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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj kontrastů sibilantních řad - typologická analýza / Evolution of phonological contrast in sibilants - typological analysis

Vančura, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Martin Vančura - Diplomová práce (2012) Evolution of phonological contrat in sibilants - typological analysis Abstract: The goal of this paper is to employ the paradigm of Greenbergian language typology to process diachronic data originating in the field of historical linguistics. In the first few chapters, I discuss both disciplines and identify some of the pitfalls of such an endeavour. The substance of this paper lies in chapter 4 where I try to demonstrate a real utilization of this diachronic typology on a specific set of data, represented by documented cases of the evolution of sibilants. Then I analyse the precise articulatory and evolutionary character of the sibilants in selected branches of the Indo- European language family and selected languages of the world and I attempt to uncover the common evolutionary tendencies of their sibilant systems. At the end of this chapter, I construct a map of sibilants' evolutionary trajectories and I propose some remarks on the general phonetics and phonology of sibilants.

Srovnání osobnostních charakteristik vrcholového sportovce a vrcholového manažera / Comparison of personality traits of top athletes and top managers

Rameš, Adam January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: The thesis deals with a problem of personality in the context of the top athletes' and top managers' activities. Comparison of the demands of these activities on the human and comparison of the personality profile results in a finding that there is a certain consensus in the personality profiles of top athletes and top managers and also to the conclusion that there is a noticeable difference between them in the emotional area. Title: Comparison of personality traits of top athletes and top managers. Objectives: Find a set of personality traits characteristic for particular groups of athletes and for a group of top managers and to determine which of the psychological characteristics of these groups are similar, respectively. Confirm the hypothesis: "It is possible to suppose that the personality traits of athletes match the demands of the sport sector, as well as the personality traits of the top managers correspond with the demands of their professional activities, and that there is a consensus in the personality characteristics of athletes and top managers, which corresponds to a consensus on demands of these two activities ". Methods: Cattell's 16 P. F. Questionnaire, correlation analysis according to Spearman, calculation of the statistical significance of the difference by the...

Evaluation agro-économique ex-ante de systèmes de culture en agriculture familiale : le cas de l’agriculture de conservation en zone tropicale humide de montagne (Nord Vietnam) / Ex-ante agronomic and economic assessment of cropping systems under smallholder farming : the case of conservation agriculture in mountainous humid tropics (Northern Vietnam)

Hauswirth, Damien 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le besoin d'une intensification accrue des systèmes agricoles rend nécessaire l'identification des contextes et options permettant à des modes de mise en valeur intensifs et durables de se développer. Cette question est cruciale dans des contextes de petite agriculture familiale et de pression élevée sur les ressources naturelles, dont les zones tropicales humides d'Asie constituent un exemple typique. Dans cette région, l'agriculture de conservation (AC) est considérée comme un moyen de parvenir à cet objectif. Dans ce contexte, notre travail avait pour objectif d'évaluer dans quelle mesure l'AC peut constituer une réponse efficace et adaptée aux contraintes et besoins de petits producteurs familiaux dans une région montagneuse caractérisée par une forte pression sur les ressources naturelles et un taux de pauvreté élevé. Nous avons d'abord effectué un diagnostic des facteurs critiques de durabilité associés à la diversité régionale des systèmes agricoles conventionnels incorporant une production de maïs sur pente. Nous avons développé une approche originale combinant différentes méthodes d'analyse multivariée et de classification. Cette approche nous a permis d'identifier des types de systèmes agricoles aux performances contrastées en termes d'atteinte d'objectifs de durabilité. Les caractéristiques territoriales à différentes échelles, de l'écorégion au village, ont été identifiées comme prévalant sur les caractéristiques biophysiques des parcelles et l'accès aux moyens de production à l'échelle de l'exploitation pour expliquer la diversité des systèmes de culture sur pentes. Nous avons ensuite exploré dans quelle mesure des données collectées sur des sites de démonstration en AC pouvaient être utilisées pour évaluer les performances de prototypes de systèmes de culture en AC. L'AC pratiquée à un niveau de fertilisation suffisant n'a pas eu d'impact négatif sur les rendements la première année après conversion. Elle a significativement amélioré productivité et efficacité agronomique la seconde année après conversion. Toutefois, cette amélioration des performances agronomiques n'était pas suffisante, aux conditions économiques actuelles, pour assurer une meilleure rentabilité économique que l'agriculture conventionnelle sur un horizon de deux ans, du fait de l'augmentation des coûts de production associée au passage à l'AC. Les perspectives scientifiques issues de ce travail comprennent (i) l'utilisation des données issues de dispositifs de démonstration dans une perspective de modélisation pour prendre en compte, dans l'évaluation des systèmes de culture, les processus à l'origine de leur performances en fonction des variations de contexte biophysique et économique et (ii) l'évaluation de la capacité de l'agriculture de conservation à tamponner la variabilité des performances des systèmes de culture. La principale implication pratique pour l'intensification durable de l'agriculture dans le contexte du Nord Vietnam est la prise en compte de la diversité des systèmes agricoles dans le prototypage et la diffusion de systèmes de culture innovants. Une nouvelle hypothèse est qu'il est nécessaire d'envisager la valorisation au moins partielle des plantes de couverture, une conversion par étapes et/ou des incitations permettant de compenser l'augmentation de coûts générée par le passage à l'agriculture de conservation pour que celle-ci devienne économiquement attractive pour de petits producteurs familiaux dans un horizon de deux années. / The global need for further agricultural intensification makes necessary to identify contexts and options for sustainable intensive land uses to develop. This question is crucial under contexts of smallholder farming and high pressure on natural resources, such as in Asian humid tropics. In this region conservation agriculture (CA) is considered a leeway towards sustainable intensification. Within this context, our work aimed at preliminary assess to which extent CA fits the needs and constraints of smallholder farmers in a mountainous region where the high level of pressure on natural resources adds-up to a high poverty rate.We implemented a diagnosis of sustainability gaps associated with the regional diversity of maize based agricultural systems on sloping land. We applied an original methodological approach combining diverse classification tools. We identified contrasted types of farming and cropping systems for management practices, performances and sustainability issues. The local diversity in maize cropping systems resulted from multi-scale interactions between territory-related factors, farm/farmer characteristics and field biophysical conditions. Territory-related factors were of prevailing importance over plot biophysical conditions and farm/farmer related characteristics to drive diversity of cropping systems.We subsequently investigated to which extent data collected at CA-demonstration sites can be used to assess performances of CA-based cropping system prototypes over a 2-year period. Within the context of our study, CA associated with sufficient fertilization levels did not depress yields the first year after conversion. The second year, CA significantly increased maize productivity and agronomic efficiency. Such improvement of agronomic performances was not sufficient to ensure better economic performances than conventional agriculture over two years, due to the increase in production costs associated with transition to CA.Main scientific perspectives from our work include (i) coupling CA-demonstrations with modeling to account in cropping system evaluation for processes driving their performances across variations in biophysical and economic conditions (ii) assessment of CA capacity to buffer variability in cropping system performances. Main implication for CA-based sustainable intensification in tropical humid highlands of Vietnam is the need to tailor technical proposals to the identified diversity of agricultural systems. To make conversion to CA worth for farmers within a period of two years, a major assumption is the requirement for cover plant valorisation, implementation of stepwise transition to CA, and/or tailoring incentives to support smallholder farmers in overcoming costs associated with conversion to CA.

Compounding and Incorporation in the Ket Language: Implications for a More Unified Theory of Compounding

Smith, Benjamin C 01 January 2014 (has links)
Compounding in the world’s languages is a complex word-­‐formation process that is not easily accounted for. Moreover, incorporation is equally complex and problematic. This examination of compounding and incorporation in the Ket language seeks to identify the underlying logic of these processes and to work towards a typology that captures generalizations among the numerous ways in which languages expand their lexicons through these processes. Canonical Typology provides a framework that does just this. A preliminary canonical typology of compounds is proposed here, one that subsumes a range of compounds as well as incorporation. For this reason, the Ket language, which relies heavily on compounding and incorporation, will be used as a test case. The aim is to define the canonical com

Mapping prosody onto the lexicon : Memory traces for lexically specified prosodic information in the brain

Zora, Hatice January 2016 (has links)
Lexical access, the matching of auditory information onto lexical representations in the brain, is a crucial component of online language processing. To understand the nature of lexical access, it is important to identify the kind of acoustic information that is stored in the long-term memory and to study how the brain uses such information. This dissertation investigates the contribution of prosodic information to lexical access and examines language-specific processing mechanisms by studying three typologically distinct languages: English, Turkish, and Swedish. The main research objective is to demonstrate the activation of long-term memory traces for words on the sole basis of prosodic information and to test the accuracy of typological phonological descriptions suggested in the literature by studying electrophysiological measurements of brain activation. A secondary research objective is to evaluate three distinct electrophysiological recording systems. The dissertation is based on three papers, each examining neural responses to prosodic changes in one of the three languages with a different recording system. The first two papers deal directly with the interplay between prosody and the lexicon, and investigate whether prosodic changes activate memory traces associated with segmentally identical but prosodically different words; the third paper introduces morphology to this process and investigates whether prosodic changes activate memory traces associated with potential lexical derivations. Neural responses demonstrate that prosodic information indeed activates memory traces associated with words and their potential derivations without any given context. Strongly connected neural networks are argued to guarantee neural activation and implementation of long-term memory traces. Regardless of differences in prosodic typology, all languages exploit prosodic information for lexical processing, although to different extents. The amount of neural activation elicited by a particular piece of prosodic information is positively correlated with the strength of its lexical representation in the brain, which is called lexical specification. This dissertation could serve as a first step towards building an electrophysiological-perceptual taxonomy of prosodic processing based on lexical specification.

Creative play: integrating art into playgrounds a typology

Gerth, Allison R. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Mary C. Kingery-Page / Children are imaginative, creative, and active. Children of all age groups are influenced by their surroundings, particularly school-aged children (Frost, 2010). School-aged children’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual developmental characteristics are influenced by their surrounding environments. Today, uniform playgrounds are diminishing the opportunities for youth to develop their personal creativity and imagination through play (Thompson 2007, Solomon 2005). By integrating art into playgrounds, these environments will offer children greater opportunity for developmental enrichment through their interactions with the site. Researched cases of art and play have inspired the development of a typology. The typology is a collection of quintessential ways that settings for play can be visually and experientially enriched by art. This process began with three critical questions; 1) What constitutes a playground? 2) What is art? and 3) How can art be integrated into playgrounds? More than 30 precedents that demonstrate art in a play setting were examined. Noting differences and similarities between the precedents, 12 types were identified. Next, analysis matrices identifying primary and, if applicable, secondary placement of each of the precedents in the 12 developed types, including sub-types, giving art in playgrounds a place. Also classified was type of art, high or vernacular, for each precedent. The research methodology was an iterative process of literature and precedent research followed by the distillation of types, further research, and refinement of the typology framework.

Matières organiques exogènes issues de l’élevage et de la ville en milieu tropical : apport de la spectrométrie proche infrarouge pour leur orientation d'usages agronomiques et/ou énergétiques / Agricultural and urban exogenous organic matter (EOM) in tropical area : The help of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for better orientate their valorization between soil fertilization and energy production

Rabetokotany, Nantenaina Volamahefa 17 September 2013 (has links)
Comme dans les pays du Nord riches, il y a également une augmentation de la production de déchets organiques dans les pays du Sud moins avancés. Connues sous l'appellation de Matières Organiques Exogènes (MOEx), les déchets organiques peuvent être valorisables comme engrais ou amendement pour les sols agricoles ou bien une nouvelle source de biomasse pour la production d'énergie. L'utilisation raisonnée d'une MOEx exige toutefois une connaissance scientifique approfondie de leur nature et de leurs impacts sur l'environnement. Des analyses conventionnelles en laboratoire et des expérimentations doivent être effectués pour maîtriser leur structure complexe liée à leurs propriétés physiques, chimiques et biochimiques. Celles-ci sont généralement longues et onéreuses. Dans notre étude, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR) a été choisie comme une alternative aux méthodes classiques pour la caractérisation de ces MOEx en milieu tropical humide. Les objectifs de notre travail sont (1) de montrer que la SPIR est une méthode appropriée pour la prédiction des caractéristiques de MOEx, (2) pour caractériser les MOEx en termes de leur potentiel agronomique et leur potentiel énergétique et (3) pour élaborer une typologie, construite à partir des données prédites par la SPIR, qui prend en compte quelques impacts négatifs liés à l'utilisation des MOEx. L'ensemble des données a inclus plus de 2000 échantillons de MOEx couvrant une large gamme de MOEx fraîches ou transformées issues de l'élevage, de la ville et des agroindustries. Le spectre SPIR de chaque EOM a été acquis. En plus des caractérisations classiques de laboratoire (les dosages de carbone, azote, phosphore, potassium, etc.), d'autres expérimentations ont été conduites en vue d’évaluer (1) les potentiels « positifs » des MOEx : (i) suivi de la minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote mesurée dans des conditions contrôlées pour une valorisation agronomique, (ii) détermination du pouvoir calorifique et du potentiel méthanogène pour une valorisation énergétique ; et (2) les potentiels « négatifs » des MOEx : (i) dénitrification potentielle et (ii) phytotoxicité en présence d’éléments trace métallique. Pour élaborer la typologie, la méthode SIRIS (Système d'Ingration des Risques par Interaction des Scores) a été appliquée pour formaliser les étapes d'une procédure logique menant à une classification des MOEx selon l'objectif de l'orientation de recyclage. La diversité des MOEx est illustrée à titre d'exemple par une large gamme des teneurs en (i) C (de 2 à 64 gC.100g-1MS), (ii) N (de 0,2 à 14gN.100g-1MS), (iii) P total (0,01 à 16gP.100g-1MS), K total (0,04 à 30 gK.100g-1MS). En prenant en compte l'ensemble des MOEx, les étalonnages des modèles SPIR sont acceptables pour la prédiction des teneurs en C, en N, en P et en K. Pour les potentiels « positifs » des MOEx (1) suivant les types de MOEx 102 à 955 kgMO.t-1MOEx pourraient être stockées dans le sol pour le maintien de la fertilité, (2) les pouvoirs calorifiques des MOEx varient de 7 à 28 MJ.kg-1MS et les potentiels méthanogènes vont de 69 à 488 NmlCH4.g-1MO. Quant aux potentiels négatifs, que ce soit pour les émissions de N2O ou pour la phytotoxicité des ETM, une forte interaction entre les propriétés du sol (pH, texture, …) avec les MOEx masque souvent certains effets. La méthode SIRIS a permis de classifier les MOEx selon un processus simple basé sur le classement de critères et de scores d'auto-pénalisation. Cette approche est intéressante en l'absence de données précises qui sont souvent difficiles à obtenir. L'aide des prédictions par la SPIR nous a été utile pour cette démarche d'orientation de la valorisation agronomique et/ou énergétique des MOEx. Des approches socio-économiques devraient compléter notre étude pour aboutir à l'orientation finale de valorisation des MOEx. / As observed in northern/rich countries, there is an increase in the production of organic wastes in southern/less advanced countries. So called, Exogenous Organic Matter (EOM), they can be a valuable fertilizer or amendment for agricultural soils or a new supply for energy production. The safe utilisation of EOM requires an in-depth scientific knowledge of their nature and impacts on the environment. Laboratory analysis and experiments have to be carried out in order to know their complex structure related to their physical, chemical and biochemical properties. These techniques represent a relatively high cost and are time consuming. In this study, the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was chosen as an alternative to classical methods for laboratory characterisations of tropical EOM. The objectives of this study are (1) to show that NIRS is a suitable method for predicting EOM characteristics (2) to characterize EOM in terms of their agronomic potential and/or energetic potential, and (3) to elaborate a typology, build with predicted parameters by NIRS, taking into account some environmental impacts of the different utilisations of EOM.The dataset included more than 2000 EOM samples covering a broad range of fresh and transformed organic materials. Each EOM was scanned using a NIR spectrometer from 1100nm to 2500nm. In addition to the classical laboratory characterisations (dosages of total carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), other experiments have been carried out: (1) for “positive” potentials: (i) C and N mineralization measured in controlled conditions (for an agronomic use), (ii) determination of High Heating Value and Biochemical Methane Potential (for an energetic use) and (2) for “negative” potential or risk: phytotoxicity assessment due to trace elements, and the determination of potential nitrous oxide emission. To elaborate the typology, the SIRIS method (System of Integration of Risk with Interaction of Scores) was carried out in order to formalize the steps of a logical procedure, leading to a decision according to objective of the recycling orientation.Diversity of EOM is illustrated by the variability of (i) C contents (from 2 to 64 gC.100g-1DM); (ii) N contents (from 0.2 to 14gN.100g-1DM); (iii) total P contents (from 0.01 to 16gP.100g-1DM),(iv) total K contents (from 0.04 to 30 gK.100g-1DM). When taking into account all EOM without regarding their nature, acceptable predictive models were obtained with NIRS calibration for estimating C, N, total P and total K contents for EOM.“Positive” potential assessment provided information about (1) remaining organic carbon might be stocked into soil after applying EOM (from 102 to 955 kg.t-1TOM) (2) High Heating Value of EOM when recycling as a supply of small scale combustion or thermo chemical conversion (from 7 to 28 MJ.kg-1DM), (3) Biochemical Methane Potential after EOM anaerobic digestion (from 69 to 488 NmlCH4.g-1TOM). Both “negative” potential which took into account phytotoxicity due to trace elements and nitrous oxide emissions were highly interacted on the soil properties (pH, texture). The SIRIS method appeared to be an efficient decision-making tool in this study. It made it possible to classify the EOM according to a simple process based on the ranking of criteria and a self-penalization scoring system. This approach can be used in the absence of accurate, reliable data, which are often difficult to obtain. The help of NIR prediction was useful for better orientate the EOM valorization between soil fertilization and energy production. Further concern will be focused on socio-economical approach in order to complete the final destination of EOM re-use.

Analýza postojů vybraných segmentů spotřebitelů k jednotlivým typům prodejen (malé prodejny, super- a hypermarkety ap.) / Analysis of consumer attitudes to the various types of stores

Puchtová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis of consumer attitudes to various types of stores. Its goal is to determine these attitudes and define the various segments of consumers who go shopping in those stores. Further to recommend an appropriate marketing strategy on the basis of the obtained results. The thesis is dividend into two parts. The first theoretical part prepares a theoretical basis for the second part, which is own research on consumer attitudes in Pilsen and environs. The first part of the theoretical basis defines the different types of stores. They differ in many characteristics and their combinations. The second part deals with the attitudes. It includes definitions of attitudes, defines their components, determines the attributes and functions, their formation and possibilities of change. The third section focuses on the segmentation. What segmentation is, how it is done and what is its aim. The fourth section describes the various ways of marketing communications and defines its goal. It also deals with psychological reasons for buying and own trade mark. In the second practical part I achieve own market research, whose goal is analysis of attitudes of pilsener consumers to the various types of stores.

Koučování jako moderní manažerská koncepce rozvoje lidí / Coaching - Analytical Approach in Czech Management

Cipro, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The work succeeded in defining and arranging the basic typology of approaches to coaching, describing their theoretical starting points, pros and cons in application in the environment of Czech firms. The typology serves the ordering persons (mostly human resources officers) for convenience when looking for an appropriate approach and when choosing an eligible coach. The work defined a new term - analytic coaching - and have provided its specificities and differences from other theoretical approaches, as well as eight case studies where we have proved the efficiency of analytic coaching. The managers being coached within the monitored sample familiarized themselves during the study with coaching procedures, methodology and principles, and they start applying and promoting them within their management of people, becoming the upholders of the new firm culture focused on involvement, independence and self-management of employees. Interest was aroused in the managers being coached in self-development, in study of soft management elements and in coaching applications in the intra- and extra-employment spheres.

Las palabras compuestas en el aimara de Conima

Lovón Cueva, Marco Antonio 07 1900 (has links)
Dentro de los procesos de formación de palabras, el mecanismo morfológico de la composición ha sido poco estudiado en el aimara y en otras lenguas andinas. Esta investigación muestra una descripción de las maneras de cómo se conforman las palabras compuestas en la gramática del aimara de Conima. Por tanto, en este trabajo se analizan la estructura y la combinatoria sintáctica de las palabras compuestas en esta variedad lingüística. La data ha sido recogida de los hablantes y de la información procedente de los principales diccionarios en aimara. En este estudio, se concluye que el aimara de Conima forma compuestos a partir de seis patrones sintácticos que siguen la estructura complemento-núcleo. Finalmente, en relación con su tipología, en la indagación se indica que esta variedad emplea la composición para formar palabras compuestas básicamente de orden nominal. / Within the processes of word formation, the morphological mechanism of the compounding has been little studied in Aymara and other Andean languages. This survey shows a description of the ways in which the compound words are formed in the grammar of Conima Aymara. Therefore, this work analyzes the structure and the syntactic combination of the composition in this linguistic variety. The data has been collected from the speakers and from the main dictionaries in Aymara. The present investigation concludes that the Conima Aymara forms compounds from six syntactic patterns that follow the complement-core structure. Finally, in relation to its typology, this survey points out that the Conima Aymara basically creates nominal compounding. / Revisón por pares

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