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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epischer Humor: Formen von Witz, Ironie und spöttischer Invektivität in der Ilias

Imgraben, Georg 04 October 2022 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersuchte Formen von Humor in der Ilias. Das Spektrum dieser Formen stellte sich als äußerst vielfältig heraus: Verschiedene Formen von sog. Dramatischer Ironie, von komisch bis tragisch, ironische oder komische Charakterzeichnung einzelner Figuren, Elemente von Sprachwitz, zynische Götterzeichnungen, heiter-bösartige Götterburlesken, scherzende und spottende Helden, groteske Todesfälle, ironische Anspielungen auf andere epische Traditionen und Genres und vieles mehr - all dies stand im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung.:Inhalt 1) Einleitung und Prolegomena zu einer historischen Analyse von Humor I S. 1 2) Prolegomena zu einer historischen Analyse von Humor II: Moderne Humortheorien S. 27 3) Der Zorn des Achilleus: Tragische Ironien im Kindergarten der Helden (Erster Gesang) S. 61 3.1) Exkurs: Ironien, Formelsprache, Textgenese S. 119 4) Agora und Boule: Die Volksversammlung als ironische Tragikomödie (Zweiter Gesang) S. 141 5) Thersites a-metro-epes S. 177 6) Make love not war: Paris und Helena im dritten Gesang S. 222 6.1) Exkurs: Ringkomposition und erzählte Zeit in der Ilias S. 374 7) Epi-phanien. Das zynische Wirken der Götter, oder: Warum die Welt so ist, wie sie ist S. 405 8) Die Götterburlesken der Ilias S. 436 9) Der Humor des Tötens, die Komik und die Ironie des Sterbens S. 473 10) Invektivität und Anschlusskommunikation: neikos-Reaktionen in der Ilias S. 498 11) ‚Broken Heroes‘ und der ironische Schmerz – Achilleus, Hektor und eine Frage des Charakters I S. 557 12) Die Figuren der zweiten Reihe und ihre Defizite – eine Frage des Charakters II S. 629 13) Schlussbetrachtung S. 710 14) Appendix 1: Antike Theorie und Praxis I – Platon über Humor (und Humor bei Platon) S. 730 15) Appendix 2: Antike Theorie und Praxis II – Aristoteles über Humor S. 755 17) Literaturverzeichnis S. 774

Animal similes and creativity in the 'Posthomerica' of Quintus of Smyrna

Spinoula, Barbara January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the similes of wild animals in the third century epic poem Posthomerica, of Quintus of Smyrna. The similes are studied in both inter-textual and textual levels. The former approach discusses the debt of Quintus' similes to preceding poets in terms of language and imagery. Quintus proves to be a creative and imaginative poet who knows well the tradition he has inherited. The latter approach deals with the similes in the Posthomerica only and reveals how they are thoughtfully inter-related and form sequences which ensure the unity and coherence of the poem, and enhance its overall melancholy tonality. It is also shown that by describing individual cases of doom, the sequences of animal-similes mirror the main theme of the poem, the fall of Troy. Nevertheless Quintus does not concentrate exclusively on the individual victorious hero but gives an important position to the victim, to the mass, as well as to characters who are distant from the battlefield, as women are. This multi-sided presentation of the human being who is directly or indirectly involved in the destructive war brings Quintus close to the Hellenistic attitude of the heroic as well as to psychological portraits of women from that period. The similes in the first chapter describe exclusively male characters and show the heroic valour being undermined. Women have an increasing presence in the similes of the second chapter; vulnerable as they are, they add to the melancholy of the Posthomerica. The third chapter studies the pure wild animal, the beast. The chapter contains an analysis of the beast in epic similes preceding those of Quintus and shows that the beast- simile is mainly psychological and reflects the incomprehensible power of Nature.

Wild animals in Roman epic

Hawtree, Laura Joy January 2011 (has links)
Roman epic authors extended, reinvented and created new wild animal representations that stood apart from traditional Greek epic renderings. The treatment of wild animals in seven Roman epics (Virgil’s Aeneid, Lucan’s Civil War, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Statius’ Thebaid and Achilleid, Valerius’ Argonautica and Silius’ Punica) forms the basis of this thesis, but the extensive study of other relevant works such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and Apollonius’ Argonautica allows greater insight into traditional Greek renderings and throws Roman developments into starker contrast. Initial stages of research involved collection and detailed examination of almost 900 epic references to wild animals. The findings from this preliminary research were analysed in the context of Pliny’s Natural History, Aristotle’s Historia Animalium, and other ancient works that reveal the Greeks’ and Romans’ views of wild animals. The accumulation of such a range of evidence made it possible for patterns of development to become evident. This thesis focuses on the epic representation of animals and considers a number of questions: 1) How Roman epic authors represented animals’ emotions and employed creatures’ thought processes. 2) How Roman epic authors examined the difference between wild and tame animals and manipulated the differences and similarities between humans and animals and culture and nature. 3) How wild animals were aligned with scientific and cultural beliefs that were particular to Roman society. 4) How animals were employed to signify foreign countries and how some epic animals came to be symbolic of nations. 5) How Roman epic authors represented particular aspects of animal behaviours with fresh insight, sometimes ignoring traditional representations and historiographic sources.

Editions of a selection of literary, paraliterary, and documentary papyri from Oxyrhynchus

Slattery, Samuel Robert January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents twenty-one unpublished Greek literary and documentary texts from Oxyrhynchus kept in the Sackler Library, Oxford. Each papyrus is identified, transcribed, and edited with a detailed introduction and notes largely in accordance with the conventions and format of presentation of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (London 1898–). The literary texts are diverse in content. The item of especial interest is a new fragment from Sophocles’ Tereus, which joins a quotation from Stobaeus’ Anthologium. It provides new information on the play’s dramatis personae and the long vexed question of where the quotation is to be located in the play. Another new text is the remains of an unknown hexameter poem on a mythical subject which refers to the Lapiths and Centaurs. From the known texts, a minute fragment of Polybius’ Historiae, a fragment Plutarch’s Alexander and two fragments of Plato’s Philebus stand out due to the rarity of these texts. The documentary texts illustrate a variety of matters tending on social, economic, fiscal, and legal aspects of life in Roman and late antique Oxyrhynchus. Of the texts from the Roman period, a text dealing with the execution of a testamentary bequest and another text concerning a summons to the prefect’s conventus are notable for the information which they provide on the functioning of testamentary bequests and the practice of litigation respectively. Of the four texts from the Byzantine period, an Oxyrhynchite lease of land is of special importance due to the comparative rarity of documents of this kind from Oxyrhynchus and because it exhibits a number of points of interest, not least that the lessee is a colonus adscripticius. A ‘sale on delivery of wine’ also involves a colonus adscripticius. The other document of special interest is a large private letter which concerns various matters of business from a man who claims to be in a precarious situation.

Recherches sur le lexique de Pollux : les articles juridiques / Researches on the lexicon of Pollux : the juridical articles

Amaraschi, Francesca 24 April 2013 (has links)
Le travail de recherche au cours des trois années de doctorat en cotutelle entre l'Université de Reims-Champagne Ardenne et l'Université de Florence m'a permis de comprendre et d'encadrer les principales problématiques soulevées par l'Onomasticon de Julius Pollux (IIème siècle apr. J.-C.) et d'entreprendre l'étude des aspects qui n'ont jamais été spécifiquement abordés jusqu'à aujourd'hui.La thèse est structurée en quatre chapitres et complétée par deux appendices.La première traduction en langue moderne et le commentaire des articles juridiques contenus dans le VIIIème livre constituent la section principale de la thèse: ils sont insérés dans le IVème chapitre. La recherche s'est concentrée également sur les problèmes relatifs à la figure de l'auteur et le contexte historique dans lequel il a travaillé (Ier chapitre), ainsi qu'à la transmission du texte dans une version interpolée et abrégée (IIème chapitre), à sa structure et à sa constitution (IIIème chapitre). J'ai ensuite examiné une scholie qui semble témoigner l'existence d'un épitomé de l'épitomé lié à une branche particulière de la tradition manuscrite (Ier appendice) et, enfin, j'ai réalisé une traduction en italien, la première en langue moderne, des lettres dédicatoires à l'empereur Commode qui ouvrent chacun des dix livres du lexique (IIème appendice).Le Ier chapitre porte sur une présentation des toutes les attestations relatives à l'auteur et sur une discussion de la datation de son activité et de son ouvrage par rapport aux sources postérieures et aux références offertes par le lexique lui-même: il porte aussi sur le contexte historique dans lequel est né l'Onomasticon.Dans le IIème chapitre, je présente la question de l'épitomé de l'Onomasticon et je décris les traces d'abrégé qu'on peut relever dans la tradition manuscrite et dans la transmission du VIIIème livre. La deuxième partie du chapitre est consacrée à la question de l'épitomé du VIIIème livre, c'est-à-dire à la description des manuscrits qui transmettent cette partie de l'Onomasticon qui, comme les autres, a été l'objet d'abréviations.Dans le IIIème chapitre, je propose une description schématique des dix livres de l'Onomasticon et de ses structures, qui dérive de la lecture complète du lexique que j'ai menée à bien afin de comprendre la méthode de travail de Pollux, ses intérêts et sa culture historique, c'est-à-dire les sources qu'il a utilisées et comment il s'en est servi. Il s'agit d'une brève analyse de chaque livre, avec une attention particulière portée aux sujets principaux et au nombre des sources classiques citées dans le texte, car les premières sections susceptibles d'être éliminées par un épitomateur sont de façon récurrente les répertoires de sources. Au cours de l'analyse des dix livres, je mets donc en évidence les confusions et les incohérences qui font souvent partie du texte.En ce qui concerne l'étude des articles juridiques contenus dans le VIIIème livre, j'ai réalisé la traduction en italien, ainsi qu'un commentaire historique et philologique, de la moitié des 157 paragraphes du livre environ.J'ai choisi de traduire et de commenter les entrées qui semblent contribuer à améliorer les connaissances qui viennent d'autres sources et qui concernent le procès, mais aussi l'organisation constitutionnelle et politique de l'Athènes de l'époque classique. Je commente aussi les articles qui apportent des éléments en contraste avec les témoignages en notre possession et qui sont motif de discussion entre les historiens qui s'occupent de droit attique. De toute façon, il y a aussi, dans le commentaire, des traductions, des références et des notes qui concernent d'autres entrées du livre et les articles juridiques qu'on trouve dans des sections différentes du lexique (comme dans le VIème livre). En revanche, je me limite à énumérer les sources bibliographiques les plus pertinentes des problèmes déjà connus et largement discutés par les modernes. / The research work during a three-year PhD jointly supervised by the University of Reims-Champagne-Ardenne and the University of Florence has allowed me to understand and frame the main issues raised by the Onomasticon by Julius Pollux (2nd century A.D.) and to undertake the study of aspects that have not been specifically addressed until now.The thesis is structured in four chapters and supplemented by two appendices.The first modern language translation and commentary of legal terms contained in the eighth book is the main section of the thesis: they are part of the fourth chapter. My research also focused on issues related to the figure of the author and the historical context in which he worked (first chapter), the transmission of the text in an interpolated version and abridged (second chapter), its structure and its constitution (third chapter). Finally, I considered a scholium which seems to prove the existence of an epitome of the epitome tied to a particular branch of the manuscript tradition (appendix I) and I made an Italian translation (the first modern language translation) of the letters to the Emperor Commodus which open each of the ten books of the lexicon (appendix II).In particular, the first chapter focuses on the sources relating to the author and on the dating of its activity: the chapter concerns also the historical context in which the Onomasticon was written.In the second chapter, I present the question of the epitome of Onomasticon and I describe its traces in the manuscript tradition and in the transmission of the eighth book. The second part of the chapter is devoted to the question of the epitome of the eighth book, that, like the others, has been the subject of abbreviations.In the third chapter, I propose a schematic description of the ten books' structure, which derives from a thorough reading of the lexicon. The aim is to understand the working method of Pollux, its interests and its historic culture.In the fourth chapter, I realized the Italian translation and an historical and philological commentary of half of the 157 paragraphs of the book. I chose to translate and comment the lemmata that appear to contribute to improve the knowledge about the Athenian constitutional and political system of the classical period. I also commented terms that provide elements in contrast with our sources and which are grounds for discussion among modern scholars. There are also translations, references and notes about legal terms found in different books (as in the sixth book). I limit myself to list the most relevant bibliographic sources about questions that are widely discussed by modern scholars.

The 'epic' of Martial

Sapsford, Francesca May January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the composition and arrangement of Martial’s twelve-book series, the Epigrams. I investigate the way in which key themes combine to create a pseudo-narrative for the reader to follow which connects not only individual books but the series as a whole. This twelve-book series creates an ’anti-epic’, something which is meant to be considered as a whole and read, and reread, as such. In the course of investigating the inter- and intratextual links within the Epigrams, we see how Martial’s corpus instructs its reader on how (and even where) to read the text. In doing so Martial is engaging with a literary discourse at the end of the first century on different patterns of reading. The key themes explored, oral sex and os impurum, food and dining, and a literary theme comprised of reading and writing, all form part of this programmatic literary instruction to the reader. I have identified the importance of ’orality’ within the Epigrams as part of the defined method of reading. Applying concepts from Reader-Response theory,and thinking about the way readers read, we can see that Martial’s books of epigrams are more than the sum of their parts.

Zwei-Ebenen-Optimierungsaufgaben mit nichtkonvexer Zielfunktion in der unteren Ebene

Vogel, Steffen 16 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In der Arbeit werden Zwei-Ebenen-Optimierungaufgaben mit einer nichtkonvexen Zielfunktion in der unteren Ebene betrachtet. Dazu werden die bekannten Begriffe der optimistischen und pessimistischen Lösung erweitert, um auch so genannte stationäre Lösungen zu definieren, deren Existenz unter schwächeren als den bisher geläufigen Halbstetigkeitsbedingungen gezeigt werden kann. Für den Fall der einparametrischen Zwei-Ebenen-Optimierung wird abschließend eine Verallgemeinerung des von Jongen, Jonker und Twilt eingeführten Generizitätsbegriffes vorgeschlagen, dessen Verwendung die numerische Behandlung solcher Aufgaben realisierbar macht.

A study of green logistics in the third party logistics industry in Hong Kong

Yeung, Hiu-fun, Chris., 楊曉芬. January 2011 (has links)
The logistics industry is an imperative component of trade and a major contributor to economic growth in many countries. However, the logistics activities come along with severe negative environmental impact, particularly in freight transport which is considered the most important source of environmental hazards in a logistics system. Even though 3PLs have a key role in the logistics industry, only a limited number of studies have been conducted to analyze the greenness of their activities. Therefore, this study is done with the aim to examine the greenness of 3PLs in Hong Kong and to understand the key barriers that they face during green logistics implementation. This empirical research is conducted through case studies with eight 3PLs. An analytical framework which consists of eight green transport measures and nine influencing factors is developed to facilitate the research. The findings suggest that green logistics is evolving in the 3PL industry Hong Kong but it is still at a preliminary stage. It also shows that the number of green transport measures adopted by 3PLs in Hong Kong is lower as compared to the analyzed 3PLs’ headquarters in other countries. The study further reveals that 3PLs in Hong Kong tend to adopt those measures which directly bring cost benefits to the companies, such as, eco-driving, load factor optimization, route optimization and fleet management. Nevertheless, measures which require financial investment or trade-off of profit margin/operational efficiency, for example, fleet modernization and modal shift are not commonly adopted. Moreover, some of the green measures, such as, green fuel or vehicle are not adopted by the case companies simply because they are unavailable in Hong Kong. A number of practical barriers are derived from the case analyses. They are considered the main causes of slowing down green logistics development in the 3PL industry in Hong Kong. While different stakeholders play a role in overcoming the hurdles of the green logistics development, the Government is found to be the most influencing one as it can influence external as well as some of the internal barriers elicited by this study. Therefore, it should take a leading role in eliminating the barriers. At the same time, in order to comprehensively facilitate the progress of green logistics development, efforts and commitments from other stakeholders, i.e. 3PLs, industry associations and customers are required. / published_or_final_version / Transport Policy and Planning / Master / Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning

Some uses of Plato in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Cleitophon

Repath, Ian Douglas January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship between Achilles Tatius' novel Leucippe and Cleitophon and the Platonic corpus. I have searched for Platonic allusions of various natures and purposes and grouped them into thematic chapters. I have also compared instances of similar uses of Plato in contemporary authors in order to classify both the individual cases and the place of Achilles Tatius' novel in its literary environment, including the intended readership. In my introduction I have argued that through the combination in his works of philosophy and literary excellence Plato was an extremely important figure to the Greeks of the second sophistic. However, despite the increasingly influential opinion that Greek novel readership was not dissimilar to that of other works, the possibility that the Greek novelists used Plato in a more than cosmetic fashion has been relatively neglected. The uses of Plato on which I have concentrated are the employment of Platonic names as allusions to their namesakes; Platonic narrative technique as the model for the dialogue form and open-endedness of Leucippe and Cleitophon with the integration of this technique into the broader question of the discrepancies between the beginning and the end; the allusion to a particularly famous passage of the Phaedrus in the name of the heroine; the repeated allusions to the Phaedran flow of beauty, their purposes and the light they shed on the characterisation of Cleitophon; and the Phaedran scene-setting, indulged in by many other writers, which Achilles Tatius uses in two significant passages. The conclusions I have reached are that Achilles Tatius uses Plato far more extensively and imaginatively than hitherto realised; that such an intimate engagement can shed light on other issues, such as psychological characterisation and the question of humour; that Achilles Tatius wrote something of an "anti-Platonic" novel; and that his work displays many similarities with other works whose sophistication is less in doubt.

Γυναικεία επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ελλάδα

Ροσγοβά, Γεωργία 07 July 2010 (has links)
Γυναικεία επιχειρηματικότητα... Είναι λέξεις που τα τελευταία χρόνια τις συναντούμε πολύ συχνά στην καθημερινότητά μας, στα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης και στον οικονομικό τύπο, ημερήσιο και περιοδικό. Οι λέξεις αυτές ουσιαστικά προσδιορίζουν μια σύγχρονη πραγματικότητα την οποία βλέπουμε να εδραιώνει την παρουσία της όλο και περισσότερο και να γίνεται αντικείμενο επιστημονικής μελέτης και σχολιασμού οργανώσεων και οργανισμών, σε εθνικές, ευρωπαϊκό και διεθνές επίπεδο. Είναι δόκιμο να αναρωτιέται κανείς αναφορικά με τους λόγους που συμβαίνει αυτό. ΄Όπως παρουσιάζεται διεξοδικά στην παρούσα εργασία, οι λόγοι εστιάζονται στα οφέλη που έχουν οι εθνικές οικονομίες, και κατά συνέπεια και η παγκόσμια οικονομία, από την αύξηση της επιχειρηματικής δραστηριότητας γενικά, αλλά και ειδικά από τις γυναίκες. Τέτοια οφέλη είναι η οικονομική ανάπτυξη των χωρών, η δημιουργία απασχόλησης, η αποδοτική χρησιμοποίηση αναξιοποίητων πρώτων υλών και παραγωγικών συντελεστών, η αναβάθμιση του μορφωτικού επιπέδου των γυναικών και πολλά άλλα οφέλη που παρουσιάζονται στη συνέχεια. / -

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