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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'impérialisme romain en Judée : de la paix d'Apamée à la conquête de Jérusalem par Pompée

Renaud, Alain 25 April 2018 (has links)
Dès la paix d ' Apamée (188 av. J.-C), la politique romaine en Orient provoqua la désagrégation des royaumes hellénistiques et leur réduction progressive en provinces romaines, processus qui se termina lors des conquîtes de Pompée (67-63 av. J.-C). Cependant, cette lente incorporation du monde hellénistique dans l'Empire romain ne se fit pas de façon uniforme et ne peut pas être définit selon des cadres chronologiques trop stricts. Il convient plutôt de l'analyser en fonction d'un schéma tripartite: la reconnaissance, l'évolution de l'alliance, la rupture. C'est dans ce schéma et dans les paradigmes temporels et géographiques de la conquête de l'Orient par Rome que se situent les relations diplomatiques romaines avec la Judée qui, après avoir permis aux Juifs d'arracher leur indépendance à la Syrie, provoquèrent une logique de dépendance dont ils ne purent s'abstraire qu'en rompant leur alliance avec Rome. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Beperkings op testeervryheid / Jodi Siecker

Siecker, Jodi January 2014 (has links)
In hierdie navorsingsverslag word gefokus op die beperkings wat geplaas word op die testeervryheid van ʼn persoon in die breë sin. Die beginsel van testeervryheid is die grondslag van die Suid-Afrikaanse testate erfopvolging. Die Suid-Afrikaanse opvatting van testeervryheid is tans van so ʼn aard dat dit ʼn testateur toelaat om sy of haar boedelbates te bemaak volgens sy of haar goeddunke, onderworpe aan ʼn paar statutêre en gemeenregtelike uitsonderings. By die bepaling of ʼn spesifieke klousule in ʼn testament vervat kan word, sal sodanige klousule eerstens teen die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika getoets moet word om te bepaal of sodanige klousule moontlik op ʼn grondwetlik verskanste reg inbreuk maak. Verdere statutêre beperkings sluit onder meer die reg om oor onroerende eiendom te beskik wat gereël word deur die Wet op die Opheffing of Wysiging van Beperkinge op Onroerende Goed, die reg van ʼn minderjarige kind om onderhoud te eis van die boedel, die Wet op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades en die Wet op Pensioenfondse in. Testeervryheid word direk gekoppel aan elke persoon se fundamentele regte wat in die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika gewaarborg word. Die beginsel van testeervryheid is in verskeie sake aangespreek en word hierdie sake vervolgens bespreek. Die tipe huweliksgoederebedeling ingevolge waarvan ʼn huwelik gesluit word is ʼn verdere beperking op die mate waartoe ʼn testateur vrylik oor sy of haar bates kan beskik. Die invloed van huwelike binne en buite gemeenskap van goedere op testeervryheid en die Wet op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades word ontleed, sowel as die onderhoudsverpligting wat ontstaan vanuit die huwelik tussen gades en teenoor minderjarige kinders. Maatskaplike sekuriteit word gereël in terme van artikel 27 van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en is artikel 37C van die Pensioenfondswet geïnkorporeer wat verseker dat ʼn persoon se pensioenvoordele moet voorsien aan die onderhoudsbehoeftes van afhanklikes van die lid. Die werking van artikel 37C en die invloed daarvan op testeervryheid word bespreek. Die laaste beperking wat hanteer word is beperkings ten opsigte van bemakings van onroerende eiendom. Hierdie bemakings word beperk deur die werking van die Wet op die Opheffing of Wysiging van Beperkinge op Onroerende Goed asook die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond. Die navorsingsverslag doen gevolglik ʼn in diepte ondersoek na die beperkings wat ontstaan op testeervryheid, die relevansie en werking daarvan en word daar bepaal of die beperkings as billik geag kan word of nie. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Beperkings op testeervryheid / Jodi Siecker

Siecker, Jodi January 2014 (has links)
In hierdie navorsingsverslag word gefokus op die beperkings wat geplaas word op die testeervryheid van ʼn persoon in die breë sin. Die beginsel van testeervryheid is die grondslag van die Suid-Afrikaanse testate erfopvolging. Die Suid-Afrikaanse opvatting van testeervryheid is tans van so ʼn aard dat dit ʼn testateur toelaat om sy of haar boedelbates te bemaak volgens sy of haar goeddunke, onderworpe aan ʼn paar statutêre en gemeenregtelike uitsonderings. By die bepaling of ʼn spesifieke klousule in ʼn testament vervat kan word, sal sodanige klousule eerstens teen die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika getoets moet word om te bepaal of sodanige klousule moontlik op ʼn grondwetlik verskanste reg inbreuk maak. Verdere statutêre beperkings sluit onder meer die reg om oor onroerende eiendom te beskik wat gereël word deur die Wet op die Opheffing of Wysiging van Beperkinge op Onroerende Goed, die reg van ʼn minderjarige kind om onderhoud te eis van die boedel, die Wet op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades en die Wet op Pensioenfondse in. Testeervryheid word direk gekoppel aan elke persoon se fundamentele regte wat in die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika gewaarborg word. Die beginsel van testeervryheid is in verskeie sake aangespreek en word hierdie sake vervolgens bespreek. Die tipe huweliksgoederebedeling ingevolge waarvan ʼn huwelik gesluit word is ʼn verdere beperking op die mate waartoe ʼn testateur vrylik oor sy of haar bates kan beskik. Die invloed van huwelike binne en buite gemeenskap van goedere op testeervryheid en die Wet op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades word ontleed, sowel as die onderhoudsverpligting wat ontstaan vanuit die huwelik tussen gades en teenoor minderjarige kinders. Maatskaplike sekuriteit word gereël in terme van artikel 27 van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en is artikel 37C van die Pensioenfondswet geïnkorporeer wat verseker dat ʼn persoon se pensioenvoordele moet voorsien aan die onderhoudsbehoeftes van afhanklikes van die lid. Die werking van artikel 37C en die invloed daarvan op testeervryheid word bespreek. Die laaste beperking wat hanteer word is beperkings ten opsigte van bemakings van onroerende eiendom. Hierdie bemakings word beperk deur die werking van die Wet op die Opheffing of Wysiging van Beperkinge op Onroerende Goed asook die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond. Die navorsingsverslag doen gevolglik ʼn in diepte ondersoek na die beperkings wat ontstaan op testeervryheid, die relevansie en werking daarvan en word daar bepaal of die beperkings as billik geag kan word of nie. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Historical methodology of Ancient Israel and the archive as historical a priori in the discourses of the Lachish reliefs

Kellner, Ronel 11 1900 (has links)
The archive as a site of ‘knowledge retrieval’* has long been the exemplary domain of astute historical inquiry. Following the recent ‘historic turn’* to address the politics of knowledge in the broader human and historical sciences, rather than its function as a site of ‘knowledge retrieval’*, I will reflect on the function of the archive as a site of ‘knowledge production’* in the writing of the histories of ancient Israel. Aligned within the conversations among historians and archivists and the new archival turn, the research will endeavour to offer a contribution to the debate on the topic of historical methodology of ancient Israel in the disciplines of Biblical Archaeology and History of ancient Israel. I will argue that an examination into the function of the archive as historical a priori in a study of the discourses on the Lachish reliefs in the disciplines discloses the practical and theoretical tenets that converge to construct knowledge on the Lachish reliefs and hence also knowledge on ancient Israel. The research will contend that a bounded formation of knowledge on the Lachish reliefs has evolved in the disciplines since the nineteenth century that is along the British imperial archival grain. * Terminology from Stoler, A L 2002. Colonial Archives and the Arts of Governance: On the Content in the Form, in Hamilton C, Harris, V, Taylor, J, Pickover, M, Reid, G & Saleh, R (eds) 2002. Refiguring the Archive. Cape Town: David Philip, 83-102. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / MA (Biblical Archaeology) / 1 online resource (xii, 194 leaves) ; illustrations (some color), maps

"Lepší Rudý než mrtvý!": Boj Amerických Indiánů za právo na svrchovanost v 60. a 70. letech 20. století / "Better Red than Dead": American Indians' Struggle for Sovereignty Rights in the 1960s and 1970s

Staňková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis, I argue that the Native American activism of the 1960s and 1970s does not fall into the category of Civil Rights Movement because of its significantly different goals, and that the fundamentally different character of sovereignty rights also keeps the Indian struggle invisible in American understandings of U.S. political and social history. According to my analysis, the terms tribal sovereignty, self-determination, and treaty rights describe the ultimate goals of the Native American activists in the 1960s and 1970s the best. The decade between 1964 and 1974 witnessed the rise of radical Indian activism, which succeeded in reminding the general public and politicians that Indians are still present in the United States. Furthermore, it influenced a whole generation of Native Americans who found new pride in being Indian. However, this current of American activism is not known so well by the general U.S. public. This thesis will describe this state as "selective visibility" deriving from U.S. selective historical memory, only noticing and remembering those events and images concerning Native Americans that can be simply understood, somehow relate to the U.S. set of values, and fit in the national historical narrative.

Teatro experimental (1967-1978) - pioneirismo e loucura à margem da agonia da esquerda / Experimental Theatre (1967-1978): Pioneering and madness on the fringes of Left\'s agony

Cavalcanti, Johana de Albuquerque 18 June 2012 (has links)
A partir da compressão mais ferrenha da ditadura de 1964 no Brasil, e de um diálogo mais direto com as vanguardas que ocorrem no mundo, após 1968 abrem-se novas perspectivas de criação nas artes e, especificamente, no teatro, resultando numa revolução de comportamento e cultural que, apesar de nascer em pleno \"sufoco\", paradoxalmente apresenta uma riqueza de novas propostas. Tais propostas formarão o triângulo da contracultura (tropicalismo - movimento marginal - cultura alternativa) que marcará espaço na década de 1970 pela diferença. Na conquista do direito de confrontar-se com o estabelecido, em contraponto ao establishment, ao milagre brasileiro e a uma recepção crítica perplexa que, apesar de reconhecer certo mérito nestas manifestações, prioriza diagnosticar irracionalismo e alienação, o novo teatro inaugura muitos dos princípios, técnicas e procedimentos cênicos que abrirão espaço, a duras penas, para a liberdade definitiva da possibilidade de experimentar. A pesquisa que proponho tem como finalidade identificar: o que se entende por teatro experimental em seu nascedouro, no Brasil; como surgiu e operou dentro da arte e da cultura e se podem ser identificados momentos diversos com características próprias. Para uma melhor visualização dessas questões e como amostras de vertentes distintas dentro do teatro experimental no recorte estabelecido aqui, analiso, - de forma mais aprofundada -, os espetáculos Rito do Amor Selvagem, de José Agrippino de Paula e Maria Esther Stockler com o Grupo Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, primeira criação coletiva do Teatro Oficina, 1972; e Trate-me Leão , do Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone, 1978. Por meio destes resgates podemos avaliar qual os legados imediatos e os menos visíveis que esses trabalhos e tendências deixaram para as próximas gerações, inclusive a nós que aqui estamos em pleno segundo milênio. / From the more inclement pressing of 1964-Brazilian dictatorship, and the more direct dialogue with the vanguards that emerged in the world, after 1968, new perspectives of creation opened in the arts and specifically in the theater fields, resulting in a behavioral and cultural revolution that, although born under \"asphyxia\", paradoxically presented a wealth of new proposals, which constituted the triangle of the Counterculture (Tropicalism - Marginal Movement -Alternative Culture) that would impress the 1970s with the difference mark. To conquer the right to fight what was already established, as a counterpoint to the establishment, to the Brazilian Miracle and to a mesmerized critical reception - that although recognizing some merit in these demonstrations, prioritizes diagnosing alienation and slavery - the New Theater inaugurates many of the scenic principles, techniques, and procedures that would arduously open space to the utmost freedom in the experimenting possibilities. The aim of this study is to identify what is meant by experimental theatre in its emerging state in Brazil; how did it come forth and operate within art and culture; and if diverse moments with specific characteristics can be identified. To better view these issues and view them as different strands samples within the experimental theatre scope defined hereby, I will analyze in greater detail and depth the plays Rito do Amor Selvagem, by José Agrippino de Paula and Maria Esther Stockler, with the Group Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, the first collective creation by Teatro Oficina, 1972; and Trate-me Leão, by Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone Group, 1978. By means of these recovering procedure, we are able to assess what is both the immediate and the less visible legacy these plays and trends left to following generations, including us, here, in the second millennium.

Teatro experimental (1967-1978) - pioneirismo e loucura à margem da agonia da esquerda / Experimental Theatre (1967-1978): Pioneering and madness on the fringes of Left\'s agony

Johana de Albuquerque Cavalcanti 18 June 2012 (has links)
A partir da compressão mais ferrenha da ditadura de 1964 no Brasil, e de um diálogo mais direto com as vanguardas que ocorrem no mundo, após 1968 abrem-se novas perspectivas de criação nas artes e, especificamente, no teatro, resultando numa revolução de comportamento e cultural que, apesar de nascer em pleno \"sufoco\", paradoxalmente apresenta uma riqueza de novas propostas. Tais propostas formarão o triângulo da contracultura (tropicalismo - movimento marginal - cultura alternativa) que marcará espaço na década de 1970 pela diferença. Na conquista do direito de confrontar-se com o estabelecido, em contraponto ao establishment, ao milagre brasileiro e a uma recepção crítica perplexa que, apesar de reconhecer certo mérito nestas manifestações, prioriza diagnosticar irracionalismo e alienação, o novo teatro inaugura muitos dos princípios, técnicas e procedimentos cênicos que abrirão espaço, a duras penas, para a liberdade definitiva da possibilidade de experimentar. A pesquisa que proponho tem como finalidade identificar: o que se entende por teatro experimental em seu nascedouro, no Brasil; como surgiu e operou dentro da arte e da cultura e se podem ser identificados momentos diversos com características próprias. Para uma melhor visualização dessas questões e como amostras de vertentes distintas dentro do teatro experimental no recorte estabelecido aqui, analiso, - de forma mais aprofundada -, os espetáculos Rito do Amor Selvagem, de José Agrippino de Paula e Maria Esther Stockler com o Grupo Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, primeira criação coletiva do Teatro Oficina, 1972; e Trate-me Leão , do Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone, 1978. Por meio destes resgates podemos avaliar qual os legados imediatos e os menos visíveis que esses trabalhos e tendências deixaram para as próximas gerações, inclusive a nós que aqui estamos em pleno segundo milênio. / From the more inclement pressing of 1964-Brazilian dictatorship, and the more direct dialogue with the vanguards that emerged in the world, after 1968, new perspectives of creation opened in the arts and specifically in the theater fields, resulting in a behavioral and cultural revolution that, although born under \"asphyxia\", paradoxically presented a wealth of new proposals, which constituted the triangle of the Counterculture (Tropicalism - Marginal Movement -Alternative Culture) that would impress the 1970s with the difference mark. To conquer the right to fight what was already established, as a counterpoint to the establishment, to the Brazilian Miracle and to a mesmerized critical reception - that although recognizing some merit in these demonstrations, prioritizes diagnosing alienation and slavery - the New Theater inaugurates many of the scenic principles, techniques, and procedures that would arduously open space to the utmost freedom in the experimenting possibilities. The aim of this study is to identify what is meant by experimental theatre in its emerging state in Brazil; how did it come forth and operate within art and culture; and if diverse moments with specific characteristics can be identified. To better view these issues and view them as different strands samples within the experimental theatre scope defined hereby, I will analyze in greater detail and depth the plays Rito do Amor Selvagem, by José Agrippino de Paula and Maria Esther Stockler, with the Group Sonda, 1969; Gracias, Señor, the first collective creation by Teatro Oficina, 1972; and Trate-me Leão, by Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone Group, 1978. By means of these recovering procedure, we are able to assess what is both the immediate and the less visible legacy these plays and trends left to following generations, including us, here, in the second millennium.

The role of the priests in Israelite identity formation in the exilic/post-exilic period with special reference to Leviticus 19:1-19a / Rol van die priesters in die Israelitiese identiteitsvorming tydens die ballingskaps-/ na-ballingskapstydperk met spesiale verwysing na Levitikus 19:1-19a

Beer, Leilani 07 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 289-298 / Source-criticism of the Pentateuch suggests that the priests (Source P) alone authored the Holiness Code – the premise being that Source P forms one religious, literate and elite group of several. Through the endeavor to redefine Israelite identity during the Neo-Babylonian Empire of 626–539 BCE and the Achaemenid Persian Empire of 550–330 BCE, various ideologies of Israelite identity were produced by various religious, literate and elite groups. Possibly, the Holiness Code functions as the compromise reached between two such groups, these being: the Shaphanites, and the Zadokites. Moreover, the Holiness Code functions as the basis for the agreed identity of Israel as seen by the Shaphanites and the Zadokites. Specifically, in Leviticus 19:1-19a – as being the Levitical decalogue of the Holiness Code, and which forms the emphasis of this thesis – both Shaphanite and Zadokite ideologies are expressed therein. The Shaphanite ideology is expressed through the Mosaic tradition: i.e., through the Law; and the Zadokite ideology is expressed through the Aaronide tradition: i.e., through the Cult. In the debate between the supremacy of the Law, or the Cult – i.e., Moses or Aaron – the ancient Near Eastern convention of the ‘rivalry between brothers’ is masterfully negotiated in Leviticus 19:1-19a. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Phil. (Old Testament)

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