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Etude de la ténacité d'une soudure en undermatch : Application à la tenue mécanique de la jonction soudée FE en Al 6061-T6 / Toughness Study of an Undermatched Welded Joint : Application to the Mechanical Integrity of the Electron Beam Welded Joint of 6016-T6 Aluminium AlloyRekik, Wissal 17 November 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la démonstration de l’intégrité des composants nucléaires les plus sensibles, une analyse de la présence d’un défaut potentiel de type fissure peut être requise par la sureté nucléaire. Ceci est particulièrement le cas en présence de jonctions soudées. Pour assurer un conservatisme de cette analyse, la position du défaut postulé doit être la plus pénalisante possible. Les analyses réalisées pour des démonstrations similaires sur des structures en acier reposent sur une approche de type mono matériau utilisant le comportement du métal de base. Cette approche est la plus pénalisante dans le cas d’une soudure en overmatch mais doit être remise en cause dans le cas d’une soudure en undermatch. Dans ce cadre, cette thèse propose une méthodologie expérimentale et numérique permettant l’identification de la configuration la plus pénalisante vis-à-vis de la mécanique de la rupture d’une soudure en undermatch. L’application de cette méthode a été réalisée sur une soudure en faisceau d’électrons en Al6061-T6. Un gradient de propriétés mécaniques le long de la jonction soudée a été dans un premier temps identifié permettant la conduite d’une analyse fine basée sur une approche multimatériau. Dans un second temps, le comportement en ténacité de la jonction soudée a été étudié sur éprouvettes CT. La transférabilité du paramètre J à l’amorçage à une autre géométrie d’éprouvette a été démontrée ce qui constitue une base importante pour l’hypothèse de transférabilité vers des structures. Pour finir, une étude numérique sur un tube de grandes dimensions avec un défaut semi-elliptique a été développée en prenant en compte les contraintes résiduelles de soudage. Les résultats montrent que la zone affectée thermiquement à 13 mm du centre de la soudure considérée est la plus sensible en mécanique de la rupture, ceci remet par conséquent en question les méthodes traditionnelles menées dans des analyses à la rupture brutale qui consistent à considérer un défaut dans la zone fondue. / For the demonstration of the integrity of the most sensitive nuclear components, conventional defects, as cracks for example, must be considered within the design step as required by the nuclear safety authority. This phase is particularly crucial for dimensioning of welded structures. To ensure a conservative prediction, the position of the initial crack within the welded joint must be the most detrimental in fracture behavior. Commonly used analyzes consider homogeneous structure with the behavior of the base metal of the welded joint, considered as the weakest metallurgical zone in the case of an overmatched weld. In contrast, similar analysis is not conservative in case of undermatched weld. The thesis contributes by the development of an experimental and numerical methodology allowing the identification of the detrimental metallurgical zone in fracture behavior of an undermatched welded joint. The methodology proposed is applied to an electron beam welded joint on Al 6061-T6. To reach this goal, the gradient of the mechanical behavior along the welded joint was first identified. This is particularly interesting to conduct an advanced analysis based on a multimaterial approach. In a second step, the fracture behavior of the welded joint was studied on CT specimen. The transferability of the J integral at initiation was approved on another geometry: this represents an important foundation for the transferability assumption to structure. Finally, a numerical analysis on full scale tube was developed. Residual welding stresses and structural effects were considered. The results demonstrate that the heat affected zone located at 13 mm from the middle of the welded joint is the most detrimental zone for fracture analysis. This contradicts the conventional methods conducted on fracture analysis which consider a conventional defect within the fusion zone.
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Vibration Assisted Drilling of Aluminum 6061-T6Chang, Simon, Shuet Fung 03 1900 (has links)
<p> Burr formation is a frequent problem in metal cutting. Burrs, which are defined as undesired projections of material resulting from plastic deformation, affect the precision of machined components and can negatively affect the assembly process. One common burr is the exit burr that forms when drilling ductile materials such as aluminum alloy. Deburring, the process of removing burrs, can account for up to 30% of the total production cost. If the burr size can be reduced, the deburring effort can also be reduced or even eliminated, resulting in an improvement in productivity and an increase in profit. </p> <p> There are different methods to reduce burr formation in drilling. One method is known as vibration assisted drilling. Vibration assisted drilling has been reported as an effective method to reduce burr height without reducing the material removal rate or permanently altering the mechanical behavior of the workpiece material. Other reported benefits of vibration assisted drilling include improvement of tool life and better machined surface quality. However, it has been reported that poor choice of vibration conditions (frequency and amplitude) can increase burr height. No accurate analytical model exists in the current literature that can predict the exit burr height for vibration assisted drilling. To predict exit burr height, a model capable of predicting thrust force accurately is important because higher thrust force produces larger exit burr. Clearly there is a need to develop these models. </p> <p> This thesis presents the development of analytical models for predicting thrust force and exit burr height for vibration assisted drilling of aluminum 6061-T6. The developed models incorporate all significant characteristics of vibration assisted drilling to achieve accurate predictions. Drilling experiments were performed over a range of cutting and vibration conditions. The experimental results demonstrate that the developed thrust force model improves the accuracy by up to 45% in comparison to the existing vibration assisted drilling models. The developed burr height model accurately predicts the exit burr height for vibration assisted drilling, with an averaged deviation of 10% from the experimental results. The developed models are also applicable to conventional drilling. Comparing with the existing drilling models, the new models improve the accuracy of thrust force and burr height predictions by 6 and 36% respectively. A fast analytical method has also been developed that predicts the favourable vibration conditions that minimize burr height. The predictions obtained using this method are consistent with the experimental results. Drilling experiments for combined frequency vibration assisted drilling were also performed over a range of vibration conditions. The experimental results demonstrate that combining two different favourable vibration conditions together produces greater mean thrust force reduction than using a single frequency vibration assistance. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Développement du soudage MIG CMT pour la réparation de pièces aéronautiques. Application aux pièces en alliage base aluminium 6061 / Development of MIG CMT welding for aeronautical parts repair. Application to 6061 aluminium alloy partsBenoit, Alexandre 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude répond à une demande industrielle de réparation d’une pièce aéronautique en alliage d’aluminium 6061 à l’aide d’un procédé de soudage à l’arc. La première partie est consacrée à la comparaison des procédés Metal Inert Gas (MIG), MIG pulsé, Tungsten Inert Gas et MIG Cold Metal transfer (CMT). C’est ce dernier procédé qui a été sélectionné pour ses aptitudes particulières, comme son bon contrôle des paramètres et le faible endommagement produit dans le métal de base. Puis, deux métaux d’apport ont été testés – les alliages 5356 et 6061 – avec deux stratégies de réparation : le soudage et le rechargement. Les résultats d’essais mécaniques ont démontré que le rechargement avec l’aluminium 5356 est l’option la plus adaptée pour cette application. Les essais sur pièce réelle ont prouvé la pertinence de cette approche.La zone affectée thermiquement générée, dans l’alliage 6061, par les procédés de soudage à l’arc a également été caractérisée. Il a été mis en évidence une variation de la microstructure associée aux changements de propriétés mécaniques de cette zone. Enfin, les essais exploratoires de soudage homogène à l’arc, c’est-à-dire, avec le métal d’apport en 6061, ont prouvé qu’il était possible, dans certaines conditions, de souder sans générer de fissuration, bien que, cet aluminium soit réputé comme étant insoudable de cette manière. / This study responds to an industrial demand of repair using an arc welding process. It concerns an aeronautical piece made in 6061 aluminium alloy. The first part of the study is devoted to the comparison of processes Metal Inert Gas (MIG), pulsed MIG, Tungsten Inert Gas and MIG Cold Metal Transfer (CMT). It is the latter process that was selected for its special abilities, such as its good control of parameters and the low damaging produced in the base metal. Then, two filler alloys were tested – 5356 and 6061 aluminium alloys– with two repairing strategies : welding and building up. The results of mechanical tests showed that building up with aluminum 5356 is most suitable option for this application. The trials on the real piece showed the relevance of this approach.The heat affected zone generated by the arc welding process in the 6061 base metal was also characterized. It was shown a varaition of microstructure associated with the change of mechanical properties in this zone. Finally, exploratory trials of homogeneous arc welding, i.e., with the 6061 filler alloy showed that it was possible, with certain conditions, to weld without generating weld cracking, although, this aluminium is deemed unweldable by this way.
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Development of a dynamic torsion testing systemWilliams, Stephen Vargo 28 July 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design and build a torsional Kolsky bar apparatus for testing cylindrical specimens in torsion at high strain-rates. In addition to well-established designs, this testing apparatus will include a conical mirror combined with a high speed camera that allows time-resolved optical observation of the shear deformation on the surface of the specimen. The basic design of a Kolsky bar consists of a loading bar, input bar, specimen, and output bar. The experiment is conducted by storing torque in the loading bar and then releasing the torque by breaking the clamp and sending a shear wave pulse through the apparatus into the specimen. This shear wave pulse is monitored by strain gages mounted on the input and output bars. Analysis of the strain waves in the input and output bar is used to extract the shear stress - shear strain profile of the specimen. Several experiments were conducted on 6061-O and 1100-O aluminum with wall thicknesses ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 mm. / text
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Caracterização da resistência à corrosão de ligas de alumínio após tratamentos alternativos à cromatização, com e sem revestimento orgânico / Characterization of the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys after alternative treatmentes the chromate, with and without organic coatingWagner Izaltino Alves dos Santos 14 March 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a investigação das propriedades de proteção proporcionadas por novos tratamentos de preparação da superfície do alumínio visando substituição de tratamentos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, foi realizada. Foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos: passivação à base de cromo trivalente, tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis (Self Assembling Molecules-SAM), tratamento de imersão em água em ebulição para crescimento de óxido sobre o alumínio, imersão em água em ebulição com aditivos, especificamente, partículas de zircônia (ZrO2) e íons de cério. A combinação destes últimos tratamentos com o tratamento com moléculas autoorganizáveis também foi estudada. Foi também testado o efeito do tratamento da superfície do alumínio comercialmente puro (AA1050) com complexos de Flúor/Zircônio [ZrF6]-2. A resistência à corrosão do alumínio com os vários tratamentos foi avaliada por diversas técnicas, especificamente ensaios acelerados em câmara de névoa salina, segundo norma ASTM B-117, técnicas eletroquímicas e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As técnicas eletroquímicas adotadas foram medidas de potencial de circuito aberto (PCA) em função do tempo, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE) e curvas de polarização, anódica e catódica. Os resultados mostraram que os tratamentos à base de Zr, seja com partículas nanocerâmicas (ZrO2) ou complexos de Flúor/Zircônio [ZrF6]-2, não resultaram em aumento na resistência à corrosão do alumínio, o que ficou evidente pelos ensaios de névoa salina. O tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis da superfície desengraxada e desoxidada também não mostrou efeito favorável na proteção contra a corrosão do alumínio. O tratamento de imersão em água em ebulição causou a formação de um filme de óxi-hidróxido poroso que favoreceu o ataque localizado na forma de corrosão por pites nas regiões de defeitos/porosidades. O tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis após tratamento de imersão em água fervente, por sua vez, produziu melhoria nas propriedades de proteção da camada superficial mostrando a importância da camada de oxi-hidróxido na adsorção de moléculas auto-organizáveis. O tratamento de passivação à base de cromo trivalente adotado resultou em superfície com maior resistência à corrosão que a superfície do alumínio tratada com passivante à base de cromo hexavalente mostrando que a passivação com cromo trivalente é uma alternativa viável e equivalente àquela associada com substância tóxica e poluente, como é o caso do cromo hexavalente. O tratamento associado com as melhores características de proteção contra a corrosão do alumínio AA1050 foi o de imersão em água fervente contendo íons de cério, os quais foram incorporados ao filme de oxi-hidróxido. A presença destes íons na camada de oxi-hidróxido levou à formação de precipitados de hidróxido de cério nas regiões catódicas devido ao aumento localizado da alcalinidade. A combinação deste tratamento com o tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis causou a deterioração das propriedades da camada superficial ao diminuir a tendência à formação dos precipitados de cério que conferem proteção nas regiões de atividade de corrosão. A combinação de ensaios acelerados de névoa salina, técnicas eletroquímicas e avaliação por microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiram a seleção de tratamentos de modificação da superfície do alumínio que resultam em maior resistência à corrosão. / In this study, the protective properties provided by new surface treatments for aluminum aiming the replacement of treatments that are harmful to the environment and human health, have been evaluated. The following treatments were investigated: passivation in solution with trivalent chromium ions, surface modification with self assembling molecules (SAM), immersion in boiling water for oxide growth, immersion in boiling water with additives, specifically zirconia (ZrO2) particles and cerium ions. The combination of these latter treatments along with the treatment with self assembling molecules was also investigated. The effect of surface treatment of commercially pure aluminum (AA1050) with fluor/zirconium complexes [ZrF6]-2 was also tested. The corrosion resistance of the various surface treatments was evaluated by various techniques, specifically, salt spray test according to ASTM B-117 standard, electrochemical techniques and scanning electron microscopy, (SEM). The electrochemical techniques used were open circuit potential measurements as a function of immersion time, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves, both anodic and cathodic. The results showed that the treatment based on Zr, either with nanoceramic zirconia particles (ZrO2) or fluor/zirconium complexes [ZrF6]-2, did not increase the aluminum corrosion resistance, and this was evidenced by the salt spray tests. Immersion of degreased and deoxidized aluminum surface in solution with selfassembling molecules did not increase corrosion resistance. The treatment of immersion in boiling water for oxide growth resulted in the formation of a porous oxy-hydroxide film that assisted localized attack as pitting corrosion at the surface. The surface treatment with self-assembling molecules after immersion in boiling water for oxide growth, in turn, produced a surface layer with improved corrosion protection properties that showed the importance of an oxy-hydroxide surface layer for adsorption of self-assembling molecules. The passivation treatment based on trivalent chromium led to a surface with better corrosion resistance than that treated in a passivating solution based on hexavalent chromium. This result shows that the former is a viable alternative to replace hexavelent chromium process that is toxic and environmentally harmful. The surface treatment that produced the best corrosion performance of the aluminum AA1050 among the tested ones was the immersion in boiling water with cerium ions added which were incorporated in the oxy-hydroxide layer. The presence of the cerium ions in the surface layer led to the precipitation of cerium hydroxide at the cathodic areas due to the localized increase in alkalinity. The association of this treatment with self-assembling molecules caused deterioration of the properties of the surface layer due to the decreased susceptibility to form cerium precipitates that offer corrosion protection at the active corrosion sites. The use of salt spray tests associated with electrochemical methods and scanning electron microscopy permitted the selection of treatments for surface modification of aluminum that lead to increased corrosion resistance.
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Friction Stir Welding in Wrought and Cast Aluminum Alloys: Microstructure, Residual Stress, Fatigue Crack Growth Mechanisms, and Novel ApplicationsChenelle, Brendan F. 26 January 2011 (has links)
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a new solid-state welding process that shows great promise for use in the aerospace and transportation industries. One of the primary benefits of this process is that mechanical properties of the base material are not as severely degraded as they are with conventional fusion welding. However, fatigue crack initiation and growth properties of the resulting weld nugget are not fully understood at this time. The primary goal of this project is to characterize the fatigue crack growth properties of friction stir welds in 6061-T6 aluminum as relates to the microstructural evolution of the weld. This was accomplished by producing friction stir welds and testing fatigue crack growth response in different crack orientations with respect to the weld. In addition, residual stress measurements were conducted for all cases, using both the crack compliance and contour methods. The results from the methods were compared in order to evaluate the accuracy of each method. Being an immature technology, the potential for discovery of new applications for the FSW process exist. With this in mind, novel applications of the FSW process, including the addition of particles during welding were explored. The first step was the investigation of property changes that occur when secondary cast phases are refined using the FSW process. The FSW process successfully refined all secondary phases in A380 and A356, producing an increase in hardness. Next, methods for the creation of particle metal matrix composites using FSW will be investigated. Nano-scale alumina particles were successfully added to the matrix and homogenously distributed. Using multiple weld passes through the composite was found to increase the uniformity of particle distribution. However, the alumina particle composite failed to provide any statistically significant hardness increase over the base material. The FSW process was also evaluated for weldability of traditionally difficult alloy systems. FSW was found to show very good weldability for dissimilar cast and wrought alloys, as well as for high-pressure die castings. Lastly, the feasibility of friction stir welding/processing in repairing crack defects in complex structural members in combination with cold-spray technology was determined. Friction Stir processing was used on a cold spray 6061-T6 block, resulting in significant increases in hardness over the base material, as well as a reduction in porosity. In addition, FSP was shown to eliminate crack-type defects in cold spray materials, a finding that has important applications in part repair. The deliverables of this work include an understanding of the fatigue crack growth response of FSW/FSP 6061-T6, as well as a feasibility study exploring novel uses for the FSW/FSP process. In addition, the deliverables include CNC code, fixtures, procedures, and analytical code for the creation and analysis of FSW/FSP joints. This will be important for the continuation of FSW/FSP work at WPI.
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Quench Probe and Quench Factor Analysis of Aluminum Alloys in Distilled WaterFontecchio, Marco 29 April 2002 (has links)
A 6061 aluminum probe was quenched with the CHTE probe-quenching system in distilled water while varying bath temperature and the level of agitation. Time vs. temperature data was collected during the quench by use of an ungrounded K-type thermocouple embedded inside the probe. Cooling rates and heat transfer coefficients, h, were calculated and Quench Factor Analysis (QFA) was also performed to quantitatively classify the quench severity. The data showed an increase in both maximum cooling rate and heat transfer coefficient and a decrease in the Quench Factor, Q, as bath temperature decreased and agitation level increased. Maximum heat transfer coefficient values ranged from 1000 W/m2K to 3900 W/m2K while maximum cooling rates of 50¡ÃƒÂ£C/s to 190¡ÃƒÂ£C/s were achieved. In addition, it was found that at higher levels of agitation, there was also an increase in the variation (i.e. standard deviation) of the cooling rate and therefore h and Q.
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Caracterização da resistência à corrosão de ligas de alumínio após tratamentos alternativos à cromatização, com e sem revestimento orgânico / Characterization of the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys after alternative treatmentes the chromate, with and without organic coatingSantos, Wagner Izaltino Alves dos 14 March 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a investigação das propriedades de proteção proporcionadas por novos tratamentos de preparação da superfície do alumínio visando substituição de tratamentos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, foi realizada. Foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos: passivação à base de cromo trivalente, tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis (Self Assembling Molecules-SAM), tratamento de imersão em água em ebulição para crescimento de óxido sobre o alumínio, imersão em água em ebulição com aditivos, especificamente, partículas de zircônia (ZrO2) e íons de cério. A combinação destes últimos tratamentos com o tratamento com moléculas autoorganizáveis também foi estudada. Foi também testado o efeito do tratamento da superfície do alumínio comercialmente puro (AA1050) com complexos de Flúor/Zircônio [ZrF6]-2. A resistência à corrosão do alumínio com os vários tratamentos foi avaliada por diversas técnicas, especificamente ensaios acelerados em câmara de névoa salina, segundo norma ASTM B-117, técnicas eletroquímicas e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As técnicas eletroquímicas adotadas foram medidas de potencial de circuito aberto (PCA) em função do tempo, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE) e curvas de polarização, anódica e catódica. Os resultados mostraram que os tratamentos à base de Zr, seja com partículas nanocerâmicas (ZrO2) ou complexos de Flúor/Zircônio [ZrF6]-2, não resultaram em aumento na resistência à corrosão do alumínio, o que ficou evidente pelos ensaios de névoa salina. O tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis da superfície desengraxada e desoxidada também não mostrou efeito favorável na proteção contra a corrosão do alumínio. O tratamento de imersão em água em ebulição causou a formação de um filme de óxi-hidróxido poroso que favoreceu o ataque localizado na forma de corrosão por pites nas regiões de defeitos/porosidades. O tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis após tratamento de imersão em água fervente, por sua vez, produziu melhoria nas propriedades de proteção da camada superficial mostrando a importância da camada de oxi-hidróxido na adsorção de moléculas auto-organizáveis. O tratamento de passivação à base de cromo trivalente adotado resultou em superfície com maior resistência à corrosão que a superfície do alumínio tratada com passivante à base de cromo hexavalente mostrando que a passivação com cromo trivalente é uma alternativa viável e equivalente àquela associada com substância tóxica e poluente, como é o caso do cromo hexavalente. O tratamento associado com as melhores características de proteção contra a corrosão do alumínio AA1050 foi o de imersão em água fervente contendo íons de cério, os quais foram incorporados ao filme de oxi-hidróxido. A presença destes íons na camada de oxi-hidróxido levou à formação de precipitados de hidróxido de cério nas regiões catódicas devido ao aumento localizado da alcalinidade. A combinação deste tratamento com o tratamento com moléculas auto-organizáveis causou a deterioração das propriedades da camada superficial ao diminuir a tendência à formação dos precipitados de cério que conferem proteção nas regiões de atividade de corrosão. A combinação de ensaios acelerados de névoa salina, técnicas eletroquímicas e avaliação por microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiram a seleção de tratamentos de modificação da superfície do alumínio que resultam em maior resistência à corrosão. / In this study, the protective properties provided by new surface treatments for aluminum aiming the replacement of treatments that are harmful to the environment and human health, have been evaluated. The following treatments were investigated: passivation in solution with trivalent chromium ions, surface modification with self assembling molecules (SAM), immersion in boiling water for oxide growth, immersion in boiling water with additives, specifically zirconia (ZrO2) particles and cerium ions. The combination of these latter treatments along with the treatment with self assembling molecules was also investigated. The effect of surface treatment of commercially pure aluminum (AA1050) with fluor/zirconium complexes [ZrF6]-2 was also tested. The corrosion resistance of the various surface treatments was evaluated by various techniques, specifically, salt spray test according to ASTM B-117 standard, electrochemical techniques and scanning electron microscopy, (SEM). The electrochemical techniques used were open circuit potential measurements as a function of immersion time, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves, both anodic and cathodic. The results showed that the treatment based on Zr, either with nanoceramic zirconia particles (ZrO2) or fluor/zirconium complexes [ZrF6]-2, did not increase the aluminum corrosion resistance, and this was evidenced by the salt spray tests. Immersion of degreased and deoxidized aluminum surface in solution with selfassembling molecules did not increase corrosion resistance. The treatment of immersion in boiling water for oxide growth resulted in the formation of a porous oxy-hydroxide film that assisted localized attack as pitting corrosion at the surface. The surface treatment with self-assembling molecules after immersion in boiling water for oxide growth, in turn, produced a surface layer with improved corrosion protection properties that showed the importance of an oxy-hydroxide surface layer for adsorption of self-assembling molecules. The passivation treatment based on trivalent chromium led to a surface with better corrosion resistance than that treated in a passivating solution based on hexavalent chromium. This result shows that the former is a viable alternative to replace hexavelent chromium process that is toxic and environmentally harmful. The surface treatment that produced the best corrosion performance of the aluminum AA1050 among the tested ones was the immersion in boiling water with cerium ions added which were incorporated in the oxy-hydroxide layer. The presence of the cerium ions in the surface layer led to the precipitation of cerium hydroxide at the cathodic areas due to the localized increase in alkalinity. The association of this treatment with self-assembling molecules caused deterioration of the properties of the surface layer due to the decreased susceptibility to form cerium precipitates that offer corrosion protection at the active corrosion sites. The use of salt spray tests associated with electrochemical methods and scanning electron microscopy permitted the selection of treatments for surface modification of aluminum that lead to increased corrosion resistance.
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Investigation Of The Effect Of Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing Method To The Mechanical And Microstuctural Properties Of 6061 Aluminum Alloy SheetsKibar, Alp Aykut 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing (DCAP) method is an effective Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) technique to improve the mechanical properties of sheets or strips by producing ultrafine grains. The aim of this study is to investigate the evolution of the microstructure and the improvement in mechanical properties of 6061 Al-alloy strips deformed by DCAP up to 5 passes. Mechanical properties such as hardness and strength have been observed to increase up to a certain strain level depending on the microstructural evolution. These microstructural changes were investigated by the characterization studies of XRD, SEM and TEM analysis of the DCAPed samples indicating the subgrain formation, changes in the dislocation density and dislocation behaviors.
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Evaluation of the effects of rotational speed on microstructural and mechanical properties of additive friction stir deposited aluminum 6061McCabe, Emily Margaret 06 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Additive friction stir deposition is characterized by rotating a consumable feedstock rod that induces severe plastic deformation to deposit material additively without raising the material past its melting point. In this way, additive friction stir deposition differs from traditional additive manufacturing, and new developments in this technology require further investigation of build parameters, tooling, and resultant builds to better understand this printing process and its applications. This thesis evaluated the effect of rotational speed on aluminum 6061 builds using mechanical testing and microstructural investigations. Three different build conditions were evaluated at 180 RPM, 240 RPM, and 300 RPM. Mechanical testing methods were used to determine hardness values, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elastic modulus, and density. Imaging techniques including optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and x-ray computed tomography were used to evaluate microstructure, grain size, chemical composition, and porosity.
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