Spelling suggestions: "subject:"independence"" "subject:"lndependence""
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Jacques Derrida nos trópicos: rastros da desconstrução nos ensaios de Silviano Santiago / Jacques Derrida on the tropics: traces of deconstruction in the essays of Silviano SantiagoRodrigo do Amaral Ferreira 31 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em investigar as marcas do pensamento da desconstrução, em especial da filosofia de Jacques Derrida, nos ensaios críticos de Silviano Santiago. No entanto, o objetivo não se esgota em uma visada meramente expositiva, ou seja, apenas colocar em relevo as noções propostas pelo filósofo argelino em suas obras que por ventura apareçam nos ensaios selecionados crítico literário. Mais do que isso, pretende-se mostrar como a articulação desconstrutora é útil ao crítico na discussão de seus próprios temas, principalmente a questão da dependência cultural. Foram selecionados ensaios de suas coletâneas publicadas no fim do século XX e início do XXI, de modo a evidenciar um eixo temático que perpassa a sua obra, voltada a pensar os esquemas cristalizados de trocas culturais, a partir de questionamentos amplos que visam a subverter as hierarquias estabelecidas, abrindo espaço para a alteridade do outro como diferença, mediante o aporte da noção derridiana de différance. No que concerne especificamente aos estudos literários, serão apresentadas as leituras que Santiago faz das estratégias estéticas que reiteram, deslocam ou reiteram para deslocar os paradigmas de globalização, considerando a literatura como uma modalidade discursiva inserida no campo mais amplo da cultura, afinando sua discussão com as estratégias desconstrutoras de Derrida / This work consists in investigate the marks of the thought of deconstruction, in particular the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, on the critical essays of Silviano Santiago. However, the aim does not end in a purely exposition, that is to highlight the notions proposed by the Algerian philosopher in his works that may eventually appear in the selected essays of the critic. More than that, we intend to show how the deconstructive joint is useful for the critical discussion of Santiagos own subjects, especially the theme of cultural dependency. Published collections in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first of his essays were selected, in order to show the main theme that runs through his work, dedicated to think the crystallized schemes of cultural exchanges, making extensive considerations which aims for subvert established hierarchies, opening space for the others alterity, for the others as difference, through the contribution of Derrida's notion of différance. Regarding specifically to literary studies, Santiagos readings of the aesthetic strategies which reiterates, dislocates or reaffirm to shift the paradigms of globalization will be presented, considering the literature as a discursive modality inserted in the larger field of culture, tuning his discussion with the deconstructive strategies of Derrida
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A trajetória dependente da política de inovaçao brasileira (1995-2012) : hábitos de pensamento e enraizamento institucionalCastelli, Jonattan Rodriguez January 2017 (has links)
O papel da inovação tecnológica no processo de crescimento econômico tem sido enfatizado pela teoria econômica desde Adam Smith, Karl Marx e Joseph Schumpeter, sendo trazido de volta ao debate pelas contribuições das teorias evolucionárias neo-schumpeteriana e institucionalista. De tal maneira que no período recente construiu-se a noção de que para fomentar o crescimento econômico seria necessário que o Estado implementasse políticas públicas a fim de estimular a inovação tecnológica. Estas políticas, por sua vez, podem assumir diferentes formas, onde os modelos mais difundidos são o linear e o sistêmico. Como o primeiro modelo define etapas a serem seguidas, assim como metas claras, elevação dos gastos em P&D, ele se difundiu e influenciou a construção de políticas de inovação ao redor do mundo. Neste sentido, durante os anos de 1995 a 2012, o Estado brasileiro construiu um aparato institucional e pôs em marcha um conjunto de políticas de inovação a fim de reduzir a brecha existente entre a indústria local e dos países desenvolvidos. Sem embargo, a despeito do esforço empreendido a política de inovação nacional não foi capaz de mudar a estrutura produtiva brasileira. Destarte, o objetivo desta tese é analisar, a partir de uma ótica evolucionária, a natureza da política de inovação praticada no Brasil entre os anos de 1995 e 2012, e com isso tentar compreender o porquê de ela não ter sido capaz de impulsionar o desenvolvimento tecnológico do País. Argumenta-se que isso se deu por a política de inovação ter enraizado em seu cerne o modelo linear de inovação, causando, consequentemente uma trajetória dependente difícil de ser alterada. Esse enraizamento se dá não só dentro do Estado, mas também nos hábitos de pensamento do grande empresariado industrial, que entende a instrumentalização da política de inovação por uma lógica linear, enfatizando meramente gastos em P&D. Como esse grupo teve ao longo dos últimos anos influência na construção da política de inovação nacional, a partir da atuação de lideranças empresariais e de entidades representativas interagindo com o Estado, esse hábito de pensamento acabou por se refletir na construção da política de inovação. / The role of technological innovation in the process of economic growth has been emphasized by economic theory since Adam Smith, Karl Marx and Joseph Schumpeter, and brought back to the debate by the contributions of neo-Schumpeterian and institutionalist evolutionary theories. In such a way that in the recent period was constructed the notion that to foment the economic growth would be necessary that the State implemented public policies in order to stimulate the technological innovation. These policies, in turn, can take different forms, where the most widespread models are linear and systemic. As the first model outlines steps to be followed, as well as clear goals, R & D spending increases, it has spread and influenced the construction of innovation policies around the world. In this sense, during the years 1995 to 2012, the Brazilian State built an institutional apparatus and implemented a set of innovation policies in order to reduce the gap between local industry and developed countries. However, despite the effort made, the national innovation policy was not able to change the Brazilian productive structure. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyze, from an evolutionary perspective, the nature of the innovation policy practiced in Brazil between 1995 and 2012, and with that to try to understand why it was not able to drive the development The country. It is argued that this was because innovation policy has rooted at its core the linear model of innovation, causing, consequently, a dependent trajectory difficult to be altered. This rooting occurs not only within the State, but also in the thinking habits of the large industrial entrepreneurs, who understand the instrumentalization of innovation policy by a linear logic, emphasizing merely R&D expenditures. As this group has influenced the construction of national innovation policy in recent years, based on the performance of business leaders and representative entities interacting with the State, this habit of thinking ends up being reflected in the construction of innovation policy.
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Léčba závislosti na tabáku a depresivní porucha. Úspěšnost léčby pacientů s anamnézou depresivní poruchy / Tobacco Dependence Treatment and Depressive Disorder. Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Depression HistoryŠtěpánková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Success rate of tobacco dependence treatment among patients with and without a history of depression Introduction: Higher prevalence of smoking among depressive patients, as well as higher risk of depression in smokers, are well documented. Views on treatment of tobacco dependence in this subgroup of smokers are controversial. Aim: A/ To compare the abstinence rate among smokers with or without a history of depression receiving treatment for nicotine dependence at one year follow up. B/ Factors associated with treatment success were evaluated and analysed. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 1 730 smokers treated at our Centre for Tobacco-Dependent (CTD) between 2005 and 2010 was conducted. Patients were treated with a combination of psychobehavioural interventions and pharmacotherapy (nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline, bupropion or combinations). At one year follow-up smoking abstinence was biochemically validated by measuring expired CO. Results: 16.7 % (289/1730) of smokers currently, or had formerly, received treatment for depression. Based on the average Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence (FTND), most patients with a history of depression were heavily nicotine dependent with a score of 6.1, compared to 5.6 (p=0.010) among those without a history of depression. The CO validated success rate...
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Drogová závislost a vztahy v rodině / Drug Addiction and Relations en FamillePOKORNÁ, Šárka January 2007 (has links)
The work deals with the family and drugs. The first part characterises the function and functionless family, her functions and interest to child. Next it describes causes drug addiction, division drugs into legal and illegal, prevention primary, secondary and tertiary. In the practical part there is research drug problem on second school. Most children have experience in drug and reason is within the family.
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Informovanost veřejnosti o drogové problematice v okrese České Budějovice / Public awareness of drug problems in České Budějovice districtKOZLOVÁ, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Addictive drugs are all around us and they have become a part of our lives. The issue of drug abuse is of critical importance, global, and difficult to solve. Typically, drugs are categorized as tolerated or not tolerated by society, and more or less risky. It is vital, therefore, to know the attitude of public to the issue. Lots of drug abuse causes have already been revealed, just like the reasons why some users develop addiction while others do not. In all probability the abuse of drugs or the addiction development cannot be put down to a single background factor. Everything will depend on personality traits of the individual, on his or her environmental conditions, and on specific effects of the drug. Since I take much interest in these issues, I have chosen for my thesis the subject of Public awareness of drug abuse issues in the District of České Budějovice. I investigated what people knew about drug abuse at the District where I live; their opinions of drug abuse; whether they believed that drug abuse deteriorated social position of an individual; whether they believed it boosted the rate of crime; if people were informed about facilities assisting recovery from drug addiction within the District of České Budějovice; and, last but not least, whether they suspected what drugs could come in their way here. The thesis aimed to examine what people knew about the drug abuse issues in the České Budějovice District. This objective has been met. Fifty three percent of respondents were found well informed on the subject, while the remaining 47% lacked the information. The survey was to prove or disprove hypothesis that the public was unaware of organizations providing help to drug addicts - the hypothesis was not confirmed since 51% of respondents were informed about the relevant organizations and 49% were not. Another hypothesis predicted that the public could not tell the illegal drugs from the legal ones - it was not confirmed as the public was found sufficiently informed. The hypotheses expecting the public to believe that drug abuse drives crime and deteriorates the addict's social position were confirmed by the bulk of respondents living in the District of České Budějovice. Ninety nine percent of the respondents believed the drug abuse pushed up the crime rate and 95% were of the opinion that it affected the addict's social position. As follows from the survey, the public in the České Budějovice District was relatively well informed of the drug abuse issues, though the differences encountered between awareness and unawareness of the subject were just minor. I intend to release the thesis as an information source for the general public(in the form of brochures, internet publications or periodicals); moreover, I want to offer the results to organizations engaged in the drug abuse treatment and to students of the University of South Bohemia to serve as training material. The public will find a wealth of important drug-related information in the paper, while the addiction treating organizations will be prompted to fill the gaps still existing in information available to the general public.
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Zkušenosti žáků 9. tříd ZŠ s kouřením a alkoholem na vybraných základních školách v Pelhřimově a Českých Budějovicích / Smoking and alkohol experience of 9th year class students at selected primary schools in Pelhřimov and České BudějoviceKOTĚROVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis deals with 9th grade students´ experience with use of alcohol and smoking. The theoretical part is focused on problematics of young people smoking and consuming alcohol. The thesis contains chapters that not only deal with features mentioned above but also those that are common for all age groups. The practical part is aimed at schools in Pelhřimov. The research of this problematics covered all four basic schools in Pelhřimov and their pupils who were willing to participate. In contrast, this research was fulfilled at a school in České Budějovice. The point of this research was to find out how many pupils of certain age has their own experience with smoking and alcohol use.
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Aspectos cronobiológicos de pacientes dependentes de crack : o trabalho como zeitgeber socialSilva, Ana Cristina da January 2014 (has links)
O trabalho é considerado um importante zeitgeber social. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o ritmo social de pacientes adultos dependente de crack, internados na Unidade de Adição/ Unidade Álvaro Alvim do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Método: Participaram da pesquisa 50 pacientes dependentes de crack, internados para desintoxicação e reabilitação, aos quais foram aplicados questionários sócio-demográficos que permitiram conhecer a situação social, de moradia, renda, trabalho e emprego, tratamentos prévios e rede sócio-assistencial dos participantes, questionário para avaliação de indivíduos matutinos e vespertinos, escala breve de avaliação de ritmo social e revisão de prontuário. Resultados: A média de idade da amostra foi de 34,6 anos, 54% solteiros, com maior predominância na religião católica (54,3%). Cerca de 40% dos indivíduos contam com renda familiar mensal de 3 salários mínimos ou mais. Dos indivíduos que estão trabalhando ou em benefício do INSS (60%), 14% desenvolve as suas atividades no comércio, e cerca de 12 % trabalham na construção civil. A média da regularidade das atividades desenvolvidas (HITs) ficou em torno de 5,8 e a média do montante de atividades desenvolvidas (ALIs) foi de 33,8. Não Houve diferença significativa na correlação entre abandono de tratamento. Com relação à ritimicidade (5,8), os pacientes internados apresentaram um alto índice de regularidade, comparados com pessoas sem uso de drogas não internadas (4,2).1. Não foi encontrada relação entre o cronotipo dos participantes e o resultado dos HITs e ALIs. Conclusão: Apesar de ser mencionado o trabalho como um dos principais motivos para abandono de tratamento, os resultados deste trabalho não sustentam esta premissa. A situação de trabalho e a profissão não estão associadas ao abandono prévio de tratamento. Por outro lado, contrariando nossa hipótese inicial, a escolaridade aparece de maneira significativa, sendo evidenciado que quanto maior a escolaridade maior o índice de abandono precoce. A relação entre HITs e ALIs sugere que quanto mais atividades desenvolvidas, maior a regularidade com que elas foram realizadas durante a internação. No entanto, estudos futuros de segmento serão necessários para avaliar a manutenção desta regularidade. / Work is considered an important social zeitgeber. Objective: The aim of this study is describe the social rhythm of adult crack-cocaine users that are hospitalized in the Addiction Treatment Unite of the Hospital of Clinics of Porto Alegre. Method: 50 crack-cocaine users were interviewed after admission for detoxification and rehabilitation. We performed interviews with socio-demographic questionnaires that allowed us to access the social characteristics, housing, income, labor and employment, previous treatments and social assistance network. Also, they answer to a instrument to identify which individuals were morning or evening subjects, the Brief Social Rhythm Scale and chart review were assessed. Results: Mean age of the sample was 34.6 years old, and 54% of individuals reported to be single with predominance in the Catholic religion (54.3%). About 40% of the sample have a monthly family income of three minimum wages or more. Among individuals who are currently working or receive a benefit from Government (60%), 14% develop their activities in trade and 12% work in construction. The average of regularity of activities performed inside the inpatient unit (HITs) was around 5.8 and the average of amount of activities performed inside the inpatient unit (ALIs) was 33.8. There was no significant difference in the correlation between treatment dropout and rhythmicity. Regarding rhythmicity (5.8), hospitalized patients reported high levels of regularity when compared to individuals who were not hospitalized, neither had drug use (4.2) .1 We did not find a correlation between participant’s chronotipes and HITs and ALIs results. Conclusion: Despite work is cited as a major reason for treatment dropout, the results of this study do not support this premise. Work situation and the profession are not associated with prior treatment dropout. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, schooling appears as an important issue because it is significantly associated to early treatment dropout. The relationship between HITs and ALIs suggests that the more activities were developed, the greater the regularity with which they were performed during hospitalization. However, future follow-up studies are needed to evaluate the maintenance of this regularity.
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Variabilidade genética e resposta ao tratamento em adultos com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/HiperatividadeContini, Verônica January 2011 (has links)
O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) é comum em adultos e caracteriza-se por sintomas persistentes de desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade. Clinicamente, o TDAH é um fenótipo bastante heterogêneo e, frequentemente, encontra-se associado a diversos outros transtornos psiquiátricos. A contribuição genética é substancial no TDAH e diversos genes de pequeno efeito têm sido associados com o desenvolvimento do transtorno. O metilfenidato (MPH) representa o principal agente farmacológico usado no tratamento e seu mecanismo de ação parece envolver a potencialização da transmissão catecolaminérgica no córtex pré-frontal. Estudos farmacogenéticos têm investigado o papel de diversas variantes genéticas, principalmente em sistemas de neurotransmissão, na resposta ao tratamento com MPH. No entanto, esses estudos têm focado quase que exclusivamente no tratamento de crianças com TDAH. No presente trabalho foi investigada a associação entre 17 polimorfismos genéticos, em nove genes candidatos (DAT1, ADRA2A, 5-HTT, HTR1B, TPH2, DBH, DRD4, COMT e SNAP25), e a resposta ao tratamento com MPH. A amostra foi composta de 165 adultos com TDAH, diagnosticados de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV. A gravidade dos sintomas dos pacientes foi avaliada antes e após um mês de uso de MPH através da aplicação das subescalas SNAP-IV e da escala CGI-S. Também avaliamos uma amostra de 136 dependentes de álcool e 237 controles, em um estudo de associação envolvendo o gene HTR1B. A resposta ao MPH foi analisada através de avaliações categórica e dimensional da redução nos sintomas após o uso de MPH. Foi observada uma redução significativa nos escores de gravidade total dos sintomas após o tratamento, sendo que 83% dos pacientes foram classificados como respondedores e 17% como não respondedores. Interpretamos a dificuldade de identificar variantes genéticas envolvidas na resposta ao tratamento como o reflexo da complexidade clínica e etiológica do TDAH. Exemplo disso é o fato de que o gene HTR1B, que apresenta resultados positivos para associação com o TDAH em meta-análises e em um estudo com crianças da nossa população, não se mostrou associado com o TDAH em adultos ou com a resposta ao MPH, mas sim com o alcoolismo nesse estudo. Novas investigações, em amostras maiores, serão necessárias para que seja alcançado maior sucesso nos estudos farmacogenéticos envolvendo o MPH ou outros fármacos no tratamento do TDAH. / Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a high prevalence in adults and it is characterized by pervasive symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Clinically, ADHD is a very heterogeneous disorder frequently associated with other psychiatric conditions. The genetic contribution in ADHD is substantial and several genes of small effect have been associated with ADHD susceptibility. Methylphenidate (MPH) is the primary agent used in pharmacological intervention for ADHD. Its mechanism of action is believed to potentiate catecholamine transmission in the pre-frontal cortex. Pharmacogenetic studies have been investigating the role of genetic variants in the response to the treatment with MPH. However, previous studies have focused almost exclusively in the treatment of children with ADHD. In this study, we investigated the association between 17 polymorphisms, in 9 candidate genes (DAT1, ADRA2A, 5- HTT, HTR1B, TPH2, DBH, DRD4, COMT and SNAP25), and the response to MPH. The sample comprised 165 adults with ADHD diagnosed according to DSMIV criteria. We also evaluated a sample of 136 alcohol dependents and 237 control subjects, in an association study involving the HTR1B gene. The response to MPH was assessed by both categorical and dimensional approaches through the SNAP-IV sub-scales and the CGI-S scale, applied at the beginning and after the 30th day of treatment. We detected a significant reduction in SNAP-IV total scores during the follow-up period. According to the categorical definition of MPH response, 83% of the patients were classified as responders and 17% were classified as non-responders. Our results indicated that none of the investigated variants showed significant effects on the MPH response. We interpret the difficulty of identifying genetic variants involved in response to treatment as a reflection of the clinical and etiological complexity of ADHD. For example, we did not find association of the HTR1B gene with ADHD nor with treatment response to MPH in our adult sample, but it was in fact associated with alcohol dependence. However, this gene has previously shown positive results for association with children ADHD in meta-analysis and also in a study with children of the same population of the current work. More investigations with larger sample sizes will be need to achieve greater success in pharmacogenetic studies involving the MPH or other drugs used in the treatment of ADHD.
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A influência dos Estados Unidos no desenvolvimento econômico canadense : uma análise histórica (1867-2010)Soares, Carlos Vinicius Ludwig Viegas January 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho é feita uma análise histórica das relações econômicas entre Canadá e Estados Unidos, visando mostrar a influência americana sobre o desenvolvimento econômico canadense. O trabalho apresenta como foco principal dois períodos distintos. O primeiro inicia com a Confederação (1867) e vai até o final da II Guerra Mundial e é marcado por diversas tentativas protecionistas canadenses, destacando-se neste sentido, a National Policy, visando um desenvolvimento autônomo em relação aos Estados Unidos e até mesmo buscando evitar a anexação de seu território pelo país vizinho. O segundo período, compreendido entre 1945 até os dias atuais é marcado pela aproximação canadense em relação aos Estados Unidos e um amplo domínio americano sobre a economia canadense, tanto no que diz respeito às relações de comércio e de investimentos, assim como na desestruturação do modelo econômico canadense, notadamente mais focado em questões sociais do que o americano. O auge da dependência canadense ocorre com a entrada em vigor dos tratados de livre comércio, principalmente com o Free Trade Agreement (FTA), em 1989 e o North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) em 1994. No entanto, no início do século XXI, a ascensão do conservadorismo americano, os custos econômicos gerados pelo enrijecimento das fronteiras aliados às divergências culturais e sociais entre os dois países, que voltaram à tona na última década, contribuíram novamente para a busca da redução da dependência canadense, através de novas parcerias comerciais e de investimentos com outros países. Estas parcerias, mesmo que ainda incipientes, vem reduzindo de forma lenta a dependência econômica em relação aos Estados Unidos e criando opções de diversificação de suas relações econômicas, até então não verificadas na história do Canadá. / This study presents a historical analysis of the economic relations between Canada and the United States aiming to demonstrate the US influence over the Canadian economic development. The work focuses mainly on two distinct periods. The first, starting with the Confederation (1867) and lasting until the end of World War II, is marked by various Canadian protectionist attempts, with emphasis, in this sense, on the National Policy, which sought an autonomous development in relation to the United States, even seeking to avoid the attachment of its territory by the neighboring country. The second period, from 1945 until the present days, is marked by the Canadian approximation in relation to the United States and a large American dominance over the economy of that country, both in regards to trade and investment relations and the disintegration of the Canadian economic model, noticeably more focused on social issues than the US model. The apex of Canada’s dependency occurs with the free trade treats coming into force, especially with the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 1989, and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. However, at the start of the 21st century, the ascension of the American conservatism, the economic costs generated by stiffening the frontier lines, together with the cultural and social differences between the two countries, which reemerged in the last decade, contributed again for the pursuit of reducing Canadian dependency, through new commercial partnerships and investments with other countries. These partnerships, even if still incipient, have been slowly decreasing the economic dependency in relation to the United States and creating options for diversifying its economic relations, which, until then, were not observed in the history of Canada.
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abstract: Urbanization provides an excellent opportunity to examine the effects of human-induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) on natural ecosystems. Certain species can dominate in urban habitats at the expense of biodiversity. Phenotypic plasticity may be the mechanism by which these 'urban exploiters' flourish in urban areas. Color displays and condition-dependent phenotypes are known to be highly plastic. However, conspicuous color displays are perplexing in that they can be costly to produce and may increase detection by enemies. The Western black widow spider () is a superabundant pest species that forms dense aggregations throughout metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Adult female display a red hourglass on their abdomen, which is speculated to function as a conspicuous warning signal to enemies. Here, I performed field studies to identify how widow morphology and hourglass color differ between urban and desert subpopulations. I also conducted laboratory experiments to examine the dietary sensitivity of hourglass coloration and to identify its functional role in the contexts of agonism, mating, and predator defense. My field data reveal significant spatial variation across urban and desert subpopulations in ecology and color. Furthermore, hourglass coloration was significantly influenced by environmental factors unique to urban habitats. Desert spiders were found to be smaller and less colorful than urban spiders. Throughout, I observed a positive correlation between body condition and hourglass size. Laboratory diet manipulations empirically confirm the condition-dependence of hourglass size. Additionally, widows with extreme body conditions exhibited condition-dependent coloration. However, hourglass obstruction and enlargement did not produce any effects on the outcome of agonistic encounters, male courtship, or predator deterrence. This work offers important insights into the effects of urbanization on the ecology and coloration of a superabundant pest species. While the function of the hourglass remains undetermined, my findings characterize the black widow's hourglass as extremely plastic. Plastic responses to novel environmental conditions can modify the targets of natural selection and subsequently influence evolutionary outcomes. Therefore, assuming a heritable component to this plasticity, the response of hourglass plasticity to the abrupt environmental changes in urban habitats may result in the rapid evolution of this phenotype. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Biology 2014
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