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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vieillissement artificiel et vieillissement naturel en ambiance tropicale de composites modèles époxy/verre : approche nanoscopique de l'étude des interphases / Artificial ageing and natural ageing in tropical atmosphere of the composite models epoxy/glass

Nguyen, Thanh Hoi 10 July 2013 (has links)
Un composite époxy/fibre de verre élaboré à partir de matériaux simplifiés a été soumis en parallèle à du vieillissement artificiel (UV et thermohydrique) et à du vieillissement naturel (climat tropical humide). Une étude des matériaux (résine seule et composite) à travers un large panel de techniques de caractérisation physico-chimiques, mécaniques et de moyens d’observation (MEB, AFM) a permis d’identifier clairement la structure, la morphologie et les principales propriétés du réseau époxy-amine de l’état initial. Une caractérisation systématique des échantillons par couches de 20 microns d’épaisseur a permis, en particulier, d’identifier un gradient de structure et de propriétés dans les 200 premiers microns à la surface des plaques de résine et de composite. Ce gradient est attribué à l’évaporation du durcisseur amine lors de l’élaboration des matériaux. Dans les plaques de composites, le DMA ainsi que l’AFM ont permis de mettre en évidence une zone d’interphase autour des fibres pour laquelle le réseau époxy-amine présente des caractéristiques différentes de celles de la résine en masse.La même méthodologie a été adoptée pour suivre l’évolution de ces matériaux lors des vieillissements artificiels et naturels.Les études séparées des vieillissements UV et thermohydrique ont permis de mettre en évidence les altérations chimiques et physico-chimiques de la matrice seule d’une part, et des interphases fibres/matrice d’autre part. Le vieillissement photochimique se montre le plus dégradant pour la surface des plaques, alors que les effets du vieillissement thermohydrique sont principalement observés au niveau des interfaces fibres/matrice dans les composites. Dans les deux cas également, nous pouvons proposer des mécanismes simplifiés de dégradation de la résine époxy-amine.Enfin, les résultats de caractérisation après le vieillissement naturel nous permettent de faire des corrélations avec les vieillissements artificiels et de pointer les effets prépondérants des deux paramètres de vieillissement, ainsi que d’avancer un facteur d’accélération. / A simplified glass fiber/epoxy composite was exposed to artificial ageing conditions (UV and Hygrothermal) and natural ageing (humid tropical climate). A wide range of physicochemical, mechanical and observation techniques (SEM, AFM) were used to clearly identify the structure, morphology and the main properties of the epoxy-amine network of the resin alone and composite in the initial state. A gradient in structure and properties was shown up in the first 200 microns of resin and composite plates surfaces thanks to the systematic characterization of sample layers of 20 microns thickness. It is attributed to an amine deficit during the sample elaboration process. In composite plates, DMA and AFM measurements have highlighted the existence of an interphase area around the fibers with a higher molecular mobility and a lower stiffness than the epoxy-amine network in the bulk resinThe same methodology was used to follow the materials evolution during artificial and natural ageing.The effects of UV and hygrothermal ageing were analyzed independently on the resin and on the composite in order to identify the chemical and physicochemical alterations of the matrix on one hand and of fiber/matrix interphases on the other hand. Photochemical ageing effects are mainly localized on materials surfaces, while the hygrothermal ageing affects mainly fiber/matrix interfaces in composite. In both cases simplified degradation mechanisms of epoxy-amine network are proposed.Finally, the characterization results after natural exposure allow us to establish correlations with artificial ageing. Predominant effects are identified and an acceleration factor is proposed.

Natural ageing : Process parameters and temperature impact on natural ageing of aluminium profiles

Neuman, Michael, Alsaifi, Fadi January 2017 (has links)
It has been found that profiles delivered to customers in unaged (T4) statehave had different hardnesses despite using the same manufacturing process.It has emerged that the material have been stored different periods oftime before use and therefore have small variations in hardness. In furtherprocessing this may lead to problems. This is observed in the alloys 6005,6060 and 6063 despite the same process parameters, such as extrusion speed,heating and cooling. In order to facilitate the extrusion, natural ageing curves have been constructed.The different process parameters in the press are also investigated,as well as the affect of natural ageing and a comparison of the alloys 6005,6060 and 6063 to see how different alloys are affected by natural ageing. It was found that natural ageing increases the hardness of all profiles regardlessof composition or process parameters. Different profiles gave differenthardness increases. The process parameters were affected positively by thecomposition of Si and Mg while Fe contamination may have affected the parameters.The result have also shown that the alloy with highest content ofSi and Mg also where the hardest. / Det har framkommit att profiler som levererats till kunder i oåldrat (T4)tillstånd har haft olika hårdheter trots att man använt samma tillverkningsprocess.Det framkom även att materialet har lagrats i olika lång tidinnan användning och därför fått små förändringar i hårdhet. Vid efterföljandebearbetning kan det leda till problem. Detta har man observerati legeringarna 6005, 6060 och 6063 trots samma processparametrar, såsomutlöpningshastighet, uppvärmning och kylning. För att underlätta extrusionen har kallåldringskurvor konstruerats. De olikaprocessparametrarna i pressen har också undersökts, samt kallåldringens effektoch en jämförelse på de olika legeringarna 6005, 6060 och 6063 har gjortsför att se hur olika legeringar påverkas av kallåldring. Det visade sig att kallåldringen har ökat hårdheten för alla profiler oavsettsammansättning eller processparametrar. Olika profiler gav olika hårdhetsökning.Processparametrarna påverkades positivt av sammansättningenmed Si och Mg medan föroreningen av Fe kan ha påverkat parametrarna.Resultatet har även visat att legeringen som hade högst halt på Si och Mghade även den hårdaste legeringen.

Solute clustering in multi-component aluminium alloys / Mise en amas dans les solutions solides multiconstituées d'alliages aluminium

Ivanov, Rosen 10 February 2017 (has links)
La décomposition de solutions solides sursaturées d'alliages multiconstitués Al-Cu- (Li, Mg) pose des défis théoriques et expérimentaux. La formation de fluctuations chimiques à température ambiante est analysée de façon critique en utilisant une combinaison de diffusion centrale (SAS), de calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), de sonde atomique tomographique (APT) et de micro-dureté. Une méthodologie pour l'interprétation combinée de données SAS d'expériences utilisant des neutrons et des rayons X est proposée et permet une comparaison avec les données de sonde atomique. Les résultats donnent la chimie et les dimensions sub-nanométriques des amas. L'effet du Mg sur les cinétiques de vieillissement naturel est discuté dans le contexte de son interaction avec les lacunes disponibles pour la diffusion. De courts traitements isothermes à températures relativement basses sont utilisés pour dissoudre les amas présents après vieillissement naturel et obtenir une solution solide avec moins de lacunes qu’après mise en solution. Lorsque du Mg est présent dans le système Al-Cu-Li, le soluté libéré après dissolution se regroupe avec une cinétique comparable à celle obtenue immédiatement après la trempe du traitement de mise en solution. L'augmentation immédiate de la cinétique de mise en amas quand une concentration quelconque de Mg est présente dans les alliages Al-Cu- (Li, Mg) est révélée avec couple de diffusion. / Decomposition of super saturated solid solutions of Al-Cu-(Li,Mg) alloys pose theoretical and experimental challenges. The chemical fluctuations - clusters - formed at room temperature are critically analysed using a combination of in-situ small angle scattering (SAS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), atom probe tomography (APT), and micro-hardness. A methodology for combined interpretation of SAS data from experiments using neutron and X-ray radiation is proposed and allows for comparison with standard analysis performed by APT. The results effectively capture the chemistry and sub-nanometer dimensions of clusters. The profound positive effect of Mg on clustering of Cu via excess vacancies available for diffusion is captured through the clustering kinetics over the course of natural ageing. Short isothermal treatments at relatively low temperatures are used to dissolve naturally aged clusters and obtain a solid solution with less expected vacancies. When Mg is present in the Al-Cu-Li system, released solute after dissolution exhibits clustering behaviour with kinetics comparable to those immediately after quench from solution treatment. The immediate increase of clustering kinetics when any concentration of Mg is present in Al-Cu-(Li,Mg) alloys is revealed through a composition graded sample.

Étude du vieillissement de biopolymères en milieu marin / Study of ageing of biopolymer in marine environment

Deroiné, Morgan 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les matériaux polymères ont de nombreux avantages comme la légèreté, le coût, la formabilité… mais sont aussi à l’origine de certains problèmes environnementaux actuels. La substitution des polymères conventionnels d’origine pétrochimique et non biodégradables par des polymères biosourcés et biodégradables tels que le polylactide (PLA) ou les polyhydroxyalcanoates (PHA) peut apparaître comme une alternative crédible. Cependant, un des freins à leur développement demeure la faible connaissance de la durée de vie de ces biopolymères lorsqu’ils sont exposés à différents types d’environnements, en particulier en milieu marin si l’on considère une application marine. Dans le cadre de cette étude, il a donc été entrepris de suivre le vieillissement naturel et le vieillissement accéléré du PLA et des PHA en milieu marin dans l’objectif d’appréhender les mécanismes et les cinétiques de dégradation. Dans le but de découpler les effets liés à l’eau, aux sels minéraux et aux microorganismes, les échantillons ont été immergés dans différentes conditions, i.e. en eau distillée, en eau de mer naturelle et en eau de mer filtrée et renouvelée à différentes températures. L’influence du milieu sur la dégradation de ces biopolymères est analysée et discutée, de même que l’influence de la géométrie des pièces (films de différentes épaisseurs, éprouvettes ou fibres). Enfin, la prédiction de la durée de vie de ces polymères a été envisagée par l’intermédiaire de deux approches, conduisant à une estimation de leur durabilité dans un milieu bien défini et au regard d’une propriété donnée. / Pollution of nature by plastics is a major environmental problem and better management of the lifetime of polymers is a major challenge for the future. In recent years, bio-based and biodegradable polymers, such as polylactide (PLA), or polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) have appeared as an alternative solution in order to solve these problems. One of the limits remains the relative lack of knowledge of their lifetime and degradation behaviour in aqueous environments, and more specifically in the marine environment. In this study natural and accelerated ageing tests were performed under several conditions, distilled water, filtered and renewed seawater and natural seawater, at different temperatures, in order to decouple enzymatic and hydrolytic mechanisms. The aim of this study is to establish a baseline on degradation mechanisms and kinetics, in order to make lifetime predictions of biopolymer behaviour in seawater.Degradation phenomena have been identified. Biodegradation tests were also performed in a marine environment by following the release of CO2. Then, lifetime predictions of the properties of these biopolymers at seawater temperature were made using two different approaches.


Orji, Chimaobi January 2023 (has links)
The automotive manufacturing industry is facing an interesting period of trial when a lot of improvement is expected of them in a short period of time to contribute to a cleaner planet by applying technologies that will reduce fossil fuel consumption. Electrification was good, but this must be accompanied by substantial curb weight reduction, which was provided by alloys such as A365, Aural 5 (AlSi8MnMg), Aural 2 (AlSi10MnMg), and Mercalloy 367 (AlSi9MgMnSr) for making structural parts. The use of these Al alloys is accompanied with extensive heat treatment which on its own involves fossil fuel consumption. In this research, test plates were made utilizing high vacuum high pressure die casting (HVHPDC) and a unique Al-Fe based eutectic alloy with Zn and Mg as precipitation strengtheners. Experimental results demonstrated that they age naturally, with their mechanical properties rising to the industry requirement within three days. DSC experiments carried out at various ages gave further experimental evidence to this natural ageing phenomenon. A portion of the samples was then given an experimental "paint bake" treatment at different ages. This is typical on an assembly line where the coated parts are baked at a temperature range of 120 - 200oC for thirty minutes. It was evidently defensible that samples of various ages respond to the treatment in different ways. The mechanical characteristics of the samples decreased after treatment to same value and progressively increased to match the values of the control samples. During the duration of the experiment, some samples rose quickly while others remained "nearly dead" in the state of low mechanical characteristics or climbed sluggishly to catch up with the natural ageing curve. The poorest results were seen in samples handled at the early stage when the initial clusters are forming indicating that it might not be a good idea to interfere with the NA process at those times. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Fueled by the desire to produce an Al alloy with good mechanical properties arising from natural ageing, high vacuum high pressure die casting (HVHPDC) was used in making castings of this alloy which contains Fe for improvement on its castability and recyclability, contains Zn and Mg which act as the precipitating strengtheners driving the natural ageing phenomenon. Tests and experiments like uniaxial tensile tests, differential scanning calorimetry and electrical conductivity tests were carried out to ascertain its suitability to be used for structural automotive parts without heat treatment. The results showed that the new Nemalloy HE700 met with the minimum industry requirements for mechanical properties of materials for structural automotive applications within 3 days of natural ageing. The alloy was then subjected to experimental paint bake treatment to observe its reaction to paint bake process and the results were able to show when to do paint bake for best outcome.

Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes de vieillissement hydrothermique de matériaux composites unidirectionnels polyester insaturé/fibre de lin / Understanding the hydrothermal aging mechanisms of unsaturated polyester-reinforced flax fiber unidirectional composites

Rouch, Matthias 19 April 2018 (has links)
De nombreux exemples de matériaux composites obtenus par l’association de fibres végétales et de polymères ont permis des allègements conséquents de structures dans divers domaines d’application. Cependant, la question demeure quant de la durabilité de ces pièces en service, essentiellement par manque de connaissances sur le vieillissement des fibres végétales, sur leurs interactions avec la matrice polymère et sur le comportement hydrothermique des composites biosourcés au cours du temps. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié les cinétiques et mécanismes de sorption du matériau composite afin d’appréhender son comportement hydrique lors des vieillissements hydrothermiques par immersion dans l’eau à 23°C et 70°C. Cette étude a mis en évidence l’influence des fibres végétales sur les grandeurs caractéristiques de l’absorption en eau du matériau composite : forte prise en eau, gonflement anisotrope. Elle a également permis l’identification des mécanismes de dégradation des fibres de lin ; le rôle très nocif des résidus d’écorce rappelle l’importance du rouissage et du défibrage sur les performances de ces fibres. L’étude du comportement des constituants et du composite confrontés à des vieillissements hydrothermiques a ensuite été entreprise afin d’identifier et quantifier l’influence de chacun des matériaux constitutifs, ainsi que leur synergie. Il en ressort que la détérioration des fibres de lin est la principale cause de l’abattement des propriétés mécaniques du matériau composite. Si une immersion à 23°C pendant 70 jours n’a que peu d’effet sur les propriétés mécaniques, l’élévation de la température à 70°C induit des endommagements importants dès 14 jours d’immersion. La destruction des parois cellulaires et la dégradation des interfaces fibre/matrice sous l’effet de la présence d’eau détériorent le transfert de charge matrice/fibre. La corrélation entre les vieillissements accélérés et naturel a fait ressortir une similitude entre le maintien pendant 70 jours dans l’eau à 23°C et l’exposition aux conditions naturelles pendant 24 mois ; l’immersion à 70°C s’avère trop sévère. Une solution d’amélioration serait d’accentuer le rouissage des fibres afin de supprimer davantage les composés pectiques de la lamelle mitoyenne et de la paroi primaire. L’élimination de ces composés facilement hydrolysables par l’eau permettrait de prétendre à une meilleure qualité de l’interface fibres/matrice tout au long du vieillissement. / A great number of plant fiber – reinforced polymer composites allowed substantial lightening of structures in various fields of application. However, the question remains about the durability of these parts in service, mainly for lack of knowledge about the aging of plant fibers, their interactions with the polymer matrix and the hydrothermal behavior of biosourced composites over time. In this work, water absorption mechanisms and kinetics by the composite material are studied in order to understand the hydric behavior during hydrothermal aging by immersion in deionized water at 23°C or 70°C. The results show that water absorption by the composite is characterized by a high water uptake and an anisotropic swelling. It also allowed the identification of the degradation mechanisms of flax fibers; the very harmful role of bark residues recalls the importance of retting and decortication on the performance of these fibers.The investigation of the behaviors of the constituents and the composite under hydrothermal aging was then undertaken with the aim to identify and quantify the influence of each on the constituent materials, as well as their synergy. It shows that the deterioration of the flax fibers is the main cause of the reduction of the mechanical properties of the composite. If immersion at 23 ° C for 70 days has little effect on the mechanical properties, raising the temperature to 70 ° C induces significant damage from 14 days of immersion. The destruction of the cell walls and the degradation of the fiber/matrix interfaces due to water deteriorate the load transfer efficiency by the fiber/matrix interface. The correlation between accelerated and natural aging showed a similarity between holding for 70 days in water at 23 ° C and exposure to natural conditions for 24 months; immersion at 70 ° C is too severe. An improvement solution would be to increase the retting of the fibers in order to further remove the pectic compounds from the middle lamella and the primary wall. The elimination of these compounds easily hydrolysable by water would claim to a better quality of the fiber / matrix interface throughout aging.

Design and performance of cold bent glass

Datsiou, Kyriaki Corinna January 2017 (has links)
The demand for flat glass is high and increasing significantly in the building industry as a direct result of architectural requirements for lightness, transparency and natural light. Current architectural trends require glass in curvilinear forms for smooth free-form façades. Two principal challenges arise from this: to cost-effectively produce the desired curvature and; to ensure its safe performance after exposure to ageing. The recent availability of high strength glass provides an opportunity to address the first challenge by developing cold bent glass. Cold bending involves the straining of relatively thin glass components, at ambient temperatures, and is a low energy and cost effective manner of creating curvilinear forms. However, cold bending is not yet widely established as a reliable method. The aim of this thesis is to develop the understanding of cold bent glass during the bending process and to evaluate its post-ageing performance. This thesis, firstly, investigates the mechanical response of monolithic glass plates during the cold bending process. The stability of cold bent glass is investigated experimentally by bending it in double curved anticlastic shapes. A parametric numerical analysis involves different boundary conditions, geometrical plate characteristics and bending parameters. The principal outcome is that a local instability, now termed cold bending distortion, occurs when certain displacement limits are exceeded and could degrade the optical quality of the glass. An evaluation procedure is also formulated to set limits and aid designers/manufacturers to predict the mechanical response and the optical quality of the glass. Cold bent glass is subjected to permanent bending stresses throughout its service life and therefore, its strength degradation after ageing needs to be quantified. Analytical, experimental and numerical investigations are undertaken in this thesis to identify the most effective method for estimating glass strength (evaluation of destructive tests, required number of specimens, statistical analysis methods and sub-critical crack growth). The limited availability of naturally aged toughened glass and the absence of a reliable ageing standard impede the evaluation of its aged performance. Therefore, a parametric experimental investigation of artificial ageing methods on glass is undertaken in this thesis. A procedure for the evaluation of the strength of aged glass is finally, formulated to allow the selection of artificial ageing parameters that correspond to a target level of erosion. The knowledge on artificial ageing and strength prediction acquired above is finally implemented on different types of glass to determine their strength after ageing and assess their safe use in cold bending / load bearing applications. The investigation showed that fully toughened glass has a superior performance to chemically toughened or annealed glass. Overall, the research presented in this thesis demonstrates that high quality cold bent toughened glass can be created when certain applied displacement limits are respected. These can be used as a safe, cost-effective and energy efficient replacement to the more conventional hot bent glass. However, cold bending / load bearing applications in which the stressed glass surface is exposed to ageing, require glass with a relatively high case depth such as fully toughened or bi-tempered glass.

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