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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Predictors Of Attitudes Toward Physical Wife Abuse: Ambivalent Sexism, System Justification And Religious Orientation

Ercan, Nilufer 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between ambivalent sexism, gender related system justification and religious orientation with attitudes toward physical wife abuse (APWA). APWA are investigated in three facets, namely justifiability (JPWA), perceived functionality (PFPWA) and consequences (ACPWA). As measurement tools, Attitudes toward Physical Wife Abuse Scale, Content Domains for Justification of Physical Wife Abuse Scale, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), Ambivalence toward Men Inventory (AMI), Revised Muslim Religious Orientation Scale (MROS-R), Gender Related System Justification Scale (GSJ) and demographic information form were used. Although a total of 385 student and non-student participants responded the questionnaire, only 303 (119 males, 184 females) participants who stated their religion to be Islam were included in the study for accurate assessment of Muslim religious orientation. The age range of the participants was between 17 and 72 (M=27.30 / SD= 8.68). Since women and men significantly differed with respect to their APWA, separate hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted in order to further observe the differences between them. Although there were slight differences in unique contributions of the variables for the three subscales of APWAS and for men and women, a general pattern was drawn in which results revealed that intrinsic religious orientation and quest religious orientation were not related to any of the three dimensions of APWA whereas fundamentalist religious orientation was found to be a significant predictor of APWA. Among the dimensions of ASI and AMI, Hostile Sexism (HS) and Benevolence toward Men (BM) predicted more favorable attitudes toward the three dimensions of physical wife abuse, whereas hostility toward men (HM) and benevolent sexism (BS) predicted less favorable attitudes. GSJ was not found to have a unique contribution in predicting any of the three dimensions of APWA. The major contributions of the present study are / 1) Investigation of religious orientation as an individual difference affecting APWA first in a Muslim culture, 2) Investigating GSJ first in Turkey and first with relation to APWA and 3) Providing a detailed measurement tool for specific assessment of attitudes toward physical wife abuse in three dimensions and 4) Providing a re-constructed Muslim Religious Orientation Scale which was extended and improved in content, reliability and validity after revision.

Our blood, ourselves : the symbolics of blood in vampire texts and vampire communities

Stephanou, Aspasia January 2011 (has links)
My thesis examines the ways in which blood is represented in vampire novels, films, and vampire communities. I locate my thesis within a postmodern framework that encompasses a diverse range of critical approaches such as postmodern, feminist and materialist theories, anthropology, psychoanalysis, and histories of medicine and ideas. The mixture of high and low status texts selected examine the ways identity, self-fashioning and the body are constructed through their use of a symbolics of blood. The first chapter examines the changing meanings of blood in vampire texts from the nineteenth century to the present through the discourses of medical science and technology. While blood is shown to be an important fluid in biomedicine, at the same time it conjures up associations with identity and corporeality. The second chapter examines consumption as a trope to define and control the female vampire. Through the analysis of literal and figurative acts of cannibalistic consumption, eating and incorporation in vampire literature, the chapter seeks to address female appetite, disease and identity. The third chapter examines the use of blood and postmodern self-fashioning in vampire communities in order to expose the various meanings of real or symbolic blood within postmodern culture. I conclude by addressing issues and ideas that my thesis has brought to the fore and which can be explored further.


29 April 2013 (has links)
Die Reihe ›Saxofodina‹ wird in lockerer Folge »Fundstücke zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte Sachsens in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit« präsentieren. Die Stücke sollen quellennah präsentiert, die Lektüre durch Übersetzung und Kommentar erleichtert werden. Der Reihentitel lehnt sich an die ›Celifodina‹ oder ›Himmlische Fundgrube‹ an. Ausgangspunkt dieses Traktats war das aufblühende Montanwesen auf dem Schneeberg, das den Augustinerprediger Johann von Paltz 1492 zu einer Reihe von Predigten animierte. Die daraus entwickelte ›Celifodina‹ sollte eines der erfolgreichsten Werke spätmittelalterlicher Frömmigkeitstheologie werden. »Fundstücke« referiert zum einen auf gänzlich Verborgenes, erstmals ans Licht Gefördertes, zum andern aber auch auf seit langer Zeit Verschüttetes, das hier in neuer Form aufs Neue ausgestellt werden soll. Dazu gehören Neufunde aus Archiven und Bibliotheken Sachsens, aber auch Funde, die Sachsen betreffen; weiterhin Editionen und Kommentare, aber auch Hilfs- und Findemittel zur sächsischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte der Vormoderne. Wir hoffen, mit dieser Reihe an die vor bald einem Dreivierteljahrhundert weitgehend eingestellten Förderarbeiten im Stollen der sächsischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte der Vormoderne anschließen zu können.

Invisible presence : the representation of women in the Francophone bande dessinée

MacLeod, Catriona January 2013 (has links)
The francophone bande dessinée came of age in the late twentieth century, earning the title of “Ninth Art” and becoming increasingly accepted as a focus of critical discussion and academic analysis. However, despite this impressive evolution, the representation of women in the bande dessinée remains vastly understudied. This thesis thus aims to provide a first step in the analysis of female characters as a distinct phenomenon within the Ninth Art. It considers the evolution of female depiction throughout the twentieth-century medium and beyond, and provides close studies of specific female characters, the results of which are synthesised to present comparative conclusions relating to women in the bande dessinée as a whole. The historical and formal specificity of the medium is studied in relation to female representation to determine what may (or may not be) particular to the depiction of women in the bande dessinée. As a medium that is overwhelmingly male-dominated in terms of creation as well as representation, the differing relations to BD production between genders, both historically and socially, are represented within this thesis in a division of chapters examining female representation by men and by women artists. The first and second chapters consider respectively the depiction of female primary and secondary figures created by men in the medium, studying specific character examples and reflecting on the varying ways of looking at women drawn into different roles. The third and final chapter analyses the representation of women figures by women artists, focusing on how the specificity of the medium may contribute to female depiction outside of dominant modes of production and representation. Proposed next steps for continuing research on the representation of women in the bande dessinée form the conclusion to this work.

Repair of CFTR Defects Caused By Cystic Fibrosis Mutations

Shi, Li 28 November 2013 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis is caused primarily by deletion of Phe508. An exciting discovery was that CFTR’s sister protein, the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) containing the equivalent mutation (ΔY490), could be repaired by a drug-rescue approach. Drug substrates showed specificity, and their mechanism involves direct binding to the transmembrane domains (TMDs) since arginine suppressor mutations were identified in TMDs that mimicked drug-rescue to promote maturation. We tested the possibility of rescuing CFTR processing mutants with a drug-rescue approach. 1) Arginine mutagenesis was performed on TM6, 8, and 12. 2) Correctors were tested for specificity. 3) Truncation mutants were used to map the VX-809 rescue site. Correctors 5a, 5c, and VX-809 were specific for CFTR. VX-809 appeared to specifically rescue CFTR by stabilizing TMD1. Therefore, the TMDs are potential targets to rescue CFTR. Rescue of P-gp and CFTR appeared to occur by different mechanisms since no arginine suppressor mutations were identified in CFTR.

Repair of CFTR Defects Caused By Cystic Fibrosis Mutations

Shi, Li 28 November 2013 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis is caused primarily by deletion of Phe508. An exciting discovery was that CFTR’s sister protein, the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) containing the equivalent mutation (ΔY490), could be repaired by a drug-rescue approach. Drug substrates showed specificity, and their mechanism involves direct binding to the transmembrane domains (TMDs) since arginine suppressor mutations were identified in TMDs that mimicked drug-rescue to promote maturation. We tested the possibility of rescuing CFTR processing mutants with a drug-rescue approach. 1) Arginine mutagenesis was performed on TM6, 8, and 12. 2) Correctors were tested for specificity. 3) Truncation mutants were used to map the VX-809 rescue site. Correctors 5a, 5c, and VX-809 were specific for CFTR. VX-809 appeared to specifically rescue CFTR by stabilizing TMD1. Therefore, the TMDs are potential targets to rescue CFTR. Rescue of P-gp and CFTR appeared to occur by different mechanisms since no arginine suppressor mutations were identified in CFTR.

Οι ξύλινες κατασκευές στη παραδοσιακή πηλιορείτικη αρχιτεκτονική

Θεοχαρόπουλος, Αλέξανδρος 19 April 2010 (has links)
Το Πήλιο αποτελεί μία ξεχωριστή, μία ιδιόμορφη περίπτωση. Σε καμιά από τις ελλαδικές επαρχίες δεν αναπτύχθηκαν στην περίοδο της Τουρκοκρατίας με τέτοια πυκνότητα τόσες ακμαίες κοινότητες ορεινού εποικισμού όσες στο Πήλιο. Δεν υπήρχε μία τοπική πρωτεύουσα μια «Χώρα» ή ένα κύριο αστικό κέντρο και γύρω δευτερεύουσες οικήσεις, όπως π.χ. συμβαίνει στα νησιά ή σε άλλες περιοχές του ηπειρωτικού χώρου. Υπήρξαν όμως χωριά που λειτουργούσαν σαν κύρια βιοτεχνικά κέντρα και είναι αυτά που ξεχωρίζουν ακόμα και σήμερα με το μέγεθος ή την εντυπωσιακή παρουσία τους στο χώρο. Στην πρώτη κατηγορία ανήκουν η Μακρινίτσα, η Ζαγορά, η Πορταριά, η Τσαγκαράδα. Η στατική και η κατασκευαστική αντίληψη των πατωμάτων, του ξύλινου σκελετού και της στέγης, είναι στοιχεία που εξετάζουμε σ’αυτή τη διατριβή, συγκρίνοντάς τα με άλλες περιοχές (Τρίκαλα και Αμπελάκια). Αυτό που παρατηρούμε είναι ότι όχι μόνο στο Πήλιο αλλά και σε όλη την ευρύτερη περιοχή της ανατολής, η αρχιτεκτονική διαφέρει σημαντικά από τα σχήματα και τα συστήματα που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα. Η ανατολίτικη οικοδομική παρουσιάζει ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία που ωστόσο αρκετοί αρχιτέκτονες μιμούνται σε κάποιες αποκαταστάσεις που πραγματοποιούνε σε παραδοσιακά ή διατηρητέα κτίρια θέλοντας εσκεμμένα και με σεβασμό στην παράδοση να μείνουν πιστοί στην αρχιτεκτονική κληρονομιά που έχουμε ως έλληνες. / The post-graduate thesis was realized for the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the university of Patras. The supervising professor was prof. Verras Dionisios whom I cordially thank. Pelion is a unique and peculiar case. Nowhere else during the ottoman domination were in a greek province created so many and so flourishing communities as in pelion. There wasn’t a local capital town, a “Chora” or a main urban center and around of them secondary settlements, as for example in the islands or in some other regions of the continental Greece. Instead there were villages which had the function of main manufacturing centers. And these are the ones that stand out, even in our days, because of their size or their impressive presence. Makrinitsa, Zagora, Portaria, Tsagarada are some examples of the above. In the present thesis we examine features such as the statics and the building perception of the floors, the wooden skeleton and the roof. We also compare these features with the ones of other regions (Trikala and Ambelakia). We notice that in Pelion and in the wider Eastern region ,the architecture differs from the shapes and systems which are followed nowadays. The Eastern building presents interesting characteristics which some architects mime in their plans of some traditional and listed buildings. In this way they want to remain faithful to the architectural inheritance that we have as Greeks.

Κατανομή και συμπεριφορά ιχνοστοιχείων στα νερά του Νοτίου Αιγαίου Πελάγους

Νακοπούλου, Χρυσάνθη 12 November 2009 (has links)
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Traductologie, linguistique,culture : recherches sur des perspectives interculturelles relatives à l'héritage de l'Europe et de la Chine / Translation studies, linguistic, culture : research about intercultural perspectives related to the heritage of Europe and China

Yang, Jing 11 March 2015 (has links)
En partant d’une synthèse sur les relations entre l’évolution de langue, la culture et la traduction, la thèse vise à établir une recherche à propos des effets d’influence de la culture d’arrivée sur le choix des stratégies de traduction. Sélectionnés en vue d’une fonction contrastive, trois sujets d’échanges culturels sont discutés dans la thèse. Les études nominales et culturelles de style comparatif sur les trois sujets d’intérêt acheminent ultérieurement la thèse vers les analyses sur les méthodes de la traduction sous influences d’idéologie culturelle. / Begin with a synthesis on the relations between the evolution of language, the culture and the translation, this thesis aims to establish a recherche regarding the effects of the target culture in influencing the choice of translation strategies. Selected for a contrastive purpose, three topics of cultural exchanges are discussed in the thesis. The nominal and cultural studies of the three topics from a comparative view then paved the path of the thesis towards the analysis with reference to the methods of translation under the influence of cultural ideology.

Between aesthetics and politics : music in James Joyce, Ezra Pound and Sylvia Townsend Warner

Moss, Gemma Candice January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationships between music, literature, aesthetics and politics in the novels of James Joyce, Sylvia Townsend Warner, and the poetry of Ezra Pound, to show the political relevance of how discourses of musical transcendence appear in these texts. These authors were notably political: Pound was involved with Italian fascism, Warner a Communist Marxist, while Joyce critics have been invested in claiming for him a liberal, humanist political position that is reflected in his writing. This allows me to analyse their engagement with music in light of their politics in order to make connections between aesthetics and politics through music in modernist literature. The texts analysed in this thesis are Joyce’s Chamber Music and Ulysses, Pound’s Cantos, his early essays and articles, and his musical theories ‘absolute rhythm’ and ‘Great Bass’, and finally Warner’s Mr Fortune’s Maggot, ‘The Music at Long Verney’, and The Corner That Held Them. I use a methodology, informed by the musicology and philosophy of T.W. Adorno, that moves between aesthetic and social approaches to music. I analyse the political significance of Joyce’s and Pound’s appropriation of musical forms as part of a radical departure from traditional aesthetic practices to articulate a newly modern subjectivity, and arrive at an analysis of Warner’s exploration of the tension between music as both transcendent aesthetic paradigm and material object with political meanings and functions. I argue that the extent to which writers and scholars continue to refer to discourses of musical transcendence as a way of exploring and representing humanity’s relationship with the world means that analyses of music’s social grounding, which can reject problems of signification and meaning, are not sufficient to explain the variety of functions music can fulfil in writing and in thought.

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