility between the two protocols. An ANT-enabled devicecan be coupled to a Bluetooth network, with the benefit of connecting tonon-ANT central devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops.In this thesis, the co-existence of these two protocols is discussed. Animplementation with two distinct radios for each protocol, controlled by asingle embedded microcontroller, is presented. The implementation is testedwith regards to packet loss with a simple test application. Test results showthat the obtained packet loss cannot be correlated to the co-existence of thetwo protocols.
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Trübemitführung feiner hydrophiler Teilchen in mechanischen Flotationsapparaten und deren ReduzierungAzevedo Guerra, Elzivir 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, mit Hilfe einer neu entwickelten Methode zur getrennten Bestimmung des Feststoffausbringens durch Trübemitführung und Heterokoagulation die Wirkung einiger wichtiger Prozessparameter zu bewerten. Darüber hinaus ist der Einfluss der Modifizierung des Suspensionszustandes (Änderung der Turbulenzintensität) bzw. des Flockungszustandes hydrophiler Teilchen auf die Trübemitführung feiner hydrophiler Teilchen in mechanischen Flotationsapparaten aufzuklären. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit sind ein Beitrag zur Erweiterung der Kenntnisse über die Mechanismen der Trübemitführung in mechanischen Flotationsapparaten. Sie liefern wesentliche neue Hinweise zur Steuerung und Reduzierung der Trübemitführung. Aus den Schlussfolgerungen der Arbeit können wichtige Maßnahmen und Kriterien zur Optimierung der Feinstteilchenflotation bei der Aufbereitung komplex zusammensetzter, wertstoffarmer Rohstoffe und für das Recycling von festen Abfällen abgeleitet werden.
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Natural ageing : Process parameters and temperature impact on natural ageing of aluminium profilesNeuman, Michael, Alsaifi, Fadi January 2017 (has links)
It has been found that profiles delivered to customers in unaged (T4) statehave had different hardnesses despite using the same manufacturing process.It has emerged that the material have been stored different periods oftime before use and therefore have small variations in hardness. In furtherprocessing this may lead to problems. This is observed in the alloys 6005,6060 and 6063 despite the same process parameters, such as extrusion speed,heating and cooling. In order to facilitate the extrusion, natural ageing curves have been constructed.The different process parameters in the press are also investigated,as well as the affect of natural ageing and a comparison of the alloys 6005,6060 and 6063 to see how different alloys are affected by natural ageing. It was found that natural ageing increases the hardness of all profiles regardlessof composition or process parameters. Different profiles gave differenthardness increases. The process parameters were affected positively by thecomposition of Si and Mg while Fe contamination may have affected the parameters.The result have also shown that the alloy with highest content ofSi and Mg also where the hardest. / Det har framkommit att profiler som levererats till kunder i oåldrat (T4)tillstånd har haft olika hårdheter trots att man använt samma tillverkningsprocess.Det framkom även att materialet har lagrats i olika lång tidinnan användning och därför fått små förändringar i hårdhet. Vid efterföljandebearbetning kan det leda till problem. Detta har man observerati legeringarna 6005, 6060 och 6063 trots samma processparametrar, såsomutlöpningshastighet, uppvärmning och kylning. För att underlätta extrusionen har kallåldringskurvor konstruerats. De olikaprocessparametrarna i pressen har också undersökts, samt kallåldringens effektoch en jämförelse på de olika legeringarna 6005, 6060 och 6063 har gjortsför att se hur olika legeringar påverkas av kallåldring. Det visade sig att kallåldringen har ökat hårdheten för alla profiler oavsettsammansättning eller processparametrar. Olika profiler gav olika hårdhetsökning.Processparametrarna påverkades positivt av sammansättningenmed Si och Mg medan föroreningen av Fe kan ha påverkat parametrarna.Resultatet har även visat att legeringen som hade högst halt på Si och Mghade även den hårdaste legeringen.
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Extruderade längders hållfasthet : Undersökning av samband mellan hållfasthet längs extruderade profiler och olika temperaturgradienter på aluminiumgötHörnmark, Adam, Andersson, Victor January 2024 (has links)
Vid extrudering av aluminiumprofiler introduceras en temperaturgradient i götmaterialet för att motverka den extra värme som uppstår under processen och tros påverka de mekaniska egenskaperna hos profilen. Detta examensarbete, utfört i samarbete med Hydro Extrusions, undersökte hur götets temperaturgradient påverkar de mekaniska egenskaperna hos extruderade aluminiumprofiler. Arbetet grundade sig i en modifierad DMAIC-metodik där Control-delen exkluderats. Dragprov genomfördes för att undersöka sträckgräns, brottgräns, töjning och elasticitetsmodul hos T4- och T6-åldrade profiler av legeringarna EN AW-6060 och EN AW-6082. Även profilernas utlöpningstemperatur, utlöpningshastighet och kylningshastighet undersöktes. Resultaten visade att temperaturgradienten inte direkt påverkade de mekaniska egenskaperna hos profilerna. Istället bidrog den till att maximera profilens utlöpningshastighet. De största faktorerna som påverkade de mekaniska egenskaperna var vilken åldring och kylningsmetod som användes. / During the extrusion of aluminum profiles, a temperature gradient is introduced into the billet to counteract the extra heat generated during the process and is believed to affect the mechanical properties of the profile. This thesis, carried out in collaboration with Hydro Extrusions, examined how the temperature gradient in the billet affects the mechanical properties of extruded aluminum profiles. The work was based on a modified DMAIC methodology where the Control phase was excluded. Tensile tests were conducted to investigate the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation, and modulus of elasticity of T4- and T6-aged profiles of the alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6082. The profile’s exit temperature, exit speed, and cooling rate was also investigated. The results showed that the temperature gradient did not directly affect the mechanical properties of the profiles. Instead, it contributed to maximizing the profile's exit speed. The largest factors influencing the mechanical properties were the aging and cooling methods used.
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Magazin zur Bosch-Geschichte / Sonderheft13 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Journal of Bosch History / Supplement13 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Lecanora muralis: eine epilithische Krustenflechte als Biomonitor für luftgetragene SpurenmetalleLambrecht, Susanne 10 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Eignung von Flechten als Biomonitor für die retrospektive Ermittlung der Luftqualität im Hinblick auf Spurenstoffe systematisch untersucht. Dazu wurde die ubiquitär verbreitete Krustenflechte Lecanora muralis ausgewählt und mit ihrer Hilfe der Einfluss von Lokalität, Probennahmehöhe und -position, Sammelmethodik, Präparationsmethodik, Wachstum etc. eingehend bearbeitet. Die Luftqualität in Nordrhein-Westfalen galt es als regionales Beispiel mit hochdifferenzierten Einflüssen zu charakterisieren. Hierfür wurden Flechten an ihren natürlichen Standorten gesammelt und auf die folgenden Elementgehalte analysiert (sog. passives Biomonitoring): Ag, As, Ba, Ce, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Tl, V und Zn.
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Návrh snížení počtu svarů u rámových dveří kolejových vozidel z Al slitin / Proposal of welds number reduction on aluminium aloys frame doors for rail vehiclesŠplíchal, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis presents possible proposals of welds number reduction frame doors for rail vehicles welded from profiles from aluminium alloy EN AW 6060, which is heat treated by temper T66. Profiles are welded by TIG process with additional material S Al 5087 (AlMg4,5MnZr). The heat treatment by the welding cycle causes a change in structure of basic material and decrease of mechanical properties due to dissolution of precipitates. To measure the necessary mechanical properties of the material after welding a tensile test was performed on the delivered samples. The resulting values from tensile test were subsequently used as cut – off values in the new door frame design by FEM simulation in Virtual Performance Solution software with PAM – Crash extension. The newly designed frame was welded according to the necessary welding procedure specifications, which are also part of the thesis. The conclusion is devoted to the economic evaluation of the current and new design of the door frame.
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Bosch AutomotiveKuhlgatz, Dietrich 13 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Bosch AutomotiveKuhlgatz, Dietrich 13 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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