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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The application of the rule Dina Demalehuta Dima in the Halachic literature of the 14th to 16th century, with special reference to the political, economic and social conditions of the period

Posem, Jacob January 1951 (has links)
No description available.

Mordecai Zeʼev Feierberg

Erin, Henry January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

The Hebrew periodical Ha-Shiloah from 1896 to 1919 and its role in the development of modern Hebrew literature

Attia, A. M. A. El-R. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

The structure of the poetic text : structural cohesion and foregrounding as the dual rhetorical discourse function of linguistic parallelism in Biblical Hebrew poetry

Ayars, Matthew Ian January 2016 (has links)
The present project, by employing Roman Jakobson's conceptualisation of parallelism and literary linguistic analysis, argues that linguistic parallelism occurring at all levels of language (from phoneme to syntagmeme) in biblical Hebrew poetry has a dual rhetorical discourse function of foregrounding and structural cohesion. It is proposed that patterned grammatical-syntactic continuity and deviation at a colometric level creates poetic unity that harmonises the poem’s internal diversity and poetic variation across macrostructural levels that fosters foreground semantic components of the text. As the poetic text moves forward as a discourse, the diversity created by grammatical-syntactic deviation becomes patterned with a regular form of sequence that creates structural cohesion within the poem as discourse. After outlining the state of current research on biblical Hebrew poetry and exploring Jakobson’s poetics and their relevance to this project, the heart of the work is a detailed analysis of each poetic line in Psalms 113–118. These were chosen as a representative sample in order to test the validity of the model.

Oh other where art thou : spatial awareness in Hebrew and English literature of the nineteenth to mid twentieth century

Weiss, Vered January 2015 (has links)
The analyses in this thesis explore similarities and differences in Jewish (and later Jewish-Israeli) and British literary texts from the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries. The comparison is based on two connections between the two cultures: the first is the shared mythical roots, and the second the spatial and historical connection between the two cultures in relation to (post)colonialism. The research examines literary means that convey and consider alterity, and the manner in which the location of the monstrous Other is indicative of the relationship of the respective imagined community and sovereignty. This investigation focuses on the employment of certain Gothic tropes, specifically the use of the setting as a means of exploring and expressing individual and collective identities. A connection between the British and Jewish cultures surfaces in nineteenth to mid-twentieth century literary use of Gothic elements. Furthermore, the comparative analysis will show that the texts in Hebrew and English examined in this thesis similarly utilise Gothic tropes in order to explore concerns of modernity. This thesis re-establishes the inherent links between the Jewish and British cultures, which manifest in similar use of spatial metaphors and ancient myths for the exploration of the angst modernity. These similarities stem not only from the cultural connection, but are the result of the two nations’ preoccupation with sovereignty at an era when they underwent opposite processes of immigration and colonisation. Both literatures utilise Gothic tropes because the Gothic is a genre that is predominantly engaged with social critique and spatial awareness. The interplay between space, myth, and language is exposed as fundamental for the (re)construction of identities in relation to spatial awareness. These issues continue to be relevant in contemporary discussions of identities.

Traduction et interprétation du livre des Proverbes à travers le Talmud et les commentaires juifs médiévaux / Translation and interpretation of the book of the Proverbs through the Talmud and medieval Jewish commentaries

Smilévitch, Éric 15 September 2014 (has links)
Depuis la traduction grecque des Septante, le livre biblique Michlé est traduit par « Livre des Proverbes ». Or, dans la tradition herméneutique juive, la signification correcte n’est pas « proverbes » mais « paraboles ». Ce choix de signification modifie le contenu de l’ensemble du livre, puisqu’il invite à lire et à interpréter ses assertions dans un tout autre horizon que la perspective reçue depuis la Septante. Il fallait donc traduire le texte hébraïque de Michlé sur de nouvelles bases, en suivant l’herméneutique talmudique et midrachique, reprise et développée à l’époque médiévale par les commentateurs, les philosophes et les grammairiens juifs. Nous proposons ainsi une traduction nouvelle, accompagnée de commentaires et de notes philologiques qui explorent « les » sens du texte hébreu en fonction de ses strates métaphoriques et allégoriques, et en déploient le contenu. Cette traduction est précédée d’une longue introduction qui permet de comprendre les prémisses de l’herméneutique juive ; et s’efforce de déchiffrer les processus littéraires et historiques qui en empêchent l’accès, et engendrent les malentendus dont Michlé est un exemple crucial. Il importait encore de faire le point sur l’état actuel de la traduction des textes bibliques, tant du point de vue des travaux réalisés en France que du point de vue des impératifs internes de la tradition hébraïque. Une part importante de l’introduction est donc aussi consacrée aux problèmes méthodologiques particuliers à la traduction des écrits bibliques ; et à l’esquisse d’une démarche dont la traduction de Michlé est la mise en pratique. / Since the Greek Septuagint, the biblical book Mishlei is translated "Book of Proverbs". But in the Jewish hermeneutic tradition, the correct translation is "parables". This new meaning changes the meaning of the whole book. It was therefore necessary to translate the Hebrew text of Mishlei on a new basis, following the Talmudic and midrashic hermeneutics, extended and developed in medieval times by commentators, philosophers and Jewish grammarians. Thus, we propose a new translation, with commentary and philological notes that explore the meanings of the Hebrew text including its metaphorical and allegorical layers. This translation is preceded by a long introduction devoted to locate the premises of Jewish hermeneutics, and to understand the literary and historical proces that prevent access, and create misunderstandings which Mishlei is a crucial example. An important part of the introduction is also devoted to methodological problems of translation of biblical writings.

Sefer Ha'iqqarim : présentation et traduction du premier et du troisième traité / Sefer Ha'iqqarim : presentation and translation of the first and the third treatise

Fraenckel, Naftaly 18 April 2013 (has links)
Le Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim de Joseph Albo qui a pour objet la définition des principes fondamentaux du Judaïsme s’inscrit dans une réflexion qui a commencé avec Sadia Gaon, qui s’est poursuivie avec Maimonide, Gersonides, Crescas, Duran. Dans le but de permettre au lecteur de se faire sa propre opinion, nous avons souhaité présenter et traduire l’oeuvre de Joseph Albo. Traduire l’ensemble du Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim dépassant le cadre de notre projet, nous nous sommes contentés de traduire le premier traité qui présente la conception de Joseph Albo sur les principes fondamentaux et sa réduction à trois principes fondamentaux qui sont la croyance à l’existence de Dieu, la croyance à une révélation divine, et la croyance à la rétribution. Les trois traités suivant ne constituant qu’un approfondissement du premier, nous avons traduit un chapitre supplémentaire pour voir et comprendre comment Joseph Albo développe et approfondit le thème déjà ouvert dans le premier traité. C’est le troisième traité qui développe le second principe fondamental de la croyance à la révélation divine. / The Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim of Joseph Albo which try to determine the basic principles of Judaism is part of a reflection that began with Sadia Gaon, which continued with Maimonides, Gersonides and Crescas Duran. To allow the reader to form his own opinion, we wanted to introduce and translate the work of Joseph Albo. Translating the whole of the Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim exceeding the framework of our project, we simply translate the first treaty which presents the conception of Joseph Albo on fundamentals and its reduction to three fundamental principles which are the belief in the existence of God, the belief in a divine revelation, and the belief in retribution. The three following treaties being only a deepening of the first, we have translated an additional chapter to see and understand how Joseph Albo develops the theme already opened in the first treaty. This is the third treaty that develops the second fundamental principle of belief in the divine revelation.

La prière : structure, aspects et enjeux dans une perspective hassidique / The Prayer : its shape, its characters, its aims

Amram, Bella 08 September 2015 (has links)
Le Chemoné Esré, ou prière des dix-huit bénédictions, est la principale prière juive, aussi nommée Téfila, ou prière par excellence. L’objet de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence sa structure, c'est-à-dire la logique de son organisation, en rappelant les données de sa genèse et de sa fixation durable. Partant d’une étude des sources (du Pentateuque, des prophètes, de la Michna et du Talmud, puis des livres de prières), l’auteur retrace les étapes de sa mise en forme, ce qui permet de suivre l’évolution du judaïsme lui-même. Ses aspects sont méthodiquement envisagés : son caractère de mitsva, de devoir religieux, le sens de chaque bénédiction et sa fonction dans la liturgie depuis la destruction du Temple de Jérusalem, sa place dans le vécu des orants, la manière dont la prière doit être dite et avec quelle kavana, ou intention, dans quel cadre, en respectant quelle gestuelle, en mobilisant quelles ressources intérieures de la part des orants. Ses enjeux théosophiques et moraux, le système de représentations auquel elle se rattache, dans la perspective de la mystique kabbalistique du AriZal et du Hassidisme du XIXème siècle (rapport avec les séfirot, ou niveaux d’émanation de la Substance, et inversement les klippoth, obstacles à la kedoucha, ou sainteté, font l’objet d’une étude qui porte d’une part sur la présentation des doctrines et d’autre part sur les buts qui sont assignés au Chemoné Esré en fonction des possibilités qu’elle est censée offrir, à ceux qui la prononcent et à ceux pour lesquels elle est dite. / The Shemone Esre or the Eighteen Blessings Prayer, sometimes simply known as Tefila, is the quintessential Jewish prayer. The purpose of this dissertation is to delineate the structure of the Shemone Esre through an exploration of its evolving structure from its genesis to its lasting fixation. Beginning with a study of the ground texts (Pentateuch, Prophets, Michna and Talmud, up to the modern prayer book), the author examines the successive stages of its formatting. Through this exploration emerges a view of the broader evolution of Judaism, the main characters of which are formally analysed: the mitsva (religious prescription), the meaning of each blessing and its liturgical function after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, how people consider this prayer, how they say it, with what kavana (intention), in what place, with what gesture and attitude. Going further, the moral and theosophical aspects of Jewish prayer, as well as the allegorical system to which it belongs are also envisaged, from the perspectives of Lurianic and Hassidic mysticism. More specifically, the sefirot (emanating spheres of the Being) and their opposites, the klippoth (viewed as obstacles to kedousha or sanctity), are studied from the dual perspective of the doctrinal content, and of the purposes devolved to the Shemone Esre.

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