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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Craving for alcohol : a psychogenetic approach/Approche psychognénétique du craving pour l'alcool

Pinto, Emmanuel 22 December 2006 (has links)
Craving is thought to play a predominant role in the persistence of alcohol dependence, which seems to bear a substantial genetic component. Based on previous results highlighting the influence of serotonergic and dopaminergic nerotransmissions in both dependence and craving for alcohol, we investigated the impact of three specific polymorphisms on craving in male abstinent alcohol dependent patients. Our results show that alcohol craving may be influenced by genetic differences in alcohol dependent patients. There seems to be a dual serotonergic and dopaminergic modulation of craving. During acute withdrawal, desire to drink is predominantly influenced by the C1019 allele of the 5-HT1A receptor. Conversely, carrying the A1 allele of the DRD2 increases craving only when patients are no longer hospitalized and protected from drinking cues. Furthermore, we showed that craving partially influenced relapse and that the S allele of the 5-HTTpro, responsible for a 5-HT hypo-functioning, was significantly associated with relapse in abstinent alcohol dependent patients, possibly through intermediate phenotypes such as personality features or lack of behavioral inhibition. Our results may be useful in evaluating and developing novel pharmacogenetic approaches to treat alcohol dependence and one of its core symptoms, namely craving. Le craving semble jouer un rôle prédominant dans la persistance des comportements dalcoolisation et de rechute chez les sujets alcoolo-dépendants. Cette pathologie semble par ailleurs très nettement influencée par des facteurs dordre génétique. Sur base détudes préliminaires illustrant linfluence des neurotransmissions dopaminergique et sérotoninergique dans lalcoolo-dépendance et le craving pour lalcool, notre objectif a été dévaluer limpact de trois polymorphismes génétiques spécifiques sur le craving chez des patients masculins alcoolo-dépendant sevrés. Nos résultats montrent que le craving est bien influencé par des différences génétiques interindividuelles et quune modulation bimodale sérotoninergique et dopaminergique semble sexercer sur le craving pour lalcool. Pendant la phase aiguë du sevrage, lenvie de boire est nettement influencée par la présence de lallèle C du polymorphisme C-1019G du récepteur sérotoninergique 5-HT1A. A linverse, la présence de lallèle A1 du récepteur dopaminergique D2 ninfluence le craving quà distance du sevrage, lorsque les patients sont à nouveau dans leur milieu habituel et soumis à des stimuli déclanchant une envie de boire. De plus, nous avons pu montrer que le craving influençait partiellement la survenue dune rechute et que lallèle court du polymorphisme du promoteur du transporteur de la sérotonine (5-HTTpro) exerçait une influence significative sur la rechute, peut-être au travers de phénotypes intermédiaires de type traits de personnalité ou carence dinhibition comportementale. Ces résultats pourraient savérer utiles dans lévaluation et le développement de stratégies pharmacogénétiques destinées à traiter lalcoolo-dépendance et lun de symptômes les principaux : le craving.

Optimal Tests for Panel Data

Bennala, Nezar 14 September 2010 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous proposons des procédures de test paramétriques et nonparamétriques localement et asymptotiquement optimales au sens de Hajek et Le Cam, pour deux modèles de données de panel. Notre approche est fondée sur la théorie de Le Cam d'une part, pour obtenir les propriétés de normalité asymptotique, bases de la construction des tests paramétriques optimaux, et la théorie de Hajek d'autre part, qui, via un principe d'invariance, permet d'obtenir les procédures nonparamétriques. Dans le premier chapitre, nous considérons un modèle à erreurs composées et nous nous intéressons au problème qui consiste à tester l'absence de l'effet individuel aléatoire. Nous établissons la propriété de normalité locale asymptotique (LAN), ce qui nous permet de construire des procédures paramétriques localement et asymptotiquement optimales (“les plus stringentes”) pour le problème considéré. L'optimalité de ces procédures est liée à la densité-cible f1. Ces propriétés d'optimalité sont hautement paramétriques puisqu'elles requièrent que la densité sous-jacente soit f1. De plus, ces procédures ne seront valides que si la densité-cible f1 et la densité sous-jacent g1 coincïdent. Or, en pratique, une spécification correcte de la densité sous-jacente g1 est non réaliste, et g1 doit être considérée comme un paramètre de nuissance. Pour éliminer cette nuisance, nous adoptons l'argument d'invariance et nous nous restreignons aux procédures fondées sur des statistiques qui sont mesurables par rapport au vecteur des rangs. Les tests que nous obtenons restent valide quelle que soit la densité sous-jacente et sont localement et asymptotiquement les plus stringents. Afin d'avoir des renseignements sur l'efficacité des tests fondés sur les rangs sous différentes lois, nous calculons les efficacités asymptotiques relatives de ces tests par rapport aux tests pseudo-gaussiens, sous des densités g1 quelconques. Enfin, nous proposons quelques simulations pour comparer les performances des procédures proposées. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous considérons un modèle à erreurs composées avec autocorrélation d'ordre 1 et nous montrons que ce modèle jouit de la propriété LAN. A partir de ce résultat, nous construisons des tests optimaux, au sens local et asymptotique, pour trois problèmes de tests importants dans ce contexte : (a) test de l'absence d'effet individuel et d'autocorrélation; (b) test de l'absence d'effet individuel en présence d'une autocorrélation non spécifiée; et (c) test de l'absence d'autocorrélation en présence d'un effet individuel non spécifié. Enfin, nous proposons quelques simulations pour comparer les performances des tests pseudogaussiens et des tests classiques.

Managing open habitats for species conservation : the role of wild ungulate grazing, small-scale disturbances, and scale

Tschöpe, Okka January 2007 (has links)
During the last decades, the global change of the environment has caused a dramatic loss of habitats and species. In Central Europe, open habitats are particularly affected. The main objective of this thesis was to experimentally test the suitability of wild megaherbivore grazing as a conservation tool to manage open habitats. We studied the effect of wild ungulates in a 160 ha game preserve in NE Germany in three successional stages (i) Corynephorus canescens-dominated grassland, (ii) ruderal tall forb vegetation dominated by Tanacetum vulgare and (iii) Pinus sylvestris-pioneer forest over three years. Our results demonstrate that wild megaherbivores considerably affected species composition and delayed successional pathways in open habitats. Grazing effects differed considerably between successional stages: species richness was higher in grazed ruderal and pioneer forest plots, but not in the Corynephorus sites. Species composition changed significantly in the Corynephorus and ruderal sites. Grazed ruderal sites had turned into sites with very short vegetation dominated by Agrostis spp. and the moss Brachythecium albicans, most species did not flower. Woody plant cover was significantly affected only in the pioneer forest sites. Young pine trees were severely damaged and tree height was considerably reduced, leading to a “Pinus-macchie”-appearance. Ecological patterns and processes are known to vary with spatial scale. Since grazing by megaherbivores has a strong spatial component, the scale of monitoring success of grazing may largely differ among and within different systems. Thus, the second aim of this thesis was to test whether grazing effects are consistent over different spatial scales, and to give recommendations for appropriate monitoring scales. For this purpose, we studied grazing effects on plant community structure using multi-scale plots that included three nested spatial scales (0.25 m2, 4 m2, and 40 m2). Over all vegetation types, the scale of observation directly affected grazing effects on woody plant cover and on floristic similarity, but not on the proportion of open soil and species richness. Grazing effects manifested at small scales regarding floristic similarity in pioneer forest and ruderal sites and regarding species richness in ruderal sites. The direction of scale-effects on similarity differed between vegetation types: Grazing effects on floristic similarity in the Corynephorus sites were significantly higher at the medium and large scale, while in the pioneer forest sites they were significantly higher at the smallest scale. Disturbances initiate vegetation changes by creating gaps and affecting colonization and extinction rates. The third intention of the thesis was to investigate the effect of small-scale disturbances on the species-level. In a sowing experiment, we studied early establishment probabilities of Corynephorus canescens, a key species of open sandy habitats. Applying two different regimes of mechanical ground disturbance (disturbed and undisturbed) in the three successional stages mentioned above, we focused on the interactive effects of small-scale disturbances, successional stage and year-to-year variation. Disturbance led to higher emergence in a humid and to lower emergence in a very dry year. Apparently, when soil moisture was sufficient, the main factor limiting C. canescens establishment was competition, while in the dry year water became the limiting factor. Survival rates were not affected by disturbance. In humid years, C. canescens emerged in higher numbers in open successional stages while in the dry year, emergence rates were higher in late stages, suggesting an important role of late successional stages for the persistence of C. canescens. We conclude that wild ungulate grazing is a useful tool to slow down succession and to preserve a species-rich, open landscape, because it does not only create disturbances, thereby supporting early successional stages, but at the same time efficiently controls woody plant cover. However, wild ungulate grazing considerably changed the overall appearance of the landscape. Additional measures like shifting exclosures might be necessary to allow vulnerable species to flower and reproduce. We further conclude that studying grazing impacts on a range of scales is crucial, since different parameters are affected at different spatial scales. Larger scales are suitable for assessing grazing impact on structural parameters like the proportion of open soil or woody plant cover, whereas species richness and floristic similarity are affected at smaller scales. Our results further indicate that the optimal strategy for promoting C. canescens is to apply disturbances just before seed dispersal and not during dry years. Further, at the landscape scale, facilitation by late successional species may be an important mechanism for the persistence of protected pioneer species. / Der globale Wandel führte in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem drastischen Habitat- und Artenschwund, von dem in Mitteleuropa offene Lebensräume besonders betroffen sind. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war es, experimentell zu untersuchen, ob Wildtierbeweidung eine geeignete Methode für das Offenlandmanagement ist. Der Wildtiereffekt wurde über drei Jahre in einem 160 ha großen Wildtiergehege im NO Deutschlands in drei Sukzessionsstadien untersucht: (i) Corynephorus canescens-dominierte Kurzgrasrasen, (ii) durch Tanacetum vulgare dominierte ruderale Staudenfluren und (iii) Pinus sylvestris-Vorwälder. Wildtierbeweidung beeinflusste die Artenzusammensetzung entscheidend und verzögerte die Sukzession, wobei sich die Beweidungseffekte zwischen den Sukzessionsstadien unterschieden. Die Artenzahl war in den beweideten Ruderal- und Vorwaldflächen deutlich höher als in den unbeweideten, nicht jedoch in den Corynephorus-Flächen. Die Artenzusammensetzung wurde in den Corynephorus- und den Ruderal-Flächen verändert. Ruderal-Flächen entwickelten sich durch die Beweidung zu einem durch Agrostis spp. dominierten Vegetationstyp mit niedriger Vegetationshöhe, in dem die meisten Arten nicht zur Blüte kamen. Die Gehölzdeckung wurde in den beweideten Vorwaldflächen signifikant reduziert. Junge Kiefern wurden stark geschädigt und in ihrer Wuchshöher reduziert. Analyse und Interpretation einer Untersuchung sind abhängig vom Beobachtungsmaßstab. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu testen, ob Beweidungseffekte über verschiedene räumliche Skalen konsistent sind, sowie Empfehlungen für geeignete Monitoring-Maßstäbe zu geben. Der Effekt von Wildtierbeweidung auf die Vegetation dreier Sukzessionsstadien wurde mittels genesteter Dauerflächen untersucht (0.25 m2, 4 m2, 40 m2). Über alle Vegetationstypen zusammen beeinflusste der Beobachtungsmaßstab den Beweidungseffekt auf die Gehölzdeckung sowie auf die floristische Ähnlichkeit, aber nicht auf den Anteil offenen Bodens und die Artenzahl. Betrachtet man die Vegetationstypen getrennt, so zeigte sich der Beweidungseffekt auf kleinen Skalen in den Vorwaldflächen und den ruderalen Flächen hinsichtlich der Ähnlichkeit und in den ruderalen Flächen hinsichtlich der Artenzahl. Die Richtung der Skaleneffekte auf die floristische Ähnlichkeit unterschied sich zwischen den Vegetationstypen: Während sich beweidete und unbeweidete Corynephorus-Flächen auf der mittleren und der großen Skala signifikant voneinander unterschieden, war dies im Kiefernvorwald auf der kleinsten Skala der Fall. Störungen führen zu Vegetationsveränderungen, die die Einwanderungs- und Aussterberaten von Arten beeinflussen. Das dritte Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Effekt kleinräumiger Störungen auf der Art-Ebene zu untersuchen sowie deren Interaktion mit dem Sukzessionsstadium und der jährlichen Variabilität. In einem Aussaatexperiment wurde das Etablierungsverhalten von Corynephorus canescens, einer Schlüsselart sandiger Offenhabitate, in drei Sukzessionsstadien und unter zwei Störungsregimes (gestört vs. ungestört) untersucht. In einem feuchten Jahr führten Störungen zu höheren, in einem trockenen Jahr dagegen zu niedrigeren Keimraten. Solange die Bodenfeuchtigkeit hoch genug war, war Konkurrenz der wichtigste limitierende Faktor für die Etablierung von C. canescens, während im trockenen Jahr Wasser zum entscheidenden Faktor wurde. Auf die Überlebensraten hatten Störungen keinen Einfluss. In feuchten Jahren waren die Keimraten in offenen Sukzessionsstadien höher, während sie im trockenen Jahr im späten Sukzessionsstadium höher waren. Spätere Sukzessionsstadien können also für die Persistenz von C. canescens eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Da Wildtierbeweidung sowohl Störungen verursacht und dadurch frühe Sukzessionsstadien fördert, als auch die Gehölzdeckung reduziert, ist sie eine besonders geeignete Maßnahme, um artenreiche, offene Landschaften zu erhalten. Sie kann jedoch zu teilweise drastischen Veränderungen der Landschaft führen, so dass zusätzliche Maßnahmen wie wechselnde Auskoppelungen notwendig sein können, um ein reiches Mosaik verschiedener Sukzessionsstadien mit einer hohen Gesamtartenzahl zu erhalten. Weiterhin ist die Untersuchung von Beweidungseffekten auf verschiedenen Maßstabsebenen von großer Bedeutung, da verschiedene Parameter auf unterschiedlichen Skalen beeinflusst werden. Größere Skalen sind geeignet, um den Beweidungseinfluss auf Strukturparameter wie den Anteil offenen Bodens oder der Gehölzdeckung zu erfassen, während für die Erfassung der Veränderung des Artenreichtums und der floristischen Ähnlichkeit kleinere Skalen besser geeignet sind. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen außerdem, dass kleinräumige Störungen die Keimung von C. canescens fördern, wobei Störungen direkt vor der Samenausbreitung und nicht in trockenen Jahren durchgeführt werden sollten. Auf Landschaftsebene kann die Förderung durch Arten späterer Sukzessionsstadien ein wichtiger Mechanismus für die Persistenz geschützter Pionierarten sein.

A Scramble for Rents : Foreign Aid and Armed Conflict

Sollenberg, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
Previous research has not specified the circumstances under which foreign aid may increase the probability of armed conflict. The purpose of this dissertation is to address this gap by employing a theoretical framework in which foreign aid produces incentives for a rent-seeking scramble among elites. A set of conditions affecting the likelihood of armed conflict are identified and tested on global data in a series of statistical analyses. Paper I argues and finds that foreign aid increases the probability of armed conflict in states where there are few constraints on executive power, allowing for a scramble for rents. Paper II proposes and finds a threshold effect of aid, such that the likelihood of armed conflict increases only when aid has reached a certain level. Paper III suggests and demonstrates that sudden negative changes in aid flows enhance the risk of armed conflict as well as coup attempts, as aid shortfalls accelerate distributional conflict over aid rents. Paper IV claims and shows that civil wars are less likely to be terminated by settlement in the form of elections when conflict parties are dependent on rents. In sum, this dissertation contributes by theoretically specifying and empirically identifying conditions under which foreign aid increases the probability of armed conflict.

Free Metal Clusters Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Andersson, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
Clusters are aggregates of a finite number of atoms or molecules. In the present work, free clusters out of metallic parent materials have been created and studied by synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy. The clusters have been formed and studied in a beam and the electronic structure of the clusters has been investigated. Conclusions have been drawn about the spatial distribution of atoms of different elements in bi-component clusters, about the development of metallicity in small clusters, and about the excitation of plasmons. Bi-component alloy clusters of sodium and potassium and of copper and silver have been produced. The site-sensitivity of the photoelectron spectroscopy technique has allowed us to probe the geometric distribution of the atoms of the constituent elements by comparing the responses from the bulk and surface of the clusters. In both cases, we have found evidence for a surface-segregated structure, with the element with the largest atoms and lowest cohesive energy (potassium and silver, correspondingly) dominating the surface and with a mixed bulk. Small clusters of tin and lead have been probed to investigate the development of metallicity. The difference in screening efficiency between metals and non-metals has been utilized to determine in what size range an aggregate of atoms of these metallic parent materials stops to be metallic. For tin this has been found to occur below ~40 atoms while for lead it happened somewhere below 20-30 atoms. The excitation of bulk and surface plasmons has been studied in clusters of sodium, potassium, magnesium and aluminium, with radii in the nanometer range. The excitation energies have been found to be close to those of the corresponding macroscopic solids. We have also observed spectral features corresponding to multi-quantum plasmon excitation in clusters of Na and K. Such features have in macroscopic solids been interpreted as due to harmonic plasmon excitation. Our observations of features corresponding to the excitation of one bulk and one surface plasmon however suggest the presence of sequential excitation in clusters.

Det smarta kapitalet : En studie av nyetablerade IT-företags syn på relationen till sitt riskkapitalbolag / Smart capital : A study of how Internet start-ups perceive the relation to their venture capital firm

Ekvall, Caroline, Furelid, Jonathan January 2001 (has links)
Background: The growth of the venture capital industry has given birth to new relations between investors and entrepreneurial firms. Venture capital firms are by definition investors serving as an active partner which implies a deeper relation between investors and entrepreneurs than has been the case previously. This new situation leads to a number of questions. Do venture capitalists really act as active partners with a long term interest in the venture? Do they add any value besides capital? How important is their influence in the portfolio company's decision making process? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give a deeper understanding of the relation between venture capital firms and IT companies in the start-up phase. Limitations: This study is limited to Swedish IT companies. We have further chosen to study the phenomenon from the portfolio company's point of view. A final limitation that has been made is to focus on companies financed by formal venture capital. Realisation: Using theories treating interorganisational relations and adjacent theories treating power we have chosen to study the relation between venture capital firms and their portfolio companies. The empirical data was gathered through interviews with five entrepreneurial companies in the IT business. The studyhas been carried out with an approach similar to a qualitative case study. Result: We have found that the venture capital firm is seen as a very devoted partner with a long term interest in the company and that their contribution of resources is important. Regarding its influence in the portfolio company's decision making process we have concluded that this is due to an informal power position resulting from their possession of critical resources. In particular we have found that the possession of capital gives rise to a very influential position in the portfolio company.

Power Division in Strategic Alliances : How to be Successful despite Power Asymmetry

Ekman, Sofie, Razifar, Rita January 2005 (has links)
Background: In resent years, the number of alliances has increased rapidly. Through collaborating with other firms, companies hope to gain certain benefits that they cannot reach on their own. However, the division of power in strategic alliances can be asymmetric, endangering the achievement of goals and objectives in the alliance for the less influential party. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify success factors for companies with less influence and power than their collaboration partner/s in a strategic alliance. Delimitation: This study concerns strategic alliances characterised by one party making an equity investment in the other party. The study is, furthermore, conducted from the perspective of the less influential party with relatively less power in the alliance. Realisation: A case study was conducted based on six interviews and a questionnaire among employees at the mobile operator Swisscom Mobile. The company is involved in a strategic alliance with Vodafone and is part of the world leading Vodafone Group. Results: The main findings of this thesis show that power asymmetry in an alliance originates from factors both on a dyadic level and on a network level and that these levels affect each other. Companies with a weaker power position must strive for counteracting the existing power asymmetry in order to secure their goals and objectives in the alliance. This study shows that this can be achieved through, for instance, partly having different goals than the partner/s, increasing the dependence of the partner/s on the own resources, absorbing information and know-how and learning from the partner/s, building trust in the relationship through personal contacts and safeguarding goals and objectives through a written contract and “economic hostage”.

A case study examining the experiences of a methamphetamine addict and its impact on the family relationships.

September, Roxanne. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">The aims of this study were therefore to describe the personal experiences of a methamphetamine addict as well as the effects of this addiction on the family&rsquo / s communication and problem-solving abilities.</p> </font></p>

Surface Phenomena in Li-Ion Batteries

Andersson, Anna January 2001 (has links)
The formation of surface films on electrodes in contact with non-aqueous electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries has a vital impact on battery performance. A basic understanding of such films is essential to the development of next-generation power sources. The surface chemistry, morphology and thermal stability of two typical anode and cathode materials, graphite and LiNi0.8Co0.2O2, have here been evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry, and placed in relation to the electrochemical performance of the electrodes. Chemical and morphological information on electrochemically formed graphite surface films has been obtained accurately by combining XPS measurements with Ar+ ion etching. An improved picture of the spatial organisation, including thickness determination of the surface film and characterisation of individual component species, has been established by a novel sputtering calibration procedure. The stability of the surface films has been shown to depend strongly on temperature and choice of lithium salt. Decomposition products from elevated-temperature storage in different electrolyte systems were identified and coupled to effects such as capacity loss and increase in electrode resistance. Different decomposition mechanisms are proposed for surface films formed in electrolytes containing LiBF4, LiPF6, LiN(SO2CF3)2 and LiCF3SO3 salts. Surface film formation due to electrolyte decomposition has been confirmed on LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 positive electrodes. An overall surface-layer increase with temperature has been identified and provides an explanation for the impedance increase the material experiences on elevated-temperature storage. Surface phenomena are clearly major factors to consider in selecting materials for practical Li-ion batteries.

Embryonic Mortality and Sex Ratios in the Tree Sparrow

Svensson, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
Tree sparrows (Passer montanus) have been studied in two areas in Sweden since 1997. At both sites, tree sparrow eggs had remarkably low hatching success. On average only 60% of the eggs hatched. Analyses have shown that this was caused by embryonic mortality, which was highly sex biased. About 70 % of the dead embryos were males, while about 65 % of all fledged nestlings were females. Impaired hatching success here related to two factors. Hatching success was lower for pairs with a male in poor body condition, and it was lower in areas with a high local population density. A sex bias in the mortality early in life has been demonstrated in several species. Since the competitive ability of males is determined by conditions early in life, parents with poor provisioning capacity should prefer to produce female offspring in broods reared under poor conditions. The body condition of a tree sparrow during the nestling stage was well correlated to the condition as an adult, and pairs in which the male parent was in poor condition produced chicks in poor condition. Since the breeding success of a pair depended more on the condition of the male, females appear less affected by conditions early in life. Parents with poor provisioning capacity appear to bias offspring survival towards females, and a difference in the early susceptibility may be adaptive. Changes in birth sex ratios have in some cases been suspected to result from exposure to estrogenic environmental pollutants. This was examined by exposing great- and blue tit embryos to a synthetic estrogen. Although there was a difference in the mortality rate, the difference was present also in the control groups, why this could not be attributed to estrogen exposure.

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